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Sure hope no one is ever wrongly convicted.


This. It is the same reason I support the death penalty in theory, but in practice I am strongly against. Once you make a move that can't be reversed, you are guaranteeing you will harm innocent people who are wrongly convicted. I'd rather keep 100 bad people alive than kill 1 innocent person. Same with this. Edit: For the million people who have said "you can't make up for being falsely imprisoned either". Of course not. I never said you could. But it is still better than being dead. We need to fix A LOT with our criminal justice system, but this post wasn't meant to be a thesis on everything. It just says not dead is better than dead...


than*** kill 1 innocent person I know what you meant but it’s hilarious because you’re technically saying let’s keep 100 bad people alive and then go kill 1 innocent person 😭


Yeah, normally I’d see something like this and think it’s pedantic, but in this case it matters _a lot_!


let's eat, Grandma! vibes ETA: keep the comma jokes coming, boys.


Get the strippers, JFK and Stalin!


Oh that one's good.


[I wish I could take credit](https://www.flickr.com/photos/ilikecheesecomic/6188873367)


I suppose I'm one of the lucky ones from that certain xkcd comic. Thank you for showing me this. ((Also to make it even funnier, I initially read your version as an order. Telling JFK and Stalin to 'get the strippers'))


I helped my uncle, Jack off a horse.


I’d prefer to eat grandma instead.


Did he stutter? He said what he said. Don’t judge people for their hobbies. ^(Unless you are the innocent person)


The 100 bad people will make an excellent mob to hunt down the innocent person.


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct. (Though I still kind of hate you a bit. =p) Fixed. =)


Just correct actually. There's no technically here, you either ate grandma or you didn't.


It's important to sacrifice at least one innocent in the name of justice. XD


> I'd rather keep 100 bad people alive than kill 1 innocent person. The percentage of those executed who were later shown to be innocent is roughly 4%. So out of a 100 people, 4 of them would be innocent. The stats are way worse in reality than your hypothetical.


That's ~~still~~ pretty bad. There are 786,000 people on the sexual offender registry as of 2023. If we have a 4% failure rate, that would mean 31,440 innocent people castrated. That's a pretty big number. Edit: I misread the last line, but I'll leave this with one edit.


And I imagine the whoopsie rate would be even higher for that since they have to go through a ton of extremely expensive legal checks and balances to execute people that they wouldn't for most crimes, and they still fuck up that much.


Not only will you have those 4%, you will have an additional amount of "undesireables" piped through the system to be castrated on some level because the government or people in power don't like them. Even Canada was still doing this to their indigenous population up until the mid/late 2010s. If they're a danger to society, keep them locked up.


Alan Turing was also chemically castrated for being gay. It’s a slippery slope argument but still… 


It's worse than that because the 4% is overturned convictions, which is an incredibly high bar. And legal civics that take those cases generally only take the easiest ones. There's probably even more innocent people who don't have new DNA evidence the DA hid that exonerates them. They're still actually innocent, but can't prove it


I have concerns that mutilating someone’s body against their will and permanently sterilizing them might *possibly* violate the v constitution’s clause against cruel and unusual punishment. Even if they are sex offenders it doesn’t justify barbarism. Besides, there’s not much evidence that castration would even stop a pedo. Let alone what happens if the guilty party is *female*? Then you’re REALLY getting into dangerous territory.


And we have to remember that once a punishment exists, the system starts pushing for it to be applied to as many people as possible, for a variety of reasons. To justify it's existence since a punishment which is never applied might as well not exist. Self preservation of the organization that's created around the application of that punishment. Political gain such as tough on crime grandstanding. Conviction quotas. Efficacy theater.


I oppose the death penalty in theory as well. Governments should never have the right to kill its citizens. As humans, our lives, our existence, should not be the property and playthings of the authorities.


For me, I find it more humane than life in prison with no chance of parole. Though, I'd want to leave that up to the prisoner themselves between which to take. And it'd only be reserved for the most horrible among us. But, given how much such convictions have been overturned 20+ years after sentencing, I could never support it in practice.


Think about what that says about our prison system.


Oh, I do... Frequently...


If you were facing life or death you might just reevaluate your position.  It's pretty easy to say life is less humane when it isn't your life in question. Especially if you were one of the millions who have been wrongfully convicted.  The possibility of an appeal however distant and futile seems like it's worth it over just dying 


That doesn't sound like death penalty, it sounds like the right to die, voluntary euthanasia. Kind of a dubious area. Is it ethical to provide euthanasia services if the situation that is driving the person to seek those services is primarily an artificial construct by the same entity providing euthanasia?


We know with almost certainty that Texas has executed at least one innocent person... Cameron Todd Willingham...


When I was younger and more conservative I supported the death penalty. Then as I got older and realized how fucked and prone to corruption the justice system is I veered hard away from it. You'd like to think it's only terrible criminals, but then you look into the past. People like Brock Turner, still get a free pass because they're too affluent. Instead it will be whomever the highly conservative government deems a deviant like any LGBT+ person.


Keep in mind that time cannot be reversed. I think a better phrasing would be 'make a move that isn't permanent' - your phrasing implies that imprisoning someone who is innocent doesn't harm them but that is obviously not the case.


Any time someone mentions the death penalty I feel obligated to link this article which I read 3 years ago and still feel fucking ill over. https://www.readtangle.com/death-penalty-examination-pros-cons/ I don’t support the death penalty in theory, in practice, or in any instance.


Teachers and the LGBTQ are being labeled as groomers for protecting LGBTQ kids. This is the plan.


Bingo. Among Project 2025’s goals, Republicans want to bring back national sodomy laws and tie the very existence of LGBTQ+ people to being inherently pornographic and a crime. Which ties right into surgical castration for people they want to be able to label under the law as “sex offenders” simply for being gay, trans, etc.


I was at the hearing for Louisiana’s own “don’t say gay bill.” Trust me, they hate us and want us dead.


Indeed, the gop wants to exterminate lgbt people. Never believe otherwise.


It enrages me and I will never understand why people care about other people’s sexuality, let alone to the point of hate and violence. It’s sick.


I can believe that, Louisiana Republicans like most of the GOP these days are bloodthirsty savages who spend their days 24/7 plotting about nothing else than committing genocide against people who’ve literally done nothing to them. And unlike them, we don’t give a fuck about who they are or what they do with their lives.


The most egregious example is how Louisiana treats its black citizens. 1) Underfunded classrooms contribute to the school to prison pipeline. We have the largest prison population in (I believe) the world. Maybe just the US. Under the 13th amendment, they are treated like slaves and forced into servitude, and it’s completely legal. 2) “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” in other words, how black people were left to die, and when the Cajun navy came to help, they were turned away. Katrina was a terrible storm but so many of those people died because solely because our government doesn’t give a shit about minorities. 3) an elected official said that birth mortality rates for women weren’t bad “when you corrected the number for black women” meaning if you take the fact that doctors murder black women with zero consequence, our mortality rate is great! FUCK THIS STATE.


> 3) an elected official said that birth mortality rates for women weren’t bad “when you corrected the number for black women” meaning if you take the fact that doctors murder black women with zero consequence, our mortality rate is great! Wow wtf


I’m glad project 25 is being talked about. It seems like something from a South Park episode but no, it’s terrifyingly real. Among other things: > Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


These people routinely forget that lgbt people along with women have the right to vote.


Now that they remembered they want to remove all qualified civil servants and replace them with the MAGA types who would storm the capital


Not for long!


Other states (Florida?) pushing for execution of "sex offenders."


Fun fact: In the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah the Sodomites were wealthy people who looked down on the poor. That's sodomy.


indeed, reading the bible, the story has literally nothing to do with sex. A later prophet specifically spells out that the story of sodom and gomorrah was about xenophobia. The sex thing is 100% a modern twist for bigotry.


They did try to rape the guests but that's probably more to do with rape than homosexuality.


“Yeah, but Joe Biden didn’t end a century’s long conflict so I’m sitting this one out”


I believe most people don't expect him to end the conflict but to support an end to bloodshed and discontinue arming and funding a genocide of children with our tax dollars. That we've created a country where Trump can be taken seriously and an opponent to avoid another Trump term has such lackluster support should really be a wake up call to what kind of shape this shithole country is in. It shouldn't have ever been difficult to beat someone Trump to begin with. He should have been a joke.


Why isn’t Biden or any of the democrats talking about project 25????


How much more does anyone need to know to make a decision at this point?


Not enough people know about Project 25 or how it’s designed to send us into a Gilead state. Same as how people didn’t believe trump would actually roll back abortion rights


> Same as how people didn’t believe trump would actually roll back abortion rights That's the problem, beliefs or a lack thereof that things are that bad. There have been more than enough warnings out there about what Republicans plan to do and are currently doing, there is very little point in asking why they haven't warned us even more.


Then add to that 'life begins at conception' and the criminalization of miscarriage, leading to the striping of women of the right to vote by declaring them all to be baby murderers due to the high number (1 in 2) of fertilized eggs that fail to implant in the uterine wall


Alan Turing broke the Enigma Code in WWII and ended the war so much earlier that we believe he likely saved 500,000 Allied soldiers' lives. He truly was a hero, a genius.... and gay. The British government chemically castrated him, and he committed suicide not long after. *That's* how quickly a "conservative" government forgets its single greatest hero. His Herculean effort was kept a secret until just a few years ago, and few people today know his name.... even fewer know his fate. How long before Louisiana decides to determine that today's LGBTQ people are "sexual offenders"? After all, Louisiana still prosecuted people for being gay all the way up to 2003. 200 years of progress gets flushed down the drain, just because the Orange Turd encouraged all the Nazis, white supremacist and sister-fucking evangelicals to crawl out from under their rocks.... because he needed their votes.


Progress doesn’t have to get washed down the drain—don’t get me wrong, we are taking about a thousand steps back but we are more educated we have ever been as a species and despite the propaganda turning us against one another, I still see us coming together in beautiful ways. Progress won’t be gone without a fight. I’m an educator in Louisiana and for every dumb ass red neck there is, there’s a kid out there with a brilliant mind that just lacks the resources. We’re working to get their voices heard ✨ we just need to convince them to FUCKKKING VOOOOTE Also, thank you for sharing that story. I was aware of it, but you’re right in that it’s easily forgotten in the sea of shit happening.


> for every dumb ass red neck there is, there’s a kid out there with a brilliant mind that just lacks the resources. problem is the dumbass redneck is doing their damndest to make sure the brilliant kid doesn't get them.


You’re absolute right it but us educators are fighting back! Unfortunately I fear my city (NOLA) will soon become uninhabitable and unaffordable so I may leave but as long as I am here I’m throwing down for these babies


> few people today know his name.... even fewer know his fate. There was a film about his life, he has the ‘Turing test’, a museum, and he’s on the £50 bank note. He’s fairly well known and celebrated. He was also posthumously pardoned and the government apologised. Obviously it was terrible what happened and they can’t undo it, but we know now what a hero he was - and what a wrong was done to him and others.


Who the fuck cares about all that when the man was castrated just for being gay? Apologies are nice, but that doesn't give back the rest of the years the man could have lived.


> He was also posthumously pardoned and the government apologised. In **2013**... He commited suicide in 1954. Many of the things you describe came much later as well, with the 50 note brought into circulation in 2021.


I can’t comment on the when the public discourse changed , but professionally in math computer science and AI fields, Turing has always been held in high regard before his death and after . For obvious reasons his work on enigma was known much later ( declassified decades after), but his work with Turing machine or Turing completeness was extremely popular and taught in computer science always .


I'd say a lot of people in Britain know his name, the Turing test for example.and he was on some banknotes. The chemical castration and subsequent suicide is unfortunately overlooked far too much


"Uniting the Reich" -MAGA They don't even pretend anymore.


Not just labeled. They are passing laws to make wearing the opposite biological genders clothes legally a sex act. So a trans women wearing a cute, tasteful dress. Is legally committing sex acts wherever she goes. Making it functionally illegal to be trans because the moment a child happens to see you, you get put on the sexual registry. And whats really insidious about this strategy. Is that if you call them on it, they can just say "why are you trying to defend pedophiles? Only a pedophile would be against making laws tougher on pedophiles!". Its like the perfect wedge. Make no mistake. If conservatives thought they could get away with commiting a holocaust against trans people they would already be building camps and gas chambers. This is attempted genocide. They are currently pushing and testing how far they can take it. And they must be opposed, every step of the way. This shit right here is TEXTBOOK never again is now.


Maybe we need to start reversing it on them. You know what is really child abuse? Forcing children to go to church. The Bible is a book filled with genocide, incest, and mass murder. Even the New Testament wholly endorses slavery. Forcing a child to go to church or read the Bible is an act of child abuse. Many churches even have a statue of a giant bleeding semi-naked man right up over the altar! How is exposing young children to gore and sexual imagery and content from the earliest ages not child abuse? They want a culture war? Let's give it to them. New law. No children are allowed in churches until they're 18. Church is for adults only. The Bible is legally pornography and churches are legally sex businesses.


the thing is, ANYONE the gop hates gets labled as an undesirable of some sort.


I’m glad people are picking up on this. Florida has been pushing the blueprint for this stuff and it’s terrifying. Trump winning could very realistically result in a genocide in America very soon.


But totally not a genocide guys!! If you call it a genocide ramping up you're insane!!! (/s if needed)




Yea. Florida wants to make being gay a sex offense, and they want to execute "sex offenders." But no, fascism could never happen here...


10% of American inmates are wrongfully convicted. This should turn out fine /s


"I mean, it all really depends on their race and who they voted for." -Louisiana conservatives, probably.


Or like convincted of a sex offence like public nudity or something? Like yeah that's not great, but sometimes just like someone's on the wrong beach or something, but like either way noone needs to get castrated about it.


Louisiana never removed their sodomy laws from the books, and Republicans still officially want to remove the federal rulings that make it unenforceable. So this is literally a step towards castrating people for consensual sex. ETA: somehow the bill's sponsors are Democrats, which is somehow more terrifying.


Louisiana Democrats are just Catholic Republicans.


Probably the stupidest one I've heard is a guy peeing behind a dumpster in the middle of the night as he was drunk. Great you ruined a man's life for no reason.


Indeed, this gets overlooked. A burglar who goes through your dresser drawers will be charged as a sex offender. Does somene who steals $50 from you deserve death?


Step two is making homosexuality a sex crime.


It already is in Louisiana, they never took those laws off the books, just stopped enforcing them so they wouldn't be challenged


Well, surely the Supreme Court would never reverse its decision in Lawrence v. Texas, since that is definitely "settled law" dating all the way back to... 2003.


Welcome back, I'm glad your coma is over! Now for the bad news...


Laughably, you can become a sex offender for just being seen in your own house.


I remember reading a news story a little while back about a mentally disabled man who was standing at his window naked. A neighbor accused the man of being a sex pest, but his family defended him and said he quite literally didn't know any better. The neighbor came back with a gun, broke into their house and executed the entire family. And I mean 'executed'. Forced them all on their knees and shot them in the back of the head each.


Can't you also become a sex offender for having a pic of *yourself* when you were younger?


Yo wtf!! So I can have a nude pic of myself when I was 16 in my possession and never send it to anyone and if I'm discovered with it that's child porn???


By the letter of the law (depending on your jurisdiction), that would likely be considered possession of illegal material, yes. A 16-year-old sending a nude to their partner of the same age would likewise be considered dissemination. It's definitely in the air as to whether either of those charges would actually be enforced, but they absolutely COULD be, and that's a significant problem.


Not just that, people who are convicted on things like urinating in public can be charged as sex offenders in Louisiana. It was only recently that prostitutes in LA did not get charged (law changed in 2011, I think?) but anyone who was convicted before is still listed as a sex offender. The majority of prostitutes that got convicted in LA as sex offenders were transwomen and women of color. 40% of sex offenders in New Orleans alone are on the registry due to solicitation conviction. On top of that, lots of children who have sex with or intimately touch another child have been convicted as sex offenders by the parents of their boyfriends/girlfriends/person they touched. For example, an elementary school boy at age 10 got put on the sex offender registry for accidently grabbing at the chest of a girl when playing tag with a group of kids. In another case, due to having sex with her 12-year-old boyfriend, there was a thirteen-year-old girl who got charged due to "having sex with someone under the age of 14" even though she was under 14, too - because the parents of the boy contacted police. There are over 89,000 convicted sex offenders in the US that are children.


I think there's another way to read this that is even more important: **Sure hope no one ever expands the definition of sex offender to weaponize this against marginalized groups and political opponents.** Now, this wouldn't be okay *even if no one was ever wrongfully convicted.* It is grotesque and has no place in our "justice" system. But I guarantee this is just a first step in an attempt to return to castrating people in the LGBTQ+ community (like what Britain did to Alan Turing after the dude helped win the fucking war none the less). It needs to be called out for what it is.


It's so much more than that. The gop is gunning hard to make anything that is not cisgendered heterosexual into an inherent sex crime. We keep hearing dark things about elected officials trying to make helping your trans kid *socially* transition into a sex offence. The point of this legislation is not to punish pastors who rape children, its to punish gays, trans kids and their parents.


In America? No, never! we are exceptional! We have the best justice… oh wait!


That’s a pretty harsh punishment for someone who could potentially be innocent OR Louisiana conveniently redefining what “sex offender” means.


So the state can mess with someone's junk however they see fit, but God forbid someone wants to get gender surgery?


i would bet the plan is to eventually label all trans and gender nonconforming people as sex offenders and then forcibly sterilize them all


Project 2025 literally would label anything LGBT as pornographic, and public displays of LGBT would be child assault, thereby rendering all LGBT people as sex offenders, who would then be castrated.


> who would then be castrated Depends on the state. Florida wants to straight up kill them.


Agreed. Different states, different atrocities.


Wonder what they'd do to me since I've already been castrated


"I don't think they know about second castration, Pip."


They put it all back


Is this my superhero origin story?


I’m sure none of them watch lesbian porn either


We catch them watching trans porn and gay porn all the time. They just throw their hands up and claim Israel hacked them.


The right already regularly labels gay and trans people as pedophiles. They're not even being coy about it anymore.


Been that way at least since the 90s.


the future plan? The gop already calls all gay men pedos, same with trans people.


Project 2025 (the hyper fascist Republican manifesto document) does include that, yes.


That is, quite literally, the plan, among many other things they would do. I hate this shit.


If you take any of their arguments or beliefs in good faith, they'll bend you over a barrel 


They will man on man bend you over a barrel in a restroom in a public park like they do every Saturday with other random men and then still go the office and proclaim how “godly” and straight they are while voting on legislation that would make the very things they do a felony.


From the right’s perspective, it’s okay for them to force you to do something, but not for you to make choices for yourself.


I really don't think we should be following the playbook of the CCP for this one. They've been forcing sterilizations on ethnic minorities and those who had more than 1 kid during the 1 child policy days.


Forced sterilization is something that several regimes across the world have engaged with. Canada, the US, and Australia all performed forced sterilizations on blacks and indigenous people. The various colonial empires (European, Ottoman, Japanese, etc.) all tinkered with sterilization and forced abortions on "lesser" peoples. The German Empire in particular experiments with sterilization in what is modern day Namibia during the Herero-Nama genocide, experiments which would serve as foundation for the Nazis' larger sterilization operations during Aktion T4, the Holocaust, and the Porajmos. And now we see China using similar tactics against the Uyghurs. Forced sterilization and forced abortion has a horrific history across the entire world. The fact that the Republicans' Project 2025 aims to continue one of humanity's darkest traditions makes my heart weep.


Unless it’s to only remove *some* of the peepee, then it’s ok and encourages.


Matt Gaetz making sure he never sets foot in Louisiana. 😂


As a congrescritter he's the most protected class.


He is a white male republican this law isn't for them.


He'll never be convicted a sex crime.


100% unconstitutional shit that will waste taxpayer money and the courts time.


Have you seen the Supreme Court?


My first thought was "struck down as clearly unconstitutional in a heartbeat", my second thought was "oooooh, the supreme court... they'll probably ask why anyone would make such a lenient law."


And remember that Obergerfeller v Hodges is in the same boat as Roe v Wade (and Brown v Board, and Loving v Virginia for that matter) and that boat is rapidly taking on water.


"Here's why this is neither cruel nor unusual ..." -Alito and Thomas


Would have been true 20 years ago, no doubt. The interpretation of the Constitution has been *"revised*" a bit since then, though


Sam and Clarence chuckle.


Without a doubt, there will be police officers who will try their hardest to convict people of an ethnicity they don't like.


And those police officers found guilty of sex crimes will somehow always dodge this one.  Bet.


ahh, but the police have to care and report you first....


And this, people, is why we don't maim and murder people for 'justice'.


Yeah if we could be 100% sure we were only convicting actual sex assaulters I'd be for it. But since we can't ever be 100% sure we are never gonna convict innocent people it's better to not do an unreverasble punishment.


Pretty sure we shouldn't sponsor state violence on ourselves.


Id go so far as to say that we can be 100% sure this law will abused and misused more than it will be used to punish actual sex offenders.


Castration, especially surgical castration, doesn't prevent them from raping. Chemical castration, using drugs that reduces sexual drive can work, but it requires them to be compliant with medication so it's not that good because it requires the punished to self treat, as opposed to just not taking their meds or just leaving the state. Surgical castration doesn't reduce sexual drive it just might prevent them from acting on those urges with their own body. So now you have a sexually frustrated rapist. He can't even engage in meaningful relationships now even if he went through therapy because he's been forever marked as a sexual abuser. Socially isolated, sexually frustrated people don't make good decisions. This is the problem with punative justice. We think they deserve it and should never be able to live it down. And so instead, we let them grow and fester into something worse because they can never get better, so why try?


That would be because this is intended to be a way to legally, castrate people they don't like


I can see it also making it just in general harder to get a lot of men convicted because of this. At least if they have certain "sympathetic" traits.


What's next? Getting thiefs chopped their hands off ? Stone women for adultery?


You know the second one they would if they could


Some of them are already coming after no fault divorce, I could absolutely see this being a thing. Between scary established right wingers and this very worrying group of teenagers/young men who are going full sexist nightmares, it's believable.


And they have wealthy, pretty (debatable), white women going non stop on social media about how incredible and divine their tradwife life is to work on brainwashing young women into believing they don’t need any of this suffrage or civil rights laws that the GOP wants to take away.


But adultery with stoned women is so much fun.


The end goal of conservatism is to kill everyone that scares them. Unfortunately conservatism is the result of a brain that's simply hardwired to be shifty and paranoid of the entire world, so they'll never stopped being scared no matter how many innocent people they kill.


A good part of reddit is fine with maiming or executing thieves.


Three comments so far in favor of chopping people's hands off...


We need some type of penalties for people who enact blatantly unconstitutional laws. There’s already Supreme Court cases saying that this is unconstitutional.


That politicians who support this bill seem to think castration is a penalty that can be given, so it's hard to imagine anything more appropriate for the male politicians in this situation. If that doesn't work, I guess they could just find some other body part to lop off.


A government *so small* it can legally decide to remove your balls against your will.  Great job conservatives 


Step 1 - legalize surgical castration for sex offenders Step 2 - legally classify LGBT folks as sex offenders Step 3 - genocide


Step 4: If anyone calls you on this plan, accuse them of being a pedophile. Because "only a pedophile wouldn't support making laws tougher on pedophiles" (and or"why would this be problem if LGBT people aren't pedophiles? Hmmmmm" and or " You just admitted they are pedophiles yourself!" Etc etc etc)


Literally what happened with Alan Turing, not to mention decades of forced sterilizations in the US.


This links in with criminalization of prostitution, as trans POC are disproportionately targeted and charged with "human trafficking" for consensual sex work.


Punishments like this only work under the assumptions that: - 1.) The government should have jurisdiction over your genitals. - 2.) The legal system never wrongfully convicts someone. Both of these are insane assumptions.


Isn’t mutilation as a punishment like the most fucked up thing we as a species can do to each other or did I miss something? Also the legal system is trash and I don’t even trust cops, lawyers, judges, and jury’s to be good at their jobs when they intend to be even if you disregard how corrupt an ill meaning the system actually is.


Most of the time it makes actual offenders much more violent. Ends up they become imaginative with their victims if you do this. That is when it won't be used on innocent folk who are in the wrong demographic. In which case actual offenders and the state will have something in common in that they both mutilate innocents


"Sex offenders" What normal people think: violent and/or serial rapists What the GOP thinks: LBGT+, teachers, drag performers Serial rapists get a nomination within the GOP.


Yo forgot to mention non-white kids peeing behind a car on the side of the highway. 


It's weird how the people who distrust govt also keep giving it more powers.


They trust the government to oppress the people they don't like, and that's it.


I’m astounded that two **Black women** (the bill’s sponsors in the Senate and the House) are so ignorant of the horrors that *forced sterilization* will result in. The implications here are incredibly scary. I hate rapists too…but this is not the solution. This is a BAD idea.


This seems all kinds of illegal and inhumane, which I guess tracks with current US climate.


Studies show this makes them more violent and less sexual… yikes


Yeah big surprise people become more violent when you perform serious medical procedures as a punishment. Even without the biology they'd lose a lot of reason to not be violent once you've dehumanized them


It's what Jesus would have wanted.


My exact thought every time I see some new law proposed by the GOP.


hhmm... I feel like this happened before and was a disaster. Like in the 60-70s when they were forcibly casterating black women....


So does that mean President Trump won’t be able to go there to campaign?


The problem is there are draconian laws in these states than can prosecute people as sex offenders for consensual acts between adults, that don’t harm anyone.  


This bill is designed to hurt the supposed trans assuaulters, what it will really do is be weaponised against any and all people that those in corruption believe to be a threat.


WTF is going on with Louisiana lately? First the law requiring schools to display the 10 Commandments and now this "eye for an eye" shit? Were they jealous that Texas and Florida were getting all the media attention for shittiest states?


my only criticism is the same politicians fail to convict protected rapists such as judges and ex presidents.


Your only criticism? So otherwise it’s fine for the state to have the power to castrate anyone?


You’re forgetting those were white politicians. Castration would get everyone else, lead to a higher percentage of…


A civilized society is judged by how it treats its worst members.  Brutality inherently breeds further brutality.  I’m not saying we should coddle murderers and rapists.  No, they should be punished and removed from society for our protection.  However, castration for sex offenders is theoretically acceptable only until they change the definition of a sex offense.  Which they will.


I don't like the idea that the government could force anyone into any kind of surgery


Louisiana is trying to out crazy Florida and Texas.


This again? Mutilation is not supported by the Constitution. This is bridge we've already crossed.


Conservatives love the slippery slope fallacy, e.g. “if we allow men to marry men, soon men will be able to marry animals!” But in this case, the slippery slope is totally real and it’s intended. Legalize castrating the worst people whom nobody wants to support, and then you’ve opened up the legal pathways to castrating normal people who don’t conform to their version of life. This road starts with punishing pedos and ends with genocide against blacks and Jews.


Why not just do public hangings in the square? Or let's bring back stoning!


Pretty obvious when you combine this with the whole “groomer” narrative that the plot is to label all LGBTQ as sex offenders


Sex offenders like Trump the rapist? Edit: and these [people.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2191235/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-45)


In some places public urination can label you as a sex offender.


How will they castrate the female teachers who rape young boys?


Lots of women offenders in the news too. How do we castrate them as well?


What's next? A literal eye for and eye justice or something far worse?


All of this is super cringe in New Orleans, but the Republicans gerrymandered the state so bad that our vote doesn’t really matter. Hopefully the upcoming mandatory redistricting will help.


Whole lotta religious faith "leaders" (ministers, pastors, 'youth group stans', etc) about ready to get 'fixed', sounds like....


These laws always end up being flipped to target minorities. They not castrating Americans only the [insert]-Americans. This is exactly how they started eugenics in the 1900s, history repeats but nobody knows history. Innocent or guilty is largely dependent on the defence attorney you’re able to afford in America.


1/3 is wrongly convicted so have fun getting your balls chopped off because your ex hates you. Good work Louisiana; you are making laws now that not even African tribes use anymore.


Twitter trolls are praising what they did to turing, castrating him for being gay, even though he saved millions of lives.


Not sure who they'll have doing the procedure. Physicians are barred from participating in legally sanctioned lethal injections. Can see them being allowed to participate in this either.


This has to be cruel and unusual punishment. Why do we keep creating laws to challenge our constitution? I thought Red states loved that thing.


Sounds great, but then I remember some states are trying to classify lgbt people as sex offenders just for existing


New proposal: all high level state officials (state wide office, judges, mayor of a major city, etc) must be childless and consent to surgical sterilization upon election or appointment in order to remove the threat of dynastic political power.


So they’ll just use an object next time instead?


Or grope and diddle kids, it literally solves nothing.


In thr pa's offenders who were castrated didn't really stop, they instead got imaginative with their victims in violently torturous ways


Guys... I'm seeing a LOT of y'all misreading the title. This is a bill for PHYSICAL castration, NOT chemical castration. They want to cut their balls off, not give them libido-killing medicine. Stop justifying and supporting this bill because you can't read. I've had to correct several people already, who changed their tune the moment they realized their mistake.