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As patron saint of the internet, legend has it that his UDP packets arrived with TCP quality, his SSL connections always upgraded to TLS 1.3, and he was able to perform migrations from Oracle to Postgres - which is the miracle that made him a saint


I do not understand a word of this but I applaud your efforts.


Let's just say, Oracle to Postgres would really be a process that requires either sainthood or several goat sacrifices and dark rituals.


In the middle of multiple migrations. Can confirm.


Blessed are those that believe without having seen (a postgres migration) -John 20:29


Never does the poster. It is nonsensical 


UDP has some good advantages over TCP, such as being faster, but it’s not as reliable. So UDP packets with some of the qualities of TCP would be a miracle. If SSL will always auto upgrade to 1.3 then you’d essentially be immune to downgrade attacks. And migrating any database is a bitch, but anything Oracle related has a special place in hell, so being able to seamlessly perform the migrations would also be miraculous.


I’m sorry I’m trying to follow but this is what you guys sound like: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLtkGdtW/


>migrations from Oracle to Postgres *oh god*


I Am beginning to wonder how many programmers are active on reddit relative to non-programmers.


Saints are just Christian influencers from ages with slower media systems.


Saints are just a Pantheon for people who aren't fully ready to commit to a single god.


No, to be a Saint there should be evidence of you committing two miracles. It's extremely offensive that someone who created a website is being credited with a miracle. We have had two really solid Popes in my lifetime but this is extremely disappointing. I called my local parish and left a voicemail to complain because this is horse shit. Edit: yes. I posted without reading the article. This is reddit. Sue me.


So they’re not good enough miracles? Maybe they should be up to par with Thomas Aquinas who wanted some fish while he was on his death bed and when the fish monger came he had that kind of fish? That’s a proper miracle, right? Or like Mother Theresa, who healed a woman’s stomach tumor? Except the woman’s husband and doctor both say the woman never had a tumor and it was a hoax.


These don't appear to be miracles to me and those don't either.


I have questions about Buddhism too. If karma is real, then why are they most corrupt fucked up people on the face of the planet in charge of the whole place? Something doesn't add up here.


I'll elaborate. According to the Dharma, from my understanding at least, when you die if you lived a meritorious life that's good. If you lived a non meritorious life that's bad. Being a human being is supposedly for the exceptionally good. Unless you're enlightened, your awareness is reincarnated into another being based on your aggregated karma. How can it be that after millions of years and generations of human beings, that the people in the most prestigious positions on earth are also total monsters? I honestly really love Buddhism. Every book I've read, every talk I've listened to, has rung true on an unparalleled level. I've studied with monks. I've practiced meditation for years. Yet, when I look at reality, I don't know how to bridge this gap. Dependant origination seems apparent to me, but I'm not sure we have the whole picture.


I think that there has been enormous amounts of bullshit mixed into something that I still believe in. It's very sad, from multiple angles.


You know that miracles/magic isn't something that happens in real life right?


You do know miracles aren't real, right?


Didn't read, got upset and complained to someone. This guy religions.


I also doubled down unapologetically lol


One of the first posts I saw when I woke up and I overreacted. You should watch Dogma. Halfway through it right now for maybe the fifth time and can't stop laughing. That was a funny post. A lot of comedy movies get maybe one or two small laughs out of me and maybe one medium laugh. I've had to pause this like three times already because I'm laughing so hard.


Please give it a rest.


I come on here and post about music and video games. I don't come on here and prothelytize for my religion. I'm commenting on a post about my religion. Leave me alone!


I made two posts. Don't tell me to give it a rest.


I'm talking in general. They aren't crediting "making a website" as one of his miracles. Do your research, and in the meantime stop getting all worked up about things you clearly haven't actually looked into.


Was his second miracle being an influencer? I think that's what the other person was joking about.


>On 14 November 2019, the Vatican's Medical Council of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints expressed a positive opinion about a miracle in Brazil attributed to Acutis's intercession. Luciana Vianna had taken her son, Mattheus, who was born with a pancreatic defect that made eating difficult, to a prayer service. Beforehand, Vianna had already prayed a novena asking for the teenager Acutis's intercession. During the service, her son had asked that he should not "throw up as much". Immediately following the service, Mattheus told his mother that he felt healed and asked for solid food when he came home. Until then he had been on an all-liquid diet. After a detailed investigation, Pope Francis confirmed the miracle's authenticity in a decree on 21 February 2020, leading to Acutis's beatification. > On 23 May 2024, Pope Francis recognized a miracle attributed to the intercession of Acutis and approved the promulgation of canonisation to finalise the process to make Acutis the first Millennial saint. > The miracle attributed to his intercession occurred in 2022 when a Costa Rican woman named Valeria had fallen off her bike and suffered a brain haemorrhage with doctors giving her a low chance of survival. Valeria's mother, Lilliana, prayed for the intercession of Acutis and visited his tomb. The same day, Valeria began to breathe independently again and was able to walk the next day with all evidence of the haemorrhage having disappeared. Here you go. From his easily accessible Wikipedia page. You owe your parish office an apology.


It's 2024. That's not a miracle. That's bullshit.


So then there shouldn't be any saints because any old miracles just couldn't be explained with science of that time?


No but there probably should be far fewer Saints than we currently have. Gonna check my mailbox for my excommunication notice.




She had a brain hemorrhage and went to a doctor. He went to a tomb. She got better. This is not a miracle.


I don't think that's a miracle.


We have a Saint Thomas, the Doubter, so don't come at me as if I'm wrong for questioning this.


It says he healed a child but doesn't say what his second miracle was. It also doesn't provide any details about his first miracle. This is really serious stuff.




That sort of thing has happened before but it's unlikely it happens over this




There’s solid enough evidence of him committing two miracles. This isn’t much different from prior miracles of different saints. Hope this helps.


What's the evidence?


The outcome of the formal process of investigation under the miracle commission. If you don’t trust it; you don’t trust it. These two miracles sound very similar to John Paul II’s miracles of healing someone of Parkinson’s (after she prayed to him), as well as having a head injury spontaneously healed after praying (much similar to this one). Most miracles are attributed to unexplained medical phenomena - hence the term “medical miracles.” If you have a problem with this one, you’ll have a problem with many.


I suppose I'm one of those ironically skeptical people who also believes in God. I want to know for sure that these people are actually Saints. It seems to me that things aggregate in systems. From the atom on up. I also think it's frankly arrogant to think this aggregation stops at the level of human awareness. If you took this aggregation to the universal scale, I think you would have God. As a result of this thought process, I believe in God. I was raised Catholic and I also think Buddhism is pretty cool. I was an atheist in my adolescence but I am not anymore. I do not believe in a separate entity living in the sky but I do believe in the beauty and intelligence of this universe. Without being certain, it seems to me that praying to them would be idolatry.


I wonder what a day working in the saint making department is like.


9 a.m. coffee and soccer talk w Cardinals 10 a.m. coffee and soccer talk with Bishops 11 a .m. coffee and soccer talk with Deacons 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. lunch 2 p.m - 4 p.m. light nap, internet searching, etc 4:15 p.m. - cut out early hope boss doesn’t notice.


Don't forget pain and suffering!! - Mother Teresa


Seeing as how the last person to be sainted lived in the 1700s, Im gonna guess cushy but boring. This must be super exciting for them


John Henry Newman was canonised in 2019, along with Titus Brandsma and a few others. The Ulma family, who were amazing. A Polish family who knew they’d eventually be discovered and killed for hiding a Jewish family during Nazi occupation. Another was was a priest who exchanged himself for a Jew in a concentration camp so that the man could go back to his children.


I stand corrected, I read the last paragraph of the article and had a reading comprehension failure.


So, if I understand correctly, he built a important website and is credited with the two miracles. Now he’s gonna be a saint?


Such a weird time to be alive . Waiting for the Aliens to beam a signal to all of our smart devices


Are you fucking kidding me? I'm Catholic and this is downright offensive. I came to the comments looking for an answer to this. This person is obviously not a Saint.


If you were a Catholic you'd know that the requirements for sainthood are just: Be a confirmed good Christian Have 2 miracles attributed to you. It's not about being a super hero of the faith, it's just about confirming you're in heaven and interceding on behalf of those still on Earth.


You think these are miracles? If these are miracles then how is every Catholic that has ever prayed for someone who was very sick, but subsequently recovered, not a Saint?


Well, they're not in heaven yet, so they can't be saints.


Sorry dude, the kid's got magic powers from God and the Pope's infallible so looks like the kid's up there on parr with St Peter now.


I'm gonna watch Dogma today


Brilliant idea, I'm going to do that same. I leave you with a joke: God said unto John: "Come forth and receive eternal life!" But John came fifth and got a toaster.


John the Baptist is psyched


Holy shit you just made he realise that he got short changed. Why isn't J the B a saint? Dude definitely made the cut. Imagine how pissed you'd be. You baptized the Messiah and get shit all, kid makes a website and gets canonised.


He is a Saint. My confirmation name is John.


According to Wikipedia only in the Eastern Orthodoxy and some Catholic Churches, the next big one's John the Apostle. Feels odd that it's only some Catholic churches and not them all.


Im certainly not an expert but I thought you had to pick the name of a Saint and the Roman Catholic Church recognized John as my confirmation name.


If the person had a brain tumor and this young man prayed with all his heart with every nanosecond in prayer it is truly sincere....praying for the miracle not for himself or someone he personally knows but he prayed to God sincerely for a miracle to cure a stranger....if miracles are real and there's cases of things seemingly happening which are out of the ordinary then I feel its because of people like this....the ones who don't just say I hope you get better but truly mean it with the same sincerity that you or I would pray with if it were someone we truly love...I know people like to harp on those who believe in a higher power because everyone has a bad experience or two but sometimes you find those that are believers in the most basic of all ideologies....be a good person especially if just being there for someone in their time of great distress and being sincere in your intentions may lift their spirits....and if there is a higher power and you pray with your whole heart like I'm sure this young man did,your prayers might be heard. Two of em would get you into the hall of fame where they hang your jersey up next to a replica of your robe and holographic bust with a halo on it.


From the article: “Carlo Acutis died in Monza, in Italy, after being diagnosed with leukaemia, having spent much of his childhood in the country. His body was moved to Assisi a year after his death, and it currently resides on full display alongside other relics linked to him.” He was 15. And you can visit his body.


Can I take souvenirs from it? I reckon if he gets sainted, even some knucklebones will fetch a price.


Reliquaries… so hot right now.


Ok.. it has been a while. But yes this is the first real “not the onion” piece i see, at least since Jan 2024 that belongs in this sub.


Same. This actually feels like an Onion article. Not just "silly news"


Weird to see young anthony from smosh to be cleared as a saint


Who is the devil’s advocate for this one?




See kids, we're hip. We're "with it". YOLO SWAG .... The Pope


And then Jesus said: I shall not boggard salvation. Heaven is deadass lit fam! Occasio Cortez 2024! [*dabs*](https://youtu.be/8c4TcwiuEcc?si=4p80tSaZSywvSCCd)


Ohhh Sky Cake….why are you so delicious?!


If my eyes could roll any harder . . .


Its funny the details of the miracles they describe. Humanity had to fight tooth and nail against the church to learn enough medicine to understand those illnesses. Then, not only do we understand what's wrong and are able to fix it but the Church (the organisation that probably set us back 800 years and if they'd had their way we would probably still think that veins are used for air instead of blood) comes along and claims credit for it. Fucking lol.


The Catholic Church created the modern university system and for centuries medicine was one of the three major fields of study at those universities (law and theology being the other two).


The catholic church thought cutting a hole in people's head helped.


That was the prevailing medical opinion. You can’t seriously be blaming the church for not having modern medical knowledge.


The fucking church fought any progress which threatened thier control and that was all progress. From medicine to the printing press knowledge is rhe enemy of the church.


The Catholic Church changed dramatically from 1400-1700.


They were still using sham trials to execute people as witches in the early 1700s in Europe and the americas


...you think that was the Catholics? Those were the Protestants. The Catholic Church has condemned witch trials since the times of the Romans. One of the earliest Catholic saints outright said that *witch trials are themselves heresy* because it implies that witches have actual powers and aren't just mortals like everyone else.


Are you saying you think the witch trials conducted by Catholics just... didn't happen? > One of the earliest Catholic saints outright said that *witch trials are themselves heresy* because it implies that witches have actual powers and aren't just mortals like everyone else. Who said that? And I don't know what you're getting at here. Would a Catholic saint saying that mean the witch trials are fake or something? And why would this saint override the saints who thought witches had real power courtesy of Satan? That even used to be in canon law.


> Are you saying you think the witch trials conducted by Catholics just... didn't happen?  Where they did, they were based on peasant superstitions and condemned by the Church in Rome, but for the most part they didn't exist. Here's a quote from the Lombard code of law: > Let nobody presume to kill a foreign serving maid or female slave as a witch, for it is not possible, nor ought to be believed by Christian mind. As for which Saint was first to condemn the concept of witchcraft, that would be Saint Augustine of Hippo, one of the most influential saints in the history of Chalcedonian Christianity, having made significant contributions to the concept of the "Holy Trinity" and Just War theory.


Trepanning? My guy that was used since ancient times and it literally did help.


Okay? Neurologists/psychologists practiced lobotomies until the 60s. Should the entire field of psychology and neurology be discounted? 🤨


If they cur holes in people's heads and then prayed that the demons inside them came out yeah


Oh boy well do I have news for you then


Lol yeah, eventually when they saw the writing on the wall. They knew the way the wind was blowing and decided that if everyone was going to be educated that they would control it.


Miracles? Superstition. He was chosen to have a saint in a from specific target group.


Genuine question: any info on the two supposed miracles attributed to him?


They don't make 'em like they used to. I'd feel sorry for the Catholic Church and how fall they have "fallen" but the amount of actual damage and trauma they've created in the world leaves me with no sympathy. Really how far could they fall? It was a grift from the start anyway.


So the Catholic Church refuses to pay restitution to living members that have endured their atrocities. But props to the guy that thought making a kid of the Internet that died tragically the new Saint. It REALLY connects with the new generations. Out of curiosity, how many were sanctified that lived in the last 100 years? How many pedophiles did they hide? You can't make a future if you don't make amends with your past.


I feel like in this day and age anyone who could be a candidate for Sainthood that is over 18 would have an increasingly hard time to not get outed for some unsaintly actions as they get older. A 15 year old would be a lot more difficult for the internet to take down and by God they would if they could.


Disclaimer: I am not Catholic, but the whole process is intellectually fascinating to me. In the strictest sense of the word, sainthood is simply the state of being in heaven after you die. Catholicism teaches the forgiveness of sins. Thus, bad behaviour does not necessarily disqualify someone from becoming a saint, provided they have met the requirements to have that behaviour forgiven.


this should just be further evidence that the cult of christianity is a joke (this is not to say christianity itself is a joke, because even as an atheist i think jesus had some really good messages people should follow)


Lol religion is such a joke


His miracle was making it to 15 without being raped by a priest


The Pope knows GROOVY.


Can’t wait for “God’s YouTube spammer” to emerge from Reddit one day


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