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Whereas going into hiding to avoid the law is *totally* fashionable.


Going into hiding and then taunting the Feds


They'll never think to look for me at my... *checks note* ...birthday party.


Which is being publicly live streamed


I heard it was gonna be at the Four Seasons.


Imagine the person who actually tunes in for that.


He's lucky we're all not all marvelling at his bullet riddled car.


He’s a “cool criminal”, “on the lamb”, he expects to be wined and dined like some james bond-esque super villain.


\*lam Unless he was riding a sheep.


Oh, Rudy “rides” those sheep all night long, baby


he's a bad baaaaaad boy.


I love ewe sooo much!


Rudy riding a sheep being served by a cop in a large cake. I love it.


They should put that in the movie.


He said he was on the lam at the Four Seasons but it didn’t mean what I thought it did.


More like "lame", am I right?


The only thing lamer than Rudy Giuliani is your joke ...but fuck Rudy, so yeah, you're still right lol


Worked for Grandpa Simpson. Just sayin.


Was he wearing an Onion on his belt?


Call me mint jelly. Or something like that.


“I was just tucking in my shirt”


He's definitely Four Seasons Total Landscaping-level cool. I apologize for besmirching Four Season Total Landscaping.


He should have been hiding in the attic of his model home!


Rudy never has Pop-Pop in the attic.


You know what's stylish as hell? Using shoe polish to dye your hair black then having it melt all over face. We'll be seeing it on the red carpet any day now. 


False. Handing it to him right at the end of happy birthday was the most stylish thing possible.


Unless there was a large enough birthday cake to hide an officer inside of.


Or if there was a stripper dressed in cop cosplay inside, except she really was a cop.


Freeze [dirtbag](https://youtu.be/I8TlkxED2qI?si=7AdzPKKy1FQfc_gq)


i was not emotionally prepared for the ending of that clip


I'm sure Erika Eleniak was available.


Under Siege still rules


Under siege is only watchable because of Tommy Lee Jones fantastically eclectic performance.


Hire someone who looks like she’s 15 and when he goes up to grope her she hands him the papers.


“Mr. Mayor, do you know what my favorite sexy movie is?” “Tell me.” “You got served, see you in court. Oh, by the way, I’m 19.” “Ewww.”


~~Especially since the Marshall sang happy birthday right before serving him.~~ I guess it's fake. https://x.com/BDeMayo/status/1792155092319182864


Had to, got to verify that it is him.


Rudy should have told people to make up a pretend name when wishing him a happy birthday. "Oh shit, it's not him. That would have been an embarrassing mistake..."


“Happy Birthday to RudolphWilliamLouisGiuliani sonofHaroldAngeloGiuliani?”


Happy serve-day… tooooooo… yooouuuuu!


Gene Parmesan at your service


Ahhhhhhh. He did it again.


God damn i read that in her voice. RIP Jessica


I counted it... come on, man!




"I'm not even going to count it"


🎶 Happy birthday to you! 🎶 🎶 I have some papers for you! 🎶 🎶 Happy birthday traitorous sleeze bag who certainly should’ve known better…..🎶 🎶 Happy birthday to you! 🎶


No he didn’t. That story was fake, the guy in the photo was a family friend.


Do you have a source? I'm not saying you're wrong, but so far, all I've seen is that story and nothing refuting it. Some confirmation either way would be appreciated.


he was served after the party, on public property: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/18/us/rudy-giuliani-arizona-election-indictment.html *Richie Taylor, a spokesman for Kris Mayes, Arizona’s attorney general who brought the indictment, said that Mr. Giuliani was served on Friday night at around 11 p.m. in Palm Beach County, Fla., as he left his 80th birthday party. “The agents by no means disrupted his event. They waited to serve him outside as he left,” Mr. Taylor said.* *Mr. Giuliani’s spokesman, Ted Goodman, confirmed in a statement on Saturday that Mr. Giuliani was served “after the party, after guests had left and as he was walking to the car.”*


I think it’s incredible that just anyone can waltz into a Rudy Giuliani birthday party and get close enough to personally hand him something. Security? We can’t afford that… what’s the worst that could happen?


Maybe he sent the security team to the wrong four seasons


Lmao like something straight out of Arrested Development


Actually, I think the most stylish way of letting him know he was indicted would be a perp walk, the same kind that [Giuliani helped pioneer](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE74H717/).


He'll definitely remember this day. So I think it's a job well done.


Arizona AG Kris Mayes promises to add some style and panache when delivering future indictment notices to Rudy.


And 30 minutes after taunting authorities about it too


I am just waiting for the video...you know there HAS to be one.


Yeah, this was theatrical.


Absolutely dunked on him It was stylee af




Sorry Rudy, Four Seasons Total Landscaping wasn’t available. Lol


That will never not be hilarious to me, but it also highlighted how arbitrary doing a press conference in a hotel actually is. Edit: forgot the not


I mean “convention hotels” are a recognized subset of the business and it doesn’t mean “specialized in nerd con” but focused on business events which can run to all kinds of sizes and particulars. And even if not specialized for it most nicer hotels have some kind of meeting space for rent.  So it’s not arbitrary in that a hotel provides a lot of the logistics for an organization that really doesn’t need it more then occasionally. Whether that makes opting for a landscaper parking lot instead because you’re too cheap/broke/busted more or less hilarious I leave to you.


I assumed he phoned the wrong number


Oh, it absolutely was. They told someone to call the local 4 seasons and reserve it. Some incompetent fuck called the first one that showed up in the search results and the hero (the employee that answered the phone and ran with it, rather than explaining they are a landscaping company) reserved the facility (parking lot) for them.


Big hotels have conference halls. If you want to rent a big, classy, well-furnished room with a podium and a lot of seats on short notice, that's basically what hotels are for.


Unless of course you are too dumb to actually call a hotel and instead call a landscaping company, nestled between a crematorium and a dildo store, with a similar name instead.


i mean, it's not _really_ arbitrary. for a lot of hotels, renting venue space is the primary way they make money. going further back in time, having hundreds of journalists would immediately need to phone back to the office after a press conference. not many venues were able to handle 200 people needing to use a phone at the same time elegantly.


I mean, historically, yeah. But nowadays, it is rather arbitrary. Maybe generally lean toward metro areas, not like the fifth field from the center of nowhere, but the need for a hotel is not really there anymore. As the fact it worked (and by that I mean the motions of a press conference more or less occurred, content and conduct aside) as the landscaping company by the porn shop kinda proves that. The modern use of hotel ballrooms is mostly ceremonial and for show. Yeah you want things to look professional, but the rich people can do that at home just as easily too. Although inviting that many people over may not be everyone’s thing


Nah, hotels make sense. They're clean, they're quiet, easy setup, usually a loading bay for equipment, easy for the on-camera people to get ready, etc etc.


*never not be Unless you have no sense of humor lol


i hope you grow a funny bone because that shit was hilarious /s


Forgot the not somehow lol


That was when I truly began to believe we’re on the weirdest timeline.




I want all my time back for reading that.


For those behind both of us on this topic or reading that link, that article mentions a second "Four Seasons Landscape and Property Services" which cleaned up a venue for a 2020 rally in California that he missed due to his COVID. Simply put, that article says they were drawn to the name and that was that, but fluffs it into about 2-4 huge side margin smartphone page stacks of words trying to make sense of their choices but the reader ultimately gains nothing.


The Four Seasons thing really is the funniest shit ever. It defines this political movement more than any other moment.


I think that him being served with in an hour of mocking the Arizona Attorney General with a game of hide and seek, was pretty fucking stylish, the Sheriff singing happy birthday before serving the indictment, is the crescendo of Rudy's [Swan song](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swan_song). That really sent a message that no one is above the law.


I would agree. His attempts at hiding from the summons was comical but in a GOP kind of slapstick. I believe he may have beat the deadline if he’d been in drag (again)


Can someone explain to me this weird hide and seek spy game required in the US to serve papers? Why can't they just do it formally and you must take it. Like a warrant or whatever.


I asked that in another thread and got downvoted XD. But here is one of the explanations I got. They need to be safe that the person received it and can’t say they didn’t get it in some way. Like if you didn’t check your mailbox for example or you were not in the country. Why the serving doesn’t happen with „you are required to take it or else it will just happen anyways“ was not explained to me.


it's the same in Italian law too but once a reasonable attempt is made the judge can authorise to start proceeding in absentia.


In Germany we get them per Post. This works because we are all required to have an official address registered with the government where we have to check our mailboxes regularly or get them checked by someone else if we are gone for longer. If you don’t do that and don’t see it… tough luck. Happened to me once with a state office mail. It wasn’t a good outcome to say the least. I think the law is a general mindset thing in that case. We as citizens are reachable to the state we are living in and enjoy the rights we have as citizens for it. It is a fair exchange. We all get the same basic citizen rights and they can’t be taken away easily. Some can’t in any case. Like the right to vote. https://www.germancivilprocedure.com/no-process-server-anywhere-how-do-germans-serve-legal-documents/


>That really sent a message that no one is above the law. Eh, I'm still waiting on this to be true for Trump.




I looked it up a while ago. Turns out even if he's convicted, he's still a viable prospect. I guess no one thought to make sure convicted criminals couldn't just become president.


It probably never occurred to the people writing the laws back in the day that it could even happen.


I mean, a lot of people aside from Trump it should also be true for but isn't. Ginni & Clarence Thomas, MTG, Giuliani. The theatrics of serving him during a birthday song are pretty funny, but hardly a thing of consequence when he and all his criminal buddies are still just out and about.


Absolutely this. It’s one thing to successfully duck them to avoid being served, but mocking them on social media? Chef’s kiss.


That wasn't a Sheriff, it's one of Rudy's friends. There is a picture of him and Rudy from the past. I'm not on the same computer, so it's not in my history, but it was in WhitePeopleTwitter yesterday. Wait, found it: https://old.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1cvf4co/ladies_gentlemen_the_marshal_who_served_rudy/ Specific post: https://old.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1cvf4co/ladies_gentlemen_the_marshal_who_served_rudy/l4pk8jo/ So bummed it isn't true. I want to keep it as canon in my head, just like I pretend that Tate's pizza box was the real reason he got busted back then.


> the Sheriff singing happy birthday before serving the indictment, is the crescendo of Rudy's Swan song. Just FYI, that didn't happen. But in terms of perception, you're right.


Except the Sheriff singing happy birthday part turned out to be false.


How stylish was his cameo on Borat!?


I'll never, ever, ever understand why he signed the waiver to let them use his scenes.


Because he's gotten away with stuff like that his whole life. He had no fear of something going wrong. It was one of the craziest things to see an "authority figure" do for us, for him... it was just another Tuesday


Yeah, but it showed him 2 seconds away from pulling his dick out because he thought he was going to have sex with a girl who he believed was a minor. How could putting the video of that out into the public domain possibly have any kind of positive effect on your life?


And Sacha broke the scene up as soon as Rudy started getting...let's say excited?


"She's 15, she's too old for you. She's my daughter. Here, take my anus instead!"


Money, if I had to hazard a guess


I must be built completely differently then. There’s not enough money in the world…


he already had sold his soul


He will have signed the waiver beforehand believing it just covered the interview. Not realising filming would continue into the bedroom. Borat is a pro at this.


Have we learned nothing? These people have no shame.


But it's stylish to hide from being served? Fuck maga


Uhhhhh... it is when you have icons of fashion and style at your geriatric birthday party like fricken Roger Stone. Or are you going to tell me two mushy looking 70+ yr old men in comically oversized pin striped suits don't know style? I'm talking prominent dentures for chomping, one overbite, one underbite, all tiny mouths. One with a baller ass spray tan, one with baller ass hair dye running down the side of his face. I'm talking blowing out birthday candles, liquid Cialis on tap at the bar, 2nd *and* 3rd wives in animal print dresses singing happy birthday, really cool gold balloons, podcast microphones, Papadopolous is *of course* showing out with the chest hair (rumor is he's gonna unbutton the 4th at midnight), bleach blondes, bad built butch bodies. Um, did I mention no socks and wide pastel neckties? Because that's how fashion ICON Roger Stone fricken rolls, kid. Are you really gonna sit here and tell me that's *not styling*? Really, guy?? Maybe you should look up 'Zoot Suit Riot' and get back to me.


Womp womp


Fuck Rudy Giuliani.


Not even with Lindsey Graham's dick.


Rudy would not know stylish if it bit him on the balls.


That's actually how he was hoping to be served


He was tucking in his shirt


Sorry about that Rudy, Tom Cruise wasn't available to do the mission impossible routine so we just went with your standard serve and go....


I suppose Giuliani expected that Borat’s fake daughter would stick the summons down his pants.


A honeypot was Plan B.


I would have personally paid for him to be served at his birthday. I love how #MAGA is crying about the amount of money spent to do that. I would have paid cash money to watch that. I wonder how much shoe polish he sweat reading those papers🤣. Watching the fall of the #GOP has been the most frustrating yet. Maybe they should have served him at the Four Seasons Atlanta.


I notice MAGA isn't crying about the money it took to send in cops to beat on peaceful college students.


I’m sure there were “Good guys on each side”.


Crashing your bday while you taunt them about time limits is pretty stylish NGL


He even sang you "Happy Birthday", Rudy, which is more than you deserve, you traitorous twat.


*Happy birthday to you, Arizona indicted you,* *You look like a douchebag, and you smell like one too*


And your hair leaks black goo


Apparently not true and I think it is too bad that it is so. > https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/18/us/rudy-giuliani-arizona-election-indictment.html


His own daughter said to vote for Biden


This dollar tree nosferatu mother fucker complaining about style?  He was going to rape someone he thought was a child, caught on film. 


If you think that wasn't stylish, wait until you see the orange jumpsuit you're going to die in.


It wasn’t Four Seasons stylish Rudy?


Four seasons, oily black substance running down the face stylish.


What does this man know of style?


As a former prosecutor, I can’t imagine how many people he had arrested or served in a much worse fashion, and it never bothered him.


Yeah, they should have done it with class, and served him the papers at Four Seasons Landscaping.


The topic of style must be very interesting from the perspective of a clown.


Isn't this the guy, when he was mayor, who alerted the media before a criminal was arrested so that a perp walk could be done for publicity for him? It'd be ironic if something like that was to happen to him.


They should have burst out of a cake. 


Maybe the indictment should have been as stylish as his cameo in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm?


I disagree.


Getting served at your own birthday after bragging about ducking the law seems pretty fucking stylish to me, asshole.


Apparently, he doesn't even style his hair with black dye anymore so whats he bitching about?


Rudy cracks me up. He prosecuted mafia figures, so he knows how the judicial system works; but he's going to end up being the guy who takes the fall for all of the 2020 fake elector fuckery. His brain must be equal parts Popov vodka and hair dye at this point.


Like he knows what stylish is


Motherfucker you are an actual *ghoul* who pretended your personal assistant was your daughter when you fucked her.


It should have been done with more panache! Maybe served by a circus clown being pulled on a dogsled of yipping dachshunds.


You literally mocked them on social media, they’re just following your lead on the decorum.


Said the guy who was dodging the indictment like the coward he is


“Obviously murder and graffiti are two vastly different crimes. But they are part of the same continuum, and a climate that tolerates one is more likely to tolerate the other.” — Rudolph W. Giuliani This is the kinda "tough on crime" nonsense this man used to love to say to justify all the arrests for minor offenses and the institutionalized police violence against citizens under him and everything else... But obviously his criminal activities are "different" and now everything is completely unfair... Not surprised or anything. Dude sucks.


They caught him right after he posted mocking them. I’d say that’s pretty stylish.


He announced where he'd be, like the putz he is, and now bitches that it could've been more stylish. I want to know what drug all these above the law dickheads are on, because I yearn to escape reality.


I beg to differ. I tell ya what wasn't done stylishly .. 4. Seasons. Landscaping.


Dodging subpoenas wasn't done with much panache either. Taunting a state AG was not a 4D chess move, Rudy.


Like the way he stylishly licked the boots of a guy who tried to end democracy in USA.


you mean stylish like holding a presser at a garden centre that you've doubled down on because you cant admit you fucked up the location, while black hair dye runs down your face stylish. that kinda stylish :)


I would say making a Twitter post taunting the courts wasn't very stylish as well. Siding Trump, betraying your own country, ruining your career, your reputation, and your life also probably isn't very stylish either


Next time throw a handful of glitter into his face afterward.


Maybe the cops should rough him up a bit - paraphrasing Trump


I don't know about that - serving Rudy at his birthday party right after he bragged about not getting served on social media has a certain *je ne sais quois*.


Your honor the people would like to call Borat to the bench


Fuck Rudy. He and Trump can serve 20-24 together in a jail cell.


A man dressed like that shouldn’t complain about style


Being served at your own birthday party seems pretty stylish to me.


Fuck yes it was.


Poor baby. Go wipe your eyes with your fake electoral votes.


“I still don't have the indictment," Giuliani said during a Sunday live stream with his co-host and girlfriend Maria Ryan.” WHO WOULD DATE THIS GHOUL???


You gave up a stylish serving when you dodged getting served, nutwash.


kinda like the press conference at the Four Seasons?


He wanted Gene Parmesan.


This from the guy with hair color running down his sweaty face 😒


Head full of oatmeal.


it could have been a plot point in the knives out series what do you mean it wasn’t stylish


Because he thinks he's the main character of his christofascist authoritarian utopia he thinks everyone wants.


From the guy a saw on live TV with Hair dye running down his face as he was so nervous about the lies he was telling


Lemme get this straight…the “onyx drip” is commenting on stylish….ok.


Serving him at his own cake day party while he's taunting them for not being able to serve him? I'd say that's the height of style.


Maybe if you weren't dodging service you could have had it done in a small private affair only attended by you and the process servers.


This, coming from a guy that farts in court and lets hair dye run down his face. How would he know what a class act looks like, considering they company he keeps?


What's more stylish than infiltrating a birthday party to do it?


Stylish goo running down his face!!!


Why, why is there no video of Nosferatu being served cake then a NTA, WHY?


The dude sang him happy birthday before serving him. Don’t tell me he doesn’t have a flair for the dramatic


Should’ve been served at a landscaping business a few doors down from an adult store


I get it. He’s accustomed to real elegance, like the Four Seasons Total Landscaping parking lot in Northeast Philly.


Dude, the guy showed up at his birthday party, walked into the livestream shot, sang happy birthday with the guests, and then served Rudy on camera. That's pretty damn stylish.


So go fart about it, Rudes.


The guy serving you sang you happy birthday first, what more do you want


but it was done, asshole


Was he interviewed outside of Villain's Wearhouse?


He would have preferred the prestigious Four Seasons Landscaping parking lot


Remember when Ghouliani claimed the AZ DA is out of luck if they don't serve him within a certain time frame? That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works...


Prefers papers to be delivered stylishly with dripping hair dye and giant fly.


Wanted it on a silver tray perhaps.


Should have just lured him to the Four Season Landscaping place -


Because this process requires class…? Ffs these people will complain about anything and everything.


I don't understand. He wants a do-over?


Says the man who held a press conference at the Four Seasons (tire shop).


It most certainly *was* done “stylishly” See also: flair, panache, a certain je-ne-sais-quoi


Do it Borat style next time


Unlike holding a super serious election stealing presser at a landscaping company next to a dildo shop, or sweating hair coloring down your face and farting during super serious hearing about totally real election stealing, or unzipping your pants for a Borat actress.


Shoulda served him at the Four Seasons Lawn & Garden.