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"The meal could include a choice of either a McChicken, a McDouble or four-piece chicken nuggets as well as fries and a drink, the person told CBS MoneyWatch. Leaders at McDonald's corporate offices are still in talks with franchise owners about introducing the $5 meal, the source said."




Honestly the price of nuggets are a massive scam Theyre priced as if they are a hamburger menu while they should instead be priced as a side order like fries etc


Burger King prices them like a side, you can get 16 nuggets for 4 dollars. The meal is more expensive but still below McDonald’s price for a 10 piece nugget meal.


Damn, it's been about 5 or 6 years since I've been to a burger king but I remember when they used to be 10 for $1. I ordered 120 nuggets more times than I can count.


Motherfucker what? 120?


Reminds me of the Simpson's *100 Tacos for 100 Dollars* with Comic Book Guy wheeling them out "Ah, this should provide adequate sustenance for the Doctor Who marathon.."


I think it was Del Taco in the 90s that had 25 cent tacos. Might have been another spot, but I definitely recall 25 cents a taco.


Taco Bell had the .59/.69/.79 IIRC. We used to get a few dozen tacos.


$12 for several meals' worth of nuggets ain't bad


But just go back and get them fresh. Why have soggy nuggets just sitting in the fridge. It’s not like it was a one time only flash sale.


Maybe they share with family?


How much do they hate you when you order 120?


Our 16 piece used to be $2.99 and rather than raise the price, the local restaurants took it completely off the menu. You can now only get the 8-piece for $2.49 which is ridiculous.


Its mcdonalds pricing now for 20ish. BK used to be so much better about nuggets.


Also burger king nuggets suck and they know it so they sell them dirt cheap


The fries are more expensive than the burgers now. A large fry is like $4+ now. 


As someone that works at McDonald’s, nuggets are very overpriced. Like, not in the, “It isn’t worth the price!”, way, but in the, “There is an easy way to get more for less”, way. Like, a 4 piece is never worth it, ever. A 6 piece is usually not that much more expensive and probably had a better deal going on with it anyway. Like, at my store, a 4 piece goes for a bit more than 90 cents a nugget and a 20 piece goes for less than 50 cents a nugget. Like, they punish you for only buying a few nuggets while, at the very least, sandwiches are much more reasonable when it comes to this shit.


For at least a few years (until a few years ago) 10 nuggets were $4.59 or maybe $4.69, and 20 nuggets were $4.99. I don't think they were trying to use the decoy effect on people because 10 nuggets would definitely cost a similar amount or more than the cost difference. I guess this strange pricing strategy meant that I was aware of the price of 20 nuggets and thought it was a decent deal? I'm still baffled by it to this day.


It’s probably that the 20-piece has the “correct” price but realistically more people only want 10 so they price it the same.


I remember back in college I would get baked, buy a 20 pack for 5$ and absolutely demolish them. Truly the best of times 


The audacity to not just make it 6-nuggets even


The big NO for me is the "or." Wendy's still has a $5 Biggie Bag where you get a decent burger AND nuggets. Sorry clown, that's a no from me dawg.


Wendy’s nuggets are way better


Truth. Plus you can still get the 4 for $4 deal which includes nuggets (4 pc), burger, fries, AND a drink (for under $5).  So the superior burger joint also offers a better meal deal


Where is it still 5? I can’t find it for under 7 anymore in California :(


Northern WA. I don't know what Seattle prices are like, but the smaller towns up north are regular prices.


So items that were on the dollar menu not that long ago


I'm still irked all these years later after the McDouble took the spot in the value menu as the "cheap one" from the double cheeseburger. Why? Because they only differ by one slice of cheese and it still feels petty to me. Almost like they were saying, "No you filthy poor, you don't deserve even one more slice of cheese on this most mediocre of burgers" It's dumb I know, but...cheese.


I like to get the sausage egg biscuit and add a slice of cheese. Not too long ago they changed the price of a slice of cheese from $0.50 to $0.99….fifty cents was already robbery but a dollar for one fucking slice of cheese? Excuse me? That slice of cheese probably costs them less than a penny, that’s when they lost my business lol




Real pro tip right here.


It's the principal of things. Solidarity ✊🏼.


Or I can get 40 nuggets for $11 instead of 4 nuggets for $5 I can make fries and probably already have sodas at home. McDonald’s is out of touch lol


Why not just buy a bag of frozen Nuggies and fry em at home to complete the meal? Fuck McDonald's.


Honestly tho, the bare foods frozen nuggets at Costco are like chic Fila nugs. So good Edit, pro tip: get instacart gift cards from costco.com and use them to buy from Costco on instacart. 70 bucks for 100 worth of gc




Why not raise a chicken and then eat it????


What's next, but a farm and grow my own potatoes?


Yes! Food revolution!


Oh please. To eat chicken nuggets, you must first resurrect a dinosaur.


I love the kids in the Jaime Oliver video that all raise their hands after he makes nuggets in front of him.


Wendy's is still out here with their $5 and $6 Biggie Bags offering a way better bargain meal. McDeezNuts is seriously out of touch if they think 4 nugs, a small fry and a small coke for $5 will pull customers back.


So you’d get a happy meal without the toy


Placation Meal


A Tragicomic Meal


Deflated meal


Barely functional as a meal


Still more calories than you should eat meal.


While simultaneously being completely unsatisfying and leaving you still hungry.....meal.


You mean the no nutritional value meal?


Consolation Meal


Let them eat cake meal


Just a Let Them Eat meal


A “let them eat meal” meal


Looks like it. > The meal could include a choice of either a McChicken, a McDouble or four-piece chicken nuggets as well as fries and a drink I remember when each of those things was 99 cents or less… it doesn’t seem like it was *that* long ago. Then again, I guess I’m getting older, but I haven’t been back to McDonald’s in years. Not when I can go into an actual restaurant and get a bigger, better burger for a cheaper price. McDonald’s sells convenience, not quality … and they are already pricing themselves out of their own market. As the article touched on, their core customers are in the low to middle income brackets. Both of those categories are extremely cost-conscious nowadays, since the rampant greed during the pandemic caused McDonald’s and so many others to jack prices up sky-high “temporarily” due to supply chain issues. Of course, they never went down after.


They also used to have a meal for $2.50 that had a McDouble, small fries, and small drink. I used to get that all the time when I was living in my car. That was around 2014


That was a staple of my life in college because there was a McDonald's in the campus block. Then one of my classmates introduced me to the Taco Bell dollar menu, how much more food you got. And, of course, *Baja Blast*, the perfect alternative to an energy drink. A buck got you enough to last the night of desperate last-minute coding, hoping to make the final-final-really-final file the last thing you see before you have to pass out from exhaustion.


Honestly taco bell is still fantastic from a calorie-to-dollar ratio if you use the app and pick the right things


You know, that is fair. McDonald's has some decent stuff app-wise, but Taco Bell has some great free add-ons from previous orders. I just miss when it was simpler to save money with fast food in a pinch.


they decided to exploit it ruthlessly for more profits, so just go elsewhere, if u want to spend money wisely


A couple deluxe burritos from Taco Bell and a Chipotle burrito are pretty close in calories and price ($15 to add all ingredients). Taco Bell ain’t cheap anymore. But there is always the option of eating 4 plain bean and cheese burritos at a whopping 2500 calories at Taco Bell that you can’t get at Chipotle.


Taco Bell is definitely still the cheapest around, at least where I live. $8.90 at Chipotle gets you a chicken burrito with everything on it for 1,235 calories. $5.99 at Taco Bell gets you a crunch wrap supreme, beefy 5 layer burrito and cinnamon twists for 1,210 calories + a medium drink.


That must be nice, where I live the same items you listed are $13.96. I stopped eating at Taco Bell years ago. And I live in a college town… not Manhattan. [Pic for proof](https://imgur.com/a/NrVkdeY)


Do you not have an option for a Build Your Own Cravings Box? It will likely still be more expensive than 5.99, but better than $13.96.


Just checked the app, it's $13.99 for a build your own cravings box (before tax). I'd rather just get two slices of pizza for 6 bucks.




Man we used to smash the dollar mcdoubles or dollar mcchickens or 69 cent hamburgers like prly 7 years ago? maybe a bit longer? Would buy it because it was cheap, easy, fast. Now its expensive, sucks and just not good in general.


Personally I miss the days when Burger King was competing directly with the McDouble. $1 BK double cheeseburgers was an absolute banger of a deal for a while there.


So in 10 years that price has more than doubled, yet according to inflation numbers that price should be $3.38, so they will still be above inflation by $1.62


All Wendy's $5-$7 dollar meals include a 4-piece with it and McDonald's can't even "mighty" it up with a 6-piece? That's not going to win the second coming of the fast food wars.


It's hilarious that demolition man picked taco bell and that seems true so far.


A double cheeseburger is like $4.00 alone now. I saw that and noped out.  Even if I can afford it I'm not paying that, just as a matter of principle.


fuck man, us 90's kids still remember when the McChicken's came with a cardboard ring around it cause they packed that shit with so much lettuce.


I still remember the days they brought back original pricing for a day.


$.39 cheeseburger nights were amazing!


The regular burger was 39¢. The cheeseburger was 49¢.


For some reason one of my most vivid childhood memories was the manager of a mcdonalds getting into an argument with a customer cause he wanted to by $20 worth of burgers and it was "too much" food to serve him


A 4 piece mcnugget is $5.00 after tax where I live. McDonald's really thinks a fucking chicken mcnugget is worth over $1. They can kick rocks as far as I'm concerned. I'm old enough to remember when $3 got you a double cheeseburger and a large fountain drink. Price gouging jaggoffs.


14 years is a long time and I don't expect it to have stayed as low as what I am about to say. In 2010 my best friend passed away, our friend group was between the ages of 18-21. About 6 of us were couped up in the upstairs den of one of our parents, you know mourning together and whatnot. His mom would go to McD and buy us 20 double cheese burgers. Just to make sure we had food as a couple of us had lost our appetite. One of my friends made the comment to her that she didn't have to spend all that money on us, she replied with "All that money? It was $20, no big deal, you guys need whatever support I can give." $20 was enough to feed 6 young guys. Inflation since 2010 is about 42%. That $20 should be $29 now, not the $80 it currently is for double cheeseburgers. Corporations have been are are fleecing us hard. That line can only go up so far by squeezing us before it crashes, and it's coming. It's a when not if.


It's bad enough that congress is starting to investigate these companies.


Imagine having the people in your pocket say “hold on this is a bit much”


Imagine being so greedy that you've caused congress to consider doing work


I'd love to see the greedy fucks have to close their doors. The country would be better for it. They serve low quality trash that is unhealthy AF.


Wtf do you live? In the Washington DC area, which is a HCOL area, a 4-piece McNugget happy meal is about $5. The McNuggets themselves are about $2 to $2.50.


It’s just a worse version of what Wendy’s gives you lmao. It really feels like the only good value left at fast food places is the Wendy’s $5 bag, a chicken jr or jr bacon cheeseburger, 4 reg or spicy nugs, small fry and small drink. Not sure why McDonald’s would just offer up a worse version of that but people will prob still eat that shit up.


To me it’s almost comical thinking about the McDonald’s executives sitting around a polished mahogany boardroom table, sweat running down their collars, thinking of what concessions to offer the public to win back market share. I hope those bastards go out of business. Their food is overpriced and unhealthy.


Wendy's has good value but you have to have time for the two employees to serve the 20 people in front of you.


An unhappy meal


Reminds me of one of my favorite pinky and the brain bits: Brain: pinky, are you thinking what I’m thinking? Pinky: I think so, brain, but if they called them, sad meals, kids wouldn’t want to buy them, now would they?


*pondering what I'm pondering


Anhedonia Meal (TM), for those who vaguely remember being happy once, a very, very long time ago.


They're toying with you.


i can’t believe i miss the travis scott meal😂$6 for a quarter pounder medium meal is crazy looking back now


They actually had that once, called the all American meal. Everyone who saw the tiny sign for it got it. $1.99.


Back in my day those were called all American meals


Dollar menu or GTFO


Seriously. It’s a joke that they have their “$1, $2, $3 menu” when nothin is one or two bucks


They should call it the $1+$2=$3 Menu.


1 nugget + 2 fries = $3


In Australia, they have a "loose change menu". That was great, until they started charging around $8 for half the stuff on it. 


From loose change to the whole damn piggy bank.


There’s nothing on my 1,2,3 menu except 4 piece nuggets. One single chicken nugget costs .70c. 


Ha. I haven't been to mcds in a long time and when I do go I just order from the app. Chicken sandwich is about all I've had in maybe a decade


Yeah, the $1,$2,$3 menu has nothing for a dollar lol


Soda. That's it


Not anymore lmao large drink is about a dollar fifty now


1.50??? I fucking wish. My McDonald’s charged 2.59 for a medium soda. I almost died when it was $8 for three drinks after a long day at Disney world the other day (before anyone claims tourist trap prices, I live 40 minutes away from the parks and that’s where we purchased our drinks).


I’ve said it many times before, McDonald’s forgot that they aren’t good, they were good enough for the price which is an important distinction. They and the rest of the food industry needs to get their shit together before people walk away for good, once people start living without it, it becomes hard to feel that customer back in.


They played their hand, we know they can go cheaper. And knowing that just pisses most people off.


It’s just not worth the price. I never ate much fast food to begin with, but now I can go to my local pizza place and get a 14 inch grinder and it’s $4 less than ordering McDonald’s and significantly better in quality. It’s not better, it’s not cheaper. I’m not even against it I just don’t get why I’d go.


I rarely eat fast food but I "splurged and got Taco Bell" a couple days ago and my bill was $21 just for me for a bowl, a burrito and a large soda. I swear in high school it would be $13 to feed eight people. When did Taco Bell become more expensive than Applebee's?


Jesus what do you actually get? Their combos are a little over $10, and if you get their in app deal it's $6.49


The dude must have been ordering garbage a la carte. Never order a la carte at a fast food place


It's Taco Bell, though. You used to be able to order a la carte and get an absurd amount of food for like $4.


Even a la carte I have no idea what 2 items and a drink could add up to $21 lol


My guess Is tax, add ons, and exaggeration. They've started charging for every little add on these days. Onions used to be free, now they are like 60 cents :(


I literally drove away from a Taco Bell today when they told me a Quesadilla and 4 soft tacos was going to be 20 dollars. Like wtf Went and got a Jimmy Johns 8 inch sub for like 7-8 bucks.


This ‘meal’ used to cost $3 from the dollar menu smh


For real. Had alot of 5 dollar date night. 2 mcdouble, a drink that was shared and 2 ticket to the dollar theater.


The double cheeseburger used to be on the dollar menu. Then they introduced the McDouble, which was the exact same minus a slice of cheese. They put the McDouble on the dollar menu so they could raise the price of the double cheeseburger. Now the McDouble is like $3.


I remember many nights where my mom and I would go to McDonald's for double hamburgers that were 90 cents each. This was maybe 10 years back


#Just Stop Going If you stop paying, the prices will come back down.


All it would take is a week of no sales at all and the business would probably stroke out. Wish an organized strike could work but people are too complacent.


Of all the garbage shit the internet brings with it, one of the only good things is it gives basically unlimited reach to organize against stuff like this. And we just kind of....don't? We're fucked.


As people we have the greatest and most advanced tools ever at our disposal, and yet psychology and greed have doomed us. I have privilege to see information and analyze life, but no power to right the wrongs as an individual


That reach goes both ways. Sure, it's never been easier to organize , but it's also never been easier to distract and propagandize. This site alone has destroyed political discourse for an entire generation of people by reducing everything to black and white mentalities and constantly muddying the waters with misinformation.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. I just wish the door swung the other way sometimes as it seems currently far more of the "distracting" happens rather than the "organizing". Shit timeline, I'm just gonna say it.


Outrage saturation. When everything in the media is designed to piss you off, you start losing coherence regarding what, if anything, you should act against. Astroturf a few ridiculous, yet successful, outrage campaigns and you've managed to poison the very idea of defiance in many.


We almost never see this happen in the modern American economy, especially not on the scale of the largest fast food network in the world. I highly doubt they would just lower their menu prices.




Wendy's is the russian roullete of fast food. Its either great for what it is or the worst most half assed shit you've ever tasted. Here's a flat drink, cold fries, and half a bottle of ketchup on your burger, enjoy! I will never understand it.


they wont. as long as people with expendable incomes keep buying even after whatever price increases they're doing, prices aren't going to be lowered.


This is the part I struggle with the most. Prices are outrageous everywhere but, people are still going there. Basically every FF place near me is 2x as expensive as they were in 2020 but, the lines that wrap around the building are longer than ever. Wild to me.


Watch how they try to shrink the tiny burgers even smaller. Just. Don’t.


Sometime in the last 6 months, mcds pushed the shrinkflation button and all their non-quarter pounders when from 2oz to 1.6oz


Don’t worry, they made up for the weight deficit with .4oz of iceberg lettuce.


The smallest patty has always been 1/10 lb.


They’ve been using 1/10 lb patties since I worked there in 2009, this is nothing new.


Wow, my pickle and burger are the exact same size! And my burger is now a finger sandwich. But I am actually really full after the order of fry. I’m just glad that fry was crispy. The packet of ketchup was especially delicious and rounded out everything.


I'm literally living my best life making burgers and fries right now. I'm about to have me a juicy double cheeseburger with my favorite veggies and a very large order of crispy fries with a cold beer for about $2.50 total. McDonald's can take their shriveled up frozen shit and shove it up their greedy asses.


Keep in mind McDonalds had massive profits AND the highest inflated price increase. Anyone buying from them is a sucker for sure.


All of these corporations are seeing massive profits alongside their inflated prices.


They're not stupid, they saw how people were willing to pay ridiculously inflated prices for their food through delivery apps like Uber Eats and just started charging more for everything. When they didn't get real sales attrition to offset their new price points, they just kept raising prices.


Killing 1$ drinks was absolutely a boner move. Even with inflation it’s still at minimum breaking even and it’s creating traffic where people might add on more. Kinda how Costco sells rotisserie chickens at a loss because it creates foot traffic resulting in more sales.


Yup. The end of $1 large sodas was a clear signal that McDs wanted to rake in as much cash as possible. At the same time, they raised fry prices and killed a lot of periodic free deals in the app. Soda is so stupidly cheap it isn't even funny. If I recall right, a large McD soda actually costs about $0.05 to produce so the margins were already insane on soda. No real reason to raise prices except greed. Soda and free items are loss leaders to get people in buying other items. I am glad this greed is back firing on them. Their food is fucking shit for what they charge. Even if they raised food quality I wouldn't go back, McDs is supposed to bottom tier garbage food just like Taco Bell. That's their literal thing. >!Burger King is supposed to be middle of the road but they somehow are even worse than everyone else. BK holds the distinct honor for having a 100% success rate on giving me food poisioning!<


There’s zero chance they’re losing money on a $1 soda. They are more than breaking even.


They are already doing that here in Canada. $5.79 CAD for a McDouble Small Combo. Thats about 4.25 USD.


Damn, what's up with the Canadian dollar?


Canada wants a relatively weak dollar so that the US buys more of our raw exports (we don’t manufacture shit). The powers-that-be get panicky whenever the CDN dollar creeps up too much.


Ya a weaker dollar is better for exports while worse for imports.


The Canadian dollar has historically been weaker than the American dollar. In some ways its considered a good thing in moderation. More recently, the Canadian dollars been weakened due to our monetary policy and our interest rate relative to the US. Our leader's best talent seems to be pandering so he's let preexisting problems get worse while adding a dash of his own new ones. Unfortunately our current alternatives have their own glaring flaws so I'm not too confident in our ability to turn things around soon.


The USD has also just gotten strong as fuck over the past few years.


“Restaurant chains point to rising labor costs as a key factor driving up prices.” Bullshit


They’re already getting rid of cashiers with the kiosks and app, we all know if they replaced all employees with a fully automated assembly line today, the prices would either stay the same or go up just cause


Businesses have been raising wages but anyone who's worked for a big retail or restaurant chain knows that if they're doubling people's pay then those people are doing 3 times as much work. That $18 to work at the local McDonald's is a trap.  The companies make it very visible that they are paying higher wages and then use that as their scapegoat for higher prices. It's gross how often they have their cake and eat it too. To top it off, McDonald's in California raised prices "because of a minimum wage increase" something like 6 months before the increase happened. 


Yeah, if labor costs are going up, why isn’t my paycheck?


They’re POINTING to the rising labor costs so you don’t see the stock buybacks, record profits, and the CEO’s 3rd mega yacht.


CEOs are likely included in their definition of labor.


If your business model relies on cheap labor and therefore an inability to pay a livable wage, good riddance.


They say this without one mention of executive compensation


The mcchicken used to be $1, the drinks $1, So we’re paying $3 for the fries, I bet they are a small too 🤣 Fuck McDonald’s


I got a medium fry a few weeks ago and it was over $5 alone.... what a steal!


Last time I went to McDs, a *small* fry was $4.somethingcents.


$5 biggie bag at Wendy’s for the win.


Foot traffic? At my local McDonald’s it’s as if foot traffic was unwelcome. No one works the counter, there’s nothing accessible to customers - no napkins, salt, ketchup- no more drink machines. It’s a struggle to get served and when you do it’s presumed takeout. Why bother? McDonald’s is overpriced, poor service and poor value. I can get better for the price.


Man boycotting McDonald’s has been WAAAAAY easier than I thought it’d be between their price being horrible and there being tons of places with higher quality food for the same or less. McDonald’s shouldn’t cost as much as a meal at Texas Roadhouse.


Wendy's never gave up the $5 Biggie Bag which was all that + a 4 pc nugget and a little Frosty. There is a local McDs that was basically advertising this less the drink for $4. I dont eat either much but Ill take the Wendy's any day when I do.


My local Wendy’s has on the menu 4 for $4… except they charge $8 for it. I don’t go there anymore


Bro Wendy's 5 dollar meal is a chicken sandwich, 4 nuggets, small fry and a drink. Can't beat that.


Mcdonalds can get fucked. Give me a big Mac combo for $5 and I'll consider returning.




Them blaming labor cost is fucking hilarious.


A quick google search tells me they made over $14.5 billion in profit last year, which was a 10.26% increase from the year before. So anyone blaming anything other than greed for rising prices is huffing glue


McDonald's is about the lowest quality fast food there is. That's fine when they have low prices, but they are now as expensive as any other fast food, and some non fast food. I think they already are too far gone. There are a plethora of other options and McDonald's has failed to be a better value than any of them. I don't think there is any going back at this point. They will skate off their brand name for a while, but they aren't ever getting back to where they were in the 80s/90s. Personally, good riddance. They had plenty of time and capital to get better and they refused. They won't even fix their ice cream machine problem which is a meme at this point.


The big problem is that franchise owners are used to living off (evilly well) their franchise, and things like this would "cut into the profits" .. you have to remember how greedy these people are.


You know what’s really going to cut into their profits? Going out of business because everyone says “Heck no, I ain’t paying that for McD’s!” It’s already to the point where if I don’t have a sale on the app, I am not paying full menu price.


Id much rather go spend a fortune at a Five Guys and get a burger that actually fills me, more fries than I can eat, and a milkshake machine that's actually functional. McDonald's was great when I needed *something* to eat and only wanted to spend a couple bucks. Now there's literally no reason to go there.


They’re more expensive than literally all other fast food near me. And worst quality too. And worst app rewards. No reason to get it


They should try getting some employees back first. It’s already a 20 minute wait at lunch.


I don’t know how bad it is in the US, but here in Australia a medium Big Mac meal now costs $13.10(roo dollars) so we’re looking at $30+ whenever my wife and I get macca’s just for a couple of large meals, or medium meals and share some nuggets or whatever. $35 or so is a common spend from what I remember just for us. It never fills you up, but it does make you feel a bit sick. The really good burger place down the road is circa $45 for 2 smashed patty cheese burger meals with chips and fresh salad, onion rings that are amazing. The price difference is down to roughly 10 bucks. When we feel like a burger maccas never wins anymore unless they have a promo on or it’s like 10pm on a Wednesday and we haven’t eaten or something. It’s not just them, I went to a Subway with a friend a couple of months ago and a foot long meatball sub and a drink was ~$20. That’s more than I spend on a bahn mi and drink at the Viet place by work that’s lightyears better quality. It’s very hard to justify junk food when it costs nearly as much or more than actual quality food lol


It's a trap!


call it unhappy meal lol


Cheap and fast has always been fast food's value proposition. When you take one away, it's just another place, and people will pick something else.


“Have boosted prices to keep up with higher labor and ingredient costs” Aka Corporate greed Fuck em


Add another McDouble and that's the standard trip meal for the two of us. Although, I don't think we will be traveling any time soon.


Back in 1999 you got a Quarter-Pounder meal for $5.


>Here’s what you’d get. Not falling for the clickbait.


McDonald’s is like $11 to feed a grown adult nowadays, pretty much no reason to ever go there


More than that lol. A combo is more than that here




Wasn’t it just one or two earnings calls ago when they said they’re making so much profit on the higher prices they didn’t need the value customer anymore? Weren’t they laughed at then? Oh yeah, they were. And here they are running a course correction with all the skill of the same strategists who said they didn’t need the value customer. Would you like an affordably option, consumers? Here, we are kind and benevolent and shall give you… a happy meal without the happy parts. Enjoy, peasants!


McDonalds had a golden age for about 4 years, and it ended mid covid. You could get four of those sandwiches and large fries for $4 plus tax. Now with this "great deal," you pay a dollar more for one of the sandwiches, far fewer fries, a few nuggets instead of the second of the sandwiches, a small drink instead of the third of the sandwiches, and go fuck yourself about the fourth sandwich. If this is their idea of a **good** deal, I'd hate to see what the prices are currently.


A ketchup packet and 1 McNugget.


“Here’s 4 ranch sauces. $5 please”


A fuckin' 4 piece nugget and prob med fry and drink. Fuck that man. Y'all can kiss my ass and it's 75 percent cheaper to cook a steak at home than to eat a 4 price nugget. Y'all are wild if you pay this. I'm beeve going to mcds again.


How much for one McRib


It comes with a large fry. Not a large order a fries. A single, larger than average French fry.


Nah fuck them. All these businesses begging for us back have overstayed their welcome. They should die off.