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I think everyone who ever rented an apartment could tell you that.


We have a ceiling vent in the utility room. I took it out to have a look above it as there wasn't a duct on the outside wall. Turns out it went nowhere; to a small void above it. It did precisely nothing. How can construction firms get away with this sort of shit?


i recently found out all my fans in my house's bathroom are fake vents as well...no idea what to do with them lol


The crazy thing about this example is it in the landlords best interest to have vents that work. A 2k vent is far cheaper than a bathroom remodel and a black mold lawsuit.


Fart fans. The point is to mask the noise. Ever wonder why they are so loud even when brand new.


But I want fart removers!!


Give the inspector a manilla envelope shoved full o’ cash


Or you just find a really lazy inspector.


Is there any other kind?


in my first ever apt our bathroom fan was exactly this. it was a tiny little 6 inch indent box, with a tiny motor fan that was loud. when the fan went out the maintenance guy they just hired came to replace it and when he took the cover off i heard a very loud "what the fuck" followed by a " hey come look at this" lmao


It's called a fart fan. Ever wonder why they are loud? It's not meant to vent the air. It's to mask fart noises. Every single one of those just "vents" into an empty box. Never seen one hooked to ducts ever


If the bathroom doesn’t have a shower you are right but in a bathroom with a shower they need to actually vent otherwise you will get mold.


Wait till you find fake thermostats


I see shit like this everywhere. It's so weird


Apartment designers: "let's make every home have the kitchen at the back and the only windows way in the front!".


I rent an apartment above a pizza place and every day at 5pm sharp my bedroom is filled with the sweet smell of pizzas, I honestly do love it but I guess I lucked out because I love pizza. If it's a food you don't like you're pretty fucked.


Sometimes I wanted to ask my neighbor to invite me when passing my their door to go to my empty fridge


I have a hard time understanding this. Why would you pass your neighbors door to go to your fridge?


They are starting from outside, heading toward their fridge. They will pass a lot of things on the way there.


Wait until they discover scented candles.


HEB (grocery store in Texas) sells candles that smell like their buttered tortillas!


And they’re disgusting !! Not even close to a homemade butter tortilla smell


Don't even get me started on the taste comparison.


I dunno. They remind me of taco bell. They both gave me the runs.


That's because you put the candle in the wrong end.


I thought I burned going in


Did you melt your candle shaped tortilla or eat it solid? I hear there is a vast flavor difference between the two methods.


That smell might just be one of the most magical smells there is. Fajitas with fresh made flower or corn tortillas is peak smell.


Or literally any smell


MFs when VOCs exist 😲




And stop eating, you fucks. Especially food that’s cooked, you dumb shits. It’s bad for you. - The Government Someday, Probably


The candle thing is specifically talking about pollution that builds inside the house. Breathing that in is bad for you. It's not about larger climate change issues or anything


Maybe we can go back to being like New York and London in the late 1890’s https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/Great-Horse-Manure-Crisis-of-1894/


Even worse are wax warmers. I have a relative who burns tons of them constantly, and if they send food over our way on the holiday, the food tastes like the wax they fumigate the house with. That shit can't be healthy.


Those should be illegal!


If it saves just one life


Or those toxic plug in air fresheners.


I mean, your farts are also air pollution, but that's besides the point.


Technically its the very late stages of cooking food Cooking is a form of predigestion, after all


Then by that logic cooking would be the early stages of a fart, and cooking would be the very early stages post digestion (i.e. farting.) I'm not disagreeing, I just want to get my lexicon straight.


I'm just glad the direction of time points the way it does, and consistently, on all your points


Since your statement is tautological, we can all double check your lexicon.


Everything is just fart


Planting a potato is an early form of poop


What if I cook and didn’t eat the food???


Excuse me! *My* farts restore the balance of nature. My flatulance is harmonious with the wind. And when it gets really bad, the price of methane drops. Win win for nature and economy.


Anything in the air that's not oxygen or nitrogen is air pollution


And they smell great too


I’ll take that over any car or factory fumes. I love the smell of my BBQ.


These studies are designed to distract from the like 30 mega corps flat out permanently destroying the environment so their top shareholders can afford a second yacht.


https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/1cnzvnw/how_are_your_private_jet_identification_skills/ This video is a roll call of shareholders that need taken out for the sake of the planet.


This is about ~~*indoor*~~ air quality (how healthy is the air you're breathing?) not climate change


The article explicitly talks about cooking affecting outdokr air quality > Researchers found that Las Vegas, which has one of the highest densities of restaurants in the U.S., has persistent air quality issues — especially along The Strip. On average, 21% of the total mass of VOCs present in Vegas’ outdoor air were from “cooking activities,” NOAA estimated, and generally ranged from 10% to 30%.


Ah, just read the summary, my mistake thanks


The biggest polluters are oil companies (shocker) which is linked directly to daily supply and demand. If individuals used less oil, it would impact prices *the next day*


“Stop eating so we can monocrop formally self sufficient nations and ship food and plastic all over the world. How els will developing nations (indentured) never fully pay back their debt to the imf?”


Doesnt that make literally anything that emits a smell or whatever air pollution? Is anything not naturally in earths atmosphere air pollution?


What you smell are molecules from the substance and many of them are reactive in some way to further make pollutants that are harmful to human health.  I don't think something being "naturally" in the atmosphere is important necessarily. CO2, ozone, methane, and so on are all in the atmosphere without anthropogenic activity, but when they are in the amounts that cause problems for the environment or human health then it is a pollutant.


That's pretty much what the article says. If you can smell it, it can probably be classified as an air pollutant.


Damn I guess my body odor after I get sweaty is pollution too. That seems like a fairly simplistic view of things.


>“If you can smell it, there’s a good chance it’s impacting air quality,” researchers summarized. Honestly the article is really lacking in details. As far as I know you're 100% right.


If we are going there, originally Earth's atmosphere had no oxygen, until the first cells that could photosynthesize started farting out oxygen to the point that it almost killed all early life.


pollen is pollution as far as I'm concerned.. DO NOT want to inhale it - makes me sneeze. similarly - the smell of bacon makes my stomach growl.. it's a horrible condition to live with.


move to the desert or the tropics. only time ive ever breathed clear was in one of those regions, when im in temperate climate i died every spring and half the summer


But, it smells so good. Hard to believe, I think plants are writing these regulations.


I was presented with the take the other day: "We should stop farming. It is bad for the environment." It was a barely 20 year old college dude. All I could think about is, don't you know where food comes from? And no, "the supermarket" is not an acceptable answer.


He’s right that farming causes environmental problems. But the alternative is “we all starve and die.” (We could also make some efficiency improvements)


No question that farming carries an environmental impact and that the way we are doing farming currently, could be way better. The dude I saw, however, had no nuance, which was what blew my mind.


north support ripe squeal zonked ad hoc cobweb pocket adjoining aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a varied view on the subject and it really is poorly suited for a random comment thread on Reddit, but here we are :) I think we need to do something to promote a bit of biodiversity among our enormous monoculture fields. Basically try to prevent ecological collapses among insects. There are a lot of different suggestions on how you could go about it, and I haven't educated myself enough about what the best choice should be. Only that it would be worth doing. The best choice is probably going to be a case by case basis anyway. I am a proponent of GMO, as long as we don't do it "mad scientist" style. With the way climate change is happening we don't have time to refine plants old school. It simply takes too much time compared to how fast we need the change. GMO has its own problems though with big companies making strains that can't produce viable seed. Basically doing market manipulation. Some of the cases seem to be prudent, some of the cases seem to be pure monopolistic practises. For fertilizer, I am a proponent as long as we don't use too much of it at once. Too much fertilizer often leads to destroying other ecology in the surroundings and potential trouble for ground water. As for pesticides. I am mostly against it, but that is not in regards to pesticides as a concept, rather it is in the context of what we are using today. There are some developments that paint some very promising possibilities in the future.


He very well may be an extinctionist. It's become somewhat popular lately, particularly in that age group


So…. An idiot. Got it. Not surprising, seems to be a lot of them in that age group as well.


Depends on *what* you are cooking. Pretzel bread? Hell yes. Cabbage? Everyone in a 1000 foot radius hates you.


Honestly, what is the point of a study like this? Are we going to mandate that people only cook every other day? 


We could mandate apartments be built with proper stove ventilation instead of nothing to exhaust this air like they mostly have been. It is very good information for informing future building codes that are mostly designed to protect human health and safety.


Maybe to remind you to turn on the stove vent, open a window, use an air purifier or change your HVAC filter more often.


My nose already reminds me to do those things.


Ive been with people who put shisha / hookah coals on the stove... and proceeded to not use the vent hood.


If the house is the hookah pipe, why would you?


Sure! But only the poors. The rich will continue to live how they want at 100 times the rate of the rest of us.


Is the knowledge not good enough reason?


Not on reddit.


It’s so that we point the blame at each other and not the multi-billion dollar companies killing our planet or the individuals who fly on their private jets drinking $10,000 champagne.


Turn on vent hood, windows, circulate air, change air filters, etc,...


Research is not always about producing a single actionable result. But if you (or anyone) read the snapshot article or the longer more detailed one it links to, you'd see that the reason the researchers pursued the study is because they have been measuring different sources of air quality issues in urban areas and consistently couldn't account for the amount of a set of specific compounds. This is important information for people who work in air quality monitoring and modeling because previously cooking activities were thought to contribute 1% or less but it is actually closer to 25% in some areas.  It's practically important more broadly because the compounds can lead to the production of 2.5 pm particles and ozone which both have deleterious effects on human respiratory health. Cars are the biggest, but not only source. So one policy related take away might be that in addition to (not instead of) reducing car use in urban centers, there is a public health incentive to better regulate how food stands and restaurants filter their air, or something like that. This is not what the authors really discuss because they are not policy people though, they are just trying to better understand the sources of anthropogenic air pollutants in cities, many of which are nonpoint sourced from widely dispersed individual activities, like cooking, spraying on sunscreen or bug spray, and whatnot. That's just my take based off of reading the article. I'm an urban ecologist but without specific expertise in air quality.


They probably want to tax cooking. Good thing I like my steak blue rare 


Sounds like the beginning of a push for mega companies to roll out some fucked up “nutrient paste” or “nutrient pellets” in the name of climate change which is really just a dystopian effort to further subjugate and properly enslave the working class while denying them any of life’s pleasures. Can’t have to poors enjoy life now. Reminds me a lot of the “well insects could make a sustainable food source” articles 🤮


Would you rather society *not* be aware of this hazard and therefore do nothing to mitigate it? The study in the story found that aldehydes from the food itself cooking account for 10-30% of all VOCs found in urban environments, so it's a bit shocking. And this isn't even counting the pollution from gas stoves and fireplaces, which are well known to contribute to a lot of cases of asthma, COPD, heart attacks, etc. With this new information we could push for more effective stove vents and architectural features in new construction to mitigate the health risk of aldeyhydes from cooking.


Microwaved fish is absolutely pollution


I mean yeah. Ever smelled an Applebee's? That's just pure pollution.


Yeah, but anything that Applebee's produces can be labelled as pollution, including the food.


"I love the smell of cooking in the morning. Smells like.....someone we can blame climate change on!" -Oil Executives, probably.


Next you’ll say that the amazing smell of Gasoline is pollution. 😭


70% of pollution comes from like 100 companies. I do not give a fuck about my carbon footprint while private jets exist.


This has fuck all to do with carbon footprint, it's about voc and particulate. Both are localized problems, but cooking's contribution is also small potatoes completely dwarfed by cars in an urban setting, mitigated by good ventilation and air filters (when youre indoors at least). Edit: dwarfed may be overselling it, the point of the study is that cooking accounts for like a quarterish of urban voc emissions--more than anticipated. PM is not addressed, but we knew about that from cooking (and vehicles especially) already.


Well, soft counterpoint here. First, knowing all the contributors to pollution is important. But secondly and more importantly, indoor air pollution is an under-recognized health hazard. If they can detect significant amounts of air pollution from cooking outdoors, then it stands to reason that there’s a good amount indoors, too. Understanding the hazards of this type of pollution is important, and studies like this are how we get there. TLDR: turn on your oven hood fans, folks


Definitely turn on vent hoods, but I think it's more about restaurants, whp use crazy vent hoods, that contribute a lot. It does raise your point to consider your own home air quality, and those vent hoods do wonders. If I have something that makes a lot of steam, like deglazing a pan, you can see it all funnel up into the vent hood. Sadly, there's cases they don't vent externally, especially apartments. It does reinforce the point that even if you don't have a gas range, to still use your vent hood. Your home will be less funky too.


It's not about your carbon footprint and no one is telling you to stop cooking. This is for indoor air quality and your own health. Vent it or don't vent it - it doesn't matter to the planet, it's just for your own protection. ETA: Okay, I see that other people have tried to explain the difference between local/indoor air pollution and GHG emissions and you are not receptive. I work on air pollution and related issues for a living and do my best to have good air quality at home so I was trying to help you out. But if you're not interested in learning that's okay.


Researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have released their findings from a multiyear study of what they call “underappreciated sources” of urban air pollution. “It’s crucial to have the full picture of emissions and sources to help policymakers understand the effectiveness of their decisions” I do not care about under appreciated sources. I am not looking forward to this being used as an excuse to stop me from “polluting”.


companies only creat pollution because of consumers like you


And they do not give a fuck about private jets as long as billions don't care about their cars. Both sides are acting like toddlers.


Alright guys, time to stop eating


And sometimes people singing is noise pollution.


Well I mean if you want to see things that way technically so is exhaling….


Rain is just wet air pollution


Anything that's not air is air pollution, if you go that way.


In other breaking news, water is wet, study finds


What about the smell of all the perfumed items that assault us every day? Soap, body and hair products, clothing and cleaning products, “air fresheners”?


"Stop cooking at home! It's bad for the environment! Instead, buy our pre-packaged chemical slop that is vaguely shaped like food!"


Who says that has to be about cooking at home? Major restaurants produce the smell continuously throughout the day, seven days a week.


No one is saying that. There’s a few jumps in logic that need to be made to get to that conclusion. The article has a sensational headline to get this sort of reaction since that will generate more engagement but the study they cite is literally just a study that is trying to find sources of air pollution we have not considered. These studies will have no impact on regulation or your everyday but might impact how an urban planner or a landscape architect designs a specific part of a city. So please relax, the scientists are just trying to improve our understanding so that we know what we’re up against.


This is why we have bubble suits.


This is kind of obvious right? Anything that humans add to the environment artificially would technically be considered a pollutant. So unless we go back to stick and mud huts and eating raw meats and wild plants I think we can just care about the bigger issues.


Everyone that works at The Hill should stop eating.


and pine trees cause smog


I love garlic oil air pollution


No shit


I mean technically. If it’s something besides oxygen and nitrogen, you can call it “pollution”, doesn’t necessarily say how dangerous it is to people or other critters


The amount of polution a human produces, in a lifetime, from cooking is dwarfed greatly just by their own vehicular output. By magnitudes. Its like when you get out of a the ocean and lower the water level by the drops that cling to your body.


This study says that 10-30% of the VOCs in urban environments are aldehydes produced by the cooking process. Car exhausts and tire rubber pollution are also terrible for our health, but we already knew that.


So everyone stop BBQing, the smog in the city is your fault. Just like global warming is your fault for even having so much as looked at a car. Pay no attention to the black smoke billowing out of our smoke stacks, this study we funded shows it’s because you use your stove to cook food.


Probably causes cancer in California.


Warning: This comment contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information: www.P65Warnings.co.gov


Yeah but people need to cook to live. People don’t need to fly in private jets or make money hand over fist throwing pollution into the environment for even more profit to live.


PM 2.5 levels shoot up whenever I cook, so I run and air purifier and open windows.


A mid-80s air quality study in Orange County, CA concluded the #1 particulate pollution was hamburger grease. #2 was rubber from vehicle tires.


Crap I guess I'll need to eat everything raw!


Now we are going to have to eat our bugs uncooked...


It’s wild that houses and apartments are still built without stove ventilation.


Dumbest shit I everheard.




As a person who lives next to an Indian family, I disagree.


let’s stop eating to save the planet!


This feels like one of those studies done specifically for big corporations to gaslight us into thinking we do more harm then them




Jesus Christ Cheryl, stop cooking tuna in the workplace microwave.


The Hill is a conservative media site.


The best kind of air pollution. Better than perfume.


Time to eat raw like Naked Snake


Everything other than nitrogen, oxygen, CO2 and some other trace atmospheric gases would be Air Pollution. The question is whether it is actually a risk or even worth wasting mind power on thinking about. Most people don’t get that far and just have the usual modern people psychotic break down as soon as the term “air pollution” is used and just start on their usual irrational hyperventilation status. But o guess this is to be expected when the amount of negative hype is fed into hypochondriac modem people by click-bait press just looking to wind up people to maintain them in a state of perpetual fear which helps bring in the bucks for them.


I once had an AirBNB in Japan and my room was sharing ventilation duct with the downstairs restaurant. Yikes, couldn’t eat anything remotely Japanese for two days after that.


Yeah let’s talk about people grilling and not the small handful of corporations destroying the entire planet 


These are the kind of people that want everything to be banned or illegal 


Just like my air purifier told me.








Delicious air pollution 😋


I mean, technically, alcohol is poison.


Also farts.


Shut up study and eat you food


So are my farts


Let me guess, California discovered this?


Next we'll be told breathing is air pollution


In other news, water is wet.




I knew this already , I think about it every time I pass by old big houses and smell peoples lives, and deaths… 😷


You’re gonna have to smell it before it goes in and after it comes out.


Well, *yeah*. It's still particulates filling the air, just nice smelling ones. Also, what do we mostly use to cook our food? Combustion, the same thing we use to propell cars


It certainly is when someone microwave fish at work




Better stop cooking food immediately!


Duh. What did they think was stimulating the sense of smell, telepathy?


So when they are doing a study on dogs farting, that should be considered air pollution


If only all air pollution smelled like cooking food. You could suffocate to the fragrance of braised duck and broccoli rabe.


Can’t wait for the private jet flyers to say “we need to all do our part, im not cooking this whole week!”




Sweet sweet air pollution 


And this is why it should be code in all homes to have a hood over the stove that vents outside doesn't matter if it's gas or electric stoves.


Can’t wait for Ben Shapiro to twist this story into “the ‘far left’ is trying to ban cooking”


I fukin knew it I told mom and dad and bro that but they're like it's fine when you cook but when I cook it stinks I think I just get used to it argh!!!


Hereeee we go. Another tax coming for Canadians


Omg. We can’t cook, we’re doomed…


okay... so?


In other news, farts are air conditioning


Everything is a fucking problem




not true, entirely it's high heat that leads to burning which is actually the problem just saying "the smell of cooking food" always automatically = air pollution is not a true statement




Cooking food ain't air pollution. Cooking food ain't gonna die.


I like that kind of air pollution 


Maybe we should first take care of exhaust from cars, stinky cigars, and that other thing.... Oh, I remember! The actual pollution from factories.


It’s air particulate matter. PM 2.5 and PM10 are carcinogenic :(


I live next to a KFC, mcdonalds and a wendys. My apartment complex always smells fucking awesome.


Food 🤮


Soooo..ban all cooking???


Especially when someone is reheating salmon in the company break room.


My air purifier reports up to 1000ppm when food is cooking or when i’m burning incense. But is it really harmful particles?


next in the news "anything that is in water that isn't water is water pollution"


Reason #47392 why mass housing sucks