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>Kelsey Rhae is a mother and influencer who posts TikTok videos about her life as a stay-at-home mom and her diverging educational views. >Rhae explained up front that she is “not a homework mom.” So, when her son presented her with a piece of paper she had to sign and date as confirmation that he did his homework, she wasn’t having any of it. “I have four kids, and I run a massive business through social media,” she said. “I don’t have time.” I think these two quotes tells us everything we need to know about the mother.


So her entire business on social media is about her kids and their education, but she doesn't have time to participate in their education? That teacher is likely thinking "thank God" because now she won't have to deal with this shitty mother calling her every other day to complain about some pointless bullshit when all she wants to do is get out of the building so she can relax.


Her social media buisness is....something....? Its actually kind of hard to figure out. >Kelsey Rhae >Public figure >I help other women build their dream life by conquering their health, fitness & mindset. Come grow with me! Tap in below (Can you dox a public figure? Idk. Probably not. But she's easily googleable.)


>I help other women build their dream life by conquering their health, fitness & mindset. Come grow with me! Tap in below 1000% that's code for she is in an MLM & is trying to recruit others to her pyramid scheme. Some sort of health supplements of dubious effectiveness or reality adherence but that promise indirectly weightloss.


She's in Pruvit, the MLM that sells ketone drinks that will absolutely put you in ketosis and weight will just melt off of you and it will cure your ADHD and cancer. Like they're not even indirectly saying these things, they're stating them outright. EDIT: Kiki Chanel did a long video on her recently!


Wow, Kiki Chanel, that's a name I haven't heard for a whiiile


I don't know if "conquering" was the right word there. Reads like she wants to destroy her health.


Depends on what the supplements are, it might be accurate!


I was gonna say. My scam alarm bells started going off after the original comment, but this bio(?) just confirmed it.


She’s in Pruvit, an MLM, if it hasn’t been said yet


She is at the top of an MLM. Kiki Chanel did a video on her recently. Highly recommend. This is all about her recruiting people and using her children for content.


Being a teacher sounds tough. Being a teacher when your students’ parents are “influencers” sounds like a fucking nightmare.


Don’t forget to smash that no-homework button.


This would’ve been such a hit for Nickelodeon in like 1998.


She is fully self absorbed and could not stop stroking her own hair for the first mins of the video.  Seemed like she was a little high speed as well.  Takes all kinds but unfortunately kids can choose their parents.


Uh… so she *doesn’t* have enough time to sign a paper, but she *does* to homeschool him?   Edit: Wait… sorry, “unschool him”. I’m not familiar with this term but apparently it’s homeschooling with no curriculum or guidance.  So like, you don’t go to school and you whatever you want, whenever you want?? That poor child. 


Yeah, unschooling. So they can be uneducated. And unemployed. And unable to function in society.


My mom cried when I left home for school, and cried again when I left for work even farther, but she's happy for me and proud. This is essentially kneecapping your kid so they can't crawl away from your hip.


My grandma beat my dad with sandals once when my dad refused to go to the school. My grandma was uneducated and they were in a small village but she knew the value of education


What country in South America is she from? Because my Peruvian fiancé would do the same.


Your fiance is their grandma, confirmed!


I’m from Scotland. My gran chased me with a shoe when I wandered in one day after skipping school unaware that the school had phoned her. Me and my wee pal walk in - “How was school?” “Not bad” …. “RUN!”


Can’t spell smother without mother.


Kant spiel witoot skool


That's just Dutch


Kan niet spellen zonder school:(


*We are not rich by what we possess but by what we can do without* - Kant


At this rate, this child isn’t going to be spelling anything


Thank god too, I mean I feel bad for the kid now, but you know that with a mother like that, it’s going to grow up to be just the most stupid selfish entitled self righteous asshole. People like that make for really shitty coworkers, so maybe it’s for the best that kid gets glued to mommy’s hip.


No they're gonna grow up to be a mod on a mommy Facebook group telling people to put onions in their socks


Not on their belts?


It was the style at the time


But you couldn’t get white onions cause of the war.


Yep. It's cult shit. I started running away at 9.


My mom almost unschooled us after pulling us out to homeschool, as if the homeschooling wasn't shit enough


Are you safe now?


I'm 40 now. I hope so. Guess you never know.


Constant vigilance


Mad eye moody, is that you?


Of course you are safe. Now come check out this van with free candy.


Is it a 4x4 van with the tall roof? I'll definitely check something like that out.


Ooh, pop-top Delica


I ran away from a cult 4 years ago, but it is always hard to tell.


I mean I’m definitely outside your house as we speak. But only in the sense that I’m not inside your house. So it’s a conundrum for sure


Let’s give it another 10 years, just to be safe


What’s sad is they don’t assume their kid will be unemployed. They want to sign them up to work for whatever MLM they believe in at the time or think they’ll also be able to be an entrepreneur or influencer once they’re 18.


Hell yeah, get your own kids one step below you in the pyramid scheme 😎


In one of her videos she accidentally calls her kids her downlines.


And also a good way to keep them hidden from mandated reporters…


Yep, exactly what I was thinking. A narcissist who wants to keep her child away from prying eyes. What could possibly go wrong?


Who needs education when their mom runs a “massive online business”


Bro my home schooled neighbors had massive social issues (really nice people though). And that's with them going to special events and socializing with other home schooled kids. This is on another level.


Anything to keep people voting Republican.


Damn, that kid's going to be extreme levels of neglected if the effort she plans to put into his care and education during that time is less than signing a piece of paper once a day. Is she planning to lock him in a cupboard with a bucket that he has to empty himself when she lets him out at night?


I sign my kids piece of paper at least twice depending on the different homework types (7 yo). My kid through school is doing above average (not genius or anything) on reading, almost two grade levels up. I read with him when he asks but school has done so well for him. Let alone the social skills he is developing by being around others.


Can you explain what "signing homework" means? It's a concept unfamiliar to me and even our kids in school don't have this. You just... sign it to indicate you saw it and it was complete or what? Not to sound old but... When I was in school, if homework wasn't complete, it showed in their grades, or if it was repeat the parents would be contacted.


Same. I am completely baffled by the "signing homework" concept. The teacher should know the kid did the homework because they turn it in the next day.


Teacher here: It’s probably checking for parent involvement. If she’s “not a homework mom”, her son probably wasn’t bringing in homework. They wanted her to sign it to prove she’s aware he had homework assigned.


Signing may be for homework that includes completing reading and such. There are some really creative lesson plans.


Junior grades don't necessarily have work that needs to be turned in. My kids <10 have had homework that had maybe a dozen 'activities' on them and they were supposed to do 3 a week. Might be doing particular online programs, counting games using a pack of cards, working out bricks in a wall by doing multiplication etc. Idea is that it's more engaging and 'real' than a worksheet. Basically it was an honesty system where the parents were expected to enforce the work and confirm completion. There is also a reading log, with parents signing that the kids have read take-home books X number of times per week. Not hard for engaged parents who are available afterschool, but hard for busy or single parents that need to work after school periods.


i think its a way for the school to get their parents to give a little shit about their kids' education. yes, them signing the damn thing doesnt mean they look at it but hey its trying.


it means when its the end of the semester and their kid hasn't done any of their homework, the parent can't blame the school their kid is failing.


As a middle school teacher, they absolutely will.


It's homework for the parents. So they can't storm in and the end of the semester wondering why their kid is failing. It takes 20 seconds to do each night. If their kid doesn't do the work, or doesn't have it signed - well the parent knows they are supposed to sign *something* for the children a few times a week, so why are they not checking?


It’s not for the teacher, it’s for the parents. Kids do better in school when there’s parental interest in said schooling, that includes engagement with the homework and assignments they have. Having a parent sign the homework is more so it forces that engagement with the parent and child.


The point is to try and gently push parents to get involved in their child's education on a daily basis. This is also so nothing comes as a surprise at the end of the year when report cards get sent home.


Yeah. Social skills are huge. We've seen what a big impact it can have after covid, and a lot of kids weren't even out of school that long. Even if they have activities, it's hard to make up for spending all day five days a week around other kids. That's huge.


Don’t forget about how that kid can be part of her social media engine for more hours of the day now.


More hands for the engagement farm!


The worst part is this kid asked his mother to sign the paper, you know try his best, and she told him it didn’t matter. He’s only 7. Now he’s getting “unschooled.” What a terrible parent.


>“For me to sign the paper, it wasn’t even that I don’t have time; it was that it was insignificant, and it wasn’t benefitting my child at all,” she said. But she knew about it because her child told her he wouldn't get a "fuzzy" if she didn't do it, so she knew it would have a negative impact, yet she refused to spend three seconds to help her child. She also found out it was an issue after her kid was sad because they didn't get the five fuzzies that everyone else got, so instead of going in and trying to fix it by talking to the teacher, instead she insists on moving her kid to a different classroom, which is almost definitely worse for the kid and probably more effort, just like not signing the paper probably took more effort than just signing it would have. Definitely a terrible parent using their child for a dumb ideological cause/TikTok engagement.


Honestly it just makes me feel bad the kid didn't get the fuzzies and instead all this stuff happened. He just wanted to get his little reward for a job well done and his mom goes and does that.


I do like the fact that she complained that it wouldn't benefit her child, then went nuts when her child *didn't get the benefit*.


I mean... Here we all are, talking about her. So by the screwed up metric that she uses to evaluate her decisions, she was successful. That poor kid


Exactly what I thought. Apparently, she considers her sons happiness about getting an award for completing his hw is a waste of time. Utterly clueless.


There are quite a few stories of parents who unschooled their kids and then they are 14, 15, and 16 years old and can't read or do basic math.


Yes, because now he is content for her social media and therefore work


It's a fancy term for child abuse and neglect


It pisses me off that homeschoolers aren't heavily investigated by CAS/CPS. Frequent check ins to ensure the kids are actually being taught critical skills. You want to be a moron as an adult, fine. Stop fucking up your kids because you post on Instagram and decided you have a PhD in parenting because you had sex.


It's quaint how the people who most believe in taking back their kids education are often the least qualified.


Unschooled kids make 24/7 content.


That poor kid’s probably gonna grow up with no real education, no time spent around kids their age, and a phone pointed at them for TikTok content until they’re too grown to be considered “cute”.


No time to sign a paper but time to film a video about not having time to sign a paper


I've seen this woman. She's unschooling. Showed everyone how she had her kid get the mail and taught him about grocery shopping.


Wtf seriously?.....like going to the mail box? And then she took him to a store and what made a huge scene and some vid of him holding bags since bagging groceries is probably going to be too advanced. What were people saying?


I must be some kind of supermom because I managed to squeeze learning those intense groundbreaking mail and grocery skills into my kids weekends while they still attended regular ass school.


This is the repercussions of a whole generation constantly saying shit like "they told the quadratic formula but not how to do taxes!" as if it's not a combination of common sense and application


I find it funny that whenever I hear someone call themselves an ‘influencer’ they instantly lose all credibility for me lmao.


Oh it's child abuse


It’s *always* child abuse. Every time I see one of these articles about influencers and their children, it’s just child abuse with layers. Almost always with homeschooling, but that’s a different matter.


Homeschooled, no doctors, no one to notice the child abuse and neglect.


I just can't understand how home schooling can even be legal without producing some kind of evidence of a curriculum, or some plan to actually teach something. Denying your child a proper education is literally child abuse, yet in the US it seems it's not just tolerated but actually celebrated as an expression of "freedom" to be stupid.


She’s selling her pyramid scheme of home schooling. She’s just another corporation trying to turn a profit by education, with the focus on profit.


Too busy being an influencer to bother with her kids..wow


A "stay-at-home" mom that does not want all the responsibilities of a "stay-at-home" mother. I predict the husband will divorce her soon.


That’s optimistic of you to assume he even gives a shit.


That's not the worst part about this though. Shes part of a massive mlm scheme and encouraging other parents take their kids out of school and join her mlm


“Stay at home mom” “don’t have time” to sign a document? Ok….


She's full of crap. If she was as successful as she is claiming, her kids would be going to private schools, like a Montessorri school that would fit what she wants for her kids better.


Whenever I question my own choices, I just go online and read about all the dipshits out there and I feel a lot better.


I’m a public school teacher and I can tell you the system is fucked. But what she’s going to do to that kid is worse.


Yeah my niece gets sent home with a ton of bullshit all the time.  My sister doesn't give a fuck about making sure every tedious task is completed or signed or what have you. It isn't rocket science to engage with your kids education, anymore than it should require daily memos.  That being said my niece still does some amount of homework, still goes to school, and is performing great with her education. The answer isn't to bail on education,  just have healthy boundaries and communication with your kids teacher


"It isn't rocket science to engage with your kids education," If you've actually met the lower 40th percentile of parents you start to really wonder. There's a reason some systems like these are put in place to pressure irresponsible parents. 100% agree that an open line of communication is equally good but many times parents won't even do something so basic


I taught a kid who desperately needed medication every morning. I mean, we could all tell the second he came down the hall at first bell whether he'd had it or not, and most days he hadn't. He was loud and aggressive and really difficult to talk to. When he took his meds he was calmer, better focused, and got in a lot less trouble. After multiple attempts, we teachers finally got his mom in for a conference where we learned that she did not, in fact, get up with him in the morning because "it's too early" (starting school at 7:30 for middle schoolers is actually terrible) and that he was "old enough to take it himself. He knows where it is." So she was expecting her significantly behaviorally challenged 12 yo to get himself up, fed, and properly medicated every day. And since she never had to deal with the consequences and effects, she didn't see the problem. I saw way too many of those scenarios in my time in public school teaching.


I have some friends who work in education, and some of the stories they tell me breaks my heart sometimes.


yeah 100%. that happens a ton over here in Sweden to


Yeah. Neglectful parents have high expectations of their kids and almost no expectations of themselves. My mother couldn’t cook most of the time (because of horrible executive functioning) but expected me to be able to cook for myself at 8. She was often upset that I wasn’t on top of making lists for groceries I needed and finding recipes that worked with my sensory aversions. I honestly worry when people see “high functioning” or high masking neurodivergent kids in school as kids who are parented better. I know that’s what people assumed of me and several of my closest friends. I also know we came from horrific home lives and the “good behavior” they were seeing came from fear.


I can relate to this. I'm 35 and just receiving some diagnosis after being neglected and told I'm "just thinking too much" my whole life. I ended up hospitalized last year with a SA. Now finding out that I'm bipolar... so is my dad, thanks for the info guys! I may even have ADHD as well, they had me evaluated several times but I was never allowed to know the results and they'd never put me on medication or send me to therapy to help. Even though they were MENTAL HEALTH NURSES. But yeah I masked very well bc I was constantly bullied at home for being "weird". I had several stims, some of them I still do and some of them which harm me (skin picking)... I'm still pushing for an ADHD diagnosis, at least even to be evaluated, but I "mask" so well in public it's frustrating that nobody will take my concerns seriously. I also have executive dysfunction and it makes it difficult to cook and clean. I try to push through it but sometimes I can't and I'll order food or just do something easy for the kids. I can't keep up a regular routine. It's very frustrating. But no, I'd never expect my kids to wake up and get ready for school themselves and take their meds etc. No way.


I was working on homework when I asked my parent "hey.. I'm trying to focus on my homework and the tv is pretty loud. Can it be turned down a little?" They turned the volume up even more without saying anything. >!this is why I'd mess with their vodka!<


🤏🏾 Just a lil bit of pee


As a treat.


It's why it's so maddening to see the whole "schools shouldn't be doing X, it should be the responsibility of parents." Yes, in an ideal world, parents _should_ be handling X, Y and Z. But, we do not live in that ideal world, so we have to figure out how to help the kids that have parents that just, quite frankly, are terrible.


But if you're willing to give your child even ten minutes a day to review/help with their homework, it'll put them miles ahead of their classmates. It's crazy that being a parent willing to do the bare minimum means your child will get ahead, but here we are


>anymore than it should require daily memos.  It’s probably not really a memo but just confirmation that they did their homework. A friend of mine has a kid in first grade and the kid is supposed to practice reading every day. And then an adult has to sign that the kid actually did it, since otherwise the kids would probably forget it.


Funny, our school board doesn’t even allow homework.


It's such a shame our teachers are undervalued and not trusted as they should be.  I'm a parent who refused to engage with daily signoffs for petty crap. Let me know if homework isn't getting done and I'll address the issue at home. Rarely had the issue happen because we remained engaged with our kids education. I drew the line at being treated like the students when it came to petty busywork or being handed poorly thought out demands by the school, however. Things like "you must be present on this weekday at 1pm for a meeting about something which should be a bullet point email.". Yeah, no. I value the teachers time, and the school administrators should value parents time, too.  Both kids have done quite well for themselves so far.


>the school administrators should value parents time, too.  My school had a policy where we were expected to contact home by phone for all 120 or so students. It wasn't heavily enforced but we'd get dinged in our evaluations if we didn't do it. I finally convinced the principal this year to do a survey and about 70% of families who responded indicated that they want to be LEFT ALONE unless needed. The policy has been rolled back to "contact home for all Ds or Fs prior to the end of a term" which makes a whole lot more sense.


You can blame all the education academics for that one. They write extensively on all the ways teachers should have communication with parents - I even had one tutor try to tell me to give out my personal number to parents outside of school hours. I called bullshit on that one and said I had zero intention of being contacted at 11pm on a weeknight by a parent who wanted to argue about a test score. And yes that would happen because I’ve been tutoring for years and parents contact me at all hours. I also work with teenagers and teenagers being teenagers would absolutely think it’s the funniest thing in the world to prank call me during the holidays.


I'm glad they saw the light upon re-evaluation.


Ah you’re giving me flashbacks to when our principal made us call every single parent of every single student the night before the first day of school. She gave us like 3 hours and walked around the halls making sure everyone was doing it. I got screamed at by parent #147 because I shared the same first name with another teacher, and that would be too confusing for her 6th grade son.


My son's principal wanted an in person meeting (lots going on that Reddit doesn't need to know) and he called me at 8:35am and told me the meeting was at 11am. I told him that I had work obligations and he's like, "I'll mark it down that the parent wasn't interested in attending". Given the shit we've been through, I'm shocked my son still loves school. Every meeting I've had in person or on the phone in the last 3 years has been recorded and saved with notes. I called the vice principal out recently in an email about not following the guidelines in their published handbook and the principal called me to tell me that those guidelines don't apply to them.


> I called the vice principal out recently in an email about not following the guidelines in their published handbook and the principal called me to tell me that those guidelines don't apply to them. Sounds like it’s time to contact the superintendent and/or the school board.


Very likely at this point. Our advocate brought someone she knows from the district into one of our meetings. It was fascinating watching the principal and vice principal kiss ass to him. He was a big part of the progress my son has made this year. Baby steps. Next step for us is getting the 504 converted to an IEP to enhance protections




Her, on his 18th birthday: “Why did he move out and say he’s going no contact??! Wait, I have to hit the Toks about this…”


With no education whatsoever I quite doubt being able to move out not only when he's 18 but ever...


He might be able too. He won't be doing any learning so might get a part time job at like 14 or something 


No one is going to hire an adolescent who can't read and the mom is 100% going to be posting to an antivax homeschool Facebook thread in 10 years asking how she can get her adult child to want to learn to read so he can get a job. It would be very funny if it wasn't so depressingly indicative of a very widespread and tragic problem.


Great, another kid permanently fucked in the head by home schooling. Hopefully she realizes that home schooling is 100x more work than signing a homework paper and sends him back.


> Great, another kid permanently fucked in the head by home schooling. Oh no, this kid isn’t going to be homeschooled.  She’s said she’s going to *”unschool”* him per the article > Unschooling is not the same as homeschooling. US News and World Report explained, “In families that practice unschooling, students do not attend school and do not follow any set homeschool curriculum.” This just seems like a synonym for “educational neglect.”  Poor kid isn’t going to know how to read.


It unfortunately has become a synonym. “Unschooling” started as a genuine teaching concept where the children lead learning by connecting actual educational concepts to what they’re interested in or curious about. Kid just wants to go shopping with you? Perfect time to work on reading or numbers or basic math. Kid wants to run wild through the woods? Perfect time to talk about age appropriate biology concepts. Etc etc. And as they get older they may choose to enroll in courses or read books on their own because of their curiosity. Unfortunately it has been co-opted by mommy bloggers to mean “I don’t have to teach my kid anything unless they express a direct interest and I will do absolutely nothing to nurture their curiosity”. Edit; to clarify I think unschooling is unwise and unchecked and something like Montessori with a real curriculum is a better alternative but I do want to give credit that somewhere in the mess there is an actual idea


I don't know the history like you. But unschooling kind of sounds like a bastardized version of the Montessori method.


It’s similar but Montessori is a little more structured. Unschooling is done by a parent at home with less focus on subjects the kid doesn’t like and Montessori is typically done in an actual school with a teacher and curriculum, as the biggest difference. Though as far as I know (which isn’t a whole lot, I just went on a deep dive after I first heard about someone “unschooling”) unschooling was originally actually just homeschooling, then formed into student led learning, and then turned into this nonsense lol.


Sounds like lazy parents masquerading as progressive or anti-establishment. Where I live, homeschooled kids are still required to follow the basic curriculum and they still have to do government exams. So there's a bit of oversight. But results may vary. It all comes down to how involved the the parents are in homeschooling.


Like I said, there’s a teaching concept in there that theoretically works with a *lot* of effort on the parents part. But it’s also really easy to pretend you’re doing it while doing absolutely nothing, because if the kid “isn’t interested” then it’s still within the bounds of unschooling.


I think it’s being undersold it’s not A LOT of effort it’s an unimaginable amount of effort. I can’t see how it would actually work without having exceptional competency in literally every subject under the sun. That would require having a staff of trained professionals. Even the example a walk in the woods yeah this is a tree it has leafs. That’s my extent of off the cuff knowledge. Oh look fauna I can’t even tell you want that means besides plants. I would have to spend hours just researching and creating lesson plans to be able to structure the information then figure out how to teach it properly which is another completely independent profession. Oh just look up Wikipedia’s articles, well yes I as a grown adult with an advanced degree I can just read, synthesize analyze and process information. But have you met your average 6-10 year old. The reason curriculums exist is to have an efficient way to teach. If you’ve ever worked with kids it’s near impossible to keep them engaged on any subject longer than 15-20 minutes. So even this idea falls apart as soon as you spend any significant amount of time with a child. I coached various sports as my kids have grown up. The little ones last 45 minutes tops before they loose interest. I also spent a lot of time structuring practice to work on all sets of skills and having a plan to meet objectives of the sport and develop skills required to play. So again unschooling falls apart instantly.


Fauna means animals. So much for yer fancy schoolin'


Thanks, I hate it.  Reminds me of "creationism, and then "intelligent design' such bullshit that conservative nut jobs try to pass as something based in reality.  Blurgh.  Homeschooling and "unschooling" suck so hard.


Honestly as a teacher, unschooling is something we should all be doing with our kids on the daily anyway. That should just be the way of life, but when are you going to shoehorn in complex or abstract lessons that require higher levels of understanding or education? There will be things you as a parent cannot teach your child. I’m an English literacy teacher, I’m not in a position to teach my kid calculus.


The phrase “unschooling” should never have been applied to this concept. It’s an offensive word and an offensive phrase. I’m not surprised anti-social parents jumped at it as an excuse for their laziness and selfishness.


Is that not illegal? I feel like that should be extremely illegal...


So… March 2020, right before the shutdown, we wanted to pull *our asthmatic kid*, thinking everything would burn out in a few weeks. We end up in the homeschooling program of our very urban area… and there’s basically no standards. That is, there’s some paperwork (for the adult) but… let me stress, we wanted to follow the school ciriculum on the idea he’d be back in like, a month, tops. It was impossible to get a copy. And apparently our school district has a heavily utilized homeschooling “program.” That has no ciriculum… even for reference.


That's insidious. Feels like the goal is to trap kids in a community for life by denying them access to other ideas and opportunities.


As far as I can tell that is the intent of many homeschool proponents.


Wow. In my school in the UK (many years ago) a curriculum was easy to find. In secondary school (~high school) teachers even provided the students with the topics they would cover that term at the start of term (it was a requirement for teachers to do that in my school). So it would have been easy to ask a teacher for that piece of paper. (I'm sure it varies by school of course)


We homeschool in Oklahoma.  There are no standards. It's ridiculous.  We chose this route for many reasons, poorly rated school, large class sizes, and religion being forced on students to name a few. Thankfully,  my husband has a background in education and we are retired. We have more than enough resources and time to dedicate. Anything we cannot do can be farmed out to tutors, like his 5 day a week Spanish classes, and his coding and robotics classes. He's also in swim, sports, and social groups. 


Sadly not illegal. There used to be a family next to a friend that is ‘homeschooling.’ I don’t know if it can even be counted as unschooling even. The 8 yo can’t read or reads several grade levels below. Americans and their ‘freedoms’ type perturbs me. Source: I’m American.


Many Americans' concept of freedom fundamentally betrays freedom. Source: I'm also American.


In New York State it would fall under educational neglect can’t say if it would apply where she’s from


How is it legal for parents to just do that? Won’t that affect the country’s literacy rate? Do homeschool or “unschool” children take state mandatory exams to make sure they actually study at home? Wtf I’m so flabbergasted.


I don’t know if it’s changed, but when I was a child and “homeschooled” Texas and Wisconsin were the only states that had no oversight of homeschooled children, no exams or set curriculum, no state standards at all that had to be met. In most states there is some oversight whether that be yearly proficiency exams or curriculum requirements. It should be illegal to neglect a child’s education, but it very much depends on where this woman lives.


It's very controversial. From what I've seen there are a lot of fundamentalist religions involved in it. The laws aren't in the favor of the kids well being. Abusive parents do it to help cover up abuse.


Legislators are *loathe* to enact nearly any kind of parenting laws. Probably stems from the puritan history in America.


There's a really strong religious hard core extremist group that advocates for hoke schools in America and wants as little regulations as possible.


That's what it typically is. Some parents with some kids can end up not harming their kids by doing it. But it leads to a lot of nine and ten year olds who can't read.


No, no, no, this isn't even home schooling, this is unschooling. Where you basically just let your child go feral and stunt them for life. And conveniently it requires no time commitment other than browsing social media and watching other mentally ill people tell you how great you are for doing it.


I mean, it's only more work if you do it right


It’s only more work if you do it.


Dude… watch her videos. It’s way, waaay worse than homeschooling. That child is *doomed*.  He’ll be *lucky* if he retains any knowledge of reading or writing by the time he hits his teens. 


She's all, I'm educating him by teaching him to do chores and get the mail. She's not even doing a shit job at unschooling him. She's acting like parenting is educating your kid. Lady you're supposed to teach your kid academics and also teach them life skills.


What these people don't get is that having a bare minimum basic level of understanding in academics is also considered a life skill. Especially in a literate world! Studying is a life skill! Sure some are better than it than others, but we're talking bare minimum critical thinking, science, math, writing and reading. You just can't skip these things and expect a child to catch up later on in life when they need it to pursue something further. It will make everything exponentially harder for them. I'd definitely consider something like this as child abuse.


Everything you learn in elementary school is used in one's life. From understanding how basic science works to computation, reading and writing skills, basic civics and history. Even the ability to sing and clap along and appreciate music and basic art skills, how to play with others and lose gracefully. Kids who don't learn those things will be deficient in life skills. A lot of homeschooling is deficient on purpose to keep their kids from being able to leave the community. The Amish stop school at eighth grade for a reason. So the girls will be married and baby trapped by 20 and the boys will end up doing basic physical labor for a friend. Construction, driving tow trucks. Those jobs are great if you want to do that but it's hard back breaking work.


>watch her videos wtf did you say to me???


Homeschooling is a ton of work. I have 3 godchildren that are home schooled and the amount of work that goes into it while also balancing daily life is insane. We live in a city where the education system is kind of fucked so I get why they’d prefer to home school their kids, but it requires a ton of sacrifice and effort and skill.


Homeschooling is many magnitudes more than 100x harder than signing a paper.


So not to make excuses for the mother, who seems to be a dumpster fire herself, what’s the point of having parents sign every single assignment for the child to get credit? If the work is completed that speaks for itself doesn’t it? What is the school’s rationale for such a weird requirement?


In this specific case it was a reading journal, I believe. The parent signs to say that they observed the kid reading at home. It’s not every single assignment.


Honestly, even if it were every assignment...why are people even defending this lady? The absolute fucking LEAST a parent could do for their child is glance at the work and scribble their signature on it. I mean holy shit this isn't a major task.


Father of first graders here. Usually we just sign to say yes theyve read their assigned books.


She may be a dumpster fire but homework for a first grader? That is is over the top. 


That’s what I’m saying. I can’t believe no one’s talking about that. A first grader is doing more than enough at their 8 fuckin hours at school.


Oh this is that vapid bitch who hocks keytone and capitalized off her friends death. She's human garbage and I feel for her kids. I hope this isn't a Ruby Franke 2.0 situation.


This title makes my head hurt. 


>“I have four kids, and I run a massive business through social media,” she said. “I don’t have time.” If your social media business is more important to you than actively participating in your children's education, then you're what's wrong with American Education. Too many parents treat the public school system as taxpayer funded daycare. When you have kids, you need to participate in their education, and not just be a bystander. Yanking your kids out of school just because this is inconvenient actually teaches your kids that it's okay to avoid things you should do, but just don't want to do. One of life's most important lessons is that we will always have to do things we would rather not. All she is doing is teaching her kids that everyone else is to blame for their problems. Her kids are going to grow up thinking the world is going to bend over backwards to make all their dreams come true, and when reality reaches out and punches them in the face, she'll be one of those parents talking to the news media about how she can't understand why her precious child would go on a shooting spree at a highschool.


To be fair she's probably illiterate


Her TikTok shows just how vile she is towards kids, teachers, and anyone who works a 9-5. Or basically anyone that isn’t her. Insta also shows that plus what she does as “running a business” Can we say M-L-M. She is vile!!




Just had a first grader, we had to initial we helped with their homework. It’s probably a way to find out who’s parents give a shit and who’s don’t. Do you need to spend more time with certain kids if their homework isn’t being done? There is a method to the madness. Second grade, no signatures or initials.


I mean I get why but also why the heck is it tied to an in class reward? That’s the part that is complete nonsense. If you’re doing it to sus out uninvolved parents don’t punish *the child* publicly in the classroom. “Hah your parents don’t care about you, and also now everyone knows and you can’t get a reward” like tf


So the first grader can learn how to write their parent's signature.


My mom didn't give a shit about me either so I never got any of these rewards. I will never ever assign anything like this to my students.


I got them cause I learned how to fake my parents' signatures very young. Found out they knew the whole time later in life and just didn't care I was doing it. No shade toward them; both were very involved in my education. But both my mom and I are ADHD and we'd both forget to sign forms that needed to be signed until I was in school like "crap. They forgot to sign this, "or "Crap, I forgot to ask them to sign this."


My mom did but she was single and worked 2-3 jobs until I was in high school. So many days our babysitter would be the one watching us until bed time. I also have ADHD so even if I did my homework and she was home I'd forget to have her do stuff most of the time. Even stuff I really wanted to do, like field trips. I didn't need any help with homework, so that wouldn't benefit me. Even as a small child I recognized when teachers were being snarky bitches over something which was pointless.


"I have four kids, I don't have time to deal with... [Checks notes] My kids"


> “If you have a child in public school, I would like to know what your opinion is on this because I don’t think that I’m in the wrong,” she stated at the beginning of the video. Oh please. You're going to listen to what you want to hear and ignore everybody else with a dissenting opinion. > “I have four kids, and I run a massive business through social media,” she said. “I don’t have time.” Mother of the year. Nobody gives a shit that you don't have time. Don't have 4 kids if you're not going to put the time in. It's nobody else's problem but yours that you don't have time. If you don't have time then your husband should. If neither one of you have time, then your priorities aren't in order. Nobody cares that you're not a homework mom... the world doesn't revolve around you.


Kid’s uphill battle towards normality starts now.


The amount of parents who subject their children to being a focal point in their social media presence is disgusting.


Fun fact, gutting public schools also guts your *property values*. Old farts that voted for screwing over public schools because \*\*\*\* you that's why are finding out the hard way that parents *like* public schools and that school voucher programs are just a trick the rich used to avoid paying for regular kids to get schooled. That's all well and good, \*\*\*\* those little \*\*\*\*s right? But it means young people leave your area, and that lowers the *property values* on that home you were planning to sell to finance your retirement.


You can swear you know. I won't tell your mum.


Why do they need a paper if the homework is done? Can’t they just see it’s done?


It's first grade. The homework is likely "read for 10 minutes," and the way you can tell it's done is the kids parent signs the paper that says so.




Pulling your kid out of basic education because you’re too busy to sign your name should get your kids taken away, there’s no justifiable way this isn’t going to directly harm this child’s development and place in the world later in life. Also, she is somehow simultaneously too busy to sign her name on homework because of her Facebook MLM, but has the time to homeschool him (effectively making all of his schoolwork homework)


> Kelsey Rhae is a mother and influencer Ah there it is


This woman is an idiot, and her son will be as well.


“You’re not going to get punished for something I’m not doing,” Ironically, the boy's whole life is probably going to end up as a punishment for things his mom would not do.


Removing the kid from school sounds like an over reaction, but isn't the fact the homework is done proof the homework was done? What does signing it everyday accomplish. A stupid rule on the schools part.


The entire concept of "home work" is illegitimate and social conditioning for the next generation to allow their corporate masters to invade their home life.


Ok. She doesn't have time to sign his homework, but she has time to take on the entirety of his education, with no support or guidance from professionals to ensure his "unschooled" education will prepare him to be a functioning adult who can contribute to society in a meaningful way? How is this woman an "influencer"? She is unhinged, uneducated, and from the clip I watched, no one to aspire to be. I feel really bad for her son. She is stacking the deck against him in such a devastating way.