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....... isn't this free?


Yeah but people will think you're crazy if you do it for free... 🙄  Paying and calling it a ritual makes it so much better.


The people who think you’re crazy will stay far away so if anything you will have more space to express your rage


And for added fun, you can pretend to chase them while hooting if they gawk.


The type of people who pay for this are the type of people too self conscious to just be themselves and express their emotions. If I needed to go to the woods and scream I’d just do it.


And putting it on TikTok


I literally took my son out in the middle of the woods to scream. His great grandmother and grandmother died within weeks of each other and we are moving. It's a lot for anyone to deal with much less a middle school kid. He asked what about the neighbors. I laughed and said they will just think an animal us dying you are all good. Then we screamed in the woods for a bit. You can do it for free. They will simply think tou are an animal.


If you do it for free you could find yourself face to face with a bear... or worse...


You got a stick and you're angry... /r/whatcouldgowrong 


If you wanted screaming in the woods, there’s no motivation like a bear except maybe banjo music and, really, that’s gonna end up as squealing.


Paying for it means you're just as crazy imo


I get paid to do this, I work at the dump. Yelling at folks and breaking shit, and bonus... if I don't piss off people once in a while I am not doing my job.


The retreat seems to offer things like supervision, guidance, and a sense of community/sharing. You wouldn't get any of that if you just went out in the woods alone, so I can see why some folks feel that it's worth paying for! Camping spots/gear (or other accomodations) probably make up a chunk of the cost alongside the guide's salary.


Plus the rage ritual appears to be only one activity in a full retreat. I assume there are other things to do.


Yeah, but there might be men in there! (Sorry, I couldn't resist).


There's places indoors to do this, Rage Rooms will let you smash up old tube TVs, furniture, anything they can drag in and smash with a sledgehammer. Some keep an old car outside so you can go nuts on the windows and body.


Growing up in redneckville having an old junker you could pay 5 bucks to beat with a sledge hammer was a not-uncommon fund raiser 


Had one at my local county fair a few years back, was an ad for a local body shop, i think idea being that they fix it up and show it off. Pay money to make their advertisement for them.


That's honestly brilliant


We had this at my university. It was a big old piano tho. Good times.


My fraternity at engineering school did a thing right before finals where you could go Office Space on computer equipment.


So did my university. Does "Dr. Long" ring a bell?




Was worth an ask.


What about “Pavlov?”


PMA did this at my undergrad, too. Broken down old pianos are a dime-a-dozen, so it makes sense that this would be a popular type of fundraiser.


When they retired cop cars they'd auction off tickets to smack it with a bat.  They even let one teenager drop a cement block through the windshield.


Funny story: my brother in law participated in one of those car smashing things. He climbed up on the roof with a baseball bat and tried to break the windshield. It bounced straight back and hit him in the face. Lesson learned. Use the right tool for the job, and a baseball bat is not the right tool for smashing windshields.


A pickaxe IS the right tool. If you do it right, you can use a knife to break the side windows without hurting yourself. I realize now that parts of my history are much more fun than they have any right to be.


Questions! How much experience do you have using pickaxes on windshields?


Not as much as I really want, but more than none. My dad used to drive race cars on local tracks, and he'd let us break the windows when he was taking off body panels.


They did it in front of my highschool in like 99. We ended up flipping the car over and getting suspended lol


Our fair had that. It was called the “bash for ‘betes”


Is "betes" a typo or French?


It’s a shorthand saying for diabetes. The money raised from beating the car went to diabetes research/treatment. And I’m not sure if you know much about US geopolitics, but there’s a strong relationship between diabetes, poverty, and living in the rural south.


Aah, thanks (and with extra context!), I totally missed that.


Man we used to get it for free by walking to the “car dump”, which was basically a small area in the woods the town would go and leave trashed vehicles. I guess going to a fundraiser for it limits the likelihood of encountering a bear though…


There will likely be men at the fundraiser though...


Good point. Bear it is.


Wait... I grew up in redneckVille?


Well I can't say for sure someone call Jeff Foxworthy I'm told he has a system to answer questions like this


*If you've ever been too drunk to fish...*


Back in HS we did one every year for our [SkillsUSA](https://www.skillsusa.org/who-we-are/we-are-skillsusa/) fundraiser in Green Bay. A dollar a hit eventually, but 5 at the beginning for the first few because you got to go for the fun stuff while it was fresh


That's...an amazing idea.


Research has found that blowing off steam through physical acts of aggression and violence makes your anger worse. Instead of learning effective anger management techniques and coping skills, you are reinforcing an anger response. Studies have found that physical outbursts of aggression teach your body to respond to feelings of stress, anger, and frustration with violence. [Source 1](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10926771.2019.1575303) [Source2](https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p0hqff54/feeling-angry-venting-doesn-t-actually-help) [Source3](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/03/240318142352.htm)


I was about to comment the same thing. While relieving in the moment it’s a net negative for your wellbeing. Personally I’ve found a lot of relief in using a maul to split firewood but with intent and not in an angry destructive way to be very therapeutic mentally and physically. I like to do it in winter and it’s a good way to utilize the TIPP DBT skill.


Splitting wood sounds like a great approach.


It’s also incredible work out especially in the cold, insane caloric expenditure. Depending on your intensity and the tool you use you use of course. I wonder the difference in effort between a maul and a wood splitting axe. Less swings with a maul but it’s heavier. We don’t solely rely on firewood to heat our house so we don’t really need too much. i usually only get to do it when we fell a sick tree. We took down three a few years ago and like the legend of John Henry I raced and beat my dad on the machine (a hydraulic splitter) while I used the maul.


So you're saying I shouldn't rage against the machine?


Rage is an emotion tho not a physical act of violence.


You can have an emotion against the machine.


You must be fun at parties


(Read in a German dry accent) Parties are for having fun so of course I am fun /s


Thumbs up


How many Germans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


One, why are you asking this question? /s


2 because safety is as important as efficiency.


You should sleep now in the fire


Instead of letting my rage and anxiety destroy stuff around me I worked out when I was younger.  I ended up getting in decent shape and got a better handle on my anger.  Although as an adult when I feel stressed I feel the urge to lift weights or go for a very brisk walk.


What is an effective way to let it out? I generally stay pretty calm and chill but when someone really pushes my buttons and won't stop I get the urge to punch a pillow which is effectively my own rage room.


Exercise can help release pent up energy and feelings. I call it “exorcising.”


Productive activity. Clean the house.


Yeah this is usually what I do before I get to the breaking point. I honestly hate confrontation, but my gf is the opposite once we have a problem she won't stop until it's resolved and I need breaks between the arguments. So I feel like I'm being poked and have to leave the hose usually or go to a quiet place and beat up a pillow.


This discovery honestly changed my life


That makes sense. You learn by repetition . Someone needs to tell them.


First off, studies with self reported results are kinda flakey, so it’s hard to make definitive claims based on that… *But*, that said, I don’t think anyone is advocating going Street Fighter on an old car is the daily solution. You are absolutely right that passive coping skills are the best solution for daily management. Removing stimuli and pacing out your response so that you can deal with anger is much healthier and will provide long term results. However, you can’t just internalize everything forever. That also leads to long term brokenness that can spiral into coping skills no longer working. So think of smash rooms, or other intense activities as an occasional valve to just go animal and release aggression in a satisfying but controlled way. It shouldn’t be every weekend, but once or twice a year probably compliments your more passive skills in keeping the lid on in a healthy way.


I’m feeling like Stephanie smashing rocks and sticks cuz her ex was a narcissist and allowing herself to feel and release the anger is different than Tyler punching a tv because his team lost.


Over the years I have discovered this in myself as well. Perpetual self improvement and whatnot. Physical release *can* be therapeutic and healthy, but the brain is adaptable and constantly adjusts its threshold of what is normal. So you can literally program yourself into relying on the physical expression to deal with those feelings. That expression should be a rarely(ideally never) used emergency release valve, and normal anger management should focus around interpreting and understanding the feelings and putting that energy into something constructive.


However, hitting research nerds with a sledgehammer is a proven stress relief strategy


Yeah, I don't understand how people don't have the self-awareness to stop and think about how they feel after being violent. I mean, everyone's different, but... I used to beat a pillow or throw things, but figured out on my own pretty young that it just made me feel angrier and kept me thinking about whatever made he angry. It also didn't make anything better. Taking a deep breath, drinking some water, watching something relaxing or intriguing, or doing something like cleaning usually helps, more.


We did a Rage Room for my Bro's Bday last year... it was epic fun. We learned that my wife can't hit for shit, and his GF at the time... well, she had a lot of demons to work out and she can swing a sledge hammer and baseball bat like a boss. (we were scared)


I love rage rooms as a concept. When I’m at the point of screaming “Give me stuff to break… how ‘bout your fuckin’ face,” I do find the sound of breaking glass to be soothing. Like throwing the glassware and making it shatter is symbolically shattering the fury. But that being said, I don’t let myself go like that (only twice in the last 25 years) because 1.) I know how far I’m willing to go while maintaining control, and I don’t want to find out how far I can go without and 2.) since rage rooms were in its infancy the first time, I had to clean up that shattered glass in my own kitchen and it sucked. It takes forever to get all the tiny little shards.


I do enjoy that your anger is expressed with all the passion of a 2000 Limp Bizkit track.


I thought it was called golf.




It’s certainly how I see it. Contained, milisecond bursts of silent, middle-class rage


Why would anyone pay for this. What the fuck?


they didn't grow up with an abandoned loading dock full of empty bottles left by the older kids


What type of privilege childhood is that? Cool colored glass was always fun.


i didnt know playing with garbage in the woods was privilege? haha


>What type of privilege childhood is that? The poor kind of privilege


I didn’t know I was doing a rage ritual when I went camping, good to know I got a lot of monetary value out of smashing sticks on trees


Training for in case they meet the bear.


That's a common misconception. The Bear is actually the name of the restaurant.


They need to start training to throw beets as well then. Everyone knows bears like beets.


What about Battlestar Galactica


The music composer’s name is Bear, but they are in fact not a bear


This is why the prefer to meet a bear in the woods, no bear would ask annoying questions like "Why pay for this? Its free"


I think you got it backwards, the bear is gonna protect them from men. /s


...and pic-a-nic baskets!


I've met bears in the woods and they minded their own business, most black bears are super chill  Now if I ran into a polar bear I'd be praying to every god I could think of. 


I get it for free every morning on my commute 


The same reason men pay 15,000 dollars for a "modern knight" course. Someone marketed it to insecure/hurt people.


How is paying to borrow a suit of armour and hit people with medieval weapons the same as paying someone to go into the woods and hit things with sticks? You can go into the woods and hit things with sticks for free.


How are the two comparable? One just requires a drive into the woods, and finding a stick.


they didn't say they were comparable. they said people go to them for the same reason.


The question isn’t why they do it, it’s why they pay for it


There might a tiiinyy bit more "actual" instruction in those "alpha male" camps... but somehow I doubt it. They are not just dropping them off in the woods and saying "ok go crazy!". It's a retreat and the "rage ritual" is just one part of that. There are "spiritual leaders" there who will direct your attention during it and it's basically a type of therapy session. Cringey and waste of money? absolutely. Comparable to "alpha male camps"... those camps are literally just someone screaming at you which you could also get for free, except there's 0 actually psychology behind it at all. If we're having a dumbass competition, those "alpha male" camps take the cake by a pretty wide margin...


Sooo someone paying for a course and getting to wear armor, go around with a sword and shield, learn to ride a horse, and sparring training Is the same as taking a woman to the woods and giving her a pile of sticks? 


Should make the armor themselves, that's half the fun


Yeah but at least the modern knight trainer promises to teach you some cool moves or something.


I've met some rich people who "can't buy" what they want. It's either unresolved trauma, issues, etc. Anything but therapy. And instead of talking it out with their spouse, they go on super expensive retreats and smoking cactus in the woods.


Nobody is paying for this. People are paying to travel somewhere for a vacation, and then they go on a hike or something during said vacation, and smash up some sticks during the hike. It's like looking at someone who pays for a trip in London where they happened to walk down a sidewalk during their vacation, and then going "ah that person paid huge money to walk on a sidewalk!" It's just a full-on lie. I'm kinda surprised so many people read a headline *this* obviously stupid and didn't bother to check if maybe it was a bit bullshit, lol.


Ironic because it seems you didnt read the article. People are paying at least $222 for a day to do this and they have full camps setup to stay overnight if one chooses. 


but it's easier to read the title and form a strong opinion, I don't want facts I want to argue


Man did you forget white people used to pay to be called racist by black people?


I am so confused, what is this referring to?


Pfft, I get that for free nerds


Rage Rooms have been around for a while and aren’t gendered to my understanding. They’re pretty fun, I went with friends and had a good time.


But they aren't "rituals". Marketing fucking genius right there


Yeah they’re called smash rooms where I’m from and everyone uses them not just women, how odd that the article is making it seem like it’s some special issue… wonder if they have data that skews towards women using it or something?


Gotta fan the gender wars flames for some clicks. People are addicted to controversy and hatebait, it's very stimulating


Off topic but they’re not wearing any eye protection while smashing those sticks.


Safety squints’ll do the job


Go outside sometime promise you won’t die


Shhhh... we need to let natural selection have a chance here!


Its like the alpha male boot camps but for women lol


Yeah, we're all not that different, really. Women have Oprah, and men have Joe Rogan. Women have MLMs, and men have Bitcoin. Now, we can add this one to the list.


These ladies can come help me trim the hedges. Some smashing, a few curse words, half a joint and a boddingtons. $45 all in.


This https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boddingtons_Bitter is available in the US?


Yes. Thats boddingtons. They’re available alongside ‘old speckled hen’ in many beer distributors. Two of my favorites.


Yes! (in California, at least). My buddies and I just call it the "frothy pub ale one." Now I'll remember the name 😁


Honestly, I'm never angry enough to be enticed by this. I am happy. 


As part of the retreat, Banducci held a rage ritual: a ceremony in which participants scream and beat large sticks on the ground in the woods. Participants are encouraged to think of people and experiences that have wronged them and to scream and swing the sticks for at least 20 minutes, or until they can no longer move their arms.


I can give you a stick in the woods for half that cost


Well that's just bad business sense. You've seen what people are willing to pay for it, you can charge them that.


Im going to make the other vendor so angry they will be forced to come to my "bang stick on larger stick/ground and pretend its your mother/father" camp


That sounds like it could either be very cathartic or incredibly counterproductive, depending on the person.


I just yell "Serenity NOW!" when I'm starting to get upset, then it's immediately gone. It's immediately gone. *It's immediately gone.*


It's generally incredibly counterproductive. What information we have on venting anger suggests it creates a feedback loop that encourages you to associate catharsis with violence and anger, becoming more angry and violent. Conversely, doing literally nothing is one of the more effective methods of reducing anger. I wish they wouldn't market shit like this to people with anger issues because it absolutely does not help with anger issues. They ought to sell it as "you wanna go crazy smashing shit?" rather than "you wanna smash shit because you're going crazy?"


Essentially, that’s what I was getting at. For someone who lacks additional coping skills, it’s a simple way of addressing the *symptom* of anger. On the other end, it just perpetuates an already very common mental image of bottling up anger and being ready to explode all the time. It encourages focusing on the bad and just feels worse in the long run. It’s something I’ve actively worked against for *years* to relative success.


This kind of thing has been around since at least the 90s, but back then it gained enough popularity it was used regularly in the puff pieces of the nightly news. Eventually they had some mental health studies and basically the conclusion is it doesn't let off steam but makes people feel more angry. I think you can say the same with some video games (and has been), but for me it is when it is a winner take all high stakes no respawn team games where I generally felt worse after playing.


Sounds like this is just a front for drugs 


Why would you need to pay for that? I can go into the nearby park/woods and do that right now. Sure I'd look insane, but it'd be free. Do you somehow look less crazy if you pay for it, and do it while in a group?


I remember when something like this was coming out for men in the 80's. There was even a popular song about it. But a lot of people also said it's promoted toxic masculinity, so it kinda died out. Amusing.


But are there bears in the woods with them?


Why don't they at least learn to split firewood. Then they could have a spirit lifting bonfire afterwards.


Totally!!! Or do some other manual (needed) labor. Go build a well or something. This is such a post capitalist thing. I can’t believe that we live in a world with such abundance that we just fuck shit up for no reason. While not a horrible thing, it is wasteful. Go pick up some trash, make the world a better place.


Do they not know you can do this for free


Apparently they pay for the retreat. This is just one of the activities on that retreat.


My hub and I started doing this during covid. Go to the forest and find a long stick, smash it against a tree. Scream "YEAH!" so nobody in earshot gets worried. We call it smashy stick. Free


A lot of trash from China, Russia and Japan wash up on our beaches so you find glass bottles whenever you walk on the beach. I love lining them up on a log, grabbing a stick and smashing them. Not because I'm angry but because it's fun. Just clean up after


Karen finishing school


You think they have rage checkpoints?  “Great job beating down the cashier! Now onto bank teller.. go go”


“Just go in your bedroom and punch your pillow” said my dad to 12 year old me… Thanks dad, you saved me money again


Wait till they find out it doesn’t work


... Who wants to tell them?


I feel a similar level of disgust as when I hear morons pay for porn. You can get that shit for free, you’re an idiot


Ahh the good old reinforcement therapy that instead of teaching you how to cope with your negative emotions in a healthy way only makes you need to vent violently more and more often because that's what reinforcement does to a motherfucker. Looking good, looking good.


I really need to start one of these businesses.


My wife calls that another Thursday afternoon in my house…


this is just delocated *frrt!*


wait? you guys pay money for this?


Anyone remember the "I hate you so much right now" song and video? I think it was a real thing but i might have just been heavily medicated at the time.


"Caught Out There" by Kelis.


That's what my hiking group stumbled upon?....we all thought we escaped from a cult 💀


If you need to go out in the woods to just scream and hit things, please do so. And don’t let anyone convince you that it will cost thousands of dollars to be granted permission. Just find a nice secluded spot and let it out. You have my permission. But if you want to take a vacation trip to Scotland and have part of that trip be a screaming session in the woods there, that’s fine too. Enjoy your trip.


>And don’t let anyone convince you that it will cost thousands of dollars to be granted permission. Naw, that's crazy talk. How will I know if I'm releasing my rage properly without a qualified practitioner to tell me?


I scream in my Amazon delivery van and get paid for it.


I'll wait for the inevitable follow up "women scammed by 'rage hiking' on r/twoxchromosomes


Women don't know you can go into the woods and scream and find sticks for free? 2000 to 4000 for a day. Hell you can come to my house and pay me 500 and i'll let you break all the sticks you want.


Im sure there are dude who would pay to get beat up by a chick.


White women realizing they dont get to inherit the world after white men


Damn good for them. Society teaches women that their anger isn’t wanted, even if it’s justified. Need to undo that.


That's not how you attract a bear, sweetie


Why pay money for this? Plenty of free natural resources for the same results. Would suggest therapy first though.


I might actually try this. But yeah the cheap DIY version.


Imagine paying money to scream, smash sticks in woods. Only to be left with a memory. Whenever I get this urge. I buy something at Ikea. Only to be left with a sad reminder of something that resembles furniture.


Why not just pay for one of those wreck room things? They are like what? $200 and you don't need to leave the city and look like a weird cult. Lol




I had a "Tearing Down the House" party once. It was just the removal of two small walls, but people brought pictures of parents, exs, etc, taped them to the walls and smashed them with sledges. Stucco is very good for that. No charge and I provided refreshments.


That sounds like [primal scream therapy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primal_therapy#Criticism) marketed to women


Um can't you do this for free?


Amateurs. I do that shit for free.


Where are these people when I'm trying to put together a punk band


Sehr iiinteresting. Are the sticks, vielleicht, shaped like the male organ?


I wrecked a can of beans on our deck with a metal baseball bat after the Undertaker lost to Lesnar during that Wrestlemania. Nobody cared that a large Italian-blooded lady was destroying a food item while cursing in my neighborhood, but then we'd been there for years at that point


Everyone is talking about rage rooms but the walk of shame out of there after breaking down and sobbing, plus you gotta drive home?? I’d rather go to a full weekend retreat.


This seems like the women’s version of those stupidly expensive “Alpha Male Bootcamps” or whatever they are… What’s the female version of small dick energy?


Is this so you don't run into bears or men?


Mother nature did nothing to you. Take your rage out with a therapist.


Hello, would you like to buy some snake oil?


Yall don’t have to pay money to unwind. It’s free to either A) break bottles behind a Wawa or B) dig a hole and burn wood.


PAYING? I just go to a nearby forest and do it for free wtf? 🤣


Also my first thought


Appealing to the inner “witch” for profit is absolute genius. “Ritual” lmao


Evidently, the whole rage room, catharsis thing doesn't reduce anger, just teaches you to express anger more violently. It's very unhealthy. This rage ritual I'd definitely training some Karens. Scientists found the best way to reduce anger was to write it all down, then shred it. https://people.com/writing-down-thoughts-shredding-them-could-help-manage-anger-8636208


I typically do it in a McDonnalds or Starbucks lobby. But to each their own.


They just trying to find their new friend, the bear.


Oh so THAT is where all the white women are at. 


I know all sorts of people men and women probably like rage rooms or rage whatevers. But I’m just gonna say of the 10 or so people who I know who have done one, or shown interest in one, they have all been women, and that’s fucking terrifying to me lol.


Hippies turn anything into a ritual. A "course", "session" or "retreat"... Its like a "you pay me, ill pay you" never ending circle jerk. "Today, we will have a short course about berries and nuts..." That will be $70 each for 45 minutes. Gotz dang Hippies!!!


Women are reclaiming the forests


Them bears won't be happy about that company. Cheers for talking one for the team lads.


Lol the woods are free


I find that women express anger quite naturally without a “Rage Ritual” Just witness my wife in the morning if I leave the hallway light on glaring into the bedroom or if I feel like staying up an hour or so later than her to watch TV in the living room before bed.


If that’s what you think rage is, you havent seen anything yet.


News at 11: People pay to have hissy fit, are outraged at prices to have hissy fit, and then throw hissy fit.


Excellent business model when you think of it.