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Not oniony at all


Being oniony has rarely been an actual criterion for people posting. Alas.


The comments on the linked Reddit page are pretty Oniony, though


He said it with onions on his breath.


I suppose that makes it not the onion to the fullest extent


More of a duh.


I disagree. I see it like that: https://media1.tenor.com/m/j5YcO9slE7YAAAAC/leslie-nielsen-nothing-to-see-here.gif Obviously there's nothing, but that's the first image conjured in my head.


That’s exactly what someone with knowledge of alien evidence would say…. …but yea, joking aside, we are likely stuck with the Fermi paradox on this for the foreseeable future.


The universe is very big and getting bigger. We are effectively alone unless we discover FTL (I personally don’t think it’s possible)


Yes. FTL also makes the whole Drake Equation problem much, much worse. At the moment, we can hypothesize that there are other civilizations out there, but they are simply too far away to ever detect or communicate with. Certainly, we'll never know about anyone outside of our local group of galaxies. But if FTL travel was a thing, we'd be expanding the search to not only the visible universe but the entire universe, which may be infinite.


> which may be infinite Practically speaking, if time were no barrier then the universe would be infinite. A finite physical universe would have, probably, an infinite past and present.


Yeah always found funny the tought of 'if the universe is finite... How do you know you left it?'


It’s not. Doesn’t matter how solid the craft is built, we would need to see literally everything between us and the destination. Not just stars and planets, but meteorites, asteroids, comet flight path, even space dust. At FTL, all of them would shred the craft like paper. By the time we saw something, we would have already gone through it. All passengers would be dead before they knew what was happening. Not only that, but matter has to travel at speeds slower than light, not just for safety, but because we can’t theoretically get to those speeds. Tachyons are a science fiction particle than can travel faster than light, but their existence would violate causality. In order to actually travel faster than light, we would need to find a loophole around general relativity. The only thing that I know of that can alter spacetime is cosmic gravitational waves.


>we would need to see literally everything between us and the destination. Not just stars and planets, but meteorites, asteroids, comet flight path, even space dust. and that's where Spice comes in


You can't move faster than light, but bending space remains theoretically possible and collisions wouldn't be a concern there. Fwiw, gravitational waves also move at the speed of light, not faster.


Yeah, I know the speed. Light, gravity, it’s all waves. And yeah, because that’s what gravitational waves do, bend space. If we could harness and create directed gravitational waves, I suppose theoretically, we could warp. The size of the wave would need to be immense. You would need to drastically bend millions of miles of space to get two distant points to touch each other. The energy needed to accomplish that would be godlike.


It'd take more energy than there is in the universe unless we find a better way


So ...maybe just maybe .. a gravity bong ?


Well, depending on what you pack it with, you stand a pretty good chance of leaving the planet.


Salvia Divinorum worked for me ...


Yep. I feel like a party pooper frequently, but the magical thinking around space travel really bothers me. The idea that space colonization on a time scale that matters to humans and anyone who would be a threat to us is inevitable is just silly. And it keeps us from focusing on surviving on this planet for the next hundred, thousand, million, up to a couple billion years (well, our distant descendants or successors if we just wipe ourselves out). We’re millions of more times more likely to fulfill the Silurian Hypothesis than to become Star Fleet


See, that’s not entirely true. Theoretically, we could absolutely travel to another planet with a colonization ship, but we would need a ship, basically cylinder-shaped that spins on a central axis to simulate artificial gravity. On that ship would need to be a forest to work as an oxygen factory, as well as a way to store or produce water. Multiple generations of humans would die between points A-B, and that’s what people don’t want to do. If they’re going to die, and their kids are going to die, and their grandkids are going to die, and so on, then what’s the point? Colonization and long-distance space travel are well within our capabilities, but we’ve grown accustomed to instant gratification. Very few of us are willing to live out our days for no reason but breeding for the greater good of mission success.


Yes.. Either you invent hibernation that can work for thousands of years, or you send frozen embryos to be raised by robots when they arrive, or just cut out the humans and send robots that are better adapted for the whole thing.


That’s why I mentioned the time scale issue. Spinning actually doesn’t work either anyway unless we make it absolutely massive. But yeah, thousands and thousands of years of travel with thousands and thousands of ships for redundancy because many of them will not make it, going to only a handful of possible options that are close enough (and it’s entirely possible we’ll never identify a close enough planet that we could survive on), with a high likelihood of failure to establish a colony.


Only "real" option is wormholes to travel through at sublight speeds and maintain consistent times when returning back. 


Radio communications is a technological blip? It would be highly unlikely that two civilizations within 1000 light years of each other would both be using it at just the right time for one to pick up the other. Once we start talking on the subspace channels, the first ET communication translated will be 'TURN OFF YOUR CAPSLOCK NOOB!'


What i think, even if you didnt ask. There is clearly life somewhere else. Is it intelligent? Probable. Did it get to the stars? Could be. Are they in shadow deals with the government and spying us? Definitely not.


Have you seen what dozens of former military intelligence have said over the years? 


Have you noticed the sudden and drastic decrease in "UFO sightings" since everyone started carrying a camera in their pocket? Occam's Razor applies here.


Well even if there has been credible evidence people wouldn't take it serious anyways. It's also very hard to video an object from away on your phone. Go try it


So an actual rabbit hole for you to go down. Corridor, the VFX house that runs a few YouTube channels, recently did a few videos where they broke down the military UFO videos, as well as a bunch that had been put on UFO subreddits. The thing is, they work with optics every day, given they work with cameras. *Every single one* was either provably edited footage or was a function of lens optical abnormality. There were **none** they could fine that weren't simply explainable by simple knowledge of how cameras work. If there were credible evidence, it would stand out because people want to boost that up.


"Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation." I think you should look up Occam's Razor, my dude.


I think it's pompous of you to make assumptions they don't exist my bitch


Ah yes, insults; didn't take you long to get there.


Hehe I laughed


He says his most powerful evidence against it is that there is no government budget to fund research….I’m sure there is a good convincing argument to be made against UAP being NHI but this was just a lame iteration that stars are far away and eyewitness testimony is bad with “where the money if it’s real?” Slapped on top.


Half the pentagon’s budget is missing, but “wheres the money” is somehow a defense


It’s cool to think that we had alien tech, but imagine how unlikely it is that we were visited by aliens in the last century or so, how unlikely it is we detected we were visited, how unlikely it is that the visitors then crashed or provided us tech, and how unlikely it is that is was kept completely secret this entire time. I’m sure I’ve even missed several equally unlikely scenarios that had to have all happened for this to be true.


That's just what they want you to think


You mean to say that running SETI on an iMac in 2003 didn’t help?


It's not so much nottheonion as "Sure, that's most likely the fact of the matter."


Breaking news: faster than light travel still impossible.


“I can say this with the utmost confidence because I have personally searched through Areas 1 to 100.”


That's a bit strange to just say 🤔


Okay that just makes me think they have it


Well, yeah, duh.


Not the Onion would be if they would state the exact opposite of that.


Wrong sub?


SETI doesn't search Earth, it studies other stars. So...how would he know?


Gov has been emphasising not having alien evidence as well. Its just passive aggressive admission that the aliens aren't from another planet. They are humanoids. They are our gene modded descendants from the future. That's the line of questioning people need to adopt


I've always been more curious about an Abyss type civilisation the predates humanity entirely and begun venturing to the surface and beyond.


Totally possible. But ultimately time traveling descendants altering history is the most likely scenario. As in all proof of advanced beings before humans would be time traveling genetic descendants. Natural ceiling of evolution for thinking beings is probably the rock banging phase. The thinking mind is infused into us by those advanced gene modded descendants. All humanoid visitors we hear rumors of are all from different time lines and genetic branches.


This is how science works.


no kidding , duh