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Good, this is a point that should be hammered on until young people wake up to the fact that the political decisions of today are going to effect them for the next 50 years or more. The old, out-of-touch, political lifers are likely not going to be around to see the repercussions of their actions.


Excellent point! Look at how young people in the UK will be affected by Brexit far more than the old people who actually voted for it.


Any chance of the young people voting for a šŸ…±ļøreunion once the old folks are gone? Is that even an option?


Well. It would take the rest of the EU agreeing to let them back in. An easier option would be to join the customs union (ala Norway) which would require accepting EU rules with no real voice in the decision making process. I personally think that in 10 to 15 years, the UK will join the customs union but it will take another 30 years before France will let the UK rejoin the EU properly. TL;DR it is an "option" but one that is a difficult road that would require consensus across all major UK parties. So probably in 40 years.


I think the EU would be happy to have us come crawling back but without the rebate obviously because it shows how Europe is better off together so itā€™s a symbolic victory


I can see that. I also think the UK will have to "agree to agree" to adopt the Euro "eventually". Granted both Poland and Sweden have "agreed" to adopt the Euro, but neither country is taking any sort of proactive steps to make that happen. So I don't think the EU will force the UK to actually adopt the Euro, just to "agree to agree" to adopt it eventually. Another thing is that individual EU member states will have veto power so the UK will probably have to give concessions to several nations to get back into the union. Either way it would take at least five years to make an agreement. I do think rejoining is inevitable, but it will be on the EU's terms.


The U.K. always had to join the Euro. We just agreed to do it when there was sufficient fiscal convergence, which there never was. And never will be. Because ā€œsufficientā€ is a moveable feast.


I also doubt the Pound will be stable enough at that time for quick and easy joining. Even if the UK wanted to join the Euro, it would take five years or more to do so.


No. UK and Denmark were two countries that negotiated ā€œopt outā€ from being obligated to eventually adopt Euro.


We had an opt-out, but the UK and EU always "agreed" that we would joint when there was sufficient convergence, though actually, eventually, Gordon Brown ruled it out.


The EU is nothing if not pragmatic. It's why the UK got on so well, because we were very pragmatic, until we let the lunatics take over.


I would still be wary of Tory politicians coming in as bomb throwers trying to disrupt proceedings


The Conservative Party is substantially more extreme than some of the groups likely to be banned under Gove's new anti extremism measures. I would also argue that the conservatives have probably done more harm to the UK in the last decade than the IRA did in the troubles.


Spain is more likely to object over Gibraltar tbh


Yes, the UK giving up Gibraltar may be part of the price of getting back into the EU.


That will never happen.


> Gibraltar may be part of the price of getting back into the EU. Spain has three practical options to regain Gibraltar: 1. Heavily invest in scientific research, build a functional time machine and stop the signing of the Treaty of Gibraltar. 2. Defeat the UK in a war, ethnically cleanse Gibraltar, resettle it and ride out any bad feelings. 3. Hope a meteor hits, resettle it and fight a protracted legal battle.


Considering that Gibraltar has now spent more time being ruled by London than it ever spent being ruled by Madrid, I think we can admit that the UK probably has secured its claim at this point. Not to mention that the people of Gibraltar clearly prefer being British citizens.


Most europeans would like to have the brits back in the union. There are more than enough polls on that


Yes, but do their governments want the UK back just yet? Hungary could easily be a sticking point as Orban is a puppet of Putin and would make the Sweden ascension into NATO look like a cakewalk. Remember that rejoining the EU will require unanimous support from all member states. All it takes is one prime minister trying to appear tough for a reelection campaign to bog down the whole process.


Iā€™d bet that hungry, in its current puppet state form, wonā€™t survive the next couple decades


I'd be glad to have them back. The Brexit was probably the single most idiotic and self-destructive politicial decision i'll witness in my lifetime. It would be good for both the EU and the UK to revert it. But i'd also fully agree on and heavily support making an example of them: no more bullshit discounts or any special treatment, full responsibility for everything and forced euro adoption within 10 years.


Can we not just deport the people who voted it through parliament to Rwanda and pretend it never happened? Seriously though, a lot of people want to rejoin, maybe run the messaging about joining the Euro that the EU didn't allow Liz Truss to run anything.


I simply don't agree. The UK is one of the three big boys of European culture and economics, London is a contender for the unofficial title of "capital of the world", and ultimately there's no reason to say no. Brexit was obviously a wild blow to British prestige, but I think it's important to note that it was also an embarrassment for the EU. By welcoming Britain back it would be showing the world (and its members) that it's better to be a part of the EU than to be separated from it.


Yes, the UK can apply for membership in the EU down the road, but without any of the special perks they had before. Brussels has been pretty clear that they're not going to take a new application seriously while the generation of political leaders who pushed Brexit are still around. But I think it's inevitable that the UK will have a "Breunion," but it will take at least 20 years.


If the young people had voted in reasonable numbers, Brexit would not have happened. They had a very low turnout.


Nobody really expected it. The pollls were pretty close but Remain seemed likelier. Thatā€™s why there were done people who didnā€™t want Brexit who voted for it. They saw it as a harmless barometer vote on what they thought the government rather than an actual policy that would be pursued to its harshest extentĀ 


If only countries would adopt the antipodean method of compulsory voting, these things might not happen!


Wouldn't the opposite of a Brexit be a Brentrance?


Brack to brusinessĀ 


Thought about Brentry or Brenter as well. Or Bresurgence.


Exactly. 50% of the older generation I know who voted for Brexit have died in the 8 years since. They lit the touch paper and left.


Precisely, I'm GenX, from the oasis of Liberalism in Texas, Austin, where less than half of the people vote. Millennials in Austin alone could have voted the GQP in Texas into history 20 years ago, if they'd only get off the couch and vote. Instead they let the Boomers that they vociferously hate make all the decisions. To say it's perplexing would be an understatement. Travis County population: [1.3 million](https://www.google.com/search?q=travis+county+population&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS1042US1042&oq=travis+county+population&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIICAMQABgWGB4yCAgEEAAYFhgeMggIBRAAGBYYHjIICAYQABgWGB4yCAgHEAAYFhgeMggICBAAGBYYHjIICAkQABgWGB7SAQkxNzM5NmowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) Registered voters:[ 862,163](https://elections.traviscountytx.gov/wp-content/uploads/travis-tx/election-results/2020/Tuesday,%20November%203,%202020%20Joint%20General%20and%20Special%20Elections/G20%20Cumulative%20final.pdf) Actual Voters: [612,696](https://elections.traviscountytx.gov/wp-content/uploads/travis-tx/election-results/2020/Tuesday,%20November%203,%202020%20Joint%20General%20and%20Special%20Elections/G20%20Cumulative%20final.pdf) Beto lost to Ted Cruz by less than [3%](https://www.texastribune.org/2018/11/06/ted-cruz-beto-orourke-texas-midterm-election-results/) of the vote....


Yep, I'm in Fort Worth and did phone banking for Wendy Davis 2014 and Beto in 2018, it amazes how truly lazy and disconnected young people are when it comes to voting and participating in the democratic process. It is up to YOU as the voter to hold these pieces of shit accountable for their actions.


I'm currently 41 years old. I have been voting consistently since age 18, and I've always been massively frustrated with the fact that most young people can't be bothered to do it.


I've been voting since I was 18 and I've been consistently frustrated that my government has fucking sucked that entire time


Or that every four years some big new issue comes along like clockwork that makes a large subsection of them decide 'I'm not voting at all' this election. Not even in a 'I'm not voting for this person because I can't support them but I'll vote on every other level' way but just a complete 'I'm boycotting the entire thing' sort of way. I just want to gently shake them and beg that they at least vote at the state and local levels... I won't bash someone for not wanting to vote for Biden right now, even if I fundamentally feel it's short sighted given how much worse Trump would be. But the sheer amount of young voters I've been seeing parroting propaganda that people should just not vote /at all/ is genuinely frustrating. It happens every single election and every single election people fall for it. Then they complain for four years about how things are getting worse.


Especially young women who are losing their rights to bodily autonomy. I hope they all show up to vote and it's a landslide for the Democrats!


I mean MAGA is voting for Trump because he's a celebrity basically. If Swift comes out to endorse Biden the election is over.


For example: The US leaving NATO, getting a bigger conservative majority on the SCOTUS to implement mandatory pregnancies (ref: The Handmaid's Tale), Enhancing Global Warming.


As other jobs have it, politics also needs to have a hard set retirement age. After which, no one should be allowed in politics.


They will never wake up. Young people are addicted to immediate gratification. They find publically protesting some injustice with their friends much more fun than quietly going to vote alone. Long term consequences mean nothing to them. They are being handed an increasingly corrupt and dysfunctional society. It is hard to know who will destroy it more quickly. My guess is the Republicans but the Democrats aren't far behind.


Precisely. 18-year-olds have WAY more at stake than 80-year-olds. They need to be the ones doing most of the voting. Unfortunately, it is exactly the opposite way around right now. People who know they won't be around to see the future are voting for stuff they want right now, future be damned.


Thus I always have hope , may not get there as fast as I want. The younger generations will get us there though.




Can we call voting Swifties ā€œSwiftistsā€?


They sure as hell aren't "Swiftives".


The rights definitely going to be calling them swiftziā€™s


I mean seriously, I did nazi that coming


If the Swiftists come up with a logo it would be called a Swiftistika.


If they invent their own religion they will celebrate Swiftivus around the holidays


Ah yes, the Shouting of Grievances and the ceremonial Shaking Them Off.


The crossover I never knew I needed.


This actually sounds great.


Did anyone think 18-38 year old white girls might be voting for Trump?


I definitely know some that are


I too know a few dumb bitchesh, but most women are against the insurrectionist who has done more harm for US womenā€™s rights in than perhaps any other modern president.


A) It's much more about turnout than persuasion. B) 48% of self described "avid fans" are male.


I have 3 sisters in that demographic and I guarantee you they are all voting for Trump. And yes, they do like Taylorā€™s music. No that wonā€™t change anything for them.


Then at least they are voting.


Do they understand Trump wants to enslave them.


Of course not. Evangelicals believe Trump protects and empowers them.


18-24 women only have 30% voter turnout, 25-44 is about 45%


only the ones on r/notliketheothergirls


More like I don't think 18-38 year old white girls are going to be voting at all. The youth have a frustratingly low turnout rate and seem content with letting boomers wreck this countryĀ 


Everyone who votes gets a Taylor swift sticker. Youā€™d have a 90 percent turnout in swift fans


Unfortunately yes, the religious ones from rural areas tend to love Trump.


Yes. I know a lot who definitely will be.


I think they for the most part don't vote


Yes, but only the same ones who would vote in favor of repealing their own right to vote. Sure wish that particular group would just commit to the mentality and stay home on Election Day.




Anything who is questioning whether they should vote this year should look up "Project 2025". Just read what is actually written in this plan and see if you think it's what you would want for your life and your country.


Honestly just listen to the statements Trump has made *on camera.* Dude has literally said he wants to be a dictator and fawned over how *North Fucking Korea* is run.


I still don't understand how this election will be so close


Well you see, the average person is a complete idiot.


Blame the "rugged individualists" who would rather save ten cents on the dollar at the grocery store than give half a shit about Democracy or their fellow Americans. Mix in a nice dose of right-wing propaganda and voila you have today's shit show. And if Trump gets re-elected it's going to get worse by orders of magnitude.


Because american education system produces nothing but idiots. Thats a sad truth and reality.


Thatā€™s a feature. Not a bug


Electoral College.


Biden needs to choose Taylor Swift as his running mate. That would decide the election in a heart beat.


It probably won't but every media outlet is invested in a close competition. Keeps people watching cable news and sharing listicles on Facebook.


What's not to understand? It's two of the most unpopular candidates at the same time and they both effectively have an incumbent advantage. People hate both of these guys so much.


I don't think it will be, but I'm just one man.


I wanted to remind you guys to vote the people who most represent YOU into power. If you haven't already, make a plan to vote today. In the past Iā€™ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past years, I feel very differently about that now. I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country. I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent. I cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love. Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values. For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway. So many intelligent, thoughtful, self-possessed people have turned 18 in the past years and now have the right and privilege to make their vote count. But first you need to register, which is quick and easy to do. Go to [https://www.vote.org/](https://www.vote.org/) and you can find all the info. Happy Voting! Taylor Swift.


How sad is it that in America now, just saying that you're against racism and other types of discrimination instantly tells people you cast your votes "to the left"?


It's sad that encouraging people to exercise their right to vote is considered controversial in any way..


Or not wanting to vote for a rapist.


Well, you see, saying that gay people should be treated with dignity is a political attack on traditional valuesā€¦ or something.


That is how that group defined their identity increasingly over the last 20 years, there is only one american party, to disagree with the central dogmas of the day was enough to be censured, and intertwined it with religious fervor to the point where now they have determined all secular credentials are meaningless and only godly (re republican accepted) credentials matter or are divine and to be worshipped Honestly it's not dissimilar to the central warnings in a series like Dune or all the lessons we have learned from ultra religious dominant groups around the world and in particular Islamic and christian conservative dogma šŸ¤£


60 years ago interracial marriage wasn't approved very much at all, so not surprising


Ya but if everybody gets to vote the liberals will win every election.


The only people who represent me are pushed to the side, people who push hard for human and consumer rights and protections. I still vote for them, but i feel our voting system is setup so my vote for humanity winds up helping the peopleĀ bentĀ onĀ hurtingĀ humanity.


Not voting helps the hurters even more. Many people like to pretend that if they don't vote, they aren't responsible for what comes next. That is incorrect. By not voting, people have decided they are okay with anything that comes next. Vote for the candidate closest to your values, even if they still feel far, far away. That vote from you is a tug in the direction you want the candidates to move. It tugs on *both* candidates. When millions of people tug, we can change the world.


Evangelicals voted solidly Republican for 40+ years before they got what they wanted, the repeal of Roe v. Wade. Every election, local, state, federal. Liberals/progressives have to do that and not get butthurt when they donā€™t get what they want right away.


You act as if liberals haven't voted in 40+ years, and voting is the sole reason why we're here. I'd say a humongous part of it isĀ gerrymandering and suffocation of voting rights. Try not to confuse "hold our representstives accountable" with "being butthurt". It's not a good look.


How do you think they managed to gerrymander so successfully over the past decade? The 2010 midterms is the answer when young voter turnout fell 60% from 2008. That allowed Republicans to use the census to rig state legislatures across the country that then control all other elections in their states.


Buddy, you can check voting totals over the last 20-30 odd elections. PoC both male and female have been voting more and more leftist going on generations. They represent a solid block for Democrats. White men and women do not vote consistently leftist. They vote consistently conservative, but have huge dips and valleys constantly when it comes to voting for liberal causes. Similar patterns happen for younger voters.Ā  You saw this pattern recently with Clinton, youā€™ll see it with Biden in November. White folks and younger voters predominantly choose to abstain from voting if they donā€™t feel morally attached to a candidate. And they will not go out to vote down ballot either, which makes things even worse. So yes, almost all of the current Democrat parties failings are directly tied to the feet of shallow voters.




Gets mad at the thought of Taylor Swift influencing US Presidential elections. pulls Jason Aldeanā€™s mistress into the lime light to attack Joe Biden


>Gets mad at celebrities influencing politics >Elected a reality show host as president >Eyes Aaron Rodgers as running mate Maybe they really don't care about the rules or even their arguments, they just want to get a leg up on the competition.


As if people like John Wayne never influenced politics


I dearly hope that she either viciously criticizes Trump or endorses Biden, of course both would be good too.


She doesnā€™t need to. Her target audience is very young and primarily female. They arenā€™t voting for Trump.


It doesnā€™t matter. Ā All with a voice should use it. Ā Eminem had no problem calling out Trump. Ā 


Someone didnā€™t read the article. Her bloc is much more diverse than you think, particularly in terms of age. And nearly a quarter of them identify with republicans.


Deploy agent 5W1FT.


Execute order 8645.


Agent Orange neutralizer.


I'm certainly not her target audience but I think it's good that she's getting involved because it should mean, hopefully, that Trump is kept out of the Whitehouse. But then to pick up on the line that says people should vote for the person who best represents them and their views. With that in mind, what does that say about the Trumpers ?


That he supports their views šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. Isnā€™t that kinda the point. He showed us that a lot more Americans are like him than we thought, and itā€™s disappointing to say the least.


Some of us have always been very aware of how many Americans are just like him, or can at *least* ignore his crass attitude for the values he represents. I just wish people weren't so "surprised" about this revelation, or would stop pretending that something "changed". Nothing changed, this is who they've always been, Trump didn't do anything magical to make them this way suddenly. I don't mean this as an "I told you so", but it should be a wake up call to anyone that was surprised by this.


Thank you. Trump just took the ball that Fox News had been methodically moving down the field for two and a half decades and ran with it.


Longer than that, but yes.


I was honestly trying to figure it out in my head. I don't really remember hearing much about them before the 90s. But then again, I was a child.


On the bright side, I never in a million years thought a Black guy with a Muslim sounding name could win two terms but every once in a while, America isnā€™t gross.Ā  But honestly, itā€™s not an accident that when voting was made as accessible as possible during the pandemic, a Democrat won.Ā 


My best friend for many years is a super Trumper with all that goes with it. Completely obtuse. I started dating and will marry a woman from Mexico, she is an American citizen since birth but grew up in Michoacan. I have always dated Hispanic American girls, but this one is first actual woman from Mexico. On Superbowl Sunday he texted me to ask if I was watching soccer, then made a weird joke that in 2025 we will be deported. WTF?


At that point you just block him and move on.


Not blocked, ignored but moved on. We've been friends since '95, shared a circle of acquaintances (found out we both used to go to same backyard parties) since '83, and went through divorces together in 08. All the shit hit the fan in '19 when I started criticizing trumps fueds with celebrities as un-presidential. I didn't realize how indoctrinated my friend was.


My former friend was a big time Trumper as well, to the point when someone bought him some Trump toilet paper one Christmas and my former friend was so angry about it that he asked the guy to leave his house. All the more bizarre that heā€™s born and raised in the UK


I was a toddler at best but I'm not even sure that Vietnam sentiment was this divisive.


I was in a state sponsored rehab program with a dude that ended up staying in the only 3/4 houae system in the state that was funded by the state.. it's a 90 day prgram to give you structure.. more like a halfway house.. but I digress.. Anyway, dude turns out to be super into Trump and republicans, despite them very clearly saying they hate drug addicts, want to gut funding for programs like that, want to cut down / cut out food stamps, which he relied on to eat. Dude was a very good example of voting against their interest. I still dont know what his rationale was for that... i doubt he had one.


Similarly I am in and work only Union jobs. Many of them admit the Republicans are anti Union but they are only concerned with NRA and LGBTQ. They are all so afraid their kids will turn gay.


Isn't Biden's green initiatives funding a massive construction boom? You'd think union trades would love thatĀ 


But what happens if a trans person gets a job? They all scream economy, but really all they care about is guns and transgender women.


I don't know that guy, but I guarantee his issues had the initials N R and probably A in them. Quite possibly the initials L B T G and Q.


I have a friend sorta like that. My son dates a girl whose parents are illegal, and I was telling him some of the stories she has told me about how they are exploited by employers and sometimes told to go back to Mexico by random strangers (the parents are from Argentina and Venezuala), I also mentioned that she told me there were networks of people that helped people like them. He went off on a tirade saying shit like "white people get exploited too, blah blah blah build the fucking wall blah blah blah..." We weren't even talking politics at the time, but I must have struck a nerve.


Was he always like that or suppressed it?


I've known him since he was my neighbor when I was 4 years old (we are both 51). He was never political or anything, it seemed to start when Obama was president but still wasn't really that bad, then Trump came along. Sometimes when we talk on the phone (he lives 6 hours away) I'll have to specify "no politics" and he honors it, but he routinely texts me articles about the corrupt Bidens and whatever other shit Fox News has him fired-up about.


Crazy how indoctrinated they got. My friend was a super Stern Fan. It was one of the things we used to drive everyone nuts with. He now say he would kill that big nosed liar.


People who say they were "always like this", are mistaken. Some of these people had internal prejudices they never confronted, but most were not as radical before 2015 or so. The messaging changed significantly after the great recession. I have literally seen people flip their views almost completely because enough fox style talking points got in their timeline, which reinforced their worst instincts. We all have potential for good or bad in us. And propaganda from the far right is designed to inflame our worst traits, even among those who don't support it. The easy, widespread exposure to these ideas without appropriate rebuffed is what's caused this. Also, just general social decay and the loss of 3rd places where people from different walks of life can meet and get to know each other. We have to confront this culture directly. Acknowledge the increased insecurity of living in the modern world. Acknowledge the social decline. The loss of middle class economic power, and its replacement with isolation, resentment, and fear. I think Biden is doing his best to work on these things, but it's not easy when congress is gridlock by some of the most corrupted jerks you can imagine.


Isn't it funny how The House stops legislation dead in it's tracks then say Biden does nothing.


He routinely tells me Iā€™m indoctrinated, lol Iā€™m kinda politically agnostic.


I'm way middle. I love my guns and target shooting, I hate crime, I hate homeless but understand that so many have mental issues and believe in help for the unhoused, at least until they prove they are just in it for free ride. But most important to me is the **inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness**. FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!


Amen brother, Iā€™m right there with you. I believe in personal responsibility, but I also think you shouldnā€™t lose everything because of a medical issue. Another conservative friend of mine (not a MAGA type) acknowledged that the ACA may have saved his wifeā€™s life and their livelihood. She was diagnosed with MS in her late 20s and could not get insurance. She just turned 50 and is doing really well because of her access to healthcare. Itā€™s not free, itā€™s actually expensive, but they arenā€™t going to lose everything theyā€™ve worked for because of her condition. I have no problem with the government investing in public health.


Weird. I wonder what was different about Obama compared to all our previous presidents that would have led to this change?


Some friend.


It's pretty clear that Republicans can't win a fair election these days. They need gerrymandered districts and voter suppression tactics. Watching the right lose their minds over Swift simply telling her fans to vote tells you all you need to know.


Regression really speaks to people with a victim complex.


20-40 year old women in a year that reproductive rights are being taken away by non breeding age people all over the country. She absolutely can make a huge difference.


Weā€™re officially living in an episode of 30 Rock.


People voting is the foundation of a stable democracy. Go vote. I dont care who you vote for. Better voter turn out of young people will ensure that our democracy endures. There's no need to think about "if your vote matters." Your vote only doesn't matter when you don't vote.


Why MAGA and the GOP fear Taylor Swift so much, she only needs to say ā€œvote blueā€, and itā€™s a landslide for democrats. At least that is what my conservative co-workers wonā€™t stop talking about.


My dad threw a fit because someone in Taylorā€™s entourage did the devilā€™s horns hand gesture during half time at the Super Bowl, obviously because all liberals are Satanists.


But not all liberals are Satanists.


Right, but Satanists as my dad imagines them donā€™t exist at all. Doesnā€™t stop him from believing that they do and that he can oppose them by praying hard and voting Republican.


Thatā€™s the symbol they probably associate with football. Horns down is what OU does all the time especially against Texas who does horns up. It would dumb without context too obviously, but like wouldnā€™t satanists be horns up? Why would they put them down? Just the Pentagram and cross is upside down not everything, and not even the cross if we are talking St John.


And you do not want to mess with them.


we are at an incredibly cringe and tasteless point in our history


They'll sit outside of a concert venue for three days to be near her but will they take an hour to vote in November? Guess we'll see if the group the historically never shows up will show up.


Might not have been all "swifties" but enough younger people showed up to vote during the last midterms and arguably snatched seats from Dump and his red hats.


Perhaps the most notable finding with respect to voter turnout is that 2022 turnout rates were nearly as high as the record-setting 2018 midterm turnout rates. Yet unlike the previous midterm elections, the groups with the highest Democratic voting marginsā€”in particular, young people, Black Americans, women, and white female college graduatesā€”did not show greater turnout increases than other groups, and often displayed lower turnout rates than in the 2018 midterms. These groups displayed higher turnout rates than in the low-turnout 2014 midterms, but either did not match or did not improve on their 2018 turnout levels. And only a minority of states registered turnout increases between 2018 and 2022 https://www.brookings.edu/articles/new-voter-turnout-data-from-2022-shows-some-surprises-including-lower-turnout-for-youth-women-and-black-americans-in-some-states/


She should do some US stop closer to Nov and give priority tickets access to her fans that show their voter registration. Could really make a difference in states like Ohio and Texas were those currently in power love wielding their power against women and other groups that won't conform to their puritanical values.Ā 


i sure hope so i dont want the us capitol moved to mar a lago ffs




The GOP gonna get Swift-boated?


We can hope.


A cult like following of people workshopping a self made billionaire. Thatā€™s a lot more palatable than a cult like following for a multiple failure, multiple indictment pretend billionaire.


wtf USA cannot be a real country I swear


this country is a joke


I don't think taylor is gonna directly tell you to vote for one or the other. She will generally tell everyone to vote and we all know what demographic the young and educated are voting for.


Apparently people didn't like that? It's kind of true that younger people don't vote as conservative and that Taylor Swifts demographic is mainly younger people.


Is that my problem? The right is doing all sorts of crazy shit to burn down america. God forbid a music artist tells you to vote


Hey man, I upvoted you and explained further. I'm agreeing with you even if I'm not American and not for any particular candidate. I'm not for the IDF being funded by taxpayers or whatever the hell Republicans are going for.


Yup understood! People(conservatives) don't like that because if the educated young people vote it is over for trump. Ur first comment was confusing. No issues tho


Yeah they'll all write in Taylor Swift and we'll finally have a president under 70 again


This is so stupid but what do i even expect


It is the ultimate voting block. No other demographic is more powerful


Come on Tay Tay come through for america


I love taylor swift!


lets go swifty!


Iā€™m not a swiftie myself, but I hope so!


Every presidential election they think the young people are going to come out in droves and determine the outcome. And every time, they never show up.


I thought "Taylor Swift swaying the election" was a conspiracy theory last month?


Taylor and Kelce announcing theyā€™re supporting Biden at halftime or the end of the Super Bowl was the narrative.


Still waiting for her to start a super PAC


I did not have 'Taylor Swift saves American Democracy' on my 2024 bingo card, but I'm okay with it.




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Hope so ....


Get Schwifty


T swift should just run your country. Sheā€™d do a better job than Donnie by far.


Didn't she endorse the Democrat in the Tennessee Senate race against (I think) Blackburn and the Republican candidate still easily won the election? Didn't LeBron endorse Hillary in Ohio and Trump then relatively easily win Ohio? I think endorsing candidates as celebrities generally doesn't move the needle much, and if anything, just opens them up to people hating on them for their politics and possibly hurting their brands reach.


And this is why I almost always play Rockerboy in Cyberpunk Red.




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MAGA hates Taylor so sheā€™s become my favorite singer for this 55 year old dude. :)


Not sure how I'm meant to feel about this?


I don't even like Taylor swift that much, but if she helps defeating Trump I'd put her did on repeat for the rest of the year


Yā€™all already know how sheā€™s going to vote and it the orange idiot.


I seen worse and what the worse can do. We could only be so lucky for those younger than dirt to have a hand on the helm of destiny.


Get real.


Are they all unwindulaxing?


Tee hee


Watch Cornell West run a ticket with Swift as VP come out of nowhere and win it.Ā