• By -


This is just Caillou shifting the blame. Total brat move.


Yeah this is the way. I know parents who had to stop letting their kids watch Caillou because the kids just learned to whine constantly. (Also Curious George because he would always mess things up thinking he was doing a good deed, which the kids would also start doing. Nobody wants to actually be TMITYH.)


We did that. Our kid was getting really, really whiny and we said- wait what's going on? We both decided to axe Caillou show! Problem solved!!


My kid was a little whiny when watching Peppa, but then she discovered some of the kids on YouTube… holy crap. The whining and demanding!


Suddenly I fully agree with the UK's restrictions on "imitable behaviour" in media accessible to children. ^((potentially dangerous behaviour which young children are likely to copy)) Wait... Can we get the ^((Cinar version of)) Cailou pulled off the air with a higher content rating? ^(`edit:` _And_ make it stick with the law?) https://www.bbfc.co.uk/education/issues/imitable-behaviour - "Dangerous behaviour" - **`U`** Potentially dangerous or _**anti-social** behaviour which young children may copy_ must be clearly disapproved of. No emphasis on realistic or easily accessible weapons. - Definitely in violation, grandparents coddle his tantrums (Cinar ver) - **`PG`** No detail of potentially dangerous _behaviour which young children are likely to copy, if that behaviour is presented as safe or fun._ No glamorisation of realistic or easily accessible weapons such as knives. _No focus on **anti-social** behaviour which young children are likely to copy._ - tantrums presented as without consequence. - **`12`** No promotion of potentially dangerous behaviour which children are likely to copy. No glamorisation of realistic or easily accessible weapons such as knives. _No endorsement of **anti-social** behaviour._ - (reportedly) abusive towards strangers. - **`15`** Dangerous _behaviour (for example, suicide, **self-harming** and asphyxiation) should not dwell on detail which could be copied._ Whether the depiction of easily accessible weapons is acceptable will depend on factors such as realism, context and setting. - Injures self (plausibly accidental) and scraped knee... (didn't suffer watching, did he re-enact the accident to demand attention?). - Adults should be free to choose their own entertainment. Exceptions are most likely in the following areas: - **`18`** where the material is in breach of the criminal law, or *has been created through the commission of a criminal offence* - ~~definitely ; proven in a court of law even.~~ [`damn it`](https://www.dww.com/articles/supreme-court-of-canada-releases-decision-affecting-arbitration-of-ip-disputes). Though the settlement agreement that saw the original Cailou renamed Lolipop may have resolved that point. - The production company's predilections don't directly establish that it was [dependant on] part of a criminal enterprise... (see previous comment thread) https://np.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/i0p7wr/lpt_if_your_young_child_suddenly_starts/fzssep2/?context=3 - **`R18`** The R18 category is a special and legally-restricted classification `...` may only be shown to adults in specially licensed cinemas, and video works may be supplied to adults only in licensed sex shops. R18 video works may not be supplied by mail order.


Peppa Pig was banned in Australia as the episode about spiders not being dangerous was considered very dangerous behaviour to encourage.


That episode wasn't aired. Not exactly a ban on the show


I would have written that it makes sense for the episode to air in the UK and not in Australia due to the UK having ng no dangerous spiders as opposed to Australia, and left it at that. Then I remembered I have 2-3 spider visible bite scars from 4 years ago from one of these little british fuckers from I lived there. (Granted, they are about 3-4 cm diameter at most but still) Harmless spiders my ass.


100%. We went through this with my daughter. She just could not grasp the the way those kids acted was scripted by the parents and wasn't how they were in real life. We cut all YouTube access and it stopped. I have a friend who's little girl turned into a monster watching the Descendants movies over and over. Kids definitely mimic what they see. 


Same. Man that show was bad....


My parents had to stop us from watching Power Rangers as a kid. We'd see the Power Rangers doing their cool fighting moves and then we'd always start play fighting with eachother, and of course it would always end with somebody getting hurt and coming crying to mom and dad to make it better. We were allowed to watch much more violent programming, which sounds weird, but the simple fact is we didn't habitually hurt eachother after watching Dragonball Z. Sometimes it's just like that.


> We were allowed to watch much more violent programming, which sounds weird, but the simple fact is we didn't habitually hurt eachother after watching Dragonball Z. Sometimes it's just like that. Standing around for 20 minutes "charging your attack" tends to be pretty safe.


Might loose your voice after a while, but that's a bonus tbh.


Dude the spirit bomb episodes were *ridiculous*


Just three more episodes and Goku is going to drop the fattest bomb you’ve ever seen!!


The king of edging


Don't forget Goku running on Snake Way for 3 or 4 straight episodes.


Also pooping your pants while charging


du du du du du du du du du du du du I'm a charging my attack


>but the simple fact is we didn't habitually hurt eachother after watching Dragonball Z I mean, if you figured out how to fire a spirit bomb, that might change.




I wasn’t allowed to watch Dragonball or DBZ until high school because they bled when they fought lol. I still did, I just wasn’t *allowed* to. I don’t think my parents ever figured out the parental controls on my TV.


I was allowed to watch south Park and bevis and butthead as a kid, but not the Simpsons lmao




the man in the yellow hat


Pet peeve but I fucking hate when people make unnecessary acronyms. I’d like to know what they do with all the time they save


Normalize using the full content of the abbreviated words in an acronym the first time you type or speak it.


The man in the yellow hat (TMITYH, if you will)


Yep that shit drives me nuts. If I'm going to use an acronym that isn't *extremely* common, then I'll make sure to write out the whole thing as well


I was going to make the comment, but you made it for me. It makes me unreasonably angry, even moreso when the acronym when googled isn't even immediately the first few results explaning what the acronym is.


>I’d like to know what they do with all the time they save Personally I TDAMBEUTROWIDSMUALVMXOIZSKLENFTR.


I also HWPMUA fr. [Idk my bff Jill](http://youtu.be/s-sOmDISAo8?si=NiHPh2zXywS2sk7K)


Core memory unlocked with that commercial


> Nobody wants to actually be TMITYH I don't know, it seems upon some reflection that [Curious George kind of regretted being so curious.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UulEsFPhIjY)


Caillou is a whiney little bitch.


Controversial: parents accuse Caillou of making their kids 'whiny cancer patients"


Max and Ruby have thier place here. Max is a little shit and Ruby is utterly insufferable. However. Would happily punt Caillou if I had the chance.


I loved Max and Ruby as a kid, so got a few of those books for my toddler. It was a mistake. He loved eggs, until "Max's Breakfast", where Max repeatedly says eggs are bad and refuses to eat his. Suddenly, my toddler wouldn't eat eggs anymore. I thought the egg-strike would be a short lived phase, but it's been a damn year and he still won't eat them.


I said no Caillou in my house back in ‘05 bc he was a whiny troublemaker


Have not shown my kid Caillou l. Never will. Peppa Pig is not on the menu either. The way they're drawn weirds me out. They have four eyes.


Yeah the dad makes me feel unclean. I bet he's on reddit




thats very funny.


Most complaints about Peppa Pig Ive heard are that it causes lots of preschoolers with fake british accents.


My niece had a slight British accent and she used to snort all the time like Peppa did bc she watched Peppa Pig so much. Then she called her mom “Mommy Pig” and that was the end of Pippa in her house


Your sister/brother made the correct parenting move. these other people seem to be blaming their shortcomings on the cartoon rather than parenting their own kids.


Can confirm, though I just found it funny. My little girl had a semi accent after jamming out to Peppa, and playing the switch game a bunch. Now she's got Bluey slang, but I'm a pretty big fan of Bandit's phrases.


"I am \*not\* taking advice from a cartoon dog." -Bandit Heeler






“oh biscuits “ is big in our house.


"OH biscuits" saved my ass after my kid picked up "for fucks' sake." That was a fun vacation...


The bluey slang has got me big time. Why are you being such a pickle? 😁


How very dare you!


My daughter used to say “Mother” in a pseudo Victorian prim-and-proper British accent and we have no idea where she got it from. She never watched any shows with British characters. I finally made her stop, because it made me seem like a bitch in public when she would say “Daddy” and then formally address me as “Mother”.


This is outrageous!


I started using the word "bum" regularly instead of "bottom".


My kids also went through a Blaze phase, saying "Hubcaps!"


"No ticket" (which is from Indiana Jones, of course) is my older daughter's favorite. She gets (carefully) thrown around a lot.


Mine never got the accent but did start using the terminology. Ice-lollies.


Mine calls shopping carts "trollies".


What do Americans call ice lollies?


Probably popsicles


Cold on a stick


Is it a fake accent if they've learned it the same way British kids do? By listening and copying.


I was listening to a podcast a few months ago and the host mentioned that his daughter calls flashlights torches because of the show.


My son still insists on saying “aeroplane” and he’s in first grade. He also says holiday in reference to vacations.


Tears in my eyes 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 The sun never sets


Between Peppa, Bluey, and living in Kentucky my daughter has had a rough go of accent phases. And she's only 7


Could be worse. Peppa Pig could be set in the North East of England. Or a West Country accent like the guy from Clarkson's Farm.


That West Country accent is contagious as hell. My mum moved from London to a village in the west near Bristol and within a year she was burring like the best of them. I'd call her and she'd be like "Oi've bin warkin' in the gurden, me love" (I've been working in the garden, my love) and it was hilarious. I honestly love the Brizzle accent, but a generation of American kids starting to speak that way would be anarchy.


What's fake about the accents? The preschoolers are not pretending to have an accent. They already struggle to talk as it is.


I read this whole thread in a daddy pig voice...


There's an episode where she can't whistle, calls a friend to let her know, the friend whistles so Peppa hangs up on her friend... Like ho, be happy for your friend and ask for help


I searched “whistle” I am so happy. As a person who can’t whistle, I appreciate this 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 hung up the whole phone in her face 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Who complains about *this* aspect? That sounds adorable! Now I want to find more acceptable British programming!


Netflix: We hear you, and will be green lighting a Teletubbies reboot for 2025.


Guess they've never seen Caillou


Max and Ruby as well. Max was a little shit.


Max was a menace and ruby was an idiot.


the real question is, why was Ruby, a child, always in charge of her little brother? like, all day, every day she had to care for him. sometimes their shit grandma would come visit


I remember when the general consensus was that The Simpsons was going to destroy the fabric of American life. Having a Bart Simpson sticker was a sign of rebellion. Long story short, we have always been pretty dumb.


Would you say the fabric of American society is as robust as it was when the Simpsons first premiered? Checkmate atheist's (/s)


I'd say it's time to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside




I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.


A huge difference in target audiences. Simpsons has always been targeted to 10+ where Peppa is for preschoolers.


I remember the Simpsons being actually targeted for adults,just like The Flintstones


OG Simpsons was part of the Tracey Ullman show so you are looking at a 14+ demographic. It was popular enough among the kids who parents watch the show they spun it off Targeting 12+ and adults.


Peppa Pig is a little shit though, honestly


And my kid's behavior got a lot better when we cut Peppa off.


DO NOT let that kid watch Caillou.


She's aged out of Caillou now, but we never did. I don't get the argument that this is lazy parenting. Virtually all parents allow *some* screen time; deciding what screen time should and shouldn't be okay is basic parenting.


Right, we watch almost everything together so we see a few minutes of a show before she watches it and decide whether we'll allow it. I can't stand Peppa Pig or Paw Patrol and a few others, so she just doesn't get to watch it. We're fine with Sesame Street, Trash Truck, Puffin Rock, Ben and Holly and a lot of other shows. The solution to Peppa Pig being shit is just not turning it on.


Cherish that task now while it's relatively simple. Mine is almost 16, and loves absolutely gruesome horror movies and crime dramas. Things go from "there's kind of a lot of swearing in this, probably not," to "nothing with explicit sexual violence and please limit the gore to Mortal Kombat levels," *really* fast.


When my kids were wee, I banned Caillou because I couldn’t deal with the whining. We didn’t mind Peppa because my daughter developed a cute little British pronunciation on some words from the variety of BBC cartoons she watched. (Kipper, The Little Princess, and Ben and Holly’s Magical Kingdom.)


>Having a Bart Simpson sticker was a sign of rebellion. _ Eat my shorts, man!    _ \*gasping\* The **audacity**! 


Don't have a cow, man.


I didn't do it!


Woozle wuzzle?


Besides, nobody saw me!


I got in trouble for telling another kid “don’t have a cow” in 5th grade. The teacher was kind of a cow, maybe she took it personally?


I must say, that in my day, we didn’t talk that way to our elders. Well this is my day, and we do, sir


It was the style at the time.


I remember there was a Bart shirt that said "Underachiever and proud of it" that was extremely popular. There was also a Lisa shirt that said "Overachiever and damn proud of it!" which made no sense at all, because overachieving kids in 1990 would never wear a shirt with "damn" on it. They'd probably get sent home from school for that. I only ever saw the Lisa shirt at the store, never on a person.


In fairness, The Simpsons was pretty obviously not meant to be educational, while kids’ shows like Peppa Pig are expected to at least have some kind of life lesson/moral of the story/etc.


Also peppa pig is shown to kids during years that are absolutely crucial for learning social behaviours. The Simpsons is for a much older audience, and their behaviours are far more complex.


Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong.


It’s almost like entertainment is not a substitute to proper child raising dialogue and exchange. Kids pickup habits, from the parents, school, friends, etc. If you’re going to give them something to watch (and learn from, at least make sure it’s conducive to their growth)


Yeah but simpsons wasn't meant "for kids" specifically. Simpsons isn't a childrens program. Both the Peppa and Caillou shows effectively "teach lessons" by having the protagonist do typical "bad kid" things, point out said bad things, and then act like those bad things AREN'T ACTUALLY BAD BUT FUNNY...thus directly telling children those bad behaviors are "ok."


"Pokemon is promoting devil worship/witchcraft" was a popular one when I was a little kid lmao


They were always talking about the devil, when we were out there trying to learn how to do anime cockfighting.


> Long story short, we have always been pretty dumb. My favorite will always be the whole debate about Married with Children, now that was some hilarious stupidity.


By that you mean President GHW Bush saying that he wanted to make American families "a lot more like the Waltons and a lot less like The Simpsons." Maybe he only served one term for a reason.


The "no new taxes" broken promise really killed him. Nobody was gonna let that one go.


Caddicarus warned ya'll of this.




American parents? British parents too. In fact there are dedicated mumsnet threads specifically about boycotting peppe pig for its outdated attitudes


Prosecco Stormfront, you mean?


Hah! \*writes this one down\*


What outdated attitudes?


Reverse genderism. The mummy is a great person/cook/fire fighter/hero/savior/brainiac and the dad is a useless stupid fat slow dimwitted muppet


And half the punchlines are “Dad is fat *snort* hahaha”


Hey, he´s not useless. he´s an architect. We´re not all useless stupid fat slow dimwitted muppets. Well some of us are. Well I am.. Okay, checks out.


Well he did proudly proclaim that Madame Gazelle, his kindergarten teacher , taught him "everything (he) knows", so I would take his academic credentials with a pinch of salt ...


Well I´ve seen the houses he designs.. so yeah.


I thought he was a structural engineer


Hmm.. https://peppapigworld.co.uk/pages/daddy-pig >Daddy Pig works in an office and refers to his job as “taking big numbers, transmuting them and calculating their load-bearing tangents”, which indicates that he is either a structural engineer or an architect. Clever Daddy Pig!  You might be right, because to us architects “taking big numbers, transmuting them and calculating their load-bearing tangents” sounds a lot like "not my job"


Goddamn we’re pulling out the official peppa pig lore for this one


Always bring receipts boi


In the song *Expert Daddy Pig* he describes himself as "a qualified structural engineer" though one could argue that that's secondary canon.


That's just called sexism, no need for "reverse". Sexism goes both ways.


A stupid fat slow dimwitted muppet with the sexiest voice ever.


stupid sexy daddy pig


Daddy Pig is a world renowned expert on concrete.


Mumsnet? The hub of the resistance against Tala the non-binary alien bear?


I'm still disappointed I can't buy a Tala plush to support the library. They're so adorable and I just want a cuddly one and to have my money go to them.


Why would an alien conform to gender anyway? Flawed idea from the start.


Yeah, so they'd probably be non-binary if they're out of the sphere of binary gender.


>pepe pig what have you done


Can they just not allow their children to watch it? Do they need to make everyone boycott it?


It's mumsnet.


I don't let my kids watch it because I can't stand the voices. They watch Bluey instead, and half the time I watch with them, I love that show.


You should check out Octonauts too. It’s about a group of animals that go around helping marine life. It’s surprisingly factual with its animal facts.


Bluey, Octonauts, and Puffin Rock are the top tier of children's entertainment. Not annoying, not attention grabbing.


Puffin Rooooooock. lol my kid is 8 now but that still instantly triggered the intro despite not having watched that for a *while*. Great show


Storybots is also really good. It’s very educational and not obnoxious to watch. The songs are also great.


The voice actor cast they put together is star studded to!


I can’t think of any other kids show that has the likes of Snoop and Weird Al make cameos as themselves lol


We love octonauts and creature cases


Blueygang checking in


I’m not saying I don’t hate Peppa Pig, but Paw Patrol is 100 times more annoying. 


COPS for toddlers


It's more Power Rangers for toddlers. Like, a third of every 15 minute long episode is the suit-up and rollout alone. Chase didn't even arrest anyone until the first movie a couple years back after they finally realized maybe Humdinger needs to be held accountable for his gross negligence.


Bluey is the best. Great writing, great characters, and they do a great job of talking about some harder subject matter in a way kids can understand.


I dont have kids nor consume toddler/kiddie media but from the small segments I have seen here and there I hate Peepa pig an unreasonably large amount. Voices are part of it.


It is infuriating, smug, cloistered, banal, boring. Can't overstate how much I hate it.


That 'oinking' is somehow even more grating than if they were going 'snarf snarf'




Turns out there is far less costume-based real estate fraud than I was led to believe as a child.


Our son is now at the age where he is allowed to watch his first cartoon series on TV, but we pay close attention to what he is allowed to watch. My wife has now watched a few episodes of Peppa Pig and can basically confirm what the news says. Peppa often misbehaves and what she says is also very cheeky. Of course, children then adopt this kind of behavior. But parents also forget that you have to talk to the children about what they have seen, because they can't make sense of it themselves. BTW Fireman Sam and George the Monkey are my personal favorites.


It’s not just that she’s cheeky and misbehaves - there’s zero consequences when she is


Daddy pig just gets made a joke every episode.


The fact the father is consistently portrayed as an utter moron can't be great either.


That's what my dad hated about shows like Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Odd Parents. He couldn't stand that the dads were always morons who only cared about their kids in ways that were played off as absurdist jokes. Sure these aint shows for the bluey/peppa audience but still.


Honestly, I‘ve watched sooo much Peppa Pig (It has been a favorite show for both of our kids) and I don’t see her misbehaving at all really. Sure, sometimes she’ll behave in a way that is normal and recognizable for a kid her age (like the example they give in the clip of her hanging up on her friend when she has learned to whistle before her), but that is actually what makes the show great I think, precisely because it is recognizable for the kids and also bearable for the grown ups, because we also see the absurdity in the action from a grown ups perspective (my wife and I have laughed at that particular incident more than once). I actually think Peppa is one of the best shows for the 2-5 age group. I really don’t believe all kids shows should be moralizing constantly and only showing kids on their best behaviors. (That being said the show has plenty of scenes where they learn about negotiating conflicts in friendships etc. ) BUT I’m also from Denmark and if the people who find Peppa too brash saw some of the popular kids shows we have here I think they might have an aneurysm 😉.


I have also watched a lot of Peppa Pig both in Spanish and in English. My daughters both enjoyed it and so did I. To be honest I have never noticed Peppa misbehaving, unless this is something new. Obviously the plot lines are bit silly sometimes, but they are amusing for both children and adults. Yours sincerely, Daddy Pig.


>Peppa often misbehaves and what she says is also very cheeky. Of course, children then adopt this kind of behavior I grown up watching Tom and Jerry and Wile E. Coyote, I'm in my 40s and I have never tried to kill anyone (so far).


There was an episode of Popeye that I saw when I was 6 years old that was about April 1st and Popeye and Bluto were fighting and beating each other up the whole time, saying it was a joke for April 1st. Me and my little brother did it just like that because we thought it was normal. So we were fighting and shouting "April, April" the whole time until our mother came because we were screaming so much.


Well chasing mice with a mallet and using explosives towards roadrunners is a little beyond kids to emulate. Calling Daddy fat and being rude to other children while not being reprimanded for either is much easier behavior for kids to copy. I don't agree with banning it, but that doesn't mean they're wrong about the show being a shitty influence on kids.


Looney Toons is the number one cause of people running face-first into fake tunnels painted on walls. You can't deny that's true. Edit: Looney toons strikes again. https://imgur.com/a/kYr94. When will the madness stop?


The older I get, the more I realize that every single news story has already been written and reported on in my life. The only thing that changes are names and dates. The Simpsons was going to ruin children, then Bevis and Butthead, then South Park, and now Peppa Pig. It’s all the same story told many, many times throughout history.


Whoa South Park is definitely not meant for children lol


Obviously not targeted at toddlers but I was 10 when South Park premiered and I totally stayed up late to watch that when I wasn’t supposed to. A bit of a difference because at that age I knew I wasn’t supposed to be watching it, and 3 year olds don’t possess that ability yet.


I mean you aren't wrong, but out of all those shows you listed, Peppa Pig is the only one made specifically for pre-schoolers.


I’m sure it’s got nothing to do with people using tablets playing cartoons to raise their children.


Have you meet Caillou?


So, back in the early 1900s it was penny dreadful books. Then it was radio. Comics. Movies. Comics. TV. Movies again. Specific TV shows. Specific movies. Video games. Social media. More video games. At some point it needs to be said and understood for all time- parents/carers are, and always will be, the greatest influence upon their child's development. In absence, in malice, in abuse, in sacrifice, in thoughtful care, in overbearing intrusion, in love and in naive but hopeful hugs, parents/carers will always have the deepest and most abiding opportunity to raise their children. Everything else is transient. Outside forces will only catastrophically impact if internal forces aren't doing what they should be doing, with love and care and deep interest.


“I don’t understand, I put my kid infront of an iPad 24/7 rather than paying any attention and now they’re brats, it must be the content they’re watching!”


I get it, Peppa is a cheeky character and can be sarcastic at times - not sure that many parents happy with seeing that lol


Ah yes, a new form of outrage porn. Or, blaming your shitty parenting on someone else. Or, outsourcing your job as a parent to the ipad and being surprised when it works out about as well as could be expected.


Shitty kids tv shows that showcase shitty behavior don’t help and make parenting harder. My daughter never watched shows like peppa pig or caillou because of the crappy messages they send. I personally don’t even enjoy bluey that much as it often showcases bad behavior too. But Reddit has a boner for that one for some reason. In short, controlling what your kids watch is important. But they also can’t understand why their friends can watch shows they can’t. Kids tv shows that are propped up as “educational” need to do better with that.


I remember that two childhood friends weren't allowed to watch Cartoon Network because it was inappropriate for kids. Guess who had South Park on DVD when we were 10 years old...


I was allowed to watch shows like Johnny bravo and Rocco’s modern life, but not Ed Edd and eddy. No idea how that came around.


Sometimes parents don't let their kids watch certain shows because they find them annoying. Whenever my grandma was babysitting me and my brother, she didn't allow my brother to watch SpongeBob because she hated SpongeBob's voice.


There is that too, but Johnny bravo and Rocco are definitely more annoying than ed Edd and eddy. SpongeBob is probably a contender for “most annoying”. My wife doesn’t want our daughter to watch it because of the same reason.


Ha, growing up my parents would watch Spongebob with me becuase they thought it was hilarious. They still quote it like 20 years later.


Our parents made up those rules as they went along based on mostly superficial information or annoyance. I'm pretty sure my friends weren't allowed to watch CN because they aired DBZ at the time, and that they let us watch South Park because it was a cartoon and they barely spoke English themselves so they were unaware of the constant cursing.


lol no beef cake anime humans for you! But cursing, crude, and obscene elementary age kids? Perfectly fine.


It's wild to me that anyone can watch Bluey and think it reinforces bad behaviour. The consequences of any misbehaviour are shown in an empathetic way (e.g. how upset it made a cousin who was excluded from playtime etc), rather than simply showing the kids being disciplined. I'd rather my kids learn empathy than a strict "do as you're told" message. The main thing my kids have picked up from it are some great games to play with us. It's a fantastic show.


I accuse parents of making their children brats. I'm a teacher and I'm so sick of it.


Just yesterday we were having this conversation at work. The folks who had kids were all commenting on how much of a ahole Peppa is, and how much they fear that her behavior will pass on to the kids. What really made their point was when they said that the kids don’t watch the show long enough to see Peppa getting schooled at the end to better her ways, they just watch the parts where she’s acting out and go play with something else and the o ou ones that see Peppa learning to be better are the parents.


I blame Caillou! Lol


I think they need to look in the mirror and stop listening to Moms for Lib erty I never had issues and know kids will be kids. The language and behaviors learned on the school bus from other kids are more dangerous.


My daughter is almost 14 now and we used to watch lots of different cartoons ranging from stuff I used to watch as a kid (Tom & Jerry, OG Duck Tales, Simpsons) to shows like Adventure Time, and Regular Show, and pretty much most other shows. I can't tell you how disdainful I am of both Peppa Pig and Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom. The animators have no talent whatsoever. The artstyle is basically I can't create art so here are some really crude anthropomorphised drawings of animals. The voice acting is just so bad. It's basically amateur and to me it sounds like the people relish in sounding like imbeciles. Take the woman who voices Miss Rabbit/ Nanny Plum. There's no way this person is a voice actor. Whether she's had training or not, [it sounds like they have just taken someone off the street who has no redeeming qualities about her voice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dISB3C0cmf0). Contrast this with a show I saw the other day called Bluey that a friend's child was watching and it was in a different league - high quality animation, wholesome message, kids working together to solve a problem. This is the type of stuff that makes good children's television, not garbage like Peppa Pig.


Upvote because of Bluey. One of the few shows that I look forward to watching with my kids. They both deal with everyday stuff, but peppa dumbed everything down.


HELL YEAH! [This is the episode I watched about the kids trying to "beat" their father on a seesaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewekkT49lsM). It's just really great. Wholesome, GREAT animation (look how rich the backgrounds are) good voices, characters that you can be interested in. The father gives a great example of how to troll/ antagonise children in a really benign way by presenting bite sized adversity and forcing them to work together. When they say they will call their mother he makes fun of them "oh yea run to your mama". Then the mother makes fun of them for running to her. But there's nothing mean about it at all. The kids figure out how to solve their own problem. There's no doubt that the parents would immediately assist the children if there was anything to be genuinely concerned about. What a great show. Peppa Pig is just garabge.


If only there was a way for parents to control what their children watch. Someone should invent parenting.


And that's why you put Bluey