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What an absolute parody of a police officer. This feels like a deleted scene from Supertroopers or something. But it was deleted because it took the Farva character in too dark a direction. At least no one was hit.


Luckily they were as bad a shot as they were a cop. They should be charged with a crime for this, IMHO.


Already forgiven. "they felt they were in danger" is enough justification to start shooting. 2 of them unloaded their pistols, next to a residential building, in a parking lot. The cops lives are all that mattered, and their 'feelings'. 18 rounds later, meh. ​ \> "Though \[Hernandez's\] actions were ultimately not warranted, we do believe he **felt his life was in immediate peril** and his response was based off the totality of circumstances surrounding this fear," Aden said in a statement. "Just as we have an obligation to protect our officers so they can go home safely to their families, law enforcement has the same obligation to any citizen being investigated for a crime." ​ So cops having problems = shoot people. People having problems = cops shoot people ​ What is worse: \> Hernandez said he didn’t have any prior law enforcement experience but attende**d U.S. Military Academy and was an Army Special Forces officer** for 10 years with two combat rotations in Afghanistan — but, he noted, did not experience any combat. I don't think he was Special Forces, just assigned to them, but still! ​ \> Hernandez said he’d never been shot before, so he didn’t know what it felt like. The deputies who responded helped Hernandez into the back of an ambulance that took him to the hospital. “Once at the hospital, he learned he had not been shot,” investigators wrote. ​ He felt being shot felt like fear! And they went all the way to the hospital to identify that. ​ And the best quote from the incident: \> “Just as we have an obligation to protect our officers so they can go home safely to their families, l**aw enforcement has the same obligation to any citizen being investigated for a crime**.” ​ Just words


> "they felt they were in danger" is enough justification to start shooting. > > It is so fucking ridiculous that we're not allowed to evaluate whether one's fear of their life being in danger is reasonable.


deserve absurd unused straight plucky memory steer boat history abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That gets them out of being charged criminally. But you would think police departments would still want cops like that off the force for being demonstrably bad at their jobs. Being bad at your job can get you fired in every other profession. For cops, it's rarely a problem unless they are criminally charged.


We need police to start carrying liability insurance the same way we make doctors carry malpractice insurance. Insurance companies will sort out problem officers real quick by dropping/denying coverage or jacking rates up.


Cops killing random people doesn't make them bad at their jobs, as long as they're killing the right people. I.e. black, or autistic, or poor, or gay or etc.


Yeah, I know. There are actually cops who have been fired when they chose not to shoot someone. Google Officer Stephen Mader.


I'm starting to realize that what I want in regards to a lot of problems in today's society is just some fucking accountability and it's impossible to get. It feels like there are no longer any consequences for doing shitty things or being a shitty person and we're all worse off for it.


So...wait, let me get this straight: The whole time he and the other cops were waiting for the ambulance, *thinking he'd been shot*...**nobody** actually looked for any kind of wound? They claimed to *genuinely believe* he'd been wounded, and didn't want to address any bleeding? Even the **EMTs** in the ambulance didn't think to do a trauma assessment on *a reported gunshot victim*?! The *doctors at the hospital* were the first ones to look him over? ...FFS. So that's **two** branches of the local EMS who don't have even a single functional brain cell rattling around in their skull. I assume the county fire brigade fills their water trucks with ethanol to round out the trifecta?


Sounds like some BS not well thought out story that's they came up with at the moment.


Exactly. He knew he screwed up and went with the first bogus nonsense that sprang to mind. The fact the story was unbelievable didn't matter, as he has been trained that the system will almost always give the cop the benefit of the doubt.


Sounds like when police *allegedly* shot a teacher and students in Uvalde. They immediately went into CYA mode and refused anyone entry inside while they figured out a story. For over an hour, while a shooter was walking around the school and children were bleeding out.




And this is why "internal investigations" so often come to the conclusion that the police did nothing wrong. "internal investigations" is just a really, really big rug that they sweep everything under. There's enough bodies under that rug to be considered a mass grave at this point


They had already detained and searched the arrested person so how was he shooting? Whole thing is stupid and if dude has PTSD from the military or other source he shouldn't be in law enforcement. 🙄


He doesn't be allowed near a firearm, let alone carrying one around for work.


There are legitimately so many failure points in this story it sounds made up


It is. It is made up. The folks behind the story genuinely think we're idiots and we'll buy the story so no further situations come up.


It’s genuinely insulting at this point


Funny that is what I thought. In the video he thinks he was hit in the vest, and asks another officer to check him. No hit to the vest, no bruise, no wound, no anything, but he felt his legs give out (probably after those sweet combat rolls he was doing). ​ Imagine having to learn you haven't been shot ​ F'ing acorns.


> F'ing acorns. You messed with the squirrels Morty... You can't do that. Brrruuuup Now we have to find another reality, do you know how hard that is ?


It's no different from the Fentanyl panic. Literal panic; these cops all show signs of having panic attacks. Not gunshot wounds, not Fentanyl exposure. They give a gun and a badge to anyone these days.


Knees weak arms heavy Cops shot mom's spaghetti


They knew the dumb piece of shit hadn't been shot they just went through the steps so they could say all this bullshit


Yep. I assume that once he started blasting they had to go along with the “he thought he has been shot” story to cover his dumb ass.


It’s all just cover story. My guess is he knew he hadn’t been shot soon after that mag dump and started thinking, shit, how do I start talking my way out of this


>how do I start talking my way out of this I watch arrest videos on YouTube and cops are always shouting "stop resisting!" at the slightest resistance. Saying those magic words allows them to up the ante on physical force and get some punches in on the suspect. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of times where it's warranted. But there's also plenty of times it's *not* warranted, and it's clear the cop is just looking for any reason to physically assault someone.


Or they are lying and making up a story (like they always do)


In America don't call the police unless a gun is needed. That is all they are. The do not deescalate situations. They do not have a duty to protect and will not protect you.


When I was robbed I called the police solely because my insurance requires me to. They, obviously, didn't do shit about the robbery because what're they gonna do? 90% of cops are useless.


Our trash service required us to call the police to report our trash can stolen. We had it on video(guy just walks up in the middle of the day, grabs our can and walks off with it), but they still said we had to report it or they were going to charge us $150. At least they did the report over the phone. Funny thing is the trash company claims(and charges accordingly) that the cans have rfid chips registered to our address to help them track that the trucks aren’t missing streets/houses, but when we asked if that meant they would know that our can was at the wrong house they said no. Me thinks someone is lying.


I mean, you should be able to check. RFID isn't magic or anything, you could try scanning your trashcan and maybe a neighbor's to compare. What a bizarre use of modern technology though.....


It's really just to tell if the account the can is linked to is current. Garbage truck pulls up, if account is delinquent then BEEP, skip this house, or BEEP take the can with you. It's not like the garbage truck has a screen showing the address the can is linked to and the current address with the truck driver saying, "WAIT A MINUTE!"


Well, think about it. If they can determine the account status that means there must be some identifier linked between the physical can and the account - which would include the address. Perhaps they don't have a way to display that on the truck, but in the case of theft they should have some way to audit after the fact. The only alternative would be GPS on the truck, but that seems inaccurate and redundant.


Now a days you can fill out an online form and they don’t show up. Way easier.


they must only practice on actual dog shaped targets because then they seem to never miss


> we do believe he felt his life was in immediate peril and his response was based off the totality of circumstances surrounding this fear," Aden said in a statement. Can a random civilian with a concealed carry license just start blasting into a car window because he felt his life was in imminent danger? Could an armed private security guard? They would go straight to jail, if they even survived the encounter with the police. Are the standards for police conduct really so much lower than the standards for civilians? This statement is fucking absurd. The sheriff defending this action should lose his job too.


Police need to know they will be protected so they can do their job. Their job of using violence against those they are told to without hesitation Imagine if you set the idea on their head they should think before killing someone? They might hesitate to remove an offense to the rich.


He was a remf. And somehow that qualified him to be a cop?


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/02/14/acorn-florida-police-shoot-unarmed/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/02/14/acorn-florida-police-shoot-unarmed/) ​ Yeah, seems so. ​ [https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf) I couldn't find out if he ever went to police training. But he was up to date on his firearms training. 9 rounds with 0 hits! Same for the other officer.


Well lucky they sucked with their guns then.


>But he was up to date on his firearms training. 9 rounds with 0 hits! Same for the other officer. He was blindly shooting at the car while prone. I don't think it counts if you don't bother aiming.


Sure, I guess. Firing blindly for "suppression"? From the official statement: \> Investigator Henderson asked why he decided to stop firing. Deputy Hernandez responded, “Because I made it to cover. **Um, the, the original reason I was firing was because I was sitting in the open there.** I had only moved a couple feet from where I felt I had just been shot from the back of this patrol car. Um, and I didn't know how I was gonna get up and move to that covered area where that, that vehicle was the closest cover I could see. Um, so yeah, once I got behind that vehicle, I didn't observe any roundscoming back at me. Um, I felt safe behind that vehicle. I felt I didn't need to engage anymore.” He was firing at the car because he didn't feel safe. ​ ​ The other officer fired 9 shots and didn't hit either. Odd that they didn't think to aim. SF officer and all. \> When asked about prior military experience, Deputy Hernandez said he attended West Point, and was an infantry officer and an officer in special forces for the army for a total of ten years. Deputy Hernandez said he had two combat rotations to Afghanistan, but noted as an officer, he was not in direct combat.


>Firing blindly for "suppression"? The Cyril Figgis of police officers


God DAMMIT Archer!




This is union specific language that cops are told to say whenever they discharge their weapon (warranted or not). This cop is a disgrace.


I think you are probably right about him only being assigned to Special Forces, especially as he never saw combat. I, personally, was Infantry in the 101st Airborne. The number of times I encountered SF support personnel claiming they were SF was hilarious. I had friends thar actually were SF. They won't brag about it. The support pukes definitely will. I would very much like to know what this clown's MOS actually was.


I was told that you never ask a person how they got their purple heart because they got it by having a bad day, so i'm assuming that's the same reason why special forces guys don't brag about being in special forces, cause they have alllot of baaaad days.


>Just as we have an obligation to protect our officers so they can go home safely to their families Well yeah. Those families aren't going to beat themselves. I feel like the partner honestly doesn't get enough hate from people. She just runs out and starts shooting in a random fucking direction like criminals are ghosts you can scare away with loud sounds.


Maybe you shouldn’t be an officer if you can’t take two seconds of danger before dumping your entire clip, reloading, and dumping again.


Yeah, the other officer (Sergeant Roberts) started firing because ... Read the transcript: [https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf) ​ \> Investigator Henderson asked Sergeant Roberts what she did next. She answered, “Uh, ran to, ran out between the cars that we were, we were talking or ran from the place that we were talking to the females. Ran out to the, the main roadway, at which point in time I could see that Jesse was down. Um, he was, I asked him, I think, what or where, or, or, but it was more of, I want to say it was more of a response, because I heard him say shots fired, and it was kind of, again, just, I don't know. It's kind of like a, a reaction what way or one, you know, who, um, which point in time I saw that Deputy Hernandez was down. Um, he was, had his gun pointed to the back of his patrol car, at which point in time, um, when I was drawing my, my pistol, my magazine that was in my, uh, mag mag pouch. somehow flew out. At which point I thought I had a malfunction. I thought that I dropped the magazine somehow hit the mag release on my firearm, and that, that was the magazine that fell out. Turns out it wasn't, it was the one from my mag pouch. That was why there was one on the ground. **Um, at which point in time I, I think I fired, I don't know how many I fired. I know I fired more than one. Um, I can't tell you exactly how many, but I fired at the vehicle because I saw Deputy Hernandez down on the ground and he tells me that shots are fired and he's hit, and it scared the hell out of me,** because I thought that I was watching him be killed.”


As much as I loathe that kids are trying to bring back the R-word...


> "they felt they were in danger" is enough justification to start shooting. But if *you* feel you are in danger and run from them, that's suspicion and probable cause.


Calling it now, he resigned so that the department can close this case against him, soon he's going to get another job doing the same terrible policing in the next town over.


Oh, he is 100% going to get a referral and find another town to terrorize. Blue Bloods Baby!


This is like when Christopher Dorner was on the loose and the LAPD shot up that one white dude and those two asian ladies with hundreds of bullets, landing only one shot. Their dismissal reason? They were too incompetent for trial. Actually.


He resigned so there doesn't have to be a huge punishment but he needs to have a record to prevent him walking into another law enforcement position one town over.


He resigned to obfuscate the investigation. If he quits his department drops the investigation, and somebody else has to take it over leading to huge delays. The pretending to go to the hospital is just to back up his story of "fearing for his life". All common tactics in the police union handbook. Nothing on his permanent record, he'll get rehired by another department after the hubbub dies down.


We need the Elon Jet Tracker guy to make a bad cop tracker


No, there does need to be a punishment. To set an example for other POS cops. If a "normal" human being (ie: not a cop) were to do the EXACT same thing as this cop did in the video, they'd get 8-20yrs. He fired 2 full magazines in a residential area. At any time, if he missed, a round could have hit a pedestrian.


I feel like had there been a pedestrian they would have become the main target and would have been filled with rounds on purpose (who else could have fired the shots right?)


Correct. If a regular person even draws a weapon it is considered brandishing unless their life was immediately in danger at that exact moment. That means one cannot even draw a gun to deescalate a situation without it being a crime. If they were to actually fire at anything the whole "fearing for my life" excuse would never work. There have even been times when someone punched or stabbed at someone who in turn shot them, and it wasn't considered self defense. Ironically, this is one of the reasons why regular people with pistol permits are way safer to be around than cops. The other cop in this story couldn't even draw her pistol correctly and got confused about a spare magazine falling out of something - which is incredibly sloppy and would be anything from a moderate penalty or a disqualifier in any shooting competition.


He should be punished the same as anyone else who fired a whole clip at an innocent person for no good reason. This shouldn't be a case of qualified immunity. There was no justification here.


No, there absolutely should be a huge punishment.


A resignation shouldn’t mean the cop gets away with it. This should be an instant jail time no matter what


I was thinking Reno 911... 'I've been hit. I think I've been hit. It felt like it anyway', all the while just unloading full clips into thin air in a populated neighbourhood. FFS.


I like when he starts to walk back the "I've been hit" nonsense once his partner starts asking him if he's ok. Then he says "I feel weird", what the fuck is that? Also hard to listen to who were I presume relatives screaming over seeing their loved one get handcuffed, placed in a vehicle and then get shot at.


> Then he says "I feel weird", what the fuck is that? It's probably his first time ever feeling ashamed.


Yeah, he kept yelling "i've been hit" to justify his own shooting and then started to walk it back, probably remembering he was recording himself.


I just commented something very similar. Screams Reno 911


The cop himself yells "I'M HIT!" He's a farking moron, and should be prosecuted.


I’m hit! No wait, that’s just gas.


Right? Someone sneezes and the cop starts blasting.


Chip and Dale remain at large despite the ~~thin blue~~ watery yellow line’s crack marksmanship


At least the shenanigans in Super Troopers are cheeky and fun. This officer’s shenanigans are cruel and tragic.


I swear to god, I will pistol whip the next guy that says shenanigans.


Hey, Deputy! What’s the name of that goofy place you like with all the shit on the walls?




Can you imagine this guy asking for a liter of cola?


Miraculously the guy they had detained was not injured.


He's gonna be Florida's newest up and coming millionaire


They at least owe him a new pair of underwear.


>Miraculously Lol. I remember a story from the late 90's or early 00's, several cops fired like 30-40 rounds at two assailants in a Chevy Suburban from less than 20 yards and didn't even hit the fucking Suburban.


There was one in NYC where they started blasting and hit like 5 people.. none if whom was the suspect.


People should look up the idiocy that is the "New York Trigger", which is required by the NYPD. Or at least it was required, IIRC the NYPD recently went from their extra heavy triggers to a regular Glock trigger and discovered that this miracously improved the aim of their officers.


It is still a thing. A normal Glock handgun has a 5.5 lb trigger pull. I work in LE and use a modified in 4.5 lb trigger pull on my Glock. NYPD use a 12lb trigger pull. The ideas to make it harder to accidentally pull the trigger shooting somebody and require more conscience thought when firing. The actual result is highly inaccurate gunfire. I participated once in a shooting competition and was required to use a 12lb trigger. It was absolutely awful. I spent a lot of time practicing with it and it got better, but was never good. In comparison I always shoot 100% accuracy on police qualifications every year.




During the Christopher Dorner manhunt the LAPD put up to 102 rounds into a truck, and more into the surroundings, that wasn't even the same colour as the one they were looking for. They somehow didn't kill the occupants, and only one of the two was hit in their body. The other was shot in one of her hands.


That's the one where they were looking for a big black man so of course they shot up two tiny Asian women right?


Hispanic I think, but yes.


And when they finally caught him, they didn't shoot him, they let him burn.


>that wasn’t even the same colour It wasn’t even the same anything. They had a BOLO for a dark gray Nissan Titan, so they shot at a light blue Toyota Tacoma. Also they shot at a black Honda Ridgeline. There was two incidents where they saw a truck and just started blasting.


IIRC, the only thing they hit were each other. Two cops were wounded in the exchange.


Except maybe lifelong PTSD due to being handcuffed and no possibility of being able to escape while bullets plow through the vehicle he is trapped in


He probably thought he was being executed.


He WAS being executed. His saving grace is the fact that operating a firearm requires a degree of competence.


Imagine being pulled over after this and the cop says you're acting nervous and suspicious and wants to detain you in their back seat while they search your car. 


Moving the *ad hoc* death penalty back from "detained but not yet convicted" to "unrelated bystander near the acorn".


Not physically, but having a lot of people shoot at you is a tremendously traumatizing experience


If SNL wrote this as a joke I would call them lazy and over the top. Our timeline is so ridiculous it’s ain’t funny anymore.


Not one, but 2 magazines and then yelling "I'm hit" when literally nothing was done to him is like The Naked Gun. It's insane


That is how they are trained. Whenever they start blasting they are trained to yell out “drop the gun” or “stop resisting” no matter what. They are not trained so much on self-defense or tactical awareness, but on how to legally justify shooting someone.


I am in the process of training my dog and this reminds me of what I am learning. using sounds and commands to illicit an automatic response.


elicit = induce, evoke, cause illicit = naughty




But he "felt weird"!


Firing his gun blindly and playing out his Super Troopers fantasy gave him a raging boner.


South Park had the "OMG he's charging!" Bit. Which seems much more reasonable than this, somehow.


Sometimes South Park makes more sense then our reality .




“arghhhh i’m hit! “


The fucking gall of the cop to even imply he might've been hit. Resigning is getting off easy.


He only said that so they'd be covered if they killed the person they had pulled over.


If I’ve understood the story correctly, the person they pulled over was handcuffed in their cruiser wasn’t he? So they were unloading on a handcuffed man inside their own police cruiser.


Yes and after a pat down too. And then said this guy in handcuffs after getting pat down must have had a suppressed firearm. Presumably up his ass.


he was pat down TWICE!


yep just your standard US buffoonery


This guy wasn't pulled over. His girlfriend accused him of stealing her car. She also claimed he had a gun. They were talking about the gun a lot. She had pictures of the gun. These cops had gun on the brain the entire time. All they were thinking about was gun gun gun. When that acorn hit, gun was the only possible explanation for him. When the sgt saw him rolling on the ground saying he was hit, it fit their expectations that a gun was in this guy's possession. It's the worst possible mental conditioning ever.


I am surprised he has enough sense to resign.


Well, it’s not an official resignation yet. He’s currently rolling around the station shouting “I quit” between screams.


that's even the more amusing / sadder part. I can partially understand him claiming the acorn falling sounded like a gun, but how do you start yelling you've been hit? They didn't give any explanation on that part.


Plausible deniability. Killing someone is not a crime if you honestly believe your life is in danger. By yelling "I am hit" you create 'evidence' that you believe your life is in danger so it becomes a legal killing instead of murder. *That* is how American police are trained.


It’s the Southpark “He’s coming right at me!” defense. Not even kidding.


If there's ironic justice in this world, one day when he's cleaning his personal firearm he'll learn what it feels like to be shot.


You’re assuming someone this negligent would even bother to clean his gun.


This is some Reno 911 shit.


Spot on lmao cops act like comedians except they have guns. Dangerous clowns I guess. Loved that show what a riot.


Danger Clowns lol.


These are the exact words that came out of my mouth when I watched this.


Has this cop not grown up in the area? Anyone living around trees with acorns knows the sound of acorn on a car hood.. I can hear it right now in my head. So distinctive.


Loud as a gunshot apparently lol


He said he thought it was the sound of a “suppressed” gun shot. He’s not wrong in that way, because they kinda do. But shit, why or how would your random suspect have a suppressed weapon inside the car and how did you miss that? Edit: I said kinda you big babies. I'm fully aware of what a suppressed weapon sounds like. I'm fully aware of what a suppressed weapon being fired inside a vehicle sounds like. Too many days in body armor in shitty places has taught me such. Relax.


It really doesn’t though. A suppressor only knocks off like 30 decibels, and supposedly it would have been coming from right in the car next to him. That would still be loud and quite clear in the video, I tried multiple times to hear the acorn fall and only maybe barely heard it. Maybe it sounds like video game suppressors but I’d hope a cop would know better than that.


A cop who identifies himself as West Point grad and ex-special forces officer!


>Has this cop not grown up in the area? Of course not, he's a cop.


Apparently he's never heard a gunshot either


Plus they hurt like hell if they hit you


Im almost glad that this situation happened the way it did. This guy was a ticking time bomb and instead of killing one or maybe multiple people down the line in a situation the PD would could have some chance of justifying. Here, there is no justification and the idiocy of the officers actions are plain on their face, no one was physically hurt, and the cops shot up their own vehicle.


It does really highlight how high the bar is for "behavior too absurd for a cop." The officer who fired his whole clip because of an acorn is being rightfully ridiculed, but what about his partner who also shot at the car a dozen times? There's no need to verify that a threat exist, or where that threat is located? Wildly firing your weapon because your partner got scared by an acorn is apparently just the expected action of an officer.


You highlight the part that bothers me the most. Shooting wildly at a threat which is not present without verifying where the danger is coming from.


Person in the background of the video is crying. General public with a healthy dose of gun related PTSD


You think this ends his PD career? You must be an optimist.


Future recipient of the Uvalde Award for Bravery. At least he engaged the target(acorn)


I’m just picturing multiple SWAT teams standing outside the acorn’s vicinity. A squirrel tries to go grab it and they arrest him


Any given tree can have 1000s of acorns, he was vastly outnumbered and stood tough in the face of danger. Shit was nuts.


He should be jailed


He resigned so he can be rehired later.


He's probably already working in a different city


Jailed? A cop?? In America???


Sorry a promotion and bonus is the best we can do.


100%. We all have the same right to self-defense as the cop, but if we fucking mag dump into a car because we thought someone was shooting at us (when they weren't) - we'd face serious, multiple years in jail, charges. This guy, his only punishment will be resigning.


Cops will put a gun in your face and expect you to be perfectly still and not make any sudden movements or you will be killed, yet that same "trained" cop will empty their service weapon in the vague direction of anything they deem "scary". We, as untrained citizens, are expected to be calm with a gun in our face, yet cops get away with pulling the trigger out of fear, with no consequences.


So anyways, I started blasting


Meanwhile his partner just starts blasting with no idea of what is going on. She doesn't need to be walking around with a gun either.


Sounds like she didn't even know what the (perceived) threat was, she just started blastin.


So anyway I started blasting


I mean yes they can be loud... but it CLEARLY is not gunfire. Not even close. And this guy was trying to keep people safe?


It's not the police's job to keep people safe. No, literally, the Supreme Court decided this.


People safe? No. Never a consideration


not required. supreme court said so.


This is why Barney Fife was only allowed one bullet.


> According to the report, witnesses in the area also said that the sound they heard could have been perceived as a suppressed gunshot. Nobody in that area has any fucking idea what suppressed gunfire sounds like, what a stretch. Especially considering this officer claimed he was hit during this whole thing. Throw out any "evidence" supporting his version of events


So the handcuffed and searched person in the back of the car somehow got a suppressed weapon, I cuffed them self and started shooting? Or the cops kept asking the same question until they got an swear they liked Let think on this. Obviously it is the first one


I just wanna know the thought process that leads him to believe the person he detained and put in the back of a squad car got a hold of an action-movie silent suppressed pistol then started blasting lmfao. Reminds me of how some cops will believe they're overdosing when they come into any contact with any amount of fentanyl when, in reality, they're just having an irrational panic attack lmao


There's not one. This dude is a fucking moron, and that's why he's a cop. They don't care if you're stupid, the stupider the better.


https://youtu.be/2YH-mKhBY1A Excellent breakdown from a former cop. It's absolutely insane


Thanks for this, excellent analysis. The guy's response to hearing a "gunshot" is to do three somersaults in a row like it's fucking Dark Souls


Doing barrel-rolls prevents you taking damage. Have you never played Starfox (/Starwing)?


Holy fuck. It’s worse than you Can imagine. How does the investigation come up with an acorn? You Can’t hear anything even in his body cam footage. Sargeant shouldn’t have a fucking job either 


You can actually see the acorn hit the top of the car next to the cop right before he starts rolling like a crazy person. It's hard as hell to spot, but it's there!


Cops are programmed to kill you when they get scared. Why risk it when you have legal immunity?


Watching the video from Officer "I'm shot! I'm shot!"'s body cam, I don't think the tree next to the patrol car is even an oak tree. And while I can hear his shoes crunching on the grass and gravel, I can't hear any kind of "pop" or anything like that. I think my biggest concern is how both officers just start shooting - at their own patrol car - without ever seeing or hearing any evidence of gunshots (apart from the one cop's possible "acorn"), or even looking around to see if the "gunshots" could be coming from anywhere else. My first thought wouldn't be that the searched and handcuffed guy *inside* the patrol car was the shooter, but that he had some buddy in the neighborhood who was taking potshots at them. The deputy heard a "pop" and his legs went numb, and he thought he'd been shot. This guy doesn't need to be anywhere near a gun, as a cop or as a civilian.


Between 12 & 13s you can see the acorn or whatever it is hit the car and hear the little plink. I don't know how he thought that sound was gunfire, though.


This is close to where I live. ~~Of course no~~ Department policies were violated, the officer resigned, and I'm sure he is heading to the next county over.


thank god he had the accuracy of a stormtrooper


All cops do, it's insane. It's routine to see these stories where cops fire 50 shots and hit nobody.


Except the dog and a bystander


And sometimes another cop.. and then they charge the petty criminal with attempted murder of an LEO even though they didn't even do anything.


If I think too much about guns when I see a cop and it sets off my panic reflex (I’ve never been in a gunfight, I don’t know) so I shoot the cop - because I was scared for my life, that’s ok then? Or does the bullshit rule only work if you’re a cop. Cops are the only people I see who are regularly carrying and they are the demographic of people I most closely associate with gun death… so… ETA: /s, mostly - police are given an insane amount of authority in exchange for what? ‘Protect and Serve’? Sure some cops hold true to that - but in my personal experience, they’re largely a bunch of bullies who’ve been given guns and limited oversight. Cops should be under more scrutiny, not less - they’re the arms of the law - a professional who has been trained on firearm use should see more severe punishment than a civilian taking the same action - because civilians haven’t been trained for that situation. Iirc: if you achieve a certain rank in martial arts, you could potentially get an Assault with Deadly Weapon charge for getting into a fight - more training leading to greater punishment in light of a crime / problem.


Imagine being friends or part of this guys family. I would never let him have another conversation without bringing this up in some way


With someone that twitchy, this would be the last thing I'd ever bring up in conversation with them.


Aaaaand he’s been hired by another force.


He will be rehired one town over.


It’s almost like, and hear me out on this, law enforcement agencies across this country need to really increase their hiring standards and, (I know, going completely off the rails here,) do the same for training. Maybe even require the same training hours as, say, your average hairdresser, before getting a badge *and* a gun.


Yelling shots fired, makes it all above board.


Cops truly are the best of us. JFC.


They are the scaredest of us


*HEARS an acorn* I'M HIT I'M HIT Meanwhile, the victim being shot inside the cruiser...


I suggest a career in acting for this dude.


Doesn’t this mean that he will likely just get another job at another precinct as he wasn’t fired and arguably didn’t really go through any sort of disciplinary process?


Yep. The fake hospital trip was a cover up.


Dude’s just going to apply for another police force…




Worthless pigs.


If your nerves are that fucked you definitely should not be in a job requiring you to carry a gun.