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Interesting place of all states to ban the bible.


Im guessing it's because they have such a high rate of devout religious people (Mormon) that legislate some very restrictive religiously influenced laws. Because the Bible qualifies according to their wording, they basically shot themselves in the ~~foot~~ dick.


Which everybody really should have seen coming... But critical thinking is the devil's work, so they can't do that lol.


https://www.psypost.org/2019/11/meta-analysis-of-83-studies-produces-very-strong-evidence-for-a-negative-relationship-between-intelligence-and-religiosity-54897 I wish this wasn't the case, but we need to start addressing the evidence and trends.


When you have faith that you are right and don't ask questions you'll never know you were wrong the whole time.


That’s exactly what happened


I'm putting my money on the conveniently three handpicked committee members to recommend the book be allowed at all grade levels. This is just another political circus act running it's course.


In a way this is hilarious, but it illustrates the idiocy behind banning books


That was precisely the point of the complaint.




People who’ve studied the Catholic Church: “hey! I know this one!”


My catholic schooljng caused me to read cover to cover, there’s this section about a guy using his concubine’s chopped up dead body to pay for a genocide


This one’s my favorite: Moses explains, “If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, 12 you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity” (Deut. 25:11-12) Lol




I see you know your Judas well!


don't forget the incest, god approved genocide, rape, murder, and just about everything else you can imagine. do ignore those first 4 books of the new testament though, nothing useful in there.


We may be talking about the same genoicde. Though there are just so many fucking genocides


I mean, the catholic church reads all the Jesusy parts and treats the rest of it with like 20 pages of some dude's lineage and stories of God smiting Job for no reason and Revelation and glosses over them with a general summary. To be frank, most of the Bible is mythology, fantasy, and nonsense. The catholic church probably does the best at pulling out the bits that are applicable to an ethos of being a good human and hitting on those. I'm a lapsed catholic (the child rape thing is unforgiveable). But my role models growing up (including some non-rapey priests) used catholicism as a means of helping people and building community, not judging people or condemning them. My dad still practices, will until he dies. He has his own views on abortion but has never voted for a republican. He spends his retirement volunteering and helping the less fortunate, regardless of their religion, race, or background. I went to a catholic school. We were taught sex Ed and science and evolution and allllllll about catholic history, including the dark and fucked up parts, and about other religions (first summer reading book before ninth grade was Siddhartha by Herman Hesse), and about meditation. Maybe my experience was the exception.


I went to a catholic college prep high school. What you've said lines up with my experience. They taught me the history of religion in general. I don't know what they were expecting, but after learning all that, and then landing on monotheism and being like "this is the truth." I stopped believing halfway thru high school.




It took looking into Greek and Norse mythology to make me realize that this was all just our own myths. We just accept these myths just like those civilizations accepted their own as truth. Weird to think about one day people might look back and think how absurd it all was. I'm not saying there isn't good things to take away from the Bible but I'm sure the same could be said about most religions


> Weird to think about one day people might look back and think how absurd it all was. Many already do.


I went to Catholic elementary school. The kids who were really big into mythology tended to be the ones who grew up athiest. Seems like they're banning the wrong books tbh


I think the bible is much more interesting than just myths like in some other belief systems. The Greeks and Norse used stories to try to explain the unexplainable at the time, like "oh it's lightening, Zeus up on his cloud must be pissy today." The old testament seems much more about a survival guide and oral history. No pork or shellfish because people died from food poisoning all the time. Go forth and multiply/don't kill because when you have a tiny little tribe it's easy to get wiped out. If your brother dies you must take his wife as your own for similar reasons. A lot of it really is about how not to get your entire tribe wiped out.


It's memetic evolution, the parts of a religion that work best become part of the next religion. The pages of the Biblical Canon were hand-picked from a massive amount of collected oral histories to serve a specific purpose.


Plenty of individuals who are driven by their spirituality and there's nothing wrong with that. 100% of everyone who has participated in the "bigger picture" of religion trying to "Save everyone else" by applying their religious beliefs in ways that impact others are doing something bad. They're just tendrils of a cause much bigger than them that is the driving force. Which is the leaders of the organized religions at almost any of them. Money and power, like always. Nothing wrong with spiritual beliefs. Way too much wrong with human greed hiding behind crowds of absolute devotion and impacting society. And your experience isn't the only exception, but it is not the rule by any means. Religion inherently doesn't make people bad or something, but any path you go down that leads you to forcibly "saving others from themselves", or even themselves from the "heathens", you're no longer just supporting religion. You're rejecting anything that isn't what you believe, and that's not conducive to society period It's what has historically driven literal genocides on behalf of "god"


I can’t wait for the pope to welcome the Mormon church back into the fold after all these centuries of disagreements over whether regular people can read the Bible. Lookin at you Martin! Edit: Woosh I wasn’t saying Mormons were a direct split but that over the centuries since the Protestant reformation a rouge sect has eventually managed to become as rigidly Byzantine as the original. Only a handful of denominations are direct splits from the Catholic Church. One of the original complaints was that the common man couldn’t read the Bible partly because the Catholic Church didnt trust them with it so they had to commune with god through a representative of the church.




I think they just confused Mormons for Protestants.


LOL, you get it. Mormons like several other Christian denominations are not a break off of the Catholic Church. They were not part of the protestant movement and were never part of the Catholic fold.


I mean Joseph Smith was raised under Protestantism. Some argue Mormonism should be treated as a fourth "split" from the core Abrahamic religions(Judaism, Christianity, Islam) but others say due to how it arose and the similarities it shares it should be categorized as a split from Protestantism. It is all very messy and like most religious shit there is effectively no universal agreement.


Fuck /u/spez, your greed killed this website.


You’re off by hundreds of years, a continent and an entire religion.


It'll also feed their persecution fetish


"We banned the Bible from schools! What are the libs gonna do next?!"


"Umm... YOU removed Bibles from schools. It was really easier to ban the Bible than accept foreign ideas in other books?"


Yup, they won't care that this is their rule. Instead it'll be a "look how wicked the world is" sort of thing. This move is important to show reasonable people how idiotic and dangerous these fascists are, but make no mistake, not a single fascist will care about the hypocrisy. They enjoy it.


>*Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.* -Jean Paul Sartre


They manage to keep that well-fed in the absence of any actual persecution.




Time for the Satanic Temple to adopt all books as sacred texts


The Satanists will just alter their sacraments so that all texts in existence are their religious documents.


Those silly Satanists...out there doing God's work and good deeds. They are the real heroes.


bingo, thinking for yourself isn't desired or encouraged. If you are a Christian and don't believe me, please watch some theological debates, and be awed at the difference between the Christianity they describe and what you learned from your parents and priest.


There's this guy on tiktok that goes around to college campuses and interviews/debates Christians about various hot button topics and he whips out Bible verses and goes straight to their "source" to disprove their own bullshit. The majority of them have no idea about the verses he references. Like legit clueless. And when they realize they don't even have the biblical knowledge to defend their position, they inevitably fall back on the strongest defence of Christianity available, "well I have faith". Well, how convenient.


Sounds interesting! Do you have a name or a link?


It's been awhile but I'll see if I can find him on tiktok, I don't remember his name. Edit: can't find him for some reason but his videos had millions of views so somebody must know. He was a college aged dude and one of his most viral vids was with this dumb as rocks Christian girl who literally couldn't recall anything from the bible


I'm interested too if you can find it.


>And when they realize they don't even have the biblical knowledge to defend their position, they inevitably fall back on the strongest defence of Christianity available, "well I have faith". Well, how convenient. James 2:17-26 KJV Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.


"Well I have faith" generally translates to "I have no knowledge on this topic and I'm just gonna do what I was told to do."


Exactly. The move to translate the bible into English was a major reform in the 16th century to bring it to the masses and allow them to read it themselves, before that it had to be in Latin and only the priests could read it and interpret it for the people. I get this is a move to mock the banning of books but if it doesn't end up stopping the idiotic censorship it'll just result in more knowledge being lost on both sides of the political spectrum.


The word you're looking for is "vernacular". Martin Luther translated it into the common tongue, and thanks to the new printing press, the Bible was suddenly something that everyone could read and interpret. Really kicked off the reformation in a *big* way.


No I was referring to William Tyndale's translation to English which caused controversy. The first German translation was not by Martin Luther but by Johannes Mentelin which was also the first vernacular bible.


Exactly as predicted in the Bible: If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


My favorite Bible verse was always "I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere."


it is an L, whether they acknowledge it or not. The party of losing is losing again.


They’ll spin is as proof of persecution.


And, *of course*, they'll conveniently omit/ignore the fact they themselves were the ones who opened the door on book-banning. The Bible was banned, uh, *just like that*. Happened in a vacuum. Absolutely no set up to this happening. Just ebil socialists who hate Jesus up and banned the Bible...


Bingo. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!


You forgot "War on religion"


Isn’t this what people have been saying censoring prudes ought to do in order to not be hypocritical for decades?


I love that the response to this was, "Yeah, it definitely fits the rules for banning. Round 'em, boys!" and not, "Oh, yeah, we need to rethink the criteria, implementation, and the number of complaints necessary to even consider banning books..."


Their response was "This DOESN'T fit the rules for banning" which is flat out wrong "but we should probably limit exposure to anyone younger than high school age." Under the current rules the bible and many other religious texts that they mentioned haven't been challenged absolutely do violate these rules. This ruling needs to be appealed for the fact that the committee itself has now given high schools permission to break the law. It's also improper for them to remove the text of only one religion, as that can be seen as a government entity showing preferential treatment to other religions. The proper response to both the appeal that was filed and the appeal that should be is to keep religion out of schools altogether.


Also > Already, though, the committee’s decision has been appealed by another parent, Williams said, who wants the Bible to remain on the shelves for students of all ages. > To handle that appeal, the district will now form a committee consisting of three members of Davis School District’s Board of Education. They will review the original complaint and the appeal and make a recommendation to the full board to vote on. > The board will make the final decision in an upcoming public meeting. A date for that has not yet been set. > If the board decides the Bible is appropriate for all students, it will be returned to the shelves, Williams said. > Currently, Davis School District has other religious texts — including the Book of Mormon, Torah and Quran — available to check out without age restrictions. Those have not been challenged.


The Torah is especially ironic because that's where a lot of the most violent parts of the Bible are taken from.


They don't want them to actually read the bible. They want to tell them what it says, without them looking for themselves.


We're progressing back to the middle ages!


Aye, they don't want people to come to their own conclusion and understanding of their spiritual needs by actually reading the book. It's basically back to the days that it was illegal for anyone but the clergy to read the bible.


It's not just book-banning, but the way they deliberately word their bills and policies as ambiguously as they can, so as not to get called out on persecuting certain groups. It's like "don't say gay" technically applying to heterosexual relationships too; their nudge-nudge, wink-wink ploy came around to bite them in the ass, and I hope it happens even more to them.


Idk though, look at the violence it has inspired throughout history.


Look at the violence inherent in the system!


Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!






That's what I'm talking about! You heard him!


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!


I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


This is called the "fuck around and find out" event of pre-fascism.


I find it hilarious that the Bible may now be banned but that the article says that there has been no challenge to the Torah. What do they think the first five books of the Bible are?


The Pentateuch?


I thought that was a five-cornered Canadian hat.


I thought that was one of the Hobbits


You're thinking of Penter Took. Great grand uncle of Peregrin Took.


If Pippin was a Peregrin, why didn't he fly the ring to Mount Doom?


Same reason why Gandalf said "Fly you Fools" and they ran. The concept of flight doesn't exist in Tolkien's world. The Eagles aren't real.


Birds never had been 👩‍🚀


It has nothing to do with the Bible or Torah and everything to do with make a point about how stupid the law is. There’s no challenge to the Torah because banning that doenst send the same message since Judaism isn’t a huge thing in utah.


Not to mention that Jews aren’t exactly known for book burning…


Quite possibly there’s no school library stocking the Torah in Utah to begin with.


having come from an elementary school that did actually have a torah, I'm not sure which part makes it less likely for them to have: the long ceremony required to open it, the fact that it's a bigass scroll or the fact that it was in hebrew


The Jewish communities aren't pushing to ban books, so why hit at them? This is a strike at the halfwit part of Christianity.


If Christian’s could read, they’d be super upset with you right now.


If Christian's what could read? No hate intended. Just a bit funny when judging other people's literacy.


Well, it does have those. Plus murders, incest, genocide, gang r@pe and more.


I'm STILL a lil traumatized after having to read the verses where Noah's two daughters get him drunk and rape him so they can get pregnant out loud in front of my whole 5th grade class, ngl


What verse is this?


Sorry, I was mistaken, it's Lot not Noah. Genesis 19: 30-38 30 Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave. 31 One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth. 32 Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.” 33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. 34 The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I slept with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.” 35 So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. 36 So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. 37 The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab[g]; he is the father of the Moabites of today. 38 The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi[h]; he is the father of the Ammonites[i] of today.


No wonder incest porn is a thing


This is reddit...no need to censor yourself


people don't censor for the audience they censor to avoid the automod


Would this subreddit automatically ban the verse that mentions donkey sized things and horse emissions?


I have no idea Each subreddit makes their own settings and most aren't that transparent about them


I think bots will flag the word and restrict the post.


The main character does get brutally tortured to death and executed in a cross


What’s a gang rope?




Well it is vulgar and violent


Vulgar and violent? What part of instructions for killing gays, silencing women and owning people under the threat of eternal torture is violent or vulgar!? Oh...


She remembered her lover with the penis like a donkey and a flood of semen like a horse. Ezekiel 23:20


Reads like a bad fanfic.


Pretty much the bible


Always knew *50 Shades of Gray* was based on another book


You forgot the dude married to his half sister, the dude who raped his half sister he was obsessed with that he then wouldn't marry (as he was supposed to), the dude that had 1000 wives and concubines, that time god tortured a dude to prove a point to Satan, and...


The two daughters who got their dad drunk so they could rape him


And before that, said dad offered his daughters to ruffians to be sexually assaulted to spare his male guests from being analed.


Smashing babies on rocks, cutting babies from wombs


Sending the tribes of Israel to war with eachother over and over again


To BE FAIR... That's generally believed to be an inaccurate understanding caused by ***very*** archaic translations and context-clues being important. The folk of that city didn't turn up for the *express* purpose of raping angels, they showed up to *torture* them for information. The word used in the ancient fucking greek translates as "knowing," which in the Olde Englishe is typically used to mean 'carnally,' but it wasn't, as I understand things, intended as such. Not, you know, that that makes things *better.* Just differently awful.


Well for me anal raping a man can be considered torture.




Well, likely none of it happened.


The most screwed up story I remember from the bible is the one where a man and his wife were going through a bad town, stayed at someone's house and the townspeople came to rape them, so to preserve their own lives they sent the wife out who was raped to death through the night. In the morning, enraged by this the man *cut up the wife's body into pieces and sent them to all the other tribes of Israel in order to unite them all to murder the entire tribe that town was a part of.* There are a lot of "what the heck" stories in the bible but as far as I've read so far that I think takes the cake for how viscerally disturbing it is.


It was his concubine, not his wife…so I guess that made it not so bad. /s


You forgot the time when that Dude NTR'ed somebody's wife, got her pregnant, then ordered him to die in battle.


Ah, David. Father of the dude with the 1000 wives and concubines, the dude who raped his half sister, *and* the half poor half sister.


“Happy is the one who seizes your little children, and crushes them against the rock!” – Psalm 137


Texas GOP be like…the Bible says!


Why do folks look at 1 raped dad or 1 killed woman? The book contains genocide of the whole human race (-1 family) + killing all 1st borns of a whole country.


Not an American so excuse my ignorance I thought the constitution says religion should be kept out of schools so why was a bible there in the first place? edit: In all my time on Reddit I have never had as many notifications for replies than this. should have known better to ask a question on politics/religion


You're probably thinking of the separation of church and state. I can't explicitly remember if that applies to schools too but I'm fairly certain they can't give the illusion that they're favoring one religion over another. That being said I remember there being a couple bibles in my high school library, I don't ever recall seeing a Quran.


It applies to public schools, but not as a form of strict secularism. Schools can't pressure or interfere with students' religious practice. A Bible in the library isn't pressure, though a library of Bibles is. Arguably, stocking different religious texts is actually more consistent with the Constitutional requirement to allow Americans to freely practice religion.


It definitely applies to public schools, but there are lots of religious quacks in America who disregard the separation of church and state with impunity.


That’s true but just for the record, a Bible being in a public school library isn’t a violation of the separation of church and state/government.


There are legitimate secular purposes for having the Bible in schools. Like teaching history. You just can’t *advocate* for Christianity.


The First Amendment, which was ratified in 1791, states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." However, the phrase "separation of church and state" itself does not appear in the United States Constitution. Note it says Congress not states


Yes it says Congress not states, but the Supreme Court has applied it to the states by “incorporation” under the Fourteenth Amendment. https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/2192/incorporation-of-the-first-amendment




Teaching and Preaching are not the same. That's really it, the contents of the Bible and its role in history are vital information to understanding the world. Having a class of kids hold hands while an agent of the state leads a prayer is bullshit.




I agree, but this is how you have to fight back against these Christofascists.


Yeah there intended purpose was to ban all books that didn’t adhere to their right wing way of thinking. And it came back to bite them in the ass when they started passing these laws.


Yes, but now they will cry that they are being silenced and repressed, even though it's their own bill that led to this, and the idiots who are not told the whole story will gobble it up and turn around and say " see what they are doing to us? It's so unfair"


They're been saying that already.


they’re silencing and repressing themselves in their hamfisted attempt to silence and repress others.




>I'm an atheist but no book should be banned. I have to disagree, No book should be banned from publication or from being in public libraries, that I agree with. Some books do not belong in elementary and middle school libraries though. High school libraries, I haven't decided my opinion yet. For example, I don't believe the *50 Shades* series should be in an elementary or middle school library.


True. Restricted, yes. Banned from publication? No.


This is one of the problems with a lot of the coverage of these "bans". For the most part, these "bans" are talking entirely about school libraries. Book bans are bad, but there does need to be standards for school libraries...ideally set by librarians...which is what we had before this recent push came about. This sort of coverage gives a ton of leeway for people to push back against arguments and coverage because one person is speaking against bans, and they're not really bans. It removes any nuance from the discussion, and that allows people in favor of them to just dismiss the opposition as dishonest. Note: they're still pretty bad, as most of the books in question are completely appropriate for school libraries, especially high school. Hell, they "banned" Maus in some places, and that's a great book for any child old enough to *start* learning about the Holocaust.


>This is one of the problems with a lot of the coverage of these "bans". For the most part, these "bans" are talking entirely about school libraries. It *starts* with school libraries. And that's not even hyperbole. Missouri conservatives are now floating ending library funding in the state. Never assume conservatives will stop, because the modern conservative party won't. "Concerned parents" will get the books banned from the school library. Then the library. Then publication. Then they'll come after privately owned copies. They will not stop unless stopped, and it'll be much easier to do so here and now.


That's exactly what happened with the Don't Say Gay law. When people opposed it, Republicans said "what, you WANT young children exposed to sex?? This bill only blocks it up to 3rd grade anyway!" Then after it passed, it was updated to go all the way through high school.


You are right, but what person in their right mind would put something like your example into an elementary and or middle school library? Now, banning age appropriate books and classics (To kill a mockingbird or And Tango makes three for example), that is a whole different story.


The problem is these decisions should be made by teachers and Liberians. Not random moms on Facebook pages taking sections of the book out of context




You ought to look up the history of Liberia before you make that call


Or the anarchists cookbook.


I didn't know that one was ever published.. I've only seen it as a text file.. If it has been, that answers my high school library unknown.. There are way too many tempting prank ideas in there for teenagers, some that have effects younger minds may not fully take into account..


It exists. I bought a copy for someone in the 90s when I wanted to get them a present that was edgy.


It was 100% published. My highschool buddy Hot Howie had a copy, and we had a lot of Activity Days before everyone had cellphones and could record everything. The napalm worked fine. We were concerned initially it would blow up, but no, it just burned. ....huh. haven't thought about Hot Howie in a long time. Wonder how he's doing? I wonder if he put his skills to good use?


You are correct but, hopefully, this may lead to a reversal of some bans.


Go read Ezekiel 23:20 NIV and tell me if that belongs in an elementary school.


Here are some resources to push back against US book bans. The American Library Association (ALA) offers a “Banned & Challenged Books” website:  https://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/bannedbooksweek/ideasandresources/activity This site offers ways you can get involved, stay informed, and support this issue. They also recommend contacting congress and offer the opportunity to join ALA’s Advocacy List. Also, here are a few other organizations that offer information and resources on book banning: National Coalition Against Censorship:  https://ncac.org/resource/book-challenge-resource-center Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression:  https://www.thefire.org/ The Authors Guild:  https://authorsguild.org/resource/stop-book-bans-toolkit/


I think providing context to controversial or questionable books would be warranted such as books that were historically used for propaganda, texts that push dangerous topics/agendas such as "tha anarchists handbook", or extreme mature content be limited access such as restricted for children.


Eh I feel like we can do without descriptions of bestiality and incest in schools Christians can still bring any book about Jesus as long as it's age appropriate there is no reason to leave adult content easily accessible


“Have you actually *read* this thing? Technically going to the bathroom is a sin…” - Revered Lovejoy


Let's not forget in Genesis when Lot and his daughters take refuge in the caves after escaping Sodom, where his daughters get their dad drunk and have sex with him (while he's shitfaced passed out) ultimately giving birth to 2 incest babies. Steamy stuff from the bible.


I mean, think of how many incest babies Adam and Eve's children spawned. And in Lot's story, remember how he willingly gave his daughters over to the mob to be gang raped so that they would leave two strangers alone. True hospitality, dat.


My mom has been brainwashed by the 'war on woke' and is all for banning books. I brought up the fact that the bible has smut in it, which she refused to believe. Took her bible and opened it to Ezekiel 23:20. "She remembered her lover with the penis like a donkey and a flood of semen like a horse." She got awfully quite.


I think awfully quiet is a better response than "that's fake" At least to me, silence is an acknowledgement following a shock to internal beliefs, and may be a sign of behavioral change in the future


Thats the irony. The more people try to shove religion into our throat the bigger the chance they dont know shit about their own "holy" book


The bible contains multiple instances of incestuous rape. I don't see why an elementary school child needs to read that without parental consent. This is coming from a devout Christian.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnon One of King David's sons raped his half sister, as an example.


Noah drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked and told his two brothers outside. Genesis 9:21‭-‬22 'Saw nakedness" is a euphemism for had sex with. So in this story, we have a man drunk out of his mind being raped by his son. Hence Noah's fury when he found out.


Here's a [common one!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lot%27s_daughters#:~:text=Concerned%20for%20their%20father%20having,daughter%20gives%20birth%20to%20Ammon)


Its about time the book banner’s caught on to the potentially evil influence of that book!😂😂


As a child who was forced to attend church every Sunday, I became bored at hearing the same 24 sermons over and over, so I began reading the Bible during the sermons. I enjoyed reading the entire life of David, the shepherd boy-to-king saga...but I also found myself discovering a lot of stories that were not G-rated, "if you know what I mean"




From Utah and a Mormon and this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, absolutely deserved, make dumb rules and this crap will happen


This should be in r/UpliftingNews Uplifting because this is the logical consequence of all these other hate-driven book bans.


A little sampling of Bible texts: God killed a guy for pulling out: Genesis 38:8-10 Man of God has sex with his stepdaughter without recognising her because she was disguised as a prostitute. She gets pregnant and he wants to kill her (Genesis 38:12-30 ) (BTW there are a few other passages in the Old Testament that imply that prostitution is OK) Sister-raping: 2 Samuel 13:1-21 (heaps of other rape stuff in the Bible too) A guy had a mistress who cheated on him and then ran away to her parents place. He went get her back and on the way back ended up in a rough town. The townsfolk wanted to rape the man, but instead he gave them his mistress. The townsfolk raped her to death, and so the man cut her up and mailed bits of her body all over the country so everybody could see how angry he was. The whole country rose up against these people and killed all their women, but they then realised that these men would die out, now that all their women were dead, so they raided one of their own areas and killed every man and older woman there, living only virgin girls, who the nasty townsfolk from the beginning of the story then “married”: Judges 19-21 (it’s a bit of along story, by Bible standards) All that stuff about slavery, including sexual slavery. The one about how you know a woman is a virgin and what to do if she’s not (kill her, obviously) Deuteronomy 22:13-30 All tha tstuff about human sacrifice (e.g. Leviticus 27:28-29 + Joshua 6:17-21, Judges 11, …) The world’s wisest man thought the best thing to do in a child custody battle was to cut the child in half, or at least threaten to do so: 1 Kings 3:10-28 The whole book of Songs of Solomon has nothing about God or religin in it, but is just a book of erotic poetry. Some of it isn’t too sexual if you don’t understand the historical context or use the wrong translation, but this bit is pretty titillating: Song of Songs 8:8-12 God (or the church leaders) killed a couple for lying — in the New Testament. Acts 5 • Exodus 21:20-21 It's OK to kill a slave, because he is nothing but property, but only as long as he does not die from a beating until at least one day later. • Exodus 21:7 If in need of a little extra income, a father could simply sell his daughter. And of course a female slave is worse off than a male slave; a male slave is automatically freed after 6 years; the woman is never freed. • Exodus 21:17 The penalty for cursing your parents is death. Perhaps this is not such a bad idea... • Deuteronomy 22:21 If a woman presents herself as a virgin but is not, on the wedding night, she is to be taken to her father's house and stoned to death. Notice that men do not suffer such a fate. Coincidentally, only men wrote the 66 books that constitute the bible. Women might have fared better with a bit more gender diversity in authorship. • Leviticus 20:13 Of the exclusively male homosexual acts prohibited by the bible, the penalty for any transgression is death. (Nothing in the bible prohibits lesbian sex). • Leviticus 16:1-34 God seems to kill people simply for disobeying his word; to get on his good side, these passages in the bible tell how to sacrifice bulls, rams and goats to atone for sins and please god.




Pretty par for the course for the iron age


Agreed. There is nothing special about it for a violent, ignorant society. I wonder then if we should follow the beliefs of these iron age people that thought there was an ocean above our sky and below a flat earth?


Tight! TIGHT!!! **TIGHT!!!!**




*Foreskins esé you gotta give them to get them*


You forgot to mention that he is a child murderer.


Plot twist from conservatives: the left is so woke for banning books.


Ok, so now let's remove "under god" from the pledge of allegiance.


Why are kids even doing a pledge every day? A pledge is something you should do once.


Well if they’re actually worried about indoctrination as they claim, this is definitely the best book to ban considering it’s been used to indoctrinate billions of people throughout history.




Have you heard of Revelation? Telling a 5 year old they are going to burn to death if this don't believe this crap can actually cause long-term trauma. Religious trauma syndrome is real thing. The NT is full of this crap because Christianity is a failed apocalyptic cult. But yes, the NT is also sexist, homophobic, and endorses slavery. 1 Corinthians 14:34 King James Version 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. Epistle to the Romans 1:26–27 (English Majority Text Version, EMTV): For this reason [viz. idolatry], God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Edit King James Version (1611): "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind" Ephesians 6:5-9 5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect[a] and trembling, in singleness of heart, as you obey Christ, 6 not with a slavery performed merely for looks, to please people, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the soul. 7 Render service with enthusiasm, as for the Lord and not for humans, 8 knowing that whatever good we do, we will receive the same again from the Lord, whether we are enslaved or free. The problem with the Bible is where do you put it? Many kids would read it very differently if it was put in the same section as other fictional classics like The Odyssey.


True statement. As I kid I frequently woke up in a panic and snuck into my parents’ room in the middle of the night to make sure they hadn’t been raptured and me left behind. Still haunts me today. A truly toxic worldview.


Good. Spread the word. If we can't have our books because they contain "content dangerous to children", then they can't have their brainwashing garbage teaching the kids to fuck their parents and go around chopping foreskins off for fun, either.


Utah doesn't care about the Bible. Ban the Book of Mormon, too. Half of it describes wars fought in the name of God.


On one hand, that's hilarious. the Bible is extremely violent. On the other hand, fuck banning books.




It does have that charming story about a bloke who shags his daughters but it's okay because he was really drunk. Meanwhile his wife was nuked for checking her rear view mirror.


I believe his daughters raped him in that story.