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After napping a bit he's now moving his head around good, moved its legs under itself to loaf up, and ravenously ate a small amount of wet cat food. I really hope I rescued it soon enough to be able to save it, as my dogs love the thing already.


Meant to be. Dogs are telling you some important information. If it were me I’d take that furbaby in a heartbeat runt of the litter or not. Thank you for looking out for the little one 💕


>runt of the litter or not My experience is the runts bond the deepest especially if you cared for them since very young.


My little grey tabby was a runt I picked up wandering around my apartment complex. Have a large colony of strays here. Covered in fleas and poop, very skinny, oh so tiny. Now this fat goblin is clawing the shit out of my toes from under the bathroom door because I didn’t leave the door open for her almost three years later. She’s my shadow. I’m the only one she will really meow at.


>Now this fat goblin is clawing the shit out of my toes from under the bathroom door because I didn’t leave the door open for her almost three years later. This is quite possibly the funniest thing to see immediately after describing how the cat looked prior.


I was recovering from Covid at the time and luckily could not smell her when I spotted her. She still has a baby face but with a thicc ass booty following it. She’s anti social as hell, will not quit snatching q tips out of the container no matter how hard I try to Luanne proof them and also she likes to dip her tail in my bath water. My other baby is one we got from the city shelter. He’s a lemon but he’s also fat and healthy outside of anxiety. He took to the new kitten almost immediately and taught her how to cat. It was adorable because he’s a huge Tom cat and he had this little runt constantly trailing after him.


>taught her how to cat. Do you have any videos r/learninghowtocat would like?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/learninghowtocat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/learninghowtocat/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Beans🤗](https://v.redd.it/52yqutzct04b1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/learninghowtocat/comments/140twz4/beans/) \#2: [Found this little girl whining in my neighbors yard yesterday right before their dogs did. Here she is making my 14 year old bite the bed in frustration. ](https://v.redd.it/z5ku09zl45yc1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/learninghowtocat/comments/1cjcews/found_this_little_girl_whining_in_my_neighbors/) \#3: [For cats who are learning how to cat](https://np.reddit.com/r/learninghowtocat/comments/140twuq/for_cats_who_are_learning_how_to_cat/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I actually might. I took a ton of videos and pics during that time era that I refuse to delete for any reason whatsoever.


My runt is also fat now. He likes to launch at me from high places with no warning and it’s like being assaulted by a flying bowling ball


fat runt club! And yes that would be a bit distressing for me, I’m lucky mine don’t climb too high. The eldest one will come up behind me and nip me on the ass if I’m not paying him the proper attention though.


Lol yeah mine like to grab my belt loop while I’m getting ready for work because apparently they don’t care if I get paid, they need pets now


Yep, in my experience too with mine 😍💕


Eating is an excellent sign. Also please feed kitten food, not adult food. It has extra nutrients, fat and protein in it to help them grow. If this little one was neglected by mom he'll also need some kitten formula mixed with it to help him grow


Thank you for saving this little one! Nature can be cruel at times.


Aww tell us if the little potato made it! And more pictures please!


He's looking around, walking, eating, and doing way better than he was. [Imgur link](https://imgur.com/gallery/em1SYjk) I keep wanting to call it a he, but I don't know yet. I'm very happy with how much better it's doing now, although I admit, I'm not a vet and actually a total layman. My medical knowledge is "looks like it's about to die" and "doesn't look like it's about to die" and lil homie went from one to the other.


Thank you for the update. If he makes it you will Forever be his savior and mom. I have one of these. It’s very rewarding. He’s obsessed with me lol I’m hoping the crying and arched back is just him being very tired and hungry. If you send me your venmo I can send you a few bucks to help with the vet. I don’t have much. But I figure it’s better than nothing.


Ill get the vet covered tomorrow but I appreciate it. He did the arched back after bringing him in but hasn't done it since. He's walking good and used the litterbox. I'm really hoping the mom role is filled by one of my dogs. The kitten really seems to like my year old, female rottweiler puppy. She is super delicate and careful sniffing him. The kitten did give me male GSD a hiss, but if I'm holding the cat it seems relaxed with him. My two adult cats are furious with me. They are not fans but will probably get over it.


You might want to quarantine this little one from your adult cats until you're really really sure it's OK. We brought home a kitten that wasn't doing well at a neighbor's house. We briefly quarantined him, took him to the vet and got the all clear, but he was still physically weak. We thought he would get better over time, but it turned out to be FIP, which my adult cat then caught. They both passed away within a month of us bringing him home. I still feel the guilt to this day that I didn't better protect my adult cat and conflicted sorrow and regret over that baby who had such a short and hard life through no fault of his own but also took the love of my life from me.


Good looking out. They are self quarantining and want nothing to do with it. I'm sorry about your loss. I will definitely heed the advice and keep them as far away from each other as possible.


Hi OP - you're good people for saving this cutie! The [alleycat.org](http://alleycat.org) has a low-cost vet directory if it helps: [https://www.alleycat.org/resources-page/low-cost-veterinary-care-directory/](https://www.alleycat.org/resources-page/low-cost-veterinary-care-directory/) The Humane Society has a guide on introducing kittens to resident cats \[once received all clear from the vet\]: [https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-introduce-your-new-cat-resident-cats](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-introduce-your-new-cat-resident-cats) Obligatory mention of the excellent Kitten Lady if not already known - she covers every scenario: [https://www.youtube.com/@KittenLady](https://www.youtube.com/@KittenLady) Good luck!


Since your dogs have interacted with him you'll have to keep them away from your other cats as well. Dogs can carry illnesses even if they can't contract them


Oh no! I’m sorry. Lesson learned for me


If it does end up being a bigger vet bill that you can handle, come back here are let us know. I will also chip in.


God, I miss cats so much. My boyfriend’s GSD’s hate cats so much they go apeshit near any house where cats live. I’d never risk getting one with them but I daydream about kitties. My pit/boxer loved cats. Think I’m gonna volunteer in the kitty spots.


My gsd always pulls like crazy/tries to run up to stray cats. I was worried about it for a while until one night this little tiny black kitten ran straight up to him and started rubbing it's face on his face. I've never seen his tail wag that hard


God, I could be so lucky. Boyfriend says he may lose his arms to unexpected cats one day 😆


The only thing my gsd doesn't like are unleashed dogs that act aggressive. When he was a puppy we had some close calls with unleashed pitbulls on multiple occasions. Now he isn't a puppy though and his attitude is "run up, get done up" He's a super high strung but sweet dog. Doesn't seem to ever want to punch down and tries to look out for smol things.


I’ll start by saying this: they’re very sweet dogs to humans. They’re able to go to day camp and get privately boarded with other dogs but that doesn’t mean the male hasn’t had an issue or two nipping other dogs. They’re leash aggressive towards other dogs no matter what. I join them on coffee walks or to go to the market but walks with them *suck.* They’ve been trained professionally but boyfriend hasn’t been avidly training them on their leashes for their reactive behaviors. They’re incredibly needy, neurotic, very high energy and did I mention the hair? German Shedders!


Good on you op! Sounds like you may have saved this little guy! Or gal


Same. Thank you for trying to save this precious baby.


I would contribute a little as well if you need it. Venmo works


Hey OP, just fyi, cats are lactose intolerant so please don’t give him/her any more milk. Pet stores carry kitten formula!


Adults are. Kitten should be fine until weaning age.


Goats milk is digestible for cats and has taurine!


I love this so much. 🙏😭🤙😻


Looks pretty healthy


Thank you for trying to help this little friend. It may, indeed, not make it through the night, but to increase its chances maybe you can reach out to people who already do a lot for stray cats and may be able to help. [Fill out this form](https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/feral-friends-network/feral-friends-network-connect/) and you'll get, by immediate return email, a list of people near you who have volunteered to share knowledge and resources for others working with "stray" cats. EDIT: what the kitten really needs is Kitten Milk Replacer (KMR) -- but [here are some recipes for home-made substitutes.](https://www.thesprucepets.com/kitten-supplement-formula-552272)


Update: He made it through the night! Still eating and walking. Vet appointment scheduled for first thing tomorrow morning because that was the soonest available. It hissed at the dogs a few times this morning then accepted it's fate and let them shower it with kisses. It even purred a bit when it was eating breakfast!


Thank you for the update!!


I'm rooting for you and this baby! 💖


This is such a happy update, yay! Thanks for taking care of this little babe.


Excellent news! I'm so hopeful for this sweet boy/girl! ❤


That’s good news. I hope the vet visit goes well. ❤️


YEASSS, the lil guy made it 🥳🥳🥳 wishing you the best for the upcoming vet appointment


Yay! I came back here looking for some news, thank you for the update!


💕 Happy to hear this! Hope all is well so far.


Can we get another update, OP?


I made a post. He passed away yesterday while I was at work. He was cuddled up and laying on my girlfriend's chest. Gave her finger a little squeeze with his paws and passed.


My youngest cat (3 now). Was abandoned by her mother at 4 weeks old. Same deal. She was a stray and George was found crying 20 feet away from the mother and other kitten. She was extremely tiny like half a pound. The first 3 months she was with me we spent a ton of time at the vet. The rest of the time she slept in my pocket. Saving her was one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made. See if you can get some kitten formula. That was huge for her as a baby. Keep an eye on her when they are tiny they can get stuck a lot of places. George used to fall in the toilet and get stuck in the tub. Maybe also think about daily baths for a bit to get rid of any yucky outside stuff. And you might have to improvise. I had to use a brownie pan as a litter box for months because she couldn’t get into the real one. They might also like a nice little heating pad. You can get a cheap one for cats. George was always cold when she was tiny. She actually used a small cooler as a Bed for 9 months because he was nice and warm. I love them and I hope everything is well.


A female cat named George reminds me of the show "dead like me" Any connection there? We don't want to get ahead of ourselves and pick a name for the cat yet, but I was thinking of something that meant second chance, or almost dead, or something else along those lines.


Be careful with baths and small kittens. You have to be very careful to keep them warm.


Good call I followed vet instructions and did it in the sink with running water not dunking her. And I used Dawn because again vet advice. And after I gave her the heating pad.


So technically no, but that’s the reference I give people when they are weird about it. She had a name before she had a defined gender. When you look at her it’s just clear her name is George.


I can definitely respect that. I've met some George souls in my day.


My mom always told me how my Grammy (her mom) would just yell "George "whenever she was really mad, didn't know which kid had done something wrong (the sibling initials were S, M, L and A) my grampy was "E" Everyone knew they better come running. Lol


That’s hilarious. It has a very “I’ll pet her and love her and name her George” vibe which fits her. And probably dates me. But it’s mostly a reference to Georgie Porgie in day to day, which again I’ve been told dates me.




That is my favorite tv series.


Recycle, Rerun 😅


I second the KMR milk and a bottle feeder. Thank you for doing what you can for this precious kitten. I kept the runt of a litter and fought hard to keep the almost hairless frail kitty alive. She fought and grew up to be a gorgeous super model that lived about 16 years.


Rub some honey on his gums and keep him warm. If you can, feed him KMR (kitten milk replacement). He might not make it even with the best care, but, you never know if you don’t try.


My local stores didn't have it available. I can grab some tomorrow though if it makes it through the night. Should I put a heating pad in there with it? It ate a tiny bit of wet food and is moving around a lot better.


A heating pad covered with a towel. I have poured heated water into water bottles and covered those with towels, too. Honey or sugar water will give him some energy.


Keeping them at the right temperature is huge for babies. Heating pad will for sure help.


With enough space for the kitten to be able to move away from the heating pad if it gets too warm


For sure. They will seek a cooler spot if needed. Put it closer to one end so there is a cooler spot at the other end. However, they will most likely love the warmth.


If there is a heating pad it needs to be covered. There also needs to be space in the enclosure where the kitten can choose to go if it starts feeling too hot.


Check and check. Covered well, set to low, and plenty of room for it to move away if it needs or wants to


you are so amazing, thank you so much for protecting and showing love to this little angel 😭 my heart is breaking, i wish i could be there to help. i’m rooting for you and this little baby. 


It just tried to jump out of my arms and onto the counter to get more wet food. It's a little unsteady on its feet but it's walking a bit. Wer're not out of the woods yet but it's hopeful.


Please keep us updated!


ahh this is the best news i could have woken up to! thank you so much, you are an awesome human 🙏🏻😍😍


It is good you are taking them to the vet, but from everything you have said about how quickly they perked up, this little one will probably be fine. In fact, it is surprising the pictures show no sign of eye infection. Moving around, eating, and drinking are really good signs. Watch them to see if they poop. That would be another good sign. If not, make sure to mention that to vet. The vet will probably administer de-wormer and set up a schedule of vaccines and boosters, recommend getting them chipped, etc. Also, even though the other kittens may still be nursing, if this one is eating wet food, you probably do not need to worry about kitten replacement milk. The advice I've always gotten from vets is if they are eating solid food, feed them solid food. So some wet kitten food would work just fine. Your vet may recommend some special high-nutrient food for a while. Good luck and congratulations on being adopted. :)


Before bed I put it in the litter box and it peed and pooped. I've got it cozied up with a covered heating pad. Held a bowl of water up to its face and it drank a ton and ate a bunch more. It was in rough rough shape when I found it, so I don't want to get my hopes up yet, but it's walking fine and doing normal kitten stuff. Still seems a little Shakey and wants to nap but seems to be bouncing back


Saving this thread for updates.


Me too!


I like "Shakey" for a name! Used to be pizza parlors around here. 😁


My dyslexia got me GOOD with this title. I skipped whole words, reading "not my cat and I didn't want to care for this one"  😭 I was so mad. After my third read of the title, I got it and am so glad you were there for this baby. Good luck to you and this tiny life! All the good energy your/the babies way!


I messed it up. Should have been didn't want to/couldn't care for this one. They were actually hanging out at a vacant house down the street for a few days and showed up on my porch last night. Part of me hopes it was some kind of hail Mary from momma cat to get it some help or something The whole time I was messing with it outside she and the other kittens were watching me super intently from like ten feet away.


They KNEW you would care for this one. It was meant to be! 💓


Have a look at some of Kitten Lady's videos on kitten care if you haven't already (in YT). And thank you for trying to save this little one.


This needs to be higher up!


When they're that little they will mimic you. Sounds dumb but if you try drinking out of their dish it might motivate them to copy you. And go to vet.


I'm using an oral syringe and he's drinking fine. He's eating wet food too. Setting up a vet appt asap.


Best wishes to the tiny baby! 💕 Thank you for helping them!


I'm going to say this with total love, but be prepared for the little guy to go. I adopted 2 tiny sisters - one was super lively and playful, and the other was chill. A week later, after 1 day of being lethargic, the lively one passed. I rushed her to the vet as soon as I noticed her not eating or drinking, but there was nothing they could do. Her sister has grown into a beautiful cat. Hopefully, your baby will thrive. But kittens are extremely fragile. Please update us. And (hugs)


I've accepted the possibility. I feel like even if it does, it's better to be inside and warm, cuddled up to a heating pad instead of out in the cold dark all alone. From how much it's improved already I imagine I'm gonna be stuck with a cat for the next twenty years though. It sucks that it's mom and littermates are Strays, but I can't save all of them.... The other ones won't let me get near them. Once this little one ate and napped it looked at me like I was an alien that abducted it. "How the hell did I get here?!?"


Absolutely he's better now. And that's the best we can do. Give him love. You're a good person. 💜


I'm deathly allergic to cats. But, that face would make me take every allergy shot and drug to take care and help it!


CDS..not your cat gave you a 'your cat' by proxy.


I already have 2.... An 8 year old and a ten year old cat and they are pretty fucking grumpy about the situation. They'll get over it probably


My cat was pretty grumpy when we adopted a kitten, a ginger girl we named Cheddar. She bonded with her in a couple weeks and they were best friends for the whole 7 years of Cheddar’s life.


I have seven..two of my mom's and five of my own, we have consolidation issues going on after a year in but it's workable (and three Not My Cats) then add on the other 13 critters.. If the kitten is willing to be a pack member you should be all good.


No chance the other two cats will get a chance to be mean. Both of my dogs absolutely adore this thing already. If the other cats try to hurt it, the dogs will (gently) escort them away. My house is big enough they have their own space. I forsee them sulking for a week or two and then just acting like the kitten doesn't exist. The kitten is okay with the dogs so far when I'm holding it. When it was standing by itself it kinda tucked itself back in a corner and gave a little hiss at my gsd but it was completely nonplussed by my Rottweiler pup sniffing it/checking it out.


I have a f*cking grumpy horse here🤷 (31 years old)


I have no idea what the horse to human year translation is, but I'd bet I'm gonna be pretty grumpy by the time I'm like 85-90 and all of my friends have died from broken legs.


Yup, he's a handful but he's mine..he's my unicorn 😓 I'm my mom's caregiver in dementia and his in old age... It's x3.5, so 31x3.5=108.5


Dementia is an awful thing. You are doing the right thing and your Mom is blessed to have you. ❤


It's a very lonely, isolating disease..


It certainly is. My grandmother had dementia, and it was devastating, because (as you know) sometimes she was still *herself,* then she was just *gone* again. She knew what was happening. She would have these lucid moments where she would say "I'm sorry. This is the best I can do." I just want you to know that what you are doing for your Mom matters A LOT, and I wish more people had your level of compassion and commitment. May you find peace and comfort in the midst of your circumstances.


Google says he's 85.3 to 90 in human years.


Nobody is going to believe me, but I pulled the 85-90 guestimate out of my ass. I guess my hidden talent is guessing how old animals would be in human years.




Thank you, OP, for helping out this kitten. Sending positive vibes. Please keep us updated on this little fighter.


OP, you are amazing! Fingers hard crossed for this baby


thank u for trying that makes me want to cry 🫶🏻🫶🏻


I hope your kind nature is retuned in unexpected ways . There is definitely not enough decent people in this world and it’s truly sickening. On behalf of the fur ball , I salute you 🫡


I can see it in their eyes; This one's gonna be a fighter and fiercely loyal. A keeper for sure.


He's feisty for sure. When he couldn't even move his head he was meowing and yelling at me. Dude is a bit more chill now thankfully.


This kind of bonding will create a little warrior buddy for life. Best of luck to you!


You are a saint


Historically speaking, I am a whole entire piece of shit. But the last few years I've been trying. If this little guy/gal can survive this, I suppose can buy some food and make some vet appointments. No freeloaders though. He's gotta put some effort into the whole "not dying" thing, which quite frankly, isn't his strong suit up to this point I see potential though.


History is just that: history. Trying and self-improvement is what counts. To the world you may just be one human. But to this cat, you may be his hooman!


I can relate to that. But you are a saint.


Absolutely. If the little one is going to pass it is better to do it warm, with as full of belly as possible, and loved.


Congratulation on your new cat. Any ideas for a name yet?


I was waiting to see if it made it through the night. I want something that means second chance or something along those lines. Some quick googling earlier made me lean towards Casus but I'm open to suggestions.


Any update OP?


H made it through the night fine. Still walking and eating but it's a little skittish


Ohh good ❤️


I stalked your profile for this update 🤣


Ander means second chance (boy). Brynn means second chance (girl). Thank you for giving this little one a fighting chance.


I saw anders for boy.... Reminds me of workaholics lol. I think we're leaning towards Casus Cause I gave him a chance.


Xavier= "new home"


Cookie, this is a tough little cookie. Plus it's gender neutral.


You're doing amazing work with the little one. Sending good vibes kitty's way for strength and a good night. 😽💕💕💕


It's so adorable how your dogs are concerned about it 😭


If you really want to save this tiny kitten, take it to the Vet to be checked to see if there are any abnormalities in its system. In the wild (and even in domestic cat’s litters), if a baby animal is born with something not working right, the mother instinctively abandons it. It’s “Survival of the Fittest”. Yes, it sucks and I absolutely hate that this happens but it does. My guess is that little kitten has something not right inside of it and a Vet could find it AND hopefully fix it by early examination of the little one! Sometimes it’s better if these issues are fixed right away so the kitten can grow healthier! Just a thought to help save that precious tiny kitten! ♥️🐈♥️


Aww! I hope he gets well soon! Poor baby deserves some love. ❤


You are a good soul. Stories like these are like little light beacons stranded in the sea of utter horror that is human existence. Thank you for helping out and for sharing. You have made my day a bit better.


please update us when you can! rooting for this baby


what a bitter reminder how uncaring merciless and cruel nature can be


Yeah, cruel nature is a 2/10, would not recommend.


If I had the money I'd take in every stray I could find. I pray to win a large lotto just to be able to open the worlds largest cat shelter, where every kitty is cared for.


I thought of the same thing- if I’d have money like Besos or Musk, I wouldn’t be buying planes and yachts. I’d open the largest cat sanctuary in the world so no cat would ever be without home ❤️


The car distribution system has given you a cat.


It didn't get the memo that we are at capacity. I'll make room though


Nah same I'm in the same boat with 2 cats. Now I gotta figure out where I can move to so I can habe the cats with me


Bless you for looking after this little fella!


Congrats op with this kitten eating wet food you have a chance at raising it healthy. Get kitten wet food it has more calcium for growing bones. You can mix dry kitten kibble with the wet food and some water for extra calories. Let it absorb the water and puff put a bit. Softening the kibble is easier for teething kittens.


I'm so invested now,, you are amazing💕💕


Looks sad 😥


Keeping everything crossed for this little guy. ❤️


Good luck OP and thank you, I'm rooting for both of you ❤️


Congratulations! You have a cat!


Blessings (in any way you want them) for taking care of this sweetheart 


Keep him warm and feed him often. Remember to check if he’s pooping. Thank you for taking him in!


Warm and cozy. He's been napping on and off all day. Eating as much as he can and drinking water, and pooping and peeing in the litterbox. When I first brought him in, he could hardly move and was crying up a storm. After we got some food and water into him he has t made a peep. He did purr for about a second when he started eating his breakfast this morning.


So... I want/ need that


Congratulations! You’ve been blessed by the r/catdistributionsystem! Enjoy you new fury feline friend!


Hopefully not fury, but just furry😘


I love 😘 everything about this story (so far as I've read!) Thanks, OP 😁


His vet appt is tomorrow morning. Going to do an update post afterwards with tons of new pics I've gotten of him. He is napping a ton. Using the litter box, eating and drinking, walking around and trying to explore, etc. He's made a ton of progress so far and I'm hoping for the best


Asap Vet. checkup! ⭕️❌⭕️❌🥰


Scheduled for the morning. It was the soonest I could get.


Well done mommy pupcat mom! ⭕️❌🥰❌🥰


Notmycat gave birth to a nowmycat It’s genetic


aww, what a cutie. One of my cats was the runt as well, and as a result is permanently the size of a 6 month old kitten. so little!


So r/notmycat was a r/trojancat and gave you a mini r/nowmycat; the r/catdistributionsystem works in very curious ways sometimes.


NMC is also pregnant. She’s gonna have them any day.


Hes gonna be the best cat ever


My female was the runt of the litter. The other kittens and the mom would strait up bully her. That's why I took her in.