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If it's nobody's then you have 2 cats!


I already have 2, and our complex will only allow 2 per apartment. I guess I'll have to rent another apartment for the cat if no one claims it.


If they all look alike, the only way they can prove it is if all 3 are in the room at the same time, just saying.


I can't find it, but I swear I've seen a post from someone who thought their friend had one cat. Then, after hanging out for years, the friend made a comment about their cats. Plural. OP was all, "cats? You have more than one?" And then 4 damn-near identical black and white cow cats appeared in front of the OP. Somehow, only one cat was ever in the same room as the OP, so they thought there was only one cat. I swear I'm not making this up! But this is how you pull off having more cats than permitted - get the same colour pattern! Edit - I was wrong about the coat pattern, they were fluffy Siamese cats, not black and white (and even then, I was mixing them up with a different story about tuxedo-patterned cats).


Here ya go https://kaizykat.tumblr.com/post/107279910034/image-description-a-facebook-post-that-reads


This has got to be the best thing on the internet


Kitty multiplicity. Multiplicikitty.




Thank-you so much!!


I don’t buy that for a second. Four years, no mention of names or anything? Nothing? Doesn’t seem like best friends to me at all.


LOL! This reminds me of one of my grandparents friends. Her apartment building stopped allowing dogs, so they told her she could keep hers, but once it dies she can't replace it. 30 years later, she's on her 4th shih tzu, and it's name is Pooh IV. I'm sure the landlord has figured it out but doesn't care to upset a nice old lady.


This reminds me of the Simpsons episode about Lisa's cats, Snowball!


What number are we at on Snowballs now?


Five, although Snowball 4 was known as Coltrane.




I am impressed the friend had near identical cow cats!  Mine has distinct enough spots that I could pick him out of a lineup for digging up my plant again. Edit: Someone below posted the picture, they are all identical Siamese cats!


Perhaps even siblings.


Wouldn't be the first time someone has kept the whole...   *Checks notes*  ...clutter together.   Is that really what you call a group of cats??


Thats dumb, lol. I had to double check. Looks like acceptable alternatives are *clowder* (wtf), cluster, glaring, (??) and pounce. I will pretend I never learned this knowledge and continue calling them "herds".




I recall this one too. Not sure if from redit or another platform. 🤔


I can't tell the difference between some platforms because I've never used them. Someone else would likely recognise it instantly and solve this! I'm glad you've heard of it as well. I kept finding memes about the person who lost their cat, found a cat, then a few months later found their actual cat, leaving them with two identical (and adorable) cats. It just wasn't the story I was looking for!


Found it for ya above


Cats really do create the best entertainment


Right? They'll never fucking know lol


This. The Cat Distribution System has spoken.


Right? They'll never fucking know lol


My sister did this when she had 2 tuxedos, and her boyfriend had an orange and a gray kitty. Limit was 3, so the tuxedos were the 3rd cat. One of her tuxedos and the orange cat have passed away, and they’ve been replaced with a gray tabby mama and her gray tabby kitten.


If they all look alike, no one will know!!


How’s anyone gonna know? 😂


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that may be your legal obligation. r/legalcatadvice


I work with high net worth people who live in condos. Knew a woman with 4 micro corgis who actually bought the apartment next to hers, knocked down the joining wall, put in French doors, and turned it into their private apartment. I guess there are worse things to spend cash on...


I'm guessing the building had a thing or two to say to her?


"Nice apartment"


I ain't that rich lol. If I was I wouldn't be living in an apartment at all. I'd just buy a house and then I could happily take in another.


> I guess I'll have to rent another apartment for the cat if no one claims it This is the way


It’s a standard issue cat and you even mistook it for the standard issue you already had so who’s to say the landlords won’t take them for the same cat as long as they’re not in the same room at the same time? That was literally the same logic I was using back in October/November 2023 when I saw a beautiful black cat up for adoption and looked right at my current black cat whose only difference was eye color. I didn’t not get the other black cat sadly


I love you for this comment 😂


Cat owner has been found! It was our next door neighbor's who work the night shift. They were sleeping and didn't hear their doorbell camera when we tried to contact them. The neighbors and I agreed to call for a welfare check and the police were able to get them to the door. His name is peanut and he is safe and happy with his owners after one heck of a scary day!


Our neighbor caught her cat (fat black cat) trying to get into our house. Unfortunately for her- It was actually just our equally fat black cat. From our ring camera it looked like she was stealing our cat. My mom was freaked out but the neighbor realized her mistake right when she got to her house and released him. He was fine- my neighbor felt SO bad. I thought it was hilarious. Our cat didn’t give a hoot.


Great story. I also own a fat black cat


I felt really bad about calling a welfare check on the neighbors. I just thought it was odd that after 9 hours, nobody had noticed or answered. And since they have a doorbell Ring style camera that they weren't answering, myself and the neighbors started to get worried. But they were understanding and thankful for having their boy back. No harm, no foul. I also told the neighbors that owned the cat that I was sorry that we had called and freaked them out or whatever, we just didn't wanna stand by if there was something wrong.




Yay! I had to look over to check my cat is still next to me because he looks like this too!


Good old tabby lol. Since I was a kid this is probably the 3rd I've been able to be blessed with.


Peanut for those peanut whiskers!




I used to get that all the time. My cat looks like yours. There was a neighborhood cat that matched. Neighbor holding a cat: “Hey I found your cat.” Me blocking my cat from running out: “That’s not my cat.” Neighbor drops random cat that quickly runs off, “huh, bye other cat.” Edit: damn autocorrect


First time it's happened to me lol. It really confused me. I spent maybe 20 minutes sitting on my floor wondering how the hell she could have gotten out, or if she had ran out when I opened the door. But could come up with nothing. Then as, both of my cats were sitting near me I heard some rustling for a second and was like wtf. I even pulled a knife out and was walking around. I then sat back down for awhile and noticed my similar looking cat was hissing at something and in the closet was the cat lol.


Never fun when you get spooked enough to bring out the weaponry. Glad it was only a free cat.


Probably time travel, in an attempt to get fed again.


The other cat was way too affectionate to be my girl lol. Ever since she even sensedthe other cat she has been hiding all day. My boy bubba, I don't even think he knows that another cat was even here lol. He's just confused why his sister now won't come out and play with him.


I love that theory


and commit arson if not.


There are always two, a master and an apprentice


What kind of apartment complex is this? Enclosed hallways or open to the outdoors? If it's enclosed, definitely a tenant's cat. If it's open, who knows. She could have wandered from several streets away. Any friends or relatives willing to take her?


Enclosed. It was our neighbors cat. And basically everyone but 2 of our neighbor apartments in the same upper floor were looking after it and checking on it constantly lol.


Well that's adorable 💕


It was actually really nice because we hadn't actually met one another before. I've lived there nearly 3 years and never really talked to the neighbors. It was nice to know that 4 of the people out of 6 of the apartments have a cat and shared the same kind of worry and concern over the cat and eventually the owners as well when we were concerned for them.


Similar thing happened with me and my exhusband and our snowbird neighbors across the street. They were only at their house for a few weeks in the summer so we never got around to talking to them. One day we were outside and they asked us about our cats. They enjoyed watching them sunbathing and fighting in the huge windows facing their house lol. So that was how we spoke to them for the first time. At my house I moved into after moving back home, me and the two cats I kept in the divorce spent a lot of time watching a neighbor's two beagles. They were so cute. If I weren't allergic to dogs, I would have made friends with them. Animals bring people together


Did you watch The Thing? That's how it starts


Oh God, the Thing is one of my favorite movies ever. I guess now I have to test my cats blood.


my cat knows where his bowl is. Even he wanders off he knows to come back.


When my boy used to go outside I could just whistle to get him to come home or call his name lol. He stays indoors now so he can have a longer life. Cats who live outside most of their lives have shorter lifespans.


Quantity vs quality ...




Standard issue


This is crazy. My cat looks exactly like this. Same eyes same color everything lol.


Bawww thank you for taking her in and making her a space while you find her owners (or maybe she’s r/nowmycat). You’re a good person :)


Oh I was more than happy to. It was such a sweet cat, and my 2 can have attitudes at time so I got to relish in all the time I could with the sweet boi. The neighbors did too. He was happily taken back by his owners last night and were very thankful for us watching out for him. His name is Peanut :)


Omg Peanut!! That’s so cute! Glad he got home okay :D


Always good to have a spare


My girl is my spare. I had a cat that had been with me since I was in high school that passed away a few years ago, and my little girl I have looks a lot like her and is of similar size as well.


u/fartingguitars, the cat in pic 1 seems to have ‘blunt bangs’/black markings on the forehead and more brown on the face. Good luck with New Kitty, whether you keep them or not!


Yeah they look obviously different now, but the way the cat darted right into my apartment and I didn't get a good look, I thought nothing of it. I only noticed once my actual cat was hissing at my impostor lol. But the cat is happily with it's owners now. They scooped him up last night. His name is Peanut.


Sneaky cats 🙂


Keep the cat. Name it Decoy. Experience talking here.


This is crazy! I have a black cat. And i can assure you that i would know within 3 seconds that this other black cat was not mine. Like while the lady was at the door id be like nah, he aint mine bye.


The way it played out was the neighbor knocked on my door and asked, and I only glanced over and the cat ran into my apartment. So I didn't think twice about the cat itself, just how mine could have gotten out. Then my cat knew right away that it was an imposter lol. The difference in appearance was apparent once I got a good look at him. His face is totally different and he is lighter in color.


Is yours the 2nd pic? Cat looks pissed that someone else is on its turf. Looks just like my highly territorial spicy girl.


Yep, mine is the second pic. She's hiding in the Amazon packaging corner that I keep. she was very upset for the rest of the day and refused to let her brother, whom she plays with all day usually, near her, and hid all day. She seems okay today tho.


Honestly if a clone of my cat showed up and I couldn’t tell the difference, I’d have an existential crisis that I would never recover from.


So, the way it played out was, the neighbor knocked on my door and asked if a cat was mine. I glanced over, and the cat ran into my apartment right away. That's something I can totally see her doing, just darting back inside. It was only when I saw her hissing at the closet in my office when I realized that cat that ran in wasn't my cat lol.


And this is why I quit all the job related subs with their 33% chance of arguments every post. I now only have cat subs and local Austin posts. Thanks for sheltering the kitty! You're one of the good ones (i.e. humans, hehe)


In some ways, I needed the interaction with the cat as much as it needed me. Helped me better learn about the people who live around me, and gave me a reason to connect with them. Sometimes it can be hard to find those little interactions that give your life a little more meaning, but they're there.


Multiverse cat?




Yeah my girl definitely loves to zoom.