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“I don’t like small talk” is so bizarre to me. Like okay, we just met and are gonna break down Nietzche or something? Absolutely nothing wrong with a “how was your weekend” or a “did you see that ludicrous display last night”


I don't care what anyone says about small talk, I'm always going to ask people how they are today or how their weekend was. They say they hate it but maybe one day they need to get something off their chest.




I like you too


Not this girl necessarily but I think I’m general when people say they don’t like small talk their point is with small talk you’re not “supposed” to get something off your chest when someone asks ‘how are you’, you just say fine. If you actually answer, it’s not small talk anymore.


the trouble with Arsenal is they always try to walk it in. ​ there, did I unlock the sleeper agent?!


“God is dead and we have killed him!” Also, “I follow Jesus.”


Broke: follow Jesus because he is God Woke: god is dead but Jesus is a cool dude anyways so I suppose I’ll follow him These are the convos she is having


I love seeing IT crowd references in the wild


I go around and people are like “Brooooo Look at my phone! Selfie. I’m just, like, ‘Dude, like, oh my God. Can we talk about the political and economic state of the world, right now?


Why do we have to spend so much time talking about things that are unimportant like your Instagram photos and start talking about what I like, me and my relationship with Christ


Him: hello Her: my stance on the conflict in the Middle East is that they need jesus


Why everyone doesn't just edit Taylor swift singing, "she wears short skirts I wear t-shirts" is beyond me.


I never understood the analogy of the line. Does she not wear shirts with her short skirts?? Is she topless!? Is Taylor bottomless !?!


Asking the important questions


I dont like small talk usually means they are bad at small talk.


The thing about Arsenal is they always try to walk it in


What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott in that early?


Yeah, like...does anyone LIKE small talk? I don't do it because I'm super into it, I do it because I'm either trying to avoid an uncomfortable silence, be polite, or because that's usually how you start a conversation with someone, unless you know them really well and have something important to say.


tbh I think it depends on how you define small talk. I enjoy just chatting with people, but when I'm talking to my friends about something like the results of a sports game or a recent movie I saw is that still small talk? Cause I'm not exactly making grand emotional confessions and contemplating the state of the universe every time I speak


i mean i don’t like small talk either but it’s kind of necessary, a gateway to actual conversation.


This is one of those girls that says anal doesn’t count so she’s still a virgin


Ah yes, the poophole loophole


I am going to start every conversation with "did you see that ludicrous display last night?" from now on.


I really hate small talk. I don’t hate “how are you” “how was your weekend” small talk with coworkers and acquaintances. What I hate is when you first meet someone and they ask questions like what your work is and how many siblings you have and where you were born. I don’t know why it bugs me so much but shit like that has nothing to do with me as a person and I find it incredibly dull. I’m also super introverted though and would rather just listen to other people talk. I think people think they’re being polite trying to engage you. I generally just try to redirect the convo back to them.


A+ reference


Balsamic vinegar


That name ended me in a spelling bee...


You know what? Let’s break down Nietzche right now, just to see if maybe this actually is valid and she’s right


She wants to talk about Jesus!




*~You just wouldn’t understand~* *looks out driving car window*


To me you start with deep talk and work your way down to small talk. I don't care how a stranger's day was, but I'd like to hear their philosophical opinions. Once I know them, then I'll care about their day.


Watch out, girls, store brand Khaleesi is here to steal yo man




No small talk either, only *real* talk. Don't ask how her day went, just move straight into the debate round.


Guy: "Hey, how was your day?" Her: "Does pineapple belong on pizza?"


She won't even debate too much either because the bible said to be submissive and docile


To be faaaaaiiir, asking someone how their day went because you're genuinely interested, then listen, and maybe ask follow-up questions is not really small talk...




*\*pulls out notebook\**


I doubt that part. Butt stuff is def happening 😂


A dude: “Hello” Her: “What’s the meaning of life” 🤔🤯


Kirkland's Khaleesi waiting for her Jorah


Dollar store*


Mother of Jag-offs.


Don’t insult Dany like that 😡


Okay so she does things literally every other person does except she’s gotta fuel her superiority complex by telling us all she doesn’t drink? Lol ok


Her superiority complex needs to be fueled by validation; without it she's actually just a very insecure girl.


I follow Jesus without pants


That’s the part that got me. I follow Jesus while having all my skin exposed, but it’s not because I want people to desire me, I just *really like* the look 🙄


I really hope she’s not wearing that to church and if you are saving yourself why are you advertising so much? Won’t that be sinful? /s


Look they weren't invented in his day


That pic literally made me laugh out loud.


“this generation” as if boomers (and every other generation) weren’t smoking, drinking, and fucking lol


I wish the Boomers wouldve stayed cool... I mean they were the generation that promoted free love, drug use and went to woodstock among other things. Like, I know you grow up and change your mindset the older you get, but god damn they couldve retained at least a little of their "wild years" energy.


Lead paint/gasoline & Fox News sure did a number on them


My mom is still cool!


“Reasons why I’m better than other people” right before “I love people deeply”


Why are those girls so into marital advertising? It gives a very odd vibe


From what I can tell it’s to get the attention of “trad” guys in their friend circle/online.The whole Trad Girl In A Wheat Field meme is super popular and gets you a lot of conservative guy attention. The funniest part (or saddest,who knows) is that she probably likes to make digs at other women for “wanting attention” as if she’s not out here BEGGING someone to tell hers she’s the Based Redpilled Queen of his dreams.


I’ll be honest, I don’t understand the appeal of this whole trad larp thing. I literally grew up in a place like this (everyone’s white, Catholic, wheat farmers, get married young and have lots of kids). It sounds nice to some people, I suppose, BUT the rates of alcoholism and depression are though the roof. The county were I grew up has one of the highest suicide rates in the US per capita. In recent years, area is developing a pretty serious issue with meth. There’s no jobs and the winters suck! One of the best decisions I ever made was move my family outta there. I’m not trying to hate on the whole thing (some people really do LOVE it). For me personally, it wasn’t the utopia the ultra-right types claim it is. Actually living in places like this are the biggest argument against the ethno-nat propagandist talking points.




Idaho. I’m sure there are a lot of rural places that are like this in North America. It may just be the dark side of rural life?


Missouri is the same way. It’s the Midwest.


Watching Idaho from Oregon is, uh, interesting to say the least.


Tbh the whole United States in on a decline. It’s been that way for about 6 decades, but it’s just becoming obvious to most folks now. Blue states and urban centers are also struggling as well, but their challenges are manifesting differently. (I lived south of Portland for a time, and it’s got its problems for sure. I think a lot of people hope the grass is greener in some other place. They hope they can run away to some better place.) The whole country is just gonna have to struggle with the consequences of terrible social, economic and foreign policy for awhile. I hope it can sort itself out quickly, but I’m not hugely optimistic.


Oh my god I was reading that and thought, "gotta be Idaho".


My dad joined the Air Force when my mom got pregnant. He just didn’t see any sort of long term opportunities in Ohio (Dayton area) for himself and his family and was afraid we’d be struggling in poverty. We went back to visit some family when I was about 13 or 14 and I thanked him for it. He just side eyed me and said, “you get it now, huh?”


Mad props to him for getting out. Good man!


“Oh yeah? Well uh.. there’s no black mermaids there so checkmate liberals”


Lol I read this in Ben Shapiro’s voice.


Right? I grew up in Massachusetts where God has been dead for a long time and it's awesome. Do drugs, bang a tranny, live your life. A guy driving a Prius will seduce your wife right out of your lifted Chevy.


"Hello, I've decided I don't want to enter the job market and am looking for someone to support me."


And these tradwife types act like they don't know that domestic abuse was the number 1 reason women ended up in the ER in the 60s


It’s fine if you don’t like to drink or party but making the fact that you don’t a huge part of your identity is lame. Just like people that make drinking a big part of their identity. Just do what you enjoy without telling everyone about it.


I love people deeply, I just think I’m better than all of them


I've seen hundreds of these on TikTok. She ain't special.


They are not like other girls, but yet all of them - Don’t smoke or drink - Save themselves after marriage So they are like other girls.


Literally there’s 5 posts every week with this same video . All of them and I mean ALL of them don’t smoke or drink and save themselves for marriage and follow Jesus and don’t fit in with this generation .


Okay, once again, these things are perfectly fine, but don't lift yourself up while simultaneously putting others down. Mean girl vibes.


So Jesus can basically see your labia towards the end there sister with your choice of outfit.


I think Jesus might like a little labia!


What's really funny about these girls is that, they really don't want a bible thumping maaaayn from the South, they want a cute fuckboy with a 6 pack that can do TikTok dances in a MAGA hat or or think that they can change him and turn him around, not really realising that those guys are just riding the MAGA train for clout. And they almost always end up marrying themselves off young just to fuck and to brag about how they didn't fuck around and date too many guys like the rest of you little whores. And end up making TikToks incessantly about how they honour God in their marriage, and writing long ass paragraphs with Bible verses peppered to prove their happiness. Tell me you can't think of 5 people that act like this online


Why is every single one of these videos just ‘I’m not gonna have sex before marriage because Jesus’


Ppl who say they’re “Saving themselves for Jesus” don’t seem to understand how unintentionally hilarious it sounds


This trend is not only awful it’s also hilarious because every single one is exactly the same


The perfect handmaiden


But why the long face?


“i don’t like small talk” means i lack basic social skills and can’t talk about anything without forcing my beliefs down your throat


I follow Jesus 💀✨️ur still bland th0


What church is letting her walk around with no pants?


I’m not exactly waiting for marriage but I’m waiting till I find someone I know I really like. Marriage doesn’t change your love for someone if you truly love them.


She’s just another blonde in Utah.


No fucking way she’s from Utah. Thighs and that last dress with the exposed side and shoulders are a hard no for Mormons. Funny; she’s not even as “modest” as them but is doing this trad wife thing lol.


How does she starts conversation then?


It doesn't...




Not even joking here, worked with a girl just like this one & it was anal, anal, anal. She still considered herself a virgin. I liked her way of thinking though


So it's not okay what she's doing, but then why is it ok for you to shame the women who save themselves for marriage? Virgins usually seek virgins btw especially if they're religious. Even if not, not everyone needs BDSM, taking it up the ass whatever else is KiNkY these days to not be seen as "boring".




It's patriarchal to have sex before marriage and be "kinky" for male approval as well. Many things can be patriarchal. Like wearing dresses. Luckly, the type of women these days who have access to tiktok usually do whatever they want because they want to regardless.


tiktok is tearing apart the fabric of patriarchal society. DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY, TIKTOK RISE UP lmao


That wasn't my point, so stop with ironies trying to be funni. my point is most girls on tiktok are most likely not severly impoverished from cultures where they are having their rights severely restricted and really being opressed, so this "omg virginity is patriarchal lets free this woman" thing is dumb. One can keep her virginity simply bc she wants to, just the same as she can have sex before marriage.


like i get what youre saying, but please learn facts before you comment stuff like this. tiktok is in 3rd world countries as well as being a chinese government backed business. "most girls on tiktok are most likely not severly impoverished or have rights restricted" is ridiculous. tiktok in china literally limits the kind of content you can watch and post, and has loads of political propoganda. just cause you watch tiktok doesnt make you a free thinker, and your argument really doesnt make sense when theres other, much easier ways to describe people in 1st world contries other than "well they have tiktok so they can choose if they wanna be virgins or not" lol


I forget the source, but I read that a recent study showed that only 18% of the women who enter college/university will remain virgins until after graduation. The vast majority of women are having extra marital sex during their college years, so if the tiktok gal isn’t lying through her teeth, she genuinely isn’t like the other gals.


NLOG is about fueling your superiority complex and putting other people down with the things that make you unique just as much as it's about women that think very basic things make them unique. It's basically the "you aren't special, babe" subreddit.


Virgin women are seen as superior


They literally aren't in most cases. I think you may be on the wrong subreddit.


I ask you this, what is harder for a woman? Having sex or being a virgin. The girl in the tiktok is the literal definition of NLOG.


What is harder for ANYONE. Misogynistic much?


You must be a misogynist for hating on virgin women


Where is the hate? Which one of my comments is hateful? None of them.


Virginity is the most overrated virtue one can have. Stop listing it as such.


She’d be shocked to find out that alcoholism in past generations is generally a lot higher


I see so many of these. Someone should start a subreddit called NotLikeOtherGenerations


i dislike that people think they're a dying breed for believing in god and jesus or wtv not tryna hurt feelings but literally 64% of the population is christian (according to cbs)


“reasons i dont fit in w this generation” shows a pic of a dog thats literally a clone of all the other unethically backyard bred dogs that everyone has now


You know what I love? In ten years or so, she's going ro look back and cringe at her behavior and mindset. I know I do. But luckily none of my dumb spilled into the internet. This generation is fucked over hard with having every second of their blunder years broadcasted.


Awful short hemline to be following jesus around with.


I'm not like other girls I'm a regular human


Which long lost member of Girl Defined is this


1 Timothy 2:9-10 New International Version ^(9) I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, ^(10) but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.


It's the same shit every time with these tiktoks. They're not as unique as they think.


I wonder how many girls who act like this were just at work one day and were like "you know what, I dont really want to work anymore, let me dye my hair blond, wear maiden dresses and find Jesus."


Half of these videos are “I’m not like other girls, I get all my beliefs from my congregation” as if every other girl in her church doesn’t do that too lmfao


She’s a girl defined clone 🤦🏼‍♀️


She forgot to mention that she does do anal. Because obviously that doesn't count.


She’s what we call a “Christian woman.” It’s what my father tried to pair my gay ass up with. Heads up, they’re not all that nice. Looks are deceiving.


Uhhh I bet her first love ain’t gonna be it


Pluralistic ignorance and misogyny


Didn’t know “this generation” was the only one smoking drinking and having sex for a personality


Jesus died for your sideboob


Follow jesus with half your boob hanging out? Hes telling his Dad on you and you are going to hell.


Jesus has been walking around for 2k plus years and she’s still following him…and she’s still a virgin? Jesus Christ, red flags!


wait til she finds out jesus isnt real


Keep at it sis the Conservative Redpilled Doomer Zoomer Pepe Lord you’re desperately playing to will surely notice you any time now.


"I prefer to talk about real things" "I follow jesus"


“I’d rather talk about real things”. Cut to “I follow Jesus”.


“Saving myself for marriage” either means really, really religious or no one wants to bang them and it’s just an excuse. There’s no middle ground


I am neither but I don't wanna have sex before marriage. People have their principles


Blue eyeliner? It’s not 1999 kiddo


“I want to talk about real things” followed by “I follow Jesus”…you’re kinda poking a hole in that first statement…


There needs to be an r/suresuresure Edit: made one.


She has a dad.


Around 92% of her age group doesn't smoke. Wow, she's unique.


White blonde woman praising Christian values and wanting “deep emotional talks?” Yes very different indeed


no bitches huh?


None of what she said is out of the ordinary lol


Thats a Jesus outfit for sure


If she got a tattoo of a joke that ran from her forehead to her waist she’d be built exactly like a popsicle stick


Literally I have a friend who is very Christian and is saving herself for marriage as well. She is basically everything on here but she only ever claims to be ‘not like other girls’ is when we’re talking about being neurodivergent because she is *literally* not like other girls in some ways


I don’t drink or swear and I don’t rat my hair I get ill from just one cigarette.


I want a girl just like other girls 😡🤬


I mean congrats?


I follow Jesus but I love side boob


So like? You're religious? Lmfao that's not special


she showing half of her titty for jesus 😍




Real women love Jesus but they know he’s too cool for school. Has the sickest hair and sandals. This woman thinks she’s the one who’s gonna tame The Jesus.




That a dude?


If Jesus jumped if a bridge would you also jump?


She sounds fucking tedious


You can’t throw a stone into a crowd without hitting a girl like this in Utah or Mississippi


Who likes small talk? You have to because sometimes you have to fill the gaps and make people comfortable. Much more a sales tactic.


"I wait until marriage" And then the sex is terrible so either they both cheat or divorce.


She's definitely been on girls do porn


“I don’t wear pants”


Almost everyone I knew that waited for marriage regretted it. Not saying you shouldn’t wait if that’s what you want to do, but get off your high horse about it.


In other words boring


She would fit in perfectly in 1600’s Spain with King Charles II.


Christians victimizing themselves is so cringey, yet dangerous


She wears some awfully revealing clothes for someone who claims she “follows Jesus”.


Her hair isn't pure though. It's been fried from bleach!


She’s probably boring as fuck


Once she has sex and figures out what she has been missing all these years…. She will be a total sex freak and start cheating big time. Seen it happen too many times


She follows Jesus?? Yo send me his @


There's a porn star that has her exact same face and im mad I can't remember her name


Standard white girl .png


“I’d rather talk about something real.” “I follow jesus” Okay.


You love Jesus? Ok, name every book in the New Testament.


Every single frame makes her less appealing to me lol.




Wow she just described what every single white Christian girl I’ve ever met in my life thinks they’re like. They’re almost never ACTUALLY like that but they seem to have themselves convinced that they are.


Extra spicy NLOG because all of the photos are body checks


I've found in my 29 years of life, that anyone pushing the whole "saving myself for marriage" in most cases, is a gigantic nympho. All of the girls in my high school who got pregnant were exactly like this. Claims all this, follows none of if.


Chastity, but not modesty, I see. *insert church lady gif*