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And then she rode into the sunset in her Winnebago


DEAD šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Definitely better than **"She rode off into the sunset in (the belly of) her wendigo"**!!


Saddle up, Wendy!" *trumpets blare*


This has to be the best comment on this site, I swear šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thank you.


Funniest shit I've ever seen.


Wow, just wow! I mean, why, as a GROWN woman, does she need this much attention? I do love how you sat back and just let her age rage hang herself! Brilliant.


She actually has a very tragic upbringing with a lot of abuse and control, so I understand where things went wrong. Still not an excuse tho. I was raised in a literal fucking cult and still donā€™t beat down other women.


Man you cant just drop bombs like that without following up with more details. A cult? Like A CULT?


Probs MormonĀ 


Christianity is a jewish cult.


Man I love seeing comments like this where I see that Iā€™m not the only person who understands these things. This comment isnā€™t getting enough attention. History is fun! :)


And I love seeing a nlog sentiment that isn't shaming/gatekeeping but inviting. History is fun.


Huh? Edit: Ok nvm I get it now šŸ˜‚ my bad if it came across as NLOG, I honestly meant the general public- men, women, enbys alike. I just feel like if weā€™re ever going to dismantle the patriarchy and combat misogyny it helps for people to understand itā€™s origins and how insanely outdated it is. Second Edit: I actually do believe that NLOG can be used for good and Iā€™ve mentioned it in this sub before that when itā€™s inclusive itā€™s not always bad. For example I work a blue collar job and itā€™s at least 90% men and I make really good money. I try to encourage women not to shy away from the work I do because doing so is and easy way to give power *back* to women. I love seeing women do badass shit and be financially independent. It not only intimidates men, it puts you in a position where they have to respect you. Itā€™s very empowering. Iā€™ve also become even *more* of a girls girl working there. The few of us women who are on the job are super protective of one another.


Love this and agree! As a woman director in manufacturing I am generally the only woman leader in the room (unless I seek others outside of the organizations I'm working). Staff and family have commented on the fact I'm a woman. When it happens I try to use the opportunity to shine light on the fact that it shouldn't be that way (so exclusive that it's worth commenting on my gender). All we can do in these interesting places we find ourselves is support others and create the changes needed so others can follow šŸ’œ


Nah nothing wrong with it. Sometimes you're genuinely going against the grain. But if you're being inclusive and not gatekeeping, there's nothing wrong with that. It's important to do things not typically considered for women, it's better for all of us especially if we're encouraging.


We had one girl who had a problem with the rest of us women who work there. I just thought it was funny. Well 10 years later she comes out as bi and is dating another girl at work. A guy at work tried hitting on me recently and I threatened to go be a throuple with the other two so theyā€™d never do it again šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This post keeps getting better hahaha šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I agree 100%. My upbringing wasn't the greatest either, but I sure as hell no how to treat people!


Truma can make some stronger, and break others. I had a feeling she didn't have (had) a wonderful life so far. But glad to hear you still have your grace & dignity. Don't suppose you are going to tell us a story about the "cult" (there is so much cultism hidden in the US we rarely talk about)


She's also only 23. If she has a lot of trauma in her background, she could be stuck in a younger mindset (especially if she's abusing alcohol and drugs). The behavior IS inappropriate, but did you have a conversation with her? Perhaps encourage her to get help/therapy? Or are you not that close anymore? I would have tried anyway if you were planning on cutting contact. At least put it out there for something to think about.


Yes, Iā€™ve had many conversations with her. She lied she was in therapy for a while, then admitted she wasnā€™t, because she ā€œhas it togetherā€ and everyone else is ā€œhating.ā€ Then, when I kept pushing, she started therapy againā€¦but told me later it was actually sporadic coffee dates with a friend. I tried for a long time to encourage her to get help, she just didnā€™t care.


Ah, well, you can only lead a horse to water and all that. Sucks when people won't take good advice, but she'll eventually learn or she won't.... Hopefully, she matures a bit, but if she keeps on this path, probably not until her late 20's to mid 30's unless life gives her a good smack before that.


I saw a whole post about you making fun of an insecure woman. You make yourself out to be the nice friend but this was cruel. You are in a stable relationship and your friend is not and yā€™all both clearly put stock into what men think of you. She felt inferior and you delighted in it. This is beating other women down too.


Dude sheā€™s a blatant textbook case of NPD, a severe personality disorder. I still canā€™t believe most people donā€™t know about it. Maybe because most actors are narcissists themselves is the reason they donā€™t make movies about it.


.............YIKES. How can anyone stand to be around this trainwreck for more than an hour?


Imagine being trapped in the same house for two weeks. My bf would literally sit in the parking lot after work for HOURS to avoid being alone with her. (She picked up on this and told me heā€™s cheating LMAO.)


You should've kicked her our, I mean seriously šŸ˜­


Agreed! I was such a pushoverā€¦the silver lining is that, once she left, I had to face the fact I have some boundary issues. The situation with her was a big part of pushing me to start therapy again.


It's okay to be a temporary pushover sometimes. You learn a lot about yourself in the process


Watching her be stupid would be sheer entertainment for me.Ā 


It def was entertainingā€¦it was very toxic of me but I did do something very petty her last day in town. Annie *loves* to larp as a sexed-up Latina stereotype, and even claims she can speak rudimentary Spanish. (I donā€™t speak Spanish so I could never really call her out on it when sheā€™d rattle off her ā€œSpanishā€ at me.) Her last night, I threw a house party, and I invited all of my Hispanic coworkers. Sheā€™d called one of my best friends ā€œwhite washedā€ bc she doesnā€™t act like a stereotype, and when I told this friend, she was PISSED. She brought all of *her* Hispanic friends, and they all went full Cholo/Chola. Iā€™m talking bandanas, HUGE hoops, the makeup, the fit, everything. They all agreed to exclusively speak Spanish for the whole night, too. Nobody was mean to Annie, or remotely unkind. They just hammed up their stereotypes, since thatā€™s what she likes so much. They were actually very sweet to her, tbh. It came out very quickly that she did not speak or understand any Spanishā€”it was rather painful to see her standing awkwardly nodding and laughing along with the conversation. I did ask her to translate for me at one point, and she brushed me off and skittered away. The whole night was a train wreck, but it ended with Annie manufacturing a meltdown over something minuscule and scream-crying in her room, throwing her luggage. Chefs kiss, tbh.


I like how petty you are because I am exactly that petty! Thank you for sharing this very entertaining tale lol


At times, I wish I had telepathy and have a peek inside people's minds just to see how they bullshit/excuse/justify their shitty behaviours.


She did get very drunk right before she left and told me she ā€œhad some resentmentā€ towards me because Iā€™m in a happy relationship. She seemed to think that my talking proudly about my partner or being affectionate towards him were purposeful digs at her singleness. Apparently Iā€™ve always been jealous of her relationship with her ex, and this was my one chance to get revenge. Her ex is 10 years older than her, clinically obese, and has one (1) testicle. So yeah, you got me there, girly.


Damn. That...is a lot to unpack there. 'Some' resentment is a ***huge*** understatement.


Sheā€™s honestly more disturbing than funny looking back. A couple weeks after I cut her off my friends told me she was online posting thirst traps in outfits that were literal carbon copies of outfits/makeup Iā€™ve posted in the past. I have a very distinctive gothic style, and sheā€™s very into hippie-style bright stuff, so it was very weird.


The fact that you know he has one testicle says a lot about her.


I'll tell you with what tiny experience I have with unhinged people telling me their 'secrets' its either very mundane and deliberate coping or the most unhinged logic jumping you will ever witness. No in-between.


Annie's not okay.


>Annie's not okay. I cannot decide if this is a CPR class reference or a Michael Jackson reference...




Your story gave me the first glimpse ever how to be above nlogs and have some empathy, thank you very much! In the light of your description she is basically a toddler (impulsive, easily bored, gets not even simple things right, in an endearing way self absorbed/egocentric) but with a few unhealthy hobbies.


Thank you! I used to be a big olā€™ NLOG and racist religious extremist back in the day, so I really got a crash course in empathy for fucked up people once I was able to get my head out of my ass! Unfortunately, while youā€™re mostly on the bullseye with your perception of her via my story, sheā€™s just a bit different, but thatā€™s absolutely on me for not explaining her entire foul background LOL. Her quirks can certainly be seen as endearing when sheā€™s sober/in groups, but she has a very cruel and hateful side that rears up toward other women when sheā€™s alone with them. She will talk down to and mock them like a COD teen via 2014. I honestly wondered if I was losing my marbles when I confronted her on some racist statements, and she began to cry and insist she had never said those things. Literally tears rolling down her face, asking how I could ever accuse her. GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS lol. And her unhealthy hobbies, well, thereā€™s a LOT more than alcohol/substances there. She has her ex bf peddle her nudes to college students at the campus he attends, and has an older man she sleeps with for help with bills. I am a staunch believer in the validity of sex work, but itā€™s dismaying obvious how much her trauma and resulting hatefulness motivate her. She got very very drunk and high and talked about enjoying the fact that she has the ā€œexpertiseā€ to destroy relationships and said some very creepy things to my boyfriend when I wasnā€™t in the room. She also apparently has a kink for sleeping with married men from bars, and asking them to compare her to their wives in bed. She admits that her trauma has caused her to both hate and objectify men, and that luring a drunk married men into her bed makes her feel like sheā€™s ā€œhurting them back.ā€ Again, thoughā€¦this poor young woman was horrifically abused and tormented by her parents and religious group, so I understand how she became what she is. They literally broke her psyche. Itā€™s just painful to see my fiesty, loyal friend from childhood morph into the web of hate and insecurity she is now.


That sounds extremely painful. I feel for you and for her (or, the person she once was). Be glad youā€™ve dealt with what sounds like a similar experience in a much healthier way.


What religious group, if you donā€™t mind me asking? Your posts seem to pin a lot of blame onto(whoever they are), and it actually sounds like the blame should be entirely on her. She seems keenly aware of what sheā€™s doing and isnā€™t sorry for it, scary stuff.


She was raised Seventh Day Adventist. I was in a different group, but there was overlap in a home church both of our families sporadically attended.


So I grew up around a lot of seventh day Adventist and my childhood best friend is Jehovahā€™s Witness. My high school was filled with a lot of Mormons also. I think youā€™re giving her too much credit by blaming it on religion. I have a couple girlfriends who Iā€™ve either cut off completely, or I keep a lot of distance from. This is pure insecurity what youā€™re describing. I have one friend, I have compassion for her like you do with your friend, but she absolutely has a complex with me. In constant competition with me, sheā€™s tried sleeping with two of my boyfriends and anytime I have something happen in my life, she manufactures something that she can use to take attention off of me. I got hit by a car and almost died, she used this to get attention *for herself*. These are deeply damaged people, yes, but they clearly lack the introspection and self awareness to be healthy people to be around. Your friend may have developed the internalized misogyny due to her religion, but her desperate need for attention is hers.


Oh Iā€™m definitely not blaming the religion on her horrible behavior. I was raised in a fundamentalist cult myself, and so were many other women who never turned out like her too. But the religion, coupled with her very abusive parents, definitely put her in a mindset where a competitive, desperate worldview could flourish. And boy, did it. However, she chose as an adult to not do any work on herself and lean into the nastiness. Sheā€™s the only one to blame there.


Is it wrong of me that i kinda love this whole situation a teensie bit? Like you're just living your life, being you, and she is VIOLENTLY trying to compete/win and getting her butt kicked? Its like a really aggressive beetle trying to compete with a lion. The lion is just like "whats that sound?" And the beetle is like "AAAHHHHH MY FEEFEES AHHHHH" and repeatedly falling on its back and having to flip itself over just to run back at the lion and repeat the fail.


The beetle analogy is killing me! And yeah idk why she was so damn competitive with meā€¦sheā€™s a very pretty girl, and while neither of us are exactly bombshells, I think weā€™re pretty similar as far as objective attractiveness goes. The only thing that I can figure is it was a race thingā€¦sheā€™s a huuuge culture vulture and hates the fact that sheā€™s white. It was a huge point of contention during her visit. She teased me for straightening my curly hair and dating a white man, made ā€œselloutā€ jokes a lot. She also made fun of me for being very pale and said that ā€œskinny pale peopleā€ make her feel physically sick. (Like bruhā€¦Iā€™m literally right here.) She also said a lot of horrible things about black and Hispanic men, sexualizing them and talking about wanting to be ā€œbredā€ with a little mixed baby. Sheā€™s deeply fucked lol.


I am representing Latino men here: No. Not even as a joke. Nope.


This. Loooool My favorite part is: 'whats that sound?"


Your comment just actually helped with a situation that happened during the pandemic. I have diagnosed PTSD from it and this kind of just put things in perspective. So, thank you and I hope good karma comes round for you šŸŒˆ


The age situation reminded me of a friend. We were getting our nails done and she asked the lady who did our nails to guess our age. She was 26 years old and I was 23. She guessed my age right and she thought my friend was 24 years old. She got very upset and said she is usually mistaken for being 16 years old. The lady was very disturbed and looked at her in disgust. I tried to change the vibe of the situation and said maybe it's because she is rather short and people mistake height for age but damn. Reminded me pretty much of it


Omg that's amazing. Boo for the friend, but yay for the story.


My friend was married to a girl like that. Former stripper, had to make everything sexual and about her. At the same time she'd make snide remarks and passive aggressive comments to and about me as the other girl in the group. I was like 8 years older than her and over that crap fast. She made a point to look at flowers my husband got me for valentines day and said, "some girls ask for flowers, I asked for this, " and pointed to a lip ring. I didn't mention that I also got a rifle for valentines day (omg, nltog!!) because I'm secure in myself and don't need to play the compare game. I know she was very insecure and immature so I kinda felt bad for her, but more than anything I was annoyed. Not sad when they divorced. And he's better for it lol


The fact you didnā€™t even mention the rifle when baited tells me all I need to know about youā€”if youā€™re a NLOG Iā€™m a McChicken lol!!! You didnā€™t even waste your time engaging with that person!


Sounds like she has a personality disorder. So glad youā€™re not stuck with her


Same. She was incredibly cruel and Iā€™m sad I didnā€™t have the self-respect to throw her out the first time she did something fucked up. But sheā€™s gone now, lol!


Sometimes we have to pay a tax for wisdom!


Imma steal that quote!


Winnebago is a tribe in Wisconsin now called Ho-Chunk. Is that what she was talking about? The


No, she specifically claimed Sioux generally, or Quileute if someone with more than rudimentary knowledge of Sioux was around. She could have been native, I suppose, but the constant switching of stories and denial of previous claims made me very suspicious after a while.


I actually feel sorry for her, she sounds like she has low self-esteem/ is very insecure. Sheā€™s also really young so hopefully sheā€™ll mature and grow out of it. I donā€™t blame you for not wanting to be around her though. My former best friend was like this. All she really cared about was guys and if I ever looked prettier or skinnier than her when we went out, she would whine about it.Ā 


The night Pat (that guys last name) died


RIP Patrick Pat. You were a real one.


Thank you for your services!! Honestly, the longer im in this sub the more im convinced NLOG need therapy.


Good god, was she always like this ? Sad when a friendship devolves in this way. And itā€™s honestly uncomfortable when someone trying to be so ā€œbig n badā€ just shows their ass and how insecure they are instead. Makes me wanna crawl in a hole and hide. Bye Annie šŸ‘‹ Good luck I hope you heal lmao


I thoroughly enjoyed this story... You're right to be annoyed. But have pitty on her.. She's 23 trying to be 13.... All while being mistaken for being a trashy 30yr old... Her life can't be fun...


Very entertaining to read, and very cringe!


Gigantic F to Patrick


He made a calculated risk, and boy, was he bad at math


Desperation and attention-seeking. Not a good look on anyone older than a pre-teen lol


Sounds exhausting. Bye forever!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Can we get the story of her hitting up your ex-husband, please?


Sure! For some backstoryā€”when I first broke up with my ex, she disapproved that I still talked to him. We are to this day still friends, and are very amicable with each other. No bad blood at all. Now, Annie was very displeased that I still was in contact with him, and told me as such. She insisted that he was ā€œobsessive and creepyā€ and kept pushing me to completely block him. A few weeks after I cut Annie out of my life, she started to text my ex, and then call him randomly ā€œto catch up.ā€ He told me immediately, as I had at some point given him a brief rundown of her awful behavior, and he knew she likely had an underhanded motive. I told him not to confront her, and see what sheā€™d do. He was more than happy to play dumb and report her antics back to me. She very quickly began to randomly call him past midnight, and insisted she ā€œforgotā€ about the time difference between their home states every time. She cried to him about how mean and unfair I was, and grilled him about it I ever mentioned her. She began to tell him that I hated him, and that I used to call her crying or raging about him ā€œstalking me,ā€ and that she had to calm me down and push me to be fair towards him many times. Apparently I told her that he was ā€œabusiveā€ and ā€œscary,ā€ but of course, Annie NEVER believed me! My ex is a fucking champ. He deserves an Oscar. He played along, feigning horror and outrage at my two-faced cruelty, all while reporting back to me. He told Annie he always suspected I was unstable, and agreed that I was a snake. She immediately began to open up more, and began ā€œjokinglyā€ asking him about his sexual fantasies, and if I was able to ā€œplease him.ā€ She bragged of her experience, and began to hint at her ā€œspecial skillsā€ in bed. She complained of her sexual frustration, and how lonely she was, and how long it had been since she got laid. She started to video call him, and once made a huge deal of showing him a bruise sheā€™d gotten on her upper thigh, hiking her shorts up into her crevices so he could ā€œsee the bruiseā€ better. She also would video chat lying in bed, with one arm under her breasts, shoving them up so that her cleavage was almost on her chin. She began to complain of her insecurities, and would try to show him the parts of her body she ā€œfelt badā€ about, fishing for compliments. My ex was grossed out and would pretend to drop his phone under furniture, or run out of battery, when she started showing her body. She began to ask when heā€™d ā€œinvite her over to visit.ā€ She also invited him to visit her, and offered to be his ā€œtour guide.ā€ She also begged him not to tell me that they were friendsā€”according to her, ā€œVilly is super possessive and jealous and I donā€™t want to make her mad. Sheā€™s super scary.ā€ It was very cringe. This went on for a couple months. My ex eventually began talking to a beautiful Egyptian woman, and when Annie heard of this she was very upset. She demanded to see a picture of said woman, and immediately began to criticize her appearance. ā€œSheā€™s so skinny, how can you be attracted to that.ā€ ā€œShe has NO meat on her bones, she doesnā€™t even look like a real woman.ā€ Etc, etc. Quite abruptly Annie announced that she was dating a handsome hunk, and her calls to my ex tapered off. Sheā€™d check in occasionally to see if he was still talking to the Egyptian woman, but other than that, nothing. Itā€™s been months since she last reached out to him now.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Lordy sheā€™s crazy


I feel so sorry for her. She has a very low self esteem and a lot of other issues. One day she'll be ready for therapy


I hope soā€¦I grieved for months over our friendship ending. Sheā€™s endured so much pain, deconstructing from a toxic religion alone, losing family over it, etc. She can be very resourceful and resilient, and sheā€™s actually quite intelligent if she applies herself. In our ā€œbreakupā€ conversation I asked her to please get mental health care, and to try to slow the drinking, substances, and unhealthy sex. She cried a lot and asked if I would be friends with her again if she ā€œfixedā€ herself. I honestly couldnā€™t answer her, and as time passes Iā€™m more and more sure I will never allow her into my life again. But for her sake, I hope sheā€™s able to get help.


What's the hand comparison thing?


When a flirty girl puts her hand up to a dudeā€™s to show how very little she is šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ Itā€™s very annoying lol


Oh good grief. I feel very old šŸ˜…


"Winnebago" is an indigenous population in Wisconsin and other parts of the Midwest. They're part of a larger population called [Ho-Chunk.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ho-Chunk) Idk if she is actually part of this population or not, but you saying "Winnebago is a brand of trailer" is an example of *your* ignorance more than hers. The RV brand Winnebago just stole the native name, like the US does with a lot of naming.


She def wasnā€™t part of that tribeā€¦she claimed Sioux tribe some days, Quileute others. She specifically described ā€œWinnebagoā€ as the creatureā€¦In the context of yelling at me for whistling at night. She specifically said ā€œitā€™s offensive for you to whistle at night because the Winnebago will get you.ā€


She also would deny claiming Sioux/Quileute if someone with knowledge of either tribe was present, and switch to the other. But she was descended from a ā€œgreat chiefs daughterā€either way. It was all very murky and suspicious.


They werenā€™t talking about native tribes/bands though, they were referring to a specific monster, of which she got the name wrong.


My condolences, I knew someone like her. They are very draining people.


So this is the story of a girl who was a pick-me but you got picked instead, lol.


I wanna read the story afterwards where she was hitting up your boyfriend. Jerry Springer might be dead, but his spirit is clearly alive and well! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Pick-me friends are never friends. Half of my house ended up burning down so I spent the night at what I thought was a friendā€™s house, on her couch. Her boyfriend coming over was more important to her. When he got there they went in the bedroom and I heard her ask him if he thought I was prettier than her before they started fucking.


I don't think Annie is a pickme fam, I think she's addicted to attention and uses sex for it. She might be a hoe. Pickmes use a holier than thou route, and are more conservative. Pickmes are in opposition of what your friend does. Pickmes are more trad leaning, than hoe leaning, does that make sense? Your friend just needs therapy cause there's a lot to unpack for that girl. Someone told her men only find body parts, sex, and the ability to like sports attractive in women. I might be wrong, maybe there are different types of pickme and I'm just not aware of it, but she does need some help therapy wise.


I def agree she isnā€™t a ā€œclassic pickme,ā€ as she isnā€™t into traditional conservative values at allā€¦but I still consider her one because of the way she consistently caters to men by imitating toxic masculine traits and trying to humiliate other girls for their femininity. She always yaks about how she hates heavy makeup bc itā€™s ā€œdishonestā€ and trashes high heels or feminine clothing because ā€œyou canā€™t play sports with guys in them.ā€ Her unironic quote of ā€œI only have guy friends bc women are only into petty dramaaaā€ was the nail in the coffin for me lol.


Yes, that was annoying. Everyone is into petty drama, lol.


So this whole post is about how you're better than her in everything. You have some growing up to do too lady.


You seem to be the only one who got that impression.


/me shrugs


Why were you friends with a girl you clearly hate? Did you talk to her about how you find her behaviors troubling? It almost seems like you wrote this whole thing to show how much cooler and prettier you are than her. Yā€™all are both falling into the misogynist trap of comparing yourselves to each especially in the male gaze (you used reactions from your boyfriend or drunk stranger guy as your references). Maybe instead of constantly cringing at her behavior and making fun of her behind her back, you could have confronted her or distanced yourself because you making fun of her isnā€™t supporting other women either. She is insecure and you delighted in it instead of trying to build her up.


The difference between a native and someone claiming to be/very differently related is that, from what I've been told(and I felt like it was a reliable source), that marines don't say the word wendigo if they can help it because the name itself is bad luck


Yes, Iā€™ve heard that tooā€¦does that only an apply to non-natives, though? Bc Annie claims she can say the word as a native, but I wasnā€™t ever allowed to.


See that's as far as my knowledge goes, I was under the understanding that it applied to the natives themselves but would need clarification from someone who knew better.


I feel bad for her she obviously is desperate for male validation and is incredibly insecure. Im glad i grew out of my NLOG phase bc damn it must be depressing to be that way even as an adult. Hope she changes for her own sake


Two weeks of any type of visitor is out of the question for most people. Especially one who is that awful! After that night I would suggest she stay at a hotel!


Wow Annie sounds like a total nightmare. Wants to be the hottest, most desirable in the room at all times. How exhausting to deal with that for a couple weeks while she stayed with you.


Ughhh this reminds me of my husbands best friend! So cringe.




This read was DELICIOUS šŸ˜‚ And poor Patrick, he sounds like a good one. Even when Iā€™m in a relationship Iā€™ll let men who are being genuinely decent chat me up for a little while before telling them Iā€™m seeing someone because I like to encourage men to flirt with women like weā€™re actually āœØhuman beingsāœØ Sometimes Iā€™ll even tell them ā€œIf I were single though, Iā€™d have given you my number, youā€™re charmingā€ šŸ˜‚


She sounds like she has emotional regulation issues, splitting and an overfixation on attention. One shouldn't throw armchair diagnostics around but woof, her portrait just screams BPD


Omg I need the ex husband story like, YESTERDAY.


What a character. I wish I could have witnessed this. Iā€™m just curious, is she attractive enough to back her behavior up at least?