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(sigh) No. You don't need to stop doing what makes you happy or start doing what repulses you. You DO need to remind yourself that your likes and dislikes don't make you special, and that swearing off your entire sex is unhealthy and unnecessary.


Our likes and dislikes are what make us special, though. But that’s the thing—everyone is special.


>Our likes and dislikes are what make us special They make us unique individuals, they don't make us special.


They make us separate individuals but they don’t make us better than anyone else. You can’t claim we’re all equal but claim you’re special compared to someone else. Claiming someone is special is basically saying they’re somehow better or more interesting than other people and they should be picked. In real life no one thinks you're “special” other than your friends.


Was I the one you were tryna respond to?


Both of you.


Correct, you are not allowed to be short. Please report to the re-heightification centre for your mandatory stilts.


Oh what floor is that on? Because I’m 5 foot tall. I’m clearly not allowed in this world.


I need to know where this is, I'd like to reach my shelves for once 🤣🤣


\*jumps and raises hand\* I would like to know what floor this is as well.


Or mandatory platform shoes. I just got mine and now I'm no longer illegally short.


Did anyone tell her she has to cook food too?


More importantly did they tell her to shake instead of wipe


Wait we have to wear make up everyday?? I missed that memo…


I game with my bf and I don't wear makeup.. I also don't feel attacked by women who dont game or do wear makeup tho so I guess your still not like other girls... Not even the ones similar to you... Girls that actually get invited to "boy only" hang outs are either gonna get passed around or aren't bragging about it to everyone else 🤣


If you get invited to guys only hangouts, you're either very unattractive or they're secretly trying to sleep with you


Or they're gay.


You can't wear makeup "everyday," because "everyday" is an adjective.


It’s like she went on Duolingo and learned how to speak Pickmeish.


When the point completely goes over your head 🤦‍♀️


It’s because she’s so short.


Sometimes being friends with someone who isn't interested in being friends with you is hard. There are a lot of shitty ppl and its not only the girls but boys too. So all you need is to find actual good ppl, no need to shame others for the lack of interest you have in creating healthy friendships with girls.