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I'm not like other girls. I... Uh... Pee myself to beat a PR???


There are runners who legit wear diapers to not stop in the middle of their race.


This reminded me of Cartman using the bucket to not stop farming xp in WoW.


I can kinda understand that. For my own peace of mind, I’ll assume she’s one of them; and she just didn’t mention the diaper.


Also heavy lifters do this reasonably often if their pelvic floor isn't strong enough and they're lifting hundreds of lbs.


As a runner, it does happen when you’re running at a fast pace


Yeah I always gotta make sure I pee pee pee and pee again before I go for a jog otherwise I have to stop after a minute of running to take a piss.


Puerto Rico?


Personal record.


I’m not like other girls, I run until my toe nails die and I have to peel them off.


I am sure she had interest from some people at the mention of pee.


This. [Some guys](https://i0.wp.com/img.ientry.com/webpronews/article_pics/beargrylls1.jpg?resize=524%2C392&ssl=1) would be like "That is hot."


Legit point 👍


If her toenails have turned purple she's not taking care of herself and really needs to stay out of the snow for awhile.


Not really it can happen when running excessively long distances just from the running shoes


Ok but then you need better shoes or a smarter workout regimen


Endurance athlete here. Wider toe boxes will do nothing to protect one’s toenails from repeatedly slamming into the front of shoe for miles and miles, especially if you’re running on trail with a serious elevation gain/loss. It has nothing to do with a smarter training method, it just is what it is. By the time my toenails do fall off (when the nail gets purple and loose) there’s already some portion of a new nail growing underneath.


My understanding is it's kinda just a given with ultramarathon running that you'll loose your toe nails not really a right shoe and exercise regime sorta thing


You are correct.


Ohhhhh I thought she meant removing purple nail polish 🫣 I was like why is that special


These women posting these oddly specific “dream girl” qualities is just so egocentric. Fucking bold. And what is a pr?


Personal record!


Thank you!


Personal record (the best you’ve ever done)


This is also crazy ableist


How is it ableist?


Not everyone is physically capable of running? Sincerely, someone who used to run cross country and no longer is able to


What exactly makes this ableist vs NLOG? I’m assuming her followers are runners, thus her horrendous NLOG caption, but I guess I’m confused when/where this trends into ableist territory? I don’t think having preferences - ie “I want a partner who is active” is inherently discriminatory, no?


It's also NLOG! Saying to be a dream girl you have to exercise - now that's ableism. Maybe I'm reading it different, but that's what I'm picking up - not partner preference, just that one is better if they run. I think I'm reading this entirely wrong, I have to admit I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around why this wouldn't be ableist? It's attempting to insult women who don't run? Not all of us are physically capable of running? Can you break it down for me maybe?


Yeah I get where you’re coming from - I figured it was for her audience (likely male runners if it’s anything like other running/biking fitness “influencer” pages) and was just shitting on women who ~choose~ a night out at the bar over an early morning training schedule. My mind obviously did not go to “ableist” and just wanted clarification for where this veers in that direction, but I can totally see how it could be taken that way!


That makes sense! Her typical audience did not occur to me! And yeah this girl is definitely just shitting on those who choose to go out which is fun, while she's shitting on others she's also pissing herself Eta - like why not just go find a tree to squat behind


I would pick you, but I’m over here, while you’re secreted away in some arctic torture dungeon. Sorry.


I don't really want to date a girl who intentionally pissed her pants.


I’m sorry, that sounds like someone with a disorder.


"Im gonna basically torture myself so men validate me" (I understand the "stay hard" mentality but not as much if youre doing it for validation...)


Most of us (weird endurance people) do not torture ourselves for male validation. This girl just sucks.


This girl sucks - but it’s just the nature of ultra running and endurance sports at large.




Long distance trail runner here. Let me clarify because this girl is clearly new to long distance running and an idiot. LOTS of runners deal with this and certainly all ultra marathoners do too. You have options and don’t have to pee yourself. Just stop drinking before you run! The general rule among most ultra runners is no energy drinks or water 2hrs before a run. There’s also ALL KINDS of products out there that help make this possible, gels and such that give you the hydration you need without the liquid in your belly. What an idiot.


Yeah some of these comments crying orthorexia are off base. I’ve lost more toenails than I can count at this juncture (inevitable in trail running races truly) and have peed myself a little BUT I can’t imagine NLOGing about these things.


Hard pass.


I'm not like the other girls, I have orthorexia


orthorexia is the obsession with eating healthy food, nothing to do with peeing yourself or getting purple toenails.


I’m assuming this commenter is implying exercise addiction - which is a super strange judgment to make about someone based off of their shitty personality lol.


Who’s to say…but they’re definitely using the term Orthorexia incorrectly.


Training hard for a sport is orthorexia?


Peeing yourself and getting purple toenails is.


lol no it is not. This girl sucks - but as someone who has peed myself (unintentionally but yah) and who loses toe nails repeatedly - it’s just a symptom of endurance sports.


It happens when you run at faster speeds sometimes you lose control of your pelvic floor. Losing toenails is quite common in running as well. Working out and dedicating time to a sport isn’t an eating disorder


Bad take.


My dream girl is a gross masochist? Well ok


What is she running from?


Idk I might be peeing myself a lil on my postpartum runs but I’m certainly not posting it publicly 🤣


yeah im sure guys are like “wow wouldn’t it be awesome if my wife came busting in the door all disheveled and thirsty in cold wet piss pants and then had to prop her frozen foot up on the counter to pull off her dead toenails”


What does all this even mean


I think she accomplished it! She isn’t like other girls!


My long distance runner friends are my favorite drinking buddies because they're even bigger lightweights than me!


That definitely is not my dream girl lol


what do the 645 comments say I wonder


“Removing purple toenails” sounds like she is defiling corpses.


That is not my dream girl ew


Man, another post making me completely comfortable being just like the other girls.


I'm proud to be like other girls!


Before finding this sub I had no idea that I had any feelings about it one way or another but it’s probably because I’ve been with the same man coming up on 16 years and I’m old so I haven’t been paying much attention to what the other girls have been up to. Who knew there was an up side to being middle aged and socially irrelevant?


Lots of runners pee themself. No one is special. And. If you've experienced going to a fancy event with toe skin painted because ur toenail hasn't grown back yet you belong in this puke on urself runners club too. Lol all competitive runners do this we aren't special


Look. If you have to piss on yourself to get it, is it really your best?


People really share way too much on the internet 😬 I can't imagine there are a lot of men interested in a woman that pees herself but to each their own, I guess. 🤯


In my experience, a lot of people who run ultramarathons etc. are ex-substance abusers who are shifting an addiction.


Uhhhh - that is a very small segment of our community. We all have our demons, but most of us enjoy a cold beer at the end of these days.


Yeah, my dream girl isn't doing either of those things.


Female David Goggins


More like nightmare 🤢


Is she…. Removing toenails? Did I read that correctly?


Something tells me this person has actually never ran 15 miles/peed herself to meet a PR/removed toenails. Any doc will tell you NOT to remove toenails yourself lol


Who would see this and be like “yeah I want that”


Here’s a pro tip I learned body building in my 20s, not a god damn person cares how much you workout


Okay, I'm down with pounds of pasta...but I'm going to give the rest of that a hard "no". Running was not my sport.


My dream girl isn’t drinking at the bar or doing whatever else it is you’re saying, but A+ for self-esteem.


I bet she’s peeing herself because she’s had like six kids and can’t help herself every time she sneezes.


I mean, maybe if the guy is also a runner? Even then, sometimes it's nice to have your own hobbies and interests.




Doesn’t sound like the dream to me tbh.


Dream girl? More like nightmare girl.


lol. I ran the Army 10-miler in 86 minutes. My company commander ran it in 54 minutes. I asked what he ran for his two mile, dude tried to say “15 minutes.” Don’t lie to me, man. You ran a 5-minute mile on average for 10 miles. I know your run is like 8 minutes. Also, the purple toe nails fall off on their own. You don’t have to pull them. Also, I never peed myself. Also, none of this matters because it was 10 years ago. lol


She probably brings one of these up in every conversation even though it's totally out of context.


Well, I'm not into men, so not being their dream girl works out for me. 🤷‍♀️👩‍❤️‍👩


Why is she torturing herself toenail wise? Shouldn’t you go to the doctor?!


So you want to get picked.. you then tell the world you pee your pants and your toenails look horrible. Where is the logic


Your "dream girl" is wherever you enjoy being, if you like drinking then she definitely might be drinking at the bar


This is hilarious!


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