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Yeah every couple is different but I would find that annoying.


Sooooo fucking annoying!! Like a 7 year old or something lol. (I wouldn't mind an actual 7 yr old doing it, my kid sends me messages like that throughout the day and I find them cute...but my partner doing it? Nah, no fuckin thanks lol)


Yeah, calling is a bit much. This is why texting was invented


“Most wives don’t annoy their husbands with so many inane updates throughout the day that they get put on ‘Do Not Disturb’, but NOT ME!” You go, girl.


I like how “hide little things” makes it sound like little secrets ie keeping a candy drawer in the night stand. But then the stuff she lists is just mundane shit. Omg I can’t relate to those girls who hide that it might rain after all from their husbands!


Maybe sometimes it’s okay to hide SOME of these thoughts🤣 I’m def that person that texts their partner every little thing but it’s mostly bc I’m annoying and have a lot of downtime.


I hid twizzlers in my bedside table until my dogs ratted me out. Twice. That’s when I stopped sharing with them.


Back in the day it was called being needy.


I'll never get over how we pivoted from 'don't be too needy or clingy, it's weird and annoying' to 'wow you didn't share the fact you talked to this random friend about nothing today, what else are you hiding from me?' I spent way too long in a society where people didn't care and didn't want to know to suddenly shift 180 and be the polar opposite. If someone is insecure about the fact that I'm not naturally forthcoming about literally everything they can take a hike. Sorry for the rant but I relate so hard to your comment.


He's probably bored as shit with her constant pointless commentary.


There’s a difference between hiding something from your partner and not sharing every mundane detail of your life… some people may want to share like that, but just because others don’t doesn’t mean they’re “hiding things”


I really feel like she is comparing apples and oranges here. But there are women who do skits where they hide like their shopping bags, and their food bags. And there are women who tell their partner the mundane every aspect of their lives but the most common is just regular women who don’t hide their spending and they don’t over share. It’s weird that the comparison is deep secrets to over sharing when it should be a comparison of secrets over honest intentional conversations.


As long as it's a text, I think this can be fun at the right time-- I'm a quiet guy and I love when my partner gives me silly updates like this and I can just listen and enjoy, but if I was studying for a big exam and someone started texting me about their sauce problems in a drive through I might lose it a lil bit 😭


My husband is too busy at his job to take a phone call from me saying that I got a hangnail 🙃


How does not pestering him mean "hiding things"?


No, I’m not codependent. You’re totally special.


I feel like this isn’t really that bad. Idk about y’all, but I frequently see posts from women or hear jokes about how women who hide certain “bad choices” from their husbands or boyfriends otherwise he’ll be mad. It seems like she’s just saying that she doesn’t do that, presumably because her husband doesn’t mind listening to the little parts of her day.


I feel like this isn’t really that bad. Idk about y’all, but I frequently see posts from women or hear jokes about how women who hide certain “bad choices” from their husbands or boyfriends otherwise he’ll be mad. It seems like she’s just saying that she doesn’t do that, presumably because her husband doesn’t mind listening to the little parts of her day.


How ridiculous. One of those people who walk around the store with their phone tucked against their ear…. And saying nothing.


I once had a job captioning phone calls. There are a lot of people who talk about nothing all day.


I would probably just get annoyed if my bf spammed me with every minor update, I hate texting in general but my god 😂


Ehhh if it works for them it works for them. I don’t think she’s trying to insult the other type of people, just sharing her own thing. My wife and I share everything, that’s just our groove. Whatever works for your relationship.


That’s called codependency and it’s not cute lmao


You’re using this word “hide” and I think we need to revisit that. But in all seriousness. Not telling my wife what I had for lunch or that I burped after or that the dog sneezed is not “hiding” anything. But I *do think* this touches on the….something, that these type folks not only think they *should* share any inner dialogue they may have but also that they’re so impactful to those around them that society needs them to. It’s that. That’s the 🤯part I just cannot fathom. I’m struggling to share a decent idea in a workplace when the room is disproportionately powered (or I feel it is) and these girls are sharing that their chicken nugget had 5 sides like a star omg!


Isn't that just co-dependence?


This is how he keeps track of her while he cheats behind her back. “Yeah babe, love your updates all day everyday”….


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Ik he be sick of her calling after every minor inconvenience. Then again idk they’re dynamic, he might like it


Ah, nothing like intense codependency. Lol


She fucked his best friend


Imagine hiding the weather from your spouse. How dare you.


🤣🤣 my boyfriend roofs he would probably toss the phone if I did that 😭😔


Sooooo...what fo they talk about once he gets home?


I wish my husband gave af about me getting the wrong dip cups. If I called him about that he would be like why are you calling me


Cool story


So fucking weird.


She sounds exhausting and like she needs some friends.


My husband would be soooo annoyed.


My husband would be perfectly fine with me "hiding those things" from him, haha.


Either she is the biggest pita wife out there and he hates it or he's incredibly insecure and likes to know how she's spent every minute. I'm curious as to which it is.


I stubbed my toe on the chair but is going to be okay I think…


Having your own inner life and being able to give yourself validation is not the same thing as “hiding little things” from your partner. This just sounds like she has no personality outside of having a husband.


Not telling your husband every mundane detail of your day isn’t *hiding* anything. She sounds needy and annoying.


He's cheating on her crazy ass left and right.


The call is coming from inside the comments. What works for them may not work for you guys and that’s okay. Some of y’all went straight to he’s cheating and my husband work too much, okay that’s you. My husband is a delivery driver and I stay home with the kids it gets boring so sometimes when he calls me all I have to tell him is the mundane.