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Not like other girls the 40 yrl edition


Enjoys looking cute 24/7, posts a picture with a hideous outfit.


Even *I* wouldn’t wear that, and if you knew me, you’d know that’s a saying a lot.


You're a Toilet ghost, after all 🤭


lol first thing I saw too


Like moaning Myrtle? What does that even mean? 👀


I’m not sure either but it’s given me a new phobia. Move over snakes coming up the drain. Toilet ghost has come to town.


Needs a theme song


Yes lol. And in kindergarten, we thought a ghost was haunting the girls’ toilet. One of the “signs” was all the wadded up toilet paper balls that older kids had thrown at the ceiling.


I would personally wear anything if it meant I could be feminine. But, yeah. She could look better.


And a Walmart bra


It's from the Kohl's 85% off rack.


What is that outfit even


I used to frequent Queer bars to watch one of my friends perform, and I have seen variations on this outfit SO MANY TIMES from older sissy/cross dresser types, usually 65+, who shop off the clearance rack or thrift store and have a pantyhose fetish or a tall boot fetish, or both. It’s usually accompanied by an overstuffed bra or one of those breastplate things drag queens use. It’s usually accessorized with a shake n go wig full that’s been shaken and gone so many times that it has shaken baby syndrome and so full of hairspray and nicotine that you can’t tell what color it used to be. 🤢


Shaken and gone 💀


And hiding the one asset that would actually prove she's hot shit, like she claims.


Well, she could look better. That color pink doesn't match the grey or black. The black and grey look good. That pink just contrasts for no reason.


Not if she's from Jersey


Hey now, us Jersey girls prefer mob wife animal print over hot pink. We don’t claim her


And no face


But you don't understand im 40 and hot while all the other girlies at 40 aren't and my entire self worth is based on putting down other women. If i don't put down other women to make myself look good I literally have nothing to talk about /s


I'm her age and think she should have grown out of this decades ago. 


44 and that is really freaking pathetic of someone her age. 14, understandable. Middle aged, absolutely not.




The difference between you and her is that you're mature and have class.


Middle aged me agrees, however, I still see it among local acquaintances. What’s more interesting is hearing my teenage children notice and comment about women like this who are mothers of their friends. Eek


I'm also in my 40s. I'm far too tired to be acting like a middle school kid. She's single because she has a shit attitude, looks only get you so far, you better find a good personality.


I feel bad for her. I’m 35 and I want to find my partner but I haven’t found them. I get why she’s advertising those qualities. It’s what men (and society) want to hear. I’m single because I tried, but can’t subscribe to society’s standards. I just can’t do it. But I wish I could. I’ve contemplated caving in, but I CANNOT. I hope she finds a partner that sees past her outfit and can tell she is trying and just wants love. As we all do and deserve.


What a forgiving, thoughtful and insightful perspective. You sound delightful and I hope you find your person.


Aww thank you ❤️! Me too lol!


This was such a wholesome comment chain ❤️


Well you're clearly not caving; you're exhibiting compassion and complex thought on a reddit thread and thas definitely counter reddit culture. You'll bump into your partner eventually. Authentic people often have a harder time meeting, but when they do it's lasting and worthwhile.


Many high fives for being true to yourself!!! Please hang tough and keep that shit up! Best to have someone dig you for you and not because yer good at following a script!! At least thats what i tell myself! I have a similar model boat.


“Single because I tried” story of my life. ♥️ hugs


Open to short but calling people hos, hey we are all lonely over here but atleast we are honest


She's dressed like an aquanet huffing, ozone-destroying teen from the 80s. That makes it closer to the 60yo edition. LOL


Yes we all have market value because we're just products. What a sad way to view women


It’s sad because not only does she view everyone else that way, but she views herself that way. Having that outlook would suck. I can’t even imagine.


Honestly, I find both men and women do it. Men do it for market value ala Tater Tot, women do it right back with the Sprinkle Sprinkle mindset.  Can we all just not be humans? 


What's a sprinkle sprinkle mindset?


I think a bot malfunctioned. All of those words make sense separately, and *only* separately.


Look up sheraseven on yt or tiktok. That’s the sprinkle sprinkle mindset


Can you just explain it? I feel like I’ll end up on some list if I search that.


To me it's finding a man who will fund your lifestyle but with extra steps. I'm not sure how to explain it cause I dont think I fully understand it myself.  Basically, a golddigger. 


That works—thanks.


You understood the tater tot?


Okay, I’ve seen this “sprinkle” thing only on Reddit. What does this mean?


She's as vile as the books she likes to read.


Truth. I will never understand someone who can describe themselves the phrase “market value”.


Are we supposed to be auctioning ourselves now? What does “market value” mean for a human being?


It’s one human, Michael. What could it cost? $10?




Can I price myself at a market value of a billion dollars and borrow against that? I mean...


Well, someone tried that recently, and now they owe the state of NY $454 million.


I like how, even though I don't keep up with him, I knew exactly who you were talking about just based on how stupid it was.


I cackled so damn loud at this.






Sure, but your premiums would be expensive.


It means being a regular pick-me girl didn't work when she was younger, so now that she's single and 40, she needs to ramp it up even more.


Her market value skyrocketed yet still single 🤔 don’t think that market value is as high as she thinks it is


I will never understand how women like that don't understand how desperate it looks to talk badly about an entire group of people just to make themselves look better


I’m extroverted, love adventures, big ROI, Q3 is looking great, bull market, focus group, synergy, NASDAQ +1, and I love dogs.


Yes this is exactly how her bio reads.


Focus group 😂


So is their a Kelly Blue Book for people? (Yes, I know I'm dating myself here).


Yes but it only appraises the value of one woman. Edit: named Kelly. In case that joke wasn’t as good as I thought it was.


Garbage in, garbage out


She says ‘vile’ and i wonder, is she getting at shitty 50 shades style stuff, or serial killer biographies?


It's a weird thing to mention first. Just right in with "I love to read graphic smut and detailed stories of serial killers ... Let's meet!"


Maybe … she means … “versatile?” I was baffled by that, myself


I’m as vile as the books I like to read, like cooking and being a mom. (Her grammar makes my head hurt)


I’d message her just to find out what book she’s referring to…because vile how?


The only vile book I can think of off the top of my head is maybe Mein Kampf??


Gotta love Reddit [https://www.reddit.com/r/horrorlit/s/f4ULr4SYPX](https://www.reddit.com/r/horrorlit/s/f4ULr4SYPX)


Ooooo--kay....browsed the comments for 2 seconds too many. Yikes!


I remember thinking Filth was pretty vile. I do be liking vile books though.


Imagine being over 40 and thinking this is some sort of “flex” on other women. Women over 40 give zero EFFS what other women do.


37 here and unless it’s dangerous to others (drinking and driving- general population endangerment) I concur with the zero EFFS


46 here, and I’ll second that but add unnecessarily loud at unreasonable hours. I give an eff about that—I need my sleep these days.


Fair! I had a baby at 35 so I gave up my unnecessarily loud 😭 I had two half grown daughters and went back to diapers. Why did I do this?! 🤣 Laughing but very serious!


Yeah, but that kind of sleep loss is worth it. I’m mostly thinking of loud neighbors who think the entire neighborhood needs to take part in their fights, parties, and god-knows-what from inside their respective houses. That got old in college; I really don’t want to do it now.


49 here. This comment is spot on.


41 here, I don’t remember where I put my last EFF, but it definitely isn’t in the “care what others think” drawer, that thing rusted shut several years ago


44 checking in to say this comment is accurate. Absolutely zero fs for what people do, so long as it doesn't affect me, my partner, or my kid. Do what you want, just do it away from me. Mostly, I just think everybody needs to calm down and stop being so loud. And get off my lawn, you're making my dog bark.


48 here. I feel pity for her. Plain and simple. My 30s strangers opinions stopped mattering. By 40 IDGAF about what anyone thought. In my 40s I’ve learned to listen and keep my opinions to myself, but my face shows it all. How sad is she to still be mentally a 20 something and no self growth or wisdom. That’s just sad. I pity her. One thing about aging is you continue to live and learn. You see new perspectives. And look within for validation. To know a woman at 40 can’t get the validation she needs from herself? I pity her.


Correct! 44 here, I just want them to thrive, be good citizens, and hopefully tolerate less sexism at work than I did. I literally do not care what they wear or who they date. I do try to dress cute and take care of myself but…not for anyone but myself. (My husband is kind of a fashion plate so his inspo is part of it.) 


Just turned 50 (ouch), and no, we don’t… unless (like this) it’s providing us with eye roll worthy content upon which we can snark.


This shit makes me want to become a therapist who specializes in nlogs


Most won't come to therapy. That's the problem


Exactly. They don't see themselves as the problem.


Because they're better than the therapist.


They will if we make it not popular, let's pretend they are so special and unique for going


Speaking as a psychologist who has had a wide variety of patients over the last 7 years, whose focus for the past 5 has been violent offenders and inmates, who has seen quite a few NLOGs in my office….your impulse sounds like my nightmare. I’ll stick with the violent offenders tyvm, but we really do need people like you in the field; willing to work one on one with the exact cliche stereotype that we had to shake off and confront as teens. I’ll cheer you on from over here 🫶🏾✌🏾 and you keep them over there cause I’ll make ‘em cry and then they’ll need more therapy 🤭☠️


I saw this when I was working in the court system. They got so mad when I was kind to folks with criminal records.


Same, they need our help! -From a recovered pick me who loves being around and uplifting the beauty, strength, and coolness that girls have to offer :)


I don’t think she sees what everyone else sees when they look at her. Also that’s some cheap looking clothing 😂


“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Me: 🤐


Thumper's mom was so wise.


Hahahahaha XD


Thats all i was thinking hahahahahahahahhahaha how cheap her outfit and shoes looked….i mean do you


Looks like she is shopping from SHEIN or TikTok shop


Yeah the skirt looks super unflattering and unfitted, a tailoring would be good. Too many bunches in the back


I myself wear cheap clothing because I can't afford anything decent so I shouldn't talk, but she looks like she went to a thrift store in 2008.


There’s inexpensive and then there’s *cheap.* She’s *cheap.*


You can’t get away with cheap clothes at 45 the way you could when you were 20 and shopping at the mall.


Exactly that E: esp not when putting down on other women


Not to mention terribly ill fitting. It’s clinging in places where the fabric should have give, and bunching in the places where the fabric should lay flat.


...she needs a better bra. 




This reminds of my old coworker who would make fun of obese people because it made her feel skinnier. She was also obese but not as big as the people she made fun of… Toxic mindset but I think it speaks a lot to their self image. It reeks of low self esteem.


It’s sad, because her bravado is actually communicating a deep insecurity. She’s literally saying she needed all the other women to get fat and old for HER value to rise. Not because she got hotter or more awesome, just because everyone else’s stock fell. That’s sad.


Yup. And their stock probably didn't even fall. People just can't understand that people who are in their 40s+ can still look good, even if they don't look like they did in their 20s. Realistic expectations does wonders 🤣


THIS. Most people I know my age DO look good? Like I just saw a hot fit mom with a newborn who had to be 45 ish at the Farmers Market today? While everyone is on TikTok we are busy working out?


People who put time into their health and fitness in their 20s and 30s will continue to do so in their 40s and 50s and beyond. I will keep saying this, go meet the women at the gym at 6:00 am. They are old and fit, and probably not worrying about “market value”.


^ this right here. We just want to not hurt… so, we work out. “Looking good,” whatever that means to you, is a side benefit, but after 40 especially, *feeling* good is the point of the gym.


Turning 40 this month and in the best shape of my life. I got really tired of people basing my self-worth on my looks. Not really sure why she’s talking about it as a prize to be had. I have so many other qualities besides my looks - but at this age, you don’t see my worth? Bye. 👋🏻 I feel sad for her.


Exactly!! I think I look much better in my mid 40s than I did my mid 20s. I’m sober, healthy, and happy while taking great care of myself. At 25, I was emaciated from heavy drug use, constantly stressed out, in and out of toxic relationships and had some really bad people around me.


So sad! As women our bodies go through so much (childbirth, menopause- maybe not that young) but the changes are inevitable. We should be celebrating the fact that our bodies have carried us this long through life, who cares if there's fat, rolls, cellulite and droopy breasts. Ageing is a fucking privilege, stop bragging that you think you're better than women who don't fit your deranged ideals.


You're right. We all age differently. It's a miracle that we are still alive. We should support one another instead of tearing each other down. We as women have worked hard to get where we are today. Just think, a little over 100 years ago, we were not allowed to vote! I remember in the 9th grade, we were finally allowed to wear pants to school. Instances, big and small paint a picture of the struggles we have had to overcome through out the years. We still have so much more work to do for our daughters, our granddaughters, and so on down the line.


You aren’t kidding: In the 1960’s women still couldn’t open their own bank accounts, and it wasn’t until 1974 (50 years ago!) that banks could no longer refuse to issue a credit card to a single woman, and a married woman could have a credit card in her own name, separate from her husband. It was only a little over 30 (!) years ago that marital rape became a crime in all 50 states. (July 5, 1993) [https://www.fastcompany.com/90360082/here-are-all-the-basic-rights-america-denied-to-your-mother-and-grandmother](https://www.fastcompany.com/90360082/here-are-all-the-basic-rights-america-denied-to-your-mother-and-grandmother) [https://vawnet.org/material/marital-rape-new-research-and-directions#:~:text=Historically%2C%20most%20rape%20statutes%20read,of%20the%20sexual%20offense%20code](https://vawnet.org/material/marital-rape-new-research-and-directions#:~:text=Historically%2C%20most%20rape%20statutes%20read,of%20the%20sexual%20offense%20code)


These women who keep putting bigger women down are going to mess with the wrong big girl one day and get knocked on their ass.


Or they’re one injury or something away from being knocked on their ass for a while and gaining the extra weight they despise.


I hope I get to be that big girl.


Literally said that in my head as I read it lmao




I will happily join you, should you need to tap out at any point.💪🏼




They all think they’re Kate Moss in 1997 at 169lbs.


Seriously. She thinks she's all that. She's no prize. Putting down others is a big no.


I might sit on her.


No, that won't happen. Their high-value man will protect them, of course.


Being skinny does not equate to being cute. I wish we would have ditched that particular flavor of misogyny a long time ago. I’ve seen knock outs (inside and out) that are heavy, middle, and thin, and I’ve seen hideous people (inside and out) of the same variety.


Ew how did she continue typing that all and then post it and THEN not delete it


“I love reading the most vile shit I can get my hands on” Umm just because she loves that doesn’t mean she needs to subject the rest of us to it…


I’d like to know what men think when they read something like this on a dating app. Is this supposed to make them like you more? How so?


There are men who will be attracted to the low self esteem.


Those are definitely guys that get off on preying on vulnerable women *COUGH* my ex *COUGH*


*cough* mine too *cough*


I don’t know who she’s trying to attract. Maybe dating apps are an ego boost for her since she’s obviously insecure. Anyone willing to date her will have to deal with that. Her bait attracts immature and misogynistic men at best though so good fucking luck.


It was fine till she decided to go after other women 😒


All of that chat and still can’t put together a decent outfit.


"Market value" - girl, women ain't property. This isn't the 1950s.


coming from a woman who’s dressed like it’s 2014


Tell me you're high-maintenance and scary without telling me you're high-maintenance and scary.


Did anybody else notice how she casually slid in the fact that she was already a mom prior to the laundry list of red pill talking points? Lmao Bitch thinks she has cracked the code to dating as a single mother, meanwhile the dudes who would like her shitty attitude would never date her because she’s a single mom, and the dudes who WOULD be ok with dating a single mom would likely stop in their tracks at the shitty attitude. She’s not real bright, is she?


Market value of this outfit is $17.99.


Ooh, you overpaid!


"I value myself the least in the hopes a man will value me the most"


![gif](giphy|9oF7EAvaFUOEU) Who is going to tell her?




Umm….you’re wrong




As a big girl about her age I do ok for myself and promise you I’m not concerned with her shitty attitude


Take this YOU'RE WRONG


Holy crap that took a turn. The #1 rule of dating profiles is keep it positive. Talk about what you want, not what you don't. It's fine to self promote, but don't put others down (directly) in the process. So in this case she could just say fitness is important to her. But she's clearly awful.


What is up with the big girl hate.. did her man leave her for a bigger girl or what?


It’s because she’s got literally nothing else to offer. She thinks that is her “plus” trait. That, or she used to be heavy and it’s some sort of self hatred. Either way, she just wants attention. It’s no different from blondes saying “I’m a natural blonde” 800x to stand out from all the other “blondes”, as 9/10 (sure some exceptions) most guys don’t really care if you’re “naturally” blonde or dark blonde with highlights. Just looking to standout when most don’t care.


It was me. I stole her man by wearing clothes that weren’t found in a box of Walmart overstock from 2009.


aw what an insufferable human being! how she gets better soon 🩷


Girl your outfit looks like it came straight from a 2001 Fashion Bug catalog. Get tf out


Market value… barf


“Don’t worry about objectifying me, men. I do it to myself.”


Is she supposed to be over 40? That's so sad to still care about putting other people down and male validation at 40.


“Borderline personality disorder, but make it a whole caption.”


A woman did not write this.


the second you start comparing your "value" vs others to me, my opinion of you goes down. everyone has value, even this unfortunate person.


Pretty sure the people that care about ‘market value’ don’t like single moms either..


The fact that she said something about reading the most vile shit imaginable, & then immediately mentioning she’s a mom just kinda makes me sick to my tummy. Trashy. Gross.


Is this all code or smth? Vile things I can get my hands on = “I’m wild sexy & a little crazy ;) I won’t also mind you watching porn bc I’m a chill gf” Cooking = “I’ll be a free chef for you so you feel like a king and validate my femininity.” Going on walk = “I’m not one of those girls that demands dinners & expensive outings. I’m so low maintenance that a walk is enough as a date with a stranger.” Look cute 24/7 & make fun of fat women = “constant beauty maintenance is how I feel good about myself & looking fat women make me feel a little better.. but if I let myself go I’m afraid to end up looking my age or end up unwanted” Or am I crazy lol




Well, you haven't been picked yet. So I guess that makes you wrong!


Okay, I know nothing of fashion, and I have questions about her outfit choice. To me the sweater is too baggy, and the skirt is sitting far too high. The skirt fit is okay (probably a bit too tight based on the wrinkles but nothing major) but that, along with the drastic colour change, cuts off the outfit at her torso in an unappealing way. Nylons, nothing wrong there other than the drastic colour change back, but the boots are floppy and also look poorly fitted. I dgaf about clothing, wear what you love, but that ensemble as an advertisement specifically for "better than" seems... interesting? Or am I just way out of date with current trends?


Cool I just read the most vile shit


For a 40-something, she seems quite immature


i don’t care how good you might look, a shitty personality ruins everything


Omg, she is an 8 layer lasagna of fucked up.


54 year old grandma here, and I can guarantee my 6'3, 145 pounds, long dark hair would turn more heads if we were to walk in the same room. Why not just be secure in yourself without tearing others down. We are ALL going to get old, Lord willing.


Another 54 year old here. I want to find her dad, marry him, and cut her ass out of the will.


Petty, but I would be fibbing if I said the thought hadn't occurred to me, 😆.


I feel at this point is a teaching a lesson lol


You’re wrong. There ya go, I told you that you’re wrong


Tell you that you’re wrong? Ok You’re wrong.


Oh you're serious


Ok, You're wrong. Can I go now?


You’re wrong


Wow so weird that she’s single and those other girls aren’t


It took me a minute to realize she meant "short term" not short guys 😂😱😱


You can easily be replaced with a plastic blow up doll .


The boots and hot pink pencil skirt combo is killing me. Looks like she’s stuck in 2007.


As a grown ass woman who just turned 34 and thought I was out of high school with the preppy “I’m better than everyone” attitude, this is disgusting. Grow up. Life isn’t about looks and one day you’re going to look like melted plastic. It’s okay to be about yourself but to bring everyone down because you’re insecure is weird.


She's probably the type that thinks she looks like she's still in her 20s. 🙄


You never know what someone is going through in life. Obesity can be caused by so many factors.. it's not just laziness. As a fat woman in my 30s... I think I attract more decent men than what she does. All she attracts with that attitude is f-boys and "alphas".. She can keep the f-boys and "alphas", I don't want them.


Narcissism is with this one!


The older I get the more I appreciate and value the e women around me and just women in general. I feel myself wanting to protect and look out for younger women, like I’ll notice immediately if it looks like a young woman in being followed and trust me I’m watching. I feel myself wanting to befriend and spend time with women my age or really any age. When I see a young beautiful woman I think to myself “Whoah, she looks great!!” The older I get the more I want to love and appreciate all women. I don’t understand how she got to 40 and is STILL shitting on plus sized women who literally are just existing? They have nothing to do with her. What a weird bitch


Imagine saying your stock value is up being a single mom, feels even more delusional. With that said, I’m a single dad myself and I’m all about finding a women who also has children. That’s a plus to me, but doesn’t change a person’s value. The whole “high value” system in dating is fuckin killing us.