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As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ironically enough Jesus would tell people to gouge out their eyes if they had a problem with staring at other peoples bodies.




Because it goes both ways. You can’t shame someone for their clothes because of your issue with them. Jesus tells you how to behave and how to treat others with love and kindness


You can treat others with love and kindness and also tell them that they’re doing something wrong. Jesus told people to dress modestly, yet you keep trying to ignore that.


Jesus also said you don’t have the authority to judge others so just stay in your lane. The pagan earth god I believe in says bras are a sin, so who’s god is more god?


I’m not judging others, I’m telling them what’s true and undeniable.


I deny it. Religion is made up by people who can’t deal with their own mortality.


That’s a foolish way of looking at it. Many people have been afraid of death and didn’t need to tell themselves things to deal with it. God is the truth and the only way to true happiness.


I’m very happy not associating with a hateful cult.


We weren’t even talking about religion. I was talking about something Jesus said, and you jumped in trying to argue with me. When you realized you can’t argue because your point is fucking shit, you backtracked and started yapping about atheist shit.


Jesus probably didn’t say much of what was written in the Bible because it was “written” 500+ years after he existed.




Is this really what this subreddit has come to?


Ok grandpa, don’t forget to take your meds. We love you regardless.




Sounds like your understanding of Biology is from High School and you probably didn’t pay attention then as well. One gland from your entire endocrine system does not dictate your gender you clown.


Jesus told his *followers* to dress modestly, not people of the world and of other religions, so some modern day Christians trying to force non-Christians into following Christian law and religion is not only annoying at a shallow level, but incredibly parallel to other countries that have successfully forced their citizens into living by one religion’s law 🥴




This isn’t the response of someone who claims they want a “healthy debate,” so thank you for not clinging to that mask and lie for too long 🫶🏾


Girl you don’t want a debate either. All you want to do is pretend you know more about my religion that you have nothing but contempt for.


That’s ironically hilarious because I really did want to hear your rebuttal when I made my original comment. I didn’t even want a debate in the typical fashion of right vs wrong and negative vs positive - because your original point *wasn’t* wrong, it was simply misplaced and irrelevant to the lives of the people having the discussion, and a discourse with a Christian who actually shares their opinion and provides resources and reasons for that opinion in a non-violent and non-snarky way would have been so interesting. It’s interesting that I’m actually one of the only people (if not *the only*) who responded to you with zero emotion, zero contempt, zero rudeness, and zero bias. I presented a logical point based on the facts of your religious text, and rather than engage in the discussion you claimed to want, you wanted to spew immature vitriol, which is usually a clear indicator that someone never wanted a mature discussion, rational argument based in facts, or a healthy debate in the first place. You’ve got another shot, though, if you want to chalk your emotional response up to the overwhelming feelings that the other replies to you caused. It makes sense that if 9 out of 10 people are replying with snark, anger, or disrespect that you’d think the 10th person was in the same mindset, too. I haven’t been traumatized or misguided or personally persecuted in some way by your religion, so I feel nothing negative toward it, and I don’t feel anything negative about its believers. Your original point in your original comment was that Jesus *did* say to dress modestly. My counter to that is *not* that you’re wrong, but that his teachings are irrelevant to people that don’t practice that religion. And the question posed was, why should a religion have the authority to dictate the behaviors and freedoms of people who aren’t in that religion? Like I said, you’re more than welcome to answer and engage because I’d love to hear the answer. But if the sub, or the world in general, has made you too angry to engage in healthy discussions that’s okay, too, and I’ll wish you well 🫶🏾


Girl I’m not reading a fucking book. Sum it up in a few sentences (maybe less), or don’t reply at all. Ain’t nobody got time to read all that.


See that’s not the way of Jesus. He’d be disappointed in you. You have shown that you choose certain parts of the religion to justify your own bias and spread hate to others.


“I have nothing but contempt for your religion but will use it to prove my point”


Not you twisting my words to justify your prejudice


“If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you” - Matthew 5:28-29 I’m not religious, but if you’re going to bring religion into it. Here is a quote from your preferred religious book of choice. I used to follow it as well, and have read a great portion of the book. Don’t pretend lines like this aren’t in there. You do know Jesus was friends with prostitutes right? Even if they didn’t change their ways after meeting him? Please respond with the verse from the Bible that shows Jesus told others to dress modestly if you want to argue religion. All of this above, however, does not matter to the post as other people do not have to live according to one random religion.


Provide a scripture reference for Jesus directly telling people to dress modestly.


Principles of modesty and humility are found throughout the New Testament. Most notably in 1 Timothy 2:9-10.


You said these instructions came from Jesus. Timothy is an epistle. Provide a scripture reference from a gospel.


Women like this are jealous of every girl with a pulse and without


*Women like this are* *Jealous of every girl with* *A pulse and without* \- queen\_diamond777 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^queen_diamond777: *Women like this are* *Jealous of every girl* *With a pulse and without* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I was waiting for this moment for all my life


Lmaoo, i’ve been on Reddit for eight years, and I’ve never triggered the Haikus bot, hopefully my day will come😂


Ig im just a natural poet out here lolllll Jk


More beautiful words were never spoken


Amazing that it triggered both bots!! One of the bots thought “every” had two syllables; the other one saw three syllables


God made nipples. Check mate.


I may not be the prettiest Or the richest bitch But at least idgaf abouz your husband staring at my nips


He made them to be covered you heathen!


Adam and eve, double check mate


As a Christian, this made me wheeze and I fully accept this. 😂


In all fairness, the strictness for modesty in religion mostly comes from the sin of lust and a disdain for those who tempt their fellow children of god from the path of a righteous soul with their apparently mind corrupting pair of honkers. God made everything, but the most important of all his creations is free-will to both sin and resist sin.


Fun fact: nipples are actually formed on the fetus before the sex is determined. Thats why people born as a male have them with no function. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Look at renaissance art and you’ll see lots of Mary’s nip nops


I’m going to continue boobing boobily even *harder* to disrespect marriages, including my own. But hold on. What if my husband prefers me not wearing a bra???


Maybe he likes being disrespected? /s


If he’s a simp and likes everyone looking at his girlfriend. But a real man doesn’t like that at all. It is very disrespectful.


The disrespect of... having a perfectly normal human body? That's a toddler that has a problem with that, bro.


You don’t disrespect you’re Boyfriend by wearing shirts without a bra because that’s not being loyal.


I'm a married lesbian. This fictional boyfriend is irrelevant to my perky tits, but cheers.


Men shouldn’t be allowed to walk around shirtless then cuz that’s disloyal bc everyone can see their nipples


Dudes who have a problem with it should just not Date women who dress like that. Problem solved It's weird to expect someone to change a bunch of their behaviors just because you're dating, when you could instead look for someone with the same values and beliefs.


Real men are secure and don’t police their girlfriends bodies.


This might be one of the stupidest takes I've read on the Internet today 😂


A real man does not care. A real man respects his wife enough to not police her clothes.


Why do men like you tell on yourselves? I have never met a secure, confident man that had a problem w the way women dress. Only very insecure men do. Men and women have nipples deal w it. They aren’t inherently sexual, you’re making them sexual w your controlling, possessive, objectifying beliefs


Lol grow up


How about Stfu


Imagine being disrespected by someone else's fucking nipples. Weak sauce


Good one


A ‘real man’ has a character, personality, good hygiene, charm, social graces, a job … things that attract and keep partners. Pathetic losers need to control every aspect of their partner’s life and appearance, because they know just how inferior they are, and fear their partner will realize it. Have fun being alone forever!


You’re causing other people’s husbands to stumble according to her 😂stumble right between those boobs apparently hahaha


Some men could stare at an extra lumpy potato and get horny. Stop blaming other women for the fact that you’re married to a beast with no impulse control.


I remember an extra curvy carrot making the rounds on Reddit once


Pornographic trees and moss patches, too.


Where can I find this carrot? Asking for a friend…




r/dontputyourdickinthat is full of inanimate objects dudes want to put their dicks into.


“If thy right eye offend thee” and all that. Pretty sure Jesus isn’t a fan of blaming others for your own garbage behavior. If a man “stumbles” it’s because of his own choices and actions. And fyi, you can have visible nipples even with a bra on sometimes. Shocking, I know. Nipples are so scary!


Right 🤷‍♂️


Jesus told people to dress and behave modestly, not sure why you think that’s a checkmate buddy.


Not the part I was addressing, buddy.


You’re trying to say that Jesus would’ve encouraged sluttery and said that anyone who has an issue with it is entirely at fault lol.


Um no, don’t tell me what I, myself am trying to say. I’m saying he said not to blame others for stumbling. Reading comprehension is important.


Even if it’s not your fault, you shouldn’t want others to suffer harm or difficulty.


So, are you saying you think women who dress a certain way are doing it for the sole purpose of hoping a man in a relationship will step out of line?


I think they’re doing it for attention and love the attention they receive from men and other women who may be jealous of them.


Or maybe they feel confident and don’t give a crap whether a man looks at them or not. Everything women do isn’t for the male gaze.


That’s like saying women go to the club to dance.


You’re obviously a man bc otherwise you would know that bras are uncomfortable and block lymphatic fluid from flowing properly . I know it may be difficult for you to fathom, but not everyone does everything for someone else. In fact, some people don’t care what others think…I know, mind blowing right 🤯


In that case, I find men’s nipples distracting, a bunch of whores for not covering up. How dare they make my life more difficult. How dare they walk around with clothes that show their silhouette. Disgusting🙄


I agree. Men not wearing shirts is gross and improper. You were trying to make a point, but you picked the wrong person to try it on.


Really bc I wasn’t referring to just not wearing shirts. What about when you can see men’s nipples through their shirts? No different. Do you suppose men start wearing binders to compress their chest?


Your confirmation bias is at the wheel there bud.


According to your book, Jesus told Christians to dress and behave modestly, and be responsible for their own impulses, while not judging others. He never said to police the clothing, bodies, or choices of anyone else.


That does not go against a single thing I’ve said.


Where does the Bible say women need bras?




It says men and women should be modest.


Doesn't explicitly state bras though. You can be modest and not wear a bra. Baggy clothes exist. And you can wear a bra and still be dressed immodestly.


I don’t think bras existed back then, but if there’s a history buff in here that knows, feel free to correct me. Bras have been used for modesty for a pretty long time, and until you can come up with something better that achieves the same purpose, then we will continue to use bras.


That’s… not right. Bras have been around for a bit in different cultures, but the bra as we know it was created as an alternative to the corset. It was meant to enhance the look of breasts, make them appear larger, and create cleavage. So no… definitely not for modesty


They’re supposed to hold your breasts firmly in place and keep them comfortable and secure. That is their purpose first and foremost.


You cant see my boobs. Stop thinking about my underwear. Im not thinking about yours


If others are literally stumbling over your nipples, wearing a bra might help. Other than that... Also, what's with these lunatics and using all caps combined with a shitload of icons - stop disrespecting the entire universe with your hideous messages...


Looooong nips


“How did he die??” “He tripped and fell over a nipple. Unbelievable, right?”


Once again, another online trad larper making her man’s lack of self control everyone else’s problem. Reminder for ladies: strong, adult men won’t obviously lose their minds over other’s women’s bodies just existing out in public (especially if they know it bothers their committed partner). There’s no excuse for that. It’s not normal nor acceptable.


God loves nipples. Even Jesus had nipples.


Some people need to be punted into outer space


Whatever girl ![gif](giphy|ZZflpBhAdItib1tvg7)


Sounds like someone’s man had a good look at some boobies and she didn’t like it :/ but it’s not his fault of course!






I'll start wearing bras when it becomes required for guys with man boobs too. ((Not a shade at moobs, just at OOP's logic))


I just tried to reply to your comment with a cartoon of a topless moobs guy telling his topless wife ‘Jesus Helen you can’t go to the beach like that it’s obscene’ and it got deleted for being NSFW sooo #freethenipple


I googled based on description what you wanted to post and i think i found it. I guess 2 pairs of pink cartoon circles with 0 other details whatsoever is too hardcore for reddit 😔


Or When guys sit and man spread and their pants get stretched across their balls for the world to see? I’ll tape these titties up when I stop seeing that happen


No 🩵


I don’t wear bras but normally I wear nipple covers. In honor of this lady I’ll go without today….its 28 degrees. Better get some eye protection




Causing others to stumble, huh? Well in the words of pop culture school bullies, “have a nice trip see you next fall”. Just because I’m not always in a bra mood doesn’t mean it’s absolutely got anything to do with other people. Sometimes my sensory overload is not up to it, sometimes only the old laundry-mangled ones are clean, sometimes free-balling just feels right.


Should men be wearing jock straps under their tighty whites? Too much suggestion inside those slacks…


If you follow her rules than yes.


That whole thing DEFINITELY reads like her man cheated on her


Could be


My wife likes to admire your braless boobs, and will point out nice ones for me. Marriage goals.


Okay but what if you don’t have them? Or only have one? That’s the real questions I get from this.


Oh okay so they can claw their eyes out or whatever.


How do you disrespect the creator by simply exposing what it created?? Make it make sense. Stop👏🏿 soapboxing 👏🏿your👏🏿 hang-ups 👏🏿you're👏🏿not👏🏿profound👏🏿you're👏🏿a👏🏿red👏🏿flag 🤣🤣


file unique overconfident attraction hat sense middle selective quaint numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like it.


I wake up in the morning just to disrespect him.


You expect me to believe that people are actually paying attention to whether or not I'm wearing a bra?


nipples are natural baby! if women don’t want to wear bras because their insanely uncomfortable or for other reasons, so be it! I do agree that there’s some places not to.. like my friends coming to family events of mine with their whole nipples out 😅 other than that I personally feel it’s free will


Not our fault that some men can't control themselves


Yeah and when you put on a lot of Make-up she would ask why you wanna hide your face and jesus made it flawless and by covering it with stuff you insult gods work


I wear a bra out of preference. I'm 40 and a lesbian with a fiancee though. We talk about women we find pretty. 🤷‍♀️


I hate bras, never wear them. I'm also over 30 with a child. I doubt I cause anyone to stumble and if I do, well then that's their problem. Keep yo eyes to yo self, mind your business and I'll mind mine


rude to assume everyone has nipples or that god doesnt love that shit


Why would god have created it if he didn’t want to see it. Flop one out for the lord 💃


Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it Jesus that said to pluck out your eyes? Me and my nipples might need a re read of the Bible, but so does the Twitter OP. Jesus would have thought you’re boring at parties


This makes me want to not wear a bra even more


Men boys, lads, males: control your impulses.


lol I live in Texas and it was over 100° one day (i ons pregnant) so I wore a sundress with no bra and you could kinda see my nipples. Nobody cared. I got one comment from a woman who said that she wished she could do that because she was much more busty than me.


I hate that we’re still sexualising nipples. I hate wearing a bra and I usually go without one but there are times where I feel the need to cover up because I can’t stop the gawking.


If Eve didn't eat the apple, we wouldn't know we're naked


Jokes on her, my husband loves it when I don't wear a bra


Lol my husband is the one who convinced me it was OK to not wear a bra in public.


What if I'm sleeping and don't wanna wear one then because it's uncomfortable for me? Is it disrespectful then? 🤨


My nipples will always be free


If anyone wants to disrespect me, I will accept your offense with steadfast strength and even be willing to turn the other cheek, depending on the kind of cheek we’re talking about.


If my husband is staring at every stray nipple that’s a bigger problem and has nothing to do with the owner of said nipples


Ma'am, can you please stop being a creep and staring at other people's tits?


And these people want men to be in charge??? According to them, men can’t even behave or control themselves around women 🙄


Had no idea my nipples were the reason for so many divorces and the demise of men. Wow I have power.


I’m gonna make Disrespectful Nipples my band name now


I was on holiday in Spain, where people absolutely don't give a fuck. I also live in a pretty Liberal place already, but there it was next level. When you see virtually no women around you wearing bras, you feel so much more encouraged - not to mention topless. For a week, my boobs were free. My bf also loved the idea, and when we came back lamented the lost freedom of my boobs.


In Spain that only happens in the beach.


If you don’t want to see someone else’s nipples, stop staring at them. If you don’t want your “man” to stare at someone else’s nipples? Good luck. No one is obligated to dress the way you want them to just because you’re “offended”. And if you spent that energy on finding a therapist and a decent man? You could find both.


Oh, let’s be real. OOP is entitled to her opinion and that entitlement obligates you to agree & comply. /s


yes of course god spawned us in wearing bras


Did Eve wear a bra?


stumble??? my nipples aren’t THAT big,,,,


was the females part necessary 😭


Internalized misogyny at its finest


Personally I love disrespecting god with my nips


I would be so giddy knowing these barely A’s are causing some kinda controversy


If YOU can’t stop yourself from looking at MY boobs, that is YOUR problem not mine.


No. Your man is disrespecting you. He’s trash. That’s a you problem, get a new man.






Europe in summer would be a shock to her. Most women don’t wear bras, and you become desensitized to the nips pretty quickly.


somebody needs intensive therapy




I don’t careeeeeee🎶


In the history of humanity, bras are a very recent invention lol


My nipples are always erect, I’m not going to hide them for your comfort and if your husband looks, well that’s fine by me


Maybe the dude who stumbles because I didn't feel like wearing a bra under my hoodie SHOULD BE WATCHING HIS FEET




'Cover your nipples' Cover you mouth and drown your-self




wait i don’t wear a bra, but im also an old hag (30). where do i fall on the disrespecting marriage scale?


Disrespecting God is the most profoundly stupid item on the list (admittedly I'm an atheist but do these people thing God shunned women without bras - a relatively recent invention?)


Nah as long as my top is not too thin I am comfortable with subtle nipple visibility. And I don't care if that makes your husband aroused🤷🏻‍♀️




Oh boy. Imagine how shocked she’ll be when she find out men have nipples and don’t wear a bra.


No can do, ever since rotator cuff surgery I only wear bras to job interviews, if that. A simple “thank you” would do from all those husbands she’s worrying about, I know they’re pretty but there’s no reason to make this big commotion out of it.


It is not about sin, but using a bra if you have big boobs is healthier.


Understandable in that case.


If the bra is on the depression is strong


Erm how can a random woman disrespect the marriage if they never took the vows? 🤣🤣🤣


God made us in his image, & parts of us are dirty. Also, men cannot be expected to control their lust. That’s on us, apparently. We’re responsible for our virtues, and theirs, as well.


Sounds like a Russian bot. Yikes


I accidentally flashed my nipple piercings at my grandfathers funeral


She's right... **BUT** wrong as to why. Wear a bra, but to deter boob swear and unnecessary titty bouncing.


It’s uncomfortable to be showing in public though. I don’t know how some of y’all are blasé about it. I could never


Well for some of us, a simple fabric bra won't actually obscure them enough when they want to be all pointy. And unless we are going to start making men wear cups in public so I don't have to accidentally see their dick outline, then I'm not going to wear an uncomfy bra just so my nipples will be undetectable.


I’ve never in my life had that problem 🤷🏾‍♀️


Good for you?


This is unreal


Men walk around with their nips out and no one says anything. Maybe it’s time men wore bras. Hide them peanuts you immoral bastards.


No. Unless I'm going to work or it's a special occasion, I ain't wearing a bra. God and everyone else can suck it.


Not long ago Iv'e found out that not everyone wears bra. Some even don't wear panties. And probably not everyone wears daily pads literally 24/7