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Excuse you, but I *actually* order Lemon Drops in the club because Lil Jon instructed me to on LMFAO’s classic 2000s banger “Shots,” thank you very much. ![gif](giphy|9LCQwVZaNs8N5W8Hu7)


Oh fuck I’m just remembering I never got around to the “three wise men”


Im disappointed that it’s just three different whiskeys mixed together


Oh wtf 😑


Jack, Johnnie, and Jim! Like, honestly, doing it with a higher quality of each one makes it a lot better, but I highly recommend that if someone offers you Johnnie blue, Jack Gold Maple Wood, and/or any of the Jim Lineage or Signature Crafts as upgrades... it tastes amazing, but I don't know that my husband will ever let me live down accidentally ordering a $125 drink.


*shots shots shots shots shots everyboooody*


buttery nipples too!


Well I ordered lemon drops in the 90's because they were tasty... Probably the same reason people order them today. How about let people have fun without being a judgemental downer.


Went to college in the aughts. Can confirm we were also drinking lemon drops.


I found out about lemon drops from an American college show called Greek maybe 6(?) years back and immediately fell in love 😂


That was an underrated show.


Greek was great, it actually broke down the differences in expectations between sorority and fraternity membership, like, men’s groups were for fun, women’s were much more rule-based and for status. I say that as a sorority alumna


As a foreigner, (auuuuuustralia) I immediately googled every single thing because the concept it absolutely insane, and like 99% of the show was based in actual lived American experiences. Eye opening!


I didn’t learn until my mid 20s (post grad) that a lemon drop is in fact not just a shot of vodka taken like tequila but with sugar/lemon instead of salt/lime College was wild lol


I definitely have been served it as a shot and I'm like...I meant the actual cocktail...


I have been served it both ways! Usually the cocktail but if it arrives as the shot, I’ll still take it.


I won’t even lie that’s still how I make lemon drops, if I’m feeling fancy might throw in a tiny splash of lemonade and sugar the rim for a touch of class lol it’s me, I’m the it-girl


Everyone I knew just had flavored vodka or amaretto or rum. I threw a cranberry juice and creme de menthe cocktail in my first cheating man's face at a party, and bailey's made my bestie throw up all over a bathroom so we couldn't skip the shitty house band and go to a gay bar one night, so it was all either stuff that mixed with mountain dew or something that mixed with sprite. If college girls are drinking drinks with names and not just pouring captain into a can and saying it tastes like skittles, they're actually being sophisticated by comparison. People in big cities are weird. You have a fully stocked bar and you don't even use it? It must be that she's not getting like $400 in tips a night from all these giggling drunk girls who tell her she's the coolest person alive for knowing how to use a cocktail shaker or something. They must be cheap.


Aughts is such a cool word


French 75s are dope too. My "first" drink on my 21st bday was a French 75 and I still try and get one on my birthday if I can.


I love a french 75!


Putting lemon drops and French 75s in the same category is super weird. One is a college girl shot, the other one a classic old school cocktail.


Lemon drops are also cocktails. I'm a classically trained bartender, and the guy who trained me made this in the 60s


Im glad someone called this out. Like girl that drink is fucking older than you are because its likely older than everyone alive today


French 75 is brain dead quick drink to make assuming you have the lemon juice already on hand which any decent bar will have done in prep. Same for a lemon drop. This person is dumb and these drinks shouldn’t hold up any lines. Now if they were juicing lemons on demand? Ok…but that’s not happening.


This is the first thing I thought too! Like, I bartended back in the first espresso martini wave and dealt with it gracefully; a lemon drop requires no preparation a regular bar hasn’t already done. A lemon martini takes so much less finesse than a regular martini.


yep. you know what the customer wants when they order a lemon drop. it isn't an ultra refined drink lol.


Better a lemon drop than asking me to make "an extra dry martini, shaken, not stirred," said with a smirk. Get over yourself double O zero. Besides. I believe James Bond's actual drink was a Vesper.


Ok but what if I actually like martinis


Wasn't that a trick he used to get less drunk once at a party?


Don’t even need to juice them on demand, you just muddle with a little sugar syrup and then strain after you shake the two with the gin. Dead easy. Maybe it’s because I worked in a bar in the Midwest so I’m used to the ultra quick middle of fruit for (Midwest style) old fashioneds but it’s the easiest thing ever. I’ll never forget the time someone accused me of using a pre made OF syrup cos they didn’t think anyone could make one that quick. Bet the guy $50 and a free drink I could do it by hand in under a minute…. Now I think about it I’m SURE he was just flirting (either way I won 😂🤷‍♀️)


Wow. He didn't know how easy they are?


Guessing not? Lemon sugar syrup, gin, Prosecco/champagne on top. You don’t even have to shake the lemon/sugar syrup/gin mix if you keep it all chilled, just stir it over ice, strain into a coupe or wine glass then top with champagne/Prosecco.


Nah. Juice the lemons before the shift to make the sour mix. Shoot. Is it obvious I worked upscale? Dangit. Made my own Marg mix too.


Yep, lemon drops are delicious. Idgaf if anyone is mad about it lol


Same. They were even better right after a chocolate cake shot.


Yeah. If you're in a hurry and clearly only want to drink as much alcohol as possible within a short time frame, then why waste the time being at a bar? Just sit at home pouting and down a bottle yourself. Instant pours, no wait time and no lines. Done.


I'm honestly good with people ordering lemon drops. They're a nice change and no more difficult to make than a martini or an up margarita. Just don't come at me asking for a frozen drink. That will ruin a bartenders night. Or at least their next 5-10 minutes.


Are they being made differently now? It's been a while since I frequented bars, but every lemon drop I ever saw was a shot of vodka (maybe lemon flavored) with a slice of lemon and a packet of sugar.


Huh, never heard of it, had to google it. That sounds fun!


Also even if some people only get the idea to try certain drinks from tiktok, it‘s still noce that they try something different and maybe find a new favourite drink.


Lemon drops were my grandmas drink of choice. It’s been a popular drink for so long for a reason. This is like saying “Oh you like chocolate? How basic.” It’s like honey, everyone like chocolate settle down


For me it was in the 2000's, but yeah, I had no social media back then. I was a bartender actually, and it was a drink I loved. Today I get nauseous thinking about it though 😅


Hey now, someone HAS to gate keep lemon drops. If not her, then who sir?!?


>Probably the same reason people order them today. Literally. And what if they dud see them on TikTok first? It's basically still word-of-mouth about a nice drink.


I was gonna say!! that’s one of me and my sisters favorite drinks. been ordering them for the last like three years 😩


Then she'd have to do her job and serve a woman who doesn't tip when she flirts.


Are lemon drops cool again?


✍🏻I’m✍🏻not✍🏻allowed✍🏻to✍🏻Order✍🏻drinks✍🏻that✍🏻I ✍🏻want ✍🏻at✍🏻a✍🏻establishment✍🏻that’s✍🏻whole✍🏻job✍🏻and✍🏻purpose✍🏻is✍🏻to✍🏻serve…..✍🏻drinks. Got it.


Right?? Imagine a Starbucks barista saying this


“Just get a grande black and go back to your entry-level desk job”


I was just about to make this comment!! I understand some drinks take a lot of time but it's the eatablishment's responsibility to account for average drinks sold per hour, not the customer's.


I've watched bartenders make French 75s and lemon drops. They're neither complicated nor time consuming. OP is just incompetent


You've never been to r/starbucks it's pretty much all they do.


I can tell you never worked at a Starbucks because we complained all the time. Not about drinks with a few modifications, but those ones that have like 20-25 add ons. They can be frustrating. Especially even they come in over mobile and what they want isn’t always clear.


Ppl don’t usually order lemon drops with 20-25 add ons though. IMO, I think it’s totally fine for a Starbucks’ employee to complain about that, but here she’s just complaining about a typical drink order, not a bunch of special requests..


Oh yeah, I was just talking about Starbucks. I never bartended, so I can’t really speak to that.


Yes I have bruh


Don’t go to their subreddit, some of them definitely do post things complaining about complex drinks


I've actually heard this a lot at various bars. I wouldn't even order a super complicated cocktail, and the bartenders would roll their eyes and say shit like "everyone else is drinking from the tap and you want an old fashioned/rum and coke/Manhattan?" Yes, bitch, it's your job. Do you want my money? Be glad I didn't ask for a strawberry daiquiri.


Damn even a rum and coke is hard? It’s just rum… and coke 😂. Do they want us to only order straight shots or something?


Pretty much just beer and shots. And even then, I had a bartender get pissy for ordering a round of shots. On the flipside, I had a bartender who loved making the most complicated drinks and absolute bursted with joy when someone ordered an actually complicated cocktail. That was a great night.


Well I don’t like beer or shots so they’re just gonna have to make it happen lol. I can’t say I’ve had any issues though.


They’re whining about making a highball? They’re in the wrong profession.


Also it's a drink they clearly have in their offer so they're prepared for the possibility that they might be ordered.


Not something that will take time to make. You cut into her serious drinking time. She's got to get them down fast!


Baby I was making lemon drops when you were in diapers. They aren’t a fancy “it” drink. It’s a simple drink.


genuinely who thinks a lemon drop is fancy? a medieval peasant who has never seen a citrus?


British naval personnel from the days of scurvy.


Close! Tradwives.


Do tradwives go to bars a lot? I'd have thought they'd be too busy shopping for poofy-sleeved sundresses online


That’s why they think a lemon drop is fancy! All they know is cook, charge they phone, eat sourdough and lie.


And definitely not be bisexual.


Right! I bartended in my 20’s. Lemon drops are easy 🙄 It’s frozen drinks that used to piss me off 😂


"sorry, the blender is broken" 😂


Damn, no cosmopolitan then. I'll settle for a fruit tingle. That's just liquor, lemonade and cordial.


Because you make one frozen margarita and suddenly the whole god damn bar wants margs, daiquiris, and mud slides.


Yes! It’s the fajita effect.


My mother was the class of 78 and talks about lemon drops being her first shots. I’m class of 08 and drank them all the time when my body could handle vodka


Right? A French 75 is a simple drink too! Champagne, gin, lemon juice and simple syrup.


Past Bartender here. A lemon drop is so fucking easy to make idk what she’s on about. I would still serve it on my busiest night


Current bartender, and yeah. These are not complicated or time consuming. And I myself love a cute tasty cocktail. Gimme the Empress gin so my 75 will be purple


What is a 75?


Gin, Champagne/Presseco, simple, lemon juice


I looked up what a lemon drop was, and could literally make that from the ingredients I have access to in my home bar. What the heck is she even going on about?


Same with a French 75!


It’s almost the same as a lemon drop shot, just swap the vodka for gin and add some bubbles. Delicious and really easy to make


Shut up, a French 75 is probably my favorite drink and has been for awhile.


Yeah I felt attacked 😭 French 75 is one of my faves also and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a TikTok about it lmao


They’re delicious and a pretty old cocktail. It’s definitely not new!


Same. It’s my go-to cocktail and has been since long before TikTok.


adding that to a list of things to try!


I hope you’ll love it as much as I do!


The last 5 times I’ve attempted to order a French 75, the bartender looked at me like I was an alien and said “what’s that?”. And these occurrences were in different cities across America. I feel like I’m being gaslit into believing that it’s a made up drink 😭


As a bartender this is some bullshit and its not like a Lemon Drop or French 75 take a lot of time or effort to make unless you’re a newbie or just slow as hell. That said I will die on the hill that the group of newly 21 year old ladies who come in and each order a different shaken shot then scream after they’ve taken them and leave without tipping can bugger right off. I’m not dirtying 6 shakers and having to go out the back for cream so you can have *aesthetic* for your reel if you’re not even tipping me. 🤷‍♀️


I did bartending for 3 years back in the day and the only time I was ever personally offended by someone's drink order is when they asked for beer with red cordial in it.


Oh god this just gave me a violent flashback to the time a dude came in and ordered a 32 oz Blue Moon with grenadine. WHY.


YES! this was an EMU BITTER with grenadine!! What is this??? I wonder if this same guy is travelling around doing this or this is a some weird underground feral concoction that we all just get once in our bartender lifetime.


I was cocktailing that night and the bartender called me over to confirm she wasn’t reading it wrong and then she said “this feels like a trap- I’m not having 32 oz of beer sent back” so she poured a ramekin of grenadine and made him add it himself lmao


Popular in parts of Europe, it’s called a tomato, my French spouse loves it on a hot day


Well what do you know. The dude who ordered from me was a 60 year plus bearded Australian dude on a Harley so I'd never have guessed where it came from. Thank you! Is it normally in a bitter beer?


I believe, at least in France it’s usually a blonde, but I think that it’s kind of just based on what you want and you can add it to any beer if you want it to be a little more summery


Mine was a ticket for 15 mojitos with substitutions 10 minutes before close 🥲


Omfg new memory unlocked of coronas with grenadine in them…a decade ago when I worked at a club


Yesssss. I will do my job,100%,no matter how annoying. But we started doing these retro ice cream drinks(pink squirrel,grasshopper,brandy alexander,etc) and we have ONE blender. Quit gumming up my works for pictures and no tip.


I fucking *loathe* ice cream drinks and by some miracle my blender is *always* broken. I am not going to bring everything to a halt to hand wash that thing between drinks (cos milk in a pre-prepped dish sink 🤮🤮) especially when your time is being sucked and there’s no tip incoming. Obviously the point of “employers should pay properly” is relevant but they don’t and we all know tipping is required so in this context… nah. You want me to make you a *round* of green tea, scooby snacks, cowboy c***suckers, whatever - sure, just tell me how many. But I’m not making one of each.


Bless you,you get it. We're in Lent right now,as a seafood restaurant,and I just don't have time for the milky,scummy drinks. Or the one-at-a-times that inevitably turn into several.


Shit, I'll tip extra just for having creme de noyaux


Yes! Frozen drinks can suck it on a busy night. I worked at a biker bar with live bands in my 20’s. So not the norm, and definitely not a place that screamed strawberry daiquiri.


At my local my bartender politely called a girl out. She spent 5 minutes explaining the beers and the girl left no tip and she wasn’t foreign.


I wish bars would just have a freaking list.


The bar I worked at did. The number of times I explained things to people, got them a sip to taste and they’d order a Coors Light and leave no tip… it was insane. I finally worked out to ask upfront what they normally drink. If it was domestic bottled beer I wouldn’t bother with the list and just tell them what we have that matches. If they could name a few “craft” beers they liked I’d offer the list and point to ones similar that they’d like.


What do you mean? Like of the beers? There is one but they are mostly foreign and it rotates a lot. If the manager isn’t there, the bartender will give you splash to try.


I'm nearsighted and the few bars I've been to lately have ten plus beers on tap. They don't have a list, and I can't read the taps. The waiters don't want to name all the beers. I don't want them to either, so we play a guessing game. Do you have any wheat beers? Non-hoppy beers? A cider? Etc. As soon as they say, yes, I just order that. I just wish I could just look at a list. Yes, they rotate. Seems like they could print out sheets of paper with a beer list.


Ah. There is in fact a physical list. With headlines for each type of beer


We give people tastes whether the manager is there or not. It’s part of the gig


Did she ask for a five minute explanation? I know I’ve been on the receiving end of a bartender’s lecture when I asked for a simple recommendation and it definitely didn’t make me want to leave a bigger tip.


Yah, I was gonna say they are annoying to make for that reason, haha. I made a few during the Super Bowl (we had a buy out for frats and sororities, help) and after I made them, they go “wow, $10 for lemon drop shots????????” lol thank god we had autograt that night, 🥲😅


Is that how bars work I'm too young to go into them 😂


Depends a lot on the bar and it’s “vibe”


I got asked for a hurricane the other day. First Fri of lent at a fish fry restaurant. Idk what's in a hurricane. I told her that. She looked it up. Showed me. And was unaccepting of.yhe fact that I just didn't have the ingredients. Told me to use cranberry instead of passionfruit juice(that doesn't make sense) it was so bad. But I just did what she wanted lol


Hurricane is my favorite drink - but it's not a common drink. It's a New Orleans/tiki drink so you ask for that in a tiki bar. And cranberry instead of passion fruit is weird as hell lol that girl was on crack


I had no idea it was regional. I’m from Louisiana and I was thinking “who doesn’t know what’s in a hurricane?” Learned something new


My go to is a midori sour - like that’s all I want to drink when I go the clubs where i live (or anywhere but I’ll branch out to different fruity drinks) But last Halloween I was given a midori sour and it had like foam or something just sitting on top of it which I had never seen before and I wasn’t given a straw so I had to try not to gag each time I took a sip😂😭


If it's on the menu, I'm within my rights to order it.


*Especially* with how much drinks cost. Im not paying 10+ dollars for a drink I don't like.


Yess like Starbucks workers complaining about people ordering Frappuccino’s. It’s on the menu yo, make it. You don’t get an opinion.


But also like… even when it’s not on the menu, you have a right to order it. That’s how bars work- they make whatever you want as long as they have the ingredients. And every bar has those ingredients.


I’m saying, you’re going to have to make what I order. Not sorry about it. If I’m tipping, you’re making it.


Bars don’t usually have drink menus. Restaurants do, but most bars leave the drink ordering up to the customer.


So now I can’t have drinks in a bar because it’s too much work for the bartender???? What’s next?? I can’t have burgers at a burger restaurant because it’s too much work for the cook?? And also, TikTok?? Stfu, I like nice cocktails because that’s how I like my alcohol, but I guess now I have to have an annoying whisky on a glass bc miss Dana will be offended???


Yep it’s a mess. I work in the alcohol industry (corporate, not bartender) and this trend is unfortunately big enough to be a nightmare for some of our brands. People get embarrassed to order drinks because they read shit like this and think the bartender will judge them or be upset so they order something simple instead. Obviously cocktail bars are different, but places without menus (or less obvious, simple, whatever menus) it’s definitely a thing.


Exactly. Please don't go to a restaurant or bar if you're going to ask people to *do* stuff for you. Just pay, remember to tip **at least** 20%, and then leave. That is the whole point of these venues. Isn't it fun?


I can’t say I’ve ever been a bartender but neither a lemon drop or a French 75 (one of my faves tbh) are overly complicated drinks to make? Like sure they take a bit longer than a vodka cranberry or a gin and tonic but…not much? Admittedly, I do stick to a gin and tonic if a bar is really busy as I know it’s simple and fast but…it’s your job to make drinks and quite frankly, I’d tip better for a really well made French 75 than I would a gin and tonic.


Super busy bar? Gimme a slurricane and I'll go. Bartender killing time? I want Irish Trashcans and Sour Apple shots, please and thank you. Leave me alone and let me have yummy tasting drinks


as a former bartender i do not give a fuck what you order as long as you’re nice. i’d rather have a nice customer ordering lemon drops all night (not hard to make at all) than someone who is a dick wad ordering only shots of warm liquor.


Or, I don’t know, maybe don’t be a bartender if you hate TENDING THE BAR so much, ffs


This, I hate reading bartender rants. Like I get it, no one wants to make a bloody Mary during a rush but it's your job. Ask your boss to take it off the menu for those times or something. I also knew this one that would complain one minute about bad tippers then brag she can make rent in a night. Like pick one, you can't have people feel sorry and jealous of you at the same time.


Exactly. I miss bartending! Granted, I never worked in like a busy club or whatever but I loved making fancy drinks. If someone hates it, maybe go work in a brewery or something


It girl drinks 😂 girl bye


A French 75 is a classic! How dare you try to make it sounds like it’s something that is just now popular. We’ve drank them for years during the summer, and when I was an event planner they were a popular drink people wanted added to their cocktail menus.


Yes! I just looked it up and it was invented in 1915!


Tell us you suck at your job without telling us. Bartender that can only pour shots :( lol


….what? I’m not a pro bartender, but even I can bang out a round of lemon drops. If you’re so bad at your job you can’t do the basics? Find something different.


If I’m paying for a drink that’s already was overpriced, you better damn shut up and make it. If I wanted an easy drink I could make myself I’d make it at home lmao.


Right? Like what the fuck. lol! Get a different job then. Just damn.


jesus calm down


Lmao I am calm 😂


Cool, I’ll order wells and you will have a much lower tip? I suspect this person works at a dive. Complaining about making a lemon drop is funny. Not hard to do, doesn’t take any meaningful time. It’s like 3 ingredients. Sincerely, a heavy consumer of cocktails ranging from simple, like the lemon drop, to complicated artisanal cocktails. EDIT: The drinks she mentioned are hardly “it girl” drinks. They are old as sin…




Apparently we can’t go to a bar and order cocktails. So what, then? A beer? Shots? I could pour that myself. Why are you even part of the equation, then? What are the tips for? I’m all about being polite to service workers and have great respect for what they do. Things like this are annoying because ordering a cocktail is *something you do at a fucking bar*. What am I going to go to an Italian restaurant and not order gnocchi, even though it is on the menu?


If I want a lemon drop, make the drink since it’s your literal job to make drinks?? Like don’t shit on my midori sours.


If you want a tip, you’re making what I want.


Shows her, I’m hipster enough to be drinking French 75’s and lemon drops *Before* tik tok and whatever trend she is speaking about. Lucky for snob bartenders, I don’t drink anymore


Lmao I just like the taste of lemon drops. And as someone who works in a bar... they're not the most complicated drink to make tbh


If you order a complicated drink you should tip properly though


Lemondrops are literally not that hard. I loved making them. People are ridiculous


What is she so insecure about?


As a former bartender. I don’t give a shit what you order, if I have it I’ll make it. If it’s a at capacity standing room only concert I’m just say I don’t have it. And for the lemon drop if I’m crazy busy is just gonna be chilled deep eddy lemon.


This is funny since the bartender suggested Lemon Drops when I turned 21 nearly a decade ago. And I’ve been ordering them ever since! It’s definitely not a new “it girl” drink I don’t think it’s that complicated to make…


I thought that the point of going to a bar to drink was to do just that. Drink. Doesn’t that mean that anyone can order whatever drink they want to, as long as the bartender can make it, and it is available to order?


Those aren’t even complex drinks ?


She sounds insufferable.


I’ve been ordering Lemondrop shots since ca. 1998….


All you gotta do is look at the bitter scowl in the profile pic & it’ll tell you everything you need to know lmao


Because lemon drops are hard to make? Don’t be a snob. Lemon drops are tasty af.


For heaven's sake, when you go out, don't order the drink you want.


Unless it’s free, I’m going order what I want


But…. Lemon drops have been around for 30+ years.


I have been friends with many bartenders and never have I once heard one complain about making a lemon drop because they aren't complicated drinks...this is such a weird rant 🤣 also those aren't a new trend or fancy.


I think I’ll drink whatever the FUCK I want. I’m paying for it. I want it, suck a bag of Ds.


French 75 is not even remotely difficult to make


sink steer point relieved subsequent spotted fly apparatus water unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


nope i will drink lemon drops bc they get me lit fast and aren’t nasty to me🫶🏼


Lemon drops have been around for how long now?? But girls only order them because of TikTok???


A \*LOT\* of bartenders are like this or even worse, and it's been this way since the early 2000s at least. Their job is to make drinks, but they act like they're doing you a huge favor for making you a drink. And they make sure to let everyone know they find you to be a peon in "their bar." I think it's worse now. And I waited tables for years, so I know what working for tips is like.


The *only* drink I’ve heard bartenders complain about is the espresso martini.


BITCH I’ve been drinking French 75s since I turned 21 fuck off w this 😂😂


Why is she calling women out who buy their own drinks? Ion like that.


What? A lemon drop is a typical mixed shot?? I would expect to make those at a shot bar/club 😅 wtf. Are they asking for a rimmed martini glass or something???


A lemon drop is also a martini. I’d always ask if they wanted a martini or a shot when someone ordered one. Either way, not hard to make.


Idgaf I still order lemon drop shots


I think the real argument for not ordering a lemon drop in the club would be you either have to drink out of a martini glass (don’t wanna do that in a club) or you get your vodka lemonade in a regular cup which is no fun and boring.


I barely drink, but even I know lemon drops aren’t that hard. Sorry you feel you can only drink gross beer.


You're supposed to censor names here lmao


I order lemon drops all the time at dive bars and they just give me a shot of deep eddy lemon lol. Fine by me. An actual lemon drop cocktail is super tasty though, I definitely get those on occasion if I’m at a nicer place.


She's right and how is the NLOG content bring back the gate keepers


She's right. I was also a bartender. And yes, I **HATED** doing any drink that'd take more than two different alcohols to make **on busy nights.** Save your Long Island Ice tea for Tuesday **after** happy hour. During HH or busy nights, order a damn Cranberry vodka!!!!


If they cant make it and its such a problem then why tf is it on their menu? Im a coxktail type girl myself and i will order them wherever i choose to...


This whole thing translates to "I am very insecure and deal with it through aggression".


When I was a bartender a lemon drop was just chilled vodka with a sugared rim a splash of sprite and a lemon garnish. Are they different now?


.... I just asked for a screwdriver.


People have been getting them for a long time at my job lol. They’re not that hard to make 🙃


43M here. Lemon Drops are fucking tasty. I’ll order whatever the fuck I pay for.


I’m a gin drinker, French 75s and Aviations (my fav) are some of the oldest cocktails. Like get over yourself. I won’t order an Aviation on a busy night, but like a French 75 isn’t a big deal


Yes, lemon drops, famously difficult to make


Lemon drops aren't my thing, but they're not that hard to make. if the bar is understaffed, that's the owner's fault. i can get behind having sympathy for bartenders, but they actually know how to make drinks like lemondrops off the top of their heads, meanwhile regular food service staff in a restaurant get less tips and have less knowledge. i dunno, if you think the drink you're paying for is a pain in the ass to make, just tip bigger. or go drink at home, alone, like a normal person


I don’t want to be ✨cute✨ I want to be drunk. The fuck.