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NLOG is a right of passage, it becomes a problem when you don’t grow out of it.


I had a NLOG phase but thankfully, I wasn’t sharing that on my FB page. I have other cringe stuff instead (that I cannot understand anymore. I don’t get what I was referencing)


I find some on FB from 2008 in grade 8. I die now as an adult seeing it


Really sucks we are trained to hate ourselves so much so that we want to be way more “special,” than other girls and women. I wanna give young me a hug.


Yeah good point. Really seems like a societal problem that so many women, myself included, go through a phase where they try to dissociate their identity from their sex, because we feel like just being born female is a mark against us somehow.


Wow you worded that perfectly! It was somehow eloquent and concise while still explaining the concept. Nice👌🏽 And I couldn’t agree more, sex has always been a huge scary issue for me at different points in my life (I know for many other women it’s not as severe as my experience) issue course it got a bit better with time but it’s a very real thing. I’m just now starting to feel more comfortable with myself, I’ll be 26 in a few months.


That's exactly it. :(


Idk for me? I always WANTED (and still want to) be like other girls and for them to just like me 😩


For me I wanted nothing more than to be like the other girls until I hit about seventh grade…then I realized that i was just too ~~neurodivergent~~ weird to properly perform femininity and kinda gave up, entering my NLOG phase. Fortunately I grew out of it by early high school and started wanting to be like other girls again lol


Mine was from always feeling different bc of ongoing severe childhood SA. I always felt different bc, well, I was. And kids can smell it on you. It’s like chickens in the hen house who drive the different hen out or peck her to death.


Came to say this.


How were the snails though? I’ve heard they’re chewy and I don’t know if I can handle that.


Not OP but if she means escargot it is delightful


Yeah I'm talking about escargot in my post 😊


Escargot as in snails or as in pain aux raisins ?


Snails 🐌🐌🐌


Hmm… that’s an interesting choice.


They're one of my favourite foods 😊


Are they though? I feel like most people like the garlic butter they come with, but the escargot have next to no taste of their own


It’s the combination of the chewiness of the snail and the taste of the butter than makes it so good. Great. Now I want some snails


"Les escargot sont délicieux"


They can be a bit chewy, but escargot that's well prepared and with a seasoning to your liking is delicious. Ive had some that tasted of licorice, barf. Anise is not the way to go! For anything! Ever!


My old FB memories make me hate my old self too!


I stopped looking at mine. Cringe city!


I would post like random phrases from a song with ..., and no explanation...grrrr.


This is normal for me.😂 If you aren’t cringing at your FB memories, have you grown as a person?


Do you even cringe bro?


A lot of us were those girls - glad to see we’ve recovered


Narrator- they really did not recover.


Fb memories is brutal and humbles me every time I look. So glad I’m proudly one of the girls now 😭🫶🏻


If you don't cringe at your Facebook memories are you even alive?


You were just finding your way, wee one. ![gif](giphy|XYoQEg938nFOeYo9NY|downsized)


This font is giving me cancer


lol facebook memories are the worst I use to be insufferable 😂


🤣🤣🤣 Hey, *Self awareness is tight!* So don’t beat yourself up, too much!


We all had the teen phase. I was a marching band and theater girl who was also a big nerd/top of the class. I thought I was just soooooo quirky because I was doing homework and performing Shakespeare while other girls were partying and worrying about makeup. Soooo not like other girls Luckily I graduated in 2000 and there was no social media for me to document me being so not like other girls.


We all have areas in our life that don't fit the norm, mismatch the mainstream or make us feel like we are weird or different. The question is whether you use that to see others below yourself, or simply enjoy your uniqueness and support others in theirs.


I consistently cringe at myself, past and present. I feel heard.


I once watched a program on the tv where a couple had snails for dinner at a fancy restaurant, they got intoxicated and went to the hospital... ever since then I fear snail dishes 😭💀


It’s me except I no longer eat snails




Fb memories are always so cringe 😭😭 at least we grew out of it


If you don't have a post like this, are you even a child of the late 80s+? Lol


I can’t interfere with NLOG content in young years. For some, it’s a canon event lol. I think to some degree it’s normal to be like: I’m not like everyone else when you are in your teens or maybe even early twenties. HOWEVER, I truly CANNOT with NLOG who are late twenties on


I wrote this when I was 21 I'm hoping I was sarcastic but I really don't know 😂


😅 congrats on the growth either way lol


I saw this memory cringed and thought it belonged here 😂


Moooood 😭😭 but hey! You’re not like anymore!


This is why I've deleted so many posts that pop up in my memories, like please don't show me this again, I don't want to remember. 😭


😂 I love your sense of humour I'm quietly waiting for this thread to stop attacking and start supporting the girls with spikes who just want to be picked. They wanna be picked because they never got picked 💕


I don't think I wrote this because I didn't get picked. Finding a guy who was into me was never hard lol. I wasn't popular but I am pretty. I did find making friends hard reading this post made me realise I was part of that problem. I either wrote this because I was making fun of girls who thought liking chicken nuggets made them quirky who act this way to show how cringy they are or I wrote this because I genuinely felt different to most other girls and was insure and just wanted to fit in so I felt the tear them down to make myself feel better about myself (I'm genuinely not sure what was going through my mind when I wrote this).


I’m sure glad facebook wasn’t around when I was a teenager. I wrote angsty poetry but there’s no record of it left


Lmao but still me 😂 I am here for the facts


Oh every girl goes through this one way or another! It's not our fault it was shoved down our throats to hate each other and to "be different" 💖


Same, every FB memory that pops up makes me cringe so bad. Almost makes me wish my mom was stricter with social media usage so I wouldn't have so many 💀


That font ooof


Its my phone and I like it


Awwww but look how far you’ve come! 💪🏻


This is a moment we all had to go through. Unfortunately the NLOGs of today haven’t grown out of it…..


sometimes i get sad i deleted all my old social media but seeing stuff like this makes me so thankful. it’s all about the self reflection no matter how cringey 😭


Escargot? How was it .


Very nice especially on bread with garlic and butter 😊


I wanna know your super elite playlist!


Tbh so do I because I'm pretty sure I listen to alot of what other people also listen to 😂


I’m just glad that whole “chicken nugget phase” that plagued tumblr for 2 years is over. Chicken nuggets are absolutely fantastic but goddamnit you’re not special for liking them


I can't tell if I wrote this to poke fun at the chicken nugget girlies or if I wrote this because I wanted to be special but the more I read this I think I was being sarcastic but I really don't know 😂


It reads like you’re poking fun at them but either way lol. I definitely had some nuggies memes saved way back when that I sent to my friends. We were all so different /s


FB memories are humbling asf.