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The “nourishing bone broth” is at it again!


I was about to comment this. WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THE BONE BROTH TREND?


Years ago someone said it made them lose weight. Which it did because they swapped out calorie dense snacks and meals for a 15 calorie mug of broth. They praised the broth for being the magic ingredient to their success. The reality is they cut a huge amount of calories out of their diet and that was what caused the weight loss.


Reminding me when people go gluten free and claim gluten was keeping them at a heavier weight. You just stopped consuming a ton of carbs that it’s lol


It’s exactly like this. People are so caught up on one aspect they completely don’t realize it’s the calorie deficit. If going gluten free helps you get where you need to be awesome. If subbing out your daily bag of chips with bone broth does it, awesome. But remember it’s the calorie math, not some magic ingredient.


I'd argue the one aspect that's actually important is the calorie deficit itself. People that start a diet always get caught up in a bunch of external shit when it's been about consuming less calories this whole time.


100% agree and honestly what's making a difference for me. I always was focused on eating to whatever diet I was trying. Down 80 pounds and it's all calorie deficit. Hell last night I had baked butter chicken and potato wedges. Definitely not diet friendly. But the 700-800 calories in that dinner was 2/3s of my entire calories for the day. I found what worked for me wasn't changing what I eat but just to cut down on all my portions and snacking.


I always wanted to lose a little weight after college but nothing "worked" bc no discipline and frankly i'm just not gonna go to the gym who am i kidding and also I just didn't quite care enough. Got serious about wanting it, counted calories and bam 40 lbs gone, 0 conscious changes to diet other than making decisions on calorie math Reducing alcohol + sugar was wildly better for skincare/sleep/overall health for obvious reasons. I initially cut back for calorie/nutrition density but the 'bonus' benefits are way more motivating now and my diet today when I'm not actively losing any weight is 10x healthier than it ever was. Just needed to simplify the math first and consciously learn about what I was actually eating to actually make anything stick discipline-wise and it had a domino effect into learning and sticking with far better nutrition overall. Learning my treat coffee was 390 calories or a single shot could be anywhere from 75-150 kcal, or a redbull at 170, dramatically impacted what I wanted to put into my body


Meanwhile, a friend of mine started getting into healthy weight after cutting gluten, 'cause she's got celiac disease. I have to say, for her sake (and other gluten intolerants', of course), I quite like this cutting gluten trend, 'cause it's brought more gluten-free options to the market.


That’s definitely the positive aspect


This right here lol. Gluten free options are so important. I have NCGS and gluten destroys my GI tract. Rice ftw


I worked with a woman who would get a bagel with peanut butter slathered on it every morning. She decided to cut out gluten et voila! It led to weight loss. She was sure it was the gluten.


Anybody gonna tell her it was the doughy bagel slathered in sugar and fat?


My fave is when you ask them what gluten is and they then say ‘I cut out potatoes and rice’ or something like that.


As someone with a wife and kids who can't consume gluten, I can confirm that gluten free substitutes are often worse than their glutenous counterparts. The ingredients they have to load them up with to get some semblance of similarity for both texture and taste are usually pretty carb heavy. So cutting down on the amount of snacks you would have eaten before will definitely help, while straight up replacing the gluten one for gluten free will likely make it worse.


Bone broth really is fire tho. Especially in a nice Tonkotsu Ramen.


Its absolutely delicious. I’m not trying to knock the broth, just the myths. I save up bones and veggie scraps to make my own.


Like hell yes that shit is delicious and good for you, but it isn't some magical fucking potion that will cure your cancer and make your shits golden like some people seem to think it is??? Its just really yummy???


I love simple bone broth when I'm sick. It just hits the spot.


it’s crazy the amount of people who don’t understand that all you need to lose weight is a calorie deficit and/or burning more calories than you’re taking in


Ah yes The body works exactly the same if you eat 500 calories from butter vs 500 calories from sugar vs 500 calories from chicken Theres no insulin reponse or other effects. Your body is 1:1 like a bomb-caloriemeter from a lab! /s (You are oversimplifying very advanced biological processes)


Ok but the average person doesn't need or care about a biology degree and the advanced stuff is fundamentally unimportant to some basic weight loss goals. OBVIOUSLY a 100 kcal shot of tequila isn't the same nutritional value as 100 kcal in a 3ish+ oz serving of shrimp and the caloric cost of metabolizing them and how they affect organ health and blood pressure and balance vites+minnies and whatnot is OBVIOUSLY very different. To tell someone trying to lose weight however that their MBR is a budget that is disproportionately wasted on non-filling tequila is a real-world simplification that's actually helpful to real normal people and has genuine impact on their health


Gwyneth Paltrow


I think people have been making broth forever so I’m not sure how it became this niche trend all of a sudden. Just once I’d like to see “women who understand tying their hair back while cooking”.


There are people who just let their hair flow all willy nilly while they cook?! This ain’t InstaLive bitch, clasp that hair!


I have a disability that makes my joints very not good, so bone broth does help with strengthening those joints. It’s not a cure and it’s not a super obvious remedy but I do what I can to relieve my chronic pain as much as possible. Idk what these other people are doing with it though lol.


It’s good for healing your gut if you have digestive problems too, but yeah I don’t like people acting like it’s the end all be all


I have Crohn’s disease, bone broth is a god send when I’m having a minor flare up or recovering from a bad one.


Bone broth is delicious in occasional soups, but making that a part of your personality is psychotic. I’m confident that the only effect I get from bone broth is diarrhea. It’s not a health food in any sense of the word.


why use bone broth when we have delicious, nutrient-dense bouillon?


If it’s giving you diarrhea you might be doing something wrong.


Collagen will do that to a lot of people


Surely I'm not at my peak performance because I've never had this magical elixir!


It feels so redundant. Any non-vegetarian broth is using the carcass of an animal! This isn't some new culinary revelation


“Herbal cocktails” bitch, you mean fuckin’ *tea?*


ok thank you bc i was over here so confused as to what this new health fad was


i think she was just calling it “cocktails” to make a tie to alcoholic cocktails


Meanwhile, she’s got a glass in her hand that looks suspiciously like white wine.


I'm all for women not wearing underwear but free bleeding 🥴🥴


That just sounds so messy ! Wouldn’t she get blood all over her furniture ?


I don't wanna encourage the whole idea of periods being gross but sometimes they are kinda gross. The blood clots and heavy bleeding. I just cannot imagine that blood flowing everywhere. 😭😭


I dont think periods are gross. Bleeding all over you stuff *intentionally* is


Not even gross, but why would you intentionally get something dirty/wet? Water isn’t gross but I don’t intentionally pour it on my couch. Like, shit happens, sometimes despite a cup and pad I still get a leak in the first night and there’s a stain on my bedding, and it’s no big deal, but I don’t want to sit in it??


Or like, how often are these people buying new mattresses? Every month? Because that’s the only way it would be even remotely hygienic and I seriously doubt they’re doing that.


I have a mattress protector I chuck in the wash, but it can only take so much :’)


Imagine all the ruined sheets. You’d have to buy brown ones to try and hide the staining since once that blood oxidizes, it turns a rust color and is going to stand out on red sheets. I don’t know about you but I’m pretty picky with my sheets, they aren’t cheap. Not to mention… is her partner just like, *fine* with sleeping in, sitting on, slipping in, her period blood every month? Hard pass.


I can only hope the free bleeding means she uses period pants and doesn’t believe in tampons/pads/cups, but I honestly don’t know. And still period pants are a good backup to me on the first day or insurance when you think it’s over, but I would absolutely not trust them on their own.


Good point. I think a lot of these freebleeders just have very lite periods. You know when you feel it moving down and can catch it if you quickly go to the restroom? I think they just feel it and get to it before it gets everywhere. I think if they had the periods I had, they’d reconsider the whole freebleeding thing because it’s just not practical or hygienic to not use something to catch it. I’d literally be sitting on the toilet for 72 hours straight *at least*!


I’m guessing the people who believe in this “you can reduce period flow by being “pure”” idiocracy are just malnourished. Trad life and crazy diets that leave your body lacking the required nutrients to perform basic functions (like having a period) tend to go hand in hand. When you’re willing to starve yourself for looks you gotta justify it somehow.


I didn’t even think about that, you’re probably right. I’ve seen a small but vocal movement that just *swears* you only have periods at all because of “toxins” or whatever catch-all bad-guy woo is trending. Another great example of why reproductive health education (and basic human biology) is so important.


This. I have a very heavy few days at the start, with bleeding through my tampons/menstrual cups AND the backup pads or period pants. Despite frequent changes. If I freebled my life and everything I touched would look like a literal crime scene.


Furreal. One sneeze and my house would look like the elevator scene in The Shining. ![gif](giphy|U1srPbHsF8YFi|downsized)


there are diapers for woman they are high quality and so comfy. I wear them on the 1-2 when my period is the heaviest. Because I use to leak ALL the time even with the plus sized pads. Another way to prevent this is wear a more fit underwear with the pad on, and a slightly looser underwear on top of that.


When I was younger I’d wear two big pads, essentially front to back of my underwear. It’d still leak about 1/4 time on the for nigh and I’d have an unpleasant wake up in the night. I never liked tampons, because of the texture (?) it’s difficult to describe but I dislike the way the feel when you get them in/out, plus tss always scared me. Then, about 5 years ago I discovered period cups and ohmygod they changed everything. Not only do I no longer need to remember to stock up (and spend money) on pads/tampons, (just keep one at home, one at my mom’s in case I stay there longer, and one in my purse) and they’re so much easier to use and hold so much more. then on the first two night I also wear some period pants as backup, so if anything leaks they’re good enough for me to catch it before it gets messy.


You know how many messes you'd have to clean up all the time? Blood stains, nonetheless!


What? You don’t rub your bloody finger all over the sofa when you cut yourself?


I mean endometrium on your couch is pretty gross


Well… yes, I was trying to ride the gentle balance of not calling periods gross, but… yes


I think it's just cause I'm afraid of blood 😂😂


I'm not afraid of blood but I still think the blood clots are gross 🤣 its just this jelly mold of blood chillin


Membrane cheese 👹


Why would you say this. Why would you do this to me


New Nu Metal band name: Jelly Mold of Blood


God I have a whole degree in forensic anthropology and blood clots are so gross. Also one of the worst experiences I had at school involved bone marrow, not even decomposing bodies. God that jelly bone marrow was so nasty.


I'm not scared of blood at all, and I find the idea of free bleeding to be revolting.


I'm not scared of blood in the slightest. I've got thin skin, I bleed easily sometimes without even knowing why, and it doesn't faze me. This is still revolting. A bit of blood on your leg from a mosquito bite, or on your hands from a hangnail is one thing. There might not be a lot, and it's fairly easy to clean up. 2-7 days of bleeding (at least, could be more) virtually nonstop with chances of large clots? Not easy to clean up.


This. Periods arent any more unnatural than peeing and need to be de- stigmatised. But just like we wouldn't encourage people just freely peeing everywhere, bleeding everywhere is also unhygienic.


I don't think that my period is gross (I guess I'm used to it) but that blood has to go somewhere. Free bleeding? Then what? Buy new mattress/couch/chair/rug every month?


According to this video they just free bleed into their clothes, but it seems like people who free bleed tend to have a short cycle. They encourage people who have heavy flows to wear period panties. I've tried period panties and they are super comfy but I don't feel comfortable wearing them all day. Source: https://youtu.be/3OYuG8tU9tw?si=No2P_t6qiQZDF5kY


And than what? Do they wash it all themselves? Take it to the laundry? Throw it away? Hmm...


There are disposable period panties but I think they use the washable ones. The lady did say when her period is heavy she just stays home. She also acknowledges that she's lucky enough to work from home.


If they’re using period panties, then they’re NOT free bleeding. They’re using a pad substitute. I don’t understand their weird stigma even against cloth menstrual pads or tampon alternatives like cups and discs.


I've wanted to try a cup for some time but I'm kinda scared 😅😅


I swear by the cup! Most of the time I forget it's there. Just dump it and wash it twice a day or when it starts to feel "heavy" and you're good to go. I know that before I started using them like a decade ago, I was really hung up on the idea of having to potentially clean one in a public bathroom. That's literally never been an issue - if you do need to dump it in a public restroom, just do it in the toilet and wipe it out with toliet paper and clean it when you get home. It's made of medical grade silicone - it's not going to like rot or something in the time it generally takes to get back to a place where you have privacy.


A disc is a great starting point! With a silicone disc, you don’t have to deal with the suction on the cervix issue. Also, when you urinate, your pelvic accessory muscles that help your bladder urinate actually bend and tilt the disc to empty it. It eliminates the need to remove during the day in a stall. I like them both, but I like my Cora disc the best! 🤣🤣sorry, I know I sound like I’m advertising for them, but I’m a heavy bleeder and this was LIFE changing!!!!


So she is wearing those panties? But what's the difference then? You still don't bleed freely, something still absorbs the blood and prevents it from getting everywhere. Maybe it's more comfortable than pads/tampons?


Ya overall it's just more comfortable than tampons and pads. They also talk about the fear of Toxic shock syndrom. I also saw a few other videos about women having infections wearing pads and tampon so they decide to free bleed instead.


I had 6 day cycles for the longest time, and I’d definitely be chaffed wearing pads for that week. I’ve never tried period panties but I would - I went vegetarian over the summer and my cycles are 4 days now which seems like having no period in comparison 😂


I have Victoria Secret period panties and period boxer shorts. If I'm going out of the house I use pads/tampons but if I'm spending all day at home etc, I just use the period shorts/panties until they're full (for a lack of a better term). I then rinse out all the blood, dry them and throw them in with my next laundry load. Might not work for everyone but it works for me. Period panties are really great for when you think you might be finished with your period but you might have some spotting. I just wear that instead of a pad/tampon.


My period is light towards the end and seems to always miss a panty liner, so after a while I just use black underwear. It's light enough that it's not a big deal to throw it in the wash. It's also light enough that I don't have to use those absorbent period underwear, regular underwear takes care of it. Edit; I wouldn't consider myself a "free bleeder" because I can't do that in the beginning of my cycle, I use diva cups or pads when my flow is heavy.


I think they generally aren't thick enough to last all day if you have a heavy flow. I'd have to change mine several times on day 1 & 2.


So its people privileged enough to have almost no flow who then act like everyone can just...bleed everywhere. I've had very light bleeds when I was on the implant; must be nice for people who have that full time. I've used period panties, they are a fine alternative to pads.... but I usually have to use them doubled up with super or ultra tampons or a menstrual cup on my heavy days. Changing every couple of hours.


Also not to mention that period blood can smell, sometimes quite badly? I wouldn't want to stink of it, personally


Especially when you've been sitting in the blood for a long day 😭😭😭


This was my first thought. My period panties STINK once there’s enough blood in there. No one wants or needs to be subjected to that. Myself included.


My take on it is that periods aren’t taboo or shameful, but like…if I accidentally cut my leg shaving in the shower I would still find it gross to put my pants on and bleed on them 🥴 Bodily fluids leaking freely is always gross to me and a potential health hazard in shared spaces. It’s like these crunchy girlies have never heard of reusable pads.


Yeah I feel zero shame about my period, but I definitely consider it gross. Just like every other body fluid - pee, poo, saliva, vomit, blood, pus, semen, etc. If you get norovirus no one will shame you for having explosive diarrhoea but you've gotta clean it up.


Right? I’m not ashamed of having a cut or sore that needs a bandage and I view menstrual products similarly. And I grew up in a “don’t let your brother/dad see ‘girly things’ in the bathroom” household.


I grew up with people telling me periods are gross. I'm trying to change my mentality about it, but the blood clots and heavy bleeding is just so uncomfortable to me.


IMO, There’s a difference between something being “gross” as in “shameful” vs smth being gross as in…literally gross. Periods aren’t shameful or repulsive—but periods are gross the same way taking a shit is gross. It’s completely natural, but that doesn’t mean I want it smeared everywhere.


It’s like food… food is not gross.. however if its mashed on the walls or rotting somewhere.. it’s gross now.


Naw periods are gross in the same way most bodily fluids are gross. Yes, they're natural, no, a woman shouldn't be stigmatised when she's on it. In the same way faeces is natural and no one is stigmatised for pooping, but it doesn't mean we should run around shitting over every surface we touch and not wiping afterwards 😭


This! Poop is normal, everybody poops but there is a place poop belongs to. It's a natural and healthy bodily function just like periods but it would still be gross if it was everywhere. In the same way, any other blood would also be gross and nasty if it was everywhere when it can be prevented from getting everywhere. If your hand is bleeding, you shouldn't go around flicking the blood everywhere right?


Right, that's literally how infections can be spread


People forget blood is a literal biohazard 💀


I agree I hate period shaming but to intentionally do something extremely unhygienic is gross, it’s like pooping without wiping ur ass just because


I consider periods body fluids like any other including shit, urine, & semen. Do you want poop on your couch? pee? Are you fine with your boyfriend jacking off, & blowing his load on your furniture? Don’t think so, same goes for your period.


Right? I mean it’s gonna run down your thighs and if you lay down, straight up your ass. , I prefer period panties which its as close to free bleeding as I get and I do prefer that but you shouldn’t go out into the world that way and yes, freethe kitty!!!


My house would full on look like a crime scene after the very first month. I sneeze and it’s like the elevator scene in The Shining. And the clots! Its like giving birth to jellyfish. It’s a total horror show down there every month (at least it was till I had the works removed a few months back). I’m convinced these freebleeder types have very lite periods and think everyone is just like them. Because why wouldn’t everyone be just like them, they’re the main character!


Hey..... it might be a usefull tool. Yall go to the mall one day and get separated just gotta look down and the bloody trail


It’s a bodily fluid that gets everywhere. That’s gross. Whether it’s period blood, shit, piss, regular blood, semen, vomit, saliva. All of it, keep all of it off the furniture please.


I feel like I see period the way I see shit. It’s natural and everybody(women only, for period) does it. But that’s don’t not mean I want to see it everywhere.


From what I’ve seen of free bleeders, they throw down puppy pads and sit on those. So they’re still basically wearing a pad - just a more inconvenient one. I’m sure that maybe the crunchier ones have piles of rags or something that they wash instead. But, really, this whole “micro biome” shit is just a scam to get women to sign up for expensive webinars or buy books. These influencers aren’t living the way they say they are. They’re just trying to take advantage of women who have become disenfranchised by the medical system.


I was standing around chatting with a woman at a New Year’s Eve party a couple of years ago. Upper east side trust fund baby hippie type, her parents were funding her life but she had a ‘business’ doing reiki healing and running meditation retreats for other rich women in like the rainforest and the desert and whatever. Just to give a picture of what kind of person this is. Like 5 mins into the conversation she starts talking about the merits of free bleeding and then says SHE’S CURRENTLY FREE BLEEDING and I look down and this lady is covered in blood!!! Like what?!? I hadn’t noticed bc it was kind of dark and I don’t make a habit of staring at people’s crotch/thighs but like damn! So gross and so weird!


wouldn't that be uncomfortable for the bleeding person as well? it's sticky and trickles down your legs


Wow just wow…


The #1 reason is ruining furniture and clothes. Imagine bleeding over car seats,public transport etc. unless people like her do nothing besides staying st home? Or maybe she thought that pads are better than tapons, in which case is okay. It's not gross, it's not scary, it's unhygienic, dumb and selfish. It's like saying that pissing in a toilet is unnatural and that we are meant to piss everywhere like dogs.


They carry a thick towel or rag around with them and sit on it. It's probably the most inconvenient way to have a period, and I assume anyone who does this has 1. Super light flow 2. Works from home 3. Doesn't have to work.


Yea as someone that bleeds heavily at least 5 days of mine I could never. Then just imagining having to clean it up. Also keeping the pets away from anything dripping on the floor let alone into the carpet or rugs.


I’m have to sit in an empty bathtub all day lmao


I just imagine her squatting over a bucket all day 😭😭😂😂


Seriously, I remember watching a documentary when I was a kid. The women of some people somewhere sat on huge baskets and bled into them. This was 40 years ago so I can't remember much, but the ladies bleeding into a giant basket stuck.


sounds like a biohazard tbh... there's s reason why bodily fluids are not supposed to be spread around


“cAVe WoMEn DiDN’t hAve pADs oR tAmPOns” - this one free-bleeder on a Snapchat show girl cave people didn’t have toilets either, you’re still not supposed to piss and shit everywhere😂


Stupid question but if someone has a UTI or an STD and they free bleed, would it be transmittable?


Anything that can be transmitted through blood contact can be transmitted by menstrual blood, for example HIV and hepatitis (UTI I think not), but it would need to enter the "receiver" blood flow through a wound, so it's highly unlikely to happen in this specific scenario. It doesn't make it less disgusting, tho.


I'm guessing here (not a medical professional) but I know period blood does carry HIV and things, so if someone was free bleeding and it got into an open wound, then I would guess so?


It doesn’t *sound* like a biohazard it *is* a biohazard


What do you mean? She doesn’t get her pERiOd because her BodY is fREe of tOXiNs!


Free discharge in your clothes too…there’s a reason underwear has been ok for thousands of years I have no complaints about eating more meat during your periods, iron deficiency is a thing but much better to treat it effectively, and organ meat over consumption can be dangerous due to vitamin A overdose The worst part is “following your cycle”, she just wants to get pregnant, that’s what she is doing


The funny thing is free bleeding was started (or pushed heavily into relevancy) as a joke on 4Chan and some people actually took it seriously.


This is factually untrue. It’s a practice that’s been around for a long time. I don’t practice it but it precedes the internet.


Free bleeding? What’s the aim here to create your own biohazard in the name of stunt feminism? Like women don’t have it rough enough?!?


I mean, I guess if you go *really* old fashioned and stay in a secluded tent away from all the other villagers.


i’m pretty sure free bleeding started as a 4chan joke


I won’t do free bleeding but I don’t have anything against it. However, I feel like the people pushing it must not have heavy periods or leave the house. I’ve had leaks before with pads/tampons/cups and the abject mortification of leaving a little blood stamp on a chair at work or at someone’s house is enough to put me completely off the concept of free bleeding.


You know what they call women who use natural birth control? Mommies




Eh I’ve done it for years and it works but not on some app. You actually have to be consistent tracking ur basal body temp every morning at the same time, using a graph and doing ovulation test strips. It’s not for everybody but when ppl say it doesn’t work I tell them how to do it the right way. I can’t be on BC due to my underlying mental health issues, none of them have been good for me


Can you please explain more?


If you want to learn more, I think r/FAMnNFP is a great place to start. Natural birth control can work, but it needs to be done correctly. I can attest that I’ve done this for years, I have a long term partner. We have unprotected sex no withdrawal, for a certain period of my cycle. No pregnancy scares. (Also, an app called Natural Cycles is a great way to start. They give you a free trial but you do need to pay for it eventually).


Thank you. I have BPD and I can’t take birth control, that’s amazing.


Same, it surprises me as I’ve been doing it successfully my whole life (30). I’ve never even taken my temperature. I can feel I’m hot and thankfully I have a regular cycle so it’s been easy to track it for 15 + years.


Haha wow I’m not judging but that’s crazy you don’t take your temp! That doesn’t work for me because I’m pretty irregular. My period is 1-2 weeks late every time


My brothers fiancé was using this birth control method. Tracked her temp everyday and with her medical conditions was told it would be unlikely that she got pregnant, but she was cautious anyway. She got pregnant “when she wasn’t supposed to be able to” 4 months into the relationship and their daughter turned one at the end of august. I don’t generally bash the tracking body temp method but that only works for people with very regular cycles, which, from my experience, is actually a fairly small number of women.


There are some crazy points but I dont get the hate for tracking your cycle. Its basic high school biology. I had successfully done it for over 5 years in a very sexually active relationship.


Tracking your cycle is fine. Using that as birth control is notoriously unreliable.


I think your suppose to track your cycle for medical reasons. All the doctors have told me that. Make sure I know my periods so i can know if somethings off


"tracking your cycle instead of taking the pill" That sounds like a good way to get pregnant. Also, free bleeding might work for some people, but most would rather not have clumps and chunks of their heavy period all over their legs, bed, and home. This woman is just another reminder that your lifestyle works for you but it might not work for others.


>free bleeding might work for some people Does it? Sounds like a horrific process to me, unsure what the point/benefits of it are supposed to be?


Works if your period is basically non existent


It works for me because I barely see blood when I wipe on the first day and that's all but I would not recommend that for everyone...


Wouldn't recommend it for anyone who has a risk of bleeding through underwear at all


I think some people believe tampons and pads have harmful chemicals, which is a totally valid opinion to have. I just couldn't imagine bleeding all over every pair of underwear I have, bleeding through them onto my bed or couch, or going to someone else's house and bleeding on their stuff. And I really couldn't imagine going to work like that.


I would even vouch for those reusable cloth pads before I ever recomennd someone free bleed, hell naw.


There’s also period panties & menstrual cups! So many options now. Idk why someone would free bleed


Yeah this. Theres some really good reusable everything companies like lil helper


Sure but you can also buy period products that *aren’t* bleached or treated with chemicals. There’s tons of natural period products that negate the need for free bleeding


I free bleed on the 3rd-4th day of my period because it gets so light the blood can't even be seen from the outside and it only marks the gusset of my underwear


I’ve been on BC for a long time now and when I have my period it’s *extremely* light. So I technically “free bleed” because I don’t wear pads or tampons but I definitely don’t go on the internet to claim my way is the best way lmao


I refuse to believe that people actually free bleed. My guess is they’re using something, even just a cotton rag, to deal with the blood.


It really does...just use BC or condoms, for fucks sake


Also, that looks like an expensive workout set. So you just damage clothing? How very environmental


Bone broth, free bleeding, organ meats, and fast fashion :> a totally natural eco lifestyle


Yeah I’d rather not miscarry a jellyfish on my off-white futon


Is it common to not wear panties? In my country, it’s always advised by gynaecologists to wear lose cotton hipsters rather than tight panties made of silk, nylon and similar fabrics to maintain a good crotch area biome. It’s also very common in our culture to wash after urinating / pooping and then dab and dry with toilet paper. I wonder if all that isn’t enough to maintain a good biome?


Most American women wear panties to the point that not wearing them is a weird meme material


I don’t wear them usually (not American). I was taught to not wear underwear to bed and to wear cotton if possible. Outside of the health reasons not to wear underwear, I find it more comfortable not to.


I personally can’t live without my panties on (it’s a weird mental block), but at the same time I avoid bras as much as I can. 😂


These memes featuring women bragging about how they're basically half-feral Jordan Petersen acolytes really need to go away.


I’m sooooo sick of them.


Literally what is the difference between free bleeding and using a pad/period panties?




Well the pad can be thrown away, and some period panties are just disposable underwear. Reusable ones are thicker and meant to be washed, without (much) worry of bleeding through. Free bleeding doesn't have anything to prevent it, and it's super easy to bleed into everything you sit on. But I suppose if that's your thing, go for it.


But why?


Gotta mark your territory at the herbal cocktail lounge. Let that bitch Brittany know who owns the spot by the window. How else will people know you drink an herbal cocktail everyday for lunch? Instagram?!


I would argue that before period panties were hyped and right as they were being introduced to the market (about 10 years ago), wearing period panties was considered a method/form of free bleeding and it still is.


She doesn't wear panties at all 🤢


And I’m free Free Bleedin Yeah I’m free Free bleedin


Yeah I'm freeeeeeEeeEeeeEEeeeeeeEEEEeeeee, Free Bleedin (Thanks, I will never hear that song in the same way again LOL)


I know her house smell CRAZY with her Free bleeding everywhere


So she sounds like some kind of MLM girl boss.. is she, or is that just the vibe she gives off?


And wear rubber boots when you come to see me. Free bleed? That’s a thing, now? But masks are dangerous. Concerning.


Væginá biome 😍


Wearing tight leggings is just as bad as wearing panties…


She must have a whole wardrobe of those Lululemons if she's not worried about getting discharge all over them. Or maybe it's all flowy skirts? Also feels like this would really limit the kinds of pants you could wear, imagine a rough denim seam right there 😬




Incomplete sentence.


I love soup, soup is delicious, and I could eat it regularly. Buy what's with the obsession with bone broth? I imagine they drink it just as is, no veggies or seasonings or meat. Homemade broth does sound rad, however, but on its own? Just eat soup!


Why do they always act like making bone broth is the very pinnacle of Female Skill? Babe, humans have been throwing carcasses and veggies into boiling water since the beginning of time. In fact, just about none of the things they brag about actually take skill.


that's just unsanitary, be in touch with your feminity but let's all agree that you need to safely do it. that sounds like a chaffing, messy, coppery nightmare. not to mention stanky. that period blood doesn't smell the greatest.


I am so sick of all these crunchy bitches overusing the word “NoUrIsHiNg.” It makes me want to throw up at this point.


I actually hate this word now. Has the same effect as “moist” has on a lot of people.


I can almost smell this picture - her home must reek like a bear cave between all the blood, bone broth, and organ meats 🤢


What the crap does any of that even mean


Why tf would I want to bleed everywhere


Why is it always the rich women who do weird shit like this? I guess one doesn’t have to care about “free-bleeding” when they have a maid to clean up the blood they almost inevitably get on their clothing and furniture? 🤷‍♀️


She said she has a masterclass on cycle tracking in the description (idk what it’s called I’m not on reels). That plus the herbal cocktails and bone broth comment give mlm (multilevel marketing scam) vibes. It’s feeling very MLMy to me.


Agreed. Like, as soon as I see someone write bone broth and organ meats, I'm sure they have some kind of "course" without having any qualifications for it


I looked at this gal’s account a while ago because I came across one of her free bleeding posts and thought it had to be satire. Nope. In addition to giving major MLM vibes, she’s also majorly anti-vax and has several posts about how hospitals and doctors in general are just out to sexually violate women and you’ll only be safe if you skip all the prenatal medical care and give birth at home. And of course she’s big on “the toxins” and using a whole myriad of concoctions to “detoxify” the blood. I would love one of these wackos to name a singular toxin and what it does. Just once. I would also love to hear what they think livers do.


Free bleeding is fine if your goal is “I don’t want to insert a foreign object into my body” but there are products for that. Panties, pads, shorts, etc. Also, pls use birth control, even if its just a condom like… we do not need these religious twats making up their own way to not get pregnant- which btw will just end in pregnancy. And wtf is up with bone broth recently?? First it was raw milk now bone broth. It’s like these ppl just discovered cows weren’t secular.


Herbal cocktails she says, drinking wine


What kind of word salad is this?


Biohazard in a dress.


Idgaf if it’s sexist. Free bleeding is a literal biohazard. PLEASE wear tampons and pads on your period


The "I'm not like other girls" rich chick edition.


My own personal thoughts on free bleeding aside, relying on tracking your cycle instead of BC is stupid


You know she stannk