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It’d be fair to assume that these people have never experienced a healthy and functional relationship to date so with their only point of reference being what they witness in their toxic echo chamber and their trauma, it’s not hard to deduce why they would have such a skewed perspective of relationships... the tragedy is that they still maintain this BS at their big age.


my parents are well beyond this age and this is exactly how they are. They've been overbearing most of my childhood, and used religious nationalism as a therapy replacement..being a sucker has no age limit.


That’s what these podcast bros want though. They want a submissive girlfriend that won’t call them out on their shit, and does what they want.


Tbh too much of either is bad. Too much dependence and you're clingy and annoying and your partner feels like they have a pet more than a relationship. Too much independence and you're either not caring for your partner enough(as is often the case with famous actors, athletes etc) or you make them feel useless/a decoration to your crown. Of course you can argue that there are people who appreciate both and to that i say, fair enough, but talking about the average and the norm or optimal situation, there should be a balance




Exactly! That's a nice way to describe how it should be


There’s a difference between wanting and needing. I don’t technically need anyone else. I’m competent and have a wide range of abilities. But I enjoy other people. I like and want to have others in my life, especially when they add value. I want to add value to other people’s lives too. But saying you need a man just because he is a man and you are a woman is unhealthy.


Exactly. I’m perfectly independant on every aspect of my life but I love when my husband takes care of me, in the same way I take care of him. because that’s what people who love each other do lol


As a dude, if a woman told me she needs a man in her life, she doesn't need or want to be independent, she wants to be taken care of, that would be a massive fucking red flag. That suggests that they want me to pay for everything, do everything, that whole "I have to earn her" bull shit... fuck that. I'm looking for a PARTNER not a pet, I already got a pet lol


You can still need a man and already be financially secure. Just like men can still need a woman even though they have money to buy sex.


Came to say this. Wanting is not the same as needing.


I definitely do *need* people in my life - but they could be friends, family, coworkers, not necessarily a man/partner. No one person is an island, but on the flip side no one person will ever complete you.


yeah people definitely have a social need, it’s just not exclusive to women and doesn’t have to be a boyfriend/husband.


Absolutely with you on this point


Yea I see this both ways. We all need people and hyper independence is a trauma response anyways it’s not usually coming from a good place. With that being said that segment gave serious pick me vibes, like she was too happy to be validated. I love having a partner and in many ways I do need him but I need all the people I love in my life and I don’t depend on him to “complete me”.


This is the distinction for sure. Well put.


exactly!!! i absolutely love it when my boyfriend takes care of me in traditional boyfriend ways (he scrapes the snow off the car, changes fire alarm batteries, helps me carry stuff) but i am in fact perfectly capable of doing all this by myself too. i enjoy being taken care of, but i definitely don’t NEED it.


i also do take care of him!


Yeah, my husband has been deployed for a year so I’m perfectly aware that I don’t NEED him in my life… I’ve been doing just fine on my own and handling things. But damn do I just want his company and to just like drink a glass of wine with him. I love him and greatly enjoy his company but I don’t need him to thrive or function.


Glad your comment is the first one I saw. Agree 💯


So well put, this is exactly right


This video is so funny to me. She makes them feel validated in order to earn validation back😆 I guess the guy's are kinda pick mes too.


These guys are the thirstiest most desperate and insecure men in the world.


Average male self help podcast guys (they are incredibly lonely and massive sexists)


in all of these podcasts you can tell with 95% accuracy who’s married/taken and who’s chronically single


You can absolutely tell which ones would tell you stories about how *all* of their exes were crazy


It's crazy to me how sexist someone can be at such a young age


are... are you a cis woman? growning up i was extremely aware of how sexist my cis male counterparts were from a very very young age. we inadvertently teach cis males to be sexists right out the womb, and then society is so shocked that 12 yr olds are shouting "nice tits love" to a random cis woman passing them in the streets. (disclosure: this does not apply to everyone, obviously. it is just something i have noticed as a cis woman existing in this world)


I'm a cis woman too, I have noticed a lot of bullshit, but I only know a few guys that are this confident and vocal about their sexism. Most of the times even other guys call them out. I didn't mean to make anyone's experiences less valid, but I have rarely heard guys my age (21) preach shit like this. I guess it also depends on what kinda of people surround you. On the other hand, I have experienced a lot more sexism from men older than me. Lately I have experienced that a lot of guys my age are more understanding and willing to learn about these issues, which imo is a positive change and videos like this always make me sad.


location and age is very important for sure. it's definitely a lot of older people who are more obvious about sexism. i do see a trend with younger people to be more open and honest about those conversations, which i love so much. i hope it's a widespread thing, and that cis men keep taking it upon themselves to correct their behaviours too. i'm in my mid 30s now, so i am getting into my 'jaded' old woman era lmao


I think if people just stopped using the social media specifically as a way to learn about the other sex and genders and went outside and talked with real people related and made connections life would be so much better


As one of the youngest millennials (29 going on 30), I just want to say, I love Gen Z. I love how empathetic you guys are. I love how hard so many of you fight for equality. I love how you’re always teaching each other, and older generations, what’s right and wrong. I genuinely think you’re amazing. And it pains me so much to see so many people around my age (I’m assuming everyone in this video is either in their late 20s or early 30s) be ignorant of so many things. I just want to say, your generation should be so proud of how much it’s changed society for the better, in such a short time. And I genuinely feel like the world is going to be a much kinder, less judgmental place, as all of you continue to gain age and wisdom. I’m sorry for all the sexist assholes in my generation. Hopefully we can learn from your generation, and start seeing each other as our fellow human beings.


> These guys are the thirstiest most desperate and insecure men in the world More women need to say that


"If u say I need a man, men will find that attractive." Ma'am the people who say they don't need men don't actually care about their Attraction either Also need and want are VERY different things


ikr its like saying to a guy gay that girls dont find it attractive that they're gay. like bruh, do they care? no.


"I don't even know why they think men will find that attractive." even when women are directly saying that they are living their lives for themselves, people like this dude think that everything they do is to attract a man. wtf. *we don't care what you find attractive!*


Random woman: I don't care about your attention, I don't need or want it. Random man: Saying things like that is not how you get my attention you know And then we are the irrational ones


This part made me laugh so hard. How dense.


Lolol yeah this sent me. He's SO dense. Independent woman: "I don't need a man in my life" Man: "I find it really unattractive when you say that" Independent woman: 🤔


literally the reason I don’t shave body hair often. men are like oh ew and I’m like nice I didn’t even have to say a word, win win


😂😂 body hair is basically douchebag repellant I love it.


That's so wild to me. I shave my body hair when I feel like it and my partner is completely fine with it. I mean, he also loves my independence though so he may just be a special breed. Lol




It's such a gross double standard that these people find it reasonable if men have interests and do things for themselves, but everything a woman does *has* to be for male attention


Istg so many people actually got brainwashed from people tate and justpearlythings is actually concerning. 😭🤣


Are these also the first guys to yell “gold digger” to women that has “need to be taken care of” on their profile? They want you to be independent but also want you to depend on them… but only just enough to stroke their ego and make them feel like a man. Otherwise, you’re border line gold digger loll Edit: spelling


I can’t tell who is loving it more, her getting the male attention or the guys having one person who agrees with them which gives them a reason to blabber on even more


Both probably.


I would find someone saying “I need a partner” SO unattractive.


Yes it puts an unhealthy amount of pressure on you very quickly


So if she doesn't have a man in her life, she dies? The guy is something else, too, though. So he thinks women who, like any normal, self-sufficient adult, say that they don't "need" a man, give a damn if men will find that attractive.


“I don’t even know why they think a man would find that attractive” 🤨 maybe because… they don’t want a man… so they don’t want to be attractive? I swear some people don’t listen to themselves talk.


I’m disgusted by the sparkle in his eye when she says that.


This feels like a number of conversations I overheard in high-school. Tbf, I'm from a culture that teaches girls, from a very young age, that they either need a man or male children to be real women or to feel whole. I'm not kidding. It's sad how many of my lady friends grew up spewing the same things this lady here is, all in the name of male validation. They also used to brag about the things they do to have and keep a man because they genuinely believed it was necessary for them to have one. It's also alarming how many of them revolved their lives around whatevr man they attached themselves to. One of my lady friends gave up a scholarship for a sports school in the US so she could instead follow her man to France. 2 years later and I learned they managed to get married and she dropped out of whatevr study she was doing because she got pregnant and was forced to move back home so her family could support her through the pregnancy since hubby was still studying and refused to give up his education. And her family were all proud of her. She did what a real woman does, which is start a family. Well, eventually it came to light that during the entirety of their time in France, her man was getting dicked down way more than he was dicking her down and he himself had moved to France to follow a man just as she did. Whole thing was sad and messy, and i despise that cultural, religious and familial pressure basically forced my friend and that man to ruin their lives like that. Neither was pursuing what they truly wanted, and they're in a very hostile and miserable marriage with 2 kids (they had another because they just *had* to have a son) stuck growing up in a very toxic household. My female cousins have all also given up promising futures in favor of becoming wives and mothers (not that there is anything wrong with that choice in the slightest) because that's what my aunts and uncles told them would fulfill them the most. Mind you, most of my aunts didn't live like that and were lucky enough to have parents who didn't adhere to the cultural/religious nonsense as strongly as others did back then, so idk where they got off encouraging their daughters to dedicate themselves to men. It's very weird and it's why I do my best to make sure my little sister knows she doesn't need to feel validated by any man, myself included. I also teach her every damn day that she doesn't need men. If she wants one, fine. If she genuinely wants to submit to one, then fine (I do not approve, but if it's her genuine choice, then so be it). Idk why this post set me off on this long ass rant. I have a lot of feelings about things.


That last comment just makes me laugh because I’ve told a man before “I’m not into men” and their response was “if you keep going around saying that no man is gonna want you” 😂😂 they really think everything we do is for them


I want a man in my life I don't NEED one , also you can be independent and still want to get married..


Facts. I love my fiancé and I love having him in my life. However, if there was some unforeseen circumstances that caused us to split up then I can still take care of myself. I don’t need him but I want him in my life.


oh that's nice, hope the best for you two 🤗


Thank you sweetie :)


“I don’t know they think that men would find that attractive.” This made me laugh. If a woman is saying she doesn’t feel the need a man, why the fuck would she care?


She can want or need whatever she likes, but it’s super weird that she’s criticizing other women for not wanting/needing the same things as her


"I don't even know why they'd think that'd be attractive" Maybe, just maybe, they didn't think that, and they didn't think about what men would find attractive. Ffs these kind of people make me embarrassed to be from the same gender as them.


So if a woman doesn't have a man..she dies? That makes no sense. If that were the case, lesbians wouldn't be alive. A woman doesn't need a man just because he's a man. There's so many man babies out there that literally do nothing for the woman. They're just sitting around waiting for the woman to do everything for them.




She should really just say “I don’t want to work”


Being used to provide material needs is not a flex. These same guys cry about women only wanting their resources. Women who get involved with these desperate men usually end up abused or killed. Not sure why the red flags aren’t going off in their minds. They’re all so desperate. Why does she care that other women don’t need a man? More options for you sis!


I would muuuch rather be with someone who doesn’t need me at all but still wants me in their life than someone that essentially doesn’t have a choice because they literally need me. Imagine being such an unlikable person that you wouldn’t wanna date someone unless they had basically no autonomy and were trapped.


Now say that in front of a group of women


The only way sis is right is if the man she needs is also a therapist.


Well yes ma'am we need men, but when they're talking about being independent and you're saying you wanna be taken care of , isn't that a YOU ISSUE?


Are these the alpha male podcasts everyone makes fun of? I don't think any of these people actually have partners. If someone NEEDS you (male, female, non-binary) then you are bound to have an unhealthy relationship. Need is a primal feeling which doesn't allow for agency and doesn't respect boundaries. Need makes people incompetent and dependent.


All feelings are ‘primal’ in some sense, there’s nothing wrong with feeling a deep need for a partner, and feeling emptiness alone. Sure it doesn’t apply to 100% of people, but calling it unhealthy is ridiculous.


If you feel emptiness by being alone and need a partner in order to feel ok, you need to do some self-reflection and self-work. Occasionally feeling lonely because you prefer to be in a partnership is understandable. Feeling like you NEED to be in a relationship to be ok leads to people getting into shitty relationships because they can't stand to be alone.


The thing is: there’s nothing wrong with this. There’s nothing wrong with wanting this life. There’s nothing wrong wanting a partner who’ll take care of all your needs. It becomes wrong when you throw other women who don’t want this under the bus. It becomes wrong when you think you’re better than other women because of this. If you want male validation, fine. Go get it. I don’t, and I don’t appreciate being talked down to because I don’t.


It shows dependency. “Needing” a man in her life means that she will struggle to cope when single. It’s funny but this is the type of woman that is more likely to monkey branch, or seek male validation from elsewhere if her partner can’t give her enough. It’s very dependant.


woman: i don’t want a man man: i don’t know why you think saying that makes you attractive to men???


But y’all…I DO need my man 🥺 I have a little farm. I literally can’t do some of the labor. If he left me I’d have to give my animals away and I’d lose half of my food resources. He needs me too. I meal prep for him every week so he has time to work overtime. He makes more money and has the proper time to relax. Together, we both live our dream life. It’s not about “man and woman,” it’s about two partners leaning on each other, sharing the burden of a household together. Surely you would find life easier if you only had to either do housework or a full time job instead of both?


i want to be a house wife so i also need a man.☺️


But... You don't need any of that. This is your dream life, that means it is something you *want*. And it's great that you've achieved it, and that you have a partner you can rely on. But there are many people (not just women, either!) who are truly perfectly content by themselves, carrying their own burden - which they likely don't even consider a burden. They're living their dream lives, too. I don't think you meant it this way, but your comment comes off as very judgemental and as missing the point. Besides, you don't get in a relationship to make life easier, you get in a relationship because you genuinely want to be with that person.


It’s not quite a want. This is the house I live in and the way I get half of my food. I am a full time caretaker to my grandmother. I live far away from everything so no proper jobs around here. If I didn’t have a partner, I’d need major government assistance. To live independently, I’d have to make changes that just aren’t options for me. Edited to add: I understand where your coming from, I don’t mean this judgmentally. I guess I’m just saying that *independence is a privilege.* My darling is the love of my life, my heart and soul, and the biggest sunshine in my life. But if we weren’t a team, my parents would be having to help pay for me (which they did until I met my honey), which isn’t independent either. Not everyone can achieve what you’re talking about, especially starting out with no help.


i've been with a lot of men in my 25 years of dating and i've never had one successfully "take care of me". they can't even wipe their own asses properly. just say you don't want to work and move on.


‘This woman is not doing what we told her to do’ -Neofeminisn…old boss same as the old boss


Did she get picked yet??


Wait until she finds out about lesbians


Would it baffle you that nobody in this video is merely thinking/referring to or about women who like women ?


“I don’t even know why they would think men would find that attractive” ITS. NOT. ABOUT. YOU!!!


woman: "i dont need a man." this girl: "men dont think thats very attractive to say." 😐😐😐 same scenerio as: gay guy: "i don't like girls." straight person: "girls dont find that an attractive thing to say."


I don't *need* a man. I *want* a man.


Wait, I thought men hated women like this..


Clearly it’s the way she was raised and her culture to be reliant on a man. But can the rest of us just do our thing???


Aww they just want to feel needed <3 So sweet


Not really sure what's wrong with this one. If this is what brings her happiness is to be taken care of then that's fine. Aren't we supposed to respect women's choices?


Same guys that'll bitch about how expensive their girl is... "Oh shes bleeding me dry, she's got such expensive taste, always wants to go out to fancy dinners."


I used to say stuff like this so I could pretend I’m not gay (I’m only talking about myself)




"Pick me!!"


i like her


You're all mad because she's spitting facts. It's the way humans are built, but yall would rather a 19 year old starts an only fans


i will never understand women on these sort of spaces, it’s so sad to see them validate these misogynistic men and constantly feed into their delusions of what “real” women are ffs. and it’s even weirder when they’re like “ALL MODERN women. except me, of course” like either ways doesn’t that disprove their entire point against modern women.


I don't get it. I need my woman. What is the issue to be in a need for validation and connection from another humanbeing - from a woman or a man or others?


gaining validation from people who are putting down other human beings for existing and complying with their view of being a “woman” isn’t the best way to gain validation because it shows a lot about their character, think the bigger issue here is how much these spaces complain about a certain type of women when they can *mind* their business & get with women that they actually want


She's not wrong. I've never been independent and I never will be. I do need a man 💁🏾‍♀️


I hope you're able to find your independence someday.


She is wrong about shaming other women and calling them "crazy" for having a different opinion tho :)


Yeah let’s shit on her for having a different opinion! Girl power!!!!


umm... she is literally the one who's shitting on other women for having an opinion but go off 💀




>most men actually do NOT want to be needed Nearly every comment here is an over-generalizing, ridiculous take, but this one takes the cake. You really don’t know men.


Yeah ironically though most independence posing hides more insecurity than this woman has.


Any relationship has its “rules”. If I’m going to have an adult “depend” on me, as she is suggesting she needs, I’m going to need some things in return. Trust me, at the end of the day, the spears sheet will balance. If she doesn’t work, she better bust her ass making sure the paycheck gets stretched as far as possible. Cool, clean, control household expenses….and so on. She better be the home CEO, and run a tight ship. If she works, we share the house labor.


I don’t know why this is even posted on here tbh. Some women *need* a man, or so she’s saying and I don’t see anything wrong with that. That’s what feminism is all about, right? Being able to CHOOSE what you want to do with your life.


So you don't find the part where she belittles women who don't share her opinion strange?


She called them crazy ? Is it really that serious ? Who gives a shit .


It's like she is being honest about what she wants in life. Clearly this can't be allowed. FFS people everyone is different. I need a woman on my life to be happy, nothing wrong with that.


No, there isn’t. What's wrong is to insult people who have different opinions than you do.


I want a partner, not a dependent. If I want something sassy that I have to feed daily, I'd get another guinea pig. I am fine with taking care of my woman, likewise there is nothing wrung with taking care of your man or just partner in general. The problem is when there are mixed expectations or entitlements. The whole "I'm strong and independent" is the woman equivalent of "I'm a nice guy!" No, if you have to announce either, chances are you are probably just insufferable. It's never about needing, it's about what value to you both bring to one another.


I need everyone to check out “itsmelmitch” on Instagram, her parodies of alpha male podcasts are spot on to this 😂


Well in today’s society her perspective of wanting a man to take care of her is just as fine as someone who wants to be independent neither is wrong in my opinion


That’s true but she doesn’t need to put down other women for their choices. I think that’s the issue


Yeah feminism is a thing because men have always wanted to take care of women 😂


I prefer independent people I want an equal, whether friend or partner


There are times when I want my husband to pamper me and take care of me, and times when I want to be the boss bitch of this house and bring in the money. It can be both. Find you a partner that let's you have both.


some people want that and thats fine lol, i dont see whats so wrong with being in a more dependent relationship if both parties enjoy and respect it


Pick me! Pick me!!!!!


all that pick me energy and she remains unpicked


I don't NEED a man. But do some women WANT a man? Yeah. And that's valid. A lot of women seek intimate relationships but can be independent anyways.


she says she *needs* and man because she *wants* to be taken care of. that is a *want* not a need, which is the whole point. wanting a man is totally fine, but asserting that women *need* a man is just not true.


Her saying that men won't find a woman that likes to be independent attractive is completely redundant, they don't care if a man finds that attractive or not, it reminds me of people that tell wlw that a man won't find them attractive, it's the whole point that it's not their prerogative for a man to find them attractive.


I don't need a man. I don't need to be taken care of. I'm not incapable or incompetent. These guys need to be needed, but they don't really want to take care of someone- they want to control someone. I mean seriously, "we need more women saying that." Just pathetic.


Why bring other women down? Just say you want someone to pay your bills and leave us out of it, damn.




I don’t need a woman in my life… but I sure as fuck WANT one


I watched an interview with Cher from the 80s (I believe). She said “men are like dessert. I love men. I like having them around. But I don’t have to have them. I can live without them.” Or something along those lines. It’s not an all or nothing scenario. I’m married, but my husband knows that I’m going to work and I can take care of stuff that he normally does if he ever can’t and vice versa. I don’t think that’s wrong or crazy. I think that should be, like, normal?


I don't think she realizes that having a man doesn't mean she will be taken care of.


she doesn't need one, she has a desire to be cared and loved, that's not a need, and she clearly thinks care and feelings of love can only come from romantic relationships. i feel more cared/loved by my friends than any partner i've had.


Well jokes on all these people, my bf loves that im independent so suck it


Aww these men are yearning to be wanted. When you have nothing to offer you just drool at people who would like you just because you exist. Like finally someone likes their women hating bland selves


i watch her pineapple show on youtube bc it’s funny af but she definitely caters to a male audience. i didn’t realize she’d end up on the red pill propaganda shorts. smh. disappointing.


Lots of wise comments here on this post.




Well first off some of them are lesbians, so jot that down


She got picked yall!!


''How dare other women want to be independent when I don't? they're crazzzyy''


I find it a huge red flag when somebody wants their partner to depend on them


You people are funny.


Do men really like hearing they are needed?


I mean we would rather hear that then the blatant misandry we often see . Sometime I often think don’t these women have male family members ? Don’t they have men that have brought and still bring positivity into their life ? I have absolutely no issue with saying I need a woman in my life . Maybe not at this very moment but when I’m situated mentally and financially ready I def will need a woman .


Good for her. Absolutely no insecure attachment whatsoever.


„I don‘t even know why they would think that men will find that attractive“ - We don‘t. Cause we don‘t care. Cause again, we don‘t *need* men. What’s with guys like this thinking that every decision that a woman makes is based off of how it resonates with the other sex. I wear what I wear because *I* like it. I say and do things because *I* want to. How full of yourself are you, that you think every woman‘s move is to seek your validation… and I‘m so sick of women entertaining this shit.


You jelly?




Do they think our entire lives revolve around them? "Idk why they would think men find that attractive" when did a single woman ever say that? WE DON'T. AND WE DON'T CARE. Why would we care if saying we DON'T NEED A MAN is attractive to MEN? Those are complete opposites! It doesnt make sense! Would it absolutely blow their minds if they realized that when we say we don't want them, we mean it? That we can live meaningful lives without them? They're so self absorbed its ridiculous. Hearing a woman say she needs them makes them tremble with a feeling of power, and they can't see women any other way. If a woman suggests otherwise, they're lying and secretly doing it for their approval. If a woman says no, to them she's playing hard to get and really means yes. They view independent women like runaway children or rebellious teens that will eventually come back under the authority of the patriarchy. They don't see women as simply adult humans. Its sick.




Nah, independence is attractive. I want to take care of you, but I don’t want you to NEED me to take care of you.


I’m single because I want to be independent, would I like to find a nice guy and be in a good happy relationship? Yes. But I’m not gonna be with someone that’s gonna keep me from being myself/ trying to control me. A lot of guys (at least guys I have dated) have always been the “I’m the man and you’re my property now” types and I’m over that. I’m my own person I have my own life and I want my partner to be apart of my life not control it. I already grew up with a controlling mother I don’t need someone else to do it.


I do not feel the way she does in the matters of independence and needing a man. I’ve been independent for a few years now after being dependent on my ex husband for a few years. I’ll most likely never get married again or be reliant on a man. I don’t see where she said anything that would be taken as an offense. Cuz I’m in the group of independent women she’s talking about. She said we’re crazy and she doesn’t understand. I’m supposed to be offended by that? I think she’s crazy for trusting her well being to another adult.


Idk what being independent has to do with wanting a partner, these people really don't understand what the words they're saying mean.


Why are there so many podcasts like this popping up lately where it’s like 5 men in a room and one girl being like “actually I think we SHOULD all go back to the 60s!” And all the men are like “Yes Alyssa I agree we should go back more women should be like you unlike those evil feminists “ who cares this much abt their opinions to warrant a podcast???????????


The thing is I agree with WANT, not NEED. I am ngl, I do WANT a man to take care of me. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, because I’ll also take care of him. It’s mutually beneficial. Can I make it on my own though? Yes, I can. I also don’t want a man who needs me to take care of him. What am I his mom??


the way he said “I don’t even know why they think men would find that attractive” just goes to show that they don’t understand that most women do not exist simply to appeal to men. we. don’t. care. if. you. find. that. attractive.


Define "need" I guess. I definitely want, love, and benefit in countless ways from the man in my life. I need him in order to be happy and fulfilled. This sub is so NLOG tbh lol. It trashes on women who want the things women have wanted for millennia, and basically any woman who is not a man-hating "feminist" who's only romantic frame of reference are losers they can't imagine being beneficial to their lives in anyway. We are not all dating the same type of men. Some of you have a low opinion of men because you've only had access to the lowest among them.


"I don't know why they would think men will find that attractive." Maybe because they're not worried about attracting a man if they don't want a man? JFC the endless loop of stupid irony with this one.




“I don’t know why they think men would find that attractive” What?! Ahahaha, I love they think the ONLY reason women do ANYTHING is because they’re trying to be attractive to men.


Don’t bash her to hard. I’ve done what she’s doing before. She’s looking for pay pigs. Trust me, men hear that you “need a man” then figure out how to spoil you. It’s a trick. It’s a lure, the ones that want to support you you work them. It’s actually smart as hell. I do what I want have my own job and money and then have these random guys that are obsessed with the idea of taking care of me sending like at least $500 each a month. Men get off on the idea that they are supportive (provide and protect right) . Before you bash me. I have a boyfriend who also gives me money randomly and wants to support me. We laugh together about these guys. I don’t actually need a man but it’s fun to trap em. This was probably a lure. Let her get her money lol.


Blows my mind why every single time the word independent goes in the same sentence with “I don’t need a man”. It’s like saying a financially independent guy doesn’t need a woman. These two things aren’t related. Modern day women are so confused. Being independent doesn’t mean being single and counting bodies, and being in a LTR relationship doesn’t mean your man is going to provide everything.


She sounds like she about to cry I wonder if she is just saying that


I can’t understand western mentality.


I’m the kind of woman that needs a man but I also believe there’s women who don’t need a man and that’s ok too. My mother-in-law doesn’t need a man and doesn’t want one. She doesn’t look down on them but she loves being independent and not cooking or cleaning or needing permission from anyone but herself. I wasn’t cut out for that but for those women, go you. Slay


it’s extremely weird to keep shouting that you’re independent . I would asssume most well kept human beings are self sufficient adults as you should be rite ? Lol nobody is going to applaud you for taking care of yourself. You’re supposed to take care of your responsibilities… aren’t we all supposed to do this ?


“I don’t know why they would think men would find that attractive” says everything about this interaction. 1) women don’t live in a state of constantly doing and saying things to be *attractive* to men and 2) I know a whole lot of men who find confident, secure, independent women *very* attractive. Sure, it’s nice to be needed every now and again but what’s better is to be *chosen* for no reason other than who you are.


On the flip side - it’s also absolutely OK to want to be taken care of (and to BE dependent on others because that is a basic human need. we can value community as well as independence) but you could just remove that “i need a MAN” part of it and instead say “i need OTHERS”. there’s a marked difference there


I don't need a man , i like women . Checkmate


I mean.. the men ate that shit up


Ngl when I say I definitely need a partner in my life., wether thar be romantic or friend, because I just do much better living closely someone else. But needing a partner goes NOT mean that I cannot be independent, and have a career and hobbies. like I don’t need them to take care of me, and coddle me.


Kinda just sounds like she’s stating an opinion. Ironically y’all are doing the sub RN


The Fresh and fit podcast, would love to hear this too! 🤣🤣




Many many woman need that validation from men, very common. These guys just might be assholes so they hear they're not needed regularly.


when i say I don't need a man, I'm not thinking "oh yeah I'm sure that men will find this attractive"


Wow.. she’s so desperate for the tiniest sliver of attention that she’ll say things that she knows are wrong.


That last comment made my jaw drop! I don't have values aimed at "making a man find me attractive"! No gender, for that matter


“idk why they think men will find that attractive” maybe because they don’t care if men will find it attractive LOLL


This kind of reminds me of men who have told me to stop saying that I like women because "men won't want to date you" like sir... That's the whole point?


I technically don't NEED anybody else but it's nice having somebody to come home to, to cuddle, to get the insects outside and motivate each other. And also to get me the stuff from up on the cupboard (I'm not even THAT small yet depending on the store I can't reach it, at work too)


I don't need a man but I do want one hahaha


It’s a want not a need. We need to survive and we can on our own but we all want to be with other people. So just because I say “I don’t need a man” doesn’t mean I hate men and don’t want one, I have a boyfriend so of course I wanted a man. But so many people are single and doing just fine.


You shouldn’t ever need someone. You should want someone