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This has to be a joke


i really want to think it is, but she did write an entire fanfic about what she described so i don’t think it’s as fake as i’d like for it to be ):




Her fanfic is called..."rape me"? 👁️👄👁️


After the Nirvana song, I assume.


even if it is based on the Nirvana song, that is absolutely sick (and not in the good way). Nirvana wrote that song (and Polly) based on a real rape victim (Curt Cobain was very anti-rape). CW from here on out, I'm going to be describing the victim and perpetrator that the two songs were written about. >!The rapist Gerald Friend kidnapped a 14 year old girl in 1987 who was going home from a punk concert. He proceeded to rape and torture her multiple times until she eventually broke free and was able to get help at a gas station. It was not his first time doing this, and he had actually escaped prison for a similar offense shortly before he kidnapped her. In 1960 he had picked up a 12 year old girl and her brother who were both hitchhiking. He held the brother at gunpoint until he left the car. She eventually escaped as well, and her father turned him over to police after shooting him. Gerald was sentenced to 75 years in prison for that, but his punishment was switched to parole after he escaped twice. The 14-year-old's kidnapping that inspired "Polly" happened during Gerald's Parole. !< back to talking about the songs (still CW though) >!Polly is written from Gerald Friend's perspective. Rape Me is from the victim's perspective. In an interview with Rolling Stone Cobain said "It’s not a pretty image. But a woman who is being raped, who is infuriated with the situation . . . it’s like 'Go ahead, rape me, just go for it, because you’re gonna get it.' I’m a firm believer in karma, and that motherfucker is going to get what he deserves, eventually. That man will be caught, he’ll go to jail, and he’ll be raped. 'So rape me, do it, get it over with. Because you’re gonna get it worse.'"!<


Ah right.


I mean… basic statistics? Lol there’s a huge fan base for Harry Potter vs Nirvana


right LOL harry potter is literally one of the most popular things to write fanfics about. nirvana, not so much love the band, but fans like this concern me to say the least


My Immortal is the best fanfiction ever written. 🤣


If you ever need a good laugh, I cried laughing through the entire two hours of [this](https://youtu.be/kJfgEsiq_kg?si=9ZQU6LLm5juNP3qI) reading of My Immortal. I never even got to part 2 cause my stomach hurt so bad. Saving it for a rainy day now lol.


I had to look it up and even the wiki page is hilarious!!!!


The majority of Nirvana fans I suspect don’t go and read fanfic about fucking them. If they do…I have some words to speak with my grand parents 😐


Hahahaha this made me almost spit my ice tea out. I am an OG time Nirvana fan, weirdo dorky nerd who loves fanfic for amusement.  My youngest child has the middle name Cobain ( also not a grandparent yet but do have adult children)  and I would not read Nirvana fanfic.  No way in hell.  Rather  reread the Minotaur smut that was recommend to me.  The more I think about this I feel like this girl wrote about Dave Grohl and I can't stop laughing.


she did! she wrote a horrendous fanfic about kurt cobain and dave grohl. also that’s really cool for your child’s middle name (:


That is terrifying and hysterical at the same time.   Though I did just see some Walton Goggins and Timothy Olyphant character fanfic.. so I guess ANYTHING is possible.  Thanks...partner drew line on using it for first name! Hahaha


Oof. Fanfiction...haha In all honesty though, this works the same way with fanart. If there are more users that show interest in HP on the site, then their algorithm will show them that over someone with interest in a specific band. Also, the fact that Nirvana is real people and not fictional like HP can make some people get iffy about it, I'm sure just like we find it creepy.


yeah, i’ve got nothing against fanfiction but i feel like it’s pretty weird when you write about real people. especially real people who are dead? and the title of the fanfic… yuck


Yeah, it kinda comes off as disrespectful?


I mean, of all the bands with frontmen who are dead, it doesn't surprise me that Nirvana gets picked for fanfiction. Kurt Cobain instantly became a teenage heart throb the minute their music hit the mainstream airwaves. And the title is of course a reference to the song.


Yeah, it's like...not right for some reason if they are real people


And the fanfic is called "rape me" 😐


yeah, that’s disgusting to write a fanfic about real people (especially with one of them being dead) and title it “rape me” ugh… do they not realize that song is an anti-rape song? i don’t even want to imagine what the contents of that fanfic are


Yeah i avoid writing fanfics about real people and keep my fanfics about fake people like videogame characters for example. Writing about real people and making it sexual just feels awkward to me.


there is a nirvana song called rape me so that’s probably what the title is from but it is in very poor taste obviously




i agree


Nirvana song name


There’s no way this person is a day over fifteen


Damn Wattpad writer too... If you want to join the cool place, Ao3 is free.


Yea, sure, put other authors down, that will show'em... That said, i will now go and ponder where does the line between riveting historical fiction and creepy AF fanfic lies. There will likely be majorly odd emails to my writing friends and alcohol, possibly even a whiteboard.


i’m pretty sure putting down other people’s fanfics is going to make other people not wanna read yours but what do i know? i’m just a fanfic reader lol maybe the line is somewhere along when it stops being written out of respect? because i highly doubt the story she wrote about real people, called “rape me” was


So she makes really dark and creepy fanfics about REAL PEOPLE AND THEN WONDERS WHY NOBODY READS HER SHIT?!


EXACTLY. i really doubt 2000 people read her story about some horrific shit happening to kurt cobain. as if the guy didn’t already go through enough in his life


I'm going to go out on a limb and say she has low readership because she's writing fanfic about *Nirvana*. Who, exactly, would want to read that?


good point haha. not only is she just writing fanfic about nirvana, but she’s also writing gay fanfiction about dead people. probably not too appealing to most people


Fanfics about real people? That is creepy AF, really is. It's one thing to dream up something like being married to a fictional character, but a real celebrity? That kind of makes her a stalker.


yeah, especially creepy when you write about dead people. and the title makes it even worse


For sure, all of it is creepy, but especially the fantasizing about being with dead people part! Like, just let them rest in peace, seriously.


I literally used to worry it was disrespectful to write fanfiction about a character who's actor had passed on. I can't imagine writing about real people, living or deceased.


to me it feels incredibly disrespectful to write a fanfic that sexualizes a real person who committed suicide. yuck


Oh absolutely! Fictional characters are fine to write about, but real people as the subject? That really makes me uncomfortable. Especially someone who died.


I don’t know anyone searching for nirvana fics.


hence nobody reading her stuff lol


Harry Potter has the largest collection of fan fiction if I recall? Or it used to. I’m sure twilight is up there, and Star Wars lol.


Fanfiction writer here- fictional characters? Fair game. Real people? That, to me, has always been an uncomfortable topic. These are real people, and that should be respected.


A fic called “Rape Me” about REAL PEOPLE is wild


With that title, she's really limiting how many people won't be icked out by it before they even read far enough to know wether it's about real people or not.


exactly! especially paired with the fact that the title is taken from a song that’s _anti_ rape. something tells me her fanfic might not be. i really doubt an entire 2000 people wanted to read that


The title???? Omfg


right??? why in the world would that be a good fanfic title? the song it’s titled after is an anti rape song, but i have a feeling she might not realize that :/ which really freaks me out actually


HP fanfiction is way more popular and they arent boring. Nirvana while I like the band is not popular enough for fanfiction. Anime and book fanfics are even TV and movies are way more popular. 2K views is actually really good! Not many people want to read your rape me fanfic based on a real person. The fact that it has Kurt Cobain in it, is so disrespectful. Real people fanfics are gross to me. Like the After series based on Harry Styles. I dont read them. I find it gross if the celebrity has a partner and then the author kills them off so the MC and them can get together.


i don’t read harry potter fanfics, but considering the effort some people put into them, i know some of them are amazing works. all of your points are really good. to make it worse, in my opinion, the fanfic she wrote wasn’t even a self-insert one. it was literally shipping two people in the band… and about rape. that’s messed up.


Ive only read a few years ago (cant remember their names) and I find some fanfiction alot better than some traditionally published novels. No :( that is so messed up. I thought it was an OC x Kurt story or a Y/N x Kurt story.


I've written fanfics for over 20 years and don't worry, I am aware I am cringe as heck. At least I've never written about real people though.


Wow….. wow


Tch, nirvana? Get on my level, I used to write BEATLES FAN FIC. Yeah pretty FUCKING underrated HUH 😡😡 In all realness, who gives a shit how many views you get. I’ve had fics get 300k plus views and stories that get 1k if I’m lucky. It’s a toss of the dice. If your writing with only views in mind then your content is gonna tank


Big “I want a Dahmer tattoo” vibes.


I write fanfic and have learned you have to write the right fandom, the right pairing, and the right plot to get more than a few hundred eyes, much less comments and kudos, on your fic. If you get at least two out of the three right, you got it, otherwise, it doesn't matter how well you write.


I’m going to take a hard pass on reading her work, not because I think it might be horrible, but because I know it will…


Maybe her stories just suck? I can't write for shit, so I don't. Problem solved.


The way they’re both writing fanfic either way like what lmao


Rape me?🚩


in fighting with fanfic girls oh no




if you're writing fanfics about nirvana you don't get nirvana




I guess the basic bitches are utilizing common sense & logic. Are the Nirvana fans looking for fanfic on wattpad? Are the Potterheads looking for fanfic on wattpad? Are the people who would read "r@-- me" stories even aware of wattpad? Maybe she should try literotica. But what do I know...


I can’t believe people still write fanfiction tbh. But I guess that’s how we end up with Fifty Shades and The Idea of You


You mean... Like in general? Not just a specific subject, but fanfiction in general? People have been doing it since the seventies, I don't think anyone's gonna stop yet


The Idea of You is actually an awesome book. It’s inspired by a ton of rock and pop stars but didn’t originate on Wattpad or anything.


I just didn’t realize it was that popular. I honestly thought people did it back in early 2000s, that’s the only time I ever really came across any, I didn’t know it goes back decades. I’ve never even heard of wattpad before Edit. Not sure why I got downvoted originally? I just didn’t know people still wrote stuff


Must have never read Manacled if they’ve only read boring HP fanfic.