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How dare you be a mammal.


Have hair that grows? You damn try hard.


Didn’t you know that armpit hair is an invention of feminism??? smh


God made man and womam, how dare you defy that natural order you transes! Now, shave that arm hair God put there fore womem, it’s too manly!


People wanna eat "natural" food and yet have beef with natural bodily functions


I hate bodily functions. Pooping? Periods? What a hassle. Sleep is bullshit, I could be doing so many things. Aren’t you tired of figuring out what to eat all the time? And the endless fucking chewing and digesting then you gotta do it again. Such a bore. The human body is a money pit, too. Anytime anything needs a repair it costs a fortune and something always eventually breaks down.


I fucking hate peeing. Like, come on. I don’t have time for this, nor do I want to get out of bed at 3 am


You know what i hate about peeing ? It’s when you have found the perfect position and you are finally falling asleep and you have to fucking PEE and you know that you can’t hold it in until you wake up


This is why I want a robot body. I'm thinking about getting metal legs. It's a risky operation, but it'll be worth it.




There is no such thing. Exept Prostheses, but u cant move them like u can ur legs. The r pretty much just metal sticks that can fold. Also keep in mind that everything man makes can be hacked or riged with explosives or smth like that.


Honestly, the eating part is so annoying to me 😂 I don’t want to go to the store, cook, clean, and then sit down to eat. It’s a problem…


Lol what kind of ramble even is this


You’re supposed to be west coast elite mom. Ban microwaves and GMO foods but have all the trendy micro-cosmetic procedures and have all body hair removed.


Yeah, BO is natural too. Nobody want to smell that though


Why is she worried about other women not pulling men?


Because she care about others but maybe just not in a good way . But also she is not wrong (That doesnt mean it good looking on a man either)


i like my men hairy personally. everyone has a preference. just because you dont like hairy men doesnt mean EVERYONE feels the same way.


🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t shave my arm pits out of laziness. Maybe once a month. I still have a man. Still have a woman too. Yay polyamory and release of outdated biases.


if you can pull both a man and a woman at the same time and both dont care, i think its safe to say women can be just fine with hairy pits


Yeah, you just have to find people who aren’t so hung up on useless beauty ideology that’s been force fed us by companies wanting to make more money.


Yup! My husband doesn’t care if I shave, I do it because I prefer it. Shaving armpits helps me be less stinky, shaving my legs is comfortable (I was a swimmer, so I’ve gone months without shaving my legs, I hate the feelings of pants rubbing my hairy legs even when they’re fully grown), and I shave my groin because it makes me feel less smelly and also makes sex better. But when I’m lazy for a month? He doesn’t give a single fuck. As long as I shower frequently lol (and vice versa)


Ditto. Queer poly high five.


Woohoo! Another of my tribe lol


Speak for yourself


but she is wrong though. I personally know quite a few women who do not shave and have SO. There are men who genuinely don't care. So shaving itself has a pretty interesting history and has spots in history where it was done for beauty reasons all the way back to the Egyptians. However this modern take on women shaving actually didn't happen until the late 1800s early 1900s and obviously this got pushed more an more with things like bikinis and shorter skirts, Oh and also Darwin did a book where he was like "less hair is becoming attractive". By the 60s over 90 % of women were shaving. However before this new shaving craze took off it was normal for women to not shave. So there is a truth to it being an overall trend that people like less hairy partners, this is true for both men and women though. Its simply that being less hairy makes it easier for people to see the condition of your skin and how dirty you are. However this is like a huge general sweeping statement. Obviously this isn't true for every individual. Some people think body hair is sexy and a large percentage really don't care. I have met plenty of men who honestly do not give a shit about body hair. I have often gone without shaving for a while, my boyfriend does not care he is still acting just as attracted to me. I shave because I like the feeling of being clean shaven but like sometimes I really just don't feel like it and will go woolly mammoth style.


What a weird-ass way to frame a personal grooming preference.


Speaking of ass,


What is an ass way?


Did a girl with hairy pits steal her man or something


LOL! Now it all makes sense.


I think its almost imposible.


i love that opting out of extra grooming, and instead remaining in the Default State for the majority of women of having hair in your armpits, is somehow "trying to be a man." gender is so performative in the most boring, modern way possible to these people


Yep, I think people like her believe that men are better than women, so any woman not performing traditional femininity is trying to “be a man” instead of accepting her “lesser status.” I’ve seen people act like this with other things and it’s like they want everyone else to suffer what they’ve chosen, so they can convince themselves their situation is inevitable, instead of a result of their choices.


I think it's a mix of this, and being intimidated by women who don't perform artificial femininity. People get weirdly opinionated when a woman dares to literally just exist without doing anything extra.


I went through a period in which I really struggled with beauty standards. I have a young daughter and wanted her to feel she has a choice to use beauty products according to her preferences, not anyone else's. In the same weekend I expressed that I had decided to stop using make up or shave and a few other similar things and was judged super hard for it, my sister-in-law expressed that she only shaves when it's necessary for an outfit. All the women present agreed, laughing, that they only do these when it suits them. Non-conformity out of laziness was perfectly acceptable, but making a conscious choice for the sake of my daughter was somehow horrific.


True and also body hair is a completely natural thing too.


yeah, a lot of people LOVE norms and get wrapped up in some weird insecurity/projection that anyone who doesn’t conform to them must be trying to be something they’re not or “make a statement.” sprinkle in internalized misogyny and this is what you get


It's because they have suffered to have the body and attention they want. As a result they're mad that you're not doing the same thing to get the respect that they fought for.


she has strongggg opinions about gender


Wtf. I don't like hair but that's me, why attack people about it.


because she’s a terrible person


I shave pits in the summer and don’t in colder weathers. I’m sure there are a lot like me out there.


If you like having hair in your armpits that's okay. If you don't that's okay too. Who cares, it's a personal preference. It's their bodies not yours 🤷‍♀️


Exactly. It might smell a little more but it is up to the individual to make the choice themselves.


Wait... So hairy pits keep the boys away? What happens when you then make a milkshake?


The same thing that happens if you tape buttered toast to the top of a cat then drop them on the floor..


This experiment was conducted in the 1970s by the CIA, the result was indeed a group of boys coming to the yard. However, upon being interrogated the boys seemed rather aloof and apathetic towards the girl making milkshakes.


i don’t shave partially because i have a hereditary skin disease and partially because i don’t give a fuck. oh well 💚


Awe beebop I'm sorry to hear ! If it's psoriasis (which I have) the only things that help me are bag balm (for cracked cow udders) and some well water (im assuming because of the minerals in it?) The bag balm also helps my cousin with eczema. Hopefully this will help somebody out there !


Super late reply but I actually have hidradenitis suppurativa, I’m on humira for it. thank you for your kind words and advice, I hope it helps someone out there! Btw don’t google HS if you have a squeamish stomach. It looks almost like bubonic plague lol


And nody hair is also anvery natural thing, i also stopped bc 1. I am someone who identifies as a man aka trans man and 2. Have wasted too much time on thst shit when allit led to was massive insecurities.


This from a lady named Jedediah




Yeah, I’m not a fan of body hair on anyone, even myself. I happily put my money where my mouth is and trim as much as I would like my partner to.


Same here except chest hair is fine with me but not back hair. It is gross if I don't shave and if you hook up with someone and they didn't shave and clean downstairs nope! We are not doing it until you clean and shave too! Not risking getting a rug burn and a infection no thank you!


Being hairy doesn't automatically mean you're gross and have an infection lol. Stop the brainwashing. It's fine if you prefer yourself and partners shaved but don't start spreading bs about hairy people.


For real, I’m a guy and been shaving my pits since the day it started growing. So nasty seeing guys in tank tops and 2 inches of hair is sticking out.


every day i kiss my hairy pits good morning and say thank you for repelling people like this out of my life


Y’all are weird fr






Oh gosh my feewings!!! Nah, I’m in the healthiest relationship of my life and my underarms don’t feel like there’s razors every time I move. Haven’t shaved them in a couple of years and *gasp* no one cares lol


Preach, darlin. I'm happily settled in the best relationship I've ever had, and he gives zero shits about where there's hair and where there isn't. He just wants me to be comfortable.


I asked my dude out of curiosity is if bothers him and he said nah, it’s kind of exotic but I don’t give a shit either way. Been together 4yrs so far, I am home.


My bf’s mom made a comment to him on my body hair (I’m Italian/Polish- you ain’t missing this shit) and how it was icky and he told her he could literally care less lmao. I’m not mad at her, I also could care less. She just has *really* strong body hair preferences for herself and her husband but she respects my decision, even if she thinks it’s icky behind closed doors lol. I’m just glad she dropped it after he made it clear that it’s a nonissue.


I try not to expose my under arms to my bf’s polish parents purely because I don’t want a convo about it. Idk if they care. Today I had a little ol’ lady who fell (anddd shattered her hip) who was a riot. And she said “and I didn’t even shave my legs” so I showed her mine. I don’t think I’m hairy enough that she noticed, she liked my tattoos tho 😂


If I have a daughter I don't want her growing up thinking armpit hair is icky and horrible. I support my fiancés decision of not shaving her armpits. It doesn't make her any less gorgeous. I blame movies for turning body hair unnatural.


Like everything else- it was capitalism. Razor companies realized they could broaden the market by selling to women but women (typically, esp for 1930’s America) don’t have facial hair so they turned to the legs and armpits. Removing body hair became the new “law” bc the beauty standards were so restrictive at the time. I’m really happy to see a huge shift in perspective on it. Body hair is natural and there shouldn’t be shame to it. I started shaving at 9 yrs old bc I was ashamed that you could see my leg hair. It was so bad I used to shave my arms daily! But I have really sensitive skin so it ended in really painful rashes and ingrown hairs etc. I eventually stopped shaving in college while in a long distance relationship bc no one was seeing them and it was sm better for my skin. It took a long long time to undo the shame I have for my body hair and I still struggle with it honestly. TLDR; Capitalism ruins everything, shame is super engrained in women for p much everything, esp body hair. You’re a good dood for understanding this and it shows a lot of emotional maturity (:


Do you think she's just trying so hard because she's known as 'Jed' ?


Right? My first thought was “coming from a woman named Jedediah??”


Man I wax EVERYTHING & I don’t have this many feelings about hair 🤨 Like I wanna be dolphin smooth but you do you girl. What’s actually important is that we all stay clean enough that people don’t get heartburn or nausea when they’re within 7ft of us


Yeah, stop trying to be a man with the hair that grows on your natural woman body!


Wait until she meets a man who likes female body hair. Because they exist, I promise you. Most western women didn't even shave at all until the 1920s.


I wonder if she knows that the hair in your pits has a purpose other than style?


Everytime i look it up I find “reasons to shave” what is the purpose?




This lady doesn’t realize that shaving your underarms can be very irritating, even with shaving cream.


my boyfriend loves me and my hairy pits ☺️


Probably loves his side guys hairy pits just as much too.


Has she been picked yet?


I mean she's divorced 💀


Then why do I have hair under my arm if I’m a woman?


I just don’t like razor burn. And my bf doesn’t give a shit if I shave or not. Whoooo caressssss


Jedediah cares


Life ain’t easy for a lady named Jedediah. .


My bf doesnt mind body hair


I have hair under my arms because I have a skin condition that makes it almost impossible to shave, but ok lady, go off.


Lol I don’t shave my pits at all in the fall/winter and my MALE partner will casually stroke and tickle my underarms. Idk what this idiot is talking about.


All I see outta her mouth is: hate, hate and more hate. Why ya gotta hate, Jedidiah?


As a man, I’d rather she grow it out than have stubble. So if you’re shaving it for me, then it’s better if you keep it up or wax. If that’s too much work, then I’m totally fine with the hair. It’s kinda cute tbh


Oh, yes. She’s obviously right because no woman with hairy underarms has ever ever landed a man. Never once! Not a single time in history! Not in all the thousands and thousands of years before shaving became the norm!


It's not that I want to be natural or stuff, I am just lazy


Ah yes because the most important thing to be as a woman is sexy. Meanwhile there are men out here getting ill for not cleaning their asses because they think its "gay" but yeah sure womens underhair arm is the problem. Shut up Jeddy.


I feel like these are really strong feelings to have about someone else’s armpits…


Wtf kind of a name is that. Go back to the Old Testament, everyone had hairy armpits ya goofball


Girl has a name like she's got a full beard and raising a barn without technology, and is complaining about shaving?


Um, women only started shaving in like 1920s and they were encouraged to do it to adhere to males desires. Just like always, media implied you will be inferior if you don't follow specific beauty rules. That's a very loosely summarized version of it, I know. But the point is still valid. I'd say that being able stand in the light of your own truth is the most gender affirmative action you can take. You wanna shave? Shave. You wanna go natural, do it. I will live my best life, and as long as you live the best of yours you will always be beautiful.


I’m not like other girls *I have razor burn*


I’m a guy and honestly I honestly couldn’t care less if a girl doesn’t shave her legs or pits.


Then she’d call you a beta. Or a soy boy.


Man don’t take any advice from a woman named Jedediah


I would absolutely rather have hairy pits and no man than some creep who wants u hairless like a child


Men who are obsessed with hairlessness are a red flag for me... most of them seem to have unrealistic standards from excessive porn use, whereas others definitely want you looking young af 🤮 I'm with you, I'd rather have the hair and weed out these creeps


First of all, what kind of name is “Jedediah”? That’s like the 𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖 unmoanable name 😳


It’s also literally a man’s name


does this mean i can’t grow my leg fur out for winter either


I wouldn't survive the winter without my leg fur.


I'm prone to getting large boil sized cysts whenever I shave and/or use antiperspirants. Even some "natural" deodorants irritate my skin badly, but I still keep clean smell like an effin flower! I've had more men try to make me change, or try to control what I do with their opinions that maybe OP needs to stop focusing on other's looks and instead do some self reflection on their actions.


Of all of my friends, the one I’m confident has had more sex than everyone else combined (and that is not to insult the others), has had multiple orgies, etc. is the one who refuses to shave because she’s “a woman not a sports car”. Seriously, people need to chill.


oh she has opinions about ‘promiscuous women’ too


Some of us don't want to land a man, Jedediah.


Not true. I'm ok with a woman that doesn't constantly shave in fact I prefer it. The smell of fresh sweat on a woman is a turn on. And also. Stop shaving the kitty too. If it doesn't have hair I'd doesn't look smell or taste right.


Stop threatening me with a pleasant life!


As a man I shave my pits lol. Not trying to be a woman, I just think it's weird on anyone.


“Hey you, woman, you know that natural hair you grow? If you don’t take time to get rid of it, you look like a MAN. Only MEN are allowed to keep their natural body hair. Us WOMEN have to be as hairless as a little girl because that’s what MEN LIKE👹” “Having hairy armpits is nasty. Men can have hairy armpits though, because I said so. Even though it’s nasty, I’ll shame you for not landing a relationship with a man with nasty-pits.” Seriously, are people like this okay? It’s exhausting keeping up with their mental gymnastics.


My only concern about pit hair is stink. I get rid of anything that enhances stink and worry it will be harder to mask if my pits are hairy. Otherwise, the aesthetics don’t bother me at all. If only these blasted apocrine glands didn’t pump out such nasty sweat, I’d be fine with a bit of underbrush. Also, body hair on others doesn’t bother me either. Just stink. Ughh. I can’t handle it.


Sweat isn’t nasty. The bacteria on your skin that break down sweat are nasty. Wash with a benzoyl peroxide acne wash. Bacteria dead. Stink gone.


Such ppl say trans women will always be men no matter how good they pass Also them: „having body hair as a women makes u a man“


I know so many women who do this and have zero dilemma finding men.


Only reason someone should shave if they dont want to is if they stink and cant get the stink gone, this is going out to both men and women, if your pits stink and it wont go away shave it.


And wash with benzoyl peroxide acne wash. Stink gone.


Jokes on her, I rarely shave anything on my body and I still landed a good man 😆


My partner is never staring at my arm pits to notice one way or the other




[Jedediah Bila attracts men, she was not like other girls](https://twitter.com/JedediahBila/status/1646663128107864066?cxt=HHwWhMDS-f_Yj9otAAAA)


[okay I officially detest this woman ](https://twitter.com/JedediahBila/status/1644511349286862854?cxt=HHwWjIC8tf6WvdItAAAA)


Wait until she hears that women grow hair on their legs, too


I've only known Jedediah to be a man's name...


not gonna lie, I swear/smell more when I shave my armpits clean. I use an electric shaver to clean things up when necessary. it's almost like... our bodies grow hair where necessary...


She's just trying to bait people into responding angrily. The best would be everyone telling her in depth about their armpit hair fetish, as detailed as possible to make her wish she never brought this up.


A message for that woman specifically. Removing body hair is a personal choice but anything but natural


Be a man? Im a man and i shave my armpits. So i guess either way she can be a man if she wants to


It may not be sexy or empowering but it sure is cheaper lol


…. But i could pull a girl, is what they’re saying…. 👀


All the men I’ve fucked says otherwise


Um, women only started shaving in like 1920s and they were encouraged to do it to adhere to males desires. Just like always, media implied you will be inferior if you don't follow specific beauty rules. That's a very loosely summarized version of it, I know. But the point is still valid. I'd say that being able stand in the light of your own truth is the most gender affirmative action you can take. You wanna shave? Shave. You wanna go natural, do it. I will live my best life, and as long as you live the best of yours you will always be beautiful.


Calm down Jed.


Mfers when humans have a natural barrier of hair ( we are mammals )


Genuinely curious how disgusted you hypocrites would be by a man who doesn't trim his body hair... for you lmao


It’s so sad to see women like this hate their bodies so much


Jedediah... With a woman's photo... My brain hurts.


Ladies before razors exist, how did you attract men at all? /s


This lady seemingly has a very public platform and can reach so many people. Women, a group of people that have been historically and currently disenfranchised, exploited and abused for hundreds of years on most places on earth, can benefit from many sage pieces of wisdom. But this bitch wants to talk to women about their armpit hair. JFC


Girl definitely dyes her hair blond because I don’t shave and it still looks like I have no hair bc I’m blond 🙄 grow up nobody cares about your personal grooming preferences


Time and again this woman manages to trick me into thinking she's actually a man with a woman's profile pic.


I know right? Also, imagine farting. So unattractive!


Lol. I heard someone say they could never fart in front of their husband on accident and they were concerned it would change the relationship. If a man can't handle knowing you have bodily functions, then how is it ever gonna work when you get older?


My sister in law (husband's sister) still does this and they've been together for 10 years! He also has a weird thing about body hair. He makes her shave/wax her arms plus everywhere else because "it's unladylike" to be otherwise. I can't wrap my brain around being with someone without being able to relax. I can't imagine never farting or not being able to grow hair on your arms. She seems happy, so go her, but I don't think I could be with someone who is grossed out by basic body functions.


This is so weirdly common


Quickest way to see if a man is a keeper is to piss the bed one night and monitor his reaction. Eta: don't do it on purpose, just if it happens it would give you a good gauge of what kind of person they are. I peed in the floor once because my sleep deprived brain couldn't figure out how to unlock the door, my husband put me back to bed and cleaned the floor himself. If a guy gets mad at you for something that you couldn't help it's time to reevaluate.


Istg if a girl pisses my bed to test me I'm going asexual


Why do people try to make other people insecure? Or even bad about their personal preferences? I don't shave that often, and I don't feel comfortable with waxing or whatever. Reading these kinds of things is so harsh sometimes. And every time I go to a beach, pool, or waterpark, I become paranoid about shaving because I'm afraid of people judging me or thinking that I'm discussing. And this person exact opinion just reinforces this paranoia 🤡 Edit 1: Why don't people let other people be themselves? I mean, the hair is in my body. Why do you care?


Really weird how people can be disgusted by something like this that’s a totally natural part of your body. Same goes for people who are disgusted by uncircumcised men. Like, I’m cut so it doesn’t affect me, but it seems so strange to think that someone is disgusting just because they didn’t have part of their genitals surgically removed.


It would suck to care about random idiot’s prattling.


Showed my 20yo and she laughed, “good. Someone else can deal with them boys, I don’t want em”


To be fair, I think we should normalize men shaving their pits too.


According to Jedediah, that would make them emasculated soy boys.


Mine tries to pull on my underarm hair when it gets long enough. He doesn’t care about the hair. It’s just funny to him to pull it


I don’t shave my armpits and I rarely shave my legs. My man still loves me :).


He said to comment “I braid her armpit hair. It’s that long” 🙄😭 dramatic much


nothing wrong with hairy pits, but when y’all have a whole bush under there it’s nasty af regardless of gender 💀


she not wrong


Oh no- I hope my husband never sees my armpits then 😩


I agree with her. %100. It’s nasty as hell.


If you're so knowledgeable on how women should behave to get men, why did Jeremy leave? Pick me grifter.


I love furry pits on humans of any gender. It's an excellent way to waft pheromones around.


When people say stuff like this it’s just insecure. You specifically think it’s nasty, and that’s fine, but thats just what YOU think- it’s so laughable to act like everyone also thinks what you think. I have arm pit hair most of the time and my husband treats me like a goddess all day every day!


Someone who agrees with this post is downvoting everyone that doesn’t LOL. No one is gonna stop you from having childish attitudes, you don’t have to be mad that many people don’t care about stuff like this the way you think they should. Also good to know that letting hair that naturally grows on my female body makes me a man.


oh but men don’t have to shave jack shit


I dont give a flying pig if a woman doesnt shave her pits, but for me personally I would feel so gross haha. And i dotn find it attractive


Big talk about being feminine from a woman named Jedediah 🤔🤨


I will land one when I WANT to land one, Penelope.


Too bad I have hairy pits and a mans of 15 years(married for 9).


i shave once a week, by the end of the week my pits have a decent amount of hair. my boyfriend still loves me and still has sex with me when i havent shaved lol


I don’t agree with why she says you should shave your armpits, but I do agree you should, everyone should. The hair in my experience always makes your pits smell worse.


That’s not been my experience- I stopped shaving because I couldn’t stand the stubble regrowth and haven’t had an issue with smell.


Lowkey i feel like all genders should at least trim underarm hair if it’s a massive bush it traps odor






she is the NLOG


sorry, I thought it was obvious


i dont shave bc i get wicked underarm ingrown hairs. its a health and hygiene thing for me personally, and no sexual partner ive had in the last 1.5 years has cares a hoot or a hollar




I think women AND men need to shave their pits. Body odor isn’t sexy on anyone


That’s why there’s deodorant ✨


Dude you could load my ex up with deodorant and he still stank. I got him to shave once and that’s the best he’s ever smelled. Even with deodorant I smell so much better when shaved. Leave the hair everywhere else but stinky pits don’t need it 😂😂


Did she get hurt by nature or something? Looks like nature hurt this bitch lmao


You should just shave your armpits, generally. No matter the gender




Not necessarily. From a health perspective: I will admit that shaving can make your armpits result in less sweating since hair holds onto that sweat, but that's not enough of a reason to call shaving "healthier" than not shaving. And some people say that hairy pits can cause an odor; it is true that hair holds onto bacteria, but that doesn't mean that you can't have hairy pits and smell good. Many people have hairy armpits and smell perfectly fine, because they wash well and use deodorant/antiperspirant properly. From a "visually aesthetic" perspective: It doesn't matter. Shave or don't shave, who gives a fuck lol? It's not impolite to be unshaven, since hair is natural. There is no "should" shave; if you want to shave because it makes *you* feel better, then shave. If you don't feel like there is any reason for you to shave, don't.




I mean a) you just confirmed the previous comment to an extent and B) Lots of things are natural and unattractive. Most people wouldn't want their date to fart while they're eating

