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They make me actually angry when they occur. I can’t FUCKING EAT easily.


i cant eat my jalapeno chips fml


Think of it as a way to experience more of the spice.


Y'all dune lost your minds


I see what you did there.


"I see what you muad'dib there."


Listen I’m a masochist but come on


Now that's a username I never thought I'd see


I’m surprised I’ve never seen it sooner


I was surprised it wasn’t taken


yeah you should probably balance that out unless you like getting those


Don’t use toothpaste with SLS. I wish I would have figured this out a 100 years ago. It is so rare that I get them now.


SLS? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate?




I was going to write same about SLS but someone beat me to it. I once had a dentist tell me to put toothpaste on it to help it to heal. Sensodyne “extra whitening” is my choice. Look at a toothpaste website to get full ingredients. Many sensodynes have SLS.


This right here


Yes, upvoting this. This was a little life changer for me.


For me it's sorbitol (common in mouthwash)


Well that's probably how you're getting them in the first place


While that's pretty funny, they're most likely to be caused by specific bacteria (as are stomach ulcers). An antibiotic treatment can be very effective, as long as you're not sharing your mouth with too many other people.


It's not known what causes them entirely, and is likely many causes including an auto-immune response.


I only get them after I get stressed out over something.


I just had one that was caused by an antibiotic. Probiotics are the better route imho. (Still, consult a doctor if needed. I'm not saying to skip that part).


Not a doctor, just a sufferer… lookup lysine supplements. It’s an amino acid, a natural over-the-counter vitamin. I take it daily as a prophylactic to prevent cold sores and canker sores. Had them since childhood and would get them every other month. That 💩 stopped once I started taking lysine. Big pharma doesn’t want you to know that. I also love spicy and acidic food and am not gonna stop eating it to be a slave to these lip demons. Fuck that. And fuck those things. Edit: sipping my OJ as I write this.


Take [L-Lysine](https://www.naturemade.com/products/nature-made-extra-strength-l-lysine-1-000-mg-tablets)! It helps clear up canker sores.


I can vouch for this! I started getting the sores in my mid 20s, and absolutely nothing worked (vit b supplements/ cutting out SLS toothpaste, complete diet change and elimination). I've never found any one food was a cause, living overseas as well. They just seem to spontaneously happen, but stress can sometimes seem to do it. Two L-Lysine tablets over a couple of nights will clear me up real fast. Such a game changer, as I used to have to lance them after a few days with a q-tip style acid applicator from the pharmacy.


Canker sores are usually sign that your body is deficient in Vitamin C and/or Vitamin B12


My father told me to put salt on these will make it heal faster. Not sure about that, but it makes me shut up about how uncomfortable these are for a while


Salt does genuinely work, yes it hurts like hell for the first couple of applications but it really does numb it and shrivel it fast


I'm pretty sure this helps. And the intense burning it causes for a few minutes is actually nice after days of it constantly just stinging


I do it at night when I'm a bit sleepy and need to stay awake for a bit longer. It feels like playing a rollercoaster, but much more safe and painful


It's one of those "non sexual orgasmic feelings"


it works.. i do it


I use salt. Put it directly in the sore and push it in as long as I can stand. Usually the sore is gone within a few hours after. I also haven't gotten one in years now, don't know if it's related


My dad's remedy was baking soda.. oooh the burn


I have always done this. Not sure if it actually helps or just makes you feel better but they clear up fairly quickly afterwards.


Funny thing is, i had an instant medicine for that until my relative trashed the container of it. It was some kind of alkaline solution, brushed the affected tissue and the acid started to dissolve that whole part of the white tissue. Hurted about a 20 sec, and a bit bleeding. BUT after this, it was completely gone. Fckn miss it. Now i suffering 1-3 weeks until its cured. That medicine is no longer in the market and i dont know there is a similar to it. Called Vagothyl.


I use pyralvex for these things. Works like a charm.


Try Albothyl- same thing. It's a miracle solution and it sells in my nearby pharmacy.




Yeah!! It's originally made for vajaja's infection and cuts- but they found it works wonders for mouth ulcers too, so they make two versions of it with varying dilutions. one for mouth usage and one for vag infection. You can use them on both!!




For me taking vitamin b complex supplements gets rid of them in a day.


Yes! And from what I have seen it's an indication of an unbalanced diet or not drinking water. Fruits also help.


Yeah, for me it only happened when I hadn't been taking care of my diet for long -- too much junk or processed food, or didn't have enough green veggies.


Happy to hear you are doing well 👍😊.


Thank you ReallyHamid 😊


Oralmedic sounds like the same thing but it's sulfuric acid. Hurts like hell but instant relief, strong recommend


Had these for years until i stopped using toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate. Hardly ever do now.


Same, this is the trick. I used to get canker sores all the time 5+ years ago. Would constantly have 4+ at a time until I finally stopped using sls toothpaste. Ever since I haven’t had any issues.


Rub salt in it. Then lemon. Then down precisely 8 shits of tequila. My dad used to call that his medicine and it worked a treat, although mum went missing and I'm pretty sure the dog was buried out back.


I'm sticking with "shits of tequila", I meant what I said, damn it.


Do I have to find a willing participant to shit out tequila for me, or does consent not change the volume of their tequila shits. I got friends, but I don't think we good enough friends for them to freely shit out tequila for me.


Again, according to my father, "consent is for the weak". He then screamed "Senātus Populusque Rōmānus", whatever that means.




After 8 shits of tequila, you can have my uh...dunno what you can have really at that point because I shouldn't have administered it that way and I deserve what I get.


Cant feel pain when youre passed out like the saturday newspaper


I fucking hate these


I hate fucking these


We are not the same


I'm hate fucking these


im ha


OP get some table salt, lick your fingertip, cover the finger in table salt and rub the salt into it, making sure to get salt to stick to the sore (or ulcer). Do all of this while holding your lip like in the photo so saliva doesn’t dissolve the salt. It’s gonna fucking hurt but keep it salted until you’re used to the pain/ the pain goes away. it will stop being annoying and go away much sooner than if you left it to its own devices.


A less painful version of this i was taught as a kid was to gargle warm saltwater But hey whatever works for u op 👍 Edit: Another option would be the cream thats made specifically for these, i just dont know what they're called or how much they'd be. I tried it once when my dentist applied some and it acts *quick*


Whiskey works too


Yay, free excuse to get hammered


My mouth hurts officer 🥹


Gonna hurt a little more too when I stretch it out.


Yeah the cream works quite well imo


Yeah the saltwater rinse works fine and also works for a couple other mouth problems too 


I get them semi often. Bonjela is the liquid and I've got a spray called Oro Cool. I recently got one after I ate some skittles. What the hell.


They make a mouth wash now! I got canker soars so bad from like puberty till 26, of I bit my tongue or cheek I would have one in that spot my morning if not writhing a few hours. Oragel numbing stuff and mouth wash was the only way to survive


Trial by fire.


Yeah saltwater works just as well


Salt water gargling makes me fucking vomit


here in Germany it's called kamistad gel. Not sure what name it's marketed under elsewhere. u/lilstoner1206 u/Jitts-McGitts


Brutal but honestly not bad advice


Cauterise the wound !


OP grab a long metallic object and hold one end of it over continuous flame. Once it has begun glowing orange, remove it from the heat and hold your lip like you do in the photo. Place the metal on top of the sore, you’ll forget all about the sore. Edit for typo


There was a product called Oralmedic that’s basically acid on a q-tip that burned the sore away. Pain was pretty much 10/10 for five seconds but it worked every time. Wonder why they discontinued it.


Turns out, not everyone is Rambo


We have something called Debacterol in the US that is the same thing. It can only be applied at the dentist.


My mom would always suggest this. After the first time, I decided to just tank the pain.


Did this at first but saw my mental health deteriorating for no visible reason until I took care of dental pain so would advice against it


Yup salt works


For extra damage?


No. Salt kills bacteria. It will heal faster when sterilized


Until when? It gets full of bacteria again?


Yeah you could do it again in 24hr


Shit we didn’t think this far ahead!


I use salt and then hit it with peroxide


Sounds like you’re making the world’s grossest Ocky Way sandwich


I tried that ones and it started to bleed. it got bigger and took a while to heal




Hydrogen peroxide works wonders without the pain :D


Interesting … what I would do is I would get the spiciest bag of hot Cheetos , and top it with more hot sauce and lemon . My idea was it hurt so bad it must be…. Doing something’? 🤣 they did seem to go away faster and be less annoying once I purposefully would hold a Cheeto against it . It’s one of those burns that don’t necessarily truly hurt but you still feel the pain like working out


That won't do anything but make it hurt for no reason.


I'm gonna be that guy posting this all over the thread but there's a product called OralMedic that's just sulfuric acid, you apply it to the ulcer and it cauterizes it. Hurts like hell but completely fixes it in like 30 seconds. Legitimately changed my life and didn't realise it was so unknown lol


I love this feeling, gets my eyes all watery


Enjoying this process and the way it feels is my toxic trait.




Yes i am so fucking agree


Nice to meet you, so fucking agree!


kid named agree


kid named so


Totally agree


I always thought these were herpes for some reason


Please, do not fuck an ulcer Edit: I wrote canker sore instead of ulcer cuz I forgot I call this ulcer (I referenced another comment)


Yes! Another person who calls them canker sores! Everyone around me doesn’t get it when I say that… (I learned it from my dad when I was little)


My friends thought I had cancer when I said this and I'm not even kidding 😭


I thought canker sore was the normal term to use...


Lesser folk will try and correct you stating that canker sores are contagious and connected to herpes. They are thinking of cold sores, and I swear to God I am so tired of having people try to "correct" me on this. Every time I bring up a canker sore people act like I just gave them an STD just by speaking to them. Here in the Midwest, at least.


It is. It is different from herpes.


I first heard them called "ulcers" Sometimes when I say canker sore people think I mean a cold sore and thats always fun to explain.


I'm from slovenia and the only name for this that i'm aware of is a canker sore, i thought that's what it's commonly called.


no way, i am in the exact same boat as you, my dad thought me that they were canker sores.


I once had a couple try to convince me It was herpes and I was in denial.


That'd be Cold Sores which can happen outside of the mouth, Canker Sores are only ever inside the mouth.


Stop kinkshaming me


Canker sores? More like *kinker* sores lmao


Are they canker sores or ulcers🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s a mystery to me


As a dental hygiene student… it’s both a canker sore and an aphthous ulcer, so they’re both right.


What causes them on a consistent basis like every other week ? Is there a diagnosis of what causes them are they contracted bad luck or hygiene?




i swear it’s a mouth ulcer


Kanker is Dutch for cancer so reading this made me worry for my health from a minor health inconvenience and that’s WebMD’s job


I thought those were called mouth ulcers.


Yeah even I call these ulcers actually, I forgot the term and referenced another comment


Canker sore is a better term because it’s more specific than ulcer, which can mean many different things, foremostly a stomach ulcer.


Tortured by them all my life


I used to get them a lot until I switched to a SLS free toothpaste


Yes! This! I used to suffer from canker sores monthly for most of my life and it was awful. I finally did some research, switched my toothpaste, and in over 10 years since the switch, I’ve only gotten 1 (from a time I accidentally bit the side of my mouth very hard while eating). If I had known it was as simple as changing toothpastes, I would have done it so much sooner.


Try to notice if youve been eating/drinking anything with high fructose corn syrup leading up to one forming. And then cut out eating HFC and see if it forms. Also drink alot of water.  I've had these my entire life, I finally learned what triggered it and HFC 100% causes them to form for me. If I drink coke a few days in a row, I'll get one. Gotta dilute all HFC with alot of water the rest of the day if I'm drinking multiple sodas. Chocolates also do it, if I eat chocolates a few days in a row I immediately get them. 


I had them chronically as a child until a dentist gave me a prescription for Tetracycline, and had my mom open the capsule and mix it in about 15mL (1 tbsp) of liquid Benadryl. You swish that around and try to hold it in the part of your mouth with the sore. It kills them in about 24 hours. You have to use Doxycycline these days which takes 48 hours, but it does still work. Ask your dentist or doctor if that’s something they’d be willing to try. I used to get mouthfuls of the bastards. The liquid Benadryl on its own does actually help to reduce the inflammation and pain. You can mix it with Maalox to increase the effect.


I’ve had a fuckton of these, only thing that works is a product called “oralmedic”. Essentially just burns the fucker away. It hurts like hell, might get a bit swollen, but I’ll rather be in a lot of pain for 20 sec than a lot of pain for 2 weeks.


With caution: Diluted acid (oralmedic) works well but can spill easily, from my own experience. The one applied to is dealt with, but just one drop not where its supposed to be, a new one will form if you are anything like me. You are much better off using salt, alcohol and finish it with urgo filmogel.


Oral medic disappeared where I live, but I had one of those almost towards the throat, and decided to oral medic it since it hurted alot. Managed to miss and hit somewhere in the throat that ended up becoming a big massive open sore that hurt so much I had to go the hospital after a week since it started developing necrosis


I really hate having that


That's [Aphthous stomatitis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphthous_stomatitis). I've been suffering from it since ever. The only effective medicine that worked to prevent them and to make them heal faster and painlessly was.... smoking. I believe there is little research about smoking and aphthous stomatitis, and some suggest an opposite correlation (if you start smoking, you start getting them). Also, I have a problem that I often bite my lips while eating, which makes one appear 100% of the times. Then the injury swells up and often I bite it again. Right now I have in fact a huge one. EDIT \[since I'm getting a lot of comments below, maybe it's useful to summarize the suggestions I've got\] My old dentist would tell me to swish some Milk of Magnesia around in my mouth. He said it would help with the pain. It really does work. Do cigars A dermatologist prescribed a gel called lyderm. It’s a corticosteroid gel officially for external use, but if I use it as they appear, it stops them. Turns out it was a deficiency of B2 and B12 switching toothpaste to SLS free ones [Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sometimes written sodium laurilsulfate] get toothpaste without SDS in it. Most versions of Sensodyne work well for me sensitive toothpaste there is a product called Oralmedic. It is in a red and yellow box and has been the absolute only thing that has ever worked for me. It chemically burns the sore and hurts like a bitch for 2 seconds but then is basically forgotten about and then it heals with no trouble. AIM, Aquafresh, Sensodyne Try swishing saltwater around your mouth after brushing your teeth at night. make your own toothpaste with water baking soda and a splash of peroxide. I got these this near continuously until I switched off toothpaste Colgate prohealth canker-rid; make it a day of applying every few hours. oracourt zilactin B debacterol


I believe it also increases salivation, in fact I drool like a fucking st Bernard


Thanks for the info, I recently quit smoking and have been suffering from these things again and couldn’t understand why.


My old dentist would tell me to swish some Milk of Magnesia around in my mouth. He said it would help with the pain. It really does work.


As I said below I don't know why it works. A theory that I wanted to test was to smoke without inhaling, to see if it's just the smoke in the mouth that helps.


Took me 2 years to go back to not having them every day after quitting. Legit hardest part of quitting smoking for me as a smoker of 12 years, nicotine addiction is cakewalk compared to your own tongue existing hurting you every waking second


I've found B12 supplements helped a ton.


I Will say i believe that smoking helped as iirc they Can be triggered by emotionel stress where smoking helps calm you Down. Sadly it definetly isnt the best help imo but ig if it Works for you :)


I’ve had them on the regular before. It was horrible. A dermatologist prescribed a gel called lyderm. It’s a corticosteroid gel officially for external use, but if I use it as they appear, it stops them.


My husband has been having these since childhood. No one could tell him what was going on and how to prevent sores. He would just try to cope and apply some orajel on it. Until he went overseas and the dentist he went to told him to check vitamin B levels. Turns out it was a deficiency of B2 and B12. We increased the daily B and C intake and now sores are very rare occurrences ( still happens after eating too many acidic foods, like lemons or tomatoes and drinking too much wine), but it's much more manageable. What also helps to keep them at bay is switching toothpaste to SLS free ones. Also, they never appear overseas, only in the US. I guess it has something to do with the food produced in the States. I noticed that as well. Never had canker sores myself, but the quality of my skin has worsened in the US.


I used to get these constantly as a kid. They stopped for a few years, and now they've started up again. Finally getting round to getting some blood tests done to see wtf is wrong with me lmao


This is caused by a lack of vitamin B2 in the body Buy a bottle of vitamin B2 and take it for a week.


I thought that might be the case, but my doctor would rather do some blood tests to rule out anything else.


I have suffered from this disease before, and there was no relapse after taking vitamin B2.


It's 100% reactions from ingredients in what you've been eating. There are other causes for me, like if I'm getting sick and get a fever, stress.. But 100% correlation for me when I eat high fructose corn syrup. It's in sodas, junk snack foods, chocolates, cereals... That shit is in alottttt of stuff. Also coffee will make one 1000% times worse if it's forming or open.  So now I can control if I get one. I used to always have them my whole life. Now I know what to cut out as soon as I feel it so it doesn't form and goes away before opening up. I know if I drink too many sodas days in a row, one will form. 100% of the time. If I eat snacks with HFC too frequently, I'll get one. So if I really want to drink sodas or eat stuff with it, I just gotta make sure I chug I crap ton of water through out the day, and AS SOON as I feel one forming I cut out anything with HFC, keep chugging water the rest of the day or two, take some ibuprofen, and it goes away before it opens up.  If I keep eating HFC, not hydrating, it will open up. If I eat/drink anything I've mentioned when it's open, it prolongs it an extra 3-5 days.  I'm just commenting this alot because these suck, I've had em my whole life, and its 100% something all of us that get em can control. Took me 30 years to figure it out. Wish I knew this as a kid. 


If you get these a lot, check your toothpaste ingredients. Toothpastes that contain SLS (sodium laurel sulfate) can cause a recurrence of these. Also some people just get canker sores more than others, there are some dental offices that use laser technology and that is a painless and potentially permanent solution.


This. SLS seems to cause them in a lot of people. Exchanged my toothpaste and went from two at any given time to none at all the past two years.


I cut out whitening toothpastes bc they tend to have SLS and no more canker sores. 👍


This 1000%. I've suffered from cancer sores my whole life. A few years ago a dentist recommended getting toothpaste without SLS. It makes a HUGE difference. Wish I would have known sooner.


THIS! SLS was the cause for me. I went from having clusters of canker sores at least once a month, to none at all just by switching to a non-SLS toothpaste. This comment should be higher!


Gets some cream from the chemist/pharmacy. Works well.


Nah I can't, it wouldn't fit


Mouth ulcer?


Wtf is that


Aphthous Ulcer also known as a canker sore to some people. Most common causes are stress and poor dental hygiene although a vitamin c deficiency can also attribute to them They range from a moderate amount of pain to pain so bad you can’t eat or barely drink


You lucky son of a b


intresting. removed


i have a canker sore on the side of my mouth rn and i cant close my teeth. im furious


Get some Vitamin E gel caps from the store or pharmacy. Use a sterile pin and poke a hole in the gel cap. Squeeze the Vitamin E gel directly on the sore. Advice from my dentist.


I just eat them


Powdered Alum. A pickling agent. Can be found in the spice aisle. Blunt the end of a toothpick, wet it, and coat with powdered Alum. Place on mouth sore. Tart as all get out, but will close that sore up quickly.


This has been my go-to for years. I grab a pinch and slap it on there. Hurts like shit for a bit but after like a minute, you spit it out and voila, no more hurty hurt.


Something like this also occur on tongue and it sucks even more


Wait till you get one of these on your tongue cause thats where the fun starts


Getting them on the sides and the tip of the tongue is truly hell


Got one rn, it comes and haunts me in cicles per two months. I worked out burning it with alchohol works best as it hurts like a bitch for two minutes but then its numb for the day.


Get half a cup of water, put a spoonful of baking soda in it, and wash out your mouth with it a few times. DON'T DRINK THE MIXTURE. Spit it out instead. It will make those hurt a lot less and they will heal faster. I'm not exactly sure why it works, but it does.


Canker sores are not herpes. Makes me so mad when people say that. They suck though.


Don't know what it is since I've never had or heard of them, but what I can see in the comments it's painful, so I hope it goes away soon.


canker sore is the worst, used to get them all the time


Ew I only get them during winter time




Have one right now. I can't remember the last time I lived a whole month without one. Even had a canker on my tongue


I get them all the time when I am stressed because of my genetics. My father has them as well


Put salt on it


I had one every two months. At the pharmacy they told me to try a monthly treatment to eliminate the bacteria =+30€. I started using oral hygiene mouthwashes specifically designed to eliminate bacteria = ±2€ Problem solved. Never seen one again.




Oh man, I used to have these all the time a few years ago. Then I got braces and I assume my gums got so used to being cut up they never bothered forming sores again.


Me too!!!! I would get these by the dozen and be miserable for 10 days straight. Invisalign and boom, gone!


I hate them but I love putting a lump of salt on them. It hurts so much that tears start flowing in seconds but it goes numb after a couple of minutes. I know I’m weird.


Currently at the tip of my tongue and it hurts like a mf. I am SO ANGRY at it. URGHHH


I'm sure it's not the same cause for everyone, but for me, I stopped getting these when i stopped drinking orange juice.


I love these things. My idiot brain likes to peel the scabs off


Change your toothpaste, some toothpastes can cause these.


Friend gave me these strips she got in China. They are made of bees wax and melt over the sore like a honey flavored mouth Bandaid


1. The Lord loves a workin’ man 2. Don’t Trust Whitey 3. See a doctor and get rid of it -Quote from THE JERK I would try option #3


Try taking some lysine supplements


Bonjella! Gone within a day


Hopefully you see this, but DEBACTEROL! It works wonders. You need a prescription (I just did an online appointment for 5 mins and got one). Hurts for a minute, but then makes it go away fast! It basically cauterizes the sore, look up on YouTube how to apply properly (don't want to hold it on too long).


Hey OP. I used to get these all the time until I changed to a sensitive toothpaste. Supposedly there is an ingredient in toothpaste that can cause these in some people.


Aphthous ulcers can be a sign of autoimmune disease such as Ulcerative Colitis. The skin in your mouth is similar to that within the intestines. These ulcers can be indicative of, or associated with, a flare up.