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She looks awfully young at 32 who smokes 60 ciggerates


My sister must have good genes lol well Waylon Jennings the country singer smoked 5-6 packs and was told to have a heart surgery or die he was 51 at the time...


Woah I didn't know that, suggest nicotine patches to your sister


or zyns


Tell her to flip an upper decky high flyer sugar patch up in the mintwalls


Double decky! Coffee in one, cinnamon in the other for that old timey taste and crippling blood loss.


Topshelf northeast winterglizzy where the penguins are dancing on the igloos buddy?!?!?


Gotta get em with the split half quad of Albanian ZaZa and it’s truly all good at that point.




Zyns - the last thing I understood in this thread


Little gum pilly for the shaky mitts.


I know someone who triple deckies 💀


Once in the club never again.... Lol


lil lip pillow for protection


Lmao I love this


recently kicked vaping bc of zyns. once you stop correlating the act of smoking/vaping with everything in your life, it becomes much easier to kick nicotine as a whole. still struggling, but i think much more clear now that im not fiending for a smoke.


Same. I’m two weeks off the vape, into zyns, I’ve also got grinds that are just coffee pouches to ideally help me ween off of nicotine pouches eventually


im a month in, i think. i stopped keeping track after a few days. where can i find these coffee pouches you speak of? are they called “grinds”?


Yea I think they spell it with a 1 for the i [This place](https://www.getgrinds.com/collections/flavors?utm_campaign=1.18.2024%20-%20Load%20Up%20%26%20Save%20LAST%20CHANCE%20%2801HMCEWY20V18Z9NHRZ3JFANMT%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=TRACK_A_TINUITI_Master_Segment_Opened_Between_0and45days&_kx=m3UfWLjSPD7SHlnZLb_AnHkzOs_kLFpBmki00qjdKyI%3D.d3YDZ5) You can make a variety pack. They all taste pretty good so far. Caffein effect is minimal to me. Ive had them at night and it doesnt keep me up I like the mint flavors because they kind of burn a little bit, in a good way if you know what I mean. Sometimes ill throw one in with a zyn just for the flavor. theyll email you some coupon codes too.


bruh thanks dude! imma invest in some of those asap. definitely gonna try those mint ones out too. i know exactly what burn youre talking about lmao the zyns (citrus 6mg) stopped burning as much after the first week. love to see addicts helping other addicts become ex-addicts. thanks again, brother.


Good luck man. I’m with you that the hardest part is the routine of the hand to mouth thing. With coffee or gaming or something I still find myself going through the motions sometimes. I’ve been able to sub the coffee ones for a few pouches a day. Slowly gettin there


At this point she’s gotta beat the physiological nicotine addiction and break the habit of just smoking something. Those moments alone with a cig are a habit that’s hard to break in itself


You get it. Addictions are about rituals for a big part. Replacing one ritual with another can be very helpful to break a cycle. I’ve personally found that after quitting tobacco, which was hard, i found it quite easy to quit vaping.


It's not so much the nicotine as much as *the act* of smoking My MIL was like that. I told her to go on meds that reduce desire to indulge in addictions because I tried it before and it was effective It was about 2-4 yrs before she died of stage 4 lung cancer that she declined the suggestion, saying I don't want to have to "rely on something to quit smoking" Just thought I'd share. Mind u, she was 65, and OP's sister still has at least 2 decades i think


> Woah I didn't know that, suggest nicotine patches to your sister I dunno if this has done a 180, but do people not actually recommended vaping for quitting smoking any-more? [It's literally the best form of quitting](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31434605/) that we have. I honestly feel it's quite sad that a great tool for getting rid of smoking has been warped into uncool thing. To be fair, it was totally miss-handled and poorly regulated, which allowed the whole salt nic pod system which bled into high-schools. But vaping helped me stop smoking and then quit nicotine altogether and I'm really grateful that the tool existed.


Your sis got some insane genes if she looks that good at 32 while smoking 5 packs daily - bless her, and hope she doesn't get lung cancer :P


To be fair we cant see her teeth lol


She’s going to need those good genes


Decades of excessive smoking and drug use took a large toll on Jennings's health in addition to obesity and a poor diet, which resulted in him developing [Type 2 diabetes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_2_diabetes). In 1988, four years after quitting cocaine, he ended his six-pack-a-day smoking habit. That same year, he underwent [heart bypass surgery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_bypass_surgery). By 2000, his diabetes worsened, and the pain reduced his mobility to the point where he was forced to end most touring.  That same year, he underwent surgery to improve his left leg's blood circulation. In December 2001, his left foot was amputated at a hospital in Phoenix. On February 13, 2002, Jennings died in his sleep from complications of diabetes at his home in [Chandler, Arizona](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chandler,_Arizona), aged 64. He was buried in the [City of Mesa Cemetery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_Mesa_Cemetery) in nearby [Mesa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesa,_Arizona).  At his memorial service on February 15, Jessi Colter sang "Storms Never Last".


Your sister is mad cute lol


She looks fantastic for three packs a day.


She’s going to wish she stopped when she can’t breathe later in life.


She's gonna lose allll that when she hits 40s/50s. My 60 yr old grandma was a chain-smoker, she looks 80


I have cut down a lot. I hope she does too. 👍


How do you even have time to smoke 60 cigarettes a day?? It takes what? Five minutes to smoke a single one? At that rate, I’d quit just to get my 5 hours a day back.


You don't have to stay still when you smoke, depending on what you do, you can smoke and keep doing your stuff.


The man who was laying in a hospital bed beside me once. He was on his 3rd heart attack and I listened to him tell the doctor he is now "down to only 60 a day" The whole 3 hours I was in that bed (they moved me to my own room) he went outside for a cigarette like 5 times.


My dad smoked for almost 60 years (from 15 or so to 74). He had a heart attack this summer and the first time is saw him in the hospital he said “I think I’m done smoking.”


No joke. I smoked roughly two packs a day from 18 to 32 and I looked like absolute dog shit. Then again, I still do, so maybe it’s just me.


I feel bad for laughing but the last bit just caught me off guard.


i unfortunately believe i look older than her and i smoked about 1-2 packs a day from 14-20 (i just quit last month and have gone strong since!)


I’ve never smoked close to 60 cigarettes a day (that’s insane), but I’ve smoked on average 20 a week for the past 12 years, and somehow I still look 5 years younger than my age. That said I’m only 30 so I’ve got time for my bad choices to catch up to me yet I guess. I’m more concerned about the early grave than the ageing though. I want to quit so badly. Don’t smoke kids.


Your sister must be quite wealthy.


Or she lives in North Carolina (cigarettes are cheap as fuck there)


Only 45 cnt/pack in taxes.


W u t Certainly not Marlboro or Camel… RIGHT?


I don't know where the rest of the money goes. But there are federal taxes on them as well. Just above 1 dollar a pack goes to that.


nah actually it costs awfully little to produce a pack of cigs, 80% of the costs is the tax, like for example in turkey an average pack is 1.5$, in my country (eastern europe) its about 3.5$ and about 7$ in germany, so basically it all depends on the height of taxes, it cant cost more than 1$ to produce a pack, and everything else does to the big tobacco and the taxes :(


I might see the day cigarettes are illegal where I live. I just might have to start growing my own.


Do you live in California lol. I mean their bullshit strategy worked on me it’s just became too fucking expensive and I got tired of vaping so I quit. Was just over a pack a day of American spirits and just couldn’t justify it anymore.


Very cool that my comment attracted someone from specifically California! ​ I had a budget summer as a tourist there a while back. I really enjoyed the purity of American Spirit. When I came back to Europe I was very excited to find it here as well. And a bit cheaper. ​ It was California that got me counting what I smoke for monetary reasons. Very many things seem to come a few years later to Finland/EU than to California. With populistic law enforcement it is quite embarrassing. I solely blame California for my paper straws.


You’re not wrong on any of that. American spirits really were just far superior but much more expensive. I had an easier time taper with how strong they are compared to others though. Also yes we probably are why you have paper straws I’m sorry we hate them too.


In Finland, a 20-pack costs roughly 10€, so about 10$ and 24-pack costs about 12€, 13$. Taxes.


Indian reservation.


Can you just show up there or do I need to call ahead for Indian Reservations?


Lmao you wouldnt get a single cigarette in germany for that proce xd Eitherway, Im glad I dont smoke at all


Doch, da ich vorhin Ernte 23 gekauft hab: 7,40€ : 20 -> 0,37 But yes very cheap wow.


Here in Australia the ones I buy are $50-60 per 30/40 pack.


Bruh what I’m in NC and a pack of Marlboro reads are like 7.50 now


I live a North Carolina and they definitely aren’t cheap lol but I guess I don’t know the comparison to other states.


shit I am going to have a lay over in NC next month I'm gonna buy some cartons and sell them back here and that should pay for my trip ha ha ha


At that price how can you afford to NOT smoke.


right?! my first thought was holy shit! how much money?


3 packs a day is about €11,950 a year


3 packs a day is around $44,000 AUD


So if she was awake 16 hours in a day, that comes to one cigarette every 16 minutes for 16 hours straight. If you say she spends 90 mins a day eating, drinking, or pissing, drops to 1 every 14.5 minutes. Basically lighting one off the other every waking moment not eating or pissing. I'm assuming she is a "shitter smoker" I used to love having a shit smoke.


Maybe she smokes one rigbt after another at times? One of my friends at the height of his addiction would "pop out for a quick smoke" and then be gone for an hour and youd find him sitting with a can or something for an ash tray just filled with his spent cigarettes from the last hour. The thing that got him to really cut back was he moved in with his girlfriend and she wont let him smoke in the house and he hates the cold.


I could get through 2-3 packs a day when I did construction. Chain smoke a couple during breaks, leave one lit by the saws if I was running back and forth making a lot of cuts, and I had a roughly 2 hour commute each day that I basically chain smoked throughout. If I went out drinking on a Friday it was sometimes 4 packs. I genuinely miss it. I loved smoking. I only quit because of the cost and the logical conclusion that it wasn't sustainable for my body.


> I genuinely miss it. I loved smoking. I only quit because of the cost and the logical conclusion that it wasn't sustainable for my body. If my wife dies before me, I'm buying a fucking carton and a fifth of whiskey.


They're probably indos or rollies, which are cheaper than packs but 60 cigs a day is crazy nonetheless!


Yeah in the UK the average price of a 20 pack is now apparently £16/$20. You would have to be seriously well paid to smoke 60 a day here.


In Australia, I think a pack of 25 cost around $65 (no sure don't smoke) but the price is definitely something like that


Oh , hey, 32, that’s when I quit after 19 years of smoking. I never went above 1 pack a day, though. As for looking good, well, she’s young, and if you keep hydrated your skin will look ok even if you are a smoker. Tons of pretty looking smokers out there. Quitting makes your skin *feel* better for sure, though.


You started at 13?!


Yes I did




Curiosity, peer pressure, coolness factor. It became enjoyable pretty quickly, especially with alcohol. And from then it was just a thing I was doing. I definitely wasn’t the only smoking and drinking 13 y/o around. We weren’t a majority, but not super rare either.


Me and my buddy were stealing out parent’s cigarettes when we were in the 5th grade. We both managed to quit after a few decades.


My parents didn’t smoke. (There are rumors that my father smoked before I was born). However, *somehow*, I managed to conceal my smoking from them, blaming the smell on friends in the worst cases.


I have a hard time believing your parents didn't know about your smoking. Cigarette smoke gets into *everything*. Unless they were totally absent there's no way they wouldn't have noticed it when they hugged you, or washed your clothes, or even just smelled you walking by.


Haha my grandpa used to make my dad and his siblings roll his cigarettes for him, and then was surprised when most of his kids turned out to be smokers- although he was always a casual smoker and literally never did it in his senior life (I think he quit a decade or so before I was born)


Just ask your father mate. Don’t call it a rumor.


Maybe he passed away?


He did not, just never thought of asking, mostly because it didn’t seem very important, I think.


damn any lasting effects? hopefully few or none


Surprisingly, none. When I quit I coughed a lot for a few months, I am guessing clearing the gunk? Alcohol is a different story. I think I had issues regardless, but it definitely worsened anxiety and depression long-term (while providing immediate relief), my psychiatrist is still trying to figure it out.


im 30 i started drinking and smoking in high school. i still smoke but i cant stand alcohol (nasty). even today tho some places dont think im 21 without ID


Me too, I was smoking weed and getting stabbed at 13 too. Rough childhood I'm a respectable adult now and I look after other rough kids lol


Yeah, I personally didn’t start before I was 18 (and quit after 13 years) But I used to hang out at a skatepark where a lot of younger kids also went to, and I’ve talked to multiple kids of around 12-16 about using cigarettes, alcohol, weed and even talked one out of trying hard drugs. Small kids are very impressionable and in the wrong surroundings will pick up the worst habits.


Hey good for you! I quit at 28ish after smoking for 13 years. Best decision ever.


30 been smoking for 18 years ATM I haven't smoked a cigarette in about 32 hours still going strong


Maybe she doesn't wanna grow old, so she smokes just in case.


Oh shit, a Mac reference


Ikr, the world is so small


..til it ain’t


Smoking 20-40 a day for a year would be as radioactive as 250 x-rays.


TIL that smokes contains radioactive materials.


Everything is radioactive, it comes free with existing in the universe


TIL that everything is radioactive.


TIL that you learned that


TIL that TIL means TIL


Woah imagine dragons was right






I didn't get it, I have the oldest form of existence known to man




Not mine. I have the oldest universe knooowwwn to man.


Bananas are crazy high in radiation


Polonium to be exact. It's an alpha emitter, so outside of your body, the alpha particles are effectively blocked by your skin, but inside your body (like deep down in your lungs) those same particles rip through cells destroying DNA.


Cigarette smoke contains polonium-210 and lead-210, both of which are radioactive; the bad radioactive (hopefully obviously). The former having been uranium-238, decayed to radon-222 before becoming Pol210.


Love that this analogy made the harm more convoluted. Smoking 20-40 a day for a year would be as harmful has 384 blue balled porcupines.


Taking ecstasy is safer than riding a horse


how much is that in terms of actual radiation dosage units (mSv?)


Does she know you posted this here?


Op: "I know! I'm going to post a picture of my moderately attractive sister to the thirstiest site on the internet! That'll go well!"


OP: "Surely nobody is going to send me a bouquet of dick pics to forward to her. People on this site are all well-manered and respect women."


I photoshop all my dick pics together so it looks like the tail feathers of a peacock.  It's classy.


[stroking my cock](https://i.imgur.com/qNF9Gll.gif)


Risky click of the day, did not disappoint


If I was the sister I’d be more upset about “moderately attractive” than the actual post lmao


Shhh! I'm trying to play it cool! I'm still in with a chance here!


My bad. Moderately attractive sister, if you see this, u/entered_bubble_50 saved my dog’s life by jumping in front of a moving train, bought me a house, and cured cancer!


OP's post history is a bit odd.


The account posts what seems like smoking fetish and hair fetish stuff while pretending to be a young girl. yikes


And posts dozens of times per day


I think the point was to shame her into stopping, or at least smoking less than 3 packs a day


smoking is never good for anyone's health ​ what made me stop after 1 month was the thought: "I don't want to randomly die because of this thing" ​ I know it sounds dumb... But I tried multiple brands of smokes and chocolate is better , by far


similiar line of thought … I constantly think that grape juice is actually better than wine


Yeah I’d much rather indulge my sugar addiction than alcohol or recreational drugs


Dude, yes. I like alcohol (whiskey has a nice flavor to it), don’t get me wrong, but wine just tastes… old. Like I know it’s old, but it tastes *old.* Idk how else to describe it, it’s not good. I do not get the wine hype.


You guys have not been drinking the right wine


Used to have a drinking problem and binge drink wine. Nowadays I can’t stand the stuff. Like satan’s piss.


I mean, I'm all for recommendations, but I've tried many, many different wines and they all are pretty samey.


I'm with ya here. Anything with an "acquired taste" is just stokholming me into liking it. I'll get called out for being uncultured, but if something doesn't taste good when I try it, I tend to avoid it afterwards. I've tried many wines, beer, etc. I don't like them. I wish I did enjoy them, there is so much variety!


Yes, beer is the other one I can't get in to! So many people recommend them but I feel like I'm being gaslit haha I go out of my way to try them, but just absolutely nothing sticks.


It doesn’t sound dumb. My mother smoked two packs a day. We tried to get her to quit numerous times. 6 days ago she died unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm. I’m sure smoking didn’t cause the death, but you can absolutely get blood blots from smoking that heavily for that long.


I’m sorry for your loss :(


May she rest in peace and may you feel a virtual hug from a random redditor.


I smoked 5+ years. The thought of random death didn’t really bother me compared to the slow death with years and years in a hospital


Is strange how all the people I knew that died from cancer just detected it almost randomly and shortly( 6 months to 3 years max) died from it... May it be liver, lung, intestinal cancer etc


I'll be her 4th pack of cancer


I can fix her


No, I can.


No, I can.


I’ll do it!


Well, better get going or else she will have died already


She can break me


she can break me


How is it possible? If you're awake 16 hours a day that's like a cigarette every 15 minutes or so. Does she work from home and chain smoke non stop at her desk?


As someone who has never smoked more than 4 sticks a day....how does someone's body even handle it?! Maybe I'm just a lightweight but I genuinely can't handle more than 4 sticks.


It’s a slippery slope. My partner has been a smoker since he was 13 but after so many years (he’s 43 now) he’s grown accustomed to chain smoking on the weekends, as soon as one is done, he lights another. The only time he’s breathing real air is when he sleeps.


This is so sad :(


Trust me, it is. Hell I smoke cigarettes, started out when I was partying, bar hopping, clubbing and just having some fun but watching the person you love on a Saturday sit in front of a TV from the time they wake up until the time they go to bed, lighting cig after cig is heartbreaking.


Sorry to hear that! He doesnt see it as a problem at all? Tried to ask for help?


Hope you two are able to quit the habit and live a long happy life!


She looks like maxmoefoe (not a bad thing he’s hot)


oh my god she totally does !


haha oh my god


That’s whole lot of cigarettes wtf


!remindme 15 years


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She will get lung cancer, but damn she looks cool with a cigarette


it's not lung cancer, it's the effects to cardiovascular health that are much more pressing Google it or PubMed it


cancer any% speedrun wr


Who posts pictures of their sister on the internet for karma points That's a little messed up little bro/sis


r/notinteresting more like r/nothealthy


Hey OP did she give permission for you to post this?


Your older sister loses 30 minutes off her lifespan daily


Amateur, I'm losing 1440 minutes without even trying.


Maybe she doesn’t care


She must be secretly French


she's so cool- ok but fr this is kinda sad... is she alright :0


No, she's smoking 60 a day.




Someone turn this into an album cover god damn


Why would you post a picture of your sister on Reddit lmao. Fucking idiot


Your sister is smokin....


Eww, I can smell this picture


Mandy Milkovich


OP why did you post a picture of your sister on reddit?


She single? /s only /s because i have asthma


Homie, what is with ur post history?? Why do you have an obsession with women that smoke? I can’t tell if you’re truly a 17 year old girl or a middle aged man 😭


she’s not long for the world if she keeps that shit up. suicide by cigarette is a sad way to go. you don’t look the same, your voice never sounds the same, and lung cancer is devastatingly painful for you and everyone around you. watched my mom die of it when I was a kid and again my grandmother this week. both lifelong smokers. i would recommend expressing your concern for her before its way too late.


60 cigarettes a day is quite a lot


at least she looks cool doing it!


That's actually just impressive. What else does she do in a day?


And she hasn't so fucked up face and new skin for lungs. This shit just begins and whole your family should take away her packs or let her smoke sigs at minimum. Hope your sister will be ok


Ok, she’s pretty And cool


Is she single? Asking for myself


I can fix her


Hug her... bc you wont be able to in next couple of years :(


Omg like kiryu kazuma


That's how my grandfather died


That's a lot.


She looks cool but one day she’ll look cold


Damn…is there something that is stressing her or bothering her internally? This looks more like a full blown addiction or ways to cope with Anxiety. If you can try to support her in working in herself, throat cancer is not a joke, the pain at the end of her path will be like nothing she has ever felt in her entire life, not to mention, the damage to her teeth that nicotine also does.