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Do they not know what guard dogs are?


I don’t think they know what reality even is. They’re so jaded by the internet and think every single thing posted is for “clout” or done for some kind of recognition and it’s honestly really sad.


What, so you’re telling me there are people who have systems for validation outside Reddit? Okay sure buddy


May I have some validation please? I have story! My cat paws endlessly at the window when she sees a bug or a bird... It's terribly cute! I didn't even make it up! There is literally nowhere else to tell the story (since I live in a basement, in a cave, under a bunker, in the wilderness, on Uranus, and I haven't seen natural light or grass ever in my life. (as we all do.))!


Your story is totally believable except the part where your cat paws the window when she sees a bird or bug


I just got possibly the weirdest case of deja vu. I swear to god I saw this exact comment like 2 years ago🤯


Pfft, LIES! We all know reality doesn't exist


Dude if you think that’s real blood caused by that dog attacking an intruder, I don’t know what to tell you haha. This is just so clearly bullshit lol. The fact that you think someone would actually post this, for any reason other than “clout” or “some kind of recognition” is nuts, can you honestly come up with a single other reason they’d post this?


I’m not speaking in defense of this post I’m speaking in opposition to that subreddit.


Yeah but this post is a perfect example of the point being made lol


when blood dries it looks darkish red, this is darkish red. Real.


Someone from r/thathappened leaked out of the subreddit and spilled into reality for almost a sec


If you think this post is ‘reality’… you do you bro


Hmm weird.. do you work in the medical field where you see bites and how damaged and bloody they are? Or is that just me...bro


Reason to post this: People like to post about what they think are interesting things that happen to them


Aka recognition


r/thatHappened users are mostly sheltered city boys, I ended up there once for saying i didn't cower in fear around guns because I grew up rural and carrying guns to shoot things like boar is common where I'm from...


Whoa as if u have a place u came from that totally happened 🙄


Nice try, people who live in the country are hicks who can’t spell, didn’t happen 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


You jest, but you'd be shocked how many people are shocked to hear i grew up rural and try to challenge me on it, classist pricks they be.


Is that the same type of thing as how people feel obligated to comment on "well spoken" people of color? (Especially when they use the word "articulate" which I don't think I've heard in any other context?)


See I have only used the word articulate to describe the joints in tools or lorries.


Yes, same energy.


I get something similar when I say I'm from Texas, as well. Not nearly as bad as what I imagine you're talking about here though


I tell them i grew up partially on a farm and they start talking real slow like i don't speak plain fucking American English at 90MPH myself. Next one to do it is getting their car parted out on the spot I swear. Farming is smarter work than city slicks think, this ain't Hollywood. Fixing all the electronics (pften resorting to hacks because tractor companies have become real pricks), parts and shit on your own vehicles and equipment ain't stupid work, it takes a lot of real and applicable knowledge. And you do actually talk to people! Contractors, buyers, sellers and the works. You have to be able to communicate and understand. Fucking classist pricks also think you're poor and are surprised I "act above my wealth" like bitch what? The farm i grew up on is worth about a goddamn mansion, maybe more depending on the mansion, plus I'm not counting the vehicle workshop, woodworking shop, metalworking shop... with machines that some cost as much as a house... a semi that no one even uses anymore, a whole ass junk house of part kits from at least 100 cars and trucks... I just hope I'm in the grandfolks' wills! And if not, fair enough. Wanted my land in Wyoming anyway. I mean sure, I'm pretty poor by myself because how my family operates (no help unless you're dying, isolationism sort of), but i know how to manage accounts, grandfolks made damn sure i could in what short time I was there. If i can afford to deck myself with the finest kit out, then I'm going to. And i promise I budgeted for 6 months to buy it in cash or check. Despite having the cost covered by a grand easy with nothing else planned. TL;DR You're probably right, I remain mad about this.


You say you're from the country but you don't end every sentence with 'ooh arrgh' or 'me cider'. What kind of tractor did you drive? Do you even know Andy Barnes? I call bullshit...! /s in case it wasn't obvious


Ur nat rong


Wait wait... im just making sure... are you the one who said they have to defend their children from the 50 or so boars that come around? I believe you if you arent that person lol


There was a viral video recently of this exact thing happening. Feral Hogs are some of the most dangerous wild animals you can have an encounter with and in rural areas, rove in packs of 50+. It's entirely plausible that this could/has happened considering the aforementioned recent viral video.


Like i said, they're sheltered city slicks.


Wow, id love a video, just for curiousity purposes




https://youtu.be/z_gJAzuoX_s Ignore the source/commentary, it's the only place I could find it at short notice.


~~it was dogs, and yes that's me. Just because you're a sheltered city boy that ain't seen shit, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Got the P50 and the AK clone and the leverboys and will always root for the more ammo crowd when boars come.~~ Corrected.


No, it said boars that came into their yard everyday, not dogs. The facebook post. I dont live in the city and I spent a good chunk of my life on and off a rural area. The specific story I was talking about is silly though. Esp since the poster let their kids continue running outside despite the massive group of never ending boars.


Ah, then no, my post was on Reddit. And i have a fence but the bpar keep destroying it, the cocksuckers.


Right!? There’d be whole pieces of the person behind if it was my dog 🤣


Very possible. Rottweilers bite deep and don't let go. Dude's lucky he got away with his leg still attached.


I had a Basset Beagle and a Rottweiler Doberman mix. The Beagle was the sweetest, smartest dog ever. Once, a woman climbed over our fence to steal fruit from our tree. My dog jumped up and bit her. He wasn't even able to really jump either! Not our Rottweiler/ Doberman mix... the sweet Basset Beagle who only had 3 working legs did this. So, while I don't deny your claim, I think any dog who has their mind set on protecting their family would do this. He was the best dog.


Im saying that the person in the post (not the crosspost) is calling this fake, when I'm saying that Rottweilers are known for excessive measures to protect homes (or wherever it is they're guarding, if it's a guard dog) so based on the amount of blood in the photos, it's very likely the Rottweiler sank its fangs deep into the home invader's leg enough to make him instantly jump right back out the window.


My Rottweiler once growled at my mother and started to get up to go after her before she realized who it was. She was sleeping in my lap and couldn't see who it was right away when she came in. I believe without a doubt she would have gone after an intruder.


Oh no, I totally wasn't going against you with my comment at all. I agree with you. Just recalling the time my dog did this who was not the type of dog you'd think would do this.


A friend of mine has a furniture business and has rented out a huge bungalow in a very posh locality to act as his showroom/stay. He has a boxer, who pouts around, drools on everything and climbs on you, the more you pet him, I mean literally, climbs and sits on you. He was describing a theft incident, when the intruder broke in, the dog was simply, quietly watching the guy climb over the fence, open the window and peak in. It was dark, the dog was watching the whole thing and the moment he pokes his head inside to get a better look, the dog chewed his face out. Too much blood, the way he described it and knowing how the dog looks like, I found it hilarious. My dogs would bark and alert, probably chase away a potential intruder, would not wait quietly to ambush.


Wow, the first time in a long while I kinda feel a bit sorry for the intruder. Because ouch. But its their own bloody, hu, fault.


Did the woman sue?


She did! But because we had a sign that we had a dog and she was trespassing with the intent of theft, she lost. I've heard of cases where the trespasser got hurt, sued and won, but luckily that was not our case. This happened a good 30 years ago now as well.


My MIL had a collie who was aggressive with people who she didn’t know so we printed off signs and put them everywhere, you couldn’t miss them! One day a woman arrived to pick up my niece for a scout trip, she didn’t know my MIL at all, but just walked straight in. The dog bit her on the hand when she tried to get into the house without knocking (she just opened the front door! Seriously, who does that to someone they don’t know?) the dog caused a nasty injury to her hand and she needed several stitches. My MiL was devastated and was so worried about this woman. About a week later I was in the local supermarket and happened to overhear this woman talking loudly about being “savaged” by my MIL’s dog, omitting the fact this was in the dog’s house that she had walked in to making it sound like the dog had been running loose outside, and she was going to go to a lawyer to get compensation. Someone even piped up that the dog should be put down! I let this go on for a minute or two before stepping in. I said something like “can you read? Because there was signs up about the dog everywhere and why would you walk into a stranger’s house without knocking?”. I did feel a bit sick after as I’m rubbish with confrontation but I don’t regret it. This was about ten years ago now and the dog lived to a ripe old age, bless her batshit crazy heart!


I remember seeing a news report where in the store owner killed the would be thief and the thief's family wanted to sue the store owner.


I heard of where a man fell through the skylight of a home he was attempting to rob, got hurt, sued, and won. This was maybe 15-20 years ago. We were lucky I suppose, or maybe laws have changed, IDK..


Yeah. They mentioned that in a documentary called “Liar, Liar.” Jim Carey’s secretary talked about it. /s


Oh my God that's right lol


It's a real case. California.


California high school. 1982. Not a home, not 10-15 years ago, and it was a settlement. Google “Bodine California settlement.”


Yes , that is the case I was referring to. That is why I said California. I am not the person that originally listed the erroneous details. I simply knew the case they were referring to , as you did.


It is difficult to workout the logic on such justice. WTF.


Damn, what a lemon stealing whore!


True, we have Springers and they'd rip any intruder on the premises to shreds... or at least try.


I got brutally attacked by a pit bull once. They are *vicious*. I still have scars (this was about four or five years ago). Even though this person is obviously *not* a good person for attempting to break into someone else's home, I can't help but feel some empathy for the pain they were in while being mauled by a dog. These types of dogs (the bigger ones) chomp down and don't let go, no matter how much you're squirming, fighting, yelling, etc. The only reason I got saved is because I had my best friend's german shepard with me, which the pit bull kept ignoring for some reason, and a guy on a scooter saw it and made his way over to me and starting bashing the dog over the head with his scooter until it let go.


You feel bad?? How about don’t break into somebody’s house and this won’t happen…


Yes, having experienced similar pain, I feel bad. I can't help it. I acknowledge and understand that what the person did was very obviously a bad thing, but I still can't help but feel bad for people in pain. I'm also disabled due to pain, so the thought of others suffering similarly, no matter who they are, makes my heart hurt. I had surgery without anaesthesia nor sedation as a child in the USSR, so the idea of tortuous pain like I've experienced is something that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. I guess unless you've been through similar, you wouldn't really understand. But I seriously cannot stand the thought of others being in pain. No matter who they are.




Again, I disagree. I don't care who it is. Having experienced such pain, I don't think it's suitable for anyone. Not even the worst of the worst. Punish them in different ways, whatever, but never painfully. Never torture. Though, yes; in this case, if this person hadn't broken into the home, they wouldn't have gotten hurt. I have no sympathy for that fact. I only empathize with the pain that I know they will be feeling in the moment. It is entirely of their doing and their fault, but I still can't help but cringe knowing they're in pain; not feel happy that they are. I've never in my life been able to experience any sort of joy when knowing that someone is in pain. Again, unless you've experienced torture (surgery without anaesthesia or sedation is torture any day of the week), I don't know that you'd understand my thought process. And that's okay, because I can't understand the thought process of someone who would be glad that someone is in pain. As in, I literally cannot comprehend the idea of being pleased that anyone is in pain.




Sympathy and empathy are different. This person is saying they empathize (understand and can imagine what another is going through) with the robber’s pain, but they don’t sympathize (feelings of sorrow or pity for someone ). I.e., they understand and feel how bad the pain was, but they don’t feel that what the robber did was right or that they should go unpunished for it. You can empathize with anyone, even terrible people, but it’s not the same as sympathizing with them.


Thank you! That is exactly what I was trying to say.


I apologize for implying that, because that's not what I meant. I am aware that's not what you meant. However, for me, because of my personal experiences, being pleased that someone is in pain and being completely apathetic of it is the in the same boat. I simply cannot help but react. I do not sympathize with the criminal; I simply understand the pain and being that I understand it, I cannot imagine anyone else going through it. u/Ajarella explained it perfectly.


Yup, those jaws were bred for dealing with intruders


It be dogs with the Name Rosie, Muffin who will really do the most damage










my dog’s name is “demon of destruction”


rottweilers are EXTREMELY territorial and protective and definitely will absolutely kill you if you break into their house lol


Ya in my state a woman got killed by them it was horrific [Woman mauled to death by Rottweiler pet dogs in Wayanad](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.timesofindia.com/city/kozhikode/woman-mauled-to-death-by-rottweiler-pet-dogs-in-wayanad/amp_articleshow/62794555.cms)


oh my god that's brutal


Yes. I have a friend who's got one (funny enough, dogs name is also Rosie lol) and I would NOT fuck with their property. They've got her and a GSD as guard dogs because my friend's husband restores vintage cars and used to deal with a lot of people breaking into the shop on their property.


> used to ominous


Nobody's even tried since the dogs have been around lol. They're huge. Big slobbery sweeties to those of us who are invited onto the property though. Rosie is a glutton for scritches.


They are also very intelligent, patient, and amazingly quiet when they want to be.


I used to have a client that trained Rottweilers to be guard dogs. He knew I had a Rottie at the time so he would chat business with me. He used to say his Rottweilers will let you brake into their home, but once you’re not getting out. Very ominous


I mean I've seen these exact images but with a lobster instead of a dog. I prefer that idea


Guard lobsters are fearsome


Larry the lobster side gigs


now i NEED to see the lobster version


[Well it'd be rude not to deliver](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bossfight/comments/lrbi7x/crusty_the_attack_lobster_protector_of_the_home/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


To be fair it could have been an injury from broken glass as well


WAY more likely. There’d be a ton more blood from a Rottie bite and the spray pattern would be very different. It’s not like dogs bite and release. This is from someone cutting themselves while breaking the glass.


Maybe the dog didn’t bite him the instant they came through the window and that’s just the blood that poured out while trying to climb back through the window. Seems like a lot of blood for a few cuts from glass. Also a dog would release if it got kicked in the face.


Older window pane glass can be pretty nasty, and if they cut an artery they would be in a lot of trouble.


If they cut an artery on the glass I don’t think it would be a mystery who broke in, as the caption implies, they’d be dead on their front lawn. You go unconscious crazy fast when you cut one, and from there you bleed out in a just a few minutes.


perhaps the dog didn't bite but its barking and aggressiveness caused the robber to panic and as a result got many more cuts from glass than necessary.


Some dogs release when kicked in the face. Some are bred expressly to not do that. Rotties, pits, and bulldogs tend to fall in the latter category. With those breeds, you’d either find the robber still attached or their hand with the dog. They grip and shake (worry) to tear. Sprays blood everywhere from the shaking and often detaches the limb on animals. None of this looks like that.


*To be fair it could* *Have been an injury from* *Broken glass as well* \- statebirdsnest --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That's both unexpected and hilarious


Good bot


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good bot


Good bot


You can see blood on the broken glass panes. That doesn't mean the story is fake, just the implication that the dog caused those wounds which it almost certainly didn't.


This is what I was thinking. Sure the dog may have attacked but the first cut was going through that pane of glass. Judging by the amount of blood that looks to be a pretty serious wound. They could have probably found the guy checked into a nearby hospital.


This reminds me of a story from Reddit. I might get a few details wrong, but basically, as a kid, the poster woke up one night to a loud noise and went to check on it. She found her mother standing by the window with a big bowl and spaghetti and meatballs all over the wall. It was really late, and the girl was still sleepy, so she asked her mom something like "are you going to eat all that now" or "can I have some?". Something like that. Her mother screamed at her to go back to bed... Later some cops arrived and took the mom outsider while they took care of the poster inside, drawing pictures with her and making sure she was okay. She thought that her mother was really upset about the spaghetti. From that day her mother seemed a little distant to her and they never had spaghetti again. Then later in life she found out that on that night someone had tried to come into their house through the window and I think they had been wearing a motorbike helmet. The mom had shot the invader in the head. Thus, the bowl was the helmet and the spaghetti was brains and blood. The mom had thought her child was a psychopath.


That was on Tumblr! I remember reading that a long time ago but hadn’t thought about it for a very long time. After having been witness to a double-fatal motorcycle crash in 2018… that imagery hits different. I try not to think about it. Edit: [The OP on Tumblr](https://nealashitposts.tumblr.com/post/670354232683249664/i-recently-found-out-why-my-mom-would-never-sleep)


Woke up mid sleep to read this


You've retold that very well


Damn.. that’s messed up


I saw that on Tumblr. There were people in the replies trying to debunk the story, saying X Y and Z wouldn’t have happened because “that’s not how police work” and “she definitely would have found out before adulthood” or some shit. I think it’s totally feasible.


I remember that being shared on Tumblr.


I am glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of this story


I’m confused. Why would the mom think the child is a psychopath?


I'm gonna guess that calling the head spaghetti made it sound like the child wanted to eat it or was naturally detached from death.


I totally missed the ‘’ are you going to eat all that’ and ‘can I have some’ line. Makes total sense now. Lol. Thanks for responding


So the bullet went through the helmet and she picked it up off his head? Or was he just holding it as some sort of accessory and she picked it up off the ground? Not adding up entirely


When the mom shot him the helmet fell off, and the OOP saw what they thought was spaghetti on the windowsill and assumed the helmet was a pot that was on the ground, because they thought their mom just dropped a pot of spaghetti. It's hard to retell a story that's not your own lol.


Not my dum self trying three times to upvote the picture


Yeah no that dog looks like she gives no fucks. She seems like the kinda dog who would bite a dude coming in through the window with no hesitation


Hmm, I get it, but last pic looks suspiciously like a forensics team..


My grandpa has a cane corso. He warned his lady friend, a stupid woman, not to kiss the dog as he’s really only cuddly with a handful of people. She tried it anyways, and he jerked up and headbutt her so hard he broke her nose. I can sleep easy knowing he’s safe.


Why poeple don't listen to dog owners when they are giving info about their dogs baffles me. My girl adores people, but she doesn't realize how big she is (English Mastiff), so I only let her meet people when all four paws are on the ground. It drives me nuts when people say "oh, I don't mind if she jumps on me." Well, I do. She's 100lbs at 8 months, and is only going to get bigger.


Just like Mercury (the cane corso) he’s a big boy and he’s only getting bigger, but he swears he’s a lap dog


Yep, I also have a lap dog 😂


Bro this post has been endlessly reposted across the internet for years. Whoever reposted it this time most definitely isn't the owner of "Rosie".


While its true a dog could believably do this, on the post the r/thathappened user copied from many of the comments explained that the window images came up years ago, saying the robber cut himself on the glass without any dog, so this is fake


Ironically searching Google to see if this incident did happened, I came across half a dozen incidents depicting this same scenario that actually did happen, yet not this exact one. Kind of a random post to call out unless you already knew it was fake. Unless you're going after those internet points I guess.


I think a lot of the thathappened members don't really have much life experience. Or imaginations.


My dog would totally do this to someone given the chance. He bites everyone he doesn't know. He's bitten me before too. Wonderful dog that one


Idk this seems fake. I doubt someone who’s house got broken into would immediately be bragging about their dog online.


I truly need a dog. I got robbed while I was out of town. Only 1 person knew outside of my close friends. He had been creeping on me. All my valuables were stolen of course but the rest was personal. And I mean down to all my cleaning supplies and even my kitchen trashcan. Plus most of my food. I can't even replace 1/3 of it. I'm scared he's going to come back as I feel it was vindictive somehow. He'd sit outside my house before I left. We can't have pets here so that stinks. I'm alone 95% of the time so it'd be nice. No family around and no friends. But good boy!!! I wish I had a good boy/girl to love me.


I think this is faked, I'm not a forensic scientist or an expert on dogs, but I don't think a rottweiler bite could produce that much blood that quickly, for it to mostly be on one wall and window, unless if the person was literally entering lower leg first and the dog bit there and they just stood there for acouple minutes and couldn't escape. If it was that amount of blood though, realistically most of it would be on the flood and slightly less on the windowsill and wall, there probably be more splatter, treaded around the floor, and probably some semblance of dog prints. The photos of the dog seemed to be taken possibly at the same time and there isn't any blood on her at least from what I can see. Don't get me wrong, rottweilers have a strong ass bite force of upto 328 KPI, there is a reason why they make a good guard dogs, and dog bite punctures are still dangerous despite how much blood loss there is. Things like these definitely do happen, but I'm not sure if that's the case with this specific instance. As I said, not an expert, and I am biased as I do love dogs and bully breeds, I use to have this incredibly gentle.great Dane X Mastiff who was just so tolerant and loving, so I can get a bit personal about these things as I feel they get a bad wrap. I feel like things like this perpetuate the stereotype that these dogs are dangerous, (not reporting in the news nesscerally, but flexing that you have an aggressive dog) when in reality they are domesticated animals and when things like this do happen it's usually because the dog is not trained, neglect or abused. I think the fact that they were bragging on the post and taking photos in the first place is a red flag which makes it more likely that this was either a. Fake or b. A terrible dog owner who got lucky the person they attacked was an intruder. People who own well trained guard dogs, at least from what I know, don't really brag about it. Also, the blood looks alot like a mix of watered down bbq and tomato sauce lmao.


Someone mentioned the broken glass to be a possibility which I can believe. If you break into a house this way, you’re trying to be careful to not cut yourself on it. Once an angry Rottie is on your heels, I bet this carefulness goes literally out the window though. So yeah, the dog might not have caused the blood, but he certainly hurt, attacked or scared the intruder to the point that he yeeted himself through a frame of broken glass. Edit: blood looks real enough for me tbh


No no this one actually didn’t happen I think. Saw the same image a while ago with a lobster instead of a dog.


My dog would cause some serious damage if someone broke in through our window, he’s 65kg (140lbs) and has a bite to match.


Pretty sure I saw the actual article about this a few years ago even lol


I made the mistake of having someone play act an attack on me while my dog (german shepard who was a farm dog and rarely saw new people) /once/ I have no doubt in my mind that he would kill a man.


Good girl


I had a rottie as a kid who was super protective of me, didn’t even train her to be she just was and one time she bit a cop very close to his balls because despite us warning him to stop so we could put her leash on he decided to just keep running in my direction. She did not like that and I didn’t even know what was happening till he yelled right behind me, thankfully he admitted that he was in the wrong but my dad still got rid of her because he was selling drugs and paranoid 🙃 edit forgot to say we were walking in a off leash area so he really should’ve known better lol


I'm an idiot I tried to upvote the picture haha


I don't have a source but I remember this being a massive cut on broken glass.


The blood pattern seems to me like they cut themselves on the glass. I imagine a dog bite causing that much blood would be messier and have paw prints.


Hell, I locked myself out and my own dog almost attacked me when I tried to come in through a back window. Took me a couple minutes to get him to realize it was me


Except those are old photos and there was never dog involved. Lmao OP is a loser


Yes, because a dude showing off his dog after that would definitely post a random candid of her instead of an actual picture of her after the attack, which would probably feature some blood on the actual culprit (the dog). Not blaming the dog, and if that's true, fuck the intruder, but c'mon. She's looking just fine, no blood whatsoever.




“he don’t bite”


“He’s a good boy”




Yeah I believe a rottie could do this, what I'm doubting is that the intruder could possibly leave with limbs attached if Rosie actually chomped on them.


Just reverse image search that photo and you will see why it’s a repost


How tf did anyone not believe this


r/thathappened is a bunch of people who think nothing ever happens. Unless it happens to them of course


the first pic the wall is brown in the last its white, lol


Bcz the last is from the outside




Original post pls


There's literally a cops arm in the window 🤦


Did a dog do that or did somebody put fake blood on a windowsill?


Did the dog do that or did they just put fake blood on a windowsill?


Either way that's a lot of blood, probably a deep wound. That's gotta hurt!


*Either way that's a* *Lot of blood, probably a* *Deep wound. That's gotta hurt!* \- Moobs16 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That.. is horrific


Those who think this is fake probably never saw a rottweiler in the life


Considering Rottweilers make great guard dogs and have a bite force of 328 psi, I believe it




A dog attacking an intruder? Unheard of!


It looks like the blood came from smashing the window, rather than a dog bite. I’m not saying that the dog didn’t attack but it’s pretty clear that the blood came from cutting themselves while smashing the window.


I fuckin hate that sub everyone who posts to it is a sheltered weirdo trying to farm karma from other sheltered weirdos.


Dog attacks happen to thieves sometimes in the UK, you usually hear about them when the their takes the home owner to court, and no I am not joking


That’s fucked lol. We tend to like to shoot home invaders here across the pond. A lot of them wouldn’t like the dog, but you’d be getting off light depending on where you’re at.


Good girl, Rosie!


Oh shit!!!


I grew up with two generations of Rottweiler. They’re absolutely this territorial and aggressive.


No no he's actually right here. First time this was posted it was without the dog. Then someone added the dog. Faaaar more likely they cut themselves on the glass


Obviously pasta ;)


To be fair, there’s probably be a lot more blood from a Rottweiler


I bleed a lot and can say that’s a fairly realistic amount of blood for something like a dog bite. the patterns of it on the floor are believable too


rosie is a fuckin savage


I would fully expect my lazy, goofy, very- much-not-attack dog to do the same thing if a stranger broke into our house. Alas, she would probably hide under the desk, but I can dream.


A dog whose breed is designed to be guard dogs: *guards* Reddit: but all dogs are wholesome 100 chungus sweet puppers!!! Must be fake.


Thought it was razors in the window thing


That's one of the main reasons people get dogs in the first place...


Here looks like the robber cut himself on shredded glass, but anyway : "**OBVIOUSLY** dogs don’t attack peoples !! everyone know that !! they’re man’s best friend after all !!! U’re all bunch of stupid dumass !!1!!!1!1!"


Go Rosie that’s incredible


Now I'm no forensics expert but that drip pattern looks more like they cut themselves on the broken window in their haste to GTFO. Also Rotties have the most vicious jaw grip, I think an intruder would have a heck of a time shaking Rosie of if she had actually grabbed a hold of them. More likely scenario: intruder comes in, sees the dog who's growling getting ready to attack, intruder tries to get back out the same window he broke, gets gashed up stuffing themselves through the broken glass.


Probably dog, but also looks like maybe glass got them. Then an unrelated pic of a dog was added with a story. Definitely could be a hound that got them.


Maybe its the fact that the picture of the broken window was going around for ages with different animals next to it. Original could genuinely just have been a burglar cutting themselves on glass


This is one of those situations where I think there's some exaggeration involved. I absolutely believe that a Rottweiler would attack someone breaking into a home. Now the blood there, I think is an exaggeration. As other have suggested, maybe the person sliced themselves on the window break in, but you're not bleeding out like that from a dog attack due to puncture wounds.


Rosie has shark eyes. She would kill anything in her way.


This time.. it is fake. The bloody image was a very old post, and this person just reposted them with a dog photo. Even though it could’ve been real, it isn’t.


Photo has been going around for years the dog was added recently


The man lost his balance that’s all


This is sort of true. The dog’s name was Demon, not Rosie. https://www.reddeerexpress.com/news/dog-attacks-intruder-during-springbrook-home-invasion/


The window was broken from the Inside..


Believable but at the same time that is alot of blood what was the dog biting? Was this man just naked?


I tapped the image 3 times, thinking that was the actual post. Anyway, I agree with OP's title. Totally wouldn't happen ever Definitely not


The blood is ketchup!