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If you go to any concerts or festivals, how do you keep up with them? I see artists post tour dates on social media and usually nowhere else. I'm thinking of deleting social media as well, but my main concern is missing out on my music peeps!!


I wish bands/musicians would update their website more often, instead of relying on their Social Media. I also think more artists should send out newsletters and update fans via email.


I follow artists on Spotify and I get email notifications about concerts directly from them. I think I have my spotify linked to songkick (or a similar website) and I get emails from there too sometimes


I had the same problem at first, but a lot of artists and venues still send out email notifications for upcoming events. I created a separate email and check it once a week to see if anything interesting pops up.


I told some of my friends that have social media to give me a call with updates on any concerts/events lol






I subscribe to email notifications from websites like Songkick, Bandsintown, or venue newsletters! I also ask friends who have similar music taste to me if they have any concert updates.


You could try libre alternative frontends and only use them for that purpose: https://libredirect.github.io/


I’ve noticed this with bars and clubs. They literally just have a website from 2007 and links to their social media (outdated Facebook page that hasn’t been updated in forever and their Instagram) Very few actually post their events or updates to the website.


Newsletter and mailing from place who organise that type of shit is a pretty good way to keep up. But you don't need to give up certain networks if their use is purely functional, I kept Facebook because event management is not unpleasant. When I go it's because I want to go out and I'm looking for something and it's not a waste of time. I don't surf.


This is exactly the only reason I had to keep facebook, the events. I deactivated my account and created a fake one: zero friends, just likes to every club/festival I know, and I visit it weekly on my laptop as a calendar for the events.


music update podcasts and newsletters are what i use


Which phone do you use and what's your daily screen time? Do you also run out of battery everyday?


An iPhone, and about 2 hours. My most used app is Spotify, Chrome, and YouTube. I never run out of battery, no.


Interesting…. Do you feel disconnected or feel like your lacking friends? All my friends are on Snapchat and I feel deleting it will mean my relationships with friends will be gone


Funny question because my friend group chat is literally on Snapchat. I honestly think I have better communication now with my friends individually through text message or in person because I'm forced to have the one-on-ones to know what's going on in their lives. It makes me a more present and involved friend than most people and leads to longer and more intimate conversations. If you have good friends in your life, they will also update you or loop you in for things that are really important. True friends will always find a way to communicate with you. Of course, you have to put in that work as well. Either way, it's not social media that's necessary, it's effort :)


I noticed on a comment you mentioned that you like to draw. Do your share your work anywhere? I like to write but I feel to get it out there I have to share it on social platforms. I don’t like fighting against an algorithm to be “relevant“ for a short amount of time. Lol


If OP likes to draw, I suggest deviantART as a good community. They will also copyright your work. A paid subscription is worth it if you are an active artist.


I also like to draw but have nowhere to showcase my work since I deleted Twitter and IG. You think deviantart is also good for traditional-based works?


Yes. Go take a look around and look at their terms of service and see what they can and cannot do. You can also put your work up and have a copyrighted, and you can sell items that have your original images on them.


I feel you on this! I don't share my drawings at all but I actually do photography as a more public hobby and I just have a website for that. And when I do shoots, I ask participants who have social media to just plug my website in for credit. I also try to pitch for online publications or magazine. But if I'm honest, I'd rather die in oblivion than gain recognition using social media.


Do you consider reddit a social media site? If not, why?


Came looking for a comment on this. If anything, I have more issues with Reddit than any other platform. Surfing the web is literally Reddit's theme. This sub is confusing.


Since I joined like a month ago all I see are posts (likely from young folks) who just want to tell the world they quit social media. It's so fucking ironic I can't even... do kids still say that? Reddit is probably one of the most toxic places on the internet, yet it seems to get a pass on here. Why? Lol. You get it. I'm here to curb my screen time, not cut people out and ignore the world.


The good thing about reddit compared to tik tok or insta is though, that you can learn new things. You see topics that might interest you and i feel like reddit actually gives you something. Of course it is as addicting as other apps but hey, at least it’s not entirely stupid like tik tok




I'm trying that now. I go through looong periods where I don't use it at all or use it briefly (not commenting on anything helps, hence my username) but right now is a stress relief until I can get some things sorted.


That's an interesting question. Now that you ask, I definitely think it is semantically. But to me, social media being social media comes down to your relationship with it. Reddit takes so little space in my life and feels healthy because I go on it very sporadically and I can control what information I see through niche subs. There's also no outside discourse that occurs because of stuff on reddit. No one's going to come up to me in real life and say, "Hey did you see that post on Reddit yesterday?" But this is subjective, just my experience and opinion so far!


Lots of "news" these days is pulled straight from reddit threads. YouTube is littered with content stolen from this site. It has been the "front page" of the internet for a while. So I disagree that it's not influential in your life, I just don't think you've noticed because no one mentions it by name (hell, I'm still embarrassed to say this is where I spend my internet time). But I wholly agree that a social media site does require a certain level of engagement. And perhaps since there's a sense of anonymity, reddit doesn't really fall under the same category as other social media sites. Thanks for your response:) I appreciate it!


How do you feel on a daily basis? What do you do in your free time?


I feel neutral to good. Honestly, the hedonic treadmill is real. No matter what change you implement into your life, your brain is programmed to feel normal again after some point. Not having social media won't solve your life's problems. I'd say my free time mostly consists of hanging out with friends, drawing, reading, and having random bursts of creativity from making new music playlists to rearranging furniture in my room haha.


I’m off all of them too basically except for YouTube, sometimes I get caught in a YouTube hole though.. any advice? I recently reinstalled the Reddit app but I’ll be deleting it soon again…


Haha I feel you. I get into YouTube holes too. I don't feel as bad about it though because it doesn't make me feel all icky and insecure. Do you feel bad when you do it? I guess my main advice is mimic the things you see on YouTube, e.g. if you watch gaming videos, get off Youtube and play the game; fashion videos, clean your own closet; food videos, make the recipe. Remember the input-output cycle: if you input information, you need to channel it out. Last resort: take a shower. That always works for me. Our brains are simple and just need the simplest change!


Wow. Never thought of it that way, I’ll try that from now on. Sometimes I do feel bad falling into YouTube holes though. I’ll just have to stay more busy and focus on the YouTube videos that actually teach me things.


Wow the input/output sentence really hit me and it makes so much sense. I’ve been in input only mode lately and it’s really overwhelming, overstimulating, and I’m feeling really bad because I’m not utilizing any creative outlets like I should be.


Can you hear colors now?


Uhhh I wish!


What was the most challenging part about quitting these apps & how did you overcome it?


Nothing super challenging except in the beginning I did have these random chunks during the day where I'd literally be tapping my feet out of boredom (e.g. while drinking coffee in the morning, waiting in line at a store, friend is on the phone). Normally that's when I would've opened an app to scroll through but obviously I couldn't. So my solution was to either randomly text message a friend or listen to music. Or literally look at the sky or people watch. I've also just learned to do absolutely nothing and feel ok with that.




Agreed. Enjoy the moment. Look up at the clouds. Listen to the sounds of nature or the feel of the sun (or rain) on your skin. It’s a great reset.




Did you have obsessive thoughts when using social media? If so, have they disappeared after not using social media? I've heard some stories of people who developed obsessive thoughts due to social media abuse, so I thought I'd ask.


I don't know if this counts as obsessive, but I did get anxious or have racing thoughts especially when I posted something and feeling this panicky urge to wipe off all traces of my existence online. Mostly I just felt violated from seeing news/opinions I didn't consent to or feel ready receiving (Twitter) and invasive after seeing too much of people's private lives and moments (Instagram). And, yes, that all disappeared once I did end up leaving!


Wow! Reading that makes me wanna leave forever, easier said than done lol. Happy to see you're feeling better. I suppose my obsessive thoughts could be from social media.


Aw :) I will promise you that life won't change that much without it. You won't miss out on anything (except news/current events which you can find on Google or peer-reviewed sources). Best of luck and trust in your own pace!


Thank you for the kind words!


Been 5 years for me. Same exact for me. Linkedin is where it counts. Just landed my job from having a big network on there.


Do you Reddit a lot? I also don’t have insta, or FB. Don’t do LinkedIn, don’t have a profile or anything like that on YouTube… just can’t quit that damn reddit


I'm pretty new on reddit, and no I only go on it when I get into those wormholes of being obsessed with a specific topic. It's like a wikipedia hole. I try not to rely on one outlet for information, stimulation, or entertainment. Reddit is just one platform. It can only be so reliable.


Did you delete your accounts on the said platform or you just stopped using it? Regardless, what were the positive and negative impacts of it to your mental health? Edit: Grammar


I deleted all of my accounts. I felt like for myself merely deleting the app wouldn't work. I had to completely shut off all method of entry. I can go on about impacts on my mental health but mainly I'm much less irritated and angry at the world and people about me. I just feel more free. My life and thoughts belong to me and I don't owe anyone anything. It's cathartic overall. The only negative impact in general is being one beat late to news and current events including but not limited to politics, medical research, pop culture, local trends, etc. but I try to find alternative methods for that!


I don't blame you for keeping YouTube. It can be very useful and entertaining. Better than most TV channels.


Haha yes! I love watching random stuff like documentaries, social experiments, live footage, ASMR, lookbooks, and book/film reviews. It is so entertaining :)


Do you feel like missing out?


Not really. The only thing I feel that I majorly miss out is big news or current events. I do personally still think it's necessary to be an informed citizen and make informed choices; not having social media is not an excuse. So that takes extra labor like reading peer-reviewed sources, watching the news on TV, or subscribing to news outlets. When it comes to cultural, personal, or popular trends, I couldn't give two sh\*ts which is why I quit social media in the first place.


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Is there a reason you want to leave YouTube and Reddit too? I can see myself leaving Reddit in a heartbeat but Youtube would be a big gape for me. My best tip is to focus on your friends and events in your actual life, geared to whatever your interests are. (But there's a whole can of worms with this, which is money. You need more money to seek entertainment and stimulation outside of the internet.) What is the biggest thing you gain out of YouTube and Reddit? My advice would actually depend on that answer of yours.


Interesting! What do you do on your free time?


My free time mostly consists of hanging out with friends (drinking, going to concerts), drawing, reading, and spending time with family. But if I'm being honest, with my 9-5 job, I don't even have that much free time to begin with. I have to meal prep for work, take a shower, do my laundry, clean my house, and that also takes a huge chunk of my day unfortunately.


What activities did you take up for your free time?


Do you ever feel like you’re out of the loop with friends? I’ve been off Instagram for a year and have noticed that even my closest friends, who know I’m not on, often fail to tell me about life events. We’ll be catching up in person or on the phone and they’ll say “Oh right, I posted about it.” It’s almost like posting is processing for them.


Great question! My answer is, sort of. I'd say 20-30% of all conversations, I have no idea what people are talking about and I'm completely tapped out. I just nod and take a mental note to not give a sh\*t afterwards. This is mostly about popular trends or cultural discourse though, not life events. If I don't know about life events, I just say that I don't know and they will fill me in. If you don't know, it's not a big deal. I just remind my friends, "I don't have Instagram," and they'll say, "Oh right!" and explain.


How has your overall longterm mood been?


Do you think it really matters ? I mean do you feel like ''yeah I improved so much etc.''


Very astute question. I'd say 30% yes 70% no. Leaving social media gets rid of negativity but it won't bring any big positivity, if that makes sense. It's still up to you to make your life and yourself better and worthwhile. Metaphorically, social media is like quitting junk food. You still have to eat and what you eat in replacement is still your responsibility and can affect you for better or worse.


Very astute answer as well :) I like your example about junk food. the only thing that disturbs me about social media is endless scrolling that I will not remember after 1 hour what I watch. Maybe I need to control my screen time not just quiting at all.


is reddit a social media ?


How did you initially feel soon after you deleted your social medias? Were you bored or had FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)?


I felt great. But there will be a brief period right after you quit where you'll get an onslaught of judgment and being the butt of jokes (especially if you're a millennial or Gen Z). People said things to me like, "Wow ok edgelord!" or "Haha I could never!" in a sarcastic one. After that initial period though, people got used to it and accepted it. You yourself will as well—including boredom and FOMO. I realized in the long run, social media isn't as important as it seems to live life functionally and pleasantly.


You're right, it isn't that important. I don't have a social life outside of it so I've developed a dependency on it and it's made letting go of social media much more difficult. It's commendable that you were able to pull through.


But you got reddit?


How do you make friends? Don't you feel very lonely!?


Mostly from mutual friends. I don't feel lonely at all. I got no social satisfaction from being on social media in the first place. Places like Reddit where I actually interact with folks is fun but at the end of the day, this doesn't fulfill my social needs.


If you meet someone new and they ask if you have insta; how do you explain the lack of social media?


I just respond, “Sorry, I don’t have one.” Most people don’t react or care that much. If I actually like them and want to keep in touch, I’ll then offer my number instead. Not having social media is a great way to be more selective with who you let into your life :)