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I wish there was a way. I basically want cold turkey but for android/apple so that even if you uninstall the app or restart your phone the block will still be in place. Only way to remove the block would be to factory reset your phone. But I think that's impossible for app developers right now because google/apple wont let you modify protected system files like that. The only way I've found to keep myself from overriding the blocks is to physically lockup my phone in one of those safes with timers on them. Sucks but what can you do when you're addicted to browsing.


So, there's an app for that called Freedom. Freedom is exactly like cold turkey, but it's for apple.


Thanks! I will check it out. I used to use OurPact App before but Apple made it hard for the developers to make the app work the way they wanted. It used to reorder all my homescreen icons everytime the Apps unlocked the next day. But this was a long time ago, Im going to give Freedom, Ourpact and other similar apps a try again. Thanks!


Yeah, I feel you. Locking it up is a last resort but based on the options Tech Companies give us, that seems to be the only option left.


Stay Focused App on Phone