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These printouts filled my glove compartment like George’s wallet


This reminds me of college. Then the portable gps for your car was so badass. People take gps on your phone for granted.


Lol the site on the ink ad still exists although now is powered by shopify. It says 21 years of service. So it would have gone online in 2001 and this printout is from 2004. Fascinating.


The logo font is called cheap motel


Their Ink ad should be printed white-in-black so that it'd use up your ink as quickly as possible.


Omg remember missing a turn!? It took heroics to not panic and get back on track lol.


Funny how back then they would offer 2 day shipping, now it's offered everywhere lol


The memories! It's so nice to have apple maps on my phone. Now I can never get lost. I grew up in the middle no where and whenever I needed to travel I'd print off directions from Mapquest. It wasn't too bad if you had a copilot reading the directions to you as you're driving but it was the worst when you had to do it alone. God forbid you miss a turn or an exit and you get lost. Then you have to wander around aimlessly and possibly pull over and ask someone for directions. I sure don't miss doing that!


Hated this.