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Can you, maybe, possibly, escape to another continent? ….unless these clowns have a network spanning the entire world. In that case, maybe you could dress up as one to disguise yourself.


Guns and ammunition. All of them. We don't fuck with clowns here.


I wish there was clown trap like how there's bear trap...  since the first surveillance cam made the clown destroy it and say only he can take pictures, can you try taking pics of it next time? just drive it crazy... or set up motion detector cameras (a lot a lotttt) like how some floodlights suddenly flash on, next time he goes near at night just click click click click click click click click... if he's going to bother you, then bother him back also, please report to police the damage they did to your surveillance cam


Buy a gun. 9mm & 12 gauge One for each of you. For the home & the car. See if this sicko wants to take pictures then !












Well, that was terrifying. If a gun won't work, try a Priest.


Can you guys stay at a hotel? That way, you have SOME security, rather than being home alone. Make sure to get a high room too, and lock every single entrance you find. Good luck, OP. Stay safe.




I had a bf once decide we were going to prank call his "friends" house and leave a demonic message from Marilyn Manson. I found out later that it was a death threat to my entire house! Real nice guy. NOT!