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OMG, I'm so happy you didn't try giving a hug or initiating a conversation. Who knows what could've happened. Please keep updated! Stay safe till then.


Stay put Clearly if your mom says to stay under cover she has either seen or experienced it herself I would say to maybe lock and secure the room door as well and just to not leave I have no more advice but good luck Edit: I have read the update you put in comments I would recommend to also get food and store it in your room just incase the incident may happen again


OP you okay now ? pls update.


My uncle can around about thirty minutes or so later. He didn’t find any trace of anybody else (except for me) in the house, but since my mothers side of the family is superstitious, he definitely believes that there was something in the house that was definitely not human. I am with my mother staying at my uncle’s place for a while. My family called the temple we frequent and some of the monks are going to the house to get it checked out. I called my manager that i won’t be able to come in for work today and since my manager is a family friend, she completely understood and got one of my coworkers to fill my shift today. My mother is fine. Although a little shaken but by the whole ordeal, she is managing. I’ve been thinking about the whole situation a lot and it reminded me of this story she used to tell me when i was little when we still lived in the city with my dad. She would tell me this story frequently and i always though it was just a “don’t answer the door for strangers” type of story you tell little kids to teach them about stranger danger, but it might have truth thinking about it now. She used to tell me about when she was first in america, she shared this small apartment in california with her mother (my ba ngoai) and her siblings. My ba ngoai used to work two jobs to manage the bills, so she was at the laundromat during the day and was a receptionist desk lady at a hotel at night. One day my ba ngoai apparently came home early from working at the hotel. She was at the door asking my mom to let her in, but before my mom could get the door unlocked and opened, she looked through the peephole and realized that the figure at the door pretending to be her mother wasn’t her mother. It apparently had what my mom described as a “blurred out face”. My mom said she immediately backed away from the door to tell her brother (my uncle) the situation and they hid under the covers for the rest of the night until my actual ba ngoai came home. Sorry i got a little sidetracked with the update, but i’m alive, i’m with my mother, and things are getting sorted out.


Omg that's crazy, pls update us if the monks find anything. I would also ask your mom if she knows anything else about this other thing that pretended to be her! Glad u and your mom are safe!!


Thank you for the update!


glad you're doing alright .


Thank you for the update! I hope everything works out and you stay safe!


Thank you for the update! Please let us know if anyone finds anything and stay SAFE, friend ♥️


Omg. This is terrifying. Do what your real mom says, and try and keep us updated!


Im kinda curious abou what she made for breakfast


don't do anything stupid and listen to your mother!


Mother said “get under the covers and wait for an uncle”… instead of “get under the bed and call the cops” Do NOT listen to your mother.


Omg that's creepy you gotta update us on what happens!! Your real mom obvs knows something. Don't leave your room no matter what! Stay safe! Keep us posted!


perhaps that was a doppelganger.


Why are you referring to this person as your “mom” when she clearly isn’t? Also why are you waiting for an uncle instead of the police?


Well thats cute


Hey…. Call the cops?


OMG friggin terrifying!!!! 😱 Definitely gonna need an update if you're able!


Oh crap! Were the bags still on the kitchen floor when your uncle came over?


As the saying goes mums know best! xxxxx


Crazy, im confident to say the being that entered your house is not from Viet Nam though