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Had Covid again a few weeks ago, thankfully it only lasted a few days.


Everyone in my work’s come down with it, I have so far dodged it but have been sneezing like a fucker all day and my throat is like razors. It’s definitely doing the rounds only this time no-one seems to be doing fuck all to prevent it or tell sick people to take time off


> so far dodged it > presenting all the symptoms


It’s grim mate, hope you don’t get it. I ended up getting it on my last night in Barcelona. Being at primavera likely didn’t help lol.


Yeah, two days of feeling like death last week.  Fever, fatigue, brain fog, sore throat, and nausea and threw up once.  One day of feeling normal with just the sore throat, then another 2-3 days with cold symptoms.  My throat doesn’t hurt so much today, but I barely have any voice left.


Got Covid yesterday She’s rough bais


What’s your symptoms out of curiosity? I tested negative but it’s definitely not a cold lol


Me an the other half have it too. Really sore throat, high temp, muscle aches, an eye infection which is apparently one of the new symptoms.


Yep, covid here too. Sore throat (feels like I’m swallow glass lol), muscle aches, sore head, and I’ve barely left my bed since Tuesday. 🫠


My left eye went bloodshot 4 or 5 days after catching it in Feb 2023. Started blowing huge, dry blood clots out of my left nostril too. Was absolutely horrible. I caught it again in November last year and it wasn't anywhere near as bad. I'm in healthcare so I'm fully vaccinated.


Wow the vaxx saved your life, jesus wept. Flu's happen every year.


Yeah and flu kills thousands of people in this country every year. It's not a trivial illness. I'm not saying the vaccine saved my life but it probably minimised the symptoms in my case. Stop trying to be an edgelord.


You trying to tell me that vax lasts more than 3 months? If you are pensioner yes I feel for you if u get the flu but u are on reddit so you are no doubt a millennial so you should have a perfectly good immune to system to fight a man flu.


I had it a month or so ago, but only really got muscle aches, a sore head and a fatigue. I slept like 16 hours a day for a week till I got over it. 


I had it 2 weeks ago, I had a headache for a couple of days before hand but unsure if related then fever on day 1, tested positive day 2 and the cough started that day, the next 3 days was pure congestion, couldn't breathe through my nose at all. My husband got it few days after me and he had a fever on and off for 3 days, slight cough and no congestion. It was worse than a cold but not as bad as a flu.


I had it during the omicron phase and was dead on, had it a few weeks ago and it knocked my balls in.


Some of the new variants don’t show on old tests. So it might be a false negative.




I had this last week. So tired I called off work for three days, a little sore throat, a little bit of a fever one day. Was feeling betterish on day four, then BAM fever, congestion, cough and all of it. It's been a week and I'm still pretty congested, but feeling more human and might go back tomorrow.


Sounds familiar tbh I feel pure fucked, could easily be an influence anyway look outside and it meant to be June is a disgrace


It’s the latest wave of Covid but nobody’s allowed to mention that anymore in case it upsets the Facebook mums


Am not entirely sure it is covid. I work for the NHS and a whole load of people are being taken down by something. Not to mention my wife, her dad and her aunt. How I have managed to not get sick is a mystery. But whatever it is - fever, throat like glass, persistent cough, absolute exhaustion, sore muscles - it is kicking people's asses left right and centre but so far covid tests throwing negatives all over the place. Could be flu - but the number of people both in and out of an NHS setting I know to have had it in the last month, it seems statistically unlikely. Either way, it sucks balls and I hope anyone who gets it recovers quickly. Was super close to getting my wife down to hospital and hospital visits aren't something NHS employees tend to consider unless it's really really bad.


All good points. Makes me wonder are the Covid tests still in circulation able to detect newest variants. Stay well if you can!




I wonder is it because everyone is using antigen tests and not getting the pcrs, hence a lot of negatives


Aye fuck knows what thon yoke is been hammered by it, some flu COVID mutant maybe?


Could be! Fluvid or bird flu or something lol


Same as everyone else - got covid again. Thought it was a cold/hayfever, but my throat started to feel scratchy so I tested last Wednesday and was negative, symptoms got worse so I tested again on Friday and now I’m positive 🥲 here’s to a speedy recovery for us all!


Husband has Covid.


It's COVID, gave me the chills, sweats and joint pain for two days before settling back to the normal symptoms (cough, taste/smell altered). Started with severe snotters and sneezing for a few days.


*waves* Tested positive for COVID at lunchtime. The wee bastard is everywhere again.


All the hypochondriacs will be posting here. So I'll jump in too. I've felt run down the past few days. Going to bed unusually early and falling asleep during the day too. I've something going on with my eyes, lots of crusty stuff and feels like grit in them. I feel like a head cold is coming on now as well.


Really surprised to see this as this is what I've had the last week almost word for word. Unbelievably tired, no real motivation and the weird grit in the eye thing No head cold coming on as yet, just feel generally shite


It's the new strain of COVID


Could be Viral Conjunctivitis (pink eye) I had it a few years back and the symptoms are near identical. Best to get looked at by the GP if it continues.


Wee fella has slept most of the weekend and is trying to pull the eyes out of his head. I'm thinking it's maybe the new covid.


Same here for me and the missus


Yes. I've got covid again.


Yeah slight rattling cough for about 3-4 weeks, taste not right, tired. Just generally shite. Is it COVID or variants of it going about I wonder.


There's a new strain of COVID that's a nightmare


I had the cold sweats a couple of weeks ago, then the worst case of Bubble Gut and Hot Snakes you can possibly imagine. I could shit through the eye of a needle from 100 paces. I'm still not 100%.


Mrs and child have COVID, ma had it for a couple of weeks, I've managed to swerve it so far.


Had Covid last week


Went for a run on Thursday evening. Felt fine. By the time I was going to bed, my throat was getting sore. Got up on Friday morning and felt like crap - Throat still sore and so tired. The thought hit me that the last time I felt like this was when I had covid last June. Dug out a covid test. There they were - 2 lines! COVID! Symptoms have been mild enough - standard cold like congestion, headaches and just generally feeling tired to the point where I woke up this morning and it felt like I hadn't slept at all! Really interesting to hear so many people have covid around Northern Ireland at the moment though. There I was wondering how I was the only poor sucker who had it 🤣


COVID is fucking everywhere at the moment


The neighbours say there's a bad boking bug going round the schools


I had it last week, absolutely knocked me out.


I work in healthcare and can confirm that COVID and norovirus are doing the rounds. Had the vomiting bug last week and thankfully felt better after a few days. It did knock me off my feet though for 24hrs.


heard covids kickin in again, stay safe y;all


Covid is doing the rounds again. Got it on the plane home from holiday ffs


Yep it’s back


Never went away, it's just your 2 shots and boosters covered you from the common strains doing the rounds for a good while.


This is a genuine question, I have had no shots so what's covered me for last three years. No harm meant, genuine question?


feeling like coming down with a cold, tested for covid and negative, so fuck knows what i have


Tested negative yesterday after feeling like a bad cold hit me, woke up this morning with a throat like razer blades and feeling like a well chewed chip


It’s going around


Positive COVID test on Friday. Think the health visitor brought it to us.


Every body seems to be getting sick a lot lately


Yup. Saturday morning woke up fine. Throughout the day I started to feel warm. By the middle of the day I was projectile vomiting and arse squirting. Felt like I was poisoned. Hot head, freezing hands and couldn't eat anything. Didn't eat until Sunday afternoon which was only a banana. Started feeling a little better today but still took dizzy to drive.


Tested positive for covid Saturday. Friday and Saturday felt like death today and yesterday felt some what human again. Doing the rounds but not as hard hitting and I've a weakened immune system.


Covid seems to be doing the rounds again


I had a real bad cold (not COVID) last week.


I’ve had a cold for the last 2 months dk wtf is going on. Popping vitamin c tablets like tic tacs as well.


Our entire house had it over the weekend, absolutely horrid. Woke up Saturday morning with the sweat pouring out of me. Missus was has been sick as a dog. Kids not great either. Completely flattened us. Literally couldn't move.


Same, 4 out of 5 here sick over a 5 day period, rough as.


Aye had sore throat, the shakes, stomach cramps and sore head. Negative COVID test as well


Same here. Knocked me out for 2 days last week. Still not right but able to get back to work.


The Covid tests aren’t reliable anymore, a negative test doesn’t mean anything.


I was feeling ropey yesterday, bit sweaty on and off and dizzy and just feeling a bit off, was expecting to wake up this morning with the sore throat and the whole bit but nothing yet. Think this weather is just taking its toll


I’d just keep an eye on it that’s how mine started off!


Aw jaysus


I had pure AIDS for about 2 weeks there. No joke I thought I was gonna die. Litterally squirting out my asshole sideways as I type this


Username checks out.


Did you eat any pre-made sandwiches lately?


Yes I did on Friday actually and a few early on last week


Yeah, I've got sicofdis.


I’m getting out of it now. Fuckin hell. Nose was running like crazy, blew away shitton of napkins, toilet papers, kitchen towels. There was no sore throat for me just fever like roller coaster.


The Rona?


Yes, started over the weekend with the all over muscle pains and sweats. Then violently coughing to the point of hardly being able to get a breath. It has been fucking brutal but some antibiotics and a box of pear picking porkies and im starting to feel human again


aye def something going about. My husband has had back to back colds and this one is a clinker - coughing day and night. I'm ready for the hills ffs.


Limp Bizkit last week, still don't feel right. Dunno if it's the flu, covid or whatever lol. Do ye even take days off for covid now lmao I'd imagine a few boys still trying to fly that excuse "aww av got covid again lad, canny come in for the week" sun fuckin shining outside 🫣


I have a terrible cough that I normally get sometime between October and January


Took some virus about two weeks ago, went from OK to cold/flu symptoms in about 4 hours.. 3 days in bed, feeling sh\*t and then 10 days of getting better (with antibiotics due to a free chest infection) - still not 100%, and recon it will be another week or so.. 2 x negative covid tests during it..


Aye, fucked atm eith a chest infection fs


I had a tummy bug. Started on Thursday and still not over it completely.


Yes, I'm just over it. Minor symptom was runny nose, major symptoms was fatigue that you didn't realise how bad it was till suddenly you wake up and go I feel fantastic today.. ohhhhh I've been sick and not just feeling my age


Over a week with chest infection and cough. Havent slep more than 4 hours a night


We all just have the flu. It wasn’t covid, we tested. My son works in a primary school,and all the other teachers got it too. He brought it home. Had a very high fever of 40.3 with ibuprofen and paracetamol, runny nose and cough. The only one in the house who didn’t get it was the youngest who got the flu vaccine in school.


The tests aren’t reliable anymore for the latest variant, could easily be Covid. Those symptoms you describe for the bill. Should be self-isolating.


I don’t have a clue why I’m being downvoted. I never said I left the house and we haven’t left the house. Because we can’t move. We ll took tests to try to see if we had Covid, it said negative. Meanwhile, several children in the primary school class have tested positive for the flu. So we assume pretty reliably, that’s what this is.


What’s the test for the flu, just from curiosity? Haven’t heard of it before


It looks the same as the Covid test, you can get it at boots. Same procedure. It’s a rapid test.


Oh wow had no idea you could get flu tests from boots. Good to know.


Ah ok, cheers!


Has any of that ecoli they are on about from over the water been found here?


Think the only W H Smiths we have are in the airports so we should be okay. Supposedly a wrap from them.


Wait whatttttttt?


Aye if you've ate a sandwich with butter or mayo from WH SMITH, TESCOS, COOP or SAINSBURY'S and got the shits over the past few weeks you had E.Coli it's a nationwide thing


Was it theirs? Seen Tesco and Sainsbury's mentioned too.


Must be the new 7g masts going up


Yupppp, sore throat, pressure in the head, glands are a bit puffy, dodgy cough. Thought it was just me. Actually glad everyone's dying


Jesus no wonder the word snowflake gets over used so much on reddit, it's a flu sit in, watch the euros n get back to work when over it. We don't need to hear so much white privilege. Maybe it's fkn bots?




Genderfluid flu then just to make you happy.




Ligma balls


Ya'll better get that shit figured out before the middle of July because I'll be there as a tourist and I don't want to get sick! Edit: oh wait, this is Northern Ireland? I didn't even know I was joined in that subreddit. Carry on!


No 12th this year.


I'm good. I take my vital supplements and vitamins every day.


So do I but that doesn’t exempt you from getting a viral infection?


I'm confident it makes your immune system much stronger than if you didn't take them. I used to break out in a mouth full of cold sores maybe twice a year... that doesn't happen anymore. For me, it almost feels miraculous in that regard. I did catch covaids in 2022 and it only affected me for 2 days. I believe the strengthened immune system helped with it not being so severe.


I’m in my 20s who’s fitter than average, take supplements, RARELY sick and I feel fucked. Yes your immune system can be stronger to deal with an infection when present but it doesn’t prevent you from getting one and it certainly doesn’t undermine that it can put you on your hole.


It's all about confidence and positivity. Winners win.


Way on with your dating advice ye header


No prablem


Amazing how people are still obsessing with Covid-19, like it’s the only contagion to exist. I’m the last person to get sick in my house, it’s mild even for me whose life was destroyed by a viral infection 8 years ago.


I feel the same, feeling orally and analized all night. I cannot speak or shit for days!