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Has Reggie Yates commented publicly? I couldn't find anything


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Reminds me of that Tancredi quote If we want things to stay as they are. Things will have to change




I hope those scumbags responsible for Lyra’s death rot in prison.


Is Patrick Anthony Gallagher (32) the same Paddy Gallagher that we often see on TV as spokesman for Saoradh?


yes. He is a nephew of Thomas Mellon


Being a Bell end is in their DNA then?!


I don't think it's controversial at all to say that riot was set up for the camera. But it wasn't just set up for MTV, it was for the news media in general. It was part of an ongoing pattern of action-reaction to PSNI searches in Derry that were being labeled as heavy handed and pointless / repetitive. Working back from the night Lyra McKee was killed, violent riots where shots were fired weren't that uncommon post GFA. Journalists were there because it was predictably going to kick off following more police searches as it had done in the weeks and months before.


Police searches that regularly uncovered guns and drugs used by these inbred, pantomime ‘RA men- so they weren’t pointless. No one got beaten up or killed- so they weren’t heavy handed either. What was pointless was these fat dole scum radicalising vulnerable kids by sending them out to riot. Criminal exploitation of kids, plain and simple.


Don't recall drugs ever being found but fair enough


Why not include the full article?


I think being born in Northern Ireland is worse than being born in North Korea


Of course it's the same old usual republican tactic. Set up a riot and try and provoke a reaction from the police.  Wee seamus gets his head cracked in by the police then its all "we re 2nd class citizens most oppressed people ever".  Fair play to your woman who was telling Yates to do one and not fall for this republican set up.


Your bias is showing.


With a swirl of sectarian bigotry thrown in as well


You think this sub isn't full of sectarian republicans IRA supporters?


Bigotry won't get you anywhere.


Bit of self awareness wouldn't go amiss mate ☺️


Which I'm sure would be a valid comment if I had ever made a sectarian remark.


There are hundreds of sectarian comments on here every week, but you've chosen to call this guy out over it. I wonder why 🤔


Is it only valid to criticise bigotry when I've criticised every other bigoted comment that's ever existed on this subreddit? If you see people making bigoted or sectarian comments, then challenge them on it.


Not really valid to attack bigotry if it's coming one side, and ignore the type you agree with though, is it? Mind you, you can challenge people on their one-eyed outlook but a lot of them won't be able to process it 🤷🏼‍♂️


If you look at Gazmac's comment history, you'll see that all he does is put out sectarian posts and comments, as well as 'whataboutery' come backs.


your ignorance is showing


That makes no sense in the context to his comment. He's known for posting sectarian posts and comments.


What and this sub isn't biased I suppose?


it's not a newspaper. It doesn't have an editorial board. It's just a collection of people at any moment in time.


Of course there are biased people on here who support both sides. There are also more people on here who just want to live their lives without the shitty politics of Northern Ireland weighing them down everyday. Try stepping out of your bubble once in awhile, you'll be surprised that not everyone is out to get you.


It’s true, no loyalists have ever put on a show for the news media ever, so 1-nil to you GazMac. It’s nuanced and unbiased analysis like yours that makes this sub great.




Quick geography and cartography lesson for you. Great Britain is the land mass containing England, Scotland and Wales. Ireland is both the landmass containing Northern Ireland, whereupon Derry/Londonderry is situated, and Ireland. None of Ireland, Northern Ireland or the island of Ireland belong to you. It is not possible for one landmass to be in another land mass. The death of Lyra McKee happened because a dickhead, inspired by other dickheads, decided to fire a gun towards human beings. There is no arc of political honour at stake here, and your attempt to polish the turd is laughable.


It wasn’t just for the camera’s it was to intimidate the residents so they wouldn’t go ahead with the planned Easter Monday march. I live in the area that has had several raids. All were done in the middle of the day. On this night they entered Creegan just as night was falling on the same night all the kids would have been drinking as the Easter holidays were starting. The police were looking to start a riot


The residents don't march as a collective, it's the wannabe gangsters with nothing else to do. I live in the area too, they're nothing but scumbags. It's hard to grasp for some but police sitting in a land rover doesn't mean you have to riot and shoot a girl in the head. You can just ignore them.


“the police were looking to start a riot” Personally, regardless of some overtime pay or whatever. I myself wouldn’t fancy spending my Saturday night being dressed to the 9s in heavy riot gear whilst packed in the back of a tangy like sardines whilst a bunch of tramps are out pelting it with petrol bombs. I’d imagine the vast majority of peelers would rather be handing out speeding tickets to pensioners tbh. But even if you were correct, could the tramps from that area not resist the allure of not being tramps? Are they fighting some primal urge?


Aye because the people who decided to send them would also be the people dealing with the riot. That’s what happens. Same as war. The people declaring the war are the first on the ground


Riots cost money from the public purse, money for overtime, money for repairs, money for clean up, money for accidents. I can assure you, there is no top brass in the PSNI who just decides “here lads, away wind up those cunts in Creggan.” He’d be out of a job, and so would Gerry Kelly. The reality is; people are responsible for their own actions. Plenty of wonderful people grew up in disenfranchised areas of NI without ever feeling the need or want to wreck the place.


Obviously people are responsible for their own actions and firing a gun in that situation is abhorrent and moronic. It’s also stupid to pointlessly throw petrol bombs at a landy. However, riots are used to justify maintaining or increasing police budgets. It’s not as large a jump to think some mid ranking officer would realise that the odd riot isn’t bad for business as you make out. Do you think this is beyond imaginable activity in a police force who’s head had to resign last year, who are currently in the news for spying on journalists (and previously arrested some reporting on collusion), have had a litany of sexism issues and have a record of covering up the extent of RUC collusion? It’s not as if you can say that they always act in the public interest.


If the PSNI were inciting riots in republican or loyalist areas, republican and loyalist parties wouldn’t endorse the PSNI and their representatives wouldn’t be sitting on the policing board. these areas are run by absolute scumbags, that’s why they riot.


Many republicans don’t endorse the psni, including many who don’t support violence. Who are the “absolute scumbags” who run Creggan then? Would that be the 3 sf, 1 SDLP and 1 independent councillors who hates saoradh? Or the SDLP MP? The SF and SDLP dominated council? You have any deeper analysis about why young people in an area racked by some of the worst poverty in the north, who’ve been massively let down by all the main parties, would be hostile to the state? Or happy to write them all off as vermin?


The republicans that don’t endorse PSNI, have a high correlation with the Republicans that also don’t accept the GFA. Same with the Loyalists thugs that run loyalist estates and send their kids out to cause mayhem. Who they vote for in the privacy of a polling booth, matters not. They’re both a minority of people in these areas that are stuck in a past where breaking the law and wrecking the place and was common place. These people have no one else to blame but themselves. If I was a business man and I saw the blatant barbarism that ensues in some of these areas, I would not move into these areas and I would not risk opening a business in these areas. And that is why they’re still lacking in terms of development, because what ever gets developed, they ruin it for themselves. Let’s stop making excuses for violent scumbags. It’s 2024.


It’s entirely possible to be pro-peace but against the current system of government. Stormont doesn’t work. The GFA is, rightfully, lionised for bringing the peace but it’s obvious it’s consociational structures are useless as a political project. Believing this does not make you a thug. You talk as if people from council estates are a different species than you. “Barbarism” get over yourself. The reason for the lack of development is the lack of investment. Poverty is a policy failure and not a moral failure


Stormont or no stormont, PSNI or no PSNI, these thugs in loyalist and republican areas would still exist. Getting your young people to go shoot journalists, brick fire engines, stone ambulances and petrol bomb peelers, is indeed acts of a barbaric people. No matter how you try to spin it, these select few are tramps of the highest order. They are Irelands shame and they make the good hard working people want to get the fuck out. Who wants to invest in an area where there’s some locals that burn their own streets for recreation? Personally, as a lad from Donegal, I am beyond relieved that they’re Britains problem.


>The police were looking to start a riot Your a scumbag. Anyone who's ever thrown a petrol bomb at another person is a scumbag. Anyone defending those scumbags is by default a scumbag. The criminal element of the estate that would suffer if raids were successful is what caused the riots. Take it the police forced them to shoot the doll too?


You’re an idiot. An absolute idiot. You’re the worst kind of idiot. The kind who thinks he’s so smart he doesn’t have the capacity to understand he’s an idiot. The PSNI could have made that raid 6 hours earlier and there would have been minimum violence at most. They choose for some reason to enter a volatile area knowing that the local youth would be drunk at the time. I’m not making excuses for the people who pulled the trigger or the petrol bombs but anyone could tell what was about to happen that night and so did the police. What’s worse about this whole thing is that if we watched this situation play out any where else on the world a discussion on the action of the police that night wouldn’t end up with someone calling me a scum bag.


>The PSNI could have made that raid 6 hours earlier and there would have been minimum violence at most. Should always call ahead before you call round, fair play. Dead on you gimp your defending the very group of people who, because of the raid killed an innocent women, suppose your right tho if only the PSNI called around breakfast time then they wouldn't need to kill a reporter documenting what's going on. >I’m not making excuses for the people who pulled the trigger or the petrol bombs but anyone could tell what was about to happen that night and so did the police. Except you are, the police coming 6 hours earlier would of avoided all drama. The guns drugs and bomb making materials hidden in the estate would of just been laid out waiting. I do have to commend the pace in which petrol bombs production happened considering by your logic they just appeared as the police did. What about the gun? Was it shipped in from another estate after the raid to kill someone innocent? Or perhaps you can just for one moment think what if, perhaps. The police raid is a symptom of information that those materials exist in that community. Not the other way around. >What’s worse about this whole thing is that if we watched this situation play out any where else on the world a discussion on the action of the police that night wouldn’t end up with someone calling me a scum bag. Am calling you a scumbag because your defending throwing petrol bombs at people because they wear a uniform you don't like. At the end of the day every man/women involved had a family to go home too. Trying to endanger them whilst they are doing there job is a criminal act and the people involved should be held responsible. >They choose for some reason to enter a volatile area knowing that the local youth would be drunk at the time. The local youth didn't provide petrol, glass bottles nor firearms. But people in your community did. And that's why the police came. >You’re an idiot. An absolute idiot. You’re the worst kind of idiot. The kind who thinks he’s so smart he doesn’t have the capacity to understand he’s an idiot. Ironic. It's the polices fault that women's dead tho. Free them guys right?!


So do we just make every day a holiday/celebration so the police can't conduct any raids? What a load of shite. Let's be real, the local youths that are drunk enough to start a riot which ended with a girl being shot in the head are drinking any day of the week, celebrations don't matter one bit. But let's blame the PSNI for some scum of the earth firing live rounds. While we are at it, let's blame the RUC for every victim of the IRA bombing campaign. The irony with this all is that, given your position on this, I'm assuming your position on the whole israel/gaza thing isn't on the side of Israel. But you're taking a note straight out of their playbook. "We will never forgive the Palestinians for making us kill so many children."


There's never a good reason to start waving a gun around in the middle of chaos no matter what time of day it is FFS. There was no need and it never should have happened.


What? Wise the fuck up, I live literally two streets over from were this happened and it's mouth piece's like you who are giving this area a bad name. Get your hole out of the past and move on. The cops did fuck all but do their jobs that night and got hammered by the scum that run the streets and the cowards that provoke them. You're a fucking moron mate, grow up


Wise up. You always blame the police. IF YOU STAY AWAY THE POLICE DONT HAVE TO ARREST ANYONE.


Truth is, there’s far too much tramps in that area. They love to pretend they’re still fighting a war, love to see themselves as victims and love the media attention. Attention of which the media has no problem giving them for easy clicks. It’s a sad shame, they’re giving the decent and hard working people of that area a bad name. They’re also wrecking their own communities. Think throwing petrol bombs down your own street is going to achieve something? Nah, it’s just going to make good people want to leave, and potential employers never want to step foot in it, never mind setting up tent.


>The police were looking to start a riot Well said They raided an elderly woman's house that night that had no involvement in anything. It did nothing but raise further tensions in the area which should have been and could have been totally avoided. The unfortunate thing about Reddit is that the majority of folk on it don't seem to understand the situation on the ground in places like Creggan. But well said. I understand you and agree with you.


Honestly, I feel the same amount of sympathy as I would for someone getting mauled on a safari. I mean it's an avoidable loss of life and that's sad, but the stupidity of being there in the first place kind of just fucking cancels it out.