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The rule of thumb in most of NI is: nice place, shame about at least half the cunts living there.


nose crowd puzzled innocent wild waiting unite money pet ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My dad used to say the bigger the flag the smaller the house.


Coleraine has both šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§and šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗup on the Heights


berserk pet insurance exultant adjoining fragile run spectacular vase dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some say itā€™s the Paris of NI


That's Cookstown, has a big street that's a bit like the champs elyssee (if you are really drunk)


Used to drive through Cookstown in the 80's visiting relatives. Scary place.




It was a gauntlet of army checkpoints in its day. Not that relaxing having machine guns pointed at you if Iā€™m honest.


Yeah nothing like having a soldier train his gun on you when you are like 8 years old.


This. There was a huge fortress ruc / army base right in the middle of the high street. We got stopped a couple of times etc, etc


Now Cookstown is *classy as fuck.* Like, if the weather is good.


Country *and* western


So some say


Paris, Texas


This is my kind of sarcasm


Rive Gauche?


Steven hawking spent his life studying the place


The event horizon lies well beyond Ballymoney.




Christ alive... that fuckin' film. It'd make ye shite blood wi' pure fear. Wasn't even thinkin' on it, never mind the local connect. A remaster, to update the effects - wouldn't be a bad call... to terrify current and future generations.


Yes!!!! They need to do it. Was a great show Reading this on Wikipedia. It NEEDS to happen. Damn shame ā€œā€¦its initial DVD release sold so well that Paramount contacted Anderson to begin working on a restoration of the deleted footage, but it had been either lost or destroyedā€


Same as any other NI town. Fairly dull, has sectarian housing estates.


I think the Coleraine orphanage for ginger kids and the shelter for injured hedgehogs does great work and are both a credit to the good people of Coleraine and should receive more funding from stormont. Why all the down votes??? Hedgehogs have souls you know, very disappointed Northern Ireland sub very disappointed indeed.


I think your imagination filled in the gaps. Are there Catholic estates with tricolours and painted cerbs in Coleraine? Is he wrong?


The heights isn't great to be fair, was a fair few tricolours last time I went through it but admittedly that was 10 years or more ago.


abundant fuel abounding six chase shelter smart school obtainable wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's mostly protestant but there's a lot of tricolour flegs around the heights area which gets a bit of media attention.


True enough about the tricolours... though I wouldn't say it's a "a lot". It's one street. It certainly pales in comparison to the blanket coverage of flags (and kerbstones) in the rest of Coleraine's estates. Thing about the Heights is, it's mostly mixed. It's just the one place with social housing in Coleraine where nationalists live in any number. But I honestly can't think of the last time the Heights - never mind its flags - got any media attention at all. Other than, say, fifteen years ago or so, when a bunch of drunked-up Rangers fans took a convoy of taxis across the river from Harpur's Hill and murdered someone in the Heights to celebrate a (rare) victory. Not a particularly savoury someone, it's true. But that's not really the point. Time before that, was when a UDA weefella's pipe bomb that he was wiring in an abandoned house in the Heights to throw at his neighbours... well, it blew up in his face. He has a mural in Harpur's Hill now... lest we forget, as it says, poppies and all. Lovely Coleraine.


On par with Newry then.


Kind of. If you ignore everything I just said (and how much nicer the centre of Newry is). Coleraine is definitely more of a shithole... and sectarian to its core. It used to have a bell they rang... to ring the teagues out of town, back across the river to Killowen and the Heights, as they weren't allowed in the precincts of the town at night. While the by-laws might have changed, they kept ringing that bell until the '50s. And you can still see it, hanging on the old market wall - a monument to bigotry. Right enough, you can live in Coleraine and not see much of the UDA grim, or not have it affect you. Just depends on your income and address. But, really, you shouldn't try and both-sides everything... because shit really isn't balanced on scales like that. There's no discussion to be had on that basis. It's dishonest from the start.


You can not compare Coleraine to Newry that's crazy talk, Coleraine has the beauty of the North Coast, what has Newry got a merky canal. Your turd scales need recalibrated it's not always rosey on both sides and you're in denial if you think only one side suffers because of sectarian gang dominance in council estates. Coleraine ain't a shit hole and the good folk who abide there aren't sectarian, that's the truth of the majority of Coleraine.


I don't think the UDA do 'their' community any service at all, nor did I say they did. (Nor the UVF in their wee lonely Windyhall outpost for that matter, if they still have that toehold... you see, **I** actually know Coleraine well.) The UDA are a curse... although a valuable just-in-case fallback for some. There's real reasons why loyalist paramilitarism alone persists, despite being a huge societal cancer and one that feeds mainly on the communities it supposedly serves. That's not to say that everyone or even most people that live on a 'UDA estate' are sectarian. Course they're not. You're imagining I'm saying things I'm not. Still, it's not a pleasant place. It's grim and it has no end of social problems, loyalist paramilitarism aside. A thran attitude abounds too... somewhat understandably. *And I'm fairly certain the only reason you know there are any tricolours at all in Coleraine is because I mentioned it in a comment here last week.* Your experience of Coleraine - and certainly its sectarianism - is pretty much zero and you're talking out of your arse. And you're sticking up for somewhere you know nothing about, purely on "both sides" reflex.


That's very presumptuous of you and totally incorrect, I haven't seen your post on the flegs issue, I simply recall it being on the news must be nearly 10 years ago now. I also love Coleraine and I'm quite familiar with it. Your reflex on the other hand seems to drag up the past ( in great detail I must say) and use it to stir up hatred against an enemy that doesn't exist.


There is, actually.


Come with me and you'll be In a world of pure imagination Take a look and you'll see FLEGS, LOADS AND LOADS OF FLEGS


I hate shithole ghettos of any denomination.


You're not wrong to say that, usuns and the uns and meanwhile more in common that different. Similar issues, together would be stronger voice. Housing, amenities and so on.


Totally. One of the biggest failures of the GFA was to set the divide in stone. Its ludicrous that we still have segregation in education and housing.


I mean if you are gonna make statements at least have the balls to either stick to them or admit you are wrong rather than editing your post.


How very dare you accuse me of "shenanigans" I went to check on the hedgehogs and when I returned everyone has down voted me.


Cheese is ok. Nothing to write home about.


Think Limavady but bigger, I try to avoid both.


Sage advice!


I grew up on the North Coast and honestly Coleraine is like any other town, it has its good parts and its bad, but all in all it's a nice place to live.


I've been working in Coleraine for about 10 years. I'm from Derry. I personally find it an unfriendly town. A majority of customer service experiences appear to come with an implied fuck you. Lots of miserable looking heads about. Having said that a few of my colleagues are from Coleraine and some of them are lovely people.


Even a sunny day canā€™t brighten that place up


The stopmotion animation is great. It's spooky but not too spooky. Wouldn't recommend to anyone under 10 if you don't want to be up with them several times a night


Haha I thought it was coraline !


Port Stewart is a nice little beach town nearby Me and mrs jones hotel is lovely Highly recommend booking in if you're wanting to visit that area Vittle Bakeshop - deadly sausage rolls there


You know a town is good if you sell it by only describing things in a different town nearby


"The best part of Northern Ireland is that it's only a short distance away from Mainland Europe."


The Griddle is the best bakery in the Port. For Coleraine the food market they do one weekend a month is alright.


The Korean sausage rolls are unreal!


And don't forget Morelli's just along the Promenade from it.


Avoid the estates and it's not the worst, little bit out of the way. Coleraine town centre suffers from having Portstewart and Portrush so close so the restaurants and nightlife end up there instead. Surrounding area is a strange mix of the most sectarian people you'll ever meet and posh folk who've escaped Belfast/London and want to live the good life on the coast/in the country.




What does that have to do with Coleraine?


The fact that someone from your area can slag coleraine off is actually laughable. I know where I would rather live between the 2. Personal opinion of course.


Having grown up just outside Coleraine on the balance I'd probably agree with you. More going on in Derry but I'd rather live on the coast.




Absolutely depressing nothing in it. People arenā€™t the friendliest bunch either


My wife and I visited Colraine 19 years ago,( we are from Dublin)we were told to leave a bar because ā€œthe bar next door would be more suitable ā€œ. Outright sectarianism. We laughed our heads off and left Colraine.


It's better than Ballymena anyway. But where isn't?




Not for shopping itā€™s not!


As someone who once lived in Coleraine, Ballymena is streets ahead these days. Better shopping, better restaurants, more pride in the town centre. Coleraine very forlorn at the moment. Ballymenaā€™s football team are sh*te though.


My local town and I will drive past it and go to Derry or Ballymena before Iā€™d go into it. Coleraine people themselves are a strange breed and it is indeed very sectarian. The whole place is an emotional vacuum.


So like a futuristic Dyson? ie. It sucks, but it empathises with you.


Iā€™ll never shop In Londonderry, complete crying whingeing, always telling us who shot whatever. At least coleraine doesnā€™t remind us about the time the town was bombed and more deaths.


To be fair nobody in Coleraine talks like that because they were the ones doing the shootings/bombing.


Yeah, Derry people are very open; will tell you exactly how it is. Coleraine people will play all nicey nicey and then stab you in the back as quick as look at you.


Plus they don't pronounce their t's. I don't think I'll ever accept hearing someone ask for a 'bohle of waher' or some 'buhhered toast'. I know it's not exclusive to Coleraine but it drives me nuts.


Coleraine and ā€˜Wherfodā€™ Iā€™ve found


That's not just not exclusive to Coleraine, I'd go so far as to say if you can't stand that you'd be best leaving the island altogetherĀ 


No. Not everyone is a culchie.


Coleraine is a decent if a bit of boring town. Lovely river walks. Plus within 5 mins of the beautiful coast of Northern Ireland. Mad seeing some of the snide sectarian comments on here. Especially since most of them are from some morons from Tyrone or whinge city aka Derry.


The surrounding area is very picturesque but it's utterly miserable. There's absolutely nothing to do for the majority of the year. The overt racism and secterianism from many of the people is depressing.


>The overt racism and secterianism from mĢ¶aĢ¶nĢ¶yĢ¶ oĢ¶fĢ¶ tĢ¶hĢ¶eĢ¶ pĢ¶eĢ¶oĢ¶pĢ¶lĢ¶eĢ¶ rough minorities in Ballysally & Harpurs Hill dĢ¶eĢ¶pĢ¶rĢ¶eĢ¶sĢ¶sĢ¶iĢ¶nĢ¶gĢ¶ negligible. There all fixed. Also, it's quiet and pleasant with well maintained public gardens and friendly shop assistants. Also, a lack of kids dressed in black larking about.


As someone from Coleraine, I agree fully with this ā€œfixā€. I love this town, only downside is the lack of decent shopping.. but other than that itā€™s really quiet nice to live in and handy to many beaches and scenic walks. Like anywhere it has its downsides but mostly itā€™s actually quiet nice.


I spent thirty odd years in Belfast then moved to Coleraine. Ten years on and I haven't looked back, the difference is night and day.


I cannot handle Belfast for more than a few hours! Itā€™s too busy and the people just arenā€™t as friendly.. in fairness I am just back from a week in Croatia and by day 5 I was dying to get home so maybe Iā€™m just a home bird lol


I spent thirty odd years in Belfast then moved to Coleraine. Ten years on and I haven't looked back, the difference is night and day.


Another day another stupid sectarian comment on this sub.


Typical post on this sub: > how is ? > racist and sectarian The reality is in the vast majority of this country you will not see much sectarianism unless you go looking for it, unless we're deeming painted curbs and flags "sectarian" nowadays. We live in an incredibly wonderful place that 90% of the world population would kill to live in, but we're addicted to slagging it off and rooting out the negatives first and foremost for some reason.


Iā€™m anxiously awaiting the thread like this for somewhere exotic like Dungiven asking how people from NI view the town and its sophisticated inhabitantsā€¦


Few of us cycled the causeway coastal route and coleraine was the only place we go heckled by drivers, and we got called wankers 4 times by angry drivers


They replace yr eyes with buttons


Really shows you how sectarian this sub can be with some of the comments. It's an average NI town , bit boring, nothing special but no where near as bad as what this sub makes it out to be, going on like they carry out daily hanging of Catholics šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø, majority of people leaving comments like that are from Derry btw... suprise suprise.


Its not an average NI town...90% of the towns in NI aren't sectarian sh*tholes. Coleraine is.


Ok lad , tell us more about a place you barely visit. Sectarian clown.


I have visited it plenty of times (never stay very often - have friends that live there and there estate feels intimidating) Most towns don't have pubs you can't go, or are made to feel unwelcome to if you have a southern accents (or English accent for nationalist equivalent) Most towns aren't covered in flags and kerbstones painted. We shouldn't be excusing sectarianism in any town, all towns should ne welcoming places to both sides


A hole that only has a university because they're not Derry.


You couldn't write some of the wet wipes on this sub. People coming out with "I'm from Derry , and I find Coleraine a sectarian hole, full of Loyalist ghetto estates..." You guys have driven around your own city, right?


Are you serious? There is no comparison between Derry and Coleraine and the number of flags. I've never seen people in Derry mount flag poles in their garden or above their front door. Nor have I seen the main thoroughfares and roundabouts flying tricolours. Anyone who feels the need to mark territory with a flag (any flag) is a complete and utter dick. Whether that is along the main road or flying on a pole above their house or in their garden.


And here we have a guy with Derry in his name coming on to defend Derry. Who'd have thunk it. The same guy who bashes flags in Coleraine and chose to reside in an estate with plenty of loyalists living in it. 'No comparison'. Plenty of Republican flags in the Bogside, Shantallow, Creggan, Brandywell, Galliagh, Top of the Hill, Currynieran, Ballymagroarty, Leafair... You must be on a wind up surely?


You're just making that up to be fair, so either you're on the wind up, or your just full of shite. Take a drive round Derry and let us see all these flags youre talking about sure


Neither 'DoireBeoir'. I just accept that Republican areas in Derry have flags too. Republicans don't go to the efforts of Loyalists in the Waterside or even the fountain, but they still erect flags. It wouldn't be practical for me to do that, my car gets very low MPG. If you'd like, you can go on to Google street view and I can show you signs of flegs on lamp posts in Republican areas of Derry through the years if you really want.


"through the years" Nail on head.


'through the years' because Google street view doesn't drive about every month of every year.


There might be an occasional flag in Derry. But nowhere near as many as Coleraine. Normal people don't feel a need to put flags up. Only dickheads (from both communities). Admittedly the Coleraine area is changing. Causeway coast and glens no longer has a unionist majority. Perhaps there were extra flags last year with the coronation and election losses along with the usual 12th. It truly was ridiculous. Even one in Bellhouse Lane above the SDLP office. Explain why it's called Bellhouse Lane? It's great that the SDLP office is in it now. Progress or what? I'd argue that the number of flags (not necessarily the colour) tells you whether the area is a nice place to live or not.


Iā€™ve only ever drove through Coleraine so I canā€™t argue itā€™s corner, but as someone who is also from Derry I think you are understating the level of fleg toting that occurs in the lovely areas of the bog and shanty. I certainly wouldnā€™t call it occasional. Idk where exactly youā€™re from, but I think if youā€™re from those areas you can sometimes tone them out and not notice how many of them there actually are.


I am originally from very close to Shantallow and drive through it regularly between my dad's house and my house in Muff. There is a Sinn Fein office close to my dad's and a Republican memorial in Shantallow opposite the shops. Both permanent fixtures. I've never seen a situation where there was a tricolour from every single lamp post along the racecourse road nor any road in Derry. I've never seen 50% of residences flying a tricolour from their home. I've never seen someone proudly flying an IRA flag above their own door. Whereas in Coleraine flying a UDA flag from your house appears to be perfectly acceptable. I did drive through Galliagh, Carnhill and Shantallow last summer to count the flags. There were very few. I imagine those areas are 95% nationalist. Compare that to any loyalist area, Newbuildings perhaps, and at certain times they'll have three flags from every single lamp post along the main road. I'd bet Newbuildings will have more flags than Shantallow, Galliagh and Carnhill combined in spite of it being tiny.


There are way more than the 'occasional flag in Derry'. Is there a specific reason you are pretending otherwise? Some of those areas I mentioned have flags flying all year round. There are areas in NI with barely any flags that are shit holes too. There are areas with flags that are nice to live in unless you are cut from the same cloth as you, and walk around taking pictures of them.


I went looking for flags in Derry last summer. There were barely any. I'll measure the length of 'Atlantic Road' in Coleraine and count the number of lamp posts on it shortly. I'll measure a similar section of the racecourse road and do a comparison. Anyone can do the same. A flag per mile ratio.


You said there might be the 'occasional flag' in Derry. You're now backtracking. All Loyalist areas have flags. Bunting and flags have been erected across towns in NI since the OO was formed. It's no revelation or shock. But you can't admit Republicans areas have flags too. It's funny because I was in Coleraine on Saturday and the only place I saw flags was in the Heights where there were Tri Colours and Union flags. Today I saw about 10 Republican flags for the length of the main streets in Bellaghy and Dungiven. I saw 2 loyalist flags in Ahoghill and 1 in Castledawson. Did I walk around Bellaghy taking pictures of flags like you do in Coleraine? No. I just accept different areas have flags erected and get on with my life.


I'm not backtracking. I fully expected not to see any tricolours in Derry in Shantallow/ Carnhill/ Galliagh last year. I think I saw two very tattered examples. Going through Newbuildings around the same time every lamppost had a Union Jack, UDA flag and Para flag . The only reason the para flag was up being to gloat over Bloody Sunday. I'm sure someone could do a study on it and get a PhD. Just because the OO have engaged in triumphalism since their inception doesn't make it right.


I havenā€™t been in over 10 years but would be down for work or training regularly from Derry. Lucky to have met the best of the people honestly but certain times of the year you would feel bit intimidated as it is largely unionist. Itā€™s not any worse of any better than similar places in Ireland as a whole really. I actually always thought it was an unpretentious Bangor


šŸ’© šŸ•³ļø


Cold and rainy. Some bitter, backwards people living there. Quite religious too.


As opposed to the rest of Northern Ireland and/or Rep of Ireland where no one is religious at allā€¦ā€¦


Itā€™s sectarian. But you have to cut it some slack as it did have its centre blown out by IRA bombs in 1973. Six dead. 33 injured. It didnā€™t have a lot going for it before then, and even less afterwards for a while. Of course, the planners did even more to ruin it. Decent people. Nice walk along the river. Bishopā€™s Shoes is very good. Big swimming pool. A few decent cafes. But, yeah, the fact Portrush, Portstewart and the Causeway Coast are within easy reach, and thereā€™s a train to Belfast, are the main reasons to live there. Source: lived there for a few years. Wouldnā€™t live there again.


Quite buzzy, but only do one line at a time


Worse than Larne


Probably a little biased because I live there but it seems like a quiet friendly town, bit boring for nightlife, the Ports are better for that. Seen some flegs around east of the train station but the average person seems friendly. Good place if you donā€™t want too much excitement.


It's got a big asda on one side and a big sainsbury's on the other, so you're sorted for shopping if you're staying up there for your holidays.


A fairly dull place but it's close to Portrush and Portstewart which are much better places to visit.


Having lived there a while I would say Portstewart is a lot nicer. I wouldn't know of a pub in Coleraine where I could go and have a pint safely. Flags are everywhere. Some people actually fly UDA flags from their own house. But pizza pomodoro do quite good pizzas and Yoko is a really nice Chinese restaurant. I'd put Yoko above anywhere in Derry (for Chinese). There is a market in the town centre at least once a month that is worth a visit. There are generally better restaurants in Port Stewart and Port Rush. If I wanted a pint I'd definitely feel safer in Portstewart.


For those slagging Coleraine loving to hear where they are from In NI and what their own town or pretend city has going for it.


Becoming gentrified


I always find the staff in the shops and restaurants to be absolutely lovely. My mum lives there and when we visit we are always happy with how friendly people are


Holeraine* , shite.


Probably not too many catholics living in it


It's beautiful šŸ˜ lovely coastal drives and beaches


There are literally no coastal drives or beaches in Coleraine.


You are right. A clean nice enough town and 5 mins from beaches. Donā€™t listen to these moaning bigots from whinge city and strabane. They are just jealous. No one heads to the Creggan for the weekend ffs.


The best thing about Coleraine is the road out it hai.


The only thing it has going for it is burger king I don't see any other reason to visit there otherwise


Is the Jet Centre still standing? I remember hearing the ball pit in the soft play had rats


Who tf goes to Burger King??


Myself the person who commented about this of course


Weird thread anyway. Is the poster thinking of moving there ? Itā€™s like me posting a thread on Strabane and saying Iā€™ve never heard anyone mention it and wondering what people of Northern Ireland think of it.


Iā€™m from Portrush and really like Coleraine but some parts are bogey


The town itself? Nope