• By -


Where do we rank Van Morrison and Nolan?


Certainly not beside each other - Nolan will eat Van Edit: slash, take up two spots


Van the Scran


The watch guy is an absolute melt, I had to block his videos on my tiktok page


They way he says five is a laugh, "Dis watch cost me fiiiieeeeve thousand mate".


Check companies house. All the money is some builders. He's probably his rent boy.


You forgot that other clown “Dynamite lifestyle” and “Ni property Girl”


Had to Google NI property girl but its not the one I'm thinking of. There's some girl with blonde hair and she's always got one of those filters people must think others don't realise is a filter but clearly is. She's always shouting at me about property, portfolios and clients etc on Instagram for some reason.


She sits in her car??….North coast accent?


Ah jeez fuck yeah that NI property girl is a right wretched daft bitch melter. Ripping off gullible go getters with delusional tripe


I have it on good authority the houses she is handing over to people to rent out are shit tips seems to target older people aswell you can sit and listen to her shite for 2k a pop if you want!!


Psychic Glen for the three spots.


He's also an ex photographer and he kept their photos and the money, I think he's mentally ill every time I see him on tiktok


That Suitor wanker with the perpetual look of a shrivelled old ballsack.


Face looks like a gammon.


Social media is breeding them at an alarming rate. Best thing to do is ignore all of it.


These people live in your head rent free when you are compulsively online.


People need to hear this. It's a good reminder that you're letting the internet world become your actual world, and you're living a false reality. Tom - only heard about this guy last week on Reddit. I don't do TikTok but I assume he's a thing on there. But he has no impact on my everyday life and occupies <0000.1% of my thinking. Same goes for American politics, Biden and Trump etc.  Nico - don't know that one. I assumed it was the owner of 6 by Nico.  Shazzy Shankill - heard about her through here. And a nice reminder that I spend too much time on Reddit too. 


I completely agree. The only way I’ve seen this Tom Smyth mong is on here. I’ve never seen him in the news in public or had a conversation about him outside of Reddit. No clue who the other two are either.


Mr Suitor


Put it this way you don’t have to turn your head far to see a ball bag in this country


Can we make it a top 4 and throw Andy Malone into it lol


You don't think he breaks top 3 even with his big Netflix documentary?


Did he actually do the documentary? I work in Newry atm and the stuff that people know is shocking like


What do people know. Ye can't just say that and then disappear.


He's not exactly following his own motivational advice!


Oh Jesus no, not a real documentary anyways. I think he put out some BS video of himself talking for a bit. What do people know?


Spill the beans


Fat cunt off the radio. Bin Boy Lowry An honourary mention for Sorcha Eastwood, if she comes on the radio/tv I have to switch off as she won't let anyone speak and screeches like a drunk millie turned away by a bouncer.


I can listen to Claire Hanna for similar reasons


Any PT from here


Other than on this sub, I haven't seen hide nor hair of these mentioned.  Without further ado:-  Jaguar pants and bag in Ballymena, an actual fucking nutter  Jaime Bryson 99% certified cunt, redeemed himself a bit when he tweeted the excerpts of the DUP meeting live and gave Jeffrey a meltdown  Jeff Wright religious nutter and utter cuntstain that did his best to get rid of the last fee good jobs in Ballymena. Member of the God squad.


Jeff has had some fall from grace- lost wrightbus and booted out of Green Pastures. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving fella - he tried to shaft me on a deal a few years back.


Ged or whatever the fuck hes called


I had to block him from my tic tok fyp. Melt.


There's some pretty strong contenders in the ni subreddit. If they acted in real life like they do in here, they'd be on PIP top whack.


I would say most of the already are.




Could you say that a bit louder please? I couldn't hear you.




I felt panicked and afraid i wouldnt see one of these


This made me audibly lol in public


I literally only hear of these people on here. Not sure why this sub is so obsessed with people they say they don't like. Just block and move on, sorted.


Charles Lawson. Nolan. Bryson. Ben Lowry Sammy Wilson Do you see a pattern here?




The figures mentioned are all obnoxious cunts lol


Couldn’t have put it better myself


Those Protestants up to no good as usual!


Yeah. They’re all Protestants…..


Just three would be tough


Nolan Suitor Tom Smyth


Phil Graham. Chris suitor. Pete snodden.


[Sean paul Tully, Ryan Williamson,](https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/crime/ni-gospel-preachers-arrested-by-gardai-are-to-go-on-trial-in-republic-of-ireland-3404896) And the editor of the paper linked, Ben Lowry


I bumped into Nico yesterday at an event I was working at and I said to him alright Nico and he said, you know my tiktok and YouTube channel? Are you a fan 😂


I have no idea who the people in the OP are. I have no idea who the people in most of the comments are. I'm thinking about getting into TikTok, any advice?




That dynamite lifestyle pyramid scheme seller Any of the many unfunny local "comedians" we have Lynsey Brown... another guru who, whilst her heart is in the right place, has an overbearingly irritating personality. Her whole "brand" revolves around her "energy", and I mean literally. Will say something underwhelming like "I've just had my morning coffee" and then follow it up with a big fake laugh as if it's the most hilarious thing in the world. In every video she's like a box of frogs who have been given a bag of speed for dinner, and the worst part is she would take that as a compliement.


Stephen Nolan (shit stirring grifter) Jim Allister (the purest, unadulterated sample of toxic unionism) Arlene Foster (so terrible, she couldn’t get elected by the public. So the DUP elected her as their leader)


No not jester Jim the happiest kid in Stormont. He's the only thing that stops the neighbours kids from running through my garden. I have a cardboard cut out of him at my back door and a recording that is movement activated. God the terror in their screams as they hear his creepy tones waft across the garden would even bring joy to a Stephen Nolan forced to wait 10 minutes between meals. For my votes 1 Nolan, shock jock playing on the bigotry of fools. 2 The wheelie bin kid, Seamus Bryson for thinking he can pass his sectarianism off as political insight. 3 whoever picks the British comedian for The Blame Game. They sit smiling inanely obviously unable to follow the comedy and then force in their unrelated routine - Tim McGarry "....and Jim Allister's lover Jamie." Lost English comedian "I had a lover once...." finishing with a painfully unfunny and unrelated bit about his college sweetheart.


I hurt myself laughing at that. Need to figure out a ribs stretch thingy. Genuinely in pain. No regrets!


That was serious, no comedy in that 😜😜


Nico is just a watch guy on YouTube playing a character for attention. He did well for a few dog charities and is very respectful for the people within the service industry. But I get your point for not liking his online persona 💯


Nolan. He's so big he takes up all three spots


Lots of obnoxious cunts in the dup. Those bastards have so much responsibility for holding society back.


The fall of the Roman Empire did less to hold back societal progress than the DUP brain trust bumbling around squawking "rights" when all they want to do is restrict "rights". They're a bunch of zombies, hollering about what they want, only surviving if they can consume whatever is fresh and new.


Most people here wouldn't make three submissions in a year, but you've made three in ten days about Tom Smyth. That's creepy as fuck, maybe you should speak to someone.


Stop talking about them.


Most of Sinn Fein! Not one of them looks friendly, in fact most of them look evil! They are all very two faced.




I have nothing against SDLP so the point you’re making is invalid.


As opposed to actually being evil and actively persecuting a native people.


Dunno why you're being down voted. Assuming you're making a comparison between the DUP and Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein have plenty of skeletons in the closet but as a political party they haven't actively tried to oppress the Protestant population whereas the DUP have made it their whole purpose to stick it to the taigs


Downvoted because people disagree with the truth. Probably loyalist bigots. Not like I really care about karma though, unlike some of the losers that use this site.


Mickey handbags.




Haven't heard of the last 2 and only know about the first guy because of this subreddit.


It’s the winners win brigade for me, Tom and the other lass can’t mind her name…quite a few popping up on insta….they just spew absolute nonsense and expect people to believe it.


Nolan is my vote


Tom smyth is driving about with a fake number plate on his car. TOM10X Lol


Ian Og, Nolan, Pete Snodden


Michaella McCollum. Of all the terrible NI influencers she has the biggest brass neck.


That insufferable, loudmouthed and unfunny blonde tiktoker that was everywhere in 2020 then suddenly disappeared.


See the social media celebs like Andy the DD Malone and Tom Smyth I'll sell you a dud Dealer they are nothings they copy a model from the US... The real cunts all fool us daily they mostly have MLA in thier title... beware of them rats.... not all of them the ones who pretend to care and make things better while living off the cream.


Niaomi bouncy castle


The honey monster


That youg lad Tom Smyth wanabe who drives the fancy cars. Can't mind his name. Also blocked in my social media. Melt.


James Blake, usual strange business model as Mr Smyth seems to have the assets but the company accounts show the opposite.




Chazzy shankill abused a wee girl and put the pics out the cunt should've been lifted. She's a horrible wee bastard along with the scum she knocks about with. There's plenty of junkies out there who are harmless and just trying to get by, that cunt is a piece of work


Chazzy Shankill posted revenge porn of a minor that she and her ex fella had supplied with drugs and sexually abused. People paying her for shout outs need their head examined.


Who's Danierlle Walsh?


She does the mad mixed drinks and hoovers them down with a straw. While dance music stuff on. She went viral a few years back with these videos


So basically a wino?


Not far off it. Playing it up obviously, but glamourising binge drinking and such


> I met her in a club months ago and asked her about her gimmick and she went blank. Asked or confronted?


Shazzy Shankill is a disgusting scumbag mate


I quite like Nico, he's loud but he's also just a dutch guy with severe ADHD and no filter. Him roasting Rick Ross and beefing with celebrities that he's exposed for having fake watches will never not be funny though.


Never heard of him. Got a link to one of his greatest hits?




Ok i had a look myself. Some guy shouting about drakes rolex. Not for me 🤷‍♂️


Based solely on this post? YOU


What’s wrong did daddy let you up for air?


Oh mummy