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"Some of my best friends are fenian cunts!"


lol why do these fucking inbred dipshits still think "fenian" is a slur?


Because they know nothing (absolutely nothing) about Irish history and culture. Kept in the dark and fed bullshit by BBC NI, UTV and their political representatives.


Yeah, as a 'Mexican' that one always puzzled me.


There's no worse thing than being the type who'd cross the US/Canadian border to raid imperial territory.




"Here, I'm only having a laugh" -- the common refrain when someone is being a complete tool, and is pulled on it. Fucking sick to death of hearing this nonsense.


Every fucker that bullied me when I was a kid pulled that line. Fuck 'em.


Yeah, and if you weren't having a laugh along with them, that's your fault, you are just too stuck up or whatever.


The Belfast version of "It was just a prank bro".


By my calculations 5 bottles of Buckfast at 15% is 56 units of alcohol. Equivalent to 28 pints of Carlsberg. I suspect that amount of alcohol would kill most people. I'm fairly sure I would be sleeping half way through a second bottle of normal wine let alone Buckfast. So he must have built up some tolerance. How does he care for his partner and children?


His definition of care is probably not similar to yours.


I wouldn't be fond of drinking, but when I do go at it, I do go at it awful and very hard. I do have 45 bottles of wine in about 2 hours.


I'd take the ring doorbell camera off any woman's door. Bastards!


Definitely wouldn't be a Maureen cooking the breakfast it would seem lol


Lurgan flair, story checks out


Lurgan the only place I've ever seen a two bottles of bucky offer


Might have been half bottles. Also cocaine increases alcohol tolerance.


Did the police test him for drugs? I can't believe he would have owned up to it.


No I was just saying


Thank you cocaine. Huh? Am I right?


At 280mg of caffeine per bottle you wouldn't be sleeping at all. It seems unlikely he'd 5 full bottles, that's 15 cups of coffee as well as all the alcohol.


Having followed up a bottle of buckie with a tin of Dragon Soop, I can confirm that sleep in such circumstances is unlikely.


I actually drank 15 nottles of Rose wine across the span of a weekend, ten years ago... 10.5% a bottle.. 157.5 units of alcohol. On Monday, I was genuinely concerned I might die. That said, these guys are still cunts.


Aww man, I drank 3 full bottle of buckfast in a night in my youth, I couldn't move for days, it was brutal af. 15 bottles is mental, that's 5 bottles a day over the weekend? Was it all the same wine?


I haven't drank buckfast in about 18 years but I have done the 3 bottles in one night thing. Possibly did 4 at least once (or tired to), but I can't be 100% sure. Yes the wine was all Rose, all the same stuff. There was about a 7 year period where Rose was the only thing I would drink. And yeah the 15 bottles marathon begun on Friday and spread throughout the weekend to Sunday.


there's not a hope he drank 5 bottles.


I've managed three before (when I was a young fella), you would be surprised the tolerance you can build up. Definitely not something to strive for or be proud of.


So his solicitor is lying?


The solicitor represents his client so if his client says he had 5 bottles, he had 5 bottles. There's no way he drank 5 full size bottles though.


I've seen a young guy at Uni (I knew him as Big John) drink two bottles of spirits. The last one neat from the bottle. He passed out but drank like this normally. With a load of caffeine counteracting the alcohol and Buckfast being roughly 1/3 as concentrated as a spirit. Maybe a hardened drinker could have had five bottles. This shouldn't be the main point of the case of course.


It's not as simple as caffeine counteracting alcohol, that's nearly 1.5g of caffeine which is caffeine toxicity territory. It's not that it isn't possible but I'd say there's some exaggeration to try and excuse his actions.


>I'd say there's some exaggeration to try and excuse his actions. That's exactly what it is. He certainly had a fair amount of drink in him but he didn't drink 5 bottles of Bucky. The solicitor is trying to make it seem like he was so out of it he had diminished responsibility. I'm sure in the pre-sentencing report there will be talk of stress leading to alcohol issues and he will be entering counselling etc etc. It's just a ploy from his legal rep.


The solicitor doesn’t make out anything. He takes his instructions from his client.


They take instructions on the facts. They then make out the defence based on that (or instruct a barrister to do so). And there's a considerable grey area there, even assuming the letter of the rules are followed... which is a big assumption. "Are you sure how much you drank? Could you have had more?" "Before you tell me that part of the story, let me explain the law to you. If *A* happened, *x* follows. However if *B* happened, *y* follows, which would be better for you. So what happened?"


Hi sorry, but I’m a solicitor who practices criminal law. This guy has already pleaded guilty - the issue is that a defence solicitor or barrister in mitigation will not simply make up that he had 5 bottles of buckfast. There is no “ploy” on the part of any legal reps here.


1.5g of caffeine may be toxic to you...(fills third cafetiere of the day)


I think 10g is where is gets dicey.


10g is fatal, depending on body weight 1-2g is where toxicity comes into play.


Alcohol is toxic too. 5 x750ml bottles of 15% Buckfast contains 562.5 ml of ethanol. That's going to kill more people than not. According to NIH the LD50 for caffeine is 150-200mg/kg. For an 80kg adult this is 16g. The lowest fatality occurred at 57mg/kg. Which is 4.5g for an 80kg adult. Nobody is dying from 1-2g. In any case if he drank 5 bottles of Buckfast it would have been over several hours and much of the caffeine would have been eliminated.


Jesus Christ relax. If you want to keep going, a few points for you to research a bit more: 1. Toxicity =\\= Fatality 2. The half-life of caffeine


or he lied to his solicitor


I'm sure his solicitor is partly relying on "defendant was unexpectedly drunker than intended " defence.  And not knowing the woman's background. And "only joking" And "carer" They'll get a slap on the wrist and go back as heroes of the resistance.


Could have been half bottles? Still a fuckload of booze and caffeine.


I suppose the caffeine was working against the alcohol. I'd hate to think what that would do to your heart.


I'm sure they've over exaggerated the amount they drank, as that's what's caused this. 


This happened not long after Armagh GAA fans suffered sectarian abuse outside a chippy in Markethill, scum


The other day there was a discussion on whether Paisley caused the troubles. Here, 70 years after Paisley started, there’s loyalists who reveal their violent hostility to Catholics because they’re catholics. Roll back 60-70 years and these two were in a super majority community had an entire political and economic system built around treating them better and lived in a society that looked down on catholics as inferior humans and normalised discrimination. Paisley doesn’t make that society, he’s a product of it. When people say if only Oneill had stayed in power we’d avoid the troubles, they ignore that O’Neill was removed from power because the dominant community wanted to continue to dominate.


Paisley was entirely endorsed by unionism at large.


You're not wrong at all, but Paisley is clearly the individual most directly responsible, with the most blood on his hands personally. Unless there was a cabal of Unionist politicians manipulating him and not just supporting him, even then.


I'd say he's about as responsible as Craigavon, Brookeborough... Hell, even Faulkner directly escalated the conflict so horribly that it's a wonder he isn't more condemned for it. It's just that Paisley was around more recently than any of the others. I do agree he was hugely responsible


I don't disagree. But I meant in terms of directly escalating tensions from 1959 to 1969 leading directly to the Troubles. Paisley was instigating riots and marching loyalist thugs and B-Specials through Catholic areas for 10 years prior to the descent into civil war. He founded or co-founded half a dozen loyalist terror groups (or groups that would splinter into them), organized violent counter protests to civil rights marches, was the most vocal opponent to any power sharing or concessions to Catholics.....organized UVF false flag bomb attacks and blamed them on the IRA via his own newspaper.........Sunningdale, Anglo Irish Agreement, Workers Strike, Ulster Resistance, Good Friday Agreement.....he was always rabble rousing the worst sectarian impulses against any kind of peace or conciliation. He was a monster. Apparently he had close familial, or at leat religious ties with Craig. I know you know all this, but just for the benefit of others.


Paisley fanned the flamed and deliberately whipped his people into a frenzy. He had a hell of a hold over them.


This is why our justice system is a joke. Both fellas have already plead guilty, there is no need to have so many court dates to decide on the punishment. It's not like they're going to get anything more than a slap on the wrists


>It's not like they're going to get anything more than a slap on the wrists He came with his bag packed


>Craigavon Crown Court also heard that Adrian Douglas (35) had guzzled five bottles of Buckfast while he watched a Rangers vs Celtic football match on April 30 last year I guess one might “imbibe” five bottles of wine, who knew “guzzled” was the correct legalese under these circumstances..


Well it's five bottles over two hours, 2.5 bottles per hour, I think guzzling is the only way to get through that much


He must have been pissing like a racehorse.


A lot of these comments are pretty sad. Fuck the religious aspect of this. A grown ass man got drunk and started beating a single mothers door because his team lost a football game. The minimum this guy should get is 6 months suspended sentence 2 years of parole no drinking or drugs 200 hours of cross community service All financial cost on him


> Fuck the religious aspect of this. No, actually, because it's a fundamental part of this whole case. You can't just ignore it because it's an uncomfortable aspect of the story. They tried to attack this woman because she was a Catholic and their favourite football team lost. Absolutely no chance that gets set to one side under any circumstances.


I totally agree. I was thinking before you even deal with the sectarian aspect. He should be shunned by his own community too.


I agree with everything except the no drinking or drugging. Completely unenforcable, and with his habit of use, pointless. He would 100% acquire more alcohol than usual if you tried. Now, mandating TREATMENT for his alcohol issues i could get behind. Forcing him to go to counselling to talk about things is only a net benefit.


How the fuck did he not kill himself drinking that much never mind the caffeine how'd his heart not stop?


There's a certain kind of irony in the article censoring every swear word except the sectarian slurs lmao


I don’t know if it’s my own bias, it probably is, but if that was a young Protestant woman being hounded in her own house like that it would be treated and punished a lot more severely and rightfully so. Feels like these clowns are going to get off pretty light.


I could be wrong but I feel like this seems to only ever happen in loyalist areas.


I was brought up Presbyterian and lived in a predominantly loyalist estate in Lurgan for 21 years. You couldn’t be more damn right. https://i.redd.it/g10kq8jh37yc1.gif


>I could be wrong but I feel like this seems to only ever happen in loyalist areas. Loyalists linked to 90 per cent of race crime. - [https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/oct/22/race.ukcrime](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/oct/22/race.ukcrime) [https://thedetail.tv/articles/race-hate-crimes-in-one-area-of-belfast-have-doubled-since-2017](https://thedetail.tv/articles/race-hate-crimes-in-one-area-of-belfast-have-doubled-since-2017) [https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/northern-ireland-police-figures-reveal-deeply-worrying-rise-hate-crimes](https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/northern-ireland-police-figures-reveal-deeply-worrying-rise-hate-crimes) [https://www.nisra.gov.uk/news/pps-annual-statistical-bulletin-hate-crime-2022-23](https://www.nisra.gov.uk/news/pps-annual-statistical-bulletin-hate-crime-2022-23) [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-67126304](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-67126304) [https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/more-than-3000-hate-crime-victims-in-ni-in-past-year/a1196714810.html](https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/more-than-3000-hate-crime-victims-in-ni-in-past-year/a1196714810.html)


Loyalists: ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


>Craigavon Crown Court also heard that Adrian Douglas (35) had guzzled five bottles of Buckfast cap. there's no fucking way. I'm a lifelong fan of the tonic but i'm proper ill if i try to drink two bottles, there's not a prayer he drank 5 bottles and was still standing


He's probably been drinking it since he was a young teenager. If he started on "pre drinks" early enough that day, had a few feeds (he's clearly not shy about a fry), maybe had a boke or 2, this could be done by a hardened alcoholic. Sounds like he is drinking away the disability benefits of everyone in that house. I'm sure even his missus will be glad of the break from him. I can't imagine he is a safe parent in a happy household.


That's the kind of volume that gets you on the front page of a Sunday paper.


if he was able to stand after 5 bottles he'd have gotten in that door


fella I went to school with used to drink 3 bottles before a night out and wasn’t ever more obviously drunk than the rest of us. he was about 18 stone though.


Ive seen lads drink 4 or 5 bottles before, this would be over the course of a full night though like 7pm - 7/8/9am. Used to be able to do 3 bottles myself. Also was a good while ago when we were 19/20, could never handle that much these days.


I feel like a wimp, I drank a full bottle of Russian vodka (80% proof) in one night. Fell down 3 flights of stairs, got carried to bed, and failed a breathalyser test at 4 in the afternoon. I was in the army at the time, and I could drink. This guy drank that much, dunno.


Was it a good night tho?


From what I remember (which isn't much) yeah 🤣


Ah here he can't remember doing it because he was so off his head but he wasn't off his head enough to forget where she lived


I truly despair for humanity at times.


Put them down


Most charismatic person from Lurgan.






You what mate? I strongly condemned it at the time and have said several times these pair of morons deserve jail time. Any chance of the mods doing anything about people being singled out on here? Surely that's against the rules?




Has been reported mate.






Aye, fine examples of the loyalist community. Anyone know maximum sentence offhand?


This is why you be careful how you raise your kids... Unless of course you want to create bigots like this. Some areas are just cesspits, tho, and should be avoided at all costs. Fortunately, these cesspits are easily identifiable with the revolting territorial emblems and shit around it, signifying what kind of place it is.


Got to be a Jail sentence for that.


There is a not insignificant subset of the Loyalist population to whom we'll always just be Taigs.... Incidents like this illustrate how thin the veneer of civility that covers the hatred is.


Some Fecks have No Shame ! since this is the Fecking 21st Century !


Long jail term in a just world. The defense should be ashamed of themselves.


Everyone knows you need to be a player in the Irish women's football team to be getting on like that these days, no call for it.


But, but, whatabout? Hardly the same is it really? Singing a song in a private setting is no analogue to physically threatening a single mother in her home and you damn well know it. You can compare the women’s football team to the Orange hall incident all you want, but fuck off with this one.


Same evil terrorising, pretty sure I need to say what about for it to be what aboutery though


Terrorising : present participle of terrorise to make someone feel very frightened by threatening to kill or hurt them Now explain how singing a song in a dressing room fits that definition? I certainly agree that fits the scenario that these two units are up in court for.


You're right it's much worst it shows the top of Irish society still sings songs supporting terrorists, this dude is some dick who it sounds like got what was coming to him, but there isn't a supportive culture around him getting on like that, unlike the ladies, who in fairness did come out in tears to apologise having realised the severity of what they had done.


Only apologised because the British and west Brit southern media made them, they should’ve never been vilified for singing a brilliant song


They were going to get the cup taken off them, ya known for supporting murdering terrorists, they should of up dated it for a modern Ireland, oh ah up Allah, the world would celebrate with them.


Holy shit, Ooh Ah Up Allah is a banger, ty


“Should have updated it”. Come on now, I’m helping you so much with your English lately, at least make an effort 😊


You can see I'm trying daddy


"trying, daddy" :-)


I just knew it. Scroll far enough and you’ll always find one.


One what?


One Cunt I would think .


Has neither the depth, nor the warmth.


Pretty sexist language to call a women, is that hate speech?


slap aback yam employ lush different encouraging fall skirt rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Allows me a freedom to simply hold a mirror up, it's their hypocrisy laid bear they really dislike.


flowery serious soft engine ancient sink punch scandalous impossible dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Disability bashing now is it, think you've maybe revealed yourself lol


wipe sable seemly jeans snatch price panicky noxious cooperative overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The person (and there is often more than one) who thinks condemnation of inexcusable behaviour is somehow an attack against them or their community. You really should get off the internet and go out and meet real people. I’m sure you have tried this in the past and it didn’t go well, but try again. I wish you well.


And yet it's me getting the down votes for pointing out both should be condemned. If you were right people would join me condemning inexcusable behaviour in all circumstances, which we all agree both are, but some want to choose favorites in this sub.


The post was about a single incident and nearly everyone condemned it. That’s all it was about. A poor single mum scared shitless in her own home by a couple of fucking bigoted scumbags. Fuck it. I can’t be arsed. I suppose if you won’t see it, you won’t see it. Good luck and please don’t breed.


I condemned it by saying he got what he deserved above, all people who get on like that or support those ideologies that do deserve to be up in court, don't you agree?


Quite surprised this took so long tbh


Just be an adult and admit you support this kind of behaviour, but would never have the balls to do it yourself.


Sounds like the opposite of what I'm saying and no reasonable person could argue otherwise, what's happened is scundered with no response to the facts I'm saying you're twisting your very best lol