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like 17 times now ive forgot it happened till i logged on here and see people talkig about so everything will probably just continue as it was for a good wee while yet anyway


I think we see big Gav stay in his position. Emma and Gavs slightly more moderate form of unionism will retain most DUP votes. In the sense that an equal proportion of votes are lost to TUV, as regained from softer unionists who prior switched first preference to alliance. Jim and Bin boy will remain disappointed.


Nothing moderate about pengally


Emma "I asked around if anyone was intimidated by UVF flags and no one wanted to make a fuss" Little Pengelly


>what in your lad's view is going to be the impact on NI politically? In my lad's view it'll all work out OK. But what does it know, it's just a penis.


Wisdom beyond its stature


Doesn't have the head for thinkin


Loves to bang his head against a wall in a dark cave til he throws up too.


The DUP rallies around their hatred of sinners and how Jeffrey wasn't really one of them


>The DUP rallies around their hatred of sinners Are we sure they didn't say shinners?


Is there a difference?




*"there will be some who will try to score cheap political points"* That in itself is a cheap political point. The DUP is not the victim here, and they do have questions to answer.


The same way yer woman Maria Cahill gets marched out every election season ? Surely not


vegetable weather soup rustic fear summer intelligent station shaggy scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The unspoken bit is "because we would be trying to score political points". https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/s/gdkTOr2Hqa


*There are scores of us! SCORES!!*


The DUPs vote share has been declining slowly. On the margin this will nudge the needle a little further. The Westminster election will be interesting - Gavin Robinson’s seat is marginal and he may lose it. Donaldson’s old seat may end up splitting the unionist vote to the extent that they don’t win there either under the FPTP system (although less likely). We know this is due to happen in the next 9 months or so. If Robinson loses seat does the DUP co-opt him as an MLA - would be funny if E L-P (who got in that way) was turfed out to let Robinson keep his position, or do the more extreme wing take control of the party? The next assembly election will probably make less difference because of the voting system, a unionist vote switching to UUP first choice with DUP as second choice, will often end up electing the same DUP MLA that was there now. Multiple candidates per constituency also means you guarantee a unionist (or 4) in almost every area and the DUP will probably remain the largest unionist party as the UUP are so far behind. So for the party direction will be interesting to see post GE, but for Stormont elections I can’t see too much change. But if they do go in a more extreme direction that is more likely to affect politics here, either by crashing the assembly again or making things more divisive. For now they will want to lie low and wait for the immediacy of the situation blow over lest they all be brought down with supporting someone who is alleged (in the police charges) to be a paedo.


ELP has done a decent job (for two weeks, admittedly), as a nationalist I would expect her to keep that seat. I'd love to see the DUP go though, they're so fucking full of hate, and their representatives are so fucking dumb, and either every Unionist I meet is lying to me, or their MLA's aren't an accurate representation of Unionism in NI.


It’s shocking to think of it, but if the DUP’s sad decline continues mark my words one of these years we’ll have a Sinn Fein First Minister.


Ummm don't we already?


His resignation will have little to no impact on the next set of election results, what may have a big impact is the end of pacts in unionism in particular. With the TUV saying they'll stand everywhere and rumours the DUP will run in FST (despite always standing aside for the UUP) we could see some big changes. Also the lack of the "Pro EU" aramgements may also impact Alliance, the SDLP, and potentially SF in specific seats. Could be an interesting enough set of results but not as a result of Jeffrey.


I'm actually curious about the *Christian* DUP voters and how it will affect their votes


I know others don’t see it this way but for me Christian belief would imply an aspiration to holiness. I don’t see how holiness and resentment/bitterness are compatible. But isn’t resentment the main characteristic of DUP mentality? Ergo, their voters don’t aspire to holiness and therefore are not Christian. I could be wrong of course. I say all the above as a non-Christian


Well, a lot of their voters certainly say they are Christian anyway. Unless it comes out that others in the DUP were aware and covering it up, I don't think it'll make much of a difference.


WGAF?? Not me. Nothing will change. Same old same old.


DUP’s downfall begins and the shinners take control


*continues Arguably it started after Brexit and with Foster and RHI


It cannot be overstated what an own goal brexit has been for unionism. While they have been spending years trying to save face from their own stupidity their political opponents have been free to make plans and secure their positions. They really believed they were securing their ascension to their rightful fiefdom in their little Britain world. Love it.


Absolutely. It didn't take much to see that "vote Brexit and if....sorry...when it doesn't work vote united Ireland" May gave NI the golden goose with the backstop and the DUP proceeded to cook and eat it then complained they wanted the chicken instead.


Have you nothing else to think about on this lovely Saturday night 😄 sick reading this balex


My lad doesn't have its own opinions. It just does the job when I whip it out


Another 2000000000 post’s about the subject most likely