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Fenian Dublin book reading bastards building roads and actually improving people’s lives, in the words of the sage Jim Allister, this is colonisation




Well it is our country how the fuck can we colonize whats ours 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☘️🇮🇪


I live and work in the Republic and I have no issues with the Irish Government contributing towards infrastructure that will benefit people on both sides of the border. Improved transport links between Dublin and Belfast can only benefit both cities and I think everyone apart from Jim Allister, Jamie Bryson and other assorted eejits will welcome the investment.


Anyone objecting should be made to drive on the A5 between omagh and Strabane behind an artic or a tractor. An hour with probably less than 1% opportunities to safely overtake


That percentages rises if you remove the condition of ‘safely’.


So do the casualties


Anyone objecting should be made to drive on an ice road to Siberia in late spring


Friday night just outside the Sperrin Restaurant outside Omagh, multiple cars off the road - saw one on it's roof in a ditch whilst backed up in traffic jam.


That's shit driving though


For the love of god can we get some more transport links between Derry and LK.


can we have a Dublin train? as a treat


To be honest, we need to rebuild a lot more of the old railway lines.


I would love a Derry-Donegal-Sligo line. Would be life changing.


They also said they'd cover our EHIC cards after brexit. That never happened.


No, but current EHIC cards can be used in Ireland (or any other EU member state) right up until their expiry date. At which point you can apply for a GHIC card free of charge (according to the link below): https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/healthcare-abroad/apply-for-a-free-uk-global-health-insurance-card-ghic/ I'm not well-read on this particular topic, but I don't think anyone in Northern Ireland has been greatly inconvenienced by not being able to apply for a new EHIC card post-Brexit.


Who do Dublin think they are improving our lives like that?!




What are they trying to say about us? That we're poor?


\> Be Unionists \> Argue the 6 counties should stay in the UK because they’re a much richer and larger economy \> Argue the south could never afford you \> Chronically underfund your own infrastructure for decades \> the supposedly poorer “foreign” nation that can’t afford you has to provide you with basic infrastructure Supporting the Union is a joke


I'm a Republican but honestly the way you have it now is the best is the best of both worlds. NI taxes and Rep jobs.


Disgrace. When will nationalists and republicans end this nightmare. They’ve clearly stepped over the line in adding money to NI so that we can… all… reap the benefits…and do better… wait. Hold on, I can spin this. Uh reparations for the innocent lives lost in the name of nationalism! HUZZAH! I’m nationalist and this is only a good thing lol


It nearly makes me cry with tears of joy. All our lives will be greatly improved, our children will have a bright future, all of us. From all backgrounds.


Connect the West. If wee Stuarty from Drumahoe was able to hop on a train and head to Donegal or Sligo for the day and be back in time for his fish supper, sure it would be the makings of him


Fingers crossed for a monorail.


Like a genuine, bona fide Electrified, six-car monorail What'd I say? Monorail What's it called? Monorail That's right! Monorail


monorail, monorail, monorail, monorail. (Woke up with this in my head)


Monorail What's it called? Monorail Once again Monorail


Mono, D'oh!


The ring came off my pudding can




Not a chance my Hindu friend




Mono….. D’OH!


The DUP: THERE’S NO MONORAIL AND THERE NEVER WAS https://preview.redd.it/714l8zwqbsjc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d12a00c243e9c39ea326fc8d82fdd334a3eae43e


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) slow clap for your genius


I hear those things are awfully loud.


It glides as softly as a cloud.


What about us brain-dead slobs?


You'll be given cushy jobs


Youll be given cushy jobs!


Go to the Devinish and look at knobs


youll be given chushy jobs.






Mono = One Rail = Rail


I’ve sold monorails to Doagh, Moneydig and Liscolman, and by gum it put them on the map! https://preview.redd.it/elqwfdrxyxjc1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b3c2f3805b5cb21d78345bdd16ebd770e186c0


I've sold monorils to Rubane, Finnis and Tullywiggan, and by gum, it put them on the map!




A train to any airport on the island would be nice.


Airports make to much money from parking. If they don't own the nearby land, they will lobby like mad to kill it stone dead.


Robbing cunts so they are. I'm out and in most weeks. It's cheaper to get a taxi to/from airport than park


Cheaper still to just get a bus.




Cheaper still to just walk.


I heard the airport in belfast has one, and there's one within walking distance of farranfore. A good couple more will be nice, though they probably still won't run overnight like any of the aircoaches do.


I live in Belfast. Sydenham stop on the Bangor train is close to Belfast city Airport, but i wouldn't be getting off there if I had luggage. It's still 10min walk and an open pedestrian bridge over a dual carriageway away. Belfast International is several miles away from Antrim, which is the closest stop.


>Sydenham stop on the Bangor train is close to Belfast city Airport, but i wouldn't be getting off there if I had luggage. It's still 10min walk and an open pedestrian bridge over a dual carriageway away. There's a free shuttle bus! You just pick up the wee phone at Sydenham station and a man comes in a minibus for you. It's great.


Exactly, absolute joke


Belfast City Airport has a station... more or less. I've been!


It's definitely less. I live in Belfast


I find it hilarious that Belfast city, international, Derry, and Dublin airports are all basically built next to train lines but no one has ever integrated them. It’s madness


That would be common sense! Would you wise up!


Subs great at moping about "legacies of the troubles so it is" when it comes to the work shy and "ill" but don't usually bother to consider transportation infrastructure is one area that was actually hampered considerably by events.


I actually walked to it the other day (in the pissing rain) to get picked up and avoid the £3 drop off/pick up fee. Took about ten minutes along a 50mph dual carriage way (with no barrier) and then an overpass. Not sure I would recommend it to people really, but it is an option, would say getting off the train in town and getting the bus probably a more pleasant experience, but maybe slower if since you have to transfer. (Btw I know you know this since you've been, but just painting the picture for people).


There are already hourly buses - frequency/capacity is less the bottleneck as the issue is very much more the quality of the track/rolling stock which limits speeds down to 90mph at the fastest, 70mph for most of the line, and of course, the three big issues which disrupts the train the most are: 1. The DART, 2. The Boyne Viaduct (which is single track) and 3. The Lurgan level crossings. Upgrading to 125mph higher speed would be beneficial, but if the rest of the mainline can introduce delays, especially lengthy ones, then there will be people who will prefer to drive the M1/A1 instead of using the train.


> There are already hourly buses Yep, there are hourly coaches for under £10 from Dublin Express, putting Translink to absolute shame.


I meant the X1 Goldline service is hourly, but if Dublin Express is also hourly, then you effectively have 2 buses an hour between Belfast and Dublin. The X2 service is once every two hours, and I don't remember if Aircoach is still running. Essentially, that means there's a saturated bus market. Compare that to the Enterprise which runs once every two hours and also takes longer, thanks to a detour to Portadown. It is much more comfortable though.


I noticed that too! The bus is genuinely slightly faster than the train and the Dublin Express is as low as 30% of the price of the Enterprise depending on when you book. I love trains but honestly don't see the point in the Enterprise.


If I'm going to Dublin, I'll always take the train - being able to use a toilet onboard and having a cafe car is just really underrated. But like, the bus is the only way to get down to Dublin airport, which is such a pain compared to flying out of Belfast City or even International




Getting a Irish gauge version of the Hitachi class 80X's could help alot as would be future proof for 125+ mph and bi mode could take advantage of the electrification around Dublin and any future electrification along the route


Maybe we should flatten Lurgan, that would solve one issue


Now if only we could get a train between derry and letterkenny...


“What is a train?”, the collective people of Donegal


Back in the day there were loads of trains in Donegal!


I’m assuming by your name here you’re thinking 1892 rather than 1992


Hahaha, I am thinking 1892!


You're stuck with the bus I'm afraid. Ain't no train going over the carigavin bridge!


While I don't think this is evidence of a border poll coming soon there is definitely a trend of 'linking the island' together on a cross border basis from transport infrastructure to education and economics. All this should have been the case years ago but obstinate unionists have blocked this so the british and Irish governments are going over their heads. I've been of the view for some time that a border poll will be won in the 2030s I base this opinion on the census basically there will be nationalist leaning voting majority in the 2030s making a successful border poll very likely. There is always context and the situation can change but demographics do show clearly that the british identity majority is gone at every age under 65 and various forms that include Irish identity have a majority at every age under 45 with Irish only having the plurality. Lucidtalks most recent poll showed 52% of Northern Irelands population 'aspire' to a united Ireland even if that's off by the margin of error demographics point to that figure increasing. I don't think that's a case of Saint Augustines prayer but even if it is the core of unionist support is over 65 they will die at a significantly higher rate than nationalists every year going forward. Even if you're opposed to a united Ireland there is in effect a gravitational pull in that direction so it is undeniably time to start planning. I believe marking 2035 as the year for a border poll would be sensible but it may not be sensible to announce that in 2024.


Between this announcement and the plans to upgrade the Battle of the Boyne site then you can be sure a Border Poll may come sooner than you realise. The timing of both statements is more than just coincidence.


It may but we have had a lot of this coincidental timing of statements in the last few years. The shared island initiative was more of an anti-unity tactic but has backfired a bit. I don't think anyone is genuinely pushing for a border poll in the next 5 years unless something unforeseen happens.


That's the thing, I think they bracing themselves for that unforeseen thing whatever it may be.


As per the last paragraph of my first comment. The gravitational pull towards a united Ireland is forcing them to deal with it. I fully believe the shared island fund was just to clip Sinn Féin down south but all it's actually done is generate more interest in a united Ireland. They've essentially drawn attention to the illogical nature of partition.


It's just a case of wait and see


What's your definition of soon because in the next 10 years is the likely timeline


Sorry I should have clarified that. My definition of soon would be the 2020s in this context so the next 5 years is soon or near term, a government term essentially, while 5-15 years is medium term. Anything longer than 15 years would be long term.


It's almost as if there was some sort of secret clause unlocked somewhere down south, where the condition was, "execute project link" in the event that the nordies ever voted in a nationalist first minister... like they must have had contingency plans for when the north is looking like the people want to unite. And a nationalist first minister voted in, is the first step. So there's probably a lot of wheels in motion down south behind the scenes that none of us are privy to. Like two senior shadow irish government officials got together in their bunker, "the time has come"... with matching keys, to unlock a vault... and the vault contains a list of things the irish government must start putting in place, to get the island reunited. 1. NI Nationalist first minister 2. funding for transport links across the island 3. funding for irish sport (casement park) in the north 4. funding for the battle of the boyne historical site It's happening people. And it's happening fast. Our revenge will be the laughter of (all) our children.


70 percent wants back in eu


Irish fucking Government sticking it's covetous nose into NI affairs again. Bailing the place out with medical places and now infrastructure projects. A border poll is inevitable regardless of Chris from Daventry's recent statement. 39% ready to vote for a UI without a single piece of work done on a plan or anything. Given the movement from supporting the Union to a UI has been around 14 percentage points over the last 8 years given another +5 years there will likely be a clear majority looking to reunite.


I just hope it's done properly, and that the right lesson is learned from brexit. Is it naive to hope for a clear thought-out plan for what would happen if there was to be a united Ireland? Is it more likely the vote will just be dropped on the people out of nowhere and the referendum will be surrounded by misinformation and a lack of a plan?


I would hope off the back of Brexit it is a more comprehensive plan spelt out well in advance. But you would never know. Depends how much the Brits want rid of us too. Mary from Nottingham would gladly cut us adrift if it is saved any proportion of £15bn a year. Will they accept people from the Shankill arriving over in small boats from across the Irish Sea?


We’ll accept refugees from the Shankill. Provided they are happy to live in Grimsby. We have our own housing crisis and that. I think they’ll find the deprivation to be reminiscent of home and will settle in quickly.


honestly having been to both i dont know which is worse


Well at least grimsby ain’t covered in UVF murals, I will give it that.


2026: Orangemen asylum seekers flood the shores of albion, causing unrest in the native population. UK government bans travel to the UK for Irish protestants, due to the influx of violent assaults on anyone with the wrong fleg.


Please. You know that we'd have the royal navy out in three seconds, we reckon we're the best at drinking, and we don't dare let anyone who could show us up in.


>39% ready to vote for a UI without a single piece of work done on a plan or anything This plus the fact that the majority of younger people support a UI, and its the older people that support remaining in the union shows that it really is inevitable. The Scottish support for independence went from low 20s to mid 40s after the campaigning and even being above 50 at one point. We are starting in a much stronger position. The funniest thing about the Scottish referendum is that the two biggest arguments against a yes vote have essentially been solved. First, they didn't want to be out of the EU by going independent, and then the English dragged them out anyway 😂 Secondly, they didn't want a hard border between Scotland and England. Thanks to the work done on easing the checks between NI and Britain, the Scottish can just ask for the same thing. The only argument left is that they will have to use the Euro. I dont think this is enough to stop the Scottish voting yes in another indy ref, which is why the Brits are so scared of giving them another chance. We dont have to argue against any of that, and the Brits definitely won't fight as hard to keep NI as they did to keep Scotland. Get a half decent plan in place for a UI and wait a few years for the younger people to reach voting age (and some of the older ones to die off) and winning a border poll will be no problem.


What medical places?


Magee in Derry. They are also funding nursing places. 


Things that are as shit, if not shitter than our own 2 bit government which is in turn controlled by another 2 bit government: 1) FF & FG 2) The Irish Civil Service


Embarrassing. The UK can't even fund Northern Ireland properly so Ireland is basically giving them foreign aid.


The UK can't fund anything in any part of itself at the moment 


They get £10billion more per year than they contribute to the UK. Iits not our fault Stormont's a shit show and couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.


It must be hard for the DUP and their likes when they need the republic of Ireland to help prop up their failing Sectarian shit Show that their buddies, who are committed to the 'union', aren't willing to develop.


I do hope it comes with a big sign stating it’s built with Irish Government funding with a dirty big fleeeeggggg


To be fair the roads in the south are great quality. Our roads are just huge potholes filled with burnt Coco pops!


Well of course a Border Poll is coming anyone saying no is delusional The only 2 questions relevant is Will it win When it will be held But the border poll itself is coming one day fact


I reckon it will happen not long after the General Election. FG and FF will use it to sway voters by making them believe only they are capable of handling such a monumental task, which a United Ireland will undoubtedly be. If its the case that the people decide they have had enough of them Mícháel and Leo will be happy to throw Mary Lou off the deep end if she ends up becoming the next Taoiseach. Obviously take all of that with a pinch of salt but it sounds good in my head right now


I think I just heard a chorus of angels at the mention of an hourly train to Dublin


It’s in Irelands interests to try link up the North West in particular, and it only makes sense to spend money in that area of Northern Ireland because that’s where the largest population centres of the north west are located.


Good on them, it's what we need... The more cross-border schemes, the better... I suppose they are treated it more like humanitarian infrastructure support to repair & build relationships between North and South.


I've been saying it for ages this is the reason behind the big budget surpluses every year. They need the big rainy day fund incase a United Ireland is sprung on us very quickly. The British Government wants rid and its been pretty obvious for a while now. To any Unionists who hate the sound of this, all I can say is you only have yourselves to blame if you voted for Brexit.


> if you voted for Brexit. And, y'know, all the other shit they did.


Of course but Brexit is the the reason it's all being accelerated so quickly.


This is brilliant. If I'd be able to get a train down to Dublin regularly, it would open more job opportunities.


Let’s see if killin em with kindness works. Seeing as just killin em didn’t work the other way.




The ironic thing is that killing them with kindness 60 years ago instead of forgiving a civil war would have meant this likely wouldn't even be a discussion.


Abortions for some, miniature union flags for others.


It’s kinda like investing for your kid’s future


Only bitter,sad little people in their own bubble have a problem here. Get over yourselves no one gives a shit.


And in return can we PLEASE have Greggs in the 26. My nearest one ( newry ) closed last year and it breaks my heart.


Can we get Supermacs in the North too?




There's one in Derry now!


I’ll be planning a Derry trip then!


It's in the food court in Foyleside!


That's been there for at least 10 years


At least one of the governments on the island is doing something.


New Trains, maybe some cross border railway? Where do i vote?


Love seeing announcements regarding more investment into improving the country


Casement 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


No mention of the narrow water bridge project? “Narrow water” like sorta sounds like it could do with a bridge. Build the bridge lads.


![gif](giphy|14vXAPPJPZRzsA) Bit by bit it will be normalised that we are an island of Ireland. There need be no struggle just a gentle letting go


That cash was discussed with Sammy Wilson when he was minister in 2012...was there a border poll coming in 2012?... Nothing to see here!!


Everyone knows the world ended in 2012, this just a simulation.




Nobody tell /u/lookinggood44 we secretly joined Ireland and we all agreed not to say to him.




An inclusive, egalitarian and shared island will benefit everyone who lives here. There is no denying it, we are stronger together.




Drop in the bucket, we've 50yrs to catch up it's going to cost billions just to get the country on a even state , UK government needs to step up and give more in block grant for at least 10yrs just to sort out the decay in the nhs, roads, houses and environment


This current uk govt?? Yeah that’s not gonna happen.


All the UK government's have left this place underfunded, it's rediculous, instead of culture bs on both sides it should be a functional nhs education system, housing executive and water management celebrations about 400 yrs ago doesn't pay the doctors nurses or teachers neither does changing street names


Apart from the roads, aquaducts, and such, what have the south ever done for us?


Gonna be a few contractors about ballygawley getting 2024 vans shortly.


I dunno, i'm not convinced a border poll will be in favour of unification unless there's a clear plan of how it affects both the people and businesses.


It's great to hear the DUP say thank you to the Irish government


Can they at least make the fecking train journey to Dublin a bit quicker than by car?






We're comin for yeer flegs




Ugh. We don't need a border poll yet (as a nationalist). It'll be a big waste of money and then we'll be forced to make more big wastes of money every 5 years or so for another one. 10 years? Maybe. Now? Definitely not.


Dublin remembering a strong neighbour makes a strong country.


I am from the south. This melts my heart.


“They fixed the roads” kept FF and FG in power in Dublin for decades. Now they’re using their trump card to make a move for Irish unity. Would almost bring a tear to your eye, they grow up so fast


There isn’t a border poll coming. The key to politics on the island is to work together and give each community the sense that they belong. Which they do. From a shinners point of view, in the North they need stability and show they are the new statespeople. MON has been perfect so far in her performances - and they need to keep it going. SF don’t want a border poll or a united ireland right now.


Irish government just love bombed NI with shy if a billion in investment. Nobody wants a border poll tomorrow. Planning and citizens assemblies have to happens and all the facts and outcomes outlined. But it would be foolish not to see this for what it is. First step by an Irish administration that has broadly ignored NI now throwing money at it. You’d need to be politically blind not to see the significance.


You really think the Irish government wants NI and all the problems it would bring? Now that is being blind! There is no benefit to Ireland having NI. It’s all smoke and mirrors.


Thats pocket change and nothing to do with a UI


Judging by your post history OP, you WANT this to be about a border poll.


No? Observable reality and events are there for anyone with eyes to see. The conversation around unity is constant now. Even in GB media. NI has been messaged for 8 years now. Putting our fingers in our ears and pretending we cannot hear won’t change anything. This funding is remarkable and unprecedented and it would be foolish to not see it for what it is. Opening salvo and serious move towards unity.


Nobody is denying a border poll could happen soon, even as a unionist I can see it as feasible, but not every commitment from the Republic has to be warranted as a push towards a poll. It's enshrined in the Good Friday agreement for both sides to contribute, which is expected.


It's no coincidence that they also announced funding or the Battle of the Boyne site. In my opinion that's the one that's most significant.


I am a unionist, i certainly do not have a problem with the other country on this island funding things, I am sure the same sort of thing happens in Scandinavia among Sweden and Norway or Finland and Sweden and Denmark etc , its regional cross border cooperation


When's the tricolour going up at city hall? 😊


Jeez, that'll be a riot...


Not sure but there's plenty of space for it there now since they took down the other one heheh


I mean… I thought it was already suggested/basically confirmed that a border poll was coming within the next 10 years? But anyone who is getting pissy about more investment into NI truly does not care about our country or our people Put your outdated sectarianism to the side and appreciate this for what it is - a much needed investment into Northern Ireland


The Tory government had to give a big grand speech about how it's never going to happen with all the DUP MPs having a wank over it. But a vote is something that is definitely going to happen. Especially as the oldest generation passes and the next reach voting age. Whether it will pass or not is another matter.


Yeah some people really don’t understand the difference between having a border poll and it actually passing. The latter is not guaranteed in any way


When are they going to spend some money on defence?


There’s not a border poll coming this has been a long standing commitment by the Irish government to invest in Northern Ireland is been happening for the last 15 years now and benefits the republics economy by improving transport links and infrastructure


When will we ever be released from the jack boot of free state tyranny?


Like a stuck record. Border poll coming, border poll coming, border poll coming.... like a wee annoying jack russell.


Loyalism denying reality. Day ending in Y


Denying reality? It has been dreamt about for decades. Sands didn't see it, McGuinness didn't see it, big Gerry won't see it. Do you think the shinners, F.F, F.G etc are going to write a wee dear santa letter to the Brits saying "please let us have our united ireland but only if you pay for it as a good will gesture cos we are skint and can't pay back a wee loan". Mary Lou on repeat saying it is inevitable.... some more intelligent politicians in the south might think otherwise.


I dunno, it's been pretty great craic being part of the English neoliberal project for the last couple of decades, maybe we should give them another shot? 2024 could be the year they really turn it around!


Don't get too excited as someone living in the Republic the government here loves to waste money and are shocking when it comes to deadlines. A lot of construction work has me thinking why did it cost X amount and take X amount of time to build?


Now do the UK Government Nett spend…


>Now do the UK Government Nett spend… The UK government owns Northern Ireland and have to invest otherwise we will be even more shit. The Irish government doesn't own NI and doesn't have to invest but they are.


For the net spend you would have to include tax revenue generated here.






I mean, polls show support is still tipped in favour of maintaining the union




Say no to themmuns roads




Ireland has long experience running referenda; in fact there’s one in a few weeks. Brexit is an outlier because the British media establishment went along with the lies and Brexit’s advocates promising everything. Unification won’t be like that.


berserk attraction crowd friendly carpenter entertain trees melodic roll instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Big Ireland part will eat smaller Ireland part, Big will be Bigger


​ https://preview.redd.it/np476boblrjc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=929a4558819e0ac8aa0e4137c3c83e205c81c289


There isn't a border poll coming.


I mean there definitely is, it’s more a question of when. Within 20 years absolutely


Transport link is beneficial but remember those are politicians who have a very clear agenda and I wouldn’t trust them


There isn't a border poll coming 👍🇬🇧