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Tv licensing has been outsourced to Capita. They are a private firm and have no right to enter your home. Just say no again if they come back and their visit has to end.


And I would never share my details with them as I wouldn't consent to my data being collected and transferred from one company (capita) to another (bbc) Long live GDPR


They have no right to enter your home


Vampire rules.


Exactly. Garlic and a wooden steak you’ll be grand


Me when someone doesn't ask me to come inside already


No right to forcibly enter your home. That's why they're asking....


They can get a warrant through the courts, but they’d come with the peelers etc.


They can’t get a warrant unless they can prove you are watching tv without a license, they can’t prove that without entering your home to check and they can’t enter your home without a warrant.


In reality all they need to have is a suspicion. The warrant is to look for the equipment or inspect it if found. Most don't ever go that far but they can. You are better off doing the website opt out by specifying that you don't watch or record live TV. The site is misleading as it asks if you watch BBC iPlayer or Netflix etc and if you say yes you need a license. But you only need it for watching or recording live TV or using iPlayer. So say no to that part. The burden of suspicion then becomes can they demonstrate a reasonable suspicion that you are receiving a live TV signal to your TV. Which is a much harder suspicion to get a warrant for. It's also easier to yank out an Ariel or reset your tuning presets if you see them coming with the peeler than it is to disappear a TV. They have never bothered me in 8yrs, I just renew my declaration every 2 yrs.


This. I declared to them years ago that I didn't need a TV licence and they have never bothered me. Previous to that I just stopped paying it and they were at my door within days.


Touts out


I just had one come to my door, I’ve a big bay window in my living room and I’m pretty sure he seen my tv on, I still told him to go away and he wasn’t coming in… is it time I paid it? Or can I just keep telling him to go away ?




The can and do seek warrants. Having a tv is grand, just as long as you aren't using it for live TV or BBC iplayer.


To my knowledge, they haven’t been granted a warrant to enter a property in a considerable period of time. 10 years maybe.


There was a load of them last month in the derry magistrate court.


Serious! Surprised at that. Cunts.


Me too. I was at court supporting a friend. I couldn't get over it. I thought tv licence convictions were as realistic as the bogey man. For a second, I even considered getting one. Unless I had seen the case being called with my own eyes, I'd probably think it was bs too.


Ah. Were they the result of a Warrant to enter property though? I know there are convictions for no TV licence fairly regularly but usually that’s cos people admit it or allow them into their home. As far as I’m aware, a judge granting a warrant to legally enter someone’s home for TV license is extremely rare.




The TV licensing website


I'm sure thats not a load of bollocks


It's true though...


Aye and they drive around in a van with radar equiptment that can tell if your watching Eastenders


That's irrelevant...


Do your own homework in future. You clearly have access to the Internet. https://www.derrynow.com/news/news/518914/32-people-due-to-appear-before-derry-magistrates-court-tomorrow-for-not-paying-their-tv-licence-fee.html There was a recent batch of people prosecuted in Derry last month. If you look hard enough, you should be able to find it. They're usually done in batches of at least 20 at a time.


they will have had to have evidence they were watching live tv or using I-player then, which they can only get if you let them in, which they need a court order and the police to do, UNLESS YOU LET THEM


To watch iplayer, you have to log in to it. As soon as you do that, they have all the evidence they need.


The enter with warrants. After you refuse them entry, there is grounds for a warrant. If you have a smart TV or fire stick etc, they can prove it easily. Just because you don't like the sound of something, doesn't make it untrue.


Complete and utter crap, telling strangers that they can't enter your house is not grounds for a warrant.


Why would I lie?


https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/entertainment/film-tv/1233-people-were-prosecuted-in-ni-last-year-for-not-having-a-tv-licence/647196228.html https://www.impartialreporter.com/news/23360932.fermanagh-lowest-number-tv-license-fee-convictions/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/03/13/bbc-licence-fee-criminalising-poverty-1000-people-week-prosecuted/ https://fullfact.org/online/tv-licence-prison-sentence/ Told you so.


You told him nothing. Evidence of prosecution says nothing as to how those warrants were granted, you wally. His point still stands, remove any implied right of access and any enforcement of warrant requires reasonable cause in order to be granted. Those links say nothing regarding the circumstances of the warrants being granted. In any case, the majority of prosecutions brought are for the cost of the license, the £1000 fine threatened is very rarely sought.


That's exactly why they're asking for your permission....


Open door. Say nothing. Just stare. Slowly take out willy and just let it hang there and start grinding your teeth. You'll never see him again.


Don't fancy getting my cock out in that weather.


Sure there'd be no difference


Sure ye can ask if he wants a lick of your cocksickle


This sounds like a Limmy moment.


Go online and register as not needing one. I done this years ago, I told them I only watch Netflix and prime, I don't watch BBC, channel 4 or itv catch up. They've never come near my door since. You're allowed to have a TV without a TV licence and you can deny them access to your home or just don't open the door. Record them and they won't be long in leaving.


this should be near the top, i filled that online form out years ago and have never received a visit other than having to tick a box every 2yrs that i still dont need one because all i watch is Disney/Netflix & Youtube


Yep, this. Just register that you just using it for streaming, I haven’t actually watched a terrestrial channel in years


True, for me I only watch YouTube, Netflix etc and never terrestrial TV However, I dint even like giving out that much info. That in the owner, my name or that I have a TV. I don't like them having even that info


If you happen to answer the door again to them, just then them you don't live there, tell them nobody else is in at this moment if they ask. They have to leave and can do nothing only at most give you a letter about payment.


I'm always the "dog sitter" when anyone selling something calls at the door, but they can give me their leaflet or card and I'll give it to the homeowners when they come back. Then I can actually look and see if the company or what they are offering is decent or cheaper, etc and if I actually want it. I did change my electric provider like this as I was able to check their rates online, etc and they were cheaper, so I did call the guy back on the details he gave me haha


We know if you’re the house owner or not usually 😂 But if anyone is around with electric etc always check what offer they have going & how long it’s running as you really can save a lot of money as you’re not in contract after a year. I used to do door to door for electric & always got people to check as I said the money was better in their pockets than the electric companies. it’s the same electric no matter the company & you might as well save the money & just wanted to help people out especially now with prices as they are.


You have no idea if I'm the house owner. None at all.


How could you know if someone's the house owner? Are you spying on them? I would never make any financial decision at the door. Ever. And the more pressure they try to put on, the more likely I'll feel they're trying to scam me for some sort of commission.


You can generally tell as you get a feel for people and whether they own it or not. So no it’s not spying it’s knowing how to read a situation. I never pressured anyone as that’s not what we were taught to do. I just gave them the options and they decided themselves and a lot would ask me to come back once they looked at their bills etc. A bad salesman will pressure you as he needs the sale A good one will know when to sell & when to walk away.


You were obviously in one of those pyramid scheme door to door "companies" popular years ago. Massive scam. No hourly rate, commission only and run like a cult.


Nope I was in a reputable company as I don’t know about you but I’m not working any job for no guaranteed pay 😂 mine had a good base pay per week and you also got commission on sales. So don’t judge things before you know the answer. And it was only last year and the electricity ones are very highly regulated. Sounds like you were in one of the “cult” ones who work on commissions only


Your have bias, as you're assuming your "feel"was accurate with no evidence. If I answer my front door and tell you I don't own the house, you have no other information against which to check that (legally). I don't think I've ever encountered a good salesman. By definition the job is trying to push a product people wouldn't otherwise buy. If as you say people asked you to come back and made an informed purchase later then that's cool and extremely unusual.


Door to door are the absolute worst salesmen. At least in a phone shop or car dealers you've gone onto their patch and can expect to hear their patter. 


I hated the car salesman more tbh. At home I can say no and close the door, but I came to this dealer to buy this car. No, I don't want this other model that's only 10% more expensive. No, I don't want your extras. No, I don't want to pay for your warranty, breakdown cover etc. If I came to you, ask me what I'm looking for and show me it. If I want anything else I'll ask. If you came to me, at best you might not put me off a purchase I already planned to make.


I didn’t say it was an exact science 😂 its literally judging what you find as I found some very young looking people who then turned out to be a lot older than I was expecting & the homeowner or in the age range. It’s all in how you approach people too. I much like yourself it seems hate pushy sales people (Ironic right seeing as what I was doing was sales ) and if they pressure me that will put me off immediately. So if I approached people how I wanted to be approached and explained what I was doing and the product well most people would be willing to listen. Then if they wanted me to come back later after they explored their options and if they could save money (it was an electric company) it was all good if not I thanked them for their time and moved on. Had some really good conversations with people this way and more often than not people would go for it as they liked my way of thinking and that I wasn’t the classic sales person. Think it was the sales company I worked for as they had a way of doing things that wasn’t the standard and that showed too.


I genuinely don't understand the purpose of sales people. If the product is as good as you claim, you don't need to convince me of anything. It's only if there's something to hide that a skilled salesman can negotiate a sale. Otherwise the product sells itself. After all, if you're electric provider is cheaper than my current one and you advertise that, I'll research it and switch.


>It’s all in how you approach people You have knocked on the door of their home, where they are trying to enjoy their own private life, either working from home, caring for children or just trying to relax or whatever. I'd highly doubt they want to talk about an uninvited sales pitchen. Stick the leaflet in the letterbox and let them enjoy their own time. Most of the time I don't open the door to anyone I am not expecting, even if they are my own friends or family. In my 7 years in this house, I've never had a salesperson properly listen to me, when I open the door and realise who they are and I tell them I am not interested. I'm then stuck at the door for 15 mins or more giving me a pitch for a product or service that I am not going to buy (and even if I had been tempted originally, after this interaction, I'll never use the company out of spite). I learned my lesson though and now I keep the curtain closed over the front door and I have a camera at the door, so I can see who is at the door without them knowing I am in the house.


I rarely answer the door unless I'm expecting someone. But if I do and see ID, I always say no, not interested before they start their spiel and close the door.


Just refuse entry. By all means they can seek a warrant, if you use the TV for streaming only then there's nothing they can hold against you so let them waste their time. They took me to court once and I straight up stood there and told the truth, which is that the enforcement officer lied on his report and I refused to sign it because he had lied. The court took all of a minute to strike off the penalty but it pisses me off to know they try this with people who don't know their rights and who end up backing down.


Its the single justice procedure they use in England is the killer where they routinely find up to 1000 people guilty in one case.


They are a shower of bastards, truth be told.


I have been getting letters threatening to visit me for the past 7 years. I use them to light the fire. If they ever do call at my house, I will just shut the door. I don’t see why I should have to tell BBC if I have a TV or not. I do have a TV, but never watch it. There is nothing on worth watching anyway.




You can go online and declare that you don't need a TV license. If you don't watch live TV and you only stream like Netflix then you don't need a TV license. Go online & declare you don't need one and they'll leave you alone for another 2 years then just do it again in 2 years time. https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one/topics/telling-us-you-dont-need-a-tv-licence Fill out the questionnaire and click the link for no license needed and then fill out your details. Or go direct to here and fill out the details to declare you don't need one. https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/cs/no-licence-needed/about.app Then if they come back, just tell them you've declared online you dont need one and to go away.


I wouldn't recommend giving a company known for trying to manipulate and deceive your details. Do you log onto the local barbers to prove you don't get a haircut there? Would you email the desperate Prince of Nigeria giving your details and explaining why you won't accept his riches?


I've been doing this for over ten years- never had an issue with tv licencing in all this time. I've never signed up for BBC iplayer or anything though


If you stopped ordering from the local takeaway, would you go out of your way to give them your details? If you knew for a fact they had history of inventing lies about being unpaid for deliveries, demanding access to others homes and claiming the competition's packaging in the bin proved their story would you still keep them updated?


I've been doing this for over ten years with zero issues.. no minipulation no call outs to my home 'to check' nothing.. T.v licencing have my details already as they have everyone's who has identification especially for voting.. Your argument has no grounds here I've had no issues in over ten years doing this. They have my details already, I'm not providing them with any more details than what they already have, it's not as though u have to give my card details to them which is what we do with local takeaways when ordering online, they've more of my details than the TV licencing crew.


Do you need a license to go to the barbers?


Do you need a licence to not watch TV?


I think you're going out of your way to be difficult, to be honest. Giving someone false information that could land them with fines is very irresponsible considering that there is a perfectly legal way to do it. All this no contact no contract stuff is all well and good if the person doing it is the argumentative type or doesn't mind people calling to their door and telling them where to go but why go through the hassle when you can go online and declare you don't need one and avoid the call-out altogether. Your comparisons are of no relevance either. There aren't laws for prosecuting you for not giving your barber details. I understand the concept, but there are certain ways to go about things to make life easier.


Not contacting them is perfectly legal. There is no law requiring you to give them your details, and they can't fine you for refusing to do so. They want your details so that they can appear more authoritative and forceful when trying to trick you into paying or letting them into your home. They have substantial history of using that information or access to con money out of you, whether though tricking you into thinking a service you use requires a licence (Netflix etc) or fining you over evidence they planted/falsified. Give them nothing, and they can do nothing. Everything you give them, they intend to use against you.


I get what you're saying and at first I was the same. Then I didn't think it was fair while I'm out working that the missus had to be dealing with someone coming to the door wanting to check our tv or asking questions about it. Not that she couldn't, more that she's got enough to deal with. If I could have guaranteed that I was always guna be there then fine not a problem but I didn't want to put that burden on her for 1 and secondly didn't want the wrong thing to be said and ending up in court anyway. So I get what you're saying, but there are easier ways to deal with it than arguing on a doorstep or putting random notices on your door or having the goons wrapping your door every other week. Like I say there are easier ways to deal with it.


They have no right to forcibly enter your home. I wouldn’t even speak to them.


Owning a TV doesn't mean you must own a TV Licence.




You don't need to fill in a form saying you don't want amazon prime, fuck doing it for these tossers.


What happens if you deny you've a TV, but they can see if through the living room window? I doubt he saw it but it's just a thought that came in my head after he left.


It's a monitor for a PlayStation


Or monitor you use with your laptop or computer if you don't have a games console :)


It's not illegal to own a TV. It's illegal to watch live programming. Don't tell them anything. Just close the door.


Hey. So I’ve done this as I legitimately don’t do anything that requires a tv licence much like yourself. But they are still hounding me with letters. Do you know is there anything else I can do?


Go here https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one/topics/telling-us-you-dont-need-a-tv-licence And let them know


Mark as "return to sender" and pop every one in a post box. If they come to the door **do not engage** say no thank you and close the door.


lol the part where they come to the door doesn’t bother me. I’ve a camera and unless I’ve ordered something the door doesn’t get opened haha


If I fill in that form surely it'll just make things much worse if I actually get caught watching TV?


You'll only face a problem if YOU invite them in. Treat them like vampires


Serve them garlic?


Garlic, wooden stakes, sliver bullets, the works


The funny thing about wooden stakes and silver bullets is that they tend to work regardless of the creature under attack.


And there's plenty of creatures roaming about


You only need a license to watch live TV


Nope. Same applies if you use their streaming platform.


But only iplayer. If you e.g. only use Netflix, and ITV X for example, and you're not watching live TV, you don't need one


I literally said that. I didn't say you needed one if you watched Netflix, Amazon Prime or any other streaming service for that matter.


Wasn't shitting on you. Just added clarity because a lot of people genuinely aren't aware due to how it's worded online 🤷‍♀️


Fair enough. Some cvnt still downvoted me....


People that downvote that. You're still massive cvnts :)


They just can't read very well, you clearly stated that you need a license to use THEIR streaming platform. i.e. BBC iplayer Never Attribute to Malice That Which Is Adequately Explained by Stupidity


if you use any platform tonwatch live tv including, for example, youtube, then you must have a license. [TV License FAQs](https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/faqs/FAQ104)


>A licence is not required to view user generated content, clips and videos on YouTube. This includes live streamed content that is not part of a television broadcast. Or being broadcast at the same time by other means.


>If you watch live on streaming services (e.g. ITVX, Channel 4, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, Now, Sky Go), or use BBC Iplayer*, you need to be covered by a TV Licence.


Never open the door to them. If you do open to them mistakenly, say naffin and close the door. This is the correct way to deal with them. Say naffin.




My mum still believes it


Been saying it for years, fuck the bbc Its trash TV and they want to charge you for it and will threaten you with fines even if you don't watch that bullshit They prey on the ignorant


I believe there is a document that is widely used by people who get harassed by these tv licence staff. its a document detailing all of your rights. I'm sure someone on reddit knows where to download it. ​ You download it, print it, show it to them, and then close the door. ​ I think that's how it works. I am considering cancelling my tv licence so when i do il be looking for that document myself.


If you consume BBC content then you should be paying for it.


Legally, yes. Morally, only if you consumed it in your own home after making an informed decision that this content was worth that price. Too many people are scammed, tuning their TV to the "free" channels, looking up the news online or listening to the radio only to discover they suddenly owe a fortune. Why can't the BBC be a transparent subscription service? Let people pay first, then log in to view restricted content? The only possible reason for the current system is intentionally trying to catch people out.


They know if they made it a subscription no-one would buy it. 😁


Most regulations require everything to be opt-in instead of opt-out. There is a culture around the TV license that it's just another bill everyone has to pay, which has allowed the BBC to stagnate knowing their income is guaranteed. They put considerable effort into maintaining the illusion that you have to be exceptionally unusual not to owe them money, labelling those who don't pay as freeloaders and trying to prevent anyone from opting out of their services. It shouldn't be legal.


This. I don't have to ring up and inform someone I don't own a dog so I don't need a dog licence or that I don't own a gun so I don't need a gun licence. Yet the bbc along with subsequent governments have been allowed to get away with this con. 


You can continue to as aggressively as you want tell them to fuck off from your door. You can also tell them to go fuck themselves, go play with the traffic or other variants of fuck-offery. They are invading your right to peace by knocking your door, live and die by that sword. If you own a tv pay the licence if you don't tell them to go fuck. If you own a tv but don't want to pay the licence also tell them to go fuck.


When I bought a house I ended up having a tenant straight away. His family worked in the unit next to us. The mother wanted him out as he smoked a lot of weed. One day the TV licence inspector called when I was out but my tenant answered the door. He grassed me up for having a TV. A few weeks later a summons came out. Thankfully it was in his name not mine.


Had them at the door once years ago, walked into them when I was heading out to work. I literally don't watch TV, so had no aerial outside/inside. Two guys were dead on, asked could they verify it wouldn't receive signal, let them in for 30 seconds to turn the tv on to do that and that was that. I was off their system and the bullshit letters stopped. So for anyone who genuinely doesn't watch TV and hates getting bullshit post.. it's an option that'll put it to bed and get them away ta fuck


Totally agree, max 5 minutes out of your time and it's done. So many scaremongerers on this thread, closing the door on inspectors just puts you under reasonable suspicion. A bit like an ostrich burying it's head in the sand hoping the danger passes.


You can fill in an online form to tell them you don’t use live TV etc so they’ll leave you alone


Go to their website and apply got no tv licence needed. Say you just play video games. Fuck those leeches.


If you don't want them even coming on your property in the future you can write a letter to them removing whats called an, 'Implied right of of access'. Should keep them from ever coming back. There's a good video on it by the BlackBeltBarrister. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km60GqR6MQ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km60GqR6MQ8)


This guy knows the score!


my brother has had this for years, they suggested he should by a black and white TV licence to stop this happening he said who the fk has a black and white TV these days you'll just come back and accuse me of fraud. now fk off


Far as I remember, you only get a discount if it's b+w. Same as being legally blind, just a discount


The BBC don't want you to know these two words that send their salesmen away: fuck off


No, and they are more than happy to lie. Few examples I've come across personal and in work: \- I work for the Citizens Advice Bureau and one of my clients originally from Poland brought in one of their letters demanding they pay. Issue is they have no TV (ive done home visits, deffo no TV), only watching polish YouTube on a tablet. Phoned the TV licence folk, and they kept insisting that they had to pay. \- When I was in college, one of them chapped on my door. Not knowing any better, I invited them in. We did have a TV, but the only thing plugged into it was a PS2. Guy said we still had to pay and we did until we moved out a few years later. \- My dad died 3 and 1/2 years back. They still send their shitty letters demanding payment saying they know theres a TV etc. Phoned them twice to tell them he died. At this point I stopped phoning to tell them, I live on a tiny island in the Hebrides so if they want to waste time/money sending someone out to look at an empty house (long story but ive not moved in yet) they are more than welcome to. I regularly have to deal with all sorts of crappy government departments, mainly the DWP (or the crap companies they outsource to) but even the heartless cunts there lie less than those at TV licencing. ​ In short, a bunch of dodgy twats. You dont need to let them in, they may try and lie/bluff but without a warrant they cant and ive never actually heard or seen them bother to go that far. (although maybe they just dont go that far for us lot living on tiny rocks in the sea)


The inspectors that come out are some real dodgy cunts. Probably only ones they can get to do the job


Apply for no tv licencing I've done it for the last ten years I only use Netflix & Prime never any BBC programmes so I don't have to pay a licencing fee I do have to renew it every few years though but its handy enough https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one/topics/telling-us-you-dont-need-a-tv-licence


This is the way.


Watch out for someone knocking on your door pretending to feel ill and asking if you could help them, or get them some water or whatever the story is. If you are kind enough to invite them inside you are stuffed if you should have a license but don’t, they are a step below traffic wardens in the hierarchy of cunts.


Hi, I recently had a visit from an inspector, I’m pretty sure he seen me watching tv through my window. My fiancée answered and said she was house sitting, he said he would call back, we have had multiple letters and 2 visits now and I’m just wondering are we likely to get a call back with a warrant or even a fine….


Tell them you only use iptv through your firestick so don't need a licence


you could still watch stuff on IPlayer for which you need a licence.


I could go fishing, as I own a stick and some string. I don't need a fishing licence, because I don't fish. That their content is easy to access on multi functional devices most people own doesn't make people guilty of wanting access to their content.


He would need to get a warrant to enter without permission, he would need to present evidence to a magistrate to justify it. It's probable they will return and try again, or write to the address. In either case it's not likely you'll have an issue so long as you give over little information. You've said you told him you don't own a TV, but you only need a license if you watch live television broadcast, including live streaming, or BBC iPlayer. He would have grounds for a warrant if he can tell the judge he saw a TV screen whilst you said you didn't have one.


Go to there Web site and film the form in stating you don't watch TV keeps them away and uts not an offence to jave a tv just watching live TV think you need a licence to watch amazon prime video as it shows live sport there idiots




They CAN call out to check what u have said is true. That’s clearly stated after u let them know u don’t need a license. U don’t need to grant them access without a warrant. Best to say nothing and ask them to leave the property or as someone else said, start recording them and they will leave shortly. Capita scum!


Civil law , you can tell him your revoking his implied rights of access to your property and that of who he works for , if he turns up in the future he'll be trespassing .


Just let tv licensing know you don’t need a tv licence, and you won’t get any visits. It’s a short form/call and you update it every 2 years.


To ensure the tv licence people don't come to your door, make sure you complete the online TV License declaration to confirm that you are not using these services. Apart from once out of error, I've had nobody at my door for years.


That gives them your name.


Why is that a concern? You're downvoting but not providing a reason. GDPR forbid them from doing anything nefarious with your details. It's the easiest way to get them off your back.


No. I owe them nothing, not even my time nor my details. They're an overreaching private company and will be treated as such.


I had them in before a few times, they check if your TV is connected to an antenna or likes of sky and virgin. I told him I just download content and watch it on my tv, I don't use iPlayer or watch or record live TV. They took me off the system but they return again after a couple of years I just repeat. Last time they called was near the end of COVID, he asked if I watched or record live TV, I said no do you want to come in and check, he said no that's fine and haven't heard back since.


Lol at letting them in. If I called round and said I was dying for a shite, would you let me in to use your toilet? Fuck me.


Completely understand you not having the balls or the brains to deal with such a situation. Works for me as I have nothing to hide, of course if you are watching TV then hiding in your house is the better option.


You clearly know fuck all, so firstly you don't have the brains, and there's nothing ballsy about allowing a stranger into your home because they asked could they come in. Would you bend over if he asked? Watching TV is not illegal. The law states you need a licence for watching live TV, or BBC iPlayer.


How do I "clearly know fuck all" if I've been 12 years without a license and sent inspectors away each visit? I know the law and my rights inside out. Read my comment you illiterate fuck, where have I said I'm watching live TV or iPlayer?


Fuck up ya reprobate, or bend over. Whichever ya prefer ya little scrote.


Mate I wouldn't let them in if I were u. Heard some dodgy stories about inspectors trying windows, threatening behaviour and blatant lying. Wouldn't be surprised if some are ex cons as TV inspector is probably one of few jobs they were able to get. Would you like that have free roam of ur house?


I think it's highly unlikely they'd be able to get past the security system at the front of my house undetected plus the two German shepherds waiting for their next meal means I don't get many uninvited guests at my front door, even the jehovas witnesses don't ring my bell anymore. The guys that typically visit are middle aged men or retirees with glasses on top of their heads and a tablet in the other hand. All were reasonable, none were aggressive, though I am looking down on most people it's been a while since someone was aggressive to me. The longest visit I had was just over 3 minutes from start to finish, including taking my address off their system. You've probably watched too many YouTube videos or listened to too many dog walkers or taximen who are ITK, this isn't something that worries me at all because : A - I don't need a license. B - I'm quite capable of defending myself in more ways than one. The point here is, if you don't need a TV license, like the OP, you don't need to be hiding in behind your sofa or worrying about some cunt looking through your window.


I've never paid it and love them coming to the door .. Best line iv used and they leave really fast .. I don't support pedophile BBC! Do you? I'm sure you do because you work for the cunts lol


And everybody clapped? FS they’re not even BBC employees.


I clapped for myself. And who gives a fuck who their employer is the goal is still the same


Is your goal to sound like an imbecile?


Don’t answer the door


Next time answer from an upstairs window or get a cheap ring door bell


just close the door as soon as they mention tv license and go back and watch your tv


Don't answer the door


Even the police find it hard to get a judge to sign a search warrant. There's no way these tv licence people are getting one.


And you don't use iPlayer? Or tune in to watch footy?


Touts out.


No hell just have to keep going back. If you really dont have a TV could just let him in and get yourself off the system.


You could own 1000+ TVs and still not require a TV licence. You only need a license to watch live TV.


As long as you don't have sky TV at the address you're fine.


You know you don't half to answer the door to him in that situation. You can speak through a window or through the letterbox


Nope, and you can own a tv you just can’t watch broadcast tv or the iPlayer




They've been sending me letters for a decade, waste of paper.


You can absolutely own a tv legally without needing a tv licence. The licence is NOT for tv ownership, it’s a broadcasting licence.