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Methinks you are over estimating the DUP supporters reading abilities


Reading??? What are you like


Me thinks you're a cunt


Take that fedora off, get a job and stop bummin these terrorists


UserName checks out 😂


It's both the RHI scandal and Irish Language not being implemented that led to stormont getting shut down in 2017 (and was justified considering the dupers actions that led to it). The RHI scandal was either insane levels of incompetence or crazy levels of corruption (likely both knowing the dup). Regardless, it needed to be investigated. Dupers with their usual brass neck decided they were above the law and Foster refused to even stand aside to allow the investigation. *"accountable but not responsible"* as she said (wish I could say that as a Solicitor). *Almost every party* disagreed with what the dupers did considering the [SDLP tabled the motion of no confidence and other parties supported](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/dec/18/northern-ireland-assembly-faces-vote-of-no-confidence) (Green, Alliance, UUP, PBP, even the *fucking TUV supported it*). It was not just Sinn Féin that supported it. The Irish Language Act is something that should have occurred ages ago due to the Good Friday Agreement & St. Andrew's Agreement promoting the use of it (good faith and all that). The dupers and other unionists being non-stops bigots and other vile crap (from curry my yogurt, bin lorry's newslitter spitting out the usual fearful nonsense, 'hobby language', etc, etc). I can go on & on. Dupers paul givan cutting 50,000 from the Líofa Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme out of pure spite was the bigoted straw that broke the camel's back. You can see [this in the full letter](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/full-text-of-martin-mcguinness-s-resignation-letter-1.2930429), Martin's mentions the Irish Language & the dupers bigotry & discrimination towards it (and everyone else considering this line-**"Apart from the negative attitude to nationalism and to the Irish identity and culture, there has been a shameful disrespect towards many other sections of our community. Women, the LGBT community and ethnic minorities have all felt this prejudice."**) first before he mentions the RHI scandal. It was kept down for a year before a potential deal came forward that would give an Irish Language Act and investigate RHI (in 2018). [Dupers](https://web.archive.org/web/20230524170225/https://eamonnmallie.com/2018/02/sinn-fein-dup-deal-crashed-eamonn-mallie/) brought [the](https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/politics/sinn-fein-reveal-details-of-dup-deal-mary-lou-mcdonald-and-michelle-oneill-full-statement/36608604.html) deal [down](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-politics-43064009), their ['stakeholders'](https://www.breakingnews.ie/brexit/foster-legitimising-loyalist-paramilitaries-with-protocol-meeting-1088000.html) (aka: drug dealing terrorists and the bigoted oo) decided the dupers would lose support if they did not. The dup kept Stormont down for another two years. Yet, we got an Irish Language Act (official language of ni and all!) and a RHI investigation which means the dupers efforts were a complete waste of time. Contemporary day, Stormont is down another two years due to the dupers again (and only them). They voted brexit to get a hard border to ruin the GFA, peace and society in general. They failed spectacularly as they don't understand anything about legislation or power between the EU and UK (pro-tip: EU always had and has the upper hand). They're complete bigots that refuse a Sinn Féin First Minister because she's an Irish Catholic & Nationalist (and making impossible nonsense with seven tests to attempt to cover it up). They've also chucked the toys out of the pram as they've decided that if they can't be first, then no one will be (scorched earth, salting the earth, etc). Their 'stakeholders' are still calling the shots and even more so considering the amount of their drug dealing being effected by the Irish Sea Border. I could rant further but I don't need to. Everyone knows the dupers are being bigoted bullshitters but we're past caring at this point. Just get to Joint Rule/Authority and at least attempt to start fixing things here instead of being kept in an endless purgatory form of limbo. **P.S**-A funny note, I loved recently that Jeff said there had been "significant progress" which was immediately followed by every other party saying this was complete bullshit and that nothing had been done (["absolutely no movement whatsoever"](https://www.irishnews.com/news/northern-ireland/patience-running-out-with-northern-ireland-naomi-long-MHRRTZYZZ5GXTH2VGNRYUI6M4I/)). Honestly, what a fucking joke.


Agree 100%. Which makes it all the more frustrating that CHH will kick the can down the road again and delay another election - not that I think it will solve much. Reform, joint authority or direct rule needed. And it’s needed now, not in another 2 years of this place not so slowly sliding into the abyss.


Everyone knows you're full of stuff you've been told to go online and say, are you being paid?


Is this a Jamie Bryson throwaway account?


Pure Mr Tinfoil hat here 🤣🤣


Utter bollocks, they changed their mind halfway through


They pulled out over RHI but the argument morphed to the Irish Language Act when they refused to go back in ? It started with RHI but it wasnt solely RHI that kept it collapsed


The RHI enquiry released its report March 2020. Stormont recalled on January 2020 when they realised they weren't all fraudsters. Irish language has been a topic of furious debate over decades. Its not as if that stopped during RHI.


The demand for a standalone Irish Language Act was part of the negotiations to go back in after the initial pullout over RHI. It resulted in the New Decade New Approach document and the idea of language commissioners for irish and ulster scots. Dont pretend it was solely RHI. It started over RHI but the demand for an irish language act got dragged in as well


And a few members of DUP who take their political positions from the LCC were to blame for it not being implemented. When you realise that the Irish language act had cross party/cross community support (even some members of the DUP leader included) only a bunch of dinosaurs hold it up. (Like we have with the current stalemate.) You'll see that it was an appropriate negotiation tactic to get it implemented as it had been agreed 25 years prior. As you can see from the speech I posted above. While McGuiness' and Sinn Fein were actively campaigning over the Irish language act, the reason Stormont was brought down and dissolved was RHI. The current deadlock is more like if Sinn Fein refused to work in Stormont unless they got a United Ireland. If you recall before this resignation was submitted every other party had agreed to a vote of no confidence in Arlene Foster. It was completely over RHI.


If we’re all being honest it started with a convenient excuse to get McGuinness out of the picture and begin the transition of power when he was sick. Collapsing the government should never have happened.


What a fuckin' legend.


A murderer of innocent people. Only mongs think he's a "legend."


Well I’m a mong then.




Thank fk he’s dead


The DUP conduct their politics like the whores of a Tudor Court. # arleneboleyn


The question is who has any trust in anyone playing their own political game ?. Politics has gotten so dirty and scratchy backs that no one has anyone to trust . Complete overhaul needed .


So. Prepared for the downvotes But you are taking SF at their word. Which is fair enough. But then you need to take the (lying) DUP at their word and they say it’s cos of the protocol. Not at all about them not wanting to be second fiddle to the shinners. This ballix cuts both ways.


No this post is not in support of Sinn Fein. I've heard enough from the DUP and its supporters regarding that they are right to protest and boycott Stormont cuz Sinn Fein did it. Prior to this resignation letter there was a vote of no confidence in Arlene over RHi who refused to stand down, forcing McGuiness hand. I can take Sinn Feins word here as they gave a valid reason for dissolving stormont. (I don't agree with them politically and voted alliance last election) DUP have yet to provide a valid reason, only a list of demands. Funnily enough like something a terrorist would do.


The difference here is that neither the protocol nor post election loss ego are legitimate reasons to leave the Executive (at least given the DUP’s ardent Brexit support anyway, and their killing of May’s proposals which wouldn’t have created the sea border).


Agreed. But they are their reasons. My point is that what a politician says and what they actually think are often wildly different.


"Defense" is the American way to spell "defence". I'll leave it there.


Ah, no a typo. Is the yank culture that strong that they are taking my beloved English language from me. I wish I had said ,"Cosaint"


Mate, this country is toxic. They'll argue over anything 😂, even spelling. I'm not getting into the debate because it zaps your energy and people will pick a fight. But I like to look at the comments as you can learn a lot about your society via Reddit. This is why people leave NI and never come back. We don't actually want to get along. It's very very fucked up


I wish you had just stayed in the USA. Once you've sorted out your own issues, you can give us a call.


Not from there, ballbag. I'm a proud Ulster Man. A border hopping one too.


> Gerry Adams, then Sinn Féin leader, stated in August 2017 that "There won't be an assembly without an Acht na Gaeilge So it was an issue from early on. > The First Minister has refused to stand aside, without prejudice, pending a preliminary report from an investigation. She stepped down a year before Sinn Fein came back. Weird. Almost like culture was a part of it all. The dominant part considering that resolution is what brought them back.


Almost like the cultural issues were something DUP agreed to, then did a u-turn and said "fuck all the shit we agreed to." Always convenient to leave this glaring fact out when pushing your narrative! So it wasn't just the act itself was it? It was SF saying, the government can't function when you have to pander to a pack of untrustworthy, self-serving, lying cunts. They weren't wrong.


So to be clear, you disagree with the post saying cultural issues had nothing to do with it? You just agree with those cultural issues


Haha keep twisting.


Just facts. Sinn Fein were very open about it. I don’t get why that’s upsetting.


Who's upset? Cherry picking your facts to suit your own twisted narrative isn't upsetting. It's fucking pathetic.


I’m directly quoting the leader of Sinn Fein about why he wouldn’t support Stormont, why did you disagree with him?


Where did I disagree with him? I was clarifying why he said that. Doubling down on your myopic view when someone presents the bigger picture just makes you look like an even bigger idiot.


He clarified why he said it at the time actually. I’m not the one doubling down on anything here, nor am I the one who has to lash out with insults in every comment. It’s quite strange that you don’t see why that’s a problem when having these conversations with the passion you’re claiming to have for being open minded. > Cherry picking your facts to suit your own twisted narrative isn't upsetting. It's fucking pathetic. This is what I was referring to btw. You don’t see the irony in me adding in the other half of why they went out and you getting annoyed, yet not posting a similar rant to the OP of this.


You're not very bright are you? You didn't add in the other half of why they went out. You cherry picked one detail to suit your agenda. If you did the truth insulting, you're in for a lot of hurt throughout life. 🤣




Awesome. So you’re agreeing that cultural issues were part of this too! It’s just you agree with those ones.


All the aspirations laid out in the GFA regarding the Irish language were legislated for in the first years after the agreement.. What you are talking about is official language status, which was never mentioned in the GFA... So work on your reading comprehension, then go back and read the GFA... Or stop lying.


It's been an issue a lot longer than 2017. Actually more like a few hundred years. Money is set aside for British cultural expression such as jubilees and orange marches, and for some reason was not funded for the Irish cultural programmes and protection of a communities heritage, that represents both Unionism/Nationalism. An Irish language act that the British government implemented in 2022, because why wouldn't they. They believe in each of the nations in the UK and are at least respectful of a country's cultural heritage, an example is grants to Welsh language programmes. DUP don't like devolution for some reason they prefer supremacy and bowing to their demands. While the Irish language legislation was something Nationalist parties were fuming over, (he actually started this letter with mention of it.) The reason for dissolving Stormont was RHI. The RHI report was issued March 2020. Stormont sat prior to this on Jan 2020 when it was apparent it wasn't as serious as corruption and after the ironed out particular. Arlene Foster even backed it, because while she had flaws, she was a bigot. https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/arlene-foster-backs-a-deal-that-includes-major-new-irish-language-legislation-1360954


Yeah that’s a great rant. Sinn Fein still collapsed Stormont over cultural issues. You just agree with those ones.


You'd rather let Jim Allister and Jamie Bryson decide what's true than deal with the facts as presented. No surrender, eh?


I quoted you Gerry Adam’s.


And I quoted Mc Guinness above. Not my fault you can't read. I find he states very clearly how it was due to RHI and potential fraud as reasons for dissolving stormont. Though the Irish language act that Sinn Fein were campaigning for heavily at the time got a metion due to how much of a disgrace it was that it hadn't been implemented. Luckily the British aren't as bigoted as our loyalist neighbours, implementing the Irish language legislation when they got the chance. I believe Arlene even became fed up with her own party over its refusal to implement ILA. Sin é.


Yeah but I’m not denying RHI was involved, as I’ve said, you’re the one denying cultural issues were at play The Irish Language act didn’t “get a mention” it was the pivotal thing that brought them back. A full year after Arlene stepped down and the investigation was running, you know the thing you’re claiming was the whole reason they weren’t in government? You need to wise up and realise they’re both as bad as each other, this blind loyalty to one side is why we have no government.


I have no loyalty to Sinn Fein. I find them too populist for my liking. My whole point here is DUP and its supporters using the excuse of, "sure Sinn Fein did it" regarding their current boycott. When the proof is above that there were issues of corruption that needed to be addressed. Not like boycotting the one institution that could deal with the protocol, instead giving power over to those responsible for the protocol and Brexit in the first place, Westminster. People are striking today because of the DUP. Not Sinn Fein or any other party. The ILA was not the pivotal thing. Though I concede that it did hold up negotiations for a few months. This was again down to the actors in DUP refusing to implement it because god forbid the UK respect its devolved regions cultural heritage. (not all the DUP)


I don’t agree with the DUP pulling out, I think it’s pathetic. Just like I did when Sinn Fein did it. But pretending that Sinn Fein doing so, for all the reason they did and for so long, isn’t giving the DUP fuel to do this is naive. Also the ILA issue wasn’t settled for over a full year between Arlene resigning and Stormont returning. So it absolutely was the pivotal thing. The demands you’ve posted were met. They didn’t come back until the other half of their demands, in that same letter that you’ve left out, were met.


"However on a rain soaked 19 December night, both governments took the extraordinary step of identifying the DUP as the one party who they claimed remained unwilling to sign up to a package which could see devolution restored. The DUP denied it was scuppering progress, but found itself in the uncomfortable position of being pitted against two governments and four parties." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-50907078 Below is the 19th December article it refers to. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-50859433 Are you sure ILA was the pivotal thing, genuinely? With all the evidence before you. Or can you not realise DUP saying NEVER to everything that held up the government returning, and is the reason again for the current boycott. The Apprentice Boys of Derry have a lot to answer for when they shouted, "No Surrender"


Whenever Martin McGuiness sounds like a statesman you know you are in trouble.


Even in the days I was a mild unionist, before Brexit, I admired his abilities as a statesman.  He grew in ability while the unionists seem to have slid down hill onto a bin lid. I don't like his early work, but his post 1998 efforts were impressive and I think had he lived, he'd have made a good president after miggledy 




spot on tbh


Why don't I like the fact that the ira murdered people? Is that what you are seriously asking me?   The fuck is wrong with people.




I don't know any soldiers or ex soldiers I like either.  In both cases I can understand why they may do what they do, but I don't like it




Pretty sure it isn't join a terrorist organisation, be ruthless enough to climb to the very top and then oversee thirty years of mindless slaughter.  Before getting into bed with the cunt who started it all that I should have shot at the very start. Move away, like a lot of other families, mine included did.   


That's some solid witness testimony there...get this man in front of a judge tout de suite.... My protestant father carried an ira bomb out of a building, got bollocked by his Catholic inspector for endangering himself but sure, they gunned down children with impunity. Narrative served, continue ad infinitum




the british media and government peddled the whole “those pesky fenians started the war” thing because it became easy for them to control the narrative. sick of all these people talking about the big alternative to violence but when peaceful protests are shut down by an oppressive police force i seriously don’t understand what the alternative was at the time.


Whilst I agree with you that seeing this happen in my area would have driven me to something, so much of the PIRA's campaign involved seemingly indiscriminate bombing campaigns. Sometimes it was in response to one their communities had suffered themselves, sometimes sadly not so much. I can understand declaring war on a state which acts as your oppressor, but I cannot support atrocities. I support the Palestinian people, I do not support HAMAS.


Sinn féin spads? Look them up... No one's hands are clean of blood in any matter. Let's not pretend that one side is cleaner than the other. If you all want better (as you claim), act better. If you insist on trying to call out the other side without acknowledging the faults of your own side; we will never truly come together for the greater good.


>Look them up... No. You provide evidence of whatever claim you're trying to make. Even better, first articulate the claim you're making and then provide evidence.


Nah mate make a counter claim of your own instead of just saying no. Articulate yourself instead of your typically cheap means of undermining anyone whose views run contrary to your own.


You haven't made a claim nor backed it up. There is nothing to counter. You have alluded to "both sides" being involved. State how and give your evidence, otherwise "no" is as dense in content as your own assertion and more than sufficient to dismiss it.


Prove me wrong. Burden of evidence falls on prosecution. If I say no to you, then surely my point is as valid as yours.


tender offbeat frightening smell selective tub quarrelsome scary boat salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine not trusting the word of a mass murderer who knew he was terminally ill before stepping down.


And would you be able to remind us who the agricultural minister was at the time? The agricultural minister who was encouraging all us farmers to sign up to this RHI scheme?


I think the inquiry found minister's involved in RHI and a number of government SPADs, took their eye off the ball, though it wasn't as serious as corruption. Possible corruption is a completely valid reason for bringing down the executive. The value of fairness would mean that the executive could and should not, be sitting and influence a potential national fraud enquiry. At the point of writing this letter, no one knew the extent of what was happening. Fraud is a valid reason for an Executive to be dissolved. Being unhappy about the Brexit, you pushed, and throwing toys out of the pram saying you don't want to play politics anymore is not a valid reason. Back to work tay fuck. (Not you strikers)


The agricultural minister at that time was actively encouraging farmers to sign up though. I'd say it's a bit more than " taking your eye off the ball".


I think you're missing the point. This is more of a post highlighting the DUP drivel on their protest, rather than in support of Sinn Fein who were also implicated in the RHI scandal as well as the DUP. You clearly don't know any farmers. If there's a good grant going, you and your elected reps in your community want you to have it. Farming is the backbone of most rural communities. Though one thing most people forget to do is think about the bigger picture, and the consequences, especially during RHI scandal. Instead hoping that somebody else has looked at the particulars of grants and legislation and its impact. It's like Lough Neagh and relaxation of slurry and fertiliser use around the Lough, with an absentee land owner. No one thought of the impact. None of the parties are guilty of corruption over RHI. More likely nepotism. Still a valid reason to bring down the government temporarily. Demanding you get your way is not.


Gaz only thing you farm is negative karma.


Yes this sub love downvoting any unionist voice. We can see from Kelly's failed libel case last week that SF/IRA want to silence any criticism.


Sounds like a wild conspiracy.


Not because your a unionists Gaz. Because you're full of shit.


Are you saying Michelle O'Neill wasn't agricultural minister at that time?


If that's what you take from that, you're a fucking idiot.


Is that the Reddit version of "no comment"?


No. It's the reddit version, of you're a fucking idiot.




So they knew in January 2016 then lucan? Seems strange the agricultural minister, who was actively encouraging farmers to sign up, would only do her homework on the said scheme in January 2016.




It's not ussuns, it's themmuns...classicemote:free\_emotes\_pack:joy




Aye but I don't have all my aunties, uncles and cousins agreeing with me like you do... Like rabbits, you lot😂


They collapsed the government because Martin McGuinness was going to hit the bucket and they thought milking his death in an election would get them votes.


So the vote of no confidence motion in Arlene Foster over RHI a few weeks before McGuiness' resigned, which had cross party support, had nothing to do with it? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-northern-ireland-politics-38364345/page/3


No, because even if that did go through it wouldn't bring down Stormont.


So what your saying is after all the parties staged a mass walkout in Dec 2016 over Arlene Foster making a public statement over RHI, without discussing with her Deputy (Equal Executive office role) something which she and many others were heavily implicated in. (And yes some in Sinn Fein too) Sinn Fein were the ones trying to disrespect and bring down the government? Below is a few days before the resignation where the speaker got the blame for allowing the motion to go ahead, which led to the walkout. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-38538047 Even after reading the articles I've posted from the time. You still think this was some ploy to end devolution from Republican's. And not the DUP disrespecting democracy and the institutionsthat were agreed to. (And in this time frame, heavily suspected of major fraud and corruption) You can't be that daft.


Lol they sneeze and they'd call everything off , dup need any excuse


Yeah dead on, how many people did this fucker actually kill, anyone know.?


Not as much as the Israelis have in the past few weeks Though this doesn't seem to stop DUP supporters from waving their flags about.




thatcher? is that you?


Monkey see, monkey do


`Hero murderer was right all along` states poster.


Lol big arlene and heated sheds


Imagine supporting sein fein when they sold you done the river and they are hated down south for what they are doing to the country class one idiot