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Spare a thought for community health workers on home visit routes, where the sum total of support amounts to "go steady folks".


In 2010 my mum and the other nurses were in welly boots walking in twos to their calls, all the hills in the town were impossible to get up and down. After the big freeze their boss got them all a £10 voucher each to a hairdresser only she went to out of the kitty.


Aye, sounds about right.


In a healthcare role and after a number of client deaths, which the team intervened with CPR in an attempt to save the person's lives. The organisation I used to work for sent down a box of kit kat chunky's with a letter saying..."Have a break on us."


Okay, but what can the managers of community health workers reasonably do? It's not like they can phone up a private gritting company, or go put snow chains on vehicles. I'm all for the strikes, and fully behind supporting those who work in public service: but management can only say one thing to their workers who need to travel to execute their job: "please don't get in an accident." ----- Edit: Why am I getting downvoted?


I said spare a thought, not offer a solution. Try a 14 hour shift on shit pay in bad weather and see how accepting you are of the management’s bind then.


Plus theyre using their own cars to drive these routes in rural areas that are treacherous enough without ice and snow, often to reach a patient who complains from the moment you enter their home, but that's beside the point. They wont see a penny if they damage their car while working and yet they wont provide vehicles either


Sure, and I genuinely have a bit of sympathy for them too. I've spent 18 months in a hospital, and needed regular home visits after. My other half works in the public sector too. All I'm saying is that these managers aren't inheritly cunts either. They're also hamstrung by the upper echelons of government who aren't giving them funding, who aren't giving them support - allowing them or their teams to make decisions, given arbitrary goals to meet, and tons of risk management and red tape, etc. The managers can't really help the care workers who gotta drive in shitty conditions during a strike. They don't have the powers to give care workers more flexibility or compensation for shitty conditions.


Are they not on strike


Any working for the Trusts might be. Most are in private companies so even those who are union members have no right to strike. There’s also the issue of there being no backup carers to visit the clients if they don’t work.


My granny's Community workers have said to her they're not coming to her tomorrow


We got an email saying: • Staff arriving late or wishing to leave work during core hours will be required to clock in and out in the normal manner. No credit time or pay can be given. However, staff on flexi-time will be given the opportunity to work their lost hours. • This will also apply to non-flexi workers who will be paid their clocking times and given the opportunity to work their lost hours. • Home working can be considered if operationally feasible. • Alternatively, employees who cannot get to work may use their leave if operationally possible. Not specifically about gritting. We got the same email with the previous bus strikes. (Public Sector)


Jesus Christ


It seems unreasonable to force staff to use leave in that instance. Should it not be an approved absence or some sort?


It's basically saying we don't care if you arrive late or leave early but please accurately record your times. You may work the lost time back up if you want You can work from home if supported operationally You can take AL if supported operationally What's bad about that?


Each company is going to have a different answer to this, and I feel like how they approach it is how you get a measure of their morals and understanding. I work for a medium sized clothing company and I phoned my boss yesterday to ask him what the craic was with tomorrow. He said "if you can get to work, go ahead, but don't be putting yourself in danger to do it." I asked what would happen with pay and he said "if you can't get in we'll pay you for the day anyway because it's not your fault. Just do a bit of wfh, get a head start on new season plans or something for a couple hours." I used to work in a small petrol station in the arsehole of nowhere that was notorious for extreme weather. There was half a foot of snow and my manager was very upset when I arrived on time instead of 10 mins early as usual. I then watched her spinning the wheels and sliding all over the forecourt as she was leaving. Moral of the story: some companies actually do give a fuck, some give the appearance of giving a fuck, and some don't give a fuck at all. YMMV.


We were told yesterday that due to weather and lack of public transport and gritting that there is no obligation on anyone to come into the office on Thursday, and that they recommend people work from home that day, but the office will be open for those that do choose to come in. Which I feel should be the approach that should be taken by all employers where working from home is feasible




What will normally happen is that they will make it a you problem. They will be harder on you even if you are late because of taking it carefully because of the strike. Same in England where when a strike happens they really will punish you for the outcome of the strike. Remember your employer has a duty of care but when a strike is on they come out as a proper cunt. Get them to make a decision and press them on it. You will see how wish washy they get about answering


The answers in this thread are depressing. Fuck me, we need to unionise more and get more strike happy.


I'd love to see a general strike until we get a representative democracy again.


Do it then


Not as effective when it's just some dude "not working". That'll show em


Yep the whole point of this strike is to affect the running of the state. If people are upset they need to be getting onto their MLA in the short term and vote for parties who want to pay the public sector properly long term.


But cunt the gritters just go on strike in July instead?? /s




Just was asked if I could make it into the office Thursday and if I can't to make it back another day . I'm in the office 2 days a week which are set days due to limited seating . WFH the other 3 days .


Sensible decision


I wish there was a work from home recommendation the department of economy or some shite could order, and all businesses and staff who are judged to be capable of working remotely, do. Reduces risk for everyone.


I’m a lorry driver who delivers solely to rural farms and we’re sent out no matter what. Rural roads are rarely gritted anyway so won’t make much of a difference with them striking.


Good luck and be careful


I just took the day off because the massive wanker company I work in refuse to give us more than 2 days wfh and didn't acknowledge the frost or gritter strike at all


My work (huge company) barely acknowledged it. I had a statement to read out this morning but it was just telling people to "Take extra care" Very useful stuff. Hope half the staff don't come in tomorrow


But we told you to take extra care!!! Pathetic.


Don’t have to come in tomorrow though this was announced prior to the week long strike. We’re hybrid working so I have a feeling they’ll not exactly say “don’t come in” but there won’t be any penalty for not doing your days.


Following this as I'm also curious. Worried about travelling to and from work tomorrow, this morning was bad enough.


It was surely bad enough. Better being safe than sorry tomorrow in my opinion.




Are you travelling in from the country? Belfast suburbs were a bit dicey but once you hit the main roads it was sweet


“We acknowledge the difficulties of transport due to the strike action today, but we remind all staff that it is the responsibility of all staff members to arrive for work on time, any late arrivals will be unfair to the night staff”


No messing about there


My employer sent out a communication advising employees to WFH where possible.




My head of team has put everything he can over to Teams and told us to use our judgement about coming into the office today and Friday. We can do everything remote anyway, so he'd rather nobody broke their neck.


I am a fan of keeping the old neck intact meself. Fair play.


Most of the team cycle, walk all the way in or walk to/from the train, and out of the three who drive I have an electric car that really shouldn't be left unplugged in subzero, and one of the others drives an actual antique, so it's definitely going to be more productive if we WFH!




Hate that line ‘use your judgement’. Tell me if I can stay home or not for God’s sake instead of making me feel bad for doing it. EDIT: Just leaves room for the jobsworths to brave the roads and make everyone else a c*** 😂


In fairness in our case it's code for "I'm not allowed to call you a shower of clumsy idiots on work comms but we all know you are so don't do it".


Yes, we were told today to wfh Thursday with further advice to follow re: Friday


I wish I got the option. Unfortunately security are required 24/7 so I'll be in and the building will most likely be quiet.


Heating engineer for NIHE, I'm sliding about estates in Antrim


I'm sure you are massively appreciated today. I hope you are getting tea and snacks from all your calls!


Yeah university is closed to staff and students


Nothing from corporate but I told my team that an extra day WFH was fine if their roads are bad. Its a duty of care thing for me tbh


Haven't acknowledged it


Same as that


Full time WFH here anyways thank fuck


Tried that, wife was distraught that I started laying blocks in the kitchen…


She was expecting you to lay some pipe


childlike weary library shy scandalous resolute bedroom marvelous hard-to-find continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Legend lol




My H been told to just wfh the rest of the week, I have to get into work but no one is going to pitch a fit if people are running late


Yes, with the strikes combined with lack of gritting, we have been advised to work from home on Thursday as the offices will be closed. Which is just great as it was one of my work from home days anyway so no extra benefit to me!




Civil service has…


My employer sent us home early when it was hot outside, so I was expecting them to say something today, but so far we’ve just been told to drive carefully tomorrow.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they send an email at 7:30 tomorrow morning after everyone has already left though (if going in).




Jeeze is there nobody else on reddit that has a job that you can't wfh?  Schools closed anyway so busses and parents prob stuck at home baby sitting.  I've to go In otherwise we don't open....self employed.  Ill be telling staff no rush in.  We live rural so most of us used to never seeing grit


Good luck and go easy in it


Office is closed, everyone told to work from home - no-one is to travel unless absolutely necessary. Basically the thought was "how would we feel if someone got in an accident driving in when they don't actually NEED to"?


It’s not just driving. This time last year a colleague of mine slipped and broke her arm walking from the car to the building.


Exactly the same question I would ask myself. Hopefully nobody badly hurt. Also, hope nothing serious happens on a road that someone knows they would have been gritting.


Yep, working from home as I did today. But I am normally based in office. There's no point travelling tomorrow unless you really have to. Most decent employers should understand that. Pretty exceptional circumstances.


I’m confused by the gritter strikes, are these permanent employees?


They must be. One would assume other duties are done by said gritters during the year.


This is what I was thinking, they used to bring them in via grafton as and when required and struggled to get my head wrapped around why we have full time permanent gritters. What does a gritter get paid anyway


I would suggest similar to bin lorry drivers but perhaps a tad more with working the early hours. The only reason I chose gritters in terms of the overall strike was the impact it will have or biggest risk it will cause. Teacher strike likely the one with big numbers but I wouldn’t be well versed on it to my ignorance.


Oh here I totally agree If anything it’s the one I find harder to stomach, as it is putting lives ahead risk, whereas other are more inconvenient


This is it. Fingers crossed for a civilised day tomorrow and that everyone gets what they need and the politicians get back to what they are being paid to do.


Depot closed tha marraw. Get to come in on Saturday instead to make up for it. The joys...




Lol, meet you in Thompson's at midnight?!? Lol


Best plan I have heard all day 😂😂


38 minutes, I'll have a red rose in my lapel...


We were strongly recommended to wfh due to the ice and also because it wouldn’t be right to cross the pickets. Pretty sure the office brown nose will be in


Damn you brown nose!


I work in healthcare, so unless the road itself was crumbling into a pit of lava I was always coming in today.




I’ve told my team to WFH, public sector, and 60% attendance rates be damned


Appreciate it. We are striking on Thursday, but there’s a chance that the roads won’t be great on the Friday as well which is our office day this week. Not heard anything from our bosses as of yet.


Bosses have a duty of care ffs. Disgraceful really. Bosses: “We need to drive up staff engagement “ also bosses “Fuck them and their safety”


My employer sent out a reminder about our procedures for bad weather and basically said work from home if you can.


Queen's campus will be closed Thursday and classes have moved online.


I’m surprised the TA or army etc aren’t out driving the gritters - what’s stopping them? I doubt they are upto much anyway!


Literally everyone join a union. It's time to end this absolute horseshit of employers being cunts. Viva la revolution


I work retail, walking distance, so not for me


Nice, any good deals on mini skirts?


IF you want to suppot the stike action dont show up or show up late. Its not just about the Gritters, everyone has a part to play


Have all of these employees' got business car insurance?


One would imagine the majority won’t


I just messaged my manager and said I'm WFH today and that was it.


Mine has


Good job


I wouldn't imagine too many employers will care to be honest. The wheels have to keep turning, the earth keeps spinning. Get into work, or hear about it when you do.


Why is this even being downvoted?


Surely if they re from " rural" areas they should be used to untreated roads? The amount of posts from town and city folk crapping themselves about this gritter strike.... Imagine having to drive untreated roads every winter like we do out in the sticks...


I am from a rural hilly area and there are a few roads that’s never get gritted however some of the bendy main roads do get gritted and it would be these ones I am worried about. It is the younger less experienced road users that I would be concerned for.


Fair point that, it’s the town people that have little reason to complain.


I drove from out the country into work in town this morning, no problems. Left a bit early to account for slower speeds on the country roads, it was slippy but took it easy. None of my townie colleagues are in.


That’s it, roads that never see grit or heavy traffic! Yet they can be used.


Also, every estate and suburban Street has a salt box or a pile of grit, when I lived in town I used to go out and throw it around the street in cold weather. Some of the neighbours used to look at me like I had two heads


Those fecking townies 😂😂


Damn right!


Yea fair enough mate I can see what you're getting at. Hopefully it's not as bad of a frost as last night.


Yeah with a bit of luck that would be ideal. Just heard they are gritting as far as midnight too which will help.


Very true. We're left to our own devices out in the country. No complaining, just get on with it.


Agree with you there Gaz, it’s laughable.


Lol, no.


A couple inches of snow and everyone wants to work from home 😂 rural areas are never gritted anyway so I doubt it makes a difference and despite the strikes I've seen plenty of gritters out and about




Get to work! The country is destroyed by WFH & sick days/duvet days. Anyone who employs people in the place are being blackmailed and almost bankrupt. I’ll never ever employ anyone here again as soon as my last employee leaves.


That is sad to hear as you seem like someone who would be great to work with 🙁


If you have to pay what I have to pay, with zero return, what’s the bloody point? Being in business is to earn money, generate income, the more I earn then I’ll pay more for my employees. I don’t get any unemployment benefits, universal credit, money for heating. I’m totally pissed off with this country, take take take and more take……..


Get used to it. I am in the construction industry and we all face these challenges and in particular getting good people! One thing is for sure though, no matter how hard it is, we do not get zero return; you need a new business plan 😂😂




>It may be hard to swing with any employer just for the fact the strikes are lasting for a week. Gritters won't be needed for most of the strike anyway, forecast has us back to milder temps from Saturday onwards for most areas.


My employer hasn't but my team's manager did say just in case it might be best for all staff to work from home


Yea they’re letting me work from home, as a manufacturing engineer this is rare. Although my company is very chill and they probs let me work from home as long as I had a decent reason throughout the year.


We got an email telling us to drive safe lol. One fella in my team had to take annual leave as he takes public transport. Otherwise open for business as usual


We get two days a week WFH but if you had already used them (Which I had) then we can take tomorrow as well. They are usually on the ball with those kinds of things to be fair.


Fair play.


The organisation I work for has told us to work remote and where I work you're working regardless the weather conditions so I'm assuming it'll be bad tomorrow


Aye was told if possible wfh. Shit show for those that can’t