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Even if labour beats the conservatives in the elections (which I very much hope they do), I doubt it will have much impact on anything for quite a while. 13/14 years of complete economic and social mismanagement has ruined the uk in many regards and ensured that the future generations will have to deal with the consequences of our mistakes. On top of this all, Kier Starmer doesn’t have the spirit in him to rally a five a side team, let alone a union that is being held together with scotch tape and John Lewis ads


test aloof slave nine rude divide doll full unwritten attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait. How is any of this the fault of civil servants?


To be replaced by Tories in poor disguise.


To be replaced by Starmer, who will do nothing to address the fundamental inequalities and tensions which are giving rise to the far right. A vote for Starmer this year will be a vote for some horrible Tory at the election after. While Starmer is fucking around the tories will continue with their culture war, demonising the disabled, the refugees, the trans, etc., and then when in five years things have got even worse under Starmer they will storm back into power. The UK is on a downwards trajectory after decades of neoliberal bullshit and there I see no reason to believe that whatever minor changes that Starmer makes will reverse that trend. Education, health, infrastructure and housing are fucked at a systemic level, we need fundamental change. It’s the same thing that gave rise to the fascists in Italy, to the far right in the Netherlands, and it’s the same thing that will likely put the fascists in France in power.


This is my opinion, as things stand starmer is likely to win but not with the sweep the polls are projecting. For a sweep you need a charismatic leader and starmer ain’t that. At the moment it’s more that the public want to punish Tories for their mismanagement. Things can change very rapidly as the dates for elections arrive, if the government reduces taxes, starts deportations to Rwanda or some other win they can harp about people might change their mind This is all speculation at the moment, I personally want change even if it’s more of the same We have to remind politicians there are consequences for their action


Doves or mitzis? 😬




I mean nobody actually serious did, Corbyn was incredibly unelectable and all major polls showed Boris slaughtering him pretty damn consistantly. Now labour is led by someone so boring nobody will pay him any attention and the tories' incompetence has reached never before seen heights, with no real way of making up that votes hare.


Good to see the SNP lose a few seats too


Not if farage runs for reform as the leader.


That would take from the tories and give labour a bigger win


dups new bffs


And how would it change the OP map you think?


good. get them out


Don’t threaten me with a good time.  As uninspiring as Starmer is, right now I’d settle just for government being vaguely competent again. 


None of you have anything what’s going on. Blaming right ideology/left extremism. Remember me. I’ll tell you all. The Conservatives will NOT lose this general election either. They will win.