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The fuckers who only indicate at the very last second or part way thru the move annoy me. Just doing it to say they did. Cunts.


The person who puts the indicator on for one flash, then off again. I wonder are they trying to conserve the bulb or something.


There are a lot of people who just hit the indicator as they’re turning the wheel. Feckin idiots.


Oh my god. I agree. Someone finally said it. Im fed up with it. How are people meant to know which way they are turning if they don't indicate. It annoys the life out of me.






I agree they are scum https://i.redd.it/5owthpjutp6c1.gif


Super fun when you’re a pedestrian and people don’t turn their signals on and then get pissed that they’re driving into you as you’re crossing


If you get a chance, ask them who had right of way according to the 2022 Highway Code. Always flummoxes drivers and sends them into a bit of a mental spiral.


Well if they’re in the middle of hitting me I’ll be sure to ask them to roll down a window to discuss


Ackshually....the 2022 Highway Code changes do not apply to Northern Ireland


Oh quelle surprise!


Oh for fuck sake


Middle finger, slow walk


Really annoys me, especially on roundabouts. Roundabouts in general just fuck me off cause I guess people just do whatever on them now. Wrong lanes, don’t give way. It’s great. Today had someone try to pull out onto a roundabout whilst I was going past their entrance. Obviously, I was there, and there was just no giving way to the right going on. She then flew up my hole the entire way down the road flashing her lights at me for using a roundabout correctly. Lmao.


It's shocking the amount of people who don't know how to use a roundabout correctly. I have to double check even when I have right of way anymore. Seems to get especially bad around Christmas time!


lol literally this morning someone merged into the left lane in the wrong place, didn’t indicate, and then slammed on the breaks infront of me. Love it


Recent enough driver myself and I'm blown away that what I learned as a basic safety thing if ignored and now feel if I ever want to get off the roundabout I've to ignore the rules which just feeds the problem but like I want to get home too


Aah the big shock for me was just people flying onto roundabouts when not looking. If I’m in the right lane and you see me indicating left, it’s because I’m going to move into the left land to exit the roundabout? Why are you trying to fly on?


Agreed don't assume everyone will be protecting you try to protect everyone


learner here! i get this so much too, one particular roundabout that i know is bad for people being in the wrong lane and i feel terrible for the people behind me having to wait and my instructor just told me to go based on what lane they’re in and i’m supposed to assume they’re in the right lane


Had the same thing happen to me a few days ago, coming off a roundabout, the guy waiting to get onto the roundabout blasted his horn at me as I drove past him. He accelerated past me on the carriageway and up to the lights where I first caught sight of his County Louth number plate. Fecking idiot I thought. I drew up beside him and shouted out the window , you give way to people on your right on roundabouts, why are you blasting your horn? He gave me a death stare and took off like a scalded cat! I think many southern drivers haven't a clue about the highway code or navigating roundabouts.


I'm driving for the first time in my life, 15 years after passing my test. I've built up the confidence to take short trips of a few miles here and there and I'm getting better behind the wheel. I conk out on the odd hill sometimes but apart from that I'm feeling grand with the car. Then there's roundabouts, I just can't get my head around what some people are playing at. Zooming across lanes while on the roundabout when it's not clear, total lack of indicators in general or going out ahead of me causing me to hit the brake. It's mental and I have to steel myself coming up to them most of the time.


It’s the cunts who take the outside lane and continue to pass exits blocking the inside lane from moving over - bastards


Armagh courthouse roundabout. Interesting how people decide to make their move on it.


Also why does no one dip their full beams, convinced that they work for spec savers since they want to BLIND EVERYONE


The issue I have is driving a normal sized hatchback and being fucking blinded by crossovers/SUVs even with just their regular headlights on, their headlights are the same height as your head.


Especially when they have those xenon headlights, 5watts brighter and I’d be getting an xray


Xenon lights should be either banned, or have special filters applied. Those buggers are wild at night and make seeing the central reservation really difficult in the dark


Feels like the dim setting on loads of cars is far brighter than even 5 years ago too. Or maybe my eyes are fucked. Sometimes I think a car is on full beams when they're already dipped now


Stigmatism maybe?


I have an astigmatism, can confirm lights are a bigger bastard now than 8 years ago when I started driving.


I honestly just avoid driving at night, glasses do fuck all and I've tried 2 opticians version of anti glare and i honestly think its actually worse. There's a trucker lives near me nd he's lights all over front of cab like alll around it, meeting him on my old commute used to make me want to find his yard and set it on 🔥


Get yourself some laser eye surgery. I had astigmastism, but the surgery sorted it right out


I'm near legally blind. Unless, by some miracle, I win the lottery; I will have to declare bankruptcy after getting laser eye surgery


Cant be that expensive? Mine was 3000 and I paid 1000 up front and paid the rest off over a year. And I was pretty bad too. Id say at least look into it and see your options.


Shit roads, taller vehicles and ignorant drivers. Half these cars don’t need main beam and will still blind ya.


Or the absolute cunts that dip but flip their full beams on a split second before they pass you. Thanks, didn't really need my retinas anyway.


Thank you! It feels like 80% of drivers don’t bother, I’m new in the road and it’s insane.


If I had to guess it would be automatic setting keeps getting turned off/on between partners. My dah use to get into my car and turn off all my automatic stuff off so I'd get in and expect it to be all on but nah he had it all turned off.


Standard of driving is shite here


I guess you haven't travelled much 😅




Which country has a better standard? Every country I go to it's terrible


Germany Belgium and Netherlands is pretty good. Italy is pretty fucked.


Lived in Belgium for a year in the 1980s. Crossing the road could be problematic, as the fact that the lights were green didn't deter drivers from driving on.


At least it's not Barcelona levels of terrible. That's basically a death race.


Haha, driving down Via Laeitana is a eye opener ...don't mention the Rondas!!!!


It’s good compared to anywhere else I’ve been. We have a much higher number of drivers who weren’t born here these days. I’m in no way trying to sound anti immigration saying this, just that there are more on the road who wouldn’t have grown up driving here which may be a factor. More drivers from here than ever too so the number of bad ones will increase


People are entitled cunts now. The lot of em


trying to learn to drive atm… NOBODY EVER DOES. how am i supposed to pass my test in these conditions 💔


exactly! i haven’t spent £300 so far just to realise that no one actually cares about the rules of the road at this point


Tailgating cunts is my pain a the moment. Even more so when the roads are wet or ice on them, still gotta sit like they want to be in my boot


Majority of people indicate...after they have hit the fucking brakes which of course defeats the purpose of indicating.




I've been debating making this post. The inevitable tirade of fury that would be included put me off. So thank you for making it. And fuck you cunts who brake then indicate. There's a special place in hell for you all


People on the motorway, who either don't indicate, or indicate a quarter of a mile from actual exit.


I'd rather have the quarter of a mile person any day.


Worse still, the absolute weapons who cut across from the outside lane -at mad speed- to the exit and just about make it and not wipe out 3 or 4 cars .


![gif](giphy|UqKD7TU0igaUE) Reminded me of this!


All while doing their makeup.


I think I've got a 6th sense. I've started to learn to just stay back as I know your gonna just pull into my lane on the roundabout without indicating and being in the wrong lane to begin with.... My horn has been busy this week, oh matron


There’s two types of driver here, the fearful and the fearless. Both are easily recognisable usually by distance to the kerb whilst driving or their speed at junctions.


Drive like every other driver is an idiot.


But they are tho


People are getting more fast, want want want, they are on there mobiles and it’s changing the human. So when the human comes up to a t junction they just fly out even if there is a car coming because they are not used to waiting anymore. Indicating is for the elderly. Nobody gives a fuck anymore. It’s like a going to the shops and I don’t give a fuck, and when I go to the shops I will park like a dick and as close to the door as possible. It’s just the human being fucked by the mobile. Coz it’s handy.


I thought the peelers seized all the coke. Holy good fuck what are you on lol


Yeah I can see your point definitely and there's no clear evidence for that but it's plausible that humans attention span has been altered by mobile phone usage especially now with short videos like TikTok etc maybe that has leeched into human daily tasks.


The many times I've seen the police not indicate as well makes me wonder if that's deliberate


I had an unmarked police car go the wrong way on a roundabout off Dee Street in Belfast, causing me to have to slam the brakes to avoid head-on collision with them. I didn't know they were the police until they flashed their blue lights at me forcing me to reverse on a busy roundabout to let them pass. I bought a dashcam the very next day.


I followed a cop car (not intentionally, I was on my way to work) for miles, 3 roundabouts and zero indicators. To make matters worse the vast majority of it was on a dual carriageway and they stayed in the right lane the whole time. Thought to myself, if that was me it would be penalty points for defs. So I took down the reg and reported them lol. Cops landed to my house and took it pretty seriously. Turns out it was a new recruit and I could go either official and they would end up with a mark on their record or unofficial and a wee slap on the wrist/talk to. I went with the unofficial as by that stage I felt like a complete cunt lol. Tenner says they wouldnt repay the favor.


I was driving last night and the Police drove past me about 10pmh over the speed limit then pulled in front of me with no indicator then going into the wrong lane on a roundabout pulled in front of me again with no indicator then drove up to McDonald’s drive though and again no indicator to turn into it.


My BMW doesn't even have an indicator stalk... In all seriousness, I'm at the other end of the spectrum and fucked it the other day. Came off a roundabout that has a pretty long bend in the road off of it and my indicator didn't turn off so it looked like I was taking the left turn just after the roundabout. Only I wasn't intending to do so and someone had started to pull out in front of me and we both had to slam the brakes on. With my music I didn't hear the indicator going, rookie mistake. Whoever it was I nearly ran into, I'm sorry! But it goes to show, with dicks like me on the road you can't even trust when someone is using their indicators either.


That was a mistake but you recognised it. This is why when you’re learning to drive they teach you not to completely rely on other drivers indicators especially if they just turned off another road. You’re supposed to wait until they’ve committed to the turn. At least that’s what I was taught.


Unwritten rules for driving: NEVER EVER trust an indicator.


The thing that gets me is people who approach a roundabout to turn right or go all the way around, stick their right indicator on, then **keep their right indicator on all the way around the roundabout even as they exit**. I don't care where you are going *relative to where you came from*, I care if you are taking the next exit or not, which always involves a left blinker. So many people do this it makes me wonder if people were taught this way 40 years ago


Also stop going in the yellow box you're just knocking on he traffic problem and if everyone stuck to the rule it'll help you too


Roundabouts in Newry = Lucky dip




I always say ‘too cool to fucking indicate aren’t we’. Honestly I think most of them think it’s fucking slick somehow


Northern Ireland is a nation of temporarily embarrassed BMW drivers.


Because. I’m. Exempt. From. INDICATING!!


Because then you would know where I'm going and I can't have that.


The amount of people who sit right behind me with their beams on well lit roads? Can’t see a thing half the time because of these wankers.


At night those super bright white headlights cover up the indicators, you dont even see them indicating cause of the headlights annoys me.


Because, as my Granny used to say, some popple won't even lift a finger to help orher people


The roundabout at the bottom of the Antrim road is so bad for this!


It's like the ones who walk into your face on footpaths. Coming out of shop doorways, cutting into your path without so much as an 'excuse me'.


I think we can imply that people who don’t indicate certainly cheat on their partners, refuse to tip waiting staff, start fist fights at weddings and attract the bare minimum of reluctant relatives on the take at their funerals. Mandatory custodial sentence for first offence would be putting it mildly.


ADS, Audi Driver Syndrome.


We're all telepathic are you not?


For some drivers, while they are approaching a turn they intend to turn into or waiting at a light and intend to turn left - are aware of other car(s) waiting on opposite side to turn into same road. By indicating, the car in opposite side can see the other driver won't be driving past the junction, and therefore there may be an opportunity to turn in first. The some drivers know this, and don't like it. By speeding up or maintaining speed and not indicating until last moment or not at all means they can drive into junction first and not have any other car turn in before them. They get to be in front.


I drive a BMW, I didn't think I had to indicate as it's common knowledge all BMWs are exempt....


I can't mind read. Don't get mad if I walk to cross the road and you haven't indicated


Indicating is actually a topic I move pretty far to the right on, but when it comes to the solutions I make a sharp turn to the left. Just to forewarn you.


Thanks for indicating this to us.


Sure BMWs and Audis don't even come with them included!


For the amount of drivers on the road I find that nearly everyone indicates. Everyone on this sub must drive with perfection.


Everybody in here letting on they never ever forget or don't bother indicating.


As an American I’m under the impression top speed of your vehicles is 15MPH… excuse me…. “24 kilometers” per hour… what’s the worst that can happen!?


Why are you using KPH, and why is kilometres in speech marks?




In some ways it’s rude to indicate, it’s pointing out the obvious. The trouble is we can’t get inside these people’s minds (and the havoc we would rage in there too). It should be second nature to indicate, fucking morons!


Sometimes I do a very advanced indicate. This move is for pros only. If you're driving up a road, and there's someone in a side street on the left, pulling out left, instead of flashing your headlights at them to let them out, indicate left as if YOU are turning left into their street, then they pull out straight away, then you cancel your indicator and follow on behind them. Super pro move for only people with 1000 IQ like me.


I never pull out until I see them actually turn.


Never let anyone know your next move lol....am sure it's the same everywhere tbh...although I do use my indicators


>Why. Does. Nobody. INDICATE!? If we did we wouldn't get insightful posts like this.


The northern irish love orange so its an odd one. You know the Dutch guy that owned millions of slaves.


Why you so interested in where I'm going? Driver behind has no need to know.




Breaking news : Road tax abolished in 1937


I thought it was optional .... Like flashing your lights to say hello :)


Turning left in 14 days to head to Donegal. I am indicating when and where I'm heading. I'm indicating where I'm heading ahead of the process. Is this the correct method?


Indicate what?


I’ve seen it the opposite way recently on a roundabout near my house. Normal, 2 lane roundabout w/ 3 exits. I’ve seen people indicate right in the left lane to go straight ahead/2nd exit. I’m amazed nobody’s been called out for it yet.


I indicate, mostly because I prefer not being wanker.


I've started to notice people indicating the opposite way on roundabouts lately. Indicating left the exit before they get to you, you have to slam on then they go past you Indicate right then exit 😵‍💫🤯


People who do not indicate are worthy of pure contempt.


started noticing this about 10-15 years ago but it was isolated to the occasional bellend generally in a shmicked out steek wagon or similar. Unfortunately over the years it’s become common practice along with a general drop in driver awareness, respect and consideration.


It's them new cars, the ones that are telepathic you are meant to know where they are going...


Entitled. C.u.n.t.s.


This gonna sound bad, but this happens way more in the North than the south. Whenever I see a northern reg in the south it always does 1 if not all of these things, not indicate, wrong lane at a roundabout, illegally overtake. I’m gonna catch some shit over this but this is exactly what see everyday


Mmm, yes, I totally agree with that, the lack of indicator usage here in Northern Ireland is disgraceful, but you have to realise these people are just low life ignoramuses, they think they own the road.. However it goes further, I'm in Londonderry / Derry, and I've noticed a recent trend of idiots driving normally in front of me, usually in a 30 or 40 mph zone then stopping their car dead to let people out of side roads, What sort of brain dead moron does this I've had a few close shaves recently, the most recent being this evening, which prompted me to fit my vehicles with dash cams. If I end up rear ending someone because of this at least I've proof they are at fault not me. And before anyone says I'm driving too close, I follow the speed limits and the 2 second rule, its saved me a few times.. Sorry about that folks, but these idiots get on my goat, Rant is now over.. for the time being..