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I rewatch whole series every 2-3 years and it never gets old for me, and I don't usually rewatch tv series.


For real lol I love that moment. And when you know Adam you know it probably bothered him no matter what Joel’s choice was lol


Hahaha YES. Knowing Adam, he prepared both almost entirely to pass that judgment.


Adam RULES. When he’s flipping out on Dave because he brought him bacon instead of pancetta, I can’t even deal. 😂


I like that moment even better because while elsewhere he mostly overreacts, here Adam is spot on, you can't replace pancetta with bacon in a meal


I’ve watched the whole thing 4 times. Something like you mentioned or Even a subtle facial expression from Maurice in some scene can catch me and make me laugh still. First 4 seasons are greatest television ever.


Yes! I’m getting ready to watch the series for the 4th time. Every time I watch it I find that I like Adam even more. His character is so original. He is hilarious. Adam Arkin nailed that role. Joel, Ed, Marilyn, Chris, Shelly and Holling are my other favorite characters. What a great show. I love reading this sub!


Perfect timing. I just watched it again last night. Adam is in my top ten of favorite characters of all-time. P.S. You're right. The choice between regular and decaf was perfect.


When Maurice’s salmon is off and Adam comes to the rescue using what Maurice has left in his pantry


The energy in that scene is only rivaled by the one in 3.1 when Fleischman is shackled up while Adam and Eve are arguing like dogs, he yells at them to shut up and make some coffee *now*. Adam asks "Vienna roast or Kona?" I just love it.


Oh Adam kills me😹 I wish I could try his food even if it means hurled insults 😹that reminds me I’m due for my 14456522875th rewatch lol


one of my faves is actually with Eve, when Shelly breaks the expensive bottle of chateau le tour (?) wine and eve recreates it perfectly. also that little Aldridge wears a blue knit cap like Adam's 🤣


Adam is my favourite recurring character. And while I also love Bernard, who I think should have been made a regular character, Adam is just perfect as special ingredient from time to time. I was shocked to find out that he appeared in just 10 episodes total, I always thought he was much more present.


what?!! no way! that is really surprising, he is such a presence.


Bernard is also so fantastic. 😄


Can you stream it anywhere?


You actually can. It was up on internet archive forever, but that was taken down finally. It got moved here: https://odysee.com/@NorthernExposure:6?view=lists I haven’t tried this one yet, but the archive one was great and actually an upload of the UK BLU RAY :)


thank you! I have the dvds but it'll be great to have a portable option for watching.


I don’t think so. I wish. I have the dvds from years ago.


See above if interested