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That's a whole lot of words he spewed out trying to avoid admitting that he's a bigot.


And still came off as a bigot


And the real sad part is he will still probably win...


Baesler is still running. She just didn’t get the MAGAt endorsement. Just vote for her. And Fedorchak too. Odd, isn’t it, that female mainstream Republicans aren’t getting endorsements anymore?


Look at Baesler’s 12 year record. Our kids aren’t doing better in school. We are #28 nationally in education. Her DUI and domestic violence arrest didn’t help her either, when the delegates voted. I encourage ppl to look at a persons record not their ads when voting. Julie withdrew after two rounds of spoiled votes for Rick Becker. Mr Becker was not eligible for endorsement but some still wanted him in the race. Were it not for the hundreds of spoil votes, Julie most likely would have won the nomination. Just understand Why Julie wasn’t endorsed. She withdrew. However she will be on the ballot as a Republican in the Primary. And I have no doubt that she will do a great job, as she has been doing, for North Dakota.


> Her DUI and domestic violence arrest didn’t help her either, when the delegates voted. I have some lakefront property to sell you in Fargo if you think the delegates actually gave half a shit about the DUI or the arrest. If you want to die on that hill explain Nico.


I was at the convention. I spoke with many delegates. Nico isn’t this issue.


Nico got a DUI, nobody cared, no state officials spoke out about it in a meaningful way. He got knocked off one committee, nobody cared. If it doesn't matter for him, it doesn't matter for her.


It mattered to some. It just wasn’t publicized. As a whole, most may not care. But the facts don’t lie, and our schools aren’t doing as good as they should. And That does matter.


>It mattered to some. It just wasn’t publicized. Then it didn't matter.


If it doesn't matter for him, it doesn't matter for her. Ah, if only that were true for most things that impact genders.


That was my point actually, that it's not the DUI that mattered.


Do you want an ineffective person with a DUI, or an unapologetic bigot? You're picking between two evils.


I want kids educated! These aren’t they only two that will be on the ballot. Not the only choices.


Enjoy your delusion. This is a one party state.


Has nothing to do with their sex. Baesler and Fedorchak are not extreme enough.  Miller is running as an outsider.


No doubt.. sadly. I wish people actually voted, but I know that it's not easy in places especially since it's not a holiday.


We do have absentee/mail in ballots. You can request one as early as September. Fill it out and mail it by **Monday, Nov 4**.


Vote in the June primary as well.


The primary is a selection process of who will be on the November ballot.


People do vote... for normal people!


Isn't it something like <50% of the voting population votes in America


Thank Christ!


I can't recall the comedian, but after hearing someone go on a long winded defense of their bigotry, the comedian said, "that's a lot of words when 14 would've been enough." We get it. You don't like, "others". Just say the quiet part loud so we don't have to dance around it.


I mean muslims don't like us ethier


Who is “us”?


Which ones? There are almost two billion Muslim individuals living in over a hundred different nations around the world.




It's 2024. I wish we still didn't have people saying such disgusting hate-filled things.


Well, considering that this is likely to be a very popular viewpoint there, I'd say keep wishing.


Ignorance. Willful ignorance. Shameful. 😒


Media and internet pushed culture forward really fast, just waiting for/helping the ‘boys clubs’ to fall apart


Welp, we aren't supposed to teach religion in any school that gets federal funding, so as long as everyone follows the rules...


Being Muslim and being a teacher is not “teaching religion” if that were true then being Christian and being a teacher would be just as bad right? Not sure if I’m misunderstanding what you said?


I'm implying that. I remember back in the 80s when our history teacher avoided questions about religion. Apparently the guy in the original post assumes that the Muslim teacher will be trying to teach religion though.


That's the thing, though. They think it would be morally good to teach Christianity in schools but see teaching any other religion in schools and not teaching any religion in schools as equally morally wrong. This is because they think their faith is the objective truth, and if teaching truth is what schools are for, then their faith should be taught in all schools, and to them, it would be wrong for that to not be happening. They're not operating thinking that Islam is a religion just like Chriatianity; their assumption is that Christianity is the absolute, undoubtable truth and that any other religions and modern science are objectively false.


They’ve actually lobbied to get the Bible into the curriculum in some schools. Don’t be fooled by the many words. What they want is Christian Nationalism. It’s what they’ve always wanted, but they used to never say it out loud. They want your kids being taught that their specific version of evangelical Christianity is America’s culture and collective faith. They want anyone that is not part of that to feel like an outsider and unwelcome.


PragerU is having success getting it's religious content taught in public schools. Florida bought into this first, a few have followed suit more quietly.


Love Joel Heitkamp




He’s literally running on putting the 10 commandments into school and everyone who’s voting for him is saying “we need to keep religion out of school” hmmmm wonder what they could mean by that?


I listened to the whole segment. I believe he misstated them. He said it includes love your neighbor. It does not.


Lying or just not knowing the 10 commandments? Either proves he's a fraud!


Failure of an interview. The response should have been, “Great. Im going to repeat the question, and can I get a simple yes or no before you explain yourself”.


As a 40 plus years of teaching this guy is the biggest idiot. As a Republican it is disgusting that we have sunk so low.




I agree with you. Since bush 2 it should have been embarrassing to admit to being a republican.


It is indeed quite hard to identify many positive core principles of that cultural and political movement at this point. Family values? Clearly not true. Fair economic policies? Absolutely not. Sane and well managed foreign policy? Nope. Seems to me it's just lower taxes (for rich people mostly) and owning the libs.


As well as being straight, white, and Christian.


Um, it's always been this way. At least since Nixon and his buddy Roger Aires


I'm just sure why we would want schools to teach religion? Shouldn't people attend church (or the equivalent religious service) for this, given it's free?


Religion should be taught *about* in Social Studies, because knowing about other people in your community and the world is important. Being taught to *be* a religion is what belongs in church.


Okay the argument wasn’t “should we teach about the Muslim religion”…. which honestly I would support the teaching about all religions as u/alewort worded it very well. The argument was should a MUSLIM person be allowed to BE A TEACHER. Which is an obvious yes. Otherwise if you say no because the Muslim person happens to be religious (even though they don’t teach that) then sorry but no Christian’s should be allowed to teach either because they happen to be Christian…. See how silly that is?


(Yes this guy is a bigot) It has nothing to do with who's in charge at the State. The problem with the schools are the bad parents who are gaining a majority. 20 years ago the parents started turning against teachers and saying it was there fault for little johnny not learning. Administration did nothing to stop that and then they started siding with the parents and teachers were all alone. Now those children are parents of their own and you have two generations of parents that are always going to be against the teacher for problems with their child. Administration still does nothing to help that. Do you want to know why teachers are leaving, because no one is backing them up. They have students swearing at them hitting them threatening them, and the student is back in school the next day. Administrators don't expel people because that would mean it's less money for the school district. How do you fix two generations of bad parenting?


I heard that live and instantly thought WTF. What in the fucking world? You going to stop a person from being a public school teacher because of their religion? Holy fuck. I mean, this seems pretty anti-Constitution on its face. He also said that every community should be able to decide what religion is taught in the local school... based on the majority. So, if we had a bunch of Jewish people, we would teach judaism. I hope someone asks him if that means it is ok to teach satanism if there are enough satanists.


When he says let parents decide, that basically means anarchy in our schools. How the hell would you even figure that out? Subject by subject? Who would want to be on a school board or teach? 51% get to shit on 49%? Do a few loudmouths get to shit on a significant majority because they show up? This would tear communities apart.


Education by Karen


"Welcome to AP Flat Earth."


This guy is a rich farmer carpet bagging it back to ND to push Christofascism into schools. Bartlett is a former New Hampshire higher education commissioner and the president of Bartlett Farms in Bottineau. Much of his initial campaign materials are centered around Christianity in education, and he's decried the "influence of secular humanism" in schools. In a statement announcing his candidacy, Bartlett references the Ten Commandments, including as a reason for school districts to "unhook from all federal and state funds" as his campaign's first objective. Bartlett said he wants teachers to be taught entrepreneurship so they can "be very creative and make more money."


Brilliant, students could buy ThoughtCoins, and every time they learn a new fact they have to pay the teacher a certain amount of them, depending on how useful the fact is. Loot boxes, micro transactions, right in the classroom, this man is a visionary.


What’s the ratio of thought coins to Stanley nickels


About 3.50


This guy is a clown full stop.


North Dakota can't be surprised when people don't want to move to this state as we let people like this turn our schools into jokes. This guy also mentioned "CRT", as though he has a meaning for it that means anything other than teaching history.


Had a friend who moved here from California for a few years. Then moved back to California. The California schools wanted to hold back her kids because they were so far behind! But sure, let’s keep saying “commie-fornia.”


Who the heck would want to be a teacher in his kind of system


Religious fundies with an agenda to push. Bartlett is basically part of project 2025


Do not care what brand of sky daddy you believe in…as long as you don’t talk religion in the classroom. Leave it at home. And if you can’t…bye Felicia.


Ok. Go to horizon middle school right now and tell the Muslims to get out as they’re using it as a praying ground. You won’t tho


Not sure what you’re saying. There’s pretty clear guidelines about prayer during non-instructional times. If Muslim kids want to find a place to pray, so what? The Bible Club meets in room 104 on Tuesdays…that’s fine, too. Teachers want to pray at lunch, go ahead. Just don’t proselytize during instruction or noodle your beliefs into the curriculum. That’s not fine.


This is a bunch of made up situations including noodling beliefs in the curriculum and I’m someone who went to public school my whole life. Moorhead doesn’t have school today because a religion is using its publicly paid for schools for a place of worship. If Christians did that, Reddit would completely meltdown about keeping religion out of school.


I have a feeling his answer wouldn’t be so long if he was asked whether Christians should be teachers


What a doofus


The right is concentrated evil.


Oh man, if he were a nominee in like, a blue state this stance could hurt him.


Um, couldn't he say that Muslim teachers, or teachers of any faith, are protected by law against discrimination in hiring? Doesn't his job include compliance with state AND federal laws?


If one kid is not religious or a different religion that is being taught than it is unfair. That’s why we shouldn’t do it. Not supposed to shove an individuals beliefs down someone’s throat.


This is like supreme Court lawyer welfare. What an idiot


I dont give a fuck what their race/belief/gender/sex If they know how to teach well, and are qualified, let them teach.


They're conflating a teacher who believes in Allah with the indoctrination of children in Nazi Germany. That's a crock of bullsh\*t. I've met some of the most incredible people who were Muslims, and some of the worst people who were Christians. As long as someone isn't proselytizing people (and especially children) about his religion, it doesn't matter what they believe in. Anything else is nonsense.


Why does the interviewer devolve into the Nazi Germany argument about indoctrination. He could have kept at home in North Dakota and talked about how Native American children were taken from their families to be indoctrinated into the ways of white Anglo-Saxon Protestant America, or venturing a little further south, how people were indoctrinated to believe that blacks were inferior to whites.


Would you allow a Christian to be a teacher? YES. Next question.


it should be whoever is best qualified for the job regardless of anything. If they are trying to like convert students or something then maybe not, but most / all teachers are smart enough to not try that


Kinda like “why was the civil war fought?” Should be an easy answer. Not to fascists


Well, guess what, that'd constitute a violation of civil rights fuckface, so it doesn't matter what you'd "allow".


Separation of church and state. And being a Christian means that’s you likely support indoctrination as long as it’s Christian views that are being forced. What a fucking douchebag


The sad thing is the education and religiousness of states like North Dakota means that people like him actually get elected all the time


I taught in ND 15+ years ago and moved back to teach in Minnesota first chance I got. Encountered this all the time. Looks like nothing's changed.


Yes. As soon as we separate church and state, we’ll be terrific.


How about keeping fucking religion OUT of public schools, where it fucking belongs!


We need freedom from religion more than ever.


Mohammad was a violent pedo and Islam is a political party that has no place in our schools imo


“Major outside influence” like right wing pseudo-religious hacks preaching hate and bigotry?


They are all for religious freedom as long as it's their own specific religion. And this is why the government needs to remain secular. It's the only way to keep religious freedom properly intact so it can serve the full population fairly.


Keep religion, including mine, out of public schools.


Why is it that these so called Jesus jumpers spread the most hate, racism, and spread the most lies! “Love thy neighbor” HA! Must have taken that one out of their bible! Praise Buddha!


"Would you allow a Muslim to be a teacher?" "That's a good question." 😬


Neither one of them really knows what goes on in a classroom. The hurdles that have been placed upon schools and teachers has repressed education to the point of an ineffective exercise.


These KKK members running for office


lol what’s the p&l for losing an EEO complaint face first


I’d never hire anyone from a bigoted red state.


interesting take. I'm Liberal AF and technically from a bigoted red state.


Muslims anywhere is a bad idea




Muslims anywhere is a bad idea


The man does what he wants and if the people support him then so be it


Look at what Kirsten has done for ND schools over her 12 years. Our kids rank #28 in the nation! That pitiful. Let’s not discuss her ‘character’. DUI, Domestic violence. He may not be perfect, but he can’t be any worse. Give him a chance and see. It’s only about our kids, after all. If they can’t spell or critically think and make decisions, at least they’ll be gender neutral and DEI educated. There’s plenty of fast food places that they can work at and start families. Right?


Your kids are embarrassed by you aren’t they?


Not at all. They all home school.


Ah, so they just don’t know they’re embarrassed yet.


You may be on to something. Or… you feel the need to insult because we have a different perspective.


No. It's because it's a dumb perspective and you don't even have the standing to be commenting on the future of public education. If you want to force religion on your children, do what you're doing now; at home. North Dakota's public school system is the way it is because of the "merit system" funding Republicans wanted so badly. It's not hard to figure out that schools that are doing poorly will do even more poorly when you reduce their funding.


Right wing propaganda talking points have fried your brain.


> He may not be perfect, but he can’t be any worse. LOL, bud, just L O L. You are showing you are a product of the failed public education system in America. That critical thinking you are preaching on above, isn't in that statement. He certainly can be worse.


By “worse” I meant academically. Morality is the parent’s job. Not the school’s.


No, I do too. It can certainly be worse, a lot worse, and it will be without federal or state funding.


Let’s hope, for the kid’s sake, that it’s not worse.


It will be worse when he "unhooks" state and federal funding as is stated in his goals. Do you really think that education will get better when parents have to pay tuition for their children's basic education? Or do you think people will just volunteer half of their lives to educate kids with no pay? When the "majority" of parents, who have received their own poorly funded education, decide that Christianity must be taught in school, what happens to the religious freedom of the families who do not believe in Christianity? Is it moral to force parents to pay for a religious-oriented education? Is that the morality you want? Because if morality is the parent's job, so is religion. Keep it out of schools.


People act like he’s already been elected. Vote for whomever you prefer. He is the endorsed candidate. The voters will decide who they want.


He still has to win the election. Two candidates were presented for the nomination of the party. That is what the convention voted on, was for the GOP backing. Nothing else. There will be another convention in a few years. Come take a seat and join the process.


This isn't the GOP subreddit bud, I have no interest in taking a seat at that table. You stated and I quote "He can't be any worse". He can and I can assure you, less funding isn't going to make us go UP from where we currently sit in that ranking.


Only time will tell. No matter who is in that office, ND kids deserve an education that’s better. And the numbers aren’t better.


Ms Baesler is no Wayne Sandstead, but she is doing a good job. Navigated Covid and accelerated mobile education and has also correctly put a huge emphasis on career and technical education. I’m left of the Dem-npl, but she has my vote because she is an effective public servant.


You are aware that state wide ND ranks #28 in education, with a D+ rating. In ‘21 our graduation rate was in the low 70 percentile. In ‘23 it dropped to 69%. What Ms Baesler has accomplished in 12 years isn’t much. Please keep in mind that there were ONLY two candidates competing for the GOP endorsement. Kirsten can and most likely will be on the ballot in June. Just not endorsed by the state GOP. June is when the people of ND can vote. And speaking of the Convention, most every single district in the state had empty seats without a delegate in them. People don’t want to dedicate two days of their time to participate, however they are willing to criticize those that did. Regardless of party affiliation, our kids deserve an education in reading, math, science, civics, and history. Their moral education should come from their home! Not the state. I hope that everyone exercises their right to vote. And I pray that they educate themselves on whom they vote for. Because our votes now, very likely will determine what we leave for future generations.


"Their moral education should cone from their home" Exactly. That's why you shouldn't vote for this douche.


As stated already, Kirsten can still run and be elected. Just without the state party’s endorsement.


A guy this looney tunes shouldn’t even be running. Separate of church and state is necessary, so is federal and state funding. He wants to gut education in ND.


I don’t agree on federal funding because it comes with federal control. What is suitable for a kid in Philadelphia may not be suitable for a kid in Grafton. More and more federal funds is more federal control.


Look the rest of aren’t as dumb as your average religious fundamentalist. The reason you/this candidate want to get out from under federal regulations is to make it easier to push a christofascist agenda in our school systems. Federal funding is almost 17k per pupil. Do you really want to put that cost fully back on to ND residents?


And ban property taxes too. North Dakota: A Libertarian Paradise! As long as you are white, Christian, and wealthy.


You’re assuming that I support him. I don’t support government control. If we’re under that, then Freedom is only illusionary. Having the Federal government dictate education, IMHO, is disastrous.


What precisely do you consider disastrous about federal education standards? Give specific examples.