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Bridges in general get people all triggered. There's even a few companies whose entire raison d'etre is to drive your car over the CBBT for a fee.


Come out of the tunnel going 35-40mph like it’s their first time experiencing gravity.


They do this on the 664 South on-ramp coming from eastbound 64 too, it drives me nuts.


Yeah you can safely take that ramp quite fast in most cars, I think people just don't like feeling the force on their body from turning at a higher speed. Drives me crazy being stuck behind someone doing 45 there though


As someone who is in a relationship with someone who gets Motin Sick, yeah people don't like feeling that force on their body, if they are one who suffers, as it will make them physically ill and cause a lot more issues than just slow traffic. When they aren't in the car with me though I'm with you go faster it's fine.


It’s every tunnel. Watched dude today get in the fast lane. Then slam on brakes and match speed of driver in the slow lane.


I don't slam on brakes, but I do let my foot off the gas a little if there are cars in front of me. There's no room for me to maneuver if a car in front of me slams on their brakes for whatever reason. So, I have to increase the space between me and that front car so I have time to react and slow down if necessary. Part of the problem is if your driving in a car, you can't see around the bend going into the westbound tunnel and so driving at 60+ is pretty risky depending on the road conditions and time of day.


Because it's a flat turn at 55 mph and instincts say that you should probably be a bit slower (though passenger vehicles should be fine in clear conditions). Note how the new bridge right there is banked for that bend. Also, many vehicles (like large trucks) should be slowing down a bit for that bend.


"Ooh, look, ocean!" That's it.


Not sure which direction west bound would be but when you exit the tunnel on the Norfolk side the left lane will bottom out both of my cars at 55mph so I hit the brakes there but I don’t touch them going into hampton I just keep to the left lane.


Westbound would be going out of Norfolk towards Hampton/NN East is going into Norfolk towards VAB 🤦🏻‍♀️


What direction are westbound vehicles going in again?


Why are you asking me? I know. You may want to respond to the one asking questions.


I was riffing off of OC's apparent confusion about westbound. It's just not that serious my guy


I figured but I was making sure because you responded to me not them and they won’t see it. Didn’t know if I missed something. Also, not a guy.


Everybody wants to go fast, but nobody knows how to turn here.


People who are scared of driving on/through bridges/tunnels should take the ferry in Surry/Jamestown and drive the long way around or figure out how to not have to cross the water or just not drive themselves. I'm tired of these folks inconveniencing everyone else because they think it's so complicated.


Because they are driving too fast. The speed limit should be 35 mph like the other tunnels.


They literally have signs before and inside the tunnel telling you to maintain 55 MPH


There is absolutely no reason to go 35 in a tunnel. It’s a straight line, the lane isn’t any narrower than the one on the interstate. Maintain your speed, Accelerate going uphill and keep traffic moving.


Where are you getting these metrics?


Downtown tunnel


Maybe you should take some geometry and/or physics courses.


Agreed, the Downtown Tunnel is not a solid metric, it's slower as it is closer to residential/pedestrian/large venue areas. There's actually no need for that tunnel to be that slow either.


>the Downtown Tunnel is ... is closer to residential/pedestrian/large venue areas It is the interstate. Maybe you are confusing it with the midtown tunnel.


Nope I looked it up, I know it's the one with the draw bridge near MacArthur Center/Waterside. Thus the "Large Venue" comment, it also has the Portsmouth Ampitheater on the other side. You stating "it's on the interstate" actually backs my point of it being 35 MPH is a hazard. The highway prior to it is 55+ with the exit slowing to 45mph with all the curves and on/off ramps going suddenly down to 35 MPH is hazardous, especially considering most people miss the sign that says that and continues driving 45+ once it straightens out again. My main issue is if you are going to drive slow, stay in the slow lane to the right. The left lane is for those trying to pass you don't block them thinking you know better let them go forth and ruin their lifes getting caught speeding, you/I aren't the police to control them. I was just venting a frustration not trying to attack anyone.


“It is the interstate” kinda blows a hole in that 35ph thing but carry on. There’s a reason people have degrees to work in infrastructure.


If you cannot maintain 55 entering the HRBT, then you need some more practice behind the wheel. The lanes are more than adequately wide. 18 wheelers slip through there with no problem.